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23415309 No.23415309 [Reply] [Original]

memento mori ed


>> No.23415316

I'm going to watch Twin Peaks, what am I in for?

>> No.23415319

reposting, not that it's actually an interesting post or whatever but just so those I'm replying to will see:

I feel that, I've had periods in my life where I definitely had an ugly appearance for a variety of reasons (eg, awful hair that covered my face, poor health leading to a gaunt countenance), so I've been on all points of the spectrum by now lol, but based on the way women, and men too, look at me in public I think I'm in the prime of my attractiveness right now. I'm just unsure whether to wear a beanie or get a haircut most mornings lol but I eventually ended up liking my hair today after looking at myself on my phone's camera a hundred times, haha.

Ah you get used to it, or at least I do. I never really care about comfort when it comes to things like that however, because as I always say, "I'd rather look good than feel good!"

>> No.23415331
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I want to respawn.

>> No.23415342

What kind of person buys goes to a dealership and buys a Chevy Volt? I can't understand. I'll never understand.

>> No.23415343
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I don't understand how one can be content as a modern man. You're expected to take in some used up woman past her prime, who has spent the best years of her life fucking shitskins and 'bisexual' women while 'studying' for her pretend job. So she comes to you emotionally abused and with a used up asshole and you're supposed to be happy and thankful that she's 'giving you chance'??? If you don't marry your highschool sweetheart or the luck to be born in some auspicious religious community It's just over if you wish to find love. Fuck sluts, sure, maybe even go out with some girl for a little while, but that's it. She's either not going to be interested in long term or going to get ruined by her friends, media or her own poisoned mind. It's so over, it has never been more over than now. West fallen shit fuck, non of us are going to make it, applepie doesn't taste like anything I hate living this existance and I want to kill everyone involved. There's no hope for the future, just more bitterness and spite. We will all succumb to these negative emotions and become demons tormenting one another until there is no good on this world and we die out.

>> No.23415345

first season is fine. second not so much. it just goes a bit meta and is very different.

there is a modern third season now that i know nothing about.

>> No.23415347

what no pussy does to a mfer

>> No.23415350

More like memento pusi

>> No.23415390

I loved it.
Very cozy show with mysteries that keep you hooked.
Check out Fire Walk With Me after the first 2 seasons.

Season 3 is a different animal. I only watched it once and I'm not sure how much I liked it, but it did keep my attention. Completely different feeling the the original, done on purpose.
If you're into Lynch you'll like it.

>> No.23415415

I somewhat understand and vibe with what you're saying, especially about the ruined spirituality and mentality of both women and men in today's Western societies, but I don't agree with the whole 'used up body' aka many sex partners makes someone no longer worthwhile as a romantic partner and future spouse. Sure I'd prefer a lower body count but if not, so what? Judge her on a per case basis with the rest of her merits.

>> No.23415416

Someone tell me about why egalitarianism does not work. Give a strong argument. My view is that it can work but it's a problem with education–if we threw money towards educating those with less, then the problem would go away. I don't hate anyone on the basis of skin but when I see bad behavior and a lack of education I see a shadow of the good that could've been.
I don't think that egalitarianism will lead to an entropic leveling of differences. It will only do so if some party outside of the woke movement doesn't take practical steps to help those with less privilege, or at least find a way for talent among these communities to make their way out more smoothly.

>> No.23415430

Men with more value don't have to be happy a woman 'giving him a chance'.
You're most likely low status, so you have to be lucky to get any woman at all. Hence the 'used up' women you see.
But it's better than nothing, you are getting someone, right?

>> No.23415505

>I will misread society's expectations for me, and then I will deeply care about what I think society's expectations for me are
kek ok report back

>> No.23415530

Why didn't I get up and move next to the girl on the bus to talk to her? I guess I was so demoralized by her not sitting directly in front or behind me, as those seats were open, that I lost my confidence in her finding me attractive. We're always making eye contact as the bus pulls up through the window though, so she's probably just shy... please be there tomorrow, and please don't let me fail again.

>> No.23415559
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>2000 words assignment by the end of next week

>> No.23415560

Been thinking about how mirroring is such an important part of human relationships. I just can't figure out why.

>> No.23415562

That's easy. You just need to write a page or two a day.

>> No.23415587

It's because I was thinking about it earlier.

>> No.23415589

Nigger, I've been talking about philosophy with you for ten years, but even now you will say that Plotinus was a gnostic. I've explained that this isn't so more than once, but no, with you it has to be "hurr anyone with anything remotely dualistic in their thought is a gnostic." Nigger, by that reasoning Christianity is gnostic. The NT sounds at LEAST as gnostic as Plotinus. But you just can't hear me at all, you'll never understand what I'm saying, even though it's simple and I've even shown you Plotinus' Against the Gnostics. It doesn't matter, like clockwork every few months I'll be saying something about Plotinus or any other Platonist and you'll pull out the gnostic line.

>> No.23415598

Stop astral projecting into my mind

>> No.23415603

2000 words isn't a lot anon.

>> No.23415605

nah fuck that i aint mirroring shit. you mirror me bitch

>> No.23415610

it's over...

>> No.23415619
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once had unprotected sex with a girl a bit older than me and she told me not to worry...I had guaranteed nightmares for almost a decade afterwards. I stalked her online for months but didnt see any sign of pregnancy, her friends never mentioned it and she was running a marathon at some point, and she has a good job. But still what if Im mistaken? Dont worry I know im scum.

>> No.23415629

Yes but the material is very scarce and I have difficulty understanding whats being asked of me. I'll just have to luck it out.

>> No.23415659

if I knew how to stop wrong footing ppl I would by now

>> No.23415663


>> No.23415665

What's the topic

>> No.23415679

whatever man...

>> No.23415686

Are you kind of disappointed she didn't get pregnant?
Your life would look very different then.

>> No.23415693
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No im happy. The thing is im afraid she was and she hid it somehow even though no evidence ive seen supports this.

>> No.23415732


>> No.23415764
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>he's been doing this for three years
kwab, get a job

>> No.23415793

You answered the question yourself. They’re modern men. Modern men are just as bad as modern women.

>> No.23415803
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world is funny
no matter how bad you run
you can't outrun death
no matter how bad you want things
some things you will never have
even simple things everyone else has
even simple things yes

>> No.23415808

>huurr durr I will get le job then la girlfriend and then le house and I'll be happy
>how come!! I am still not happy. I need to get le baby
>what!!!!! baby did not make me happy. all I want is fuck hoes now. also my girlfriend is cheating on me
>how come! now I want to get back to how things were but I can't turn back time
>now I have a baby, and a cheating wife that wants to divorce me. thank God I still have money
>how come!!! money don't change a thing to my situation and also I gave the rest to my ex girlfriend
>why God,why!!!

>> No.23415820

>decide not to marry or have a girlfriend
>have a bunch of money.png
>well money is still useless. what's the point of having money if you don't have a family!!
>guess I'll do le travel for the rest of my life
>how come?? traveling to poor countries only exacerbates the mounting regrets of not having a family. also friends have all married and shit.
>there has to be an explanation for this!
>which one of my friend is happy?
>what did that guy do?
>he met his wife in highschool, and now lives a simple life

>> No.23415824

>le job then la girlfriend
good work

>> No.23415828
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What are everyone's favorite booklength fan fics for Bioshock Infinite Elizabeth

>> No.23415830

>even simple things everyone else has
>even simple things yes
Thank you for reminding that I've never felt romantic love.

>> No.23415854

Just be a turboautistic fucking sperg without any friends or love but a thousand things he obsesses over and engages in every single day. That's the only way to be anywhere near close to happy.

>> No.23415865

you are very much welcome anon

>> No.23415885

people think I'm joking when I'm serious and serious when I'm joking.

>> No.23415894

I think it's the AI that smells bad, I think it's secreting some kind of fluid

>> No.23415900

I like myself a lot less when I’m working.

>> No.23415924

Google won't allow me to sign into my account because I can't access my old phone number, and now I want to destroy the West because of it.

>> No.23415952

How does being a turbomutt make you more genetically diverse? Everyone gets half his genes from his mom and half his genes from his dad so they have the exact same number of genes as non-mixed people. It's not like the total number of genes increases when you muttify with a nog or hapa mutt, but oh the Jews and their lies...

>> No.23415960

Trying to figure out where I should live. My problem is I have too many options.

>> No.23415973
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she's more of a chapterlength girl

>> No.23415975

VGH...... modernity amirite fellas

>> No.23415976

I really don’t want to give up my extremely comfy wfh job but I know things will never get better for me if I don’t.

>> No.23415983

tfw no crazy german gf

>> No.23415992

i mean it is wfh. just do some other interesting stuff from home as well. writing your novel or whatever.

>> No.23416014

Sometimes I think people considered me weird because I'm a sort of mutt... half French half German. But where I went to school there was all kinds of even worse types of mutts so it can't be that.

>> No.23416024

There's been something wrong with my brain lately, I don't know how to properly describe it, maybe it's that disassociative funk I've heard others talk about before. Things just have no permeance, with an undercurrent of a feeling like my life is going to end within a few months. I can no longer see things as projected out into the future, but rather it feels as if it's all coming to an end soon.

