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23388379 No.23388379 [Reply] [Original]

Books on Satanic ceremonies and how to perform them?

>> No.23388413

LaVey's The Satanic Witch.

Assumed that you've read The Satanic Bible so you know what it's really about.

>> No.23388439

Satanic rituals don’t actually do anything, they’re purely psychological and for show, or effect. If something actually answers, you just have to assume it’s an alien entertaining your games.

>> No.23388494

OK but aliens ain't real

>> No.23388600

Bible Black

>> No.23388606

For what purpose? If someone isn't teaching you directly, you're supposed to make your own based on concepts you learn from Hermeticism, Kabbalah, etc.
The most impactful rituals involve raping and killing, especially children. There's a reason for this. As above, so below, and vice versa. Symbols are things.
So if you want to perform impactful "satanic" rituals for any purpose other than vanity, you'll have to accept being a child killer. Are you that much of a desperate faggot?

>> No.23388620

>don’t actually do anything, they’re purely psychological
getting mixed messages here

>> No.23388766

Stories dominate Man. Look at religion. Belief is Power. You don’t need mind control powers to mind control people. You just need sway. Something doesn’t have to be real, to be real, to select persons. It’s all just Art. Psychology.

But actual ritualistic happenings? That’s even more disturbing of an implication.

>> No.23388781

>As above so below.

So what happens if you kill a child?

>> No.23388785

Satanic Magick? You think that's real?

>> No.23388809

It brings evil into the world and shakes peoples faith.
I'm gonna tell you something about real Satanism, and real cult follower idiots.
So, real Satanists are people who understand what they're doing. You can read Crowleys work, or any of the other great "magicians," and it's all high mind sounding bullshit to create a mystique that fools idiots into thinking they've tapped into some supernatural "power." They have, just not how they think.
A real Satanist understands there's no Magick in that sense here; rituals, voodoo dolls, talismans, chants, all of that is crap. What is real, is faith and the lack of it. When people hear about or witness atrocities, or even just bizarre and asocial behavior, it shakes and can break faith. A war, a murder, a child "sacrifice," a drug ring, none of it actually derives any "magical" power, it just upsets others and causes them to doubt the goodness of themselves, others and the world itself. It makes them question the value of humanity and of life.
Doing these things just brings evil into the world, real Satanists are deviants, often full of hate toward existence, even more often filled with pride, and selfish desire. They live to spite.
The ones who follow them are lambs lead to the slaughter, feeble minded idiots who believe in fantasies the real ones know are gobbledygook. This is why most Orders have degrees of initiation. The lower degrees are for the idiots. The higher ones are those who know the deal; there's no magic, only good and evil, faith and doubt.

>> No.23388834

How did you acquire this knowledge? It kinda resonates with me, I was forced into the left hand path by some freemasons that cursed me, and out of desperation I did some of the rituals that they instructed me to do. I just did the shit I was more or less okay with doing, not the real degen shit, and I noticed how "magically" every obstacle in my life disappeared, but I felt like shit and like a slave while doing that shit, so I stopped and my life went to total shit. I've been fighting these retards for years now, and I still don't know how magic really works or how curses work, but I've noticed that things started to get better when I stopped repressing my hate for humanity and just let it flow inside me, without judgement. I deeply resonate with the figure of the devil tho, as I see it as freedom from the opression of God, which is just a total tyrant. I sometimes think that we live under a repressive order which most people don't even suspect of existing, and I've doubted if there exists good in the universe.

What is the power of faith? Why do these misanthropic satanists want Earth to be Hell incarnate? Who is behind it all?

I'm not schizo btw lol

>> No.23388844

Self concern and hatred will get you more in the short term. As the evil spreads, faith dies, and the souls break, the world will get worse around you. So in the short term, you'll get all that you want, in the long term, you will get everything you wanted, and lose everything you needed, as you wake up in a destroyed world.
"Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven." Do you buy it? No refunds.

The devil, as a figure, is an idiot who lost his soul and became an entity of seething rage. He never knows rest, never knows love, never knows bliss. Emulate this, and you will become the same way.

>> No.23388846

Also, how does a person end up becoming a real satanist, in your opinion?

>> No.23388852

By being intelligent, abandoning illusion, and choosing evil. Its not complicated.
Nor recommended.

>> No.23388869

I don't know bro, I think it's more complex than this. I really don't believe in God or the Devil, but I understand the world in a symbolic manner and can't conceive a reality where there is a God that created this world with good intentions, it's just impossible. I see myself as the Devil, because I fight with the tyrannical regime of God / the system, with the intention of achieving total freedom for myself and others, though I know that people fear me and see me as a dark man.

