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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 22 KB, 300x400, vsistack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2340043 No.2340043 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else absolutely love the "A Very Short Introduction" series?


I've read Anarchism, Ethics, Fascism, Feminism, Foucault, Human Evolution, Myth, Philosophy, Postmodernism, Psychiatry, and Socialism from the series so far. I'll probably read Relativity or Renaissance Art next.

Of those, the topics I already knew a bit about were anarchism, feminism, philosophy, and socialism. The information about those topics was solid, and I learned a bit about each that I didn't already know, even though these are supposedly "very short introductions."

I seriously recommend these books. You can probably get most of them on Megauplohwait... via torrent or whatever else.

>> No.2340049

Are they better than wikipedia

>> No.2340060

They're published by Oxford.

Downside: They can't protest SOPA and PIPA.

>> No.2340137
File: 236 KB, 405x544, bpeters_cf_aps_bumper6_12x16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loved AVSI: Anarchism and Tocqueville.
I've been thinking of picking some other topics form the library someday.

>> No.2340916


how biased is it?

>> No.2340936

How biased is this post?

The author is Dr Kevin Passmore of Cardiff

>> No.2340944

I bought economics and i'm reading it shortly. It looks good, i'm pretty sure i'll check out some other ones too.

>> No.2340950

ahhhhh I love these. I have like 30 of them - they make a shelf in my book case look like an abstract painting.

>> No.2340961

I've read a couple, wasn't particularly impressed.

>> No.2340967

they're good. I've got architecture and short answers to very big questions.
I like them. They don't pretend to be anything other than that which they are. Very good if you want to find out about a subject without having to read heavy volumes. Then you can decide if you want to find out more for yourself

>> No.2340998

I read the one on The French Revolution. I plan to read more. I also appreciate the very good "Further Reading" section the always have in the back.

>> No.2341074

did they point out that fascism is the optimal form of government?

>> No.2341096

I own philosophy and the one about Maquis De Sade. The Sade one was far more interesting, the philosophy one i havent read fully, but it began blandly.

>> No.2341100

I torrented the set with about 160 of them.

Looks like a lot of interesting stuff, and I definitely have high hopes. Might buy some if I like them, since they seem so cheap.

>> No.2341118
File: 45 KB, 650x500, 1327011977852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hadn't heard of these. They look great. Gonna torrent. Thanks OP, actually quite a useful thread.


>> No.2341127

I read Philosophy, Ethics, Sikhism, Anarchism and The Elements. Mostly good stuff.

>> No.2341167

I'm interested in like these books but I don't think my English as good as to read these books. My english level is indermetiate or upper intermediate in some tests. Do you think should I read?

>> No.2341182

Judging by your post, not yet.
Although trying couldn't hurt.

>> No.2341198

The only one I've gotten so far is Memory, pretty good. This is the only series I'd consider torrenting. I don't really enjoy reading books on a screen, and as well, there are so many that if I bought all the ones I wanted to read, I'd be out of money fairly quickly.

>> No.2341208

Anybody has a torrent? I can't find those where I live.

>> No.2341216


>> No.2341864


>> No.2341867


I giggled even though I like DFW.Deal with it /lit/fags.

>> No.2342014

Never heard of these before; there's a similar though shitty series sold in most Barnes & Nobles.

>> No.2342018

I've only read a couple but from what I've seen they're generally very, very good for their intended purpose


>> No.2342043

That's subjective. But I felt it was pretty unbiased. It just told the history, where fascism originated, what fascists actually believe, etc.

>> No.2342079

the one on islam is pretty bad

it starts with a close reading of the opening sura of the koran, that should tell you enough to know its bad scholarship

>> No.2342346

No, it's not enough. Care to explain?

>> No.2342393

I haven't read any of them in that format, but Roger Scruton's "Beauty" was reprinted in that series, and it's quite good.

>> No.2342414

it doesn't say there all evil terrists who want to take our freedom so it's bad scholarship

>> No.2342416

*are freedom

>> No.2342441

A few years ago I was bored at the college bookstore between classes so I bought the Nothing introduction for $10. It seemed really interesting, but I've yet to finish it...Gonna look for a torrent though, hopefully they're in epub.

>> No.2342443

What's an interesting art movement to read about?

>> No.2342468

Goddammit all the collections I find are in pdf. WHY!? I want to be able to read on my ereader. Anyone know where I can find them in epub, mobi, or html?

>> No.2342571


>> No.2342575


>> No.2342587


Thank me later, /lit/, it's legit as the shit.