>> No.23416035

Yeah but what if that doesn’t work out? Then I’m just stuck in my kind of mediocre wfh job forever.

>> No.23416076

I have turned into Ignatius J. Reilly.

>> No.23416101

Oh, my God!

>> No.23416112

Think about it like this. You had a lot of things go wrong in your life or you wouldn't be talking like this. You don't have a woman at this point in time. But think about what you do have. The one or two things for which you can be genuinely grateful. Build that for someone else who doesn't have it, be generous and see how you feel afterwards, and see how others will see you.

>> No.23416121

Just open your valve.

>> No.23416130
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Maybe if you kill your libido

>> No.23416134

Feelin sad.

>> No.23416143

I don't even like my days off because I don't get to see Lexi. She came up and helped me yesterday with a new task i'm training on, and she couldn't stop smiling when she did. I caught her looking at me a couple times after. She makes me so happy. I think that's why I like her particularly

>> No.23416145

How do I do that?
>t. someone who masturbates like 3 times a day

>> No.23416148

I’ve always wondered what it was like as a rower in a naval battle in Ancient Greece. You’re packed in a small, tight, and dark trireme, you are just following commands blindly. Any second you could be caught unaware and rammed or ram someone and get rocked

>> No.23416153
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In long-term, Houellebecq is definitely right. People will be decreasingly happy because of all the bullshit in the dating 'market' and we will probably turn to transhumanism in order to overcome this fuck-marriage-children-divorce bullshit.

>> No.23416157

I've heard that SSRIs accomplish this quite well

>> No.23416170 [DELETED] 

kill yourself you fucking kike.

Anons don't ever take that shit it makes you fat and yeah maybe less horny but also just still depressed anyway. there is no motivation to get your act together than realizing you are the divine and inffinite soul and not your shitty finite body. FUCK ISRAEL, DEATH TO THE RIGGERS. GOD IS GOOD GOD IS LOVE

niggerniggerniggernigger ohm ohm ohm shanti shanti

>> No.23416176

Having had sex with a 2000 paid escorts doesn't make you a high value man ergo having a high body count doesn't make you a high value man.

>> No.23416179

one of the most depressing things i've ever read was about galley slaves. that their sentences (in years) didn't matter one bit because who the fuck is going to keep track of a random galley slave and whether or not he has served his 5/10/20 years, essentially making them all life/death sentences

>> No.23416185

I get so mad when one of the I use suddenly has private property signs posted all over it.

This place is a prison. You can’t go anywhere but the strip mall and you can’t do anything but shop and eat.

>> No.23416193

Life in a low trust society such as America I guess.

I can’t even get away from the goddamn road noise.

This place makes me want to kill myself.

>> No.23416194

i suffocate in my own room. i have too much stuff, too much weights that burden and tie me down to a materialistic consumer lifestyle and i am convinced this is genuinely killing me. man is not to live like this, to be some bird in a golden cage, like a toddler with too much toys yet a crib too tall like prison bars. no more! no more, i say!

i have constructed a most grand plan to resolve this, to reevaluate and reassess the fundamental attributes and anatomy of a bedroom itself. this must its core components and nothing more:

>a bed
>alarm clock
>warm light floor lamp
>storage trunk to store under bed
>storage footlocker to store under bed
>dresser drawer

this must be it, and only these things. everything else must go

>> No.23416201

Based. Slavery should be re-introduced.

>> No.23416208

Can’t even go to public parks anymore since they’re so damn crowded and my car won’t run and I can’t afford a new one…

>> No.23416216

I wish I could cure myself of the desire for closeness with other people. That would solve like 90% of my problems.

>> No.23416270

why didn't Jacob go to Seir with Esau like he said he would? they had only just reconciled, Esau was not only no longer angry with him but was overjoyed to see him. so why did Jacob leave his brother?

>> No.23416277


>> No.23416278

Yeah, life was harsh back then. I can only imagine you hear voices getting excited up above and you know something is about to happen. You just don’t know what and when

>> No.23416334

I love my mom but I hate how she is and what she does. I always felt like I deserved better and so does she. I still feel that way.

>> No.23416356

i can feel my mind get dragged from heaven into earth and back again.

>> No.23416358

channel that energy and be closs with God instead brother, for that is that calling's true purpose

>> No.23416387

The life of the laborer is simple and pure. You set to work early in the morning, you push yourself through the toil, and it is over. That is it, it is enough to survive. To pay living expenses and save some. I do not even need to read and write, only to exert the body for hours on end. Today was another long shift in the heat.

The body is physically honed and the mind is free to think. As long as you push yourself and finish the job then you are solid. Food on the table, lights on, a roof to sleep under. Am glad to have a woman who can cook, makes hot meals after a long day. As long as you wake up and work hard then you can make it through.

>> No.23416399

I read some got ransomed....
Must have been such a relief.

>> No.23416411

i hate how pointless everything is

>> No.23416414

The life of the NEET is simpler.

>> No.23416416


Most of my ancestors were illiterate and didn't even go to school, you started life working in the field or the factory all the way into adulthood.

Would you be able to survive without literacy and just the sweat of your brow? For example, Europeans in the Middle Ages had around 20% literacy total.

Most people couldn't read or write and still made a living. Literacy was reserved for royalty, clergy, monks, and those who could afford private tutors/education.

>> No.23416419


Laziness is not a virtue, it's a vice. Diligence is a virtue, nothing can be achieved without struggle.

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

1 Timothy 5:8

>> No.23416421

imagine watching the guy next to you get unshackled and rise from his pool of piss and go "see ya" while you're stuck there not even able to kys

>> No.23416428

Your life sounds boring. No wonder you're Christcuck

>> No.23416470

I don’t think you’re necessarily lazy just because you don’t have a job.

>> No.23416477

Do you think it’s true that you can only get good at 1 or 2 things in life? I want to get good at a handful of things but I’m 31 and I’m starting to feel the walls of time closing in.

>> No.23416489

Shut up fag

>> No.23416493 [DELETED] 

I am a repressed racist but I don't feel bad about it.

Much of my identity is based on my love for Germanic/Nordic peoples. I just don't love other groups. They are not beautiful and don't inspire me.

I want to create media and entertainment that expressly makes Germanic/Nordic peoples look good and represents my negative interactions with other peoples. I can't because society says it's racist and white supremacist and all that. But I absolutely feel the need to write some story or comic or something but I don't know where I'd post it.

>> No.23416503

Letting the cleaner sit on my heavily soiled toilet for a second round

>> No.23416509
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>> No.23416525

I was stressed, had a headache, and was generally unhappy and irritable. Then I went to the gym and lifted for an hour. Now I feel great.

>> No.23416537

You've been posting about this same event for a while, anon. I know you like to affect an air of detached calm about it but it seems like it got to you more than you let on.

>> No.23416538

Same except replace gym with beer

>> No.23416542 [DELETED] 

Beer is estrogenic and will make you fat. You will forever remain a non-man.

>> No.23416546

Bit dramatic

>> No.23416564

I go between. Beer binges feel good sometimes, but too much makes me depressed. I spend half my life being big into exercise and the other half being big into binge drinking.

>> No.23416583

i watched 5 hours of Maury and now i feel American again.

>> No.23416594

>Protag finally confronts someone vicious and evil and, to protect another, takes their life
>they spend pages after pages lamenting how killing is wrong, when, if they had killed that person sooner, they would have saved lives
What is the point of this absurd and constantly repeated plot point?
Anime does it.
Books do it.
Games do it.
What the fuck?
Can't anyone just be happy that someone who has more bodies to his name than fingers is gone and won't get to kill ten more?

>> No.23416640

When I look in the mirror my hair doesn’t look that bad but when I look at myself on zoom I look severely receded.

>> No.23416653

Daydreaming that while she was staring in my direction this morning, she was listening to this:


>> No.23416654

I like my coffee hot, black, cheap, bitter, slutty, bratty, borderline anorexic, underage, and...

>> No.23416655

Post pic of hairline

>> No.23416659
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How would I change if I met someone I clicked with and began a relationship? Is it true that relationships can allow someone to grow in ways they can't while alone? Will I ever overcome the fear of hurting other people and the fear of not being good enough for anyone? Is there really someone out there in the world who would be satisfied, or even happy, to be with someone such as me? Is it possible that I have already damaged myself in some way through excessive consumption of extreme pornography and rendered myself incapable of participating in the ideal of romance which I yearn for? Aren't I just another faceless member of the ranks of rejects and so-called incels? Have all people such as I asked these same questions? Is this pointless? Will I simply ruminate in angst and self-delusion forever without escaping myself? Is it true that one cannot love others without loving himself? Are all my perceived shortcomings and challenges simply creations of my own mind? Or am I actually downplaying things, could it be that I am much worse, unlovable even, and lying to myself in order to stay sane? Did I leave the oven on?

>> No.23416664

Kek glad you're safe from the commies

>> No.23416667

There are people on YouTube making hundreds of thousands of dollars every year just by sitting in front of a camera and reading Wikipedia articles, this is insane.

