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2341753 No.2341753 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2341765

Game's better.

>> No.2341763

scifi punk garbage with generic dystopian-themed plot

>> No.2341767

Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.2341774

i just finished this one yesterday.

its awesome and does everything it can to build up some major athmosphere.

>> No.2341782

Good - 1
Bad - 1

I'm stuck. Someone give me a good tie breaker. I'm looking at $15 here don't disappoint me.

>> No.2341796

you can unfold the cover to reveal the metro map! =O

this way you can always follow the protagonist

>> No.2341798
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>> No.2341809
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>paying hard earned cash for a book

son, what you need to do is make an investment in an ereader. throw $100 at one of those bad boys and you'll save ten times that in unbought books.

>> No.2341812

It feels much more satisfying to me to hold a good paperback. I have no idea why I just feel much more relaxed and feel as if I gained more after finishing the book. I also like to smell the pages.

>> No.2341814

fuck you and your e-book reader.

you know how many girls are attracted if they just see the glimpse of a book in your backpack?
also this way you can find out which girls are not totally intelectually retarded.

>> No.2341815

but just think of all that spare money you'll have.


dont you want to have loadsamoney?

>> No.2341822

Good boy of you.
I read it a bit ago and have just finished Metro 2034.
Both worth, the first one is better and longer.

You shall not regret it if you like apocaliptyc sci-fi.
It's great and has gotten me into emotions a lot of times, something that only this book and a few more have. And I have read a lot.

If it's for 15 get it motherfucker.


>> No.2341819

You're probably right that in the long run it will save me a lot of money, but I still prefer normal books. Oh and it's lods a emone.

>> No.2341824
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Son, I'm the one with loadsamoney, i'll do as I please

>> No.2341830

A wonderful tie breaker. Thanks for the info. I am -$15 richer.

Suit yourself, but wouldn't that mean you wouldn't be worrying about buying books?

>> No.2341834

I'll post some pics in a minute

>> No.2341837
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you dont get loadsamoney by being silly with your money, son.

>> No.2341840
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Very much appreciated, Courier.

Then what's the point?

>> No.2341847
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Dont you store your money in your dragon hoard like everyone else?

>> No.2341850


i would be pleased if youd name the books that have have gotten you in emotions.

>> No.2341851

It'll take a bit more to resize the pics so I'll post it all at a time

>> No.2341857

Terribly written (and I didn't expected much). Could not pass further then few dozens of pages. I feel dirty just recollecting this crap.

>> No.2341861

Part 1
Lemme spell it for you,


>> No.2341863
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Damn captcha ate my pic

>> No.2341882
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Metro 2033
HALO: The Fall of Reach (I didn't expect, but the space ship battle narrations where awesome)
The whole Foundation saga by Asimov. It sure did. Specially The Limits of Foundation and Foundation and Earth.
The Lord of The Rings (quite good overall, but not that grat, I prefer sci-fi.

What am I forgetting...
Somehow I can't get my mind straight and remember them all, but it's hard. I've read about two books per month on winters and four books a month in summers. For five years.... A lot of books. And as I said only a few have.

>> No.2341895

Wow I wasn't expecting that much to be on the map. Do they really go into depth with that? It seems like a really fun concept.

>> No.2341897

Ah yes. Dune, 2001: Space Odissey. Starship Troopers, I am Legend, The House At The End Of The World and some H.P Lovecraft novels, don't remember the exact names.

>> No.2341906

Well, it's not direct. The character moves along the stations and you can see where he is at every moment, I liked it, because it has a legend where it tells what things are on each station,
Love to read this book with low light and a glass of vodka next to me.
Has given me the best of dreams.

>> No.2341916

Am I left alone?

>> No.2341924

ha, no.

im lurking. and so far i can agree with everything you said so far. except for the vodka part. lol

at the last third however, i wasnt following the map anymore. it got to complicated for me.

>> No.2341941

So did I.
But well, it's quite good,
Have you read 2034 yet?
I've heard that it's not out in america yet, I live in yurop so I got it one month ago or so.

The vodka part isn't that much, just have a small glass I drink in a span of 2 hours (time I spend reading before sleeping) I like the feeling of heat it gives.

>> No.2341976

Anybody want to comment something about the book?
I came here looking for a Metro discussion and the first thread I saw was this.

>> No.2341979

im in uroop too, and ive seen 2034 a year ago in the store.
wanted to buy one at a time. now that im done with 2033 im gonna buy 2034 sometime soon.

oh how i wish i could find some time to actually JUST read a book. im working a lot, so the only time left for me to read is in the train, which is about one hour daily. =/

>> No.2341985

I actually scratch hours of sleep for reading.
I can't live without my daily dose.
I try to do as much as possible the day to get into bed early and read one hour at least.

It's horrible in the mornings but it's worth it. Fucking college, I want to live

>> No.2341993

yea its a real pain in the morning.

btw: i came here for a metro discussion aswell. i w00ted when i found one on the frontpage. lolz

>> No.2341999

I like making murrikans mad when they see me with the Metro 2034 book. It appears it's not out there yet.

>> No.2342020

its been over here for at least a year now.. will it come to america at all?

i assume uk und us are the ones that get the translated stuff first, then come the other countries. hmm. im wondering because im in an not english speaking country

>> No.2342022

Neither am I. Which one are you?
I'm in Spain, and we tend to get translations late.

>> No.2342033

im in germany.
always takes some time over here too.

its late, im tired and done. nice talk. have a good one.

>> No.2342034


I am Spanish too, and I was very disappointed with Metro 2034.

>> No.2342041

Really? I was a bit dissapointed too.
Never finished to like that story telling style of paragraph jump.
And the end was quite bland.

2033 was a fucking orgasm

Gute nacht. Ja, Ich spreche Deutsch.

>> No.2342228


Yeah. Am i the only one who thought Metro 2034 was better than Metro 2033?

Maybe it had to do with the fact that someone had spoiled the ending for 2033 when i was halfway through the book.
But honestly i believe that 2034 had so much more emotions packed in and the ending was much more satisfying for me because it was actually longer than 3 sentences.

I liked em both though, even if i dont like sci-fi.