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23404496 No.23404496 [Reply] [Original]

It cost me 3 hours to read 100 pages of a book. Give it to me straight, am I retarded?

>> No.23404502
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That's the time it takes for me to read 25 pages...

>> No.23404519

nigga it take me about an hour to read a chapter. Who cares. You’re not in a competition with anyone. There’s nothing wrong with being a slow reader. Go at your own pace! Have fun!

>> No.23404566

Slow down

>> No.23404629

Did you understand what you read? Then no, you're not retarded. Speed is no measure of intelligence. Sometimes, too much speed means too much ego.

>> No.23404638

What were you reading? As far as I’m concerned, reading speed really depends on the book. I blitzed through Moby Dick in a couple weeks, The Idiot took me over a month, even though both are somewhat comparable when it comes to page count.

>> No.23404674

This, there are books with extremely dense prose and huge paragraphs, and there are books that are so engaging and well flowing that it can be read in a few days.
It doesn't matter how fast you read the book, just fucking read it.

>> No.23404737

This is cope. Intelligence is the speed at which you can process information.

>> No.23404768

>This is cope
This is cope

>> No.23404772

No, an unintelligent computer can do that better than you or I can.

>> No.23404804

>tfw have started brothers karamazov 3 times and given up 3 times.
help me /lit/

>> No.23404846

No. Processing speed is only a small component of intelligence. You are dumb.

>> No.23404900

> you read a book in 1 day
> I read a book in 2 days
> we can both have a meaningful discussion of the contents
Who cares?

>> No.23404911

Just take it easy, it's not a race. Internalize what you read, think about the dialogues and imagine the scenarios.

>> No.23405013
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>Give it to me straight, am I retarded?

Being retarded is more to do with a lack of retention or understanding, see pic related.
If you take 1 month to read a book, but remember basically everything about it, you're infinitely smarter than a person who reads 4 in the same amount of time and remembers nothing.

>> No.23405268

It depends, what was the book? Was it genre fiction? Greek philosophy? Maths textbook?

>> No.23405303

bro it takes me 100000000000 years to read one word........... dont worry man........................

>> No.23405603

Why read it if you're not interested? If it's not good enough for you to keep going, then why waste your time unless it's for a school assignment? I promise you, nobody on planet earth will care that you read any specific book. It will not get you laid. Nobody will think you're cool for reading it.

>> No.23405613

Intelligence is like CPU of computer.

>> No.23405650

I think most people read for more than just frictionless enjoyment or social status

>> No.23405660

Sometimes it takes me a week to read 25

>> No.23405890

i am interested in reading it. i want to read it. i dont need pussy. i dont give a shit if people think i look cool. i am not 16. thank you for your assumptions and projections tho.

>> No.23405958

But if it's that boring to you that you give up reading it 3 times, then what's your reason for "wanting" to read it?

>> No.23406001
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>If you take 1 month to read a book, but remember basically everything about it, you're infinitely smarter than a person who reads 4 in the same amount of time and remembers nothing.
Is memory all there is to intelligence? I can write a short essay on the book I was reading I'm, hell I recount my 25 mile commute. Yet I don't think I'm all that smart, more of a good listener type
>60*3 = 180
>100/180 = 5/9
>rounding down to 5/10 cause I don't care = .5
That's a page every two minute. That's not bad at all.
The trick is really keeping a good pace and reading diverse stuff. Also your book might be thick, meaning that a page there is not equal to a page of a pocket bible like picrel in terms of page count

>> No.23406016

Nta but there are some books that you feel you NEED to read. There are books that make you a better person or have an understanding of something that is important to you

>> No.23406037

ironically yes, you seem genuinely retarded for making this thread, no matter how you try to spin it

>> No.23406187

holy fuck it isn't that its boring its that its so dense and dialogue heavy. i just said i was interested in it meaning, i find interest meaning i dont find it boring. jesus fucking christ. why does it matter to you so much.

>> No.23406231

Why you haf to be mad?

>> No.23406274

More haste less speed

>> No.23406282

What was the book

>> No.23406313

Maybe you're actually just a retard, anon.

>> No.23406327
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No. My gf reads literally a page every 2 minutes but she can recall passages of books she read years ago with insane accuracy and detail and can even recite passages she’s only read once. Sometimes it’s better to go slow.

>> No.23406417

what book? if it's henry james, that's probably not that bad. if it's hemmingway, yeah ur a lil tarded bro.