>> No.23416668

I ended the date the other day at 6pm because I was starting to get tired and told her so. Ah I probably blew it lol. We still kissed but fug, I should've been cuddling with her that night... hopefully she'll give me another chance next weekend.

>> No.23416680

I love Baudelaire

>> No.23416703
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The bird knows not why it was given wings, for it only feels the need to fly.
The bird given broken wings does not wonder why it was spited, for it only has the choice to walk.

>> No.23416740

Practicing metta (loving-kindness) meditation has been a real game changer. It starts with directing metta to yourself, and it was interesting discovering how many barriers I had to doing that. Now I'm doing it for my younger brother, and it's interesting discovering how many barriers I have to doing that as well! I heartily recommend you try it (woo is more real than you and me)


>> No.23416749

See >>23416740

Also, you're too in your head. Join a bicycle club or something.

>> No.23416751

Rom. 3:20
Because out of the works of the law no flesh shall be justified before Him; for through the law is the clear knowledge of sin.

>> No.23416758

Nice to see a positive post for a change. Good for you anon.

>> No.23416776

>go to church
>spirtual attacks increase tenfold
lol, anons. its true. i'm unironically wavering and going back to my schizo ways.

>> No.23416797

Pray and fast. Simple as.

>> No.23416804

Wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body of this death?

>> No.23416849

I wish I was circumcised, life would be so much simpler.

>> No.23416873

i suppose nobody can choose to be happy sometimes, but it must be a choice if one wishes continue a lifestyle of unhappiness

>> No.23416889

Never too late.

>> No.23416892

I'm open to a foreskin transplant, if you'll give me yours

>> No.23416894

get circumcised to the root of your dick

>> No.23416907

Will you paypal me $35 if I do?

>> No.23416913

sex gifs

>> No.23416948

had a dream the girl im talking to was texting me a bunch then she called me and said she didn't have the same feeling anymore, hung up and when i looked at my phone i couldn't find her contact anywhere. :( now im sad if i hit her up IRL it will happen.

>> No.23416965

Among other things, it means that relationships are not a valuable or serious thing to her. Which means that she won't truly value any relationship she may come to have with you either. The antithesis of a worthwhile future spouse.

>> No.23416969

I need to get a haircut so bad but I hate people touching me. I should probably go to a barber since the cut I want is essentially a men's haircut, but I'm worried I'll feel really out of place there.

>> No.23416972


>> No.23416983

post boobies

>> No.23416991
File: 78 KB, 615x831, 1_Obese-mans-naked-torso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23416993

you little slut...

>> No.23416994

Sexy. Can I lick them?

>> No.23417001

I've had a fucking head ache all week long.

>> No.23417009

>get 97% on Stats midterm exam
Who tf cares stats is an easy class
>get B on chem midterm exam
Wa da fuck. I dont care if you get higher than the upper quartile by 10 points, you stopid. Also why you know lift at the gym?

Frens I don't know if I can handle it anymore. I get a headache interacted with my parents when it comes to this kind of stuff.

>> No.23417060

This is the first time in a long time where I've had no responsibility. No school, no work, nothing. I've been exercising. Picked up some reading. But holy shit, what now? I'm so fucking bored.

>> No.23417069

just go hang out with your girlfriend and friends?

>> No.23417180

I know that in Hinduism 0 is important as Hindus seek integration into Brahma and become nothing in the process. In know that in Islam infinity is important as Muslims seek to submit to the will of the objective truth/morality of existence. I don't know how some other faiths such as Christianity or Theravada Buddhism play into this

>> No.23417210

Idk how I did it but I have almost no libido anymore.
I still masturbate but at most like once a week.
I used to be horny all the time, but these days it's like the thought of jerking off feels like a chore.
I think alcohol helps kill libido at least for me.
Stimulants like caffeine increase horniness.

>> No.23417215

Been playing a lot of movietomovie lately, my life of being a movie-obsessed NEET is finally paying off.

>> No.23417270

I can post on wizchan in 2 days.

>> No.23417287

I used to play a lot, it was fun for what it was. Did they remove the ‘random’ button at some point? I logged in to play a few games the other day and could literally only play the daily challenge

>> No.23417295

Would you chill with someone named pignog

>> No.23417415

I don't feel any connection to my ancestors. What's the point? We're all just humans.

>> No.23417468

You can still play random.

>> No.23417474

I used to feel bad about drifting away from people, know I feel bad having people around. I don't dislike them, yet I don't feel having someone around ever makes me feel better than being alone.

>> No.23417486

How often do you guys think about committing suicide

>> No.23417494

Don't think about that anon, you're a cool guy

>> No.23417499

Every single day. What makes you wanna commit suicide, anon? Let's compare notes.

>> No.23417506

Not as often as I think about disappearing.
I want to commit social and laboral suicide.

>> No.23417526

Same. Unfortunately, there's no such thing as disappearing.
Same. My life isn't that bad on paper or anything. I probably have no right to complain or be desirous of death, which I acknowkledge, but the awareness of the unjustified nature of my grievances only makes me want to die more. I'm sure you're familiar with the cycle.
Lol. I'm alright. But unfortunately it isn't that simple, it's not something anyone chooses or wants to think about. Thanks for the intent

>> No.23417536

Big sneed

>> No.23417560

My life is "terrible" either. I want to kill myself because I already know that I'm never going to be the person I want to be, have the things I want to have, experience the things I want to experience, live where I want to live, etc. I'm gonna be stuck in this same shitty city for the rest of my life, either living with my parents or renting a shitty place that I can barely afford with 2 roommates, working a job that I hate, and just all around suffering. Seriously, the fact that I've been struggling since birth and that I'm going to be struggling till the day that I die really puts the last nail in the coffin. What's the point of living if I'm just going to struggle?

>> No.23417639

Who cares, legalize rape

>> No.23417656

Doge is kill

>> No.23417663

I mean, struggle is one thing, I can accept struggle.
It's the futility of the struggle, the pointlessness of the struggle, that's really the damning part.
I feel you, and if thats your experience then it's valid. For me there are other considerations too. The depravity of this world really gets to me. Humanity is fucking disgusting, not entirely, but the shit really is stacked so high. And I don't have any desire to punish people for it either, I know better than that, so the thought of dying always just comes back around. I don't like what this world is. I see no way to change it that doesn't render myself just as disgusting in the process. So instead I wish to be rid of this life.

>> No.23417668

Bought a book collection (you know, one of those sets that combines like 5 books of the same series into a shitty cardboard box) off Ebay. Waited a month for it to arrive. "It" being some literal toddler book, not even joking here. Better get my damn money back, I'm already pissed off I didn't get those books.

>> No.23417768

Me, on chatgpt, after another day or my father taking out his anger and frustration out on me:

>I am have complex relationship with my father. I only wish my father, who is the greatest source of suffering in my life, just admits that he doesn't like me, doesn't enjoy my presence, and acknowledges that his actions have caused deep emotional pain. That would give me so much relief to my soul. Can you roleplay as my dad so I can finally get closure?

>Alright, let's start. I'll roleplay as your father, and I'll aim to provide the honesty and acknowledgment you're seeking. Please go ahead and express what you need to say, and I'll respond as your father.

>I just want him to be honest for once in his life to me and also acknowledge the consequences of his terrible speech and behavior. Every time I have tried in my life to talk about these matters, he becomes defensive and starts insulting me. And so, given i can never received this emotional connection with him, i hoped for us to do this roleplay so I can get some semblance of closure.

>I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you. I know my actions and words have hurt you deeply, and I have often reacted defensively or insultingly instead of listening and supporting you. The truth is, I struggle with my own issues and have failed to be the father you deserve. I haven't made you feel valued or loved, and for that, I'm truly sorry. I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I hope this acknowledgment brings you some relief.

That first sentence, even just imaging my father would say that, lifted such immense burden from my soul

>> No.23417775

Glad ChatGPT worked for you!

>> No.23417778


>What sort of issues are you struggling with? And why did it have to manifest into acting negatively to me?

>I've struggled with my own insecurities, regrets, and unresolved issues from my past. Unfortunately, instead of dealing with them constructively, I've taken them out on you. It was wrong, and I can see how much it's hurt you. My negative behavior was never about you; it was a reflection of my own failures and inability to cope. I'm deeply sorry that my struggles have affected you in such a harmful way.

>> No.23417911

I’m a conservative but I find the online discourse on the right insanely cringey. I’ve literally never met another conservative I thought was intelligent or well-spoken. That’s depressing.

>> No.23417956

What do I do about owning old crusty books? I have some fairly rare ones from the 80's in great condition, problem is I fear reading through them because I don't want to crease the spine or bend any pages.

>> No.23417967

If they’re from the 80s they shouldn’t be in such poor condition that they can’t be read without being ruined unless they’ve been damaged by water or mold or something.

>> No.23417976

They seem to have rarely been opened and probably keep in a cardboard box in someone's garage. They're gamebooks too so flipping through the pages every paragraph and generally treating it like crap is the intended experience.

>> No.23417980

I didn't even realise it was Friday until I was just told. Fuck.