I still wanna know how did you achieve your knowledge. Everything I've written I have experienced firsthand, as I've realized that bookish knowledge is just straight up bullshit and lies. Religion is a lie, as is the New Age etc... It seems everything is controlled by evil except (You). I see good as the decision to resist evil and just live a life that you can enjoy on your own terms, and I do prefer to rule my own life, even if it is a "hell" to others, than to serve people or beings that I don't know into a "Heaven" that I don't understand.

>> No.23388872

What do you think about karma?

>> No.23388895

Probably saw one last night watching Profanatica on stage

>> No.23388898

This is why your country believes on capitalism, a literal demonic cult to greed

>> No.23388911

I dont have any knowledge. These are just my thoughts. They could be wrong. Do not interpret me as knowing anything or dispensing some kind of hidden wisdom to you. It's just my two cents.
I dont know why you said "except (you)," I don't think I'm perfect or even very good. I can't tell if that was a slight. If you're interpreting me as saying I'm inherently good or better than others, I don't think that.
I think men and women contain dark and light sides of their personalities, and a dynamic of external pressure and freewill constantly plays into their decision to let one or the other side out.
I do believe in some sort of absolute good and evil, because I've seen how relativism is usually just an attempt by someone to rationalize their lack of responsibility and misuse of their will. Then again, I've seen people delude themselves into thinking they're "good," and using that to justify all kinds of evil, or blind themselves to their flaws. I take pains not to do that as much as possible.

I think it boils down to selfish verses selfless intent, compassion. When we become self concerned we usually do bad things and lose the way. When we put others first, we usually bring out the best in ourselves and keep on the path. Things like love, or random acts of spontaneous kindness, keep me from believing there's no "essential good." And things like sadistic torture and random killings keep me from believing there is no "essential evil."
I dont doubt or dismiss your first hand experiences. My interpretation is that when you became more self serving, you got what you wanted easier in the short term through the dissipation of concern, which breeds empathic restraint.

As for the devil being a hero, I think in Lucifers mind, he indeed thought he was a hero. That's what narcissism is all about. The villain thinking he is heroic.
I think it is real, it's just cause and effect.

>> No.23388935

Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:

2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

3 And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also: knowing that tribulation worketh patience;

4 And patience, experience; and experience, hope:

5 And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us.

6 For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.

7 For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.

8 But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

9 Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.

10 For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.

11 And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.

12 Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

13 (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.

14 Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.

15 But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.

16 And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.

17 For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

18 Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.

19 For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.

20 Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:

21 That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.

>> No.23388942

I'm the one you responded to.
In magick, symbols are tangible things. Your symbolic actions correspond to real results.
Now suppose you want to perform a satanic ritual (ie. a ritual that increases your personal power). What is the most powerful symbolic action you can perform that would correspond to your personal power?
Raping and murdering a child. In doing so, you are symbolically asserting that you and your desires take ultimate precedence over the life of an innocent being full of potential. A fleeting pleasure for you (rape) is more valuable than the innocence and life of a human child. You are stealing the innocence and life of a child full of infinite potential just for your own personal desires. You have severed yourself from humanity/collective consciousness and are asserting your dominion over others. This is why powerful people do this shit, not necessarily because they enjoy it.
But know that if you do this, you will be "cursed"; ie. the universe will respond to your actions and put you down a path where you MUST be a complete piece of shit or you will catastrophically fail.

>> No.23388951

You are an actual smart person, and that is weird.

When I said everything seems to be controlled by evil except (You) I meant that everything outside of us seems to be chaos, but there is a mind or a will inside of me (and I guess (You)) that opposes that chaos and seeks to bring on good things to the world and itself.

I see service to self as my goal in life. I'm obsessed with money and sex, but I'm not a bad person. I don't really wanna hurt nobody: I just feel like I deserve something better after all of the senseless pain that I've been through. I do no rituals and I don't serve anyone else because I feel like we are all equal (at least on a moral / inherent self worth level, not intelectually), and I don't like to sacrifice myself for anyone else, or anyone else to sacrifice itself for me. I just see both sides, the absolute good and absolute evil, to not represent me at all. I'm just a nice guy that wants money and power lol, I never got why life has to be this hard for someone with my objectives. I do know that the evil protects (at least on some level) there followers, and even though I don't see myself as evil, I do feel protected by... the Devil, I guess? I see the Devil as the good guy, but I think that you and I are more similar than we could think initially.

What do you feel?

