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/lit/ - Literature

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23399581 No.23399581 [Reply] [Original]

Axolotl edition.

Previous: >>23396065

>> No.23399591

I love teenage girls. And I don't mean 18 or 19. 14 is the best age. I hate that about myself though. I know they're just kids. I talk to them and hate how immature and dumb they are. But oh my God they are the most gorgeous little things.

>> No.23399596
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Forgot webm

>> No.23399607
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>> No.23399614

/lit/ really sucks. It becomes more obvious the more infrequent I come here

>> No.23399625

I'm gonna catch up on a few shows after I finish my current one but after I catch up on those, I'm thinking of either watching King of the Hill or True Detective.

>> No.23399631 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23399636

>Wanna buy special edition of a book.
>Resellers are selling it for a minimum of $200.
I don't think it's worth it, bros.

>> No.23399653

watch porn

>> No.23399666

For what purpose

>> No.23399674

you told me to, satan

>> No.23399677

Kidnapped Panchen Lama Edition anon, it's still funny.

>> No.23399704
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You are my best friend and mentor. Why did you dedicate so much time to me, teach me, encourage me, and trust me, if you were just going to be dismissive of my concerns when it mattered?

>> No.23399718

Anyone around Pasadena wanna fight? We can just meet in a parking lot and we'll battle it out

>> No.23399719

>a ***ish guy
>watching a video on bilibili of a Chinaman playing Red Alert 2, who for some reason decided to use Japanese voiceroids, write his script in Japanese, sprinkle some painfully unfunny western memes in his video, and translate the entire video from Japanese to Chinese
What the fuck is this? Such an utterly bizarre mix of seemingly random qualities, it actually makes my head hurt just thinking about it, though the alcohol doesn't help either. Chances are I'm the only one of my tribe that has ever gotten into something this weird.

>> No.23399740

Show up at behind Vromans right now faggot, I'll spark you out so fast you won't know what hit you.

>> No.23399744

Child's Play

>> No.23399758
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See a frog? Filter it.
>butt hurt much?
Quite enamored for the first half of THIS decade of Egyptian plague symbolism, but then things soured. Whom I take the fight to? I wonder. Pepe Pepe Pepe, I thought you were fun. Then tryhards put too much effort into you--the brainwashing operations had already begun! The biggest meme I've ever seen is believe Pepe was organic and that our heroes live on video platforms.

>> No.23399765

I want to hurry up and learn how to fucking draw. Alas it is still a very far away dream, and I must still live my days in fear that it will always remain as such.

>> No.23399782

Whic one? Colorado blvd or Foothill?

>> No.23399784

There’s this lady I know who I think owns one of those in an aquarium

>> No.23399785

I just took a phat shit. What do you guys think about that

>> No.23399792

I once took a huge sloppy shit and then my long foreskin at the end of my long dick dipped in the shit water by accident, what now?

>> No.23399794

You're now ready for anal sec

>> No.23399806

Interesting how much of american modernist literature was first published by jewish publishers like Knopf and Liveright. Even the antisemites, like Pound and Eliot.

>> No.23399813

Copy Bridgman by memory.

>> No.23399815

Guess which country has the number one birth rate?

>> No.23399818

Uhh... Nigeria or something?

>> No.23399819

Vatican City?

>> No.23399821


>> No.23399822


>> No.23399841

Why do we have to fight? Can't we just love? Let's get some bean and cheese burritos and watch a movie, how does that sound?

>> No.23399843

The B-52 Stratofortress was prototyped in two days.

>> No.23399848

If you write "nigger jew kike tranny" in the body of your post you have proven that you are not an A.I. controlled by the US government. How rad is that? I mean, you could be an A.I. from anywhere else like China for example, so If you include that Tiananmen Square pasta that'll mean you're not Chinese A.I. either. Amirite? No? Retarded? Probably.

>> No.23399853

mutually assured dick-suction

>> No.23399858

>I hate that about myself though
>I hate the way that men have felt for hundreds of thousands of years, until a few decades ago when some feminist cunts decided it was wrong
Even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. Even if the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree, look them in the eye, and say, 'No, *you* move'.

>> No.23399860

What location do you propose for burritos? Are you paying?

>> No.23399863

>What location do you propose for burritos?
Where's good?
>Are you paying?
Y'know what? Sure.

>> No.23399871

church tomorrow

>> No.23399875

pffft hahahaha good one

>> No.23399876


>> No.23399878

Whenever I feel bad about my nation's lot in history, I think of how utterly the Irish have been obliterated by the English politically, economically and culturally, and instantly feel a little less bad. Because things could have ended up turning out so much worse.

>> No.23399879

at least we're not niggers

>> No.23399880

If you want to buy me a Lucky Boys bacon burrito, I'm down

>> No.23399882

Good for you anon. I plan on making it too, but I might be too hungover. It's a vice but it's my only vice.

>> No.23399884

The Irish are an integral part of British dominance over the world. There's no shame in their participation of the empire nor in their independence.

>> No.23399887

a hearty 'fuck you' to ireland, and, of course, scotland and wales xox

>> No.23399895

My beer turned into ice again.

>> No.23399897

Stop putting it in the freezer

>> No.23399909

And what, drink lukewarm beer?

>> No.23399914

Oppression leads to suffering which leads to soul. The Irish have soul and heart

>> No.23399920

Buy it earlier, refrigerate it earlier. I'd rather drink warm beer than frozen beer anyway

>> No.23399921

Started reading poetry and its cool as fuck. I feel like I waste so much time and limit so much experience by thinking entire domains of art/life are gay

>> No.23399937

You either drink lukewarm piss or ice cold piss, either way it's gonna be gross.

>> No.23399941

The Irish still should have pride despite what they've been through. They have good cultural output even if it's a small island country that has been dominated for centuries.

>> No.23399945

Definitely true.
Anal can be a liberating experience as well, might wanna look into that, too.
I’m joking, anon, I hope you enjoy your newfound fondness for poetry. I hear theater can be quite good too.