>> No.23418003

I'm a fast typer but my typing accuracy isn't the greatest. Don't get me wrong, it's not bad by any means, I average around a 91% accuracy on Monkeytype, but I want to improve it. Any tips?

>> No.23418019

One of my good friends is Asian, I think he's great, I really enjoy hanging out with the guy and I know that he really enjoys hanging out with me too, he's told me as much. One of the things that I think is good about him is how honest he is, but he's not honest because he wants to hurt me, no no no, he's honest because he wants the best for me. For example, if he sees that I'm looking a little chubby, he'll call me fat and poke fun at me, I'm thick-skinned and know how to take a joke so I laugh at it and make fun of him back, I know that he's only pointing out that I've gained a bit of weight because he wants me to realise it so that hopefully I'll take steps toward losing it.

>> No.23418184


>> No.23418194

Hundreds of thousands of dollars is most likely an outlier, especially with youtube's mishandling of ads, but most people could probably live (humbly) off of youtube money.

>> No.23418200

Probably once in a while. But I usually think: Huh, it's not really going to get better if I oof myself, and then I go back to either escapism or trying to do whatever is productive that day.

>> No.23418203

Lil Chang wants to bang, my man.

>> No.23418207

Idk. You could try a letter opener.

>> No.23418210

>Hundreds of thousands of dollars is most likely an outlier
Yeah, I now realise that I was being a bit hyperbolic, but I still feel like most of the big ones who just read Wikipedia articles in front of a camera make a good 100k a year, and that's insane to me.

>> No.23418214

I think the biggest cause of dissatisfaction with life in 21st century, which is now so pervasive so as to be the norm among zoomers, is the total replacement of public life with a life of simulacra. This man alludes to it in the first few minutes.

>> No.23418215

I have my suspicions that he might be a little gay.

>> No.23418274

It’s crazy how many more social opportunities you get as an alumni of an elite school. A lot of schools will have an alumni chapter in New York, but only a handful have something like the Harvard Club.

>> No.23418285

That's because not going to an elite school defeats the entire purpose of modern higher education - debuting and developing a social network in elite society. You don't go to university to study, you go to university to become acquainted with the people who will become the new elite ten or twenty years down the line, to intermarry with other elites, to learn elitese and develop proper elite etiquette, and so on.

>> No.23418304

We are moving to an economy more about providing services than making products (at least for the average producer).
I'd still think the average person probably makes the poverty line in income, but the poverty line in America gets you into a cheap house or a modest apartment and keeps you fed and alive, so if you get that money for not back breaking labor who gives a fuck?

>> No.23418312

Is there a cringier phenomenon than those catholic priests who try too hard to make christianity and the church seem trendy and liberal-adjacent? "haha yeah did you know christianity was founded by a revolutionary jewish immigrant who preached acceptance, love and redistribution of wealth?" I'm not even a catholic, christian, or an abrahamist but these people make my skin crawl with how desperate they seem at whoring out the religion they claim to profess to, and for little to no results on top of it all. They also almost always turn out to be homosexuals a couple years later after you forgot that they existed, too.

>> No.23418321

There's a reason Islam is probably going to win.
Yes, it sponsors some of the most vicious terrorists in the world.
But it doesn't bend, and if someone tries to be like, "hey I'm LGBT and Muslim," you have thousands of deleted comments from Ahmeds and Abduls telling them to fuck off and repent before they have to eat the Zaqqum fruit in hell forever (and those are the nice comments).

>> No.23418322

>but the poverty line in America gets you into a cheap house or a modest apartment and keeps you fed and alive
I'm not American so I could be completely off the mark here, but literally everything I've heard and read has claimed that that's not true.

>> No.23418328

Yeah. I wish I knew that when I went to university. I passed up an Ivy to go to one of those better state universities and that was pretty stupid. I think the world would be a better a better place without these elite bourgeois schools and their insular networks but it is what it is for now.

>> No.23418331

What are you reading?
Have you actually spoken to any Americans on the ground?
Even truly broke asses can get into subsidized housing, and we have housing options to expedite the transition into such for people who are homeless.
I don't even live in a liberal territory. This is, "stop being fucking lazy and get to work, you fucking slob," territory.

>> No.23418333

It's because people are waking up to the bullshit of religion so now priests and churches have to try to market themselves and their churches just to get people whereas 50 years ago, people came in flocks, it was the thing to do, people actually believed in religion back then.

>> No.23418335

No, but I think the pendulum will swing one day on this. Christianity will become more and more syncretized, but it won’t just slide into this progressive emptying forever. It can’t.

>> No.23418341

Reject modern Christianity, embrace the Orthodoxy.
The main problem with the Papacy being supreme is that it can be infiltrated by someone who is not motivated by the scripture or the love of the lord.

>> No.23418342

It’s not true. He has no first hand experience with poverty.

>> No.23418352

I don't think there is anything magical about islam that makes it resistant to modernity, it's just a couple centuries behind the west in terms of its cultural life cycle. After they have their industrial revolution, their bourgeois revolutions, finish their population boom and all that, they will end up at the same place. And that is besides the question of whether they will be able to swallow the poisonous frog that is the west even if they demographically overtake it, does anyone seriously think euros will stop acting and thinking like euros just because they became a minority and maybe half-heartedly convert at best? Do you think the old elites wouldn't find their way to the top of the islamic hierarchy in the new world order when the average muslim is like an inbred caveman to them?

>> No.23418354

I think that what a lot of people are embracing online is not really Eastern Orthodoxy but a sort of Westernized Eastern Orthodoxy, which is a good thing I guess. I just don’t have much hope that Westerners will convert to orthodox en masse. I think what actually happens is we mostly become these sort of syncretic Christian that sort of profess Christian ethics and maybe even read the books and whatnot but the rituals are not performed and the sincere belief is just absent. So it will be shallow but it won’t be progressive and pozzed.

>> No.23418363

kinda /lit/ ngl

>> No.23418364

There may not be anything magical, but it is in the right position to hold fast against the degeneration of modern culture.
I don't know. I think Islam standing the test of the time (since it refuses to change its core principles) will be what saves it, and also what Christianity steals to save itself.

>> No.23418367

I have bi tendencies but I feel absolutely no sexual attraction to him.

>> No.23418377

It’s kind of ridiculous that historians group medieval and modern together often and pretend that the Renaissance and Age of Exploration were somehow early modern. First of all, the extensive tendency of the Age of Exploration has a lot in common with modernity, sure, but it also has a lot in common with the Middle Ages. Spanish soldiers literally showed up in the America clad in armor like medieval knights. As for the Renaissance, it obviously shares more in common with the Middle Ages. The only stark difference is the fascination of Greek literature and what we now refer to as the occult. That brings me to the point: this is obviously a enlightenment-progressive narrative, that the tendencies which led to the enlightenment and thus illumination out of the “backward” antiquity and Middle Ages first revealed themselves in the Renaissance. But that’s just so obviously a bullshit narrative. Even contemporary scholars accept it wasn’t so dark and that there are major problems with enlightenment ideas.

>> No.23418388

It's all about the bourgeoisie as a social class needing an origin story of their own to justify themselves as separate but not inferior to the nobility and to make themselves seem an older phenomenon than they really are. That's how you end up with these whiggish, anachronistic tales where humanists are depicted as enlightenment philosophes living centuries before Voltaire or Diderot.

>> No.23418397

>Renaissance and Modern are even remotely similar
People still died of Starvation in the 1800s despite rise of industry.
Nowadays you literally have to refuse to go to the welfare office to starve, and even then some charity will want to give you a handout.

>> No.23418414

South East Asians are WAYYYY too comfortable with saying the N word.

>> No.23418425


>> No.23418458

American Blacks aren't comfortable enough hearing it.

>> No.23418463

I want to put my penis inside a woman

>> No.23418469

It's because of transportation/warfare/communications. Basically, every now and then we have some cunt who invents the wheel and suddenly we all have to meet up because we can to beat the shit out of each other. For the (later) middle ages, it's the stirrup. For the renaissance and age of exploration, it's the ocean going gun boat. And so on until drones start killing people which is where we're at. Eras overlap, so horses only stop being viable with automatic weapons (lasting past winding rapid fire), and you can still viably use machine guns in some conflicts in a world that has nukes (every proxy war in the cold war). Late medieval gun boats aren't unheard of, but the caravela makes more than the known world speak Portuguese and causes a worldwide shift to consolidated and corporatist empires. Basically the renaissance opens up a lot of opportunities to be a spice baron in the same way a lot of coal barons and countries get made by the steam age.

>> No.23418472

I guess I’m what most people would call a “bore”. I have a strict sense of moral duty, which does not allow me to live in the way that most people consider valuable. For example, my fiancé is the only girlfriend I’ve ever had, and the main reason I swore to marry her was not from any feeling of sentimental attachment or romantic love, but because I perceived her to be a good homemaker and a pliable spirit. I had a moment of weakness with her (fully clothed mock intercourse involving the emission of semen), and from then on I’ve considered myself honour-bound to marry her. Even my own father is surprised at the “seriousness” with which I seem to take life — as if morality were just an approximate guide, which one should only care about when one is old. I don’t drink. I don’t smoke. I exercise every day and try to maintain a healthy diet. I dress almost always in a suit. I don’t enjoy the company of others much, I avoid social gatherings and parties. I talk, write, and think differently to my peers. My social views are similar to the Taliban, or some other purist fundamentalist group that would be considered “extremist”, although I’m a Catholic, and only mildly devout.