>> No.23388965

Yes, that is a good way of putting it. However, I have some questions.
First; what of redemption? Killing a child is a pretty extreme ritual, but people perform lesser rituals of this caliber all the time; they lie, they cheat on their spouses, they steal, they trick people, people constantly do selfish things to those who've done nothing to them, a similar increase in "personal power" occurs to a lessened degree. Does redemption factor in? Because you said this:
>But know that if you do this, you will be "cursed"; ie. the universe will respond to your actions and put you down a path where you MUST be a complete piece of shit or you will catastrophically fail.
It seems to me that the cursed always catastrophically fail either way, regardless of what they do, as is the nature of balance. I could see where, if one actually killed a child, redemption seems blocked, no one will forgive that, so they "must stay on the path," or risk failure. But, if they stay on the path, they'll keep making the world less stable and more resistant to their corruption over time, resulting in failure.
So it seems like, to me, evil simply results in failure. And without redemption, even the lesser rituals cannot lead anywhere except total world annihilation.

>> No.23388973

So why the fuck did the universe put me on that path, and how the fuck did I got out of it by my own means, without doing all of that retarded bullshit rituals?

Also, how did you get your knowledge?

>> No.23388991

>what of redemption?
Yes. The wheel of karma stops with forgiveness. This requires time spent in self reflection. However, this should not be approached in the typical "Christian" way where you repent for doing "evil" things. Instead, it should be done in a neutral and unbiased way where you consciously determine that what you've done is not in accordance with your true nature. If you can earnestly forgive yourself, your karma stops.

>But, if they stay on the path, they'll keep making the world less stable and more resistant to their corruption over time, resulting in failure.
You'd be surprised how many evil people die without ever facing justice. You only ever hear about the ones who fail, and it's usually at the hands of someone else more evil than them. The Rothschilds have been one of the most powerful families on earth for centuries.

>> No.23388992

I think service to self is an agent that, if everyone were to follow ir, actually breeds more chaos than it stabilizes.
I'm not very smart, I am an idiot.
I am not making any value judgements toward you. Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law. I am speaking impersonally about these things, to whatever extent that's possible. It isn't up to me to say whether you're good or bad.
But I do think self serving acts, while probably inevitable, tend to generate more harm than good for all involved, and the preponderance of them is equivalent equivalent to the preponderance of evil in our world. As the world gets more evil, we all suffer.
I also believe we are all equal, but I don't think that has any bearing on how to orient ones self toward others. That's just a choice we make. One can say, we are all equal, therefore I will show mercy and compassion. Another can say, we are equal, therefore I will treat others as they treat me. Another can say, we are all equal, therefore I will fool who I'm able, and its on them, I could be fooled too.
It's choices we make.

As for God & Devil, I feel caught in between, but I think the Devil has bad intentions and wants to confuse, and that God doesn't really have intentions, just unambiguous wisdom.

>> No.23388999

>So why the fuck did the universe put me on that path
Likely your past life. Your soul probably wanted to change your path so you were born into it to learn how to heal yourself. I certainly can't say for sure though because I don't know the details of your life.

>Also, how did you get your knowledge?

>> No.23389013

I am thinking cosmically, I suppose. I dont mean that every evil doer faces justice, but the karmic road they drive on and pave tends to terminate. Every evil doer who died at peace, helped push us down to the current stage of things; their children have to deal with the effects, the world has to deal with the effects. Thats all I mean. If the goal of evil is personal power over service to others, in that it always builds a world that reduces the personal power of every human being (a modern elite has less power in real terms than an older one, simply by nature of reduced space, reduced opportunities, widening crises which limit choice, etc) then it always fails, cosmically.
You build a fortune to enrich yourself and your children. Generations go by, your children are hated for the legacy, and the world is unstable. They are rich, but must barricade themselves in Versailles.
Did you succeed?

>> No.23389024

The universe did not do this to you, at best you were seduced by demons or your own imagination at worst. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and repent. It's not too late.

>> No.23389029

Do you think simple belief in the Lord Jesus Christ really let's you off any sort of hook?
I like Jesus, btw, so don't misunderstand.

>> No.23389055

I don't believe in the soul, but I also don't deny it. I'm just waiting for proof of its existence.

> I don't know the details of your life.