>> No.23399948

The myth of British domination. Ireland gave a lot to the British empire, happily and willingly. If you look into the history independence was actually unpopular among the Irish. We are a British people and should be proud of what we offered the empire. The anglosphere wouldn't exist without the Irish.

>> No.23399957


>> No.23399958

You were systematically discriminated, and genocided on-and-off as well. The years of your being ruled by foreigners should be something you feel ashamed of, not proud. You have contributed to the Anglosphere, but that was against your will and as expendable slaves.

>> No.23399962
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>> No.23399968

What a load of bullshit. The Irish invited the Normans over around 1100. The Irish sided with the crown in the English Civil War. The Irish were the majority of the British army in the 19th century. The Irish were the best regiments in ww1, and a few scumbags, much like antifa of today, stayed home to play rebellion during the war. Ireland was part of the British family until some cunts ruined it. Fuck the Irish nationalists.

>> No.23399969

What movie?

>> No.23399972

Sting (2024)

>> No.23399979

So sick of these mfs going through transcendent experiences and changing and shit. Stay the same dog nobody cares

>> No.23399980

cope: the post

>> No.23399981

I used to obsess over my body count. When I got to 20 I didn't care anymore.

>> No.23399984

I want to fuck a beautiful, skinny Asian girl in the ass just once in my life. I don't care if it feels good or not. My ex gf was Asian but she wouldn't let me anywhere near her ass. A one night stand once asked me to put it in her ass but it didn't fit easily and I didn't want to hurt her.

>> No.23399987

Bullshit. You're ignorant of history. The Irish didn't want independence. The majority of the Irish despised the Easter rebellion. We were busy fighting the germans while some scumbags took over a post office. If you say otherwise you're a retard. Fucking moron. Read a history book for once.

>> No.23399997

Real Fiction and "Creative" Non-fiction are bottom of the barrel trash. And if you approach me, claiming that you like any of those, you should kill yourself.

>> No.23400010

I've achieved success in life by all societal metrics, but I find myself dissatisfied and even angry most days. I feel like the logical solution to this is to try and live out my dreams and fantasies, but doing so would certainly tear down the life I've built for myself. I've had this juvenile idea of becoming a vigilante, which has always spoken to me on a soul-level. What's worse is I'm getting close to my physical peak, and I imagine the physicality of the occupation would leave my body all but broken in the few years I'd be practicing. I somehow feel regret over something I've never attempted. Perhaps I've read too many comic books.

>> No.23400011

I just started to remember I read Slaughterhouse Five while I was in jail for a few days but I don't remember anything about it other than part of it takes place in Dresden. I think I read The Quick and the Dead too...

>> No.23400012


>> No.23400013

what were you in for

>> No.23400014


>> No.23400018

Where I used to live, hundreds of tiny toads were a usual sight on the patio, thousands by implication beyond it I also used to drive past hundreds of square of cattails and such, past globally enormous refinery complexes, on elevated highways, Such is life in the Great Lakes region.

>> No.23400022

flyover country

>> No.23400025

I always dreamed of a Midwest life. Little self contained townes everywhere but also enough space and rural in between. Big houses and green lawns. All 4 seasons. Old stock culture. Alas I grew up in an urban sprawl in California. Summer year round and nothing more than suburbs blending into cities. This isnt the America I hoped for

>> No.23400037

I also grew up in California and always desired living in a place where you can experience the different seasons and that has the right amount of suburbia and rural. At the same time though, I don't feel much regret about growing up in California. It's kinda nice in its own way if you ask me

>> No.23400039

Termites in the ground, they're looking up my skirt.

>> No.23400040

You should go check out the Midwest sometime. Do you have money? Your experience will depend entirely upon whether you do or do not. In that way, you'll probably come to find very little difference between California and the heartland, or your dreams.

>> No.23400052

What’s with all the Harry Potter threads lately? A single overeager anon?

>> No.23400057

I grew up on a farm in the Midwest. I naturally woke up at sunrise and went outside and played with all the various animals, roosters who one was chill and let me hug him while the other chased me, chickens, ducks, bunnies, goats and baby goats who'd like to climb me, geese, guinea hens, guinea pigs, horses, pigs, dogs, and cats, sometimes going out naked, shooting guns, running around with the animals following, I literally only pissed outside in front of my house and never in the toilet, riding bikes, trampolining, walking and exploring in the huge forest connected to my land. Now I live in the suburbs, wake up at 1pm, then go on the computer all day. Rural was so much better.

>> No.23400061


>> No.23400064

Hardly. I wouldn't live anywhere else on the planet if I could afford anything. Some of my relatives live in one of the richest suburbs on the planet, but somehow I live just as well, if not better.

>> No.23400068

Forgot to mention, I also jerked off outside and came on the grass.

>> No.23400070

not a lot going on there

>> No.23400071

I loathe romanticism.

>> No.23400079

Including Dark Romanticism?

>> No.23400080

There's a lot I love about California. But it doesn't feel like the America I always had an image of. At this point I don't think I could live anywhere else anyway.
I have enough money to briefly travel. It's been my dream to go east for a few years now. I spent ages 3 to 5 in Boston. But other than that I've never been east of the Mississippi. I want to see east America. 3/4ths of the population lives there. That's where all our history and culture is. I want to see it all.
Fuck you cunt. How dare you live my dream life while I'm stuck in an urban shithole.

>> No.23400099

That was a decade ago. You should try to find a job you can do from home, like computer networking. My neighbor from back then had an even nicer setup, and that's what he was doing. I made money from family and letting my neighbor make hay from my fields, and I didn't have to do anything except take care of the animals.
Suburbs sucks, but I might be moving to a lakeside home if things go well.

>> No.23400133

Where I live now is nothing like you'd believe, about 70 miles west of Chicago. The entire region is like an enormous exurb.

>> No.23400141

If you hold a gun to my head, I'll laugh instead.

>> No.23400145

I suppose so.

>> No.23400151

Making a mixtape for my imagined girlfriend.