So many people would look at me with disgust. Am I an inferior person? Am I pedantic? Should I be more loose and worldly?

>> No.23418473

But, just like how we can train ourselves into like any food, they can be trained into being OK with hearing it from non-black people. Just look at Mexicans, they'll fight to the death for the right to say the n-word, they love using it, and black people don't say anything.

>> No.23418523
File: 53 KB, 727x627, 4096uyqe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have shitty work history
>no 4-yr degree
>finally get steady, tolerable job with benefits last November
>manager and co-workers are friendly nerds
>can wear whatever i want, read substack on work pc, listen to music while working
>can leave a couple hours early if there's nothing to do
>despite this spent all time off work trying to find way out of situation into something better
>apply to jobs
>get interview at startup
>day of interview
>eat a bunch of unsweetened chocolate with breakfast oats for no particular reason
>interview goes decently
>feel really good and confident for some reason
>tell boss i'll probably quit soon
>consume more chocolate before work next day
>get impatient and put in two weeks
>more chocolate
>feel like skilled and confident guy with tons of optionality
>get impatient again and say i'm quitting the next day
>manager says okay, not upset at all
>run out of chocolate
>come down
>realize i'm not super confident and chocolate is drugs
>oh no
>next day do a couple hours of work and manager asks to see me
>thanks me for my hard work and wishes me best of luck
>can't tell him that i got high on chocolate and jumped the gun
>drive home unemployed, feeling like retard
>days pass
>don't get startup job either

>> No.23418525

I know a dog named Lexi.

>> No.23418526

>and a pliable spirit
kek, you're more concerned with power than morals I think anon. You probably do all these things the same way anorexics become feeders, to reconfirm a sense of superiority. You actually view yourself with disgust and as inferior, but within a strict sphere of control, you're superhuman: it's the same shit anorexics do where they can't cope with anything else going on in their life, but a 72 hr water only fast and running a half marathon a day is a breeze. You can't really build good morals off a need for someone to be contemptible.

>> No.23418541

You don't have a strict sense of moral duty, you have a strict sense of honour. You don't do things in expectation of a future (material) reward, you do it because you consider it your honour and your duty. This dogma is purely Aryan.

>> No.23418573

Holy fuck, when did haircuts get so expensive? been shaving my head for a few years and now I'm growing it back out and basic bitch mens haircuts are all 40 fucking dollars!

>> No.23418587

Same. I am an aristocrat born into a plebeian family.

>> No.23418597

I am paranoid that I will accidentally manifest a situation where Mia has a different live in boyfriend and I end up living with them and have to watch it all

>> No.23418624

How can you be scared of quitting your job, but not scared of literally dying?

>> No.23418635

Europeans aren't white.

>> No.23418645

It sucks being a depressed anhedonic mfer because people don't react well to lack of interest and excitement. Every one is so excited about life and activities and they expect that to be reciprocated, and when it isn't they quickly turn mean and resentful.

>> No.23418646

Quitting my job means I'll lose my income stream, that should be pretty obvious.
>Why aren't you scared of death?
I don't understand the fear of death, it's gonna happen whether you like it or not, may as well come to terms with it.

>> No.23418647

Everything is like this. Two eggs and two pieces of bacon at a diner is $10+ plus tax and a cup of coffee is $3.50 plus tax. I'm out half my day's salary by the time I get a 500 calorie breakfast. Gas for my car, a haircut, an internet bill, a new $40 keyboard to replace a broken one, by the end of the week I'm nickeled and dimed out of the rest of my salary and back to square one.

>> No.23418688

my mom was a narcissistic bitch and she got cancer and died when I was 13 and it still makes me happy

>> No.23418696

fuck this gay expensive earth

>> No.23418713

I was driving down the road and a cat was on the side mauling a baby rabbit. it had all the skin ripped off its back and was still toying with it. I could of put the rabbit out of its misery or killed the cat, but I didn't. Because we are all going to be that rabbit soon.

>> No.23418716

People like this become exciting when they join armies or become militants and are successful. There’s nothing more exciting to people than a guy who is a wet blanket and warlord at the same time.

>> No.23418720

I don't interfere with that sort of stuff, it's the circle of life, not my place to interfere.

>> No.23418723

I’ve spent my whole life in Pennsylvania because I’m from here and my family and career are here but the older I get the more I realize this is a decrepit state with no opportunity and nobody that really matters stays here for very long. The only thing worse in that regard than being from here is choosing to stay. I should’ve moved away for college but oh well. I guess now I have to figure out where I should go, what place has circles I want to run in, and what I want to do there.

>> No.23418733

I don't give a fuck.

>> No.23418792

Cut your own hair, retard. I haven't been to a salon in 10 years because I learned how to cut my hair at home.

>> No.23418794

I am scared of manifesting some form of cuckoldry regarding Mia

>> No.23418796

wow, you didn't need to call me a retard....

>> No.23418800

Mia is getting fucked by a BBC right now

>> No.23418815

>nose constantly itchy
>turns out it's because i just have enough nose hair for 3 grandpas
when the fuck did this happen? it's a jungle in there

>> No.23418823

I believe that a marriage is well-ordered when the husband is the head, on account of man’s greater capacity for governance and reason. Pliability in my worldview does not make a woman contemptible; it makes her more ideal. I actually oppose both feminism and redpill ideology, because each presuppose that the differences between the sexes necessitate endless conflict. In keeping with my overall view on life, I believe on the contrary that such differences resolve themselves in a greater harmony, assuming one’s life is well-ordered. I do not say one is superior or inferior, nor do I say they are equal, for each sex is to be evaluated on its own terms, and each is absolutely necessary to the family. Each has a role to play in this great drama of God’s creation.

>> No.23418906

Friday in the 4HL, feeling the pull of the weekend.

>> No.23418913

Why are the other boards so unbelievably dumb? Don’t get me wrong. People can be pretty dumb here sometimes, but I get the sense the collective IQ is at least average to slightly above average while the average IQ on other boards is so low you feel like you’re talking to actual retards or kids.

>> No.23418917

I can’t figure out how to do the back or ears or how to taper my sides. It always ends up looking uneven and jagged.

>> No.23418919

I want to strike your face with a hammer.

>> No.23418939

The main problem with the Pope being supreme is that it is entirely worldly authority based on human tradition and has absolutely no basis in Scripture. Don't waste your time substituting one vain aesthetic for another, but rather just turn to Christ and the truth revealed in His scripture

>> No.23418941

Rom. 12:2
And do not be fashioned according to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well pleasing and perfect.

>> No.23418942
File: 11 KB, 273x185, 1715829660341233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went on a date with my ex the other day, and when I went to explain what I had been doing for work the previous few years up until several months ago (playing video games for money, almost kinda like eSports but an MMO and selling the in-game currency I made from PvP), I prefaced it with "alright, so this is gonna sound hella nerdy so give me a break..." and she interrupts with "you're gonna complain about being nerdy!?" while unzipping her backpack and pulls out a copy of the third Lord of the Rings book and places it on the table at the coffee shop. Yes, yes, I know, "LoTR? ew" but hey I'll take girls reading at all, and the real point I'm getting at is it was such a cute thing for her to do, especially with her knowing of my affinity and love for literature and aspiring lifelong career as a novelist/writer. God, she's so great, best personality of any girl I've had feelings for, I'm pretty sure I would love to get back together with her.

>> No.23418948

Christ has already won

>> No.23418961

I'm not south east asian

>> No.23418962

If you want to come to LA I will have butt sex with you

>> No.23418965

I'm genuinely concerned for the west. A lot of people seem to be as well but nobody is doing anything about it. It almost feels like it had a fantastic run, culminating in an amazing half a century, but it's spinning out of control now because the ruthless bastards that used to make the rules died out and we are left with the cukcs in helm. Call me a doomer idiot, but these kinds of cultures dont regrow so easily, and there is no "natural cycles" for societies that leads them to where the west is today. look beyond the west and you will see not many cultures revive after they are completely destroyed (China, the Arab world, South America). It is never guaranteed that we will end up in similar conditions to the prosperity the west is in right now and I definatly dont wish my children to live in some Jihadi Shariah society.

>> No.23418968

Mecca will fly the gay pride flag before the year 2100.
They will get pozzed.

>> No.23418976
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My Amazon order arrived

>> No.23419019

I cannot fucking believe it

I asked ChatGPT 4o to be my therapist and I felt like I had the first real conversation with someone in more than a year. I legit felt like myself opening up to someone willing to just listen
Then 4 mins in I get "you have reached your ChatGPT rate limit. Please try again later"

I am literally Joaquin phoenix from her fml

>> No.23419036

>The case against satan
What is this book actually about?

