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23391523 No.23391523 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23391528

I was with him till he said elephants. Absolute reddit tier animal, even more so than humans.

>> No.23391529

Yeah - I believe in god but Christians go total retard when they think that they can just fuck up the planet cos they think god said so.

>> No.23391531

Is Julian by Gore Vidal worth reading?

>> No.23391551

My noble Princess——
It is the physician, Helena! [_He takes her hand._] No, here, where I stand.
[_Tearing her hand away._] Faugh! there he was again!
She does not see me. Here, here, Helena!
The loathsome creature;—he is always about me.
What does she mean?
Stand apart, gracious lord——!
Sweet stillness! He does not dream——; oh my Gallus!
Go, noble Caesar; it is not meet——!
How boldly your close-curling hair curves over your neck! Oh that short, thick neck——
Abyss of all abysses——!
The delirium is increasing——
I see, I see. We must take note, Oribases!
[_Laughing softly._] Now he would be taking notes again.—Ink on his fingers; book-dust in his hair—unwashed; faugh, faugh, how he stinks.
My lord, shall I not——?
Away with you, woman!
How could you let yourself be conquered by him, you great-limbed, bronzed barbarian? He cannot conquer women. How I loathe this
impotent virtue.
Stand apart, all of you! Not so near, Oribases! I myself will watch the Princess.
Art thou wroth with me, thou glorious one? Gallus is dead. Beheaded. What a blow that must have been! Be not jealous, oh my first and last? Burn Gallus in hell fire;—it was none but thou, thou, thou——!
No nearer, Oribases!
Kill the priest, too! I will not see him after this. Thou knowest our sweet secret. Oh thou, my days’ desire, my nights’ delight! It was thou
thyself—in the form of thy servant—in the oratory; yes, yes, thou wast
there; it was thou—in the darkness, in the heavy air, in the shrouding incense-clouds, that night, when the Caesar growing beneath my heart—

[_Recoiling with a cry._] Ah!
[_With outstretched arms._] My lover and my lord! Mine, mine——!
[_She falls swooning on the floor; the slave-girls hasten
forward and crowd round her._
[_Stands for a moment immovable; then shakes his clenched fist in the
air, and cries_:] Galilean!

>> No.23391555


>> No.23391557

fuck up the planet? what?

>> No.23391570

what animal would you choose?

>> No.23391573

Space whale.

>> No.23391592


>> No.23391600

> *are made in the image of God and are the descendants of Adam and Eve in your path*

>> No.23391604

He's right. Humanity is a cancer, gaia a stage 4 patient. Her only hope is intense radiation treatment (nuclear apocalypse)

>> No.23391609


>> No.23391644

Hide all ivory hunter threads, report all ivory hunter posts, do not respond (whoops) to ivory hunter posters.

>> No.23391655

He's probably referring to AGW, or more broadly pollution on a mass scale. Some countries do intentionally fuck up their environment for generations. I don't personally believe in not developing hundreds of miles of land because of some random desert lizard, for example, but certainly mass dumping trash, toxic waste, etc. into the surrounding area with no regard for more effective and less damaging techniques as some countries do is fucking disgusting and not only unpleasant to see and live around, but damaging to future generations.

>> No.23391734

Bees, ants and elephants are incapable of reason

>> No.23391759

Parasitic brain worm

>> No.23391760

>By putting intention behind what man called good, God was produced. By putting intention behind what man called bad, the Devil was created. Leave this "intention" out, and gods and devils fade away.

>If not a human being existed the sun would continue to shine, and tempests now and then would devastate the world; the rain would fall in pleasant showers, and the bow of promise would adorn the cloud; violets would spread their velvet bosoms to the sun, and the earthquake would devour; birds would sing, and daisies bloom, and roses blush, and the volcanoes would fill the heavens with their lurid glare; the procession of the seasons would not be broken, and the stars would shine just as serenely as though the world was filled with loving hearts and happy homes. But in the olden time man though otherwise. He imagined that he was of great importance. Barbarians are always egotistic. They think that the stars are watching them; that the sun shines on their account; that the rain falls for them and that gods and devils are really troubling themselves about their poor and ignorant souls.

>> No.23391810

is he stupid?

>> No.23391812

anon, I...

>> No.23391820

Did he think he was just the ruler of a bee hive or an ant hill and that empires are just colonies of mindless drones?

>> No.23391822

based Julian
seconding this

>> No.23391824

It’s the cultural critique some make that the injunction in Genesis man would have dominion over all the fruit-bearing trees, animals, etc., and these were created for him to dominate over and use to his needs as he wishes, led to a disrespectful attitude towards the environment engrained in the West. I wouldn’t even be surprised if some of the conservative evangelical base maybe uses justifications like this, but I myself don’t find it that likely an explanation for the whole mindset behind this. The real reason is probably much simpler: a fat paycheck.

>> No.23391846

Most pollution comes from China. Fuck off with your anti-west propaganda/indoctrination

>> No.23391865

>the west turns china into the world's sweatshop
>but it's china's fault
nta but you're dumb, plus if they want to overthrow the U.S empire and capitalism they need to beat them up first. Btw it's ironic that you talk about anti-west propaganda/indoctrination when you're so clearly indoctrinated by pro-west propaganda, even though the west has mercilessly exploited most of the world and continues to do so.