>> No.23400152

I love when she goes toad mode.

>> No.23400156

Woah dude you’re such a bad ass!

>> No.23400159

Uhhhhhhhhhhh I haven’t liked anything in years bros. Idk what to do.

>> No.23400161

Guns can't kill me.

>> No.23400191
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imagining an alternate reality where its the 80s still and metal rules the world and that girl i internet stalk is my gf/wife and im a world renowned writer/artist

instead im a schizo neet hikki who is overweight and a virgin

>> No.23400195

I wish I could be happy and exciting for planned hangouts with girls. I have plans to meetup with my ex tomorrow for coffee, so basically a date, and it just fills me with anxiety and dread. Not because of anything wrong with her, but my own insecurities and nervousness; will I be cool? will I be able to entertain? will I say the right things? am I even likeable? will I be able to sexually perform if and when the time comes? Why can't I just enjoy it...

>> No.23400203

I’m the same way. It’s why I can’t enjoy anything. Even sex. Don’t be like me. I’m suicidal too.

>> No.23400205

---- Solaria ----
Circumstantial Delerium

Suave interior, surroundings likewise.

>> No.23400212

Yeah I'm pretty attractive and could sleep with tons of girls if I had the right skills and disposition but I feel the same way, the idea of having sex with a new person is so frightening I'd rather just jack off.

>> No.23400215

meeting up and talking to your ex is the most dumb idea you can ever have in your life

>> No.23400216

I haven't tried anal with any girl yet, for some reason this doesn't excite me much.
Wonder if I should try at least once in my life

>> No.23400219


>> No.23400220

So a few anons have said in the couple posts I've made on the subject already! I've gotten on new medication that has returned my whole range of emotions and humanity and depth of thought, so have been feeling immensely lonely and lost lately, to the point of where I just, I don't know, need someone for support and to fill that internal 'lack.' And better to get try and back into the groove of things by hanging out with my ex than with a girl I'm entirely unfamiliar with on a first date, y'know? I haven't been on one in years...

>> No.23400225

Scratched my butt and now my underwear is stained.

>> No.23400233

You overestimate people, she's probably an anxious retard like you. She will pretend to be cool to hide how profoundly uninteresting she is, you will do the same. You'll have sex and nothing will change.

>> No.23400238

>to hide how profoundly uninteresting she is, you will do the same.

Um, speak for yourself; my posts get complimentary (You)'s all the time here! But true. Well, not sure about the sex part yet, both as to whether I'm gonna invite her over after the coffee hangout -- I think I'll feel obliged to and give in to the pressure of polite manners... -- and whether I'll be able to get it up when the moment comes or if anxiety will win out.

>> No.23400245

My nutsack is hard.

>> No.23400307
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I don't even really think it would feel good particularly. It is more the imagery of seeing my cock in a place it doesn't belong. I would be content to try it once.

>> No.23400332

>the idea of having sex with a new person is so frightening I'd rather just jack off.
Literally me. Sometimes I think I should just dumb myself down and bite the bullet to have degenerate sex but I tell myself it’s not worth it. The sex will almost always be underwhelming compared to just masturbating. So I ask myself “why am I even doing this?”

>> No.23400334

i had sex once, but the experience was so traumatising i couldn't hold a stiff at all. the rapist said it didn't matter to him though

>> No.23400335

Just had an imaginary conversation where I thanked my high school mentor for saving me from killing myself. Think I'd better find her number and call her or something.

>> No.23400338

I haven’t been well recently. I’m depressed, anxious, stressed-out, and just altogether unsettled and unhappy. My faith in God and sense of spirituality in general is weak. I have unresolved traumas that gnaw at me in waves. I just feel like I’m lost in a dark tunnel. I’m not suicidal - I don’t want to die at all. But I have an almost impossible time imagining a life where I am fulfilled and at peace. I have become too cynical, bitter, and resentful and all I want to do is sleep.

I wish I had something more interesting to say. You guys probably get these vague doomer ventposts all the time. But I guess it feels a little better to write it down.

>> No.23400352

Why do women feel entitled to the right to vote if they are not conscriptable in case of a military emergency?

>> No.23400353

Well if it's any consolation this is better than the usual "I am sad" post. Not sure what your personal situation. It's a literature board so I'll recommend Miguel De Unamuno. He and kirkegaard helped me through a depressed period. Just keep on working. Stay productive. You'll make it through.

>Heb. 11:1
>Now faith is the substantiation of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.

>> No.23400362

Thanks anon. I know Kierkegaard but I don’t know Unamuno. I’ll have to check him out.

>> No.23400371

How to be a poet?

>> No.23400374

Be well-connected. Talent is optional.

>> No.23400380

Both are no-go for me.
Back to square -1.

>> No.23400384

Be a huge, pretentious, loser.

>> No.23400436

These guys make me happy. I like your thread now
That is really cool, I hope he is having a nice life
Listen to muses and write down nice words
/hor/ not going well?

Today I am going to do all the things I didn't do yesterday

>> No.23400454

/hor/ has been shit since some ass hole decided that it should be a year round general. It was better when it was only a thing in October. I'm pissed that some attention whore retards ruined the general

>> No.23400455

I like to write for fun. I feel like, as of around the time I left college in 2022, I've lost the ability to write anything original. My short stories were okay and my long form stories were mostly me just putting random shit to paper influenced by my obsession at the time, but now almost all my ideas are centered around fan fic. I think it's because it's so easy. I don't have to do any actual leg work for the most part. I think I need to branch out my reading so it's not a majority of LNs.

>> No.23400457

You're just getting older. It's normal

>> No.23400480

>Listen to muses and write down nice words
Im all by myself though. Is vocabulary a legit approach in knowing more nice words?

>> No.23400484

>The call's coming from inside the house

>> No.23400490

I watched that last night.

>> No.23400498

You can read poems and other things with nice words too. Sometimes anon might give you nice words too if you ask, like terpsichore

>> No.23400508

>Job has sign saying that they're looking for workers.
>I apply.
>They turn me down.
So, I guess you're not looking for workers, huh?

