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/lit/ - Literature

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2338825 No.2338825 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /lit/. I'm an unrepentant fa/tg/uy, and we had and interesting thread the other day. Pic related. Now, I don't know what the general consensus on Twilight and other supernatural romances is here, but they're widely disliked over at /tg/. Hence me bringing my idea here.

You see, I want to write one. Well, a quirky spoof on Twilight, at least. Lots of psychological romance, without the possibility of physical intimacy, mixed with a healthy dose of action and mystery. Before I get too invested in this project, I want to ask you if this seems like a good idea.

It revolves around a young girl (16) discovering that the supernatural is real and stalking a kind mid-30's looking middle eastern man she's convinced is a Vampire. She never sees him in the sunlight, he looks the same now as he did when she was 5, people talk about him having lived in the area for a long time, and he always seems to come out of nowhere to help people when he's most needed and least expected, then walks off like nothing happened.
So she finally corners him in the tiny old book store he runs in an older part of town, and rips the curtains out of the way, to see if he sparkles, or hisses, or runs.

>> No.2338828
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He stands there, illusion shattered by the touch of Ra's Light while she screams and hyperventilates. He's actually a dessicated mummy, several thousand years old. Egyptian mythology holds that in death, a person continues what they did in life. Well, in life, he was a high priest who often walked back and forth between life and the afterlife, mediating between mortal and supernatural, and helping the community. So now he's stuck doing it forever. His distant descendants settled in this area, and he's been a pillar of the community for 200 years. Some of the older members of the community know about him, and keep quiet out of respect. Most of the local supernaturals know of him and go to him for help when needed. She's already been marked for death by a local Leprechaun clan for nosing around one of their investments too closely, so the only way he can shield her from the 'bad luck curse' is to take her on as an apprentice.

Dim-witted school-girl twilight fan thought she would get a romantic handsome vampire lover, instead she gets an ancient, sarcastic, responsibility-laden mummy whose junk rotted off centuries ago that she HAS to listen to and obey as he solves magic-on-magic crimes, volunteers at the old-folks home, and helps the community as best he can without exposing anything. And despite herself, she finds herself falling in love with this ancient horror.

>> No.2338832

Sounds like it could be pretty funny -- provided you are a decent writer.

P.S. we love Twilight here and won't hear a bad word about Meyer, so I suggest you apologise for your remarks before the whole of /lit/ jumps on you and chews you up like a vampire performing a caesarian.

>> No.2338853

>she finds herself falling in love with this ancient horror.

fuck off you race mixing vermin.

>> No.2338857


mummies aren't a race, brother

>> No.2338881
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>that pic
>my face

But yeah, your idea sounds neat. Sort of sounds like 'Reformed Vampire Support Group' meets 'Howl's Moving Castle'.
So hell yeah, I'd read it.

>> No.2338894

Sounds pretty funny. Keep it as a pure comedy though. I don't think it would work as a dramady.

>> No.2338990

mite b cool.jpg

>> No.2339026
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thanks all. I'll start working on it next week (busy weekend at work)

>> No.2339139

You do realize theres an entire mummy society somewhere underground, right?

>> No.2339177


I'm pretty sure this one is Egyptian.

>> No.2339195

I have thought about writing one for the longest time now, but I dont want my book to not be published, or sit on a shelf doing nothing.

I am scared to write a book and spend all that time writing it if no one is going to read it.

Besides, I think the whole, dying kingdom being held together by threads and a struggling prince being saved by a commoner women is outdated. or do you think people would read a story about a woman who came to find she had powerful magics and only she alone can save the kingdom and while doing so, save the prince she came to love.

I know it sounds cliche, but I like my telling of it. I am just scared no one else will...

>> No.2339222

You should be more afraid that you might use your time and talent regurgitating the same tired fantasy garbage instead of writing a real novel.

>> No.2339254

Well.... then how about...

A Novel concerning a man who, in the 1920s, who knows he has super powers, and finally feels forced to use them to save someone. when the world finds out, it begins to take a look at what would happen if there was a person with superpowers, how that would shape the course of history, and whether or not he would feel the need to help people on every occasion, how much, and who he should help.

what do you think about that concept?

>> No.2340139

Not a bad idea, really. Interested in seeing how the Cold War plays out that way.

Reminds me of a short story that was a what-if of how the world would turn out if Superman had landed in Nazi Germany and been raised there. He reminisces about how life would be different, how President Luthor wouldn't have him in a kryptonite cage under The Hague if he had crashed to earth and been raised American.

>> No.2342612