>> No.2342589

I study in Oxford and these little niglets are sold everywhere. I borrowed one about Russian literature from a friend once and was not particularly impressed.

>> No.2342592

I love you so fucking muck

>> No.2342601

I know but whenever I convert automatically there are random line spacings between words and weird stuff. I'd convert it manually but when I copy the text from the pdf none of the line spacings are copied which means I would have to read the whole book to know when to start a new paragraph just to make a proper epub. Goddamn pdf should carry over line spacing when you copy the text.

>> No.2342603
File: 497 KB, 500x281, watch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's because you study at Oxford. You are getting the Very Long Introduction series.

>> No.2342606

Are they better or worse than teaching company lectures

>> No.2342609

Less boring than most lectures.

>> No.2342617

Yes, i love them as well. Having read a couple of them. I plan on reading more of them in the future. For those interested, there is a torrent with them. http://torrentz.eu/670c0dd5d40bb3e33ca082f2c1bf1ef290eafbdc

>> No.2342635
File: 53 KB, 960x540, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When will everyone move onto glorious epub or html?

>> No.2342639

as long as i get it, i don't care

>> No.2342645

HTML is best. All details and can easily be converted to anything else. Theres no reason to use adobe's whore child, really.

>> No.2342706

>More shitposting from the tripfag

Thanks, OP.

>> No.2342758

>Very short

How about some lectures? I don't see this on /lit/ very often. The last time I did, I wasn't able to save any of the links or torrent files as I was on another computer.
One big torrent of them would be great.

>> No.2342790

Classes on mp3. Teaching Company Courses

Classics of American Literature

Classics of British Literature
[X] http://www.mediafire.com/?i9pgq7tmviv9xda

Classic Novels - Meeting the Challenge of Great Literature

Great Authors of the Western Literary Tradition

History of World Literature

Literary Modernism

Masterworks of Early 20th Century Literature

Science Fiction - The Literature of Technological Imagination

The English Novel

Understanding Literature, Life and Drama.rar

Analysis and Critique - How to Engage and Write about Anything
[X] http://www.mediafire.com/?3yxq9t22f1zczgl

How to Read and Why - Harold Bloom

Giants of Philosophy
1. Not a trip
2. He was probably a fascist. Dumbest people next to Christfags

>> No.2342793

>posting megaupload links

oh u

>> No.2342796


Why would anyone use lectures instead of reading material? Reading is much faster than listening. Well, perhaps except for the blind, then lectures are understandable.


PDFs work best on my computers. I prefer to download them rather than to have to download EPUB or whatever and then convert them. I don't use an ebook reader. Why would I prefer EPUB/HTML etc.?

>> No.2342800
File: 282 KB, 1280x1024, My-R-L-Stine-s-collection-goosebumps-9096950-1280-1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a stack of Goosebumps, OP?

>> No.2342802

Ah yes. Very sad I didn't get those first. Not a total loss though.
The rest from that thread.

UC Berkeley podcasts a few Japanese Literature courses.

Great Minds of the Eastern Intellectual Tradition

Twentieth Century American Fiction

The Skeptic_s Guide to the Great Books

----Some sites----




>Ancient/historic texts


>Religious tracts; grimoires

>Welsh texts with English translations


>Australian scans



>Scans of illuminated texts

>Ancient Greek texts

>Occult texts (of varying quality)

>Public domain audiobooks (read by volunteers; obviously also of varying quality)

>> No.2342808

You don't have to convert epubs to read them on a computer, just download an epub reader. pdfs are basically impossible on ebook readers unless you have a huge one.

>> No.2342813

>2. He was probably a fascist. Dumbest people next to Christfags

>Asserters gonna assert.

Prove it.

>> No.2342821

1. Fa
2. ⊢ ∃xFx

>> No.2342881

>1. Fa


>> No.2342940

chapter 1 Why migration matters

>historically migration has underpinned economic growth and
nation-building and enriched cultures. Migration also presents


>Implying the economic growth and "cultural enrichment" the author is talking about is interchangeable with contemporary immigration.

>Implying the immigration of today, importing millions of ethnically and culturally dissimilar peoples (as opposed to when immigration was restricted to Europeans only), is not inherently divisive, yet continued on the pretext that somehow people who differ so greatly and hold sentiments so completely in conflict with western values will enrich our culture.

I just read through Migrants in society.