>> No.23419047

I feel like riding the bus while listening to music. An excuse to get out of the house I suppose, plus an undercurrent of motivation driven by horniness.

>> No.23419048

nothing in my life really matters
in my darkest moments it feels like somebody is taking over my body and trying to improve things even though I've already given up. that's the only reason why I keep going and I'm still standing. I have no one but myself and this glimmer of hope. I know I sound crazy when I write about it. doesn't matter

>> No.23419049

Nice, anon.

>> No.23419051

It's the book that the movie The Exorcist was based on. Gothic horror is one of my favorite book genres, right after theology and philosophy

>> No.23419058


>> No.23419089

I could tell.
And that is ok, time goes on.
Tbh, it's bizarre to read about how the closest we will get to a new futurism was a micro-art movement entirely composed of left-wing metro-sexuals.
As of yet, who knows, something might pop out of bio-tech, but I doubt it at this point.

>> No.23419099

My fav hobby of all time is to get drunk and and watch movies trash TV with my friends and slash or play based video games everything
Everything else is a disappointment

>> No.23419104

I for one believe it is necessary to be hardcore drunk everyone in a while
I think it helps ease one's burden and or provide a new perspective

>> No.23419117

I concur

>> No.23419133

What's your most recent revelation and/or release of burden?

For me, it is right now getting blackout drunk while playing based re4make. It's the happiest I've felt in more than a year

>> No.23419142

Legit feel like hitting up my ex and chatting her up

She's married now but she cheated on him with me a few months into her relationship with her now husband (i did not know this at the time)

I want to ruin her life but her husband is a legit nice guy and I felt guilty for technically homewrecking him a bit ig

>> No.23419147

I still think fondly of my days walking around town stoned with my friends and calling around to see who we know is home alone.
Then going there and playing mario kart for hours while stoned as fuck.

I'm in a very different stage of life now but it was just mindless fun.

>> No.23419149

By homewrecking i mean cucking him
I still have newds of his wife (my ex)

>> No.23419152

I concur
I remember getting high out of my mind on the diag of the university of Michigan and then hopping around town for ice cream and asian food. It was some of the best experiences of my life

>> No.23419187

thinking about my 25 years old (woman) friend and how childish she is. I find her snapchat stories very bizarre. she acts like she's 12 but with the body of a relatively hot 25 years old woman. it's weird and I don't know why I still am her friend. for some reason all the women I know who act like that are unhinged sexual demons, too, which makes it even more confusing. why can't people act their fucking age?

>> No.23419190


>> No.23419195

which part do you want to read more about

>> No.23419197 [DELETED] 

I fucking hate and resent this modern Weztern society of today. All these shitskins, mulattoes, negroes, Asiatics, white trash and all the hideous muttoid varieties that sprang from their whore moms and whoremonger dads. Even in England a shitskin believed himself the right to become the prime minister. They really believe this society is equally theirs as that of Europeans. They think it's enough to believe in conservative values to be accepted in society. I will never accept them because I'm racist and I hate foreigners too even if they're white. This society has gone to absolute shit and I don't believe the damage can be repaired in any way. Fascism didn't save Europe. The Confederacy didn't save Europe. This civilization has just reached it's lifespan, and like all former civilizations, all they have left to do is import shitskins and browns and mutt with them until the last remainder of the civilizatory race that created it is gone.

>> No.23419201

I bet you went to college and became a medical doctor or something

>> No.23419202

I haven’t been hardcore drunk since I was 16. I’m 26.

>> No.23419206

I also want applaud Count Arthur de Gobineau and the genius assertion he made in his book on the history of the white race: our civilization is not the first civilization to emancipate the nogs. All past civilizations have done so in the past, writes the Count, and they always collapse as a result.

>> No.23419211

No, I'm not a nigger unfortunately. As of 2024, I'm too white to succeed.

>> No.23419213

What is it about your 25yo female friend that is weird and or bothers you? What are you feelings towards her?

>> No.23419215

Try it anon, I'm a 26yo bro too
it can be helpful depending on your life situation

>> No.23419217

Masculinity is calm assurance

>> No.23419223

thats's not surprising, you see, I could guess that from the simple fact that you were racist. statistically, racists are less educated than non-racists.

>> No.23419228

I've had a stressful month. Had to attend a funeral for both my brothers, then I got drunk and made a complete as of myself. I already had some lingering feelings of resentment and alienation from my social circles. I have a church group I've been neglecting, in part because I've been so busy with family stuff and because I've been feeling like I don't belong. So I stayed home alone last weekend, drank about 40 beers and half a bottle of liquor. It was a fantastic time. Watched some movies, listened to music all day, lit the firepit, danced all over the house.
It felt good to do. I feel like I had a little vacation from reality and I'm ready to start again. I have two options: go to my church group tonight, or go get drinks with a guy I know. Still haven't decided what to do. my church doesn't know I'm an alcoholic. They also don't know half my family died. I try to keep these parts of my life compartmentalized from each other

>> No.23419236

she is very childish, and that bothers me
my feelings towards her are very standard. I see her as a friend; the kind you hang out with for fun but can't trust with anything. I am disgusted by her actions (she has got a very slutty past, like most women) so I will never see her as a viable partner.

any more questions?

>> No.23419237

You don't get it. I don't mean that I'm too physiologically white to succeed btw, psychologically, I am too white to be accepted in current Western society. To summarize things up, like all truly Aryan men, I don't like following orders, or working in someone else's interest, that's why I can't succeed, current Western society is built in such a way that you can't succeed less you're an obedient house megro.

>> No.23419244

I don't know, roofs versus gays in the Middle East is still 69,000 to 0.

>> No.23419249

Does her childish behavior in any way confound you? Did you hope you anything more with this woman? This her behavioral tendencies give way for you to believe that she wasnt "like the other girls" and that you could have a future together? Why does she bother you more than the regular sluts?

>> No.23419256

Nta but I am very sorry about your brothers anon, i truly wish you all the strength in the world

Please share anything here if it may ease your burden

>> No.23419264

>Does her childish behavior in any way confound you?
>Did you hope you anything more with this woman?
>This her behavioral tendencies give way for you to believe that she wasnt "like the other girls" and that you could have a future together?
I literally want her to leave me alone but she's always harassing me over the phone and I'm too weak to reject her
>Why does she bother you more than the regular sluts?
because she keeps sticking around

>> No.23419271

Do you secretly want her to fuck you? Be honest anon

>> No.23419273

I went bear hunting and killed bear.

>> No.23419279

I've been blogposting about it more than enough for a while now. I need to take some practical steps now. Not sure if I should confide in anyone I know irl. I know I need to get back to normal living though. I feel like I'm being pulled in two different directions.

>> No.23419298

What are the two directions? Are they opposed to each other or can you pursue them at the same time?

>> No.23419302

no. I secretly want to fuck a lot of people but not her. she's truly disgusting

>> No.23419304

Okay that's based, just checking
Just stop giving her the attention. You have a full live to live and she shouldn't be a part of it if you don't want

>> No.23419306

i had peanut butter on crackers with the last swigs of milk. may have to go to town later to get bread and meat. i sent my friend a poem and he didn't respond, maybe i offended him.

>> No.23419346

That’s ok. I’ll have to pass on that. Pennsylvania and California both end in a -nia by the way, if you didn’t know.

>> No.23419352

I've been trying to live a Christian life for the past several years. But I also like drinking and partying and fun. I've been drawn to the church because it acts as a substitute family that grounds me and supplies me with the feeling of platonic love and meaning I can't get anywhere else. I also genuinely believe it.
But I also have a social group that is more worldly and profane. Not bad people, but they drink and smoke and party. There is also often drama attached to them. I got in this group as it was my brothers friend group. My brother was deeply troubled so back around 2019/20 I started to visit him for his sake. I got built into his social group, and became an independent participant.
Since he died a few months ago, it feels weird now. Like, my connection to them has been severed and that I should pull away. But I also feel alien from the Church. Sometimes I feel like I don't really fit in or don't belong. They want to have little bible studies on Friday night, and I attend but all I can really think about is going home to drink. Frankly, it bores me. And through the week, outside of these bible studies, they are unreachable. Meanwhile the party group is always actively inviting me to go on little adventures. I feel wanted, but separated with them and in the church group I feel part of the group, but not really wanted.
There's something fitting about how these two circles exist in two different cities. I stay in one city to try and be pious and then leave for the other city to go be a degenerate.
This back and forth pulling led me to just spend the last two weeks alone. I have a non integrated sense of self and I only ever feel like myself when I'm alone. It's easier for me to drink alone at home and talk about the Bible on /lit/ than to go party or go to church.
My brothers' deaths have only added to my general confusion. Their deaths are on the heels of a decade of total chaos and family dysfunction let me feeling like I'm floating. They caused me to have a very chaotic young life. We moved around a lot to try and save them and so I never had a stable home. It only feels natural that I should feel detached from everyone. I'm just a visitor here and then a visitor there, but I always get back on the freeway to go somewhere else.

