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File: 706 KB, 1536x2048, david foster wallace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23408313 No.23408313 [Reply] [Original]

20 year old Art Hoe pussy can't be THAT good. Why do so many writers ruin their reputation by chasing after it?

>> No.23408324

Not that you'd understand, but most of us are just desperately trying to get back that one 20-something-year old art hoe pussy we loved.

>> No.23408334

This, also just searching for the missing piece of the puzzle that said arthoe/twink was. It feels like a meditation retreat if you get it good after lonely turbulation.

t winkchaser

>> No.23408343

Hope it works out for you brother.

>> No.23408440

get tested for hiv

>> No.23408610

>t. never had a taste of primo arthoe snatch

>> No.23409046

WTF why does he look like a normal human being in that image? Did the weed and student pussy corrupt his mind that much to the point where it permanently showed in his appearance?

>> No.23409348

yes. he was addicted to arthoe pussy and it drained his soul. many such cases

>> No.23409362

Pussy in general can make a man crazy. I’m broke as fuck but I waste money on escorts. Had one doing a rimjob on me last week. I was basically sitting on her face.

I hate myself.

>> No.23409453

Why is the bottom half of his face so repulsive? It almost looks like they pasted two different faces together.

>> No.23409515

bad mouth posture in youth

>> No.23409522

He was dumb enough to take psych meds and it broke his brain

>> No.23409527

post some arthoes pls so I know what you guys are talking about

>> No.23409564

It’s pretty good for a one night stand. Here’s some advice though:
1. Use a fake name. If you get any kind of notoriety/status/money in your life these chicks will claim you did all kinds of shit for some money and clout.
2. Use a condom. These chicks use their pussies like a clown car.
3. Use a burner phone, fake Snapchat, etc. so you can fully and cleanly break from them when you’re done. Again, if you start doing well they will find you and try to ruin your life. Even if they act cool, even if they seem different, keep them at arm’s length.

>> No.23409960

Bro 20 year old Art Hoe pussy is literally more important than meaning of life. That is literally water

>> No.23410024
File: 271 KB, 1080x1350, 1557719711385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Anon, let's skip today's Metaphysics lecture and spend the day in earnest conversation at the local hipster cafe with our large boisterous friend group, spend the afternoon perusing the city's museums and parks, catch that film at the indie cinema, spend a few hours writing the essays for our enjoyable college majors, and spend the night passionately fucking."

>> No.23410037
File: 22 KB, 694x480, 1702101101957558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got nothing against Jason Seagull but the Goose would've made such a good DFW
Then it could've really been literally me

>> No.23410040
File: 225 KB, 769x1164, qeJWZJq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good enough to get institutionalized over, evidently.

>> No.23410065

I've read posts on here that mimicked DFW's voice better than this.

>> No.23410066


>> No.23410105
File: 79 KB, 1131x652, FAS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is the bottom half of his face so repulsive?

Undeveloped jaw and narrow palate. Large philitrum distance between septum and upper lip is simian. Aggressively forward Wolfman hairline + additional two inch or more offset exaggerate the arrow/shovel face effect. Induces an effete pout exaggerating the effect further.

>> No.23411044

Arthoe pussy is too good. I can't blame them.

>> No.23411208

>Undeveloped jaw
You call that fucking lantern jaw underdeveloped?

>> No.23411225

It somehow looks like he has no lower lip. Why?

>> No.23411574

Fuck I miss her. Thanks anon, gonna go wallow in self-pity and jerk off to decade old memories.

>> No.23411581

He's so right.

>> No.23411589
File: 152 KB, 680x626, 022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t winkchaser
Turbobased and a true connosieur of the /lit/erate spirit

>> No.23411624

there are still idiots on here who keep falling for it though (even itt). of course to know it wasn't written by dfw you'd have to actually have read him. and for most people on /lit the act of reading is a pretty high bar.

>> No.23411686

What arthoe pussy does to a nigga. Worse than any weed and cocaine he took.

>> No.23411700

did he have bpd?

>> No.23412057

NPD probably

>> No.23412144

>there are still idiots on here who keep falling for it though

Wow, you called it: >>23411581 >>23411700

>> No.23412217

npds do not experience psychotic breaks so no

>> No.23412225

I don't think they're that stupid, just trolling for (you)'s

>> No.23412275

Do people really do that or is it just a meme? The local arts university was mostly just regular people who were better read, and the men wore scarves that's about it.

>> No.23412311

he probably had a mix of bpad and npd to be honest.

>> No.23412337

hiv doesnt exist, what kills you are the "meds" (((they))) give you for it

>> No.23412383

Where is it from then? It looks official.

>> No.23412418

People with BPD typically can't hold a job with probably half or more being unemployed. DFW was too stable, though obviously insanely neurotic, to have BPD. Where do you hear that DFW had a psychotic break?