It was like this: permanent suffering ever since I was born. Was raped as a child (5 year old) and sadistically tortured by two older brothers. My father was an alcoholic and used to beat me up. My mother was never home and she too abused me verbally.
At school I was always bullied, though I did become hardened to the point of becoming a bully's bully myself. People fear me since I have been a child, for no apparent reason to myself.
Life has been full of hardship, permanent depression and anxiety and also loneliness (haven't connected with girls in any way other than prostitutes, feel connected to them). Have little friends and my friends are like family to me, I feel like they are my own blood.
In 2020 I suddenly started getting messages by "The Devil" saying that he wanted to talk to me. I was open to it by meeting with black magicians via synchronicity and thinking that they were nice guys and that maybe I was tricked into believing that black magick was evil. I had already been seeing psychic phenomena and synchronicities since at least 2018, so I was pretty open to anything. I lusted after money and sex.
I was initiated against my will into the left hand path. That's where the story begins. I started feeling insane pain in my body and every opportunity for happinness or fulfillment in life was blocked. I later realized that I had been followed by Freemasons my whole life, and that they were the ones that cursed me.

I know this seems extremely schizo, but it's the truth. Lately I've been breaking the curse and discovering my true nature through hatred, and I feel like I might be going to something better.

That's all. Thanks for reading my story.

Do you think that a past life could be linked into a experience like mine in my present life?

>> No.23389063

Yeah, I don't know man, that seems like an overly simple explanation. I've prayed to God a thousand times without getting any answers, so I just know that I will have to learn to survive by myself. I see life as something more complex to understand than "God loves you, you were the bad guy".

>> No.23389067

bro they're just orgies with a theme

>> No.23389074

Those are hard experiences. I'm sorry you had to endure that. Why do you feel as though hatred is what is helping you to break the curse? You think it's in your nature to be full of hatred?

>> No.23389079

>I am thinking cosmically, I suppose. I dont mean that every evil doer faces justice, but the karmic road they drive on and pave tends to terminate.
It's not entirely wrong to think this. It's a bit complex to get into, but I'll try to explain this concept.
1. Every one and every thing exists to eventually become one with God. All life strives forward in some way or another.
2. There cannot only be one way, otherwise there would not be any distinction between anything.
3. This creates duality. But God cannot be two things, he can only be one. So what is the other thing? That which is NOT. Thus, the ultimate duality is that which IS (God/divinity) and that which is NOT. This is symbolized by the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Kether (God) moving down into Chokmah (the beginning of distinction).
4. When this cosmic-level distinction is filtered down layers of reality into the 3rd density (where we are), it manifests as two paths to unity with God: unity ("good"/compassion) and separation ("evil"). Both are valid paths to unity with God.
5. Karma is NOT a mechanism that punishes people for being bad and rewards people for being good. It is a mechanism designed to AID you in following your chosen path to God. This is why I said earlier:
>But know that if you do this, you will be "cursed"; ie. the universe will respond to your actions and put you down a path where you MUST be a complete piece of shit or you will catastrophically fail.
Forgiveness of the self is the act of recognizing and consciously choosing the other path.
6. Because the path of separation is still a valid path to God, you will not be punished if you correctly stay on that path.
7. But consider the logical conclusion to the path of unity vs the path of separation. The logical conclusion to the path of unity is ultimate love for all people/things, the wisdom to see the infinite beauty in all things, and the willingness to sacrifice the self for others (what Christ represents). The logical outcome of the path of separation is complete and total separation from others, where everyone and everything else is merely a tool for you to use, even for the most superficial desires (the ultimate psychopath).

>> No.23389094

I think that makes sense and aligns with my view on things to a large extent. But I have some follow up thoughts;
How does ones "true path" (dharma, as I understand it) get determined? Say one "born to walk the path of separation" decides to stray, and wants to walk the path of unity; they'll fail, according to your reasoning, but why? Because they were slated for psychopathy by....why? How?
What sort of malfunctions occur when a "born separatist" tries to seek unity?

And my other thought is, do you believe there are some who are meant to walk both roads, in some way, to learn about both? Because to me, this would seem like the closest a mortal man could get to glimpsing beyond duality, and recognizing the monad of experience.

>> No.23389098

The Picatrix

>> No.23389102

I feel like hatred is a part of my true nature, and I see that hatred can be directed towards the evil to destroy them. I sometimes think that the goal of the human experience is to know and accept every part of us entirely, to really understand what it means to be myself or (You). I also know that a person that has had a life like mine has no choice but to hate humanity, as I've seen the worst parts of it. The weird part is that I really don't feel like I want the innocent to die or be tortured, but rather the opposite, I just want justice for all, be it as harsh as it has to be. I do think that the Illuminati / Freemasons need to die in pain, and I wanna be the one that has the power to do that. I really am a sensitive dude, I like seeing people being happy, but I can't say that I will stop hating because, for me, hatred is like breathing, it's just a natural part of what it means to be human, and I think that trying to separate ourselves from our feelings, even the darkest ones, can only lead to fear and pain.