>It is important to conclude this section with one final observation.
This is that there is often a gap between the findings of academic
research such as that cited here, and public and even political
International Migration
opinions. Even where research points unambiguously to the
conclusion that immigrants contribute to economic growth, do not
compete for jobs, do not lower wages for the native-born, and
represent good value in cost–benefit terms, this is not how they will
necessarily be viewed. In the USA and Europe there has
consistently found to have been a correlation between negative
public opinion on the scale of immigration and high unemployment
levels, even where no direct relationship between the two can be
established. Similarly in Malaysia and South Africa, for example,
immigration is regularly blamed for unemployment.

Dat bias. I suppose it wouldn't be published if it wasn't left-leaning.

>> No.2342968


Except if the reader supports re-flow for the PDF file. I'm not sure which of them support that.

I'm referring to the annoying formatting that results from reading EPUB files on the computer.

>> No.2342983

They look good, but they're expensive to be so small in size. However I will begin purchasing some, looks like a series I will want

>> No.2342987

ya, migration has usually accompanied the utter destruction of civilizations and genocides of their native people, but hey lets make up pure bullshit to justify our modern immigration policies!

Always have to love these "help the economy" arguments, you can clearly tell that the only measure of economy they are using is GDP, as if the aggregate size of the economy is anything related to individuals.

Or, even if there was a benefit, they are just advocating selling our country out. Treachery for money... fucking disgusting.

>> No.2343002
File: 17 KB, 320x214, roma_flagJPEG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is NOT a fascists thread

>> No.2343004

>hurr durr

Those dirty potato heads are takin ar jerbs!

Oops, wrong decade.


>> No.2343011

>I'll mock a strawman, this is valid debate tactics!

>> No.2343019

How is it a strawman? The exact same arguments you're using have been used since the dawn of fucking civilization, only to seem absurd a while later.

What difference is there between your xenophobia and xenophobia against Irish immigrants in the 19th century?

You discard well-established economic facts because they fail to confirm your preconceptions...and call them left-leaning when they're the exact opposite. It's the leftist protectionist nationalistic welfare state that is anti-immigrant.

>> No.2343022

>I will greentext. This is my valuable time well spent.

>> No.2343024

LOL Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ is a roma?





>> No.2343030

are you an idiot?

It's only the domain name which has been taken i believe, can't you still just connect via IP?

>> No.2343031
File: 215 KB, 800x569, Two Watsons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What timezone are you working on?
Maybe you need to sleep.

>> No.2343033

the fuck is a roma? I believe you mean gypsy.

>> No.2343065

First of all, he isn't the one who posted the commentwhich created your buttpain.

>What difference is there between your xenophobia and xenophobia against Irish immigrants in the 19th century?


THEY DIDN'T HAVE THEIR STUPID FUCKING BELIEFS WHICH SATURATE THE MINDS OF THE CURRECT MASS OF IMMIGRANTS (i.e Islam). They segregate themselves into their little enclaves in defiance of the rest of society - how are they supposed to assimulate? Also, the fact that they looked similar to the majority allowed them to eventually blend in. The divisiveness of this pluralistic ideology is quite evident if you are well versed in history and turn on your fucking goddamn TV at least once a week.


>You discard well-established economic facts because they fail to confirm your preconceptions...and call them left-leaning when they're the exact opposite.
No, it was just the leftist bias on this specific paragraph I pointed out.

>It's the leftist protectionist nationalistic welfare state that is anti-immigrant.

My mistake.

>> No.2343067

>Also, the fact that they looked similar to the majority allowed them to eventually blend in.

By this, of course, I mean later generations would eventually assimulate. Not first generation.

>> No.2343070


Don't say ok to that, almost nowhere will you find leftists who are actually "national socialists".

Essentially, they know that whites won't support their bullshit, so they want to import non-whites to vote for them and form the underclass.

It's in fact, utterly crazy that he claims it's the RIGHT WING who are supporting immigration, and the left wing who oppose it.

>> No.2343076

>Don't say ok to that,
I wasn't agreeing; i couldn't be bothered to go on.

>It's in fact, utterly crazy that he claims it's the RIGHT WING who are supporting immigration, and the left wing who oppose it.
Yes, that was rubbish.

>> No.2344315


>> No.2344470

Richard Tuck's Very Short Introduction to Thomas Hobbes is particularly good.

Cracking start to my Hobbes research last year.

>> No.2344673

Reality is biased to the left, deal with it.

>> No.2344693

Can't believe the thread got to this length and >>2340049 still hasn't been answered.