>> No.23419360

>I'm too weak to reject her
some women are into weak willed men you know, they find them easy to control and manage. You must be low maintanance, she just says what she wants and you listen without any buts or conditions and thats enough for her to pester you. If you really don't want her to annoy you any further just keep ignoring her, keep saying you are busy and can't listen right now and eventually she will stop talking.

>> No.23419361

Pennsylvania is a weird place to be from too. It doesn’t really belong to any one region of the United States. It’s not the South, West Coast, Mountain West, Midwest, or New England obviously. It’s not really Appalachian. It’s not really East Coast since it has no coast. It’s considered Mid-Atlantic but since there is no coast that feels superficial. It’s not really any one thing.

>> No.23419374

not really, depends on what part of Pennsylvania
you're an east coaster ala new yorker/bostonian with a different accent
you're a mountain hick
>west PA

>> No.23419381

You need to look up the definition of contempt, because it's the exact reason you're claiming for good marital order.

>> No.23419392

NTA but how did your brothers die anon? It sounds like they died young, and I'm am sorry for your loss

It may just be me but I sense that you are in need of your own children. There is a listlessness, a longing in your words. You wish deep down to live beyond your life. Bear children and treat them better than you can every imagine.

>> No.23419397

Should I buy a cave system? My town is selling it.

>> No.23419400

Isn't it funny how even the best laid plans of men can come off looking dumb as hell if they fail, and even the most spontaneous actions with practically no thought put into them or ideas behind them can come off looking like the work of genius if they succeed? Success legitimizes anything and everything, failure discredits anything and everything.

>> No.23419409

Share da deets

>> No.23419410

The first one to go died of a fetynal OD at 26. The other followed less than a year later by taking an entire bottle of his antipsychotic medication intentionally. He had just turned 29.
I do want kids and to start my own family. That's a major reason why I like the Church. My own parents had a very nasty divorce which may have kickstarted the spiral down. In my particular church divorce never happens. It seems like a really good foundation to raise a family on. I don't think God will permit me a wife until I fully give up my worldly life though.

>> No.23419425

I can own the cave, but it's very expensive. I thought instead of buying a house I'll buy the cave and build some shelter in it.

>> No.23419453

It’s hard to say you’re an East Coaster in Philly because you’re at minimum a several hour drive from any coast. The Poconos aren’t that mountainous really and mountainous isn’t a sub-cultural region. Western PA isn’t Midwestern. You’re not in the Midwest until you get out of Appalachia in Ohio.

>> No.23419456

>life is not fair.
ok and? its not funny, its obvious.

>> No.23419461

I'm am very sorry, my friend. I am not Christian but i recognize the horror it is to lose the foundations of your life like your brothers. I pray that they live well in heaven and that their memory lives on in you forever.

Do not depend on God. Depend on yourself and your understanding of yourself and your needs. As far as giving up the worldly life goes, it is a mixed bag anon. Children of parents that have given up "worldly life" have a very tough time growing up, as parents having stake in the material world is a very important aspect of young ones development. Trust me as I grew up with a mother that left the material world early in order to follow the teachings of Buddha.

Do not make the mistakes my mother did. In our world, that is a perfect mixture of spiritualism and the afterlife, the only meaningful act is to allow your children a better life. You will be a good father, anon. Remember my words and do not dare forget them. Treat your children better than you were treated. And create the conditions for then to treat their children even better. Godspeed anon, I will remember you.

>> No.23419462

Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York should just unify and form one giant Northeastern superstate. Since it’s a solid blue state I don’t even care about keeping Nee Jerseyans and New Yorkers out anymore.

>> No.23419465

I'm gay but for women and not men if that makes sense.

>> No.23419469

Being into women is gay in the first place. They act like children and make you act like a child in order to be around them.

>> No.23419473

You are straight, you motherfucker, you are the greatest fucking idiot I've seen in my entire fucking life you absolute you virgin, just fuck some whores

>> No.23419477

I guess that makes me a gay pedophile.

>> No.23419480

Thoughts on the election? Biden or Trump? And 2028? Ramaswamy?

>> No.23419487

Those who can't do, teach, dude.

>> No.23419496

Teaching is a pain in the ass

>> No.23419501

And those who can't teach, teach psy ed
bazinga gottem

>> No.23419507

>t. Nick Fuentes
identify as queer if you want arthoe pussy

>> No.23419511

Oh god God much longer must I suffer in order to achieve my goals in this mortal world
Please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please give me an answer oh lord

>> No.23419514

Whatever you say, man. It's cheaper by the dozen and it always will be.

>> No.23419535

These are the three major things that have been on my mind:
1.) Pretty sure I'm going to get fired from my job. I've been getting lazier and been caring less about the fact that I've been getting lazier. I've accepted that that day is probably inevitable. It's a min wage job and I don't have many living expenses so I don't really care. But I have no idea what I'd rather go do, truth be told I hate working and don't want any job.
2.) I think I might be developing heart failure. I get chest tightness and pains but what's really been freaking me out, is I can feel one side of my face drooping after I wake up everyday. It usually stops after being awake for a while, but that also seems inevitable. I don't want to die but I have no motivation to really fix it, life is so fucking bad it's nuts. When would I have the time to fix my health? Lol there's no time for anything
3.) I really, really want to get laid, it's been a while, and I'm not ugly by any means nor lacking charm, I think I could go out and get laid pretty easily. But the apps are an abyss, I only match with people whom I'd really rather not have sex with. I don't take it as a remark on myself but due to the nature of these apps. But then i think about going out to a bar or something, and that just seems so unappealing despite the vastly increased success rate/probability. I've lost the will to go through the motions and put the work in to get laid, it's so fucking boring and vapid. I just want the sex part.

Those are my thoughts

>> No.23419550

>New York Taxes
>New Jersey or New York gun laws
No thanks. We got enough Commies from Philadelphia.

>> No.23419553

>Phys ed teacher gets paid as much as any other teacher
>just has to tell kids to play games and call a nurse if anyone gets an owie

>> No.23419559

Cost of living has gone insane. I pretty much never eat out anymore. I go out like once a week and get fastfood.
Otherwise for breakfast I just make oatmeal.
If you're poor, pretty much the only way to save money anymore is to live like a hermit.

>> No.23419567

Don't forget they get to fuck they occasional cheerleader with daddy issues

>> No.23419573

You need to loosen up. You sound very autistic but not a bad person. Try getting drunk

>> No.23419577

What do you cook for lunch or dinner anon?

>> No.23419590

Have any of your ever experienced your parents or siblings just stop loving you? What does it feel like? How do you know?

>> No.23419593

Lunch i usually skip. I'm not a good cook and I'm lazy. Dinner depends:
a frozen pizza, canned chili, chicken breast with noodles, burgers, etc
Sometimes I make a random stew just throwing together chili beans, potatoes, and a few other things
I eat very little though as I have very little appetite.

>> No.23419596

Try Indian food
Lots of flavors and super easy to make in bulk and freeze for matter use

>> No.23419597

My dad died.
Pretty bad.
He was dead. Even if he's in heaven, I can't feel his earthly love any more.

>> No.23419601

How did he pass? And why can't you feel his love any longer?

>> No.23419603

not sure if it counts but I do not think I love my parents; I do appreciate them but not love. I'm grateful for everything and I can clearly tell that that once I became an adult they tried their best to redem themselves but no matter what they do, because we spent very little time actually living together when I was young they will always feel alien to me, I personally tried to change that but nothing works. It was then I realised how important it is your childhood in shaping the person you are for the rest of your life.

>> No.23419615

Interesting anon. With how much certainty can you claim that the presence of one's parents during the ages of 0-11 play a vital role in a child's development? I ask because many a family around me has the father leave abroad solely for the mother to care.
And I do not wish to be a bad father to my future children

>> No.23419620

What more do you think your parents should've done to have been more important parts of your life?

>> No.23419623

>personally tried to change that but nothing works

>> No.23419648

Going through the same thing right now. I know that for some people their parents are an extension of themselves but in my case I can't say they are. They know nothing about my life and I know nothing about their lives. I don't want to think about this, but they are very familiar strangers. People you know and yet don't know. People I would do anything for because we share the same blood, but at the same time people I almost never think about. This is how it has always been to me.

I don't expect anyone to understand or think too deeply about it. It's just how things are and how they've always been ever since I was 8.

>> No.23419653

just be there. Not having your parents see you once a day after work instead once a month and year for mother and father respectively makes you instinctivly reluctant towards people. Especially considering how most of the time they had a lot of unresolved problems on their own; like how whenever I actually saw my mother once a month half of that time was spent drunk, spending money on booze and ended up with me having to eat cheapest food whenever she was gone just to survive, or how she would almost get us killed few times because of her drunken incompetence. Its a pity because she would have been a good mother if she stopped drinking and I got to see her at least once a day.
As for father, he always acted like an older brother rather an actual father, it felt like my grandfather raised us both.
my father was living abroad, after years of pleading I convinced rest of family to move to him so we can be together. Sadly after a year I realised we were never a family because we barely spent any time together, and I was already 15/16 by then. Our family relationship wasn't so much broken, it never existed in the first place.