>> No.23389119

>I don't believe in the soul, but I also don't deny it.
As is your divine right. I will not interfere.

If you subscribe to my belief system (I am not pushing you to), I would tell you that your soul chooses the conditions of your birth before incarnation. That's why I said it's likely your soul has chosen to pay off a karmic debt.
Consider what I said here: >>23389079
Suppose I'm correct about your soul wanting to pay off a karmic debt, to put you back on the path of unity. What would be the most powerful way to do so, such that the choices you make have the most impact? If you were to ask me, it would be to incarnate you into the life you were born into. You were horribly mistreated at every step of the way. Can you imagine how powerful the effect on your soul would be if you found a way to forgive all those who hurt you?
However, free will must be respected at all times. Such a catalyst as the one you've lived MUST provide two choices:
1. Ultimate forgiveness, not unlike Christ. This would pay off your karmic debt and put you [back] on the path of unity.
2. Surrender to the catalyst, using the intensity of your experience to sever your connection to the path of unity. What you described about your experience with the synchronicity and the left hand path is precisely this.
>Lately I've been breaking the curse and discovering my true nature through hatred, and I feel like I might be going to something better.
This is your choosing the path of separation in the face of the catalyst. I won't interfere.

>> No.23389120

I agree with much of this, but I would say that this isn't a description of hatred is your true nature, rather, how hatred is or can be a part of your nature. And, as indicated by other things you wrote, love also can be, or is. People are pretty multidimensional.
Now, I'd also put this out there: do you think hatred is an efficient means of defeating those who make you feel it? Meaning, your suffering, the totally undeserved pain others have inflicted on you, the beast in man being revealed to you fully, that motivated some sense of hatred in you. Hatred at the injustice and the further perpetuation of it all. But, if these experiences generated hatred in you, can you use hatred to negate the source of the generation?
Maybe you can. I am not saying so either way, these are things I have to face myself, often, and think about. It seems foolish to say, you can "love" a psychopathic torturer hard enough that he'll stop. But I also question if you can hate him hard enough for him to stop either. I question what hatred can be used for, in my experience, it causes bouts of paralysis, delusion, and mistakes.
Hatred feuled quests for justice are something like, vengeance. And the issue, to me, seems like on a vengeful quest, one justifies all kinds of evil as means toward the good end, which means you create all kinds of other little hatreds along the way.
Or maybe not. I don't know.

>> No.23389131

This is pretty brilliant right here. I'm not that anon, I'm the other one.
How to redeem? I took my catalyst and used it to be a totally nasty person throughout life. I never broke the law or anything so extreme, but I've burned a lot of goodwill, said nasty things, broke trust. I would bet most people think I'm terrible.
I can accept all of that well enough, but at some point in life I realized I am a loving person who chose to be bitter and evil in his heart. Not so much through action necessarily, but through perception.
How to redeem? Are you saying I am doomed to failure, I must continue being what I've been? I cannot go back to being loving, and not so selfish?

>> No.23389148

You've got major Gandalf energy, that's cool.

>This is your choosing the path of separation in the face of the catalyst.

I see my choosing of feeling my hatred a path of unity within myself. I've lately been feeling as though I'm starting to understand love in my own terms. I feel as though recognizing my anger and my hatred while not acting in a hateful way, is a way to understanding the whole of myself and maybe humanity (pretentious I know). When I give myself pleasure through masturbation I cannot help but feel that love can be something physical, that I can give to others through sex. I feel that I can love others through seeing them being pure and happy, and that was something that I never felt before my great fall into pain.

>I also question if you can hate him hard enough for him to stop either.

I think that eventually I might come into the power to kill others, and I think that humanity has to make a choice between having compassion for the victims or for the victimizers. I don't feel any empathy for a cold blooded killer that rapes and tortures children; in my mind it's easy: if I can kill a dude whose only purpose is to harm I will do it.

I see you and I as two sides of the same coin, which might mean that all of this suffering wasn't for nothing. That makes me happy, knowing that life does have a meaning, and that my pain has some sense to it.

>> No.23389154

>How does ones "true path" (dharma, as I understand it) get determined?
By your conscious choice. This choice factors in your soul's free will (unconscious without training), which is influenced by your past lives. However, this can be changed at any time if you consciously assert it and pass the "tests" that immediately follow your conscious choice.

>Say one "born to walk the path of separation" decides to stray, and wants to walk the path of unity; they'll fail, according to your reasoning, but why?
If one is born to walk the path of separation (e.g. someone born into a very powerful family might have chosen the path of separation), it means they made the decision before incarnation. They will not fail if they consciously choose to follow the path of unity. Failure (negative catalyst) only comes when one acts against their consciously chosen nature. If they stop the wheel of karma with earnest forgiveness, they can walk the other path.