>> No.23412535


art hoes are never as attractive as in the pic obviously. they are more like 5-7, topping out at 8. the art twinks likewise are never going to be as attractive as the athletes and narcissists, so yes it's just a meme

>half or more

that still leaves the other half innit?

>> No.23412559

He was having constant psychotic breaks in his 20 at least according to something his sister or parents wrote. He would travel back home every few years or so.

>> No.23412949

They used to, but mostly in Europe
Also after the smartphones everybody is just playing with their phones and even if it would be fun it ain't

>> No.23414364

Bpd is not always present. It rears its head mostly in times of stress. The rest of the time a person could lead a normal life doing what they love. Also, people with npd are not as self aware as he seems. His books would read like a donald trump memoir if he was even more slightly vain than he appears.

>> No.23414427

Ten years later she has morphed into the babushka behind her.

Manic Pixie Dream Girl will write pretentious poetry, sleep around, claim her brother fucked her, warn all the guys lusting after her perfect tits that vibrate when flicked that she is broken, then destroy them when they fall for her. She will break up her parents marriage. She will gain a full scholarship ride and then lose it because she spends 12 hours a day gaming. She will take a ticket to America from an online simp, use it to shack up with a different simp, convince him to drop out of uni in his final year to follow her home, where she will marry him, only to a) hook up with an ex straight away, b) declare herself a lesbian and not give him any pussy c) kick him out and file for divorce a week before he qualifies for citizenship by marriage, sending him home with no degree and no career. She will then enroll in law school and tell all her friends she doesn't need to know them anymore as she has better lawyer friends.
MPDG is better off as a memory. MPDGWAK is better off in a padded cell.

t.The guy who listened and refused to marry her. They were perfect tits though.

>> No.23414436

He looks like Klaus Schwab's Hapsburg jawed wife managed to spit out a baby.

>> No.23414440

he has a large chin but small jaw

>> No.23414444

I'll have you know I religiously read at least 100 pages of smut on Literotica each night. How do you like them apples?

>> No.23414471

I went to a poetry and music night for actual inner city arts college art hoes to present their works.100% ugly people, some with a little talent, others just perverts looking for an audience. The guy reading his poem about a father brutally raping his daughter kept windmilling his arm, presumably to keep it off his penis.
Trustafarian women with good genetics selected though generations of money are different. Often they are just attending college to put off being an adult, to tick a necessary social box and find a husband of the right wealth and social standing. Art Hoeing is their version of the Amish Rumspringa, clocking up a few bad girl memories before becoming a society matron. Its also advertising their desirability to potential husbands.

>> No.23414502

atheist are sex addicts

>> No.23414591

This proves that if you aren't on a black or death metal band you have absolute no benefits of having long hair as a man.

>> No.23414605

did you kiss her?

>> No.23415117

what do you call this type of facial/jaw structure. it has the appearance of an underbite but there's something more to it, something simian and chimpish. it's a fairly common one there has to be a term for it.

>> No.23415129


>> No.23415306

I think dfw would have been an even better writer if he had started his degree on philosophy or finished the graduate one he was pursuing b4 his mental breakdown.

>> No.23415325


>> No.23415374

Truly, nothing is more /lit/ than secretly assfucking a foppish, dandy twink in the library at Cambridge or Eton in late 19th century England.

>> No.23415630

that's the best story I've read this week. You have an agent?

>> No.23415634


>> No.23415835

Based whoremaxxer
I tried fucking a GILF once
One just showed up (false advert) and I was like ehh OK a hole is a hole
It was gross. I got a much better one the next day.
Overall I recommend whoremaxxing

>> No.23415950

Chasing pussy is bad because it is dehumanization training for your brain. Sex isn't necessarily bad, if both people are aware enough and detached enough to realize what they're doing, that it is just a biological exchange of sensation. But it invites all types of potential scandal into your life, people lie, people can turn on you, etc. Thats just the reputational repercussions and they don't always happen, you just increase your odds.
The real damage comes in when you're "chasing pussy," becoming a player. I mean, look at the phrasing. You're not "chasing women," you're "chasing *pussy.*" the dehumanization is subtle but has already begun. She is no longer a person, or let alone a woman, she is "pussy." Your incentives towards other people have become perverse and calculating, and now even if you fool yourself jnto thinking you mean no harm, you are no longer recognizing a person when you interact with women.
The end product of dehumanization processes is that they come for you. Eventually, you will wake up or have some moment of clarity, where the way you've been viewing others becomes clear, and that in your lack of recognition of their humanity, a part of you has become inhuman.

We all have sex, once in a while. Keep it in check. You don't have to become a rapist or do something illegal for sex-chasing to corrupt your soul.

>> No.23416021
File: 1.93 MB, 3248x4747, 1708734099558827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off hole I have to beat my PR and ponder in between sets