>> No.23400509

Another horrible night with a sleep score of 40. Maybe in the end I'm not insane, I'm literally just tired.

>> No.23400533

The 70s or the 2000s one?

>> No.23400548


>> No.23400553

Nice. You should watch the 90s seuquel

>> No.23400580

Thinking about it.

>> No.23400615

two weeks no fap I'm so fuckin horny bros

>> No.23400634

Just jerk it, man.

>> No.23400699

I wish I had room in my apartment to paint but I live in a fuckin shoebox.

>> No.23400704

what would you paint?

>> No.23400724

Intellectual loneliness is almost as unbearable as social loneliness is.

>> No.23400751

Me too my fellow accidental plein air painter

>> No.23400763

punkrate, for distribution an admittance kopipe of confessatory booth of [] quality such that we gain credibility and traction in semantic argument of higher learning for congress congress

Belial trap
open recourse
open real
generate generate
Mephisto created Mephisto from nothing, Y, y?
Lie lies
recourse organizable or disorganizable
organ organ
convex convex
mood mood, haunting
semantic abstract
yield yield
integration alot
bust debt reboot
F or E

structure-interpret, program. can you do that for me?
cognate cognizance, meme.

so we show (here,y?) capable to approach such topic 'sicp' 'functionality' 'recourse' etc, for applied thinking of thoughts. paradigmatically. view view. folders with empirical for empiricism sakes beyond the mythological, fable-oriented, or whatever. still stale, but-good for,like data-game.
and we can refer ourselves to ourselves like social media thusiasts that we are actually maybe to do, learn the book for one, new to land on fates axial in order for saving funds for computation power brickablie

>> No.23400764

i cannot be the only fathoming the chaperone forcefully sensored

>> No.23400782
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How many ACTUAL users is there on /lit/ seeing the speed of the board it can't be over 50-100. This made me realize how bad of an echo chamber this is. People talk shit of other places like reddit or discord (rightfully so), but at least there should be in theory a broader range of opinion and knowledge to be shared? I mean I can't tolerate them so I wouldnt know thats why Im here but like, it's sad if there is so little users here and we're just endlessly throwing around the same ball to one another

>> No.23400784

Thanks to the anons who visited my substack yesterday.

>> No.23400797

I was at a paint and sip with my uncle and one of his friends once. The lady running it was real cocky, she proudly proclaimed at the start that she'd never had anyone fail and that everyone's paintings had come out looking great. Well, because I'm a retard who can't paint to save my life, I was sure that I would break that streak. We were painting the head of a cow, can't be too hard, right? Wrong, for me, it was proving to be quite difficult, I was putting too much paint on my brush each time, I wasn't shading well enough, and I was pressing too hard, just to name a few things. She came over about halfway through and saw how my painting was coming along, she didn't like it, she saw that I was failing and that it was looking shit, it was good to me though, even though it wasn't looking great, it was my painting and I was liking how it was turning out, that was apparently too much for her though. She told me to stand up and as I did, she sat down in my seat, washed off my paintbrush, and started getting to work on my painting. Don't get me wrong, it looks 100x better now than it did when I was doing it, but I don't even like it now, I don't even class it as my painting anymore, it seriously annoys me that she felt like she had to intervene and fuck with my painting because she was afraid of her ego being damaged, like, I consider myself to be a pretty easygoing person who can roll with the punches, but this still bugs me to this day and this paint and sip was over a year ago. Anyway, that's my little rant.

>> No.23400840


>> No.23400847

>tfw never going to see anon's lost work of art
Can you paint us a cow on your own?
What's on my mind is asking permission instead of begging forgiveness means there are now some further complications to obtaining a picture I'm probably going to be increasingly obsessed with getting. That and it being too hot to live

>> No.23400870

Don't be so harsh on yourself, anon.

>> No.23400880
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Doesn't modern life disprove most philosophy of virtue and morality? How can one read Plato or Christian philosophy on the soul and then look at modern society and the people in it, and come to any other conclusion that there is nothing inside, no devine spark no print of an intelligent creator, no path for divinity? Reason has removed man from nature and twisted him into something that is more debased than the simple creatures that he shares the planet with. Mankind no longer sees itself in kinship with the rest of creation but an opposive force. Intellect and reason only seem to produce decline. I feel sorry for being part of this race of want and lost.

>> No.23400883


I want to make soundtracks for indie horror movies and maybe certain games I think are interesting enough. I love working with layers of sound in programs like Ableton. I just don't know how I am supposed to afford gear or even a decent computer. I live below poverty level right now.

What should I major in?

I want some sort of career that will allow me to pursue more expensive hobbies like music, art, etc. Paying for college won't be an issue, thankfully. At least that's what my FAFSA indicates. I have a decent grasp of language but I doubt I will ever make money off my drivel. I wish writing was lucrative since I am alright at that.

I am almost 32, for anyone's reference.

>> No.23400888

I have it sitting by my door, wanna see?

>> No.23400891

if OP falsified on a righteous alter of OP to another OP abnegation to capably auditing offense, such as general planet earths OP quality, excoriated of spirit, disheartened the body, and beliefs forsake ingenuine constitutive factors, that makes op, as such outside of space and time, physics, the OP of all, and us it's garbage, the planet garbage, and everything we live for, consume, communally and/or commercially garbage, decaying, dying, or already erased and dead to life, to be garbage amongst the stars.

>> No.23400908

abnegation to compellingly audit*

we owe so much to that op, btw, that we are infinitely grateful to. we can hope anyways, with fusile,

>> No.23400935

Their job is to produce more soldiers, something you cannot do.
The senator’s son Thad will impregnate them all, for the country’s sake, while you’re abroad.

>> No.23400936

>Their job is to produce more soldiers
but the birth rate is plummeting year after year.

>> No.23400943

Condom’s are getting a bit too good for society’s health.