>Because they were slated for psychopathy by....why?
Someone born a psychopath has almost certainly gone very far down the path of separation and is very close to "graduating" to a higher density where they will continue the path. For such a person, changing the path is extremely difficult.
There are some who believe someone born a psychopath is actually an already-evolved soul far along the path of separation who chose to incarnate into 3rd density for some reason. I honestly don't know if that's true or not.

>And my other thought is, do you believe there are some who are meant to walk both roads, in some way, to learn about both?
Walking both paths at different times could be seen as a path in itself.

>> No.23389155

>I see you and I as two sides of the same coin, which might mean that all of this suffering wasn't for nothing
What do you mean by this?

>> No.23389157

I'm the anon that has been abused and is on the left hand path.

I would ask you to think and search deep inside you for answers. Do you really feel happy being a piece of shit? Do you wanna change, or think that you can change? In the end, I guess only you will come to know who you are. What have you lost through your perceptions that you feel wasn't worth it? I suppose that the path we must follow is that which feels right to us, not what others tell us "is" right. That's what I do, and that's the only thing that I could say to you in regards to your life.

>> No.23389163

>Do you really feel happy being a piece of shit?
No, I don't.
>What have you lost through your perceptions that you feel wasn't worth it?
My integrity.

>> No.23389174

Did Crowley ever experience something supernatual? I mean if you substract his personal self-aggrandizement.

>> No.23389178

What I see is that you and I seem to have come to understand life in our own terms, via our own chosen path. I see you as a person most likely aligned with what one could see most obviously as "light", while a person like I could be most obviously understood as a "dark" person, but in the end I feel as though nothing of this matters because, via Light or Darkness, we've come to know and understand life in itself, or at least that's where I feel I'm headed to. And, ultimately, in our own ways, we both have decided to do good, as seen through our own visions of what good is.

>> No.23389188

He supposedly talked with an alien named Aiwaz inside the pyramids of Egypt, though that might just be a trickery of his, or a metaphor.

>> No.23389190

Then, do you feel that you can change?

How can one lose integrity through perceiving without acting on said perceptions?

>> No.23389194

>By your conscious choice. This choice factors in your soul's free will (unconscious without training), which is influenced by your past lives. However, this can be changed at any time if you consciously assert it and pass the "tests" that immediately follow your conscious choice.
I did recently try apologizing to some people for terrible things I said to them in the past. I tried to be as sincere as possible without making any excuses. For most of these, it went as well as it could, they forgave me, that was nice.
For one, it did not go well. They did not respond, their significant other did, and basically threatened me, and told me never to contact again. I accepted this and never contacted again, and I won't.
It did shake me a bit, but in the past, something like this would have caused me to become very resentful and upset, I would have used it as fuel for my mindset toward the world, that it's not worth it to try and be good because you don't get rewarded for it. But this time I accepted it as the result of one of my previous actions, not everyone will accept an apology, and no one is entitled to one. I did not do it with reward in mind, but because it was what seemed right and what seemed in accordance with how I was trying to change.
I still feel no resentment over it nor see it as a reason to reverse course, and I am still keeping my thoughts on how to serve others and be good. So maybe that was like a test, and maybe more will come.
But I do know I want to be a good person who doesnt cause harm, and that is not unreal.

>> No.23389196

The C Programming Language

>> No.23389200


>> No.23389207

Because I feel like I started out with a vision of myself as some kind of hero or loving, well intentioned person, and when I chose to hate humanity for the failings I saw within it, I realized I'm as capable of being bitter as anyone else, and therefore I was never what I thought I was, I'm as human as anyone. That is what I mean. The distinction between praying for someone's downfall, and actually participating in it. The latter is bad, but the former still reveals the ugliness inside you, to you, even if you did not act on it.
Ill be more direct: do you see me as some kind of enemy or abuser? When you said what you said, I could not help but feel you were drawing lines.
I got plenty of dark in me, I wouldn't be able to relate to any of what you're saying if I didn't. And I'm not a rapist or anything like that, I think what happened to you was horrible, I never got raped but I got fucked with as a child (yours is far worse) and it similarly shattered many illusions in me. It brought out a lot of hate. I don't judge you for any of it, or see you as an enemy.
Maybe I am reading too much in. I guess I can relate to some of the feelings.

