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/lit/ - Literature

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23393318 No.23393318 [Reply] [Original]

Try it. Find a translation of some philosopher from the 1700s onward. Find an introduction for a critically acclaimed, classic novel.
They're by jews, without fail, Every Single Time.
Further, they're always jews who grew up right after the nazi period, and thus, must examine every work of philosophy or literature in relation to fascism, nazism, white supremacy, etc. or, at the least, they relentlessly liberalize and sanitize the work in question.

>> No.23393325

This doesn't even happen all that much in my experience, maybe it's written by Jews but they don't often connect it to Nazism. You're grasping at straws to try and hate Jews here anon.

>> No.23393330


>> No.23393344

You already know the answer to your question. You’d have to be deaf, dumb and blind to not notice their influence.

>> No.23393351

They can’t write so instead they become professors and critics and translators and editors and publishers and treat literature like it’s their little pet propaganda project instead.

>> No.23393353

Surely not everything since the 1700s onward, right? Yes, I've noticed that though.

>> No.23393354

Also I bought Plato's Republic and the opening commentary is about Plato's relation to nazism and Karl Popper's Open Society. Not sure how associated the two are, but I thought that was interesting to see.

>> No.23393355
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Tried it. Verdict: you're retarded

>> No.23393357

Of course I already know why, that's not the point. It's a question to spur discussion.
There are bound to be some lurking anons who would learn a lot from this thread if some examples were shared.

>> No.23393359
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>> No.23393361
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>> No.23393362

Because Jews are smart and based

>> No.23393363
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>> No.23393364

holy shit the jew is seething

>> No.23393370
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>> No.23393371

You should have read Nietzsche, whom Kaufmann translated, who explained that the world we're living in is a Jewish moral reversal of antiquity. They built up and promoted Christianity precisely to have a society in which they could thrive. There's nothing wrong with this either; to claim otherwise is to be a massive hypocrite.

>> No.23393397
File: 263 KB, 1400x2176, grimms fairy tales.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was especially egregious with this edition.

>> No.23393528

>no sola scriptura, no Reformation
>endless interpolations and bowdlerization of the Word of God as an end in itself

Eggheads avoiding trades, and convergence of the publishing industry turn of the 20th century in combination with 'the Uncle System'.

>> No.23394124


>> No.23394200

They know their languages.

>> No.23394299

So how did jews outnumber Caucasian males in terms on translating books?
You'd think the jews elites figured out that controlling past records was important for "something" and thus they began and dominated translation. But how would you prove that? And what was that "something" ? Was it the idea of establish a gate for information? Did they remove any information that would have set light on their "evil scheme" or whatever it was.

>> No.23394341

It’s because they love manipulating WASPs and other EOL types like myself by purposeful misinterpretation of the source text. That’s why I try to read old translations when I can and not “brand new, for a new generation” represses by clout chasing startups.

>> No.23394345

>the uncle system
Googled that with precisely zero results. WTF does that mean?

>> No.23394367

Christian nobility in medieval Europe facilitated Jews in not only becoming European, but specializing away from low/working class occupations to being intellectuals. Yes, outsiders, but nonetheless privileged.
Later, when the feudal structure of Europe transitioned towards democracy, Jews increasingly would marry into the nobility, their wealth being the equalizing factor as blood came to mean less and less regardless of the Jews' presence.

Jews have high verbal IQ, that's what they do. They've historically been priests and lawmakers (law for their own people), and unintentionally (or perhaps not?) the isolation afforded them by European populations allowed or forced them to focus upon this aspect of themselves and to essentially specialize evolutionarily.
But don't get me wrong, it's not that they have staggering genius surpassing Europeans, not by any means, but being above average combined with their fanatical religious tradition of self-preservation and the unique circumstances of Christian Europe that enabled them, man after their cultural victory of WW2 just blew up into total Jewish saturation in Western culture.
Basically they are minorities at the same time as they are the majority (being White European), and verbal IQ is an exceedingly broad intelligence vector that allows access into things as varied as journalists to philosophers to social scientists, writers of fiction, critics of anything whatsoever, political theorists, the list goes on.
Add wealth into that equation of a racial solidarity, which focuses a religious to quasi-religious, esoteric/occult holy mission, you have individuals who naturally insert themselves in any fulcrum of cultural influence they can fit to innocuously express opinions which are useful enough to be - socially important? (might be hyperbolic there) - but also subtle enough to serve the interests of their tribe as they picture it as an international genetic body.

>> No.23394410

Bob’s your uncle.

>> No.23394414


>> No.23394426

Don't have much philosophy but looking through my fiction shelves the only clearly Jewish introductions are things like Kafka, Orwell and my Bible. Which given Jewish preoccupation with dictatorships in the 20th century is fair enough.
A lot of translations are by literal nobody's though, so it's tough to tell.

Of all the weird things to red pill people over.

>> No.23395327


>> No.23395332

Not him but I hate jews.

>> No.23395351

Going to take a guess and assume it means racial nepotism

>> No.23395378

It's certainly the case for fantasy/genre. Just take a look at Neil Gayman
>The Thirteen Clocks by James Thurber
>Voice of the Fire by Alan Moore
>Viriconium by M. John Harrison
>The Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling
>The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe
>The Once and Future King by TH White
>Dune by Frank Herbert


>> No.23395449

A girl I slept with who was in a lit masters program said Plato was a fascist.
I wanted to say
>do you mean proto-fascist?
but I didn’t want to not get laid that day

>> No.23395451

were you thinking "now who's the fascist, bitch" as you were fucking her? because that would be funny

>> No.23395466

kek. reminds me of another uberfeminist I was with who literally said to me as I was fisting her “I feel like you fucking ~own~ me”

>> No.23395743


>> No.23395867

But why?

>> No.23396381

Possibly. I think nepotism should be banned outright. I wrote an article on it awhile back

>> No.23396389

Ridiculous. People will always look out for friends and family. Always have. Always will.

>> No.23396421

I didn't get (You)s

>> No.23396428

Well it’s why I can’t get gainfully employed. Someone had to say it.

>> No.23396853

He is right.
Jews are smart, and they stick together.
It’s common sense.