>> No.23401014

---- Solaria ----

To be made of the very thing one loves most
And never admit it directly

Except via lyric poetry and gardens
Intimate in their remoteness from strife,

Hilarious botany of stars
Or the human condition at its most humane.

>> No.23401033

>Why do women feel entitled

>> No.23401046

Nice trips. Sure, but isn't that the one the teacher painted over?

>> No.23401048

Not all of it, a lot of it though. Anyway, you replied too late, I'm going to bed now, I'll post it when I wake up if I remember.

>> No.23401077

I could draw my own cows by then

>> No.23401082

That shiver down your spine
Just a guess, I'm sure you're fine
It's not like there isn't anything we don't know
Nothing we can't remake into a brand new show
You have misery well this guy over here has it worse
You feel sick of it all the time, you're pretty sure it's a curse
Let me say one thing about the world at hand
Even with all this power we still fight over land
Isn't that wild? Nothing changes in 10,000 years
No one can even count the lives lost or the many tears
But it's ok you're human, it happens, I just hope we have a plan
One that is eloquent and straight to the point: put an end to man

>> No.23401105

Do it, the dubs compel you.

>> No.23401108

The late 90s were better in my opinion, and I've no serious complaints about where and how I live now. Doubtless you jest about your condition and status, particularly when it comes to virginity.

>> No.23401111
File: 63 KB, 1000x1000, st,small,845x845-pad,1000x1000,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>read a lot as a kid then stopped as a teen now wanted to go back
>internet people tell me Pynchon is good
>pick up V.
>wow reading is so much fun first few minutes
>get to the Herbert Stencil
>filtered hard
>maybe it's not for me yet, better read something else
>spend 2 years reading Knausgard, Proust, Dostojewski, Tolstoy
>ok im ready to get back at it
>pick up V. again
>wow this is very fun
>get to the Herbert Stencil parts again
>filtered hard again

I loved the parts about the car fucking lady and the plastic surgeon and the rat priest but Jesus Christ this book is not for me.
I can't understand what these fucking chapters are even about, I just feel fucking retarded.

>> No.23401115

Burn all books.

>> No.23401118
File: 858 KB, 2592x1944, IMG_20240519_163308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only had scrap paper and a mechanical pencil but I bet my retarded cow is better than your retarded cow.

>> No.23401153

I haven't read V, but I just finished my second reading of Gravity's Rainbow and enjoyed it very much. You have to get a feel for his sense of humor for his stories to make any sense.

>> No.23401178

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BLAUhBl0nA

I feel the inference of this video is wrong.
And not just wrong in a factual manner but at a moral level, too.
He make the bold claim that some group of people ought be "mouth dead", don't let them communicate their serious worries and demands in order to help society. That's evil.

>> No.23401180

>twink body
>face of a 40 year old man
It's over.

>> No.23401182

To be honest, I never read anything literary during my teens or as a kid. Subjects like Very Long Baseline Interferometry, stellar evolution and such are still pretty interesting to me. I'm kind of like Lucio in Measure For Measure, if not so well dressed, ordinarily.

>> No.23401195

The totality of my life
Is spent fretting about nothing
Illusions of what I could do
Fill all of my waking hours

Why can't I accept that life is
Worth living just because it is?
I was born once, and will live once,
And will die once, with no effort

I have never had a say in
My existence and never will
Even if I hit the eject
Button, I already exist

The life of a bee seems simple
They have no illusion of choice
Born, grow, work, die, one of many
Their legacy is of the hive

Man's legacy is all his own
He seeks to become immortal
It seems like such a waste when he
Is born alone and dies alone

Man suffers in isolation
When he thinks he must earn his life
He cannot understand that he
Already exists in this world

The thread of continuity
Is severed because he thinks that
He must create his own life story
With a beginning and an end

There's nothing to earn and nothing
To gain, there's only that which is
Left to the next generation
Continuing an endless chain

>> No.23401198

Lulz. Bitches of either sex would have you in a minute, if you've the least bit of charm.

>> No.23401203

Maybe. Unfortunately I also have about as much "charm" as a brick.

>> No.23401210

There are countless books about how to write a novel or a poem, but are there any good books about writing great essays?

>> No.23401215

I've got almost too much of it for my own good. Some of my siblings hate me for it, but that's only to be expected.

>> No.23401222


>> No.23401223

ANN hiro


fair game

'we would like you to know, the pool is half water'

sage in all fields

so about kid w/ ptsd and bullying in school. now that we're old enough (cf. what it means to be a rock cooking panties nit picking knit neural knits cog knits etc. ifrits or otherwise) to be a hero like the such prementioned is ready to be like as an declared as such yourself, 'ann' phenomena. how does it feel to commit 'fair game' the crystalline/electric feels amongst adolescentry, w/ the have nots & etc? idk. nobody does, we don't answer rhetorical questions in particular. kind of cringe desu tbf w/ you etc. correct? what's the point again though? why do pokemon matter now? is it because you're committing terrorism via pokedex means?

is this algorithm going to work? we're referring to more than just 'ann hiro,' also that this person died in the acts. 'commit hiro.' etc. how are people okay with this

>> No.23401238

a lot of men are gay

>> No.23401242


>> No.23401254
File: 1.05 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_9573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The dirty monocle stares down at us. It is keeping the birds awake. Somewhere, the tides are rising, drowning the shoreline stone by stone. I cannot read by this light, cannot discern the colours on my map. Only worry can thrive beneath this strange eye. No matter how hard I throw these stones, it will not look away.

>> No.23401261

It depends on where you go. The Lakeview area of Chicago is called "boystown" on Google Earth. Nice touch.

>> No.23401266

I think I might be small and insignificant in this Universe,
But I strive and I pray and I do.
I think back to the beginning and how far I've come.
And after all, it's just the beginning for me so who knows how far I'll go!

>> No.23401278
File: 550 KB, 617x676, clown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made plans to do something this weekend but my alcoholic mother got herself drunk once more, all I can hear is her drunken slander; half of referring me and my father; and screams of pain even through my headphones. This distracted me so much I can't even think of begining things I was planning to do for 2 weeks now. For fuck sake, im 24 year old and yet it reminds me of the time I was 12 or 9 or 7 or just childhood in general I suppose and I can't get it out of my head.