>> No.23389209

>How to redeem? I took my catalyst and used it to be a totally nasty person throughout life.
Enter the code on the back of your Google Play card on the Google Play website. Joking.
Forgiveness stops the wheel of karma. Reflect on your life's choices. Not with penitence, but with love of yourself and God, and an understanding that you are simply a student learning through your mistakes. Reflect on your nature. Reflect on the logical outcomes of both paths. Then choose the path. Upon choosing your path, consciously acknowledge that all your previous actions contrary to your chosen nature were made with no understanding. You'll find it rational to forgive yourself if you find this wisdom. The universe will respond.

>Are you saying I am doomed to failure
Absolutely not, see >>23389154

>I see my choosing of feeling my hatred a path of unity within myself.
To serve the self is to serve God, for not all part of God? To serve others is to serve God, for not all part of God? The path of unity is unity with God through unity with others. The path of separation is unity with God through unity with only yourself. Your instinct is correct.

>I feel that I can love others through seeing them being pure and happy, and that was something that I never felt before my great fall into pain.
Both this and its opposite (making others miserable) are valid paths. The choice is yours alone. But know that there is an immense power in choosing to forgive and love in the face of all you've suffered.

>I think that humanity has to make a choice between having compassion for the victims or for the victimizers.
Far into the path of unity there is no distinction. This is difficult for many to accept. I think if you contemplate all I've said, you'll be able to understand why the path of unity requires universal compassion. Remember that it is easy to have compassion for good people. Christ forgave all for their sins, no matter how severe. That is difficult.

>I see you and I as two sides of the same coin
We're all the same in the end. We are all children of God.

>> No.23389212

I feel like a lot of Satanism, or what urges people towards Satanic practises, is just that it's sexy, but then it gets all fucked up because it has to be so dark and grotesque. Why wasn't Christianity sexy in the first place, it would save a lot of trouble, the Greeks were sexy and rational, everyone seems to like them.
I don't see why the Christian idea, of humanities ultimate redemption, shouldn't be kind of sexy in the first place.

>> No.23389217

What is your definition of alien? If they aren't of this earth, or terrestrial sphere, they are by default extraterrestrial. Existence is more alien than not.

>> No.23389229

>Not with penitence, but with love of yourself and God, and an understanding that you are simply a student learning through your mistakes. Reflect on your nature. Reflect on the logical outcomes of both paths. Then choose the path. Upon choosing your path, consciously acknowledge that all your previous actions contrary to your chosen nature were made with no understanding. You'll find it rational to forgive yourself if you find this wisdom. The universe will respond.
Thank you. That makes me feel better and like I am doing the right things as of late.
You are adept, I know you probably do not care, but thank you again.

>> No.23389232
File: 93 KB, 640x503, 1704057132625815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's the basis of this image.

>> No.23389241

I hear blasting a 3Inch 12g slug into your dome is a great way of summoning Baphomet

>> No.23389243

>For one, it did not go well. They did not respond, their significant other did, and basically threatened me, and told me never to contact again.
Honestly, this doesn't matter. Part of the path of unity is respect for the free will of others. Their choosing not to forgive you has no bearing on your own choice. Your accepting of their free will, though it may not feel good, is a triumph in itself. In this regard, the difference between the 2 paths is acceptance vs control.

>I still feel no resentment over it nor see it as a reason to reverse course, and I am still keeping my thoughts on how to serve others and be good. So maybe that was like a test, and maybe more will come.
You are astute and wise. Remember, your soul does not evolve with easy decisions. Only when it's difficult will you grow.

>> No.23389246

In my case, I never saw myself as a hero, but rather as a nice guy and a good person. I don't feel guilt for hating humanity or hating a specific person, because I think the only thing that matters in life are your actions, and thinking or feeling ugly things are very different to acting out said things. I think you should give yourself some room to breathe and explore your darker side, to see that you are not as bad as you think you are, and probably not as good as you think you are. That's how I feel about myself, I know I could be ready to kill someone, but never an innocent person, but my anger and my hatred probably has hurt innocent people, and for that I don't feel guilt, because I understand that anyone in my shoes would have done the same or even worse.

I don't see you as an enemy, I see you as some kind of friend because you've been talking to me for close to an hour and have been giving me wisdom and a different perspective on life that I didn't know. I also don't feel like I need any pity over what happened to me and I never talk about it with anyone, I just felt it was useful for the sake of the conversation. I just feel like people judge themselves way too harshly over feeling ugly shit, but that's what makes us human. Acting like a psychopath, on the other hand, is something I will never respect or empathize with.

>> No.23389259

It has to be! I see that the path to "unity", or whatever you wanna call "enlightenment", has to have both ethics and sex in it to be valid. I can't respect sex without love and love without sex, it just makes no sense.

