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23395463 No.23395463[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They is four things that can destroy the earth, he said. Women,
whiskey, money, and niggers.

>> No.23395474 [DELETED] 

Can be summarized in one thing: Jews
- Women who are brainwashed by feminism and whore culture promoted by Jews.
- Whisky and vices promoted by Jews in otherwise healthy places.
- Money? Do I need to say more?
- Niggers who are pushed into our countries and media/entertainment by Jews

>> No.23395475


>> No.23397137
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>> No.23397240

Except all those things are a problem without Jews being anywhere nearby

>> No.23397704

All of those things have been like that for all of human history. Jew obsessives are so mentally lazy and weak.

>> No.23397913
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>> No.23398002

>t. weak beta male
Low test retard confirmed.

Fuck you and your stealth /pol/ threads, you low IQ normie consoomer.

>t. 80IQ /pol/cel

>> No.23398008
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>> No.23398013


>> No.23398204
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>Prometheus was a jew

>> No.23398229

>vices promoted by the Jews
Go outside, drink some fine wine and enjoy a pleasant chit chat, you fucking moron. Guess the Jews promoted alcohol among the Greeks, fucking dumbass? You were never invited to drink with the lads because you are ugly and stink and now you are resentful. Sorry, not sorry.

The rest is true tho

>> No.23398237

>redditor here-- IAMA

>> No.23398242

Read Malcolm X's autobiography or Two Hundred Years Together by Solzhenitsyn. Both mention how Jews are very into the local alcohol business. With questionable practices as well. Fucking retard.

>> No.23398255

Please go back to /pol/

>> No.23398262
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Tick, tock, Jew. Everyone hates you now.

>> No.23398276

>Irish pubs are a Jewish conspiracy

>> No.23398282


>> No.23398298
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>> No.23399272

Feminism and jews–evidence? Same goes for LGBT and all the other woke stuff I'm sure. But give me your reasoning.

>> No.23399336

Why is there been such an increase in kike apologists on this board? I expect it on /pol/ or /b/, but I thought /lit/ would be fairly free from them... clearly not.

>> No.23399342

why are the fags here so mind broken about jews

>> No.23399385
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To the /pol/fags who like to complain about how Jews are fucking everything up: how is you boohooing about the mean ol' Hebrew man keeping you down any different than a black guy complaining about the mean ol' white man keeping him down?

>> No.23399388

Can, not will.
Keep women barefoot and pregnant.
Drink whiskey responsibly.
Be wise with your money.
Keep the niggers in the field.

>> No.23399395

Because we're right and even normies are starting to notice it.

>> No.23399402

Most great writers were anti-semitic.

>> No.23399412

>even normies are starting to notice it.
You mean low iq people are being manipulated by propaganda?

>> No.23399414

Antisemitism is the antithesis of greatness. To reject God’s chosen people is to reject God himself. You and your ideology are satanic.

>> No.23399426

Biology loses. Machine wins.
Women becoming like men and repudiating their natural task = no more life. Alcohol and escapism = people are more selfish and live in their own worlds = no more life. Money controlling everything = everything is for sale and nothing is holy. Multiculturalism = everyone is the same, there are no differences between people = everyone thinks more or less the same.

Someone refute me.

>> No.23399439

>Antisemitism is the antithesis of greatness.
The existence of great antisemitic artist refutes this retarded view.
>To reject God’s chosen people is to reject God himself.
They aren't God's chosen people anymore.
> You and your ideology are satanic.
Jews are Satanic in every way: vile, murderous, lying, demonic. Try again. Moshe.

>> No.23399442

I mean people who are finally getting a taste of the truth after years and years of evil brainwashing by the judeo-anglo regime.

>> No.23399450

Scapegoat jews all you want but women are retarded cunts in EVERY culture you dumb faggot.

>> No.23399456

>- Women who are brainwashed by feminism and whore culture promoted by Jews.
Cope simp

>> No.23399464
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this but unironically.

>> No.23399472

>The existence of great antisemitic artist refutes this retarded view.
Their art cannot be great because it is inspired by Satan instead of god.
>They aren't God's chosen people anymore.
Supersessionism is anti-biblical
>Jews are Satanic in every way: vile, murderous, lying, demonic. Try again. Moshe
>And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

>> No.23399499

They hated him because he told the truth.

