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/lit/ - Literature

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23415489 No.23415489 [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode: No Tolstoy or Dosto.

>> No.23415492 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23415504


>> No.23415512

Nabokov, only read the English stuff so far.

>> No.23415519


>> No.23415523

Favorite book so far?

>> No.23415525

Boris Pasternak obviously

>> No.23415536 [DELETED] 

Russians are soulless bugs.

>> No.23415539
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>> No.23415558 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23415564


Welp, one can't even have a discussion about literature without hohols, it seems...

>> No.23415565


>> No.23415566 [DELETED] 

I support Ukraine

>> No.23415585 [DELETED] 
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Not if you're sucking orc dick, no.

>> No.23415591

Go back, no one cares about your virtue signalling.

>> No.23415594 [DELETED] 
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You seem upset

>> No.23415596

what nobody likes the masterworks of Jerkov?

>> No.23415600

never mind him, he's busy filing people onto cards

>> No.23415621

Sergei Lukyanenko was, but then he went russoid nationalist.

>> No.23415751 [DELETED] 
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lmao zigger tears

>> No.23416068


>> No.23416169

>Hard mode: No Tolstoy or Dosto.
Why do Westerners obsess over them? They're not even in the top 3 for most Russians.
t. Russian

>> No.23416178

we don't owe you fucking slavs shit, be happy we even read dosto and tolstoy and that's only because war and peace and the brothers karamazov ARE legitimately some of the greatest works of literature ever.

let me guess, you find Gogol funny LMAO (inb5 hohol KILL YOURSELF FAKE SLAV)

>> No.23416210
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kek why u heff to be maed? It's only question.

>> No.23416211

Any good Russian authors who wrote historical dramas?
Like the films Andrei Rublev or Ivan the Terrible

>> No.23416219

Russian is such a great language with great authors, so it’s hard to say.

>> No.23416252

I would choose either Pushkin or Gogol after those two.

>> No.23416264

We like what we like, Ivan. Stick to Fagov or Mongokov or whatever obscure writer you hipsters pretend is better.

>> No.23416297
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You're American, aren't you? Only your mutt-kind perceives a benign question as a personal insult if it's about your personal preferences lol.
>obscure writer
Just because it's obscure in Sneedville, Tennessee, doesn't mean it's obscure in Russia, Cleetus. These things are relative.

Pushkin is the most famous writer in Russia, but somehow relatively unknown abroad. I was simply curious as to why.

>> No.23416318

>You're American, aren't you?
No, I'm not. There are more than Americans and Russians on the internet, Ivan.
>a benign question as a personal insult i
There was a recent thread one of your own made to shit on every single Russian author, especially D and T. Very hateful and disrespectful. Since then I'm wary of russian anons.
>Just because it's obscure in Sneedville, Tennessee, doesn't mean it's obscure in Russia, Cleetus. These things are relative.
Obscure at large.
>I was simply curious as to why.
D in particular because he strikes a chord with every lost soul in the world. He's a universal artist.

That said, I hope Russia wins the war.

>> No.23416325

oh get over yourself faggot, get blown up by a biden drone. anyways no one is unaware of checkov or pushkin, its hilarious you think americans even are unaware of them, and i'll admit americans are generally not well read or informed. Still you bring out global household names as if you searched every corner of your shit country for them. When russia does rightfully beat the west, and putin is my new overGod, I hope he sends your ass into the ocean. Kill yourself tranny

>> No.23416337

>There are more than Americans and Russians on the internet, Ivan.
REALLY? And water is wet. America has twice the population of Russia.
>There was a recent thread one of your own made
So? How the fuck is this even relevant?
>Very hateful and disrespectful
>Since then I'm wary of russian anons.
I hate Canadian flags on /int/ for example, but there’s a good Canadian anon posting there in a blue moon.
>D in particular because he strikes a chord with every lost soul in the world
I personally find his prose boring. There are decent passages here and there, but Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons is much better while striking the same chords as you put it.

>> No.23416379

>REALLY? And water is wet. America has twice the population of Russia.
And the rest of the world outnumbers both. So what?
>So? How the fuck is this even relevant?
Because you have the same devilish vibe as that villain, Ivan.
I never disrespected you personally. You called me "mutt kind", thinking I was American.
>I hate Canadian flags on /int/ for example, but there’s a good Canadian anon posting there in a blue moon.
I hate Canadian flags, too. I also hate that Portuguese faggot on /pol/ and /int/ who simps for Israel.
>I personally find his prose boring. There are decent passages here and there, but Turgenev’s Fathers and Sons is much better while striking the same chords as you put it.
Yea, everyone says his prose is 'rough' or whatever but what matters is the SOVL.

