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File: 81 KB, 640x685, women aint shallow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23392166 No.23392166 [Reply] [Original]

is there any good source on what books the nazis focused on burning? Was there ever any definitive lists of books or atleast authors that were to be destroyed?

>> No.23392169

Not exactly sure what your picture has to do with your question, but I think that the Nazis burned pretty much anything that didn't agree with Hitler's 'Aryan' philosophy.

This may have included the Bible.

>> No.23392183

Richard J. Evans mentions the authors in his 'coming of the third reich', or 'third reich in power' iirc

>> No.23392187

>women are attracted to attractive men
Wow, incredible. Who would have thought? Let's not act like most of you ugly incels wouldn't agree with the same photo if it had a chick with a nice rack, slim waste, and firm ass. You are just as bad.

>> No.23392191

gender studies

>> No.23392221

This >>23392191. Trannies used to bring up the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, some retards still do, but it turned out they were doing fucked up shit like trying to transfer hetero/homosexuality via testicle transplants that always resulted in necrosis and often death. It was a den of degeneracy and the worst type of pseudoscience. Even after the war the Denazification committees told their heirs to the institute to go fuck themselves when they tried to obtain financial compensation for damages.

>> No.23392320

Books about this?

>> No.23392326

so as usual there are no good guys just different groups grabbing for power?
hmmm i guess i'll just stick with rooting for the sides that make things best for me as a white man (whoever offers me an atleast 8/10 irish descent girl with a cute butt and long red hair)

>> No.23392358
File: 453 KB, 1325x1600, Austrian-psychoanalyst-Sigmund-Freud-1935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a dream in which i killed my gf.
Did Freud had anything to say about this case or simmilar?

>> No.23392369

Well, actually most female selection is dysgenic, they select for high risk tall guys who not only are more prone to doing dumb shit but taller guys live shorter lives on average not only because of a larger heart. I have written tracts on this.

>> No.23393001

They burned more then just "tranny books". There was a good thread about this topic on /his/.


>> No.23393071

You should research some time the only actual books the Nazis burned.

>> No.23393114
File: 236 KB, 1200x1579, 1689396746562946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hesse, Kafka, Mann, Musil, Remarque, Toller, Werfel, Zweig, Hugo, Rolland, Passos, Dreiser, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Jack London (KEK), Sinclair, Conrad, Huxley, D.H. Lawrence, Wells, Joyce, Wilde, Dostoyevsky, Nabokov, Tolstoy
Well shit. Looks like we Americans actually were in the right for curb stomping the retards.

>> No.23393125

The shy guy made me chuckle

>> No.23393131

Imagine if they went further. They would have eventually culled their own kind just like Soviets

>> No.23393191

In 1946, the Allied occupation authorities drew up a list of over 30,000 titles, ranging from school books to poetry and including works by such authors as von Clausewitz.
>As a consequence a list was drawn up of over 30,000 book titles, ranging from school textbooks to poetry, which were then banned. All copies of books on the list were confiscated and destroyed; the possession of a book on the list was made a punishable offense. All the millions of copies of these books were to be confiscated and destroyed. The representative of the Military Directorate admitted that the order was in principle no different from the Nazi book burnings.
>Artworks were under the same censorship as other media
>Artists were also restricted in which new art they were allowed to create; "OMGUS was setting explicit political limits on art and representation".
>all collections of works of art related or dedicated to the perpetuation of German militarism or Nazism will be closed permanently and taken into custody.
>The directives were very broadly interpreted, leading to the destruction of thousands of paintings and thousands more were shipped to deposits in the US. Those confiscated paintings still surviving in US custody, As of 2007, include, for example, a painting "depicting a couple of middle aged women talking in a sunlit street in a small town".
>The publication Der Ruf (The Call) was a popular literary magazine first published in 1945 by Alfred Andersch and edited by Hans Werner Richter. Der Ruf, also called Independent Pages of the New Generation, claimed to have the aim of educating the German people about democracy. In 1947 its publication was blocked by the American forces for being overly critical of occupational government.
>The Allied costs for occupation were charged to the German people. A newspaper which revealed the charges (including, among other things, thirty thousand bras) was banned by the occupation authorities for revealing this information.[48]
>After the war, Gottfried Benn's work was banned by the Allies because of his initial support for Hitler.


>After the war Hans Johst was interned, and on 7 July 1949 a Munich denazification tribunal classified him as a "fellow traveler". An appeal process ended in 1949 with his reclassification as a "main culprit" and a three and a half year labor camp sentence (the time Johst had already served).
Also lol, administering a defeated enemy country's civilian government post-war and then using it to criminally try people for things legal DURING the wartime government's actual sovereignty, all in the name of "democracy," has to be the most farcical (and depressing) thing in human history. Look up nullum crimen sine lege ("no crime without a law") and read fucking John Locke. The entire Allied/Soviet occupations were insanely illegal and immoral.

>> No.23393197
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And for good measure:
>In the Soviet Occupation Zone, many of his works were placed on the banned books list
>In the Federal Republic of Germany, Johst could no longer gain publication as a writer
They also banned poets from writing poetry. That's not even getting into what the CIA did post-war to suppress and ruin people they didn't like in foreign countries either, in many cases in countries that were their allies in WW2.

If you think the fascists were uniquely evil you're a retard. Every country had eugenics policies, every country had book bannings and even burnings, every country in the 20th century of any consequence is a totalitarian state. The fascists just had the misfortune of being the LEAST dystopian and most honest and open about what they are, of the three state types (communist, liberal-democratic, fascist). The commies were straight-up demonic, an empty husk and headless monster rampaging across Europe, and the "liberal" states were (and remain) just international finance cabals wearing 18th-19th century liberal ideology as a hand-puppet while using the other hand to slit the throat and smother the infants of any state that dared to break from their system of finance imperialism.

The fascists were the only one of the three that, mostly due to German autism, just tried to be honest about what they were: an organicist, demotic sublimation of the era of European democracies, and not some fanciful Hegelian communist utopia where everything is fine!! we swear!!, nor some fanciful liberal-democratic attempt to freeze time permanently in the early industrial revolution while actually raping and enslaving humanity.

>> No.23394010

The Natsocs only had like 13 years of actual power. If they had 50, they would've 100% been as demonic as the communists.

>> No.23394020

Nice try.

>> No.23394026

Not him but the Germans became more radical as the war continued. In peace time I think they would have been more "liberal" in censorship. For instance Wagner's play "Parsifal" was in the later stages of the war banned as it might be interpreted as promoting pacifism. This was one of Hitler's favorite plays that regularly played in peacetime and was clearly only banned due to the desperate circumstance they were in. I seriously doubt seeing that same level of censorship continue after the war.

>> No.23394030
File: 100 KB, 677x833, 1647294895356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women would rather have a Porsche than a 2003 Toyota Corolla, they must be dysgenic, wahh
Don't worry manlet, we'll leave some bitches for you.

>> No.23394031

>grug woman's preferred slave in slave system that exist between 1971 and 2027 before society collapse
Good Grug, preen and strut for your double digit IQ prostitute owners, good FAGGOT Grug.

>> No.23394091

You’ve never touched a woman

>> No.23394249

Yes, you subconsciously want to stab her with whatever hangs between your legs and is connected to your body.
>Have sex

>> No.23394323

The communists did most of their killing in the first couple decades. Their ideology necessitated murdering everyone. Whereas the fascists had clearly designated ingroups and outgroups.