>> No.23399524
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why are there so many yids and yid-lovers on my board? you will never be /lit/ if you shill for jews btw

>> No.23399558 [DELETED] 

I have such high levels of nigger fatigue at this point. Just stepping outside for 10 minutes to buy some milk is enough to encounter fifty niggers being annoying. One almost kills you and two other people with a stroller at a crosswalk because he's impatient waiting and wants to play chicken with pedestrians, then he makes a "whatever bro fuck all y'all" hand gesture as everybody yells at him and speeds off ostentatiously. Another one throws his refuse into someone's flowerbed. A gaggle of them are screaming over here, another one is playing rap music from a bicycle he's not even riding, so loud that it shakes people's windows in the apartment building a block away. Another one is screaming profanity into his phone on speaker. Bunch of old ones drinking and smoking weed on a bus stop bench they've been on all day, while people actually waiting for the bus tolerate the noise and commotion and not being able to sit.

I fucking hate niggers. I have only had the misfortune of living around them for two fucking years but I will never forget how much I fucking hate niggers. You couldn't convince me that these people deserve anything less than to be shipped back and dropped on the coast of Africa if you had a thousand years.

>> No.23399565

>you will never be /lit/ if you shill for jews btw
Phillistine retard.

>> No.23399573

Based and accurate. Not many people know that Jews were often the prime alcohol merchants, especially in poor Slavic countries where it was officially prohibited. They were medieval and early modern drug dealers, getting poor peasants hooked on vodka.

>> No.23399577

Yeah remember when these four things went around the whole world enslaving people and committing genocide while raping the natural environment to transmute God's work into bullshit products for filthy money

>> No.23399578

They're fucking everywhere. /pol/tards are another breed of retards but it's pretty funny how the kike brigade thinks you have to be from /pol/ to know that le jews are behind every abhorrent thing happening to our society

>> No.23399582

>but women are retarded cunts in EVERY culture
Unironically true but j*ws take advantage of their hive mind

>> No.23399586
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JIDF lurks this board and others.

>> No.23399595

It's a relatively small number of surprisingly consistent JIDF posters. At least one of them is very easy to identify and has been doing it for almost ten years. The mods are aware of him so they ban his more egregious forms of spamming, but he used to be much worse.

>> No.23399608
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>> No.23399623

Humanity holds a neverending gun to its head and laughs at the next guy as he blows his own brains out, totally blind, laughing at their own doom

>> No.23399628

Tick, tock.

>> No.23399646

Any examples of that? It's kinda hard to tell JIDF posters from your typical redditor leftie

>> No.23399680

I'm a chud but I get annoyed by the persistent, repetitive stupidity of Jew obsessives
I want my ideological cousins to stop being so retarded and reductive
For instance, thinking that women aren't a problem except le jews involved. This shows such historical ignorance it's beyond comprehension. The war of the sexes goes back to Adam and Eve
Even in America women getting the vote was done by the Anglos with relatively minimal Jewish involvement
Fixating on this one thing makes you into completely one dimensional thinkers

>> No.23399689

The problem is the darkness of humanity's heart
Everyone is involved. The reality is more frightening than the myths each collective has
It's scary when "the other" is (you)

>> No.23399697

This is the other extreme of the spectrum
Meaningless vaguery directing to total inertness
The 'good time religion' idea of "our problem is just a one dimensional scapegoat" is not helpful and neither is what you're doing

>> No.23399724

The truth isn't always pragmatic

>> No.23399766

>how is you boohooing about the mean ol' Hebrew man keeping you down any different than a black guy complaining about the mean ol' white man keeping him down?
You appear to be conflating "alerting others" and complaining (kvetching) -- You don't understand, when I say "It's the jews", I'm smiling. Enjoy the ride, Vile Shlomo.

>> No.23399777

This is simply wrong
Whites never really "dominated" Africa and they still don't
Really that would be quite difficult and there is certainly no good reason to want to do it now
Blacks are only dominated in nations that were already predominantly white or whatever other race and that's an expected outcome obviously
And it was jews and blacks themselves who predominantly imported blacks to other nations as slaves
If anything whites have willingly worked together with jews more than any other race has been willing to in history