>> No.23416460 [DELETED] 


>> No.23416704

I'm reading c&p rn raskolnikov is no cap me

>> No.23417261

>invents an entirely new language for his utopian ideas
Not a bad pick at all.

>> No.23417310

Sorokin I say.

>> No.23417313


>> No.23417323

Ilf and Petrov
Honorable mention to Gogol

>> No.23417344

Turgenev and Gogol are both pretty funny.
Another good one I read recently was Envy by Olesha. Russians are surprisingly funny. Before I got into Russian literature I always had an image of them as very somber, but they have some of the funniest writers

>> No.23417346
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You need to be medicated lol no idea what you are rambling about

>> No.23417376

Pushkin. Only Russian author were a shit as far as I'm concerned. The rest were all proto-Redditors coping and seething.

>> No.23417387

What Russian hasnt read Solzhenitsyn? Everyone should read at least the Gulag Archipelago

>> No.23417439

They actually are. You just dislike them because they were forced on you in school by retarded teachers.

>> No.23417451

>You just dislike them because they were forced on you in school by retarded teachers.
Actually, I dislike them because they're overrated as fuck. They're glorified proto-Redditors, whining about WESTERN EUROPEAN MAN BAD when Russia didn't do fuck all until the illiterate son of a Georgian cobbler conquered all of Eastern Europe, and had China, Korea, and Mongolia as client states.

>> No.23417456

Russia was bigger and had more influence on the world before c*mmunism, retard.

>> No.23419137

Lermontov, mostly because he's literally me

>> No.23419874

I loved Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin

>> No.23421629

are you a pdf file?

>> No.23421631

gogol. oh wait, he was ukrainian

oops, my bad

>> No.23421666

Gogol is Russian by everything he did. He just asked his parents he rarely saw living in St. Petersburg about live on Ukraine or "Malorossia"
t. Ukrainian

>> No.23421669


>> No.23421683

Mikhail Bulgakov, Dmitry Loza :^), Turgenev

>> No.23421684
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>> No.23421715
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>> No.23421717

Andrei Platonov,Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky,Yury Tynyanov,Yuri Mamleev,Victor Pelevin

>> No.23421776

Dmitry Galkovsky, although most of his writing isn't available in english

>> No.23422119

Thanks for confirming that Russians have shitty taste.

>> No.23422769
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>Just because it's obscure in Sneedville, Tennessee, doesn't mean it's obscure in Russia, Cleetus
Your whole country is Sneedville, Tennessee lmao.

>> No.23422960 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23422974

>chingov chongov mongov riep riep riep

>> No.23423033

I have a very simple definition by which i chose best artist/writer - their success at humiliating and annihilating all the evil and its sources in the world, by showing it's total ineptness and primitively boring stupidity, even when it wins (in their works it does so very often). This worldview i hold, leaves me with none other than Nabokov and Chekhov, to call the best artists/philosophers/writers to ever exist. If world were to become entirely /pol/ or communist, or any other different flavor of evil cliche, only their prose would had 100% clear dissection of every ghastly cell of any manmande ideology standing against it. The Gift, Invitation to an Execution and Bend Sinister by Nabokov and almost entire body of work of Chekhov, were the strongest things, to make the air around my head clear. They allowed me to see every lowly
thought/behavior/idea humanity ever came up with, or will so in the future under zoom-in, no other artists i know of, could pull off; but also beyond that, to see few things, that are worth looking forward to in life (like in Krug's letter to his son in Bend Sinister, is one of the strongest examples of that).

Honorable mention would be the 2 books i'd make my kids read, for them to gain all the immunity they need to resist the garbage state of the culture they'd be entering, those books would be: Sea Wolf by London and Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Stevenson. Jekyll book for showing that holding differing and conflicting views will kill your soul and Sea Wolf, cause it shows that power can only thrive in most extreme times and that, it takes only one reminder of its limitations, to subvert it altogether. These ideas being showcased so clearly, makes sure that no kid, I think, will be able to leave unimpressed or untouched by them entirely.

