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23410765 No.23410765 [Reply] [Original]

>The future you isn't really 'you', because, you know, your cells are different or you might have different opinions and stuff, so therefore rational self-interest doesn't make any sense and you must be a collectivist (read: communist). I'm a liberal btw.

Genuinely shocking that this is taken as a real argument.

Why is philosophy so utterly devoid of substance now?

>> No.23410768

Who makes this argument?

>> No.23410772
File: 201 KB, 480x652, Derek_Parfit_at_Harvard-April_21,_2015-Effective_Altruism_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derek Parfit

>> No.23410779

Oh true. Parfits theory of identity.
But, is he a communist?

>> No.23410782

I look like this and say this.

>> No.23410785

Communism is a wholly externalized concept for the modern Anglophone philosophical discourse - nobody is a communist period, but everyone refers to it or compares things to it, or generally uses it as a tool.

>> No.23410786

Strange. I never got a tattoo because I could envision my future me's regret, annoyance, wincing displeasure....
What's posited is an incredibly lame materialist argument of what essentially concerns language. Once, Heraclitus dipped his toes into a river and wrote a poem; now, one has himself become that river, a poem sans language, blah blah blah--or, rather--babble, babble, babble

>> No.23410790
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Ah, I see...

>> No.23411143

>Strange. I never got a tattoo because I could envision my future me's regret, annoyance, wincing displeasure...
I didn't fuck your mom because I could envision your father's future regret, annoyance, wincing displeasure.

Therefore I am your father.

>> No.23411184
File: 75 KB, 566x800, dbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Valid argument but I want to be altruistic to my future self and not to some arabs that are in my collective

>> No.23411198

For academics, communism = mandatory donations to NGOs.

>> No.23411260

The laws the leftodds have fought over to be implemented during the last 100 years to beat capitalism have brought us to the most dystopical form of capitalism ever, worse than Marx himself could have ever imagined. A society of all sorts of ethnicities and cultures, with no roof culture other than capitalism, stripped together not because they have the same ethnicity, the same values, the only thing that keeps this society together is capitalism and monetary interest. You have nothing in common with the Indian that lives next door, you just accept him because he pays rent and works for capitalism every single day and consumes products like a good little goy. It doesn't matter what values he believes in, what matters is that he doesn't question capital, and that he blindly believes and obeys the system. Never has the bar been set lower, and if you behave like a good little goy, not even becoming the CEO of an enterprise will stop anyone as long as he does not think independently but that he obeys everything. The so-called masters are no longer the creators of the system, but it's servants. In any way that's your best possible option because getting into a position where you can pretend to have any power over anything is only possible if you don't use that power, positively or negatively. If you are a Mexican that seeks a lot of material wealth, the current system is great. If you are a local of old European blood, that still remembers a chunk of the old culture of the West, before the capitalism, who thinks independently, who wants to be a freeman and not a work ant, the current system will keep you out of it in the lowest conceivable positions. Can you imagine a smug Jefferson holding any position of power in this day? They still exist, the Washingtons, the Caesars of our day. Some went to university and became good guys in the outward without being good goys in the inward, because they still believe the system benefits them, because they have never been red-pilled. Others, full of Aryan vigour, have joined the military to fight in wars that serve the benefit of capital. Most of them however, and especially the red-pilled ones, live and work in the most unfortunate positions. The plebs have become the middle and upper class, and the upper class has fallen to the rank of plebs. It is doubtful however, as long as the Aryan species does not go extinct, that most of them will tolerate this condition any longer. Gone to other countries, or jealously labouring on their happily acquired farms and real estates, without contributing much the larger whole of society, and working towards it's destruction, the system will fall.

>> No.23411330

The laws the leftodds have fought over to be implemented during the last 100 years to beat capitalism have brought us to the most dystopical form of capitalism ever, worse than Marx himself could have ever imagined
Lenin literally wrote about this.

>> No.23411435

During the times of Lenin most capitalist countries were largely homogenical, not only that, people within a certain community shared their values. This is no longer the case today. Everyone has his own special ethnicity, his own special sexuality, his own special gender etc. etc. and no one shares anything in common with someone else except being a normie 'goodgoy' slopsumer workdrone.

>> No.23411517

Kek. You didn't 'fuck' my moms because you're a racist faggot, anon: the whole world knows this-- 'therefore' fill in the blank, who cares? It's 2024!