>> No.23389261

Fair enough.
I've said and done some pretty shitty things, but I agree that something like killing or raping a child just to further one's own ambition, or for any reason, is something I cannot understand. Perhaps that is what makes a person; where they choose to draw the line.
It's been good talking with you. I wish you the best in your life and hope your choices fulfill you, and serve as a benefit to others.

>> No.23389267

Good luck, anon. It's been good talking to you, too.

>> No.23389287

>I know you probably do not care
If I didn't care I wouldn't say anything. You're more valuable than you think.

>> No.23389356

Thank you.
One more thing, before I go, if you'll allow a moment of self indulgence.
I've been writing something. It's going slow. But I wrote the first part and shared it here once. It is a story I'm writing, about Lucifer, having fallen to the Earth after the failed rebellion, working out his plan to get back at God through the corruption of humanity and Earth. Very derivative, I know, but it's a work of therapy.
I gave him a demoness he corresponds with, Sophia, who fell with him after the rebellion. Throughout it, he interacts with her, and he lays out his plans; she always let's him know how to best reach his goals, and never really comments on if this is good or bad, she never praises or contradicts, she just tells him that if that's what he seeks, he could try xyz. He, in his pride, always takes this as some sort of affirmation or compliment to his abilities, along with guidance.
I have to work a lot of it out still, and there are other demons in his legion, but I have this part well thought out: Lucifer thinks that God is a tyrant without justification, who cloaks his demands for obedience and worship behind a veneer of "love and mercy." Lucifer sees himself as having far more sympathy for the humans, even if he sees himself as above them; for example, instead of punishing them for lusts, he sees their sexuality as something God put there, and thus asking them to show restraint or chastity all the time is like a form of twisted torture. Same with all other sinful urges, pride, aggression, violence, all these were put there by a God who punishes if one "falls to temptation."
So Lucifer puts a plan in place to invert the Commandments, knowing that many will probably die as the weak fall off, but in the end a truer, less inhibited and less tortured humanity will arise from it, and out of gratitude, they will make him their God instead. As they sin while his plan is unfolding, they are unwittingly worshipping him instead of God anyway, so each sin brings satisfaction.
In the end, I want the result of all this to lead to total destruction as nuclear war and ecological collapse threatens to destroy the Earth, and Lucifer seems puzzled; no rational, logical plan for eugenics or genocide was carried out, no neat and tidy dying off of the weak or undeserving, utopia never emerged, the world is just getting ready to kill itself. He cannot understand why this happened, since his Commandments sprang from love, sympathy and a fuller understanding of the human dilemma. He blames Sophia for misleading him.
Sophia(the Greek for "wisdom,") explains that she never told him either way what the consequences would be, because it's not her place to get in his way, and if he'd ever bothered to really look, or even ask her, he could have known them. All she ever did was give what he asked for; he wanted clarification of strategy, she gave it.
So now Lucifer is faced with a choice; ask for forgiveness and return to being an angel under God

>> No.23389384

Without pride this time; or, continue down this path, where he will indeed be worshipped as God, but by a dying Earth with no inhabitants left to adore him.
So he asks Sophia, why? Why did he do this, why did he rebel, why is this the outcome of his plan? And she says, because you are prideful and arrogant, your heart may be in the right place sometimes, but your pride consumes and blinds you.
Unable to accept this, Lucifer kills, and then devours Sophia. When he does this, he becomes Satan. He no longer has that veneer of sympathy and pity for mankind, he no longer has much agency or direction at all; Lucifer is basically dead, Satan is all that is left. He no longer has a plan, all he has is aimless, arbitrary rage. He no longer wants to corrupt humans so as to be worshipped or to improve them, but simply to destroy. Nothing is premeditated anymore, he is pure aimless chaos. Humanity sees this as he reveals himself for the first time, and mocks them all for following him. Most realize what they've done, and reject this. They come to terms to avoid the nuclear war, reflect on where they went wrong, and seek a reunification with the principles God first gave them. Satan is left in the shadows forever, given free reign to tempt men as they come, same as before; but no longer with the illusion that he is anything but a monster.

I laid all this out because that idea of Lucifer swallowing Wisdom itself in an attempt to shut it up, and in some subterranean attempt to embody it without surrendering to it, means he is cut off from it forever, and basically goes insane.

What do you think about all of that

>> No.23389399

I think you're on the path to creating a fascinating work of philosophy. I hope you inspire many others with your sincere efforts!

>> No.23389437
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No disrespect to actual clowns
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