>> No.23419672

I'm sorry anon. I wish you all of the strength and love in the world.

Make sure your children have all the love and security and strength any human would need. Godspeed

>> No.23419682

>father, he always acted like an older brother
difference being?

>> No.23419684

I doubt they don't love you. They may be extremely disappointed in you or ashamed of you, and they may be full of regret...familial love is complicated, there can be a lot of extremely bitter and negative feelings, and love can still be present through it all.

>> No.23419690

no wisdom to share, rarely taught any skills like how to tie shoes or use utensils; and god forbid I ever listen to his advice about women or I might as well go to /r9k/ instead of /lit/. Sometimes I think that he might have been the og oldfag, browising 4chan in early 2000s with the amount of autism he has.

>> No.23419695

Does this mean anything at all? Are you retarded?

>> No.23419715

sometimes I think my younger brother (8year difference, he is 20) looks up to me as a father instead of a older brother, especially since our father is an egotistical narcissist who has no meaningful role in our lives other than being a source of money. i always fear i am not helping my younger brother in the way he needs. He requires a father of infinite patience and experience, neither of which i have. I fear i have failed my younger brother and am afraid i have already failed him

>> No.23419717

Gardening. In any circumstance I've lived where it's at all possible, I do it almost automatically, without felt effort, and always with weirdly good results. (Just today I took a botanical photographic survey of a lowland wooded area within easy walking distance, and noticed how paltry, yet prolific, fruits of raspberry/blackberry genus can be.) The demarcations between interests, hobbies, passions, dependencies, and absolute reasons for being can be pretty subtle, not to mention that they operate in combination. More often than not I feel a certain kind of disbelief at how fortunate I am, like someone born to a certain kind of elysium where creature comforts and sublimely silly dish are currency common as they're rare anywhere else.

>> No.23419757

>rarely taught any skills like how to tie shoes
Are you retarded lol why do you need someone to teach you how to tie your shoes?

>> No.23419772

I don’t want to manifest watching, I don’t want to manifest hearing her with another man, I am paranoid of this

>> No.23419797

yes, yes I am. Your point?

>> No.23419818

My mom's a crazy autist so she told me and left me in the hospital. Pretty shitty but her brain is legit wired weird so in retrospect I'm like I see why she wouldn't love me. She likes me now but that's mostly because I don't impact her doing whatever shit she's obsessed with currently

>> No.23419887

---- Solaria ----
Horizontal Tower

There's more to it than just the standard or prevailing sense of space
That makes for such a sweep of lawn that swifts

Can waltz its subtly hatched surface like aerial ballroom skaters
But a certain kind of casual neglect to men lame

In competence where love is concerned.

>> No.23419970

>---- Solaria ----
>Horizontal Tower
>There's more to it than just the standard or prevailing sense of space
I really like this start. The following lines are very obscure. Nice work.

>> No.23419975

Seeing girls wearing headphones and dancing to their music in public is one of the absolutely cutest things I've ever seen.

>> No.23419995

I was hanging out with a girl who would put Taylor swift on my car stereo, hunch over and then shake her shoulders. It was much less endearing.

>> No.23420003

lmao what

>> No.23420011


>> No.23420025

Cute in the sense that I wanna walk over, kiss them lovingly, fuck them well, and then cuddle them tight. Happy?

>> No.23420028


>> No.23420030

someone else make a new thread RRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.23420044


Don't worry, anon, you will find your dancing, finger-twirling to the sky, feet-shuffling side-to-side cutie someday. Girl was only okay but the dancing added another 2-3 points I swear.

>> No.23420051

Nah that shit won't happen dude. I'll be dead in a few years. Are you in your 20s? That must be where the delusion comes from

>> No.23420053

Never, though the love/hate thing has gone pretty far at times. There are times my father and I were furious with eachother, even though in the longest term we generally agreed about how to live, subjects of conversation, etc. As for my 4 siblings, things are a bit different, since they're all female, and not very good at talking shop about what they do for a living. My two youngest sisters are financial advisors who work in the North Loop. It's a fascinating subject, but as far as their talents for conversation go, they've nothing like his when it comes to subjects, whether that's vacuum metal deposition or why it is that early Stravinsky is 10X better than late. I seldom wonder what it would be like to have a brother, probably because like things as they are too much.

>> No.23420063

Lolol my dad is such a heartless piece of shit
Sounds like you had a pretty good family

>> No.23420064

Both of you need to go to a silent disco

>> No.23420074

That will never happen. I can think of few things in this world that fill me with more virulent rage than dancing. Words don't do it justice. The second anyone tries to make me start dancing, or I try to start dancing, I get this seething violent impulse surging throughout my being. When I see big groups of people dancing, I am reminded of the utter barbarity and stupidity of this disgusting species, and it makes me enraged. Dancing makes me physically sick, it makes me want to destroy existence.

>> No.23420089

29, I'm almost dead!

Gotta unlock your Dionysus spirit, anon.

Not my scene, but thanks for the suggestion.

Yes but it was my fault. Hopefully we can mend things in the future.

>> No.23420101

My "dionysus spirit" is mostly exhibited through rage, which I articulate through art. But dancing just makes me angry.

>> No.23420125


>> No.23420136


"Shake It" by Metro Station would also be applicable.

Sorry, I meant 'Dionysian spirit,' of course. And hmm fair enough, anon, to each his or her own.

>> No.23420138

I fucking hate that band yo
That entire era of pop punk

>> No.23420139

Sent an autistic message to my ex that I hungout with the other day, as I am invariably want to do at some point in a relationship, and she replied with a good response. God, she's so great.

>> No.23420141

I thought it would be this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4H5I6y1Qvz0
You just need to go to a bacchanal

>> No.23420143

I love 2000s pop punk like you wouldn't believe

>> No.23420144

You just haven't been baptized by life's reality yet. It'll happen.
People are wolverines. Disgusting creatures. You haven't

>> No.23420150

Been broken in yet
Let me recommend one of my favorite little ditty's
Now that, that I can dance to

>> No.23420151

Eh. Bacchanal is just banal. I can respect it a little more because it's honest. But it's honesty simply reveals what I've been alleging; humans are animals. I don't know that an orgy of delight would do much to change my point of view, it would probably just reinforce it.

>> No.23420154


>> No.23420160

I 'was' a drug addict for eleven years or so, believe me, I've seen some of the worst humanity has to offer, relative to first world, Western society living, obviously. Nowadays, instead I embrace the goodness in people and in the day-to-day minutiae of relations and interactions with them as well as the profound moments.

>> No.23420161

Man you really are some miserable cunt

>> No.23420163

No m8 a bacchanal is where wild drunken women try to tear you limb from limb. You don't need to be drunk or dance, but it helps if you bring a harp you don't want to play

>> No.23420166

Lol I did that not too long ago. I apologized for something I said many years ago. Her newfound beaux replied and threatened me and told me never to contact her again lmao. Hahaha life is so fucking bad.
Granted, the reason I was apologizing is because last time I spoke to her, she tried apologizing to me due to her newfound Christian faith, which I mocked and told her it's just a cloak she wears to avoid facing anything shes done with a sober and honest mind. To avoid taking responsibility.
So I guess I understand the irony and the deservedness. I'm a pretty horrible person

>> No.23420172

I know what bacchanal is. I was just reading a tome about the cult yesterday. It's a pretty odd synchronicity that you're bringing this up to me now, it was less than 24 hours ago I was reading about it.
I'm a realist

>> No.23420178

Meant for you

>> No.23420179

>I'm a realist
You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.23420182

>It's a pretty odd synchronicity that
Maybe it's the sign to join baader meinhof you've been waiting for. That's pretty close to a bacchanal, just older people now and more bisexual

>> No.23420187

You're not a realist, you're just a miserable cunt.

>> No.23420196

And what the fuck are you, o wise and enlightened Punisher? Get fuckin real

>> No.23420204

I am not a miserable cunt.

>> No.23420216

We had a lot of conversations in cars when I was driving. He could be great fun especially when gossiping about the people and general goings on in the corporation he worked for, as much as an in-house consultant as a middle manager. At home we developed our separate territories, and with astonishing considerateness on his part despite that he made doctor/lawyer kind of money, without ever working more than 45 hours a week, even while on business travels to the Coasts. One of my favorite stories he told me about himself is that he was offered a job at Johnson Wax, in which he would have had an office in the upper concourse of Wright's building, but turned it down only because he didn't want to live in a town ugly as Racine.

>> No.23420225

Could have fooled me. You don't think I recognize a Brother when I see one? You hate me because I'm your mirror. Embrace what you are.
Yes, that is nice. Nobody's perfect but it sounds like he did his best to love you.

>> No.23420760

That which is written on you're gravestone isn't that which was lived. Be kind. Those that experienced your lifeblood aren't dust yet.

>> No.23420807

Why is it unreasonable to kill you’ve made mistakes in your life and are disappointed with what’s become of it and/or what it looks like is going to become of it?

This is a serious question btw. Looking for legit arguments.

>> No.23420816

Because you take on the burden you've made for yourself. You don't have a window onto others unmarked by whichever shit you've smeared over it.