>> No.23406421

Consciousness is not intelligence. Actual morons.

>> No.23406624

Who fucking cares if you're retarded? Just enjoy reading for the sake of it without these dumb fucking notions of comparing yourself to some faceless nobody on the internet who speedreads. As long as you comprehend what you've read and are able to put it to some sort of use in your soul, then who the fuck cares about anything else?

>> No.23406652


All these anons get it, as long as you can remember waht you read, and are capable of analyzing it at a deeper level rather than just passively consuming not even remembering what you read a few chapters ago, then it's perfectly fine, I can probably read a page every minute or minute and a half, but I barely remember the shit I read so I have to consciously slow down and make ana attempt to understand its relevance to the plot/themes of the novel by taking notes every chapter/half chapter.

>> No.23406878

This except it takes me a month and I will not be able to have any conversations about the book

>> No.23406889

Were you reading fiction or non-fiction?
If non-fiction, then absolutely not; that's actually pretty good time.

>> No.23406906

Are you guys serious? I don’t think I can read that fast but depending on the font size I can read about a page a minute and retain the information.

>> No.23407291

>Read big history book (1000+ pages)
>40 pages per hour
>look up comfy interesting bits on wiki
>wade through hyperlinks
It's just comfy

>> No.23407346

Lawfag here, reading quickly won't make you remember shit.
All the people I know who read the fastest aren't necessarily smarter, they just parse the information they need quickly, which makes sense when you're reading law texts, but not with literature.
Take your damn time.

>> No.23407471

I like to read like 3-4 pages and then take 20 minutes just sitting with it. My reading speed is good but this is what helps me thoroughly understand a book.

>> No.23407474

Intelligence is memory processing. What you make of memories is your intelligent basically. Another way of thinking about it is our brain's power to find patterns from even the subtlest of things

>> No.23407572

Typical midwit, reducing every complex concept to a single component. Intelligence is comprised of many components, and there are many permutations of those components that would constitute intelligence.
Normally when you make a definitive statement like you did, you should first try to think of counter examples that contradict your statement. You couldn't even do that at the most elementary level of scrutiny. Chimpanzees can process and remember patterns far, far faster than humans. Therefore, according to your own vapid argument, chimpanzees are far, far more intelligent than humans.

>> No.23407580

It took me weeks to read through one Rupi Kaur book. It's dificult but once you understand it it's so worth it.

>> No.23407592

When I was manic I could go through 700 pages of a dense book overnight and would discuss the book manically and was able to remember everything perfectly, able to cite exact page/paragraph numbers when relevant.

>> No.23407599

> person who has zero idea what a cpu does

The cpu executes a series of preprogrammed, simple actions. That’s it. Would you say the wage slave in the factory who stands at a conveyor belt and does the exact same thing for 8 hrs a day has high intelligence?

>> No.23407979

Behold, the smartest man on earth

>> No.23408257

> Rupi Kaur
> "dificult"
Bait used to be believable, now its just an attention-seeking typo.

>> No.23408608

You just sound jealous like you can't enjoy nice things

>> No.23410133

You're doing well.

>> No.23410550

How do I induce this? Need it for Critique of pure reason

>> No.23410886

I've been doing a re-read of Modern Philosophy this last week. Reading 70 pages of the Cartesian Meditations took me (being it a re-read) 7 hours roughly.
Now that I'm with Spinoza's Ethics, reading the same amount of pages took me less than an hour. In the past, it was the absolute opposite for me: just reading the first book of the Ethics took me several days of deep work, marking down and trying to map most of definitions, axioms and propositions; while reading the Meditations took me 2 hours of not-that-much effort.

What I'm trying to say is that there is no-specific book that you will read faster or slower than others, because there is nothing of value that you can get by reading a book that comes from reading it quickly or slowly. It is something else, and in many cases it comes from reading it slowly, because it facilitates:
- Critical thinking
- Pattern recognition
- Memorising

And in specific cases, and more importantly:
- "Making sense" or comprehending a "way-of-living".

>> No.23410944

Information processing speed is a proxy for g. You are the actual midwit.

>> No.23411171

So it is a component, but not one that comprehensively encapsulates intelligence as a whole. Fucking lol, somehow everything goes right over your head. Stop embarrassing yourself. There is nothing you can say that will immunize your vapid argument against the chimpanzee counter example. Unless you genuinely believe that chimps are smarter than humans, which may be true in your case.

>> No.23411719

yes lole