>> No.23401286

and when i'm back in chicago i feel it

>> No.23401293

Screams of pain?

>> No.23401298


>> No.23401302

>all I can hear is her drunken slander
My mom liked peonies. She was a very loving woman in every sense, a miracle of nature. My dad felt so, and he wasn't wrong.

>> No.23401308

she drinks so much that her gut is in immense pain and her throat has been scraped by smoking and strong booze to point of coughing. I still don't know how is she still alive, she has been drinking as long as I was born, maybe even longer but my older sister doesn't remember (or maybe she supresses her memories)

>> No.23401310

>body of a 40 yo
>face of a 40 yo
>I'm 40 years old
it's really over

>> No.23401316


>> No.23401317

That's horrible

>> No.23401329

yeah, it gets much worse than that. Can't even talk to her because whatever I say to her; sober or not; it will end up in an argument.
What do you call it when you do know need help and even what kind at that but there is no help?

>> No.23401333

That city is a lot nicer, in my experience, than its reputation. Traffic can be Hell, but that's the worst of it. If I could be beamed down to anywhere on the planet, the North Loop is one of the first places I'd go.

>> No.23401337

move out of your parents house you fucking manchild

>> No.23401352

Im too much of a wreck to do that. I need help, but there is no help.

>> No.23401362
File: 75 KB, 793x532, dennis leary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life sucks, get a fucking helmet

>> No.23401366

>Body and face of a 20 yo at 35.
Such is twinklife. There are better things to be, of course.

>> No.23401371

you could have just said that you don't care like any other anon.

>> No.23401375

Yeah there's stacks of help going around but it's got this way of always having to go to someone else

>> No.23401388
File: 861 KB, 400x294, hard.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm telling you to grow a sack. The world is hard, you have to be harder.

>> No.23401405

Who knew andrew tate posts here.
NTA but here's my advice for you; be less of a stupid boring long winded inessential fool

>> No.23401418

>projecting this hard
I've got my shit together, homeslice. Stop crying about your drunk mama and get yours, you Holden Caulfield-tier woe-is-me faggot.

>> No.23401426

More advice: learn to read. I said I'm not that anon
argh god

>> No.23401428

That takes a lot of willpower and mine is occupied by making sure I do not ruin whatever scraps of the family relationship we have. Or that I dont end up like her. I forgot how many times I thought of buying booze myself or outright stealing hers and getting just as drunk as her but everytime I managed to pull myself. Or how I thought of just how I would storm all my frustration and trauma over the years upon her; but its taxing; this restrain takes a lot out of me.
not me.

>> No.23401434

Quitting caffeine and nicotine. Should I do both at once, or one at a time? I have a month of not working or doing anything and do not want to waste this opportunity.

>> No.23401440
File: 44 KB, 617x600, 1715043378086378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok but you're still a fag
>blah blah blah muh emotions blah blah muh drunk mama
just stop being a fag, it's literally that easy

>> No.23401442
File: 103 KB, 1283x1008, smonkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you'll come back
they always come back

>> No.23401444 [DELETED] 

Take this guy's advice! and you too could end up carrying on like with reaction images this on /lit/

>> No.23401445

About 2 weeks ago I watched a documentary mostly about two guys in India, who painstakingly sweep shitty sidewalks for gold dust in Mumbai neighborhoods where goldsmiths operate. North Korea. The Stans. Sometimes it feels and looks like Elysium, all things considered.

>> No.23401448

this is the most ESL shit I've read all week

>> No.23401450

Take this guy's advice! and you too could end up carrying on like this with reaction images on /lit/

>> No.23401454

No. Im wise enough to know that while im not a violent person, letting go and taking your advice would make me, and I do not wish to hurt anyone.

>> No.23401456

Jesus Christ you fags are pathetic.

>> No.23401460

And? Tell me something I do not know already or haven't heard before.

>> No.23401464

You forgot your 2010-core cringe reaction image bruv

>> No.23401486

God nuked Sodom because of some slight gayness but he lets turbo tranny countries like America and Canada get away with their crimes against nature. What the fuck is he thinking?

>> No.23401504

I'm 23 and in some ways in a similar situation. Bi-polar father, naive manipulative mother, all of us kids had a hard time and inherited a general cocktail of neurodivergent traits (if you want to call it that).
I definitely had and still have no help, I only realized recently that some people had familys that helped them get apartments, or a driver's license, a car, or go to school. Or do anything beyond the legal obligations of feeding and clothing your child.
I do still feel the loss of the person I could have been if I wasn't raised in such a stifling neurotic house, but that's life.
Don't really have any advice, what I'm doing now is planning my escape, and not letting my self feel bad about being so late to actually begin my life.

>> No.23401522

---- Solaria ----
Egads, what a monster!

The lawn bitches have no taste for that kind of thing.
Indeed I've seen seriously beautiful

Cunts in the mirror
By comparison.

>> No.23401529

Such a beautiful day but I am spending it on my couch. I worked 50 hours this week I am so exhausted. Should have made plans to attend a bbq. I want a hamburger or a hotdog & I wanna sit in a park. I think I willl just take a nap.

>> No.23401548

he's gonna nuke this place too. its already happening.

>> No.23401563

Yesterday the sky where I live was dominated by huge cumulus clouds, around noon. Morning twilight was dense with fog, sunset kind of insane in its clarity. Rarely delightful weather.

>> No.23401574

its no such thing as ''late to actually begin my life.''
Life has begun even before you were born and no matter how you wish you could escape you never will, your childhood shapes rest of your life and a lot of aspects will never change regardless of effort. I had time to think and realised my life is always going to be terrible, only redeming resolution that all my thought inevitably consensed to was that.
I can make sure my kids will have realistically mediocre childhood instead of terrible one that I had so my grandchildren will have one that I wished for.
It is quite selfish in many ways to say that but I made peace with the fact Ill be a villian in someones life, even if that someone is someone Ill love.

