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/lit/ - Literature

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23410774 No.23410774 [Reply] [Original]

Fall of Jerusalem Edition

>τὸ πρότερον νῆμα·

NOTE: replace ' dot ' with an actual dot to access the links below
>Μέγα τὸ Ἑλληνιστί/Ῥωμαϊστί·
https://mega dot nz/folder/FHdXFZ4A#mWgaKv4SeG-2Rx7iMZ6EKw

First rule of /clg/:
This is a space dedicated to the discussion and learning of the languages studied for a Classical Philology degree in the US, UK, and its Commonwealth. Kindly keep comments on-topic and about Greek and Latin only. If you would like to discuss other languages with significant to literary traditions, you are free to do so in your own thread.

Feel free to write your thoughts/stories/etc... in your target language.

>> No.23410800

>This is a space dedicated to the discussion and learning of the languages studied for a Classical Philology degree in the US, UK, and its Commonwealth.
>Hellenistic koinefags BTFO
>Late Antique Latinfags BTFO

>> No.23410887 [DELETED] 

What are some classics about how Jews lie and subvert cultures?

>> No.23411034

Ignore the other troll thread.

>> No.23411105

Is there a Latin book about Hitler?

>> No.23411366

anyone here tried learning proto sino-tibetian?
i was also thinking of learning pre semetic hebrew

>> No.23411847

Just read Mein Kampf in Latin. I’m sure there’s a translation somewhere.

>> No.23411849

cool c;

Ilyily <33333

: D

>> No.23412079

I need books on the Jews and why they lie. I'm trying to understand something.

>> No.23412262

Thanks for making the correct thread, OP. It's been really difficult with all the trolls lately. Hopefully we can get back on track.
What's the best android app for learning lots of Latin vocabulary very fast? Preferably with Ecclesiastical audio

>> No.23412290


>> No.23412671

Get rid of the fake troll /clg/!

>> No.23412684

You see anon, I kind of agree that classics *is* Latin and Greek. But when you add than Anglo crap about the commonwealth, I can only despise you.

>> No.23412702

It's almost as if the successors to the Greek and Latin tradition have to band together against the foreign hordes, regardless of allegiance

>> No.23412743

how to say poop latine?

poop (Lat.), ποος (Grk.), पुप (Skt.)

>> No.23412757

>पुप (Skt.)

>> No.23412769


>> No.23412814