>> No.23391871

Get out then

>> No.23391873

>"China pollutes more than any other country" = "most pollution comes from China"
lurk for three years before you express a thought again

>> No.23391875
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>> No.23391877

Most of the West makes their shit in China instead of their own countries. The West is full of hypocrites, don't get me started.

>> No.23391880

Then fuck off and go live in China

>> No.23391881

>le west is so bad it's literally the HECKIN WORST!!
these limousine liberals are hilarious
marie antoinette levels of disconnection and retardation

>> No.23391885

Retards always resort to "go live in x" when they lack arguments lmao

>> No.23391887

pack it in lads he used the argument winning spells

>> No.23391889

Ah you're just trolling. Ok then

>> No.23391892

They think caricaturizing the opponent is an actual argument lol at least he didn't post chads and wojaks memes.

>> No.23391900


>> No.23391902

>Refute it
i cant.
planet of the apes helps his message doe

>> No.23391923

>council of frogs
Doesn't and couldn't exist
>synod of worms
Doesn't and couldn't exist
>croaking and squeaking "for our sakes was the world created"
Only humans could articulate this idea, which is its own vindication. (Of the "for our sakes" part specifically, whether or not the world was created is out of scope for refuting the "humans are just like other animals" angle.)

>> No.23391949

Most production was outsourced to China due to increased cost and regulation which make it more difficult and costly to produce things here. Be aware that the very legislation designed to stop the pollution you're worried about didn't end up fixing anything, it just exported it to another place. It's also worth pointing out that this was the decision and result of a handful of oligarchical businessmen, not "the west" collectively. 99% of people don't have any say where cheap plastic knick-knacks are made. However what we all do have, is the ability to choose for ourselves what we purchase.

The bottom line here is that if you think pollution is such an issue, you should take it upon yourself to purchase items and products that minimize that, say for example by buying more expensive locally made items rather than cheap Chinese ones, but I'm willing to bet you also don't do that, so be careful where you levy that accusation of hypocrisy.

>> No.23391965

Frogs can't speak English. This chick is retarded.

>> No.23391967

ok jamal

>> No.23391969

>Why should the human race think itself so superior to bees, ants and elephants

Because we obviously are. This isn't something we have to think about, it's a given point of fact. We are literally superior to those creatures. We are the dominant animal on the planet. Whether God exists or not, and whether God intended that or not, it is the reality in which we find ourselves. The rest of it is him anthropomorphizing those animals in ways they are not capable of acting or thinking, which just further proves my initial point.

>> No.23391976

>buy locally made
>it's made using tools and raw materials that have been shipped from the other side of the globe
saving mother earth one purchase at the time

>> No.23391978

stfu stupid human faggot. You suck penises in the dark and think Henry James is a good writer. You're in no way superior to us bees. How are you superior? You're a worthless specimen.

>> No.23391988

Doge shibe inu

>> No.23392051

you didn't actually read anything that the people you're replying to said because a chunk of them directly address just that, its like you're a braindead rightoid waiting for a chance to post le epic picture
im not an amerishit

>> No.23392059

you can't cast spells that have already been used previously in the battle, or, rather, the rulebook allows it but gives them no effect

>> No.23392070

Where you from, king midwit?

>> No.23392133

>trade is... le BAD

>> No.23392135

Yeah agree fuck elephants and fuck Julian the redditor

>> No.23392138

Lol, gottem.

>> No.23392144

He can't easily fabricare a lie around "where are you from?"
These low level psychos can only lie to yes/no questions, and as usual hate revealing anything about themselves because they fear it'll be used against them (all arguments are personal to these creatures)

>> No.23392145

who are you quoting? also see >>23392059

>> No.23392147

Christian countries are trying to save us from this.

>> No.23392149
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i-it's the west that made them do it IT'S THE WEST NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.23392152

I mean, we clearly are distinct from all of those animals, because we're having this conversation to begin with. An ant doesn't even know it's an ant.

>> No.23392159

Maybe most Christians don't actually look to God for all of their decisions.

Really, the Bible and Christianity are more like outlines on how to live your life.

I don't think that Christianity actually requires such deference from people even if they do intend to "enter heaven."

But if people choose to follow the Word more closely, that is certainly their decision.

>> No.23392160

>braindead rightoid waiting for a chance to post le epic picture
aren't they all like this?

>> No.23392162
File: 90 KB, 636x499, 41xtfl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>man made catastrophic climate change isn't real
>politicians use it to stoke fear in gullible retards
>said gullible retards are like goldfish and don't remember the last el Nino or solar maxium
>polices related to climate have been disastrous for the West (e.g. the war in Ukraine is directly related to them)
>shit like Carbon Tax is regressive and the working class bear the burden
>the West doesn't polute as much as China/India/Brasil etc.
Simple as.

>> No.23392164
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Julian, it's in the very first chapter of the first book of the torah.
>So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

>> No.23392168

The West contributes to this problem. If the West is so against pollution and bad practices, why is most of their shit still made in China in 2024? Where are iPhones made, for example? Clearly not in the US. Western hypocrisy knows no bounds, you have no moral high ground.

>> No.23392172

Where are you from bro?

>> No.23392175

>babees first poli sci
NTA btw. You're a dumb dumb.

>> No.23392179

Probably raised in a middle class suburb and simply repeating shit he picked up playing ultimate frisbee on the quad, lol.

>> No.23392195

That or he's a paid bullshit spreader