>> No.23401625

I know that this might sound turbo cringy but I might have completely avoided any intimacy and love because I thought it might be the same as doing it with my mom and thats just sick.

>> No.23401635

A dire view, I'll ignore it.

>> No.23401644

dire ? dire how ?

>> No.23401650

But I know what you're saying about making sure your children will be better than you. That would grant me some peace, to see some happy courageous children of mine.

>> No.23401653

Well I still think I can find where my problems, what they are, and how to fix them.

>> No.23401658

I wish I'd discovered triads and inversions and jazz stuff when I began playing guitar. Things make so much more sense now that I know how intervals and notes fit together in scales and chords. When I started out I kinda knew that some groups of notes made chords and that solos were done with scales but all I really "learned" was a couple positions of Em pentatonic and how to noodle and how to read tabs and how to play a lot of 5h7b9 bullshit. All I really wanted to do was improvise but it was never obvious how anyone did that, it was always just "play around with this scale/this lick and incorporate it into your soloing" which just led to me either playing the thing from lowest note to highest or copying exactly what other players did.

>> No.23401680

I wish my family wasn’t such white trash. It would have been nice if my cousins could have remained friends but we have nothing in common. I think they’re white trash and they think I’m a snob.

>> No.23401686

I thought that too, then realised you can't fix something that doesnt exist, like lost time being best example. You can create something where there was nothing but you can't fix nothing.

>> No.23401688

It's turtling. I have to go poop right now!

>> No.23401701

They mentioned 8ch*n in the Interview with the Vampire TV show.

>> No.23401728
File: 412 KB, 1179x1414, IMG_4697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samuel butler wrote something on the issue of parents 150 years ago. the voice is the protagonist speaking to himself.

>> No.23401745

I recommend books that I didn't read.

>> No.23401751

which books specifically

>> No.23401756
File: 148 KB, 280x283, brahms-creed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

official thread theme, more Brahms choral music!



>> No.23401763

I think he refers to the problem of the fact some parents want to see themselves in their children, compel what their parent wanted to be as child and not what the parent's actual child wants.
I don't want that, I want my kids to be better than me, do what they want and I simply wish to provide and witness a good family, guidance and wisdom so I get to finally experience how it feels like in a proper family.

>> No.23401774

I don't remember going to he'd last night. I certainly won't forget waking up with this terrible hangover. Had lovely little drunk dreams about the girl next door. In my dreams she was this aristocratic girl living in a manor. In reality she is just a cute Mexican girl. I'm gonna try talking to her.

>> No.23401788 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 988x1088, Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 20.35.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23401793

Many over the years. I come here every day.

>> No.23401794
File: 136 KB, 988x1088, Screenshot 2024-05-19 at 20.35.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23401798


>> No.23401799

want to see if it's a net positive or what

>> No.23401803

Read Sphere by Michael Crichton

>> No.23401810

There's still too many Aryan men in America. One day there will only be one Aryan man left in America. Guess what's going to happen to America that day.

>> No.23401827

Oh im not blind to the irony, how Ill most likely mess up in raising my own kids in some ways too, my goal is to not mess up as much as my parents so hopefuly my grandkids and their kids and so forth actually will have the lives I desired; even if I won't be here to witness it. I have forgiven my parents years ago for their wrongs even if they still affect me to this day. I also mentioned how I made peace with being a villian and possibility that unlike me my kids might not forgive me. I know It all might be for nothing, but im doing it anyway.

>> No.23401832

Greek Magical Papyri, Picatrix, Hermetica, Liber Florum Celestis Doctrine, Ars Notoria, The Sworn Book of Honorius, Hygromanteia, Book of the Heavenly Cow, Anzû and the Tablet of Destinies, Emerald Tablet, Asclepius, Baal Cycle, Alma Rišaia Rba

>> No.23401843


>> No.23401850

did that thing where i look at the floor then look up to her eyes with the cashier

>> No.23401855

I have completely destroyed myself to absolute rock bottom, in every facet of life. Time to channel that suffering into artistic sublimation. I hope it was worth it, because, fuck.

>> No.23401857

the George Clooney™?

>> No.23401859

stop banging lame music on /lit/
thread theme

>> No.23401862

>Narrator: It wasn't worth it.

>> No.23401863

oh yeah i just remembered where that's from
everybody's buying it

>> No.23401864

Suicide at forty is my back-up plan, so, y'know, either way.

>> No.23401872

suicide is for the young. what's the point dying when it's not sad for someone to die anymore, might as well push on at that point

>> No.23401881

Because being old just seems like an awful existence. At least when you're young life is full of opportunity, and you have the benefits of youth itself, from vitality to physical looks to socializing with other young people (ie young women). Becoming old without having found success just seems awful.

>> No.23401897

yeah but a 40 year old suicide is more embarrassing than another 'ending up' story

>> No.23401907

Oh, you mean from the outside perspective, as an aesthetic life-as-art choice. Yeah, probably, but it is what it is.

>> No.23401920

If you had to live in a foreign country, which one would you pick?

>> No.23401925

I'd love to live in either Ireland or Germany one day.

>> No.23401926

wtf are you turkish or something

>> No.23401933

My dad went out of town so I took the opportunity to drink all day. He came home today at noon. I barely woke up upon his arrival and I woke up drunk. He's mad at how much I drank but he doesn't know I'm drunk upon awakening. I secretly put cognac in my coffee to keep the buzz going. Man I'm gonna crash hard. Fuck I have to work tomorrow

>> No.23401936

I've been to Ireland. I went in July and spent a month there. I got seasonal depression because it fucking rained every day. Living in Ireland is tough

>> No.23401944

Nothing that people complain about actually matter.

>> No.23401951


>> No.23401955

Everyone complains about you

>> No.23401958

I spent a few weeks there in November and really enjoyed it. I live in the PNW currently so I'm pretty used to the rain haha

>> No.23401960

A girl was staring at me, and I was wondering if it was because she's ovulating.

