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23420066 No.23420066 [Reply] [Original]

What's the appeal? I tried reading some of his work, but nothing stood out as exceptional.

>> No.23420075

I like him.
Unpretentious fantasy novels who aim to just entertain the readers. No hamfisted personal politics, just magical systems and fantasy stuff.
He gets more hate than the other fantasy writers because he is more popular.

>> No.23420086

I get why he is successful. He puts out passable work at an inhuman rate.

I don't get why he is THAT successful, though. Earning 40 million from a kickstarter is fucking bonkers for any author.

>> No.23420147

Could you at least pick a different OP pic for the BrandoSando general

>> No.23420175

His books are appealing to the masses, he has consistent quality, and he works extraordinarily fast. His books are simply entertaining, not meant to be deep or philosophical. However, I also don't know how he became THAT successful as he's not remarkably better than other authors of the same kind.

>> No.23420207

he is great if you can turn your brain off and forgive the terrible dialogue and characterization
personally, i am unable to

>> No.23420236

Mistborn was mid
The way of kings is a quality epic though idk how he plans to write 6 more books

>> No.23420399

>this shitty thing is great if you like eating shit
I’ve never understood this argument.
I got interested in Sanderson after hearing about how much material he could vomit out, but reading it makes it clear why he can produce volumes. It’s barely first draft standards, zero complexity, genuinely shocking with technically bad writing and clichés. Thus, the mystery was never “how does this dude write so much”, it was only “how the fuck did he get people to read his slop”. To which I have never heard a good answer.

Usually with writing this bad there’s 20 writers producing some shit for D&D or WH40K or Star Wars. Some property to sucker the nerds into reading it. But he manages to write his own shit and get readers on that level. It’s fascinating.
From what I can tell it’s not even romance heavy which is the other shitty writing crutch. Even for men there’s all that litrpg trash. My Goblin Sex Slave Can’t Be This Cute!

>> No.23420407

I love how he abuses the comma splice and one word sentences. It's masterful.

>> No.23420418
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The better question is why causes so much seethe and scorn from people, some of whom don't even read his books? Like, what about him or his books is so offensive to some people?

>> No.23420430

There is no appeal. The reason why he's popular is because he's a religious nutjob who opposes LGBTQ rights, which is a guaranteed ticket to fame in 2024.

>> No.23420523

The next book is basically going to wrap up most of the story so far, then it's going on the back burners while he makes new mistborn books and other cosmere stuff until he returns to stormlight years from now.

>> No.23420553

I couldn't get past the cringe dialogue in the first mistborn book. Did he ever improve this or is it that bad in all of his books?

>> No.23420558

Softfags are delicate and angry people.

>> No.23420561

Stormlight archives is kino

>> No.23420635

Let's just call these threads what they are: Bitching about Brandon Sanderson General.

>> No.23422236

It's called astroturfing, anon.

>> No.23422482

I wonder if he's as kind as he looks.

>> No.23422484

His plotting is generally very good and satisfying.

>> No.23422568

If a publisher really like you, he'll shell you to the top.
Sanderson writes a lot, engages with his community on social media, and isn't doing it for the money. He told a story about doing a book tour in multiple state with 1000$ budget because his publisher didn't want to pay more.

>> No.23422756

you can tell he loves fantasy.
you can tell he's hard working, disciplined and care for his fans.which already makes him better than most.
but he's also generic, boring and untalented.
he's good for starting fantasy,but once you read slightly better stuff,he quickly loses his appeal.

>> No.23422765

mostly because he does everything by the books.he's a plotter,which means the first book you read by him will be enjoyable,but once you know the formula, everything you read afterward will bore you.

>> No.23422798

I like the Sanderson novels I've read well enough. But once you read a few, you notice they all follow the exact same pattern. Plodding worldbuilding that gets kind of boring but leads up into big epic climax. The first time you read one of his books, the climax is fucking amazing. But then you see it happen over and over again, at the exact same point of the novel. Very formulaic. You start to see how he can put out such volume at the pace he does.

Also something about the fact he's able to have such a steady and consistent output kind of rubs me the wrong way. I'm not accusing him of using a ghost writing factory or anything like that. But when you have so many different stories, and you're churning out so many of these stories at such a steady pace, how much passion can you really have for any one of these stories? There's too many to care about all of them equally.

>> No.23422802

i think his massive success is partly because of the reasons you mentioned (hard work, consistency,speed) and partly because of the current state of fantasy. In a swamp of female authors,lefty propagandists and lazy fat 'geniuses' who write themselves into walls and expect to be applauded for it,someone who deliver consistently stands out all the more.

>> No.23422853

he writes females so awkwardly,which begs the question of why he gravitates towards writing them so much.

>> No.23423091

Women buy books.

>> No.23423155

Besides all the other answers you've received about his work, I also think that he himself is a good chunk of the answer: Sanderson is just a cool dude. I don't know about you, but from watching some of his videos he is very much the kind of person that I would like to be friends with, and I think that goes for a lot of people. I began reading Stormlight because of the Kickstarter video.


After hearing so much about Sanderson, then not reading him because everyone else said he wasn't that good, seeing this fully convinced me that I should give his stuff a try. Like when you buy a product that never appealed to you solely because the commercials for it were so entertaining.

>> No.23424158

It’s slop made by a nice guy who can work quickly.

>> No.23424288
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Can someone post that one copypasta complaining about him? I can't find it anywhere