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23390705 No.23390705[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This creation has been a complete disappointment. Just endless suffering and struggles, what for I ask you? Man has a cried a trillion tears just so that the creator can experience itself from all aspects at your expense.

>> No.23390748 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.23390794

What a brainless idea, that.
Fools and fools.

>> No.23391328

offtopic. go whine somewhere else

>> No.23391341

>a bloo bloo bloo

>> No.23391383
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>> No.23391566

It's really not that bad. The sun keeps on rising. Nothing bad ever really happens. You die and the sun keeps on rising. You poop your pants and embarass yourself and the sun keeps on rising. You lose your job and the sun keeps on rising. It's pretty chill actually. As long as you have a little food and water you're fine.

>> No.23391568

Also anybody have that how to appease boomers meme making fun of how to win friends and influence people? I can't find that shit

>> No.23391607

I'm sure you're right in the sense that if you're able to let go of your thoughts and just appreciate existence, it's not that bad. But letting go of your thoughts and feelings is the hard part and those are the root of most suffering. And you can't have dreams or strive for anything greater without having thoughts.

>> No.23391637

Hope is where you want something that could potentially be real to happen and then get disappointed when it doesn't. Faith is where you want something to happen and accept that if it doesn't it's okay and everything will still be fine. God is just a personification of reality itself. It makes it easier for the human to accept reality as it is if he personifies it and acts like there is a will to it. You can both want and have goals for something and accept that if it doesn't work out that it's going to be fine. If you do a prayer for something like the strength to work toward your goals and face rejection, that is a lot healthier than just wishing your goals were reality already and getting upset that they aren't. If you're having trouble facing reality then just try personifying it as "God." The exercise works which is why it arrose everywhere.

>> No.23391899

beauty is all over this wonderful planet, what you hate is called capitalism, which makes everything vapid, shallow and fake

>> No.23391901

>implying capitalism still exists

>> No.23392283

Humans are not great either either, most suck.

>> No.23392321

>thats not REAL capitalism!

>> No.23392350

What you call 'capitalism' is inherent to reality.

>> No.23392418

It's not any capitalism. There is no capital involved

>> No.23392628

Im pissing myself

>> No.23392635

Be grateful. Its your only chance at this. You do realize all of it is literally a miraculous event ? Take it or leave it. I cant bear people that are given the choice to live or die, and decide to choose neither.

>> No.23393287

As the root of existence consists in excellence of essence, so the finality of action consists in love of creation.

>> No.23393392

>If you do a prayer for something like the strength to work toward your goals and face rejection, that is a lot healthier than just wishing your goals were reality already
Exactly. People think that prayer is some kind of coin operated wish-granting machine. Childish.
True prayer is essentially meditation. Not "I Wish" but I AM.

>> No.23393444

If you take an objective look at the world it's an absolute nightmare realm, how many animals were eaten alive by the time I wrote this post? Countless.
If you were able to experience actual empathy at the suffering of other people and you could experience 0.001% of the human suffering happening in this very instant it would lead anyone to madness. Beautiful vistas are just wallpapers, the underlying OS is fucked and broken beyond belief

>> No.23394253

>Man has a cried a trillion tears just so that the creator can experience itself from all aspects at your expense.


>> No.23395238

What's broken about it? Without contrast we'd all just experience a tepid mediocrity.

>> No.23395258

Keep letting go. Also, don't believe everything you read.

>> No.23395274

It's hell, but it's also heaven.

>> No.23395506

It’s balanced as it should be

>> No.23397162

>i cant bear people
get well soon closet faggot