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/lit/ - Literature

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23390234 No.23390234 [Reply] [Original]

>I read the book
Ok recite it entirely, word for word
>I can’t, I can summarize it though
Then why wasn’t the book just a summary if that’s all you retain from it?

>> No.23390236

It's in my subconscious.

>> No.23390286
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>I read the summary
Ok recite it entirely, word for word
>I can’t, I can vaguely describe it though
Then why wasn’t the summary just a vague description if that’s all you retain from it?

>> No.23390290
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>I studied that topic for years
Ok recite your study entirely, word for word
>I can’t, I can write a book on it though
Then why wasn’t the study just a single book if that’s all you retain from it?

>> No.23390297
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>I read the vague description
Ok recite it entirely, word for word
>I can’t, I can give you the gist of it though
Then why wasn’t the vague description just a gist if that’s all you retain from it?

>> No.23390336

>I lived my life
Okay, recite every single thing that happened to you since the day you were born
>I can't, I can tell you the story of my life thoughever
Then why wasn't your life just that story if that's all you retained from it?

>> No.23390346

OP you got btfod in this thread.
You have exactly 15 (siebenunzwanzig) minutes to recite a summary of a book word by word and tell where ghat summary is from (so we can check) or else I will come back to this very thread and call you a stupid nigger in front of all of these people

>> No.23391147
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The still irrefutable point is that you didn’t read the book if you can’t recite it. So when you’re proudly rattling off the books you “read” to impress someone, maybe consider keeping quiet instead
Your game addicted zoomer brain couldn’t even remember to call me a nigger in front of “all these people” (You). Fünfzig is fifteen, and you didn’t spell 27 right anyway. In short you are a massive retard and have failed to disprove my theory

>> No.23391159
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This may be the only valid point, if it’s true.
If what we take out of a work is constantly broken down into a summary of it, the method of getting out information is flawed and overly long. Might as well watch a movie

>> No.23391311

>fünfzig is fifteen
Ich knie.

>> No.23391331

I enjoy actually reading, not merely collecting stories and reciting them. The activity is relaxing

>> No.23391335
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you didn't beat the book if
>you read it on a screen
>you listened to it
>you stopped reading for more than 3 days
>you didn't read it in the original language
>you read it only once

>> No.23391414

No, it’s not flawed. Here are some reasons you need to read the whole book:
>literature cannot be summarised, a novel or poem is an irreducible work of art and an artistic whole
>one often reads literature simply because the process of reading is enjoyable
>even for non-literary non-fiction, a summary often reduces nuance, and one gains a fuller, subtler understanding of the topic by reading
>what each person takes out of the book will be different, and just as this post implies >>23390290, you do not know what will form the summary and bits that you remember most clearly until you have read the book
>a book is not just what you “get” out of it, it’s often a challenge or experience just to read which will change you
>there will be implicit knowledge you gained along the way of reading that maybe you can’t articulate explicitly
>you gain increasingly better knowledge of language use along the way (true also for reading in other languages)
>in what situations is reciting the whole of a book word-for-word necessary? there are almost none, it’s a useless skill that would take too long. our brains tend to remember only useful information, or information that excites us, etc. which is not rote memorisation
>you are reading not to get merely a “summary” but think about it as a map of a territory that you have explored. you need a rough map so that you can re-explore, but a map has to be much lower resolution than the terrain
>knowledge is holistic and organic. we are not just data processors that transfer data word-for-word, the process of learning is actually more human and more complex than that. reading is the process of figuring out what is worth paying attention to
Now you’re done, recite those points word for word in your head.

>> No.23391416

>If what we take out of a work is constantly broken down into a summary of it, the method of getting out information is flawed
Nah the flaw is with you. The fact is that there are people that can read an entire book and word for word recreate it. Those people just have trained their memory or were born savants.
TL;DR Skill issue.

>> No.23391520

Another plotfag filtered

>> No.23391813

They have truly read the book then. I’m not saying it’s not doable, just that most people don’t read

>> No.23391826

>Now you’re done, recite those points word for word in your head.
I did not read the post, not truly

>> No.23391854

Humans throw away a lot of the knowledge of a book then. Written language is ancient and needs to be replaced by modern methods of transferring concepts. Instead of describing a smell or taste, add a scratch and sniff pad to the page. Picture books are actually far more advanced than written works for transferring concepts of scenery

>> No.23391867

>Fünfzig is fifty.
>Fünfzehn is fifteen

>> No.23391878
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jannies you can close this one

>> No.23391910

If you're not trolling: language is ancient but it's still the most advanced method we have for communicating abstract concepts, ideas, emotions and their relationships (something which pictures can't do and scratch and sniffs certainly can't do without the aid of language).
I don't think "throw away" is the right word because the general context of the whole book still informs the information that you do retain -- and again books are a technology that organises information in such a way that you can return to them if necessary. Full memorisation was only *truly* necessary with the oral poets because they were often composed before the development of writing technology and before widespread literacy, although it's a good skill to try to recite poems occasionally now too.

>> No.23391930

I don't know what modern method could explain abstract concepts, but the examples I used are clearly better for those purposes

>> No.23391999

this fellow patriots

>> No.23392273

OP got fucking obliterated

>> No.23392316

Ive noticed this. That when i think on issues and problems, my mind will immediatley go to specific thinkers as a means of addressing it. I won't take their position, but there is a concious recognition that X has influenced Y

>> No.23392715
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I don’t take defeat very well. Are you sure about that?

>> No.23392724

>can't post a measly summary
OP is a faggot, as always