>> No.23424382

Ivan Bunin

>> No.23424390


>> No.23424424

Pushkin is very well known outside Russia though.
In France, we even refer to russian as “Pushkin’s language”.
If anyone wonders, english is Shakespeare’s language, German is Goethe’s and French is Molière’s.
I don’t know about other languages or if other countries use similar terms to refer to foreign languages.

>> No.23424440

Why do they all end in -ov?


>> No.23424450

Can ameritards think of anything but money?

>> No.23424473

Certainly not a genius.

>> No.23424506

This guy is right, but /lit/ are a bunch of non-reader NPCs who only react to keywords like "Brothers Karamazov".

Bely, Goncharov and Turgenev. I don't know how anyone could read Torrents of Spring, or Petersburg, or Letaev, or Goncharov's Fregate and not be blown away.

>> No.23424515

The Captain's Daughter is pretty good

>> No.23424747


>The rain passed, yielding to a wonderful silence. Viktor went out into the garden. The moist air was warm and clean; every strawberry leaf, every leaf on every tree, was adorned with a drop of water—and each of these drops was a little egg, ready to release a tiny fish, a glint of sunlight, and Viktor felt that somewhere in the depth of his own breast shone an equally perfect raindrop, an equally brilliant little fish, and he walked about the garden, marvelling at the great good that had come his way: life on this earth as a human being.

Vasily Grossman, Stalingrad

>The snow filled the air with a soft grey-blue mist, softening the wind and gunfire, bringing the earth and sky together into one swaying blur.
The snow fell on Bach's shoulders; it was as though flakes of silence were falling on the still Volga, on the dead city, on the skeletons of horses. It was snowing everywhere, on earth and on the stars; the whole universe was full of snow. Everything was disappearing beneath it: guns, the bodies of the dead, filthy dressings, rubble, scraps of twisted iron.
This soft, white snow settling over the carnage of the city was time itself; the present was turning into the past, and there was no future.

Vasily Grossman, Life and Fate

Grossman is the finest writer of 20th Century (or for my money, any century) Russia.

>> No.23424779

Why do many adolescent Russian girls love Sergei Yesenin, and how do I move to Russia? Those two questions are unrelated, for I despise Yesenin and his crook blood.

>> No.23424785

Visiting I understand, but why the FUCK would you ever want to live in Russia

>> No.23424815

So I can be with my first and only love.

>> No.23424836

She’s probably being fucked by every Ivan and Dimitri that’s crossing her path.

>> No.23424844

I do not care, for I have fucked a couple of D’Asias and one Tania as well.

>> No.23424929

Bring her with you instead, or pick a middle ground country together. You do NOT want to live in Russia.

>> No.23424936

Can Russian oligarchs?

>> No.23425425

It literally means “son of”. You might as well ask why so many Anglo surnames end in “son”


>> No.23425462

Just about every European nationality has a few endings that are found in the majority of surnames

Greece: ous
Armenia: ian/yan
Georgia: shvili, dze
Romania: escu
Ukraine: enko, chuk
Russia: in, ev/ov
Poland: sky/ski
Ex-Yugoslav states: ić
Germanic countries: berg/burg, er
Spain: es/ez

>> No.23425476

In Spain it's jus -ez, not -es. -ez is patronimic which are the most common surnames. -es is just for plural words, which are not the majority of surnames.

>> No.23425506


>> No.23425526

Woman moment. I didn't say they didn't exist, I said they weren't the majority nor the most common surnames. Pic rel is a list of the most common surnames in Spain: 16 -ez vs. 2 -es. The -o ending is actually more common.

>> No.23425531
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Forgot image

>> No.23425623

Yes yes we have this too. English: er (masculine) s (neuter) k or ck (effeminine)

>> No.23426859

>I didn't say they didn't exist,

You said es is just for plural words

>> No.23426869

more of a Suckov guy myself

>> No.23426935

No, I mightn't. I speak English, obviously. I know why. I don't speak Russian.


>> No.23426974
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>tfw you get to the point in your russian learning that you can call your coworker a fat nigger whore to her face

>> No.23427232

No, (((they))) cannot.

>> No.23428201

This happens in Italy too
Molière = French
Shakespeare = English
Dante = Italian
Never heard the Russian one

>> No.23428203


>> No.23428208