>> No.23411713
File: 10 KB, 315x499, kolak i am you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daniel Kolak, Andrés Gómez Emilsson, and Mario Montano are a few


>> No.23413132

>During the times of Lenin most capitalist countries were largely homogenical
Norf, Souf, RP, Cornwall, Internal Irish, External Irish, Orangemen, Scots, High Land Scots, Gibraltans, Maltese, Jerseymen, Gurnseymen, Mannmen. Then there's the empire.

>> No.23413156

The future me isn't really 'me' so I must act in 'my' own self interest and procure resources, vitamins, nutrients, physical activity, spiritual study, and mental exercise to ensure 'my' future well-being.

>> No.23413429

This retard literally thinks having an Indian neighbor is far worse than working in a 19th century coal mining company town. The absolute state of right wingers.

>> No.23413959 [DELETED] 

>During the times of Lenin most capitalist countries were largely homogenical
Irrelevant to the point. Which was that it's been more than a century since vanguardists aggressively screaming about how lefties who wish to bargain with the capitalists are conduits for the most oppressive, dysfunctional, stagnant and monstrous form of capitalism, which instead of growing a "human face" retains the class structure and only reinforces it by commodifying the "egalitarian" efforts of social democrats, with every single concept and practice aimed at ameliorating the exploitative nature of capitalism ends up becoming a tool for control and alienation of the proles that they were meant to protect. You want trade unions? Those collude with the corpos and deliver you the great news that those union fees they paid earned you a second piss bottle for you workplace and extra 500 hours of sensitivity training for everyone. You want niggers to be treated like people? Here are your #BLM products made specifically for filthy niggers and affirmative action. You want faggots to not be discriminated against? We've thoroughly worked out faggots as a target demographic so our slop is now rainbow plastered and you will not interfere with a homosexual's inalienable right to consoom it .

So all we gain is more intrusion of capital into human life and we also lose the unquestionable efficiency of cutthroat free market in the process as well. It's not capital's worst qualities being bargained away - it's the best qualities (growth and competition) being traded away for more control and entrenched stability, which is why the capital agrees to the deal in the first place - none of socdem bullshit "defangs" it, instead it only serves to make the existing capital impervious to loss through the same free market principles that produced it, and so the violent and aggressive but fluid and efficient market capitalism evolves into entrenched and stagnant imperialism under the guise of "treating people better".

Stopped clock or not, but the baldie was right on money with that part.

>> No.23413966

>During the times of Lenin most capitalist countries were largely homogenical
Irrelevant to the point. Which was that it's been more than a century since vanguardists were nonstop screaming about how lefties who wish to bargain with the capitalists are conduits for the most oppressive, dysfunctional, stagnant and monstrous form of capitalism. Instead of growing a "human face" it retains the class structure and only reinforces it by commodifying the "egalitarian" efforts of social democrats. Every single concept and practice aimed at ameliorating the exploitative nature of capitalism ends up becoming a tool for control and alienation of the proles that they were meant to protect.

You want trade unions? Those collude with the suits and deliver you the great news that those union fees they paid earned you a second piss bottle for you workplace and extra 500 hours of sensitivity training for everyone. You want filthy niggers to be treated like people? Here are your #BLM products made specifically for filthy niggers and affirmative action, so that they can remain filthy niggers forever. You want faggots to not be discriminated against? We've thoroughly worked out faggots as a target demographic so our slop is now rainbow plastered and you will not interfere with a homosexual's inalienable right to consoom it .

So all we gain is more intrusion of capital into human life and we also lose the unquestionable efficiency of cutthroat free market in the process as well. It's not capital's worst qualities being bargained away - it's the best qualities (growth and competition) being traded away for more control and entrenched stability, which is why the capital agrees to the deal in the first place - none of socdem bullshit "defangs" it, instead it only serves to make the existing capital impervious to loss through the same free market principles that produced it, and so the violent and aggressive but fluid and efficient market capitalism evolves into entrenched and stagnant imperialism under the guise of "treating people better".

Stopped clock or not, but the baldie was right on money with that part.

>> No.23413973

>19th century coal mining company town

>XXI Century Amazon® Hub™ Dormitory

>> No.23413976
File: 37 KB, 400x420, let's poo boys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rather work 24 hours a day that be neighbor with an indian.

>> No.23414015

Not disagreeing but are you a paki by any chance?

>> No.23414023

No, I can't differentiate a paki from an indian.

>> No.23414042

Ok I believe you.