>> No.23401962


>> No.23401963
File: 188 KB, 706x592, sunglases.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should have went up and asked her
>hey, I noticed you were looking at me
>is it because you're ovulating?

>> No.23401970

I'm the last great writer of my country and nobody knows about me.

>> No.23401971

I love when girls stare at me. Makes me feel like I'm in middle school again

>> No.23401974

I'm from Southern California. I used to hate the sun, but after a month in Ireland I swore I would never complain about sunny weather again. That was 5 years ago and I still bask in the sun like a lizard.

>> No.23401980

Hey Pasadena fuckers, where are you, I still want to fight.

>> No.23401985

I use a sun lamp in the winter to help me avoid seasonal depression. I genuinely love the rain, so that helps a lot. I will say that I'm ready for some spring weather though. It's 52° right now

>> No.23401986

this but the opposite, I want to live in Ireland but there's too many niggers there now

>> No.23401989

It's still 90 percent white Irish and they're becoming extremely anti immigrant.

>> No.23401990

Right here fucker

>> No.23401995

>It's 52° right now
Lol it's hot, sunny, and blue skies all around right now. My shoulder are burned from walking around shirtless. I could never live in a rainy climate. I would go insane.

>> No.23402002

Where? Let's meet at Vromans on foothill. I'm drunk so you'll have the advantage, but I'm an alpha male so I'll still kick your ass

>> No.23402045

>take my fan out of the closet
>put it in the window
>all the dust that accumulated blows dingleberries onto my bed
why does God hate me

>> No.23402050

Have you ever had a boysenberry?

>> No.23402066

I've had a boys berry

>> No.23402070

What's that?

>> No.23402184
File: 780 KB, 2577x2619, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A reply to a pruned /k/ thread that blamed Russians for psyopping us into picrel:

Either Russian bots from Ohio oblast are ridiculously obvious or the FSB/GRU/BBQ are the most 1337 cyberwarriors you've ever seen, capable of the most radical psyops known to man. Even though they can't even control the narrative online WITHIN Russia.

No, this shit is on us. Our society is self-policing, self-critical, and self-suppressing. This has only been amplified by technology, and worsened with the "express yourself!" veneer for these limpwristed social equity faggots that actually control the major social media platforms.

An entire generation has been completely fucking warped by what the computer people are saying, thinking that it is reality. The echo chamber disparities between the boards here are a microcosmic example of this, and there are people that unironically carry what they see and say here with them into reality.

Cut the submarine cables and nuke the backbone servers.

>> No.23402235


>> No.23402248

Get chemically castrated

>> No.23402251

Yeah I was the head of the spear on this trend. I'm an older zoomer, born in 99, and all the problems I had were largely uncommon while I was in high school, but greatly spiked shortly after I graduated. I've always been ahead of the curve

>> No.23402254

I'd say we planted the seeds ourselves and every so often, interested parties throw some water on it

>> No.23402257

I jerk off 4 times a day so I'm basically without libido whenever I leave the house

>> No.23402315

RIP that guy

>> No.23402329

sometimes I do feel like we're entering the end times

>> No.23402352

ty for reminding me of this track

>> No.23402427

Been eating healthy, drinking tons of water, exercising daily, getting enough sleep at a good time. Why do I still feel depressed contrary to what those meme pictures said

>> No.23402430
File: 14 KB, 200x163, gm-good-morning.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeing beautiful women my age and happy, attractive couples just makes me boil with rage. I hate myself and want to end it so bad.

>> No.23402432

Those things don't give life any meaning.

>> No.23402437

What does? I also create art and music

>> No.23402442

exercise reduces T, which can cause depression. also water is a solvent it just leeches nutrients, don't drink a lot of it.

>> No.23402451


>> No.23402475
File: 471 KB, 1001x1001, Old Flag v New Flag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think of our new flag?

>> No.23402478

The only answer is probably love. Don't listen to the Christian; you can absolutely still have a meaningless, empty life and be Christian (like myself)

>> No.23402502

it's all about love!

>> No.23402507

>becoming extremely anti immigrant.
It's kind of funny because there's a small minority who are anti immigration and all their memes are foreign. Obviously US culture being exported and brain rotting people isn't funny, but it is very funny seeing Irish people who think they're super Irish saying things that only Anglos on the internet say. It seems "plantation" means something different to Anglos trying white supremacy on the internet than to Irish people, so a lot of other Irish people laugh at them because trying to "stop plantation" is equivalent to going to Boston with placards to try to stop British tax collectors if you want to see what level of larp these people are acting on.

>> No.23402531

My sister is being a brat.

>> No.23402539

punch her in the stomach

>> No.23402578

I feel like I have outgrown 4chan

If X > 4chan > reddit > facebook

What is X?

>> No.23402583

How's your social life? Professional life? Family life? Exercise is a necessary condition to happiness, but it alone is not sufficient.

>> No.23402590

I can't imagine how many layers of liberal Twitter retard you're on. But everything you're saying is factually wrong and you should probably kill yourself for being so stupid.

>> No.23402591


I just realized using X as a variable can be misinterpreted, but alas.

>> No.23402594

I was gonna reply with a smart ass response about Twitter being X but I'm not clever enough to make it work.

>> No.23402599

Gaia Online

>> No.23402610

Sorry to hear you're a shoneen

>> No.23402622


>> No.23402626

enjoying your "books", fag?

>> No.23402634

Sorry to hear you're gay. You could cure that with a bullet.

>> No.23402650

antibiotics are the real cause of "venereal" disease.

>> No.23402668

RIP Iran President
Died in helicopter crash

>> No.23402727

Murdered by glow niggers. Might spark a regional war. This is a big a deal. Escalation will follow

>> No.23402800


>> No.23402824
File: 4 KB, 220x229, chud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*nothing happens*

>> No.23402871

they're not as happy as you thing they are

>> No.23402922


>> No.23402964

type shit

>> No.23402966


>> No.23402970

This is how a Punic War starts.

>> No.23403005
