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23385234 No.23385234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You can feel it when you are out in public, no one gives a fuck about anything anymore. Even normies are blackpilled husks now.
I go to work and basically just do nothing. I don't give a shit if they fire me, it literally doesn't matter at this point. I'm poor if I'm NEETing and poor if I work full time. This society is pointless.
No community, no property, no families, no future. Where the fuck do we even go from here?

>> No.23385271

Time to hide another doomer thread

>> No.23385295

>another shitty not even decently written le epic sad wojak doomer pasta
Who is responsible for this? I've noticed like 5 different variants so far, and they get crossposted on all the doomer pipeline boards like pol and r9k. chinese spambots? it can't be one faggot who is this blown away by some shitty pasta

>> No.23385308

Born too early to explore the stars, born to late to buy house, born just in time to surf the internet

>> No.23385313

4chan is the only outlet lonely and depressed people have for conversation.

>> No.23385320
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there must be another way.

>> No.23385321

>chinese spambots?
Very likely

>> No.23385327

guys i wasn't going to make this thread but i fell in love today. i ordered my coffee as usual this morning and there is a new girl, she has the most beautiful green eyes and i'm trying to stammer my order to her but i can't make a noise and she just smiles and says

>"always order X right - ellie told me, you come in here every day, i'm normally in the back but i've seen you before"

i nod like a retard and as she's handing me my cup i notice her hand is trembling a bit so i grab it and she puts the cup down and we are holding hands and then we both look up at the same time and were both smiling and she's starting to blush, she has the cutest pale skin omg it felt like my entire lifeforce was draining through me and hers into mine.

anyway i will marry this girl and we will grow old together and die peacefully surrounded by photos our great grandchildren and the sweet and painful memories of an entire lifetime shared together.

>> No.23385347

Become Übermenschen.

>> No.23385439

do you have a book recommendation or...?

>> No.23385539

Things that never happened/10

>> No.23385545

Yeah dude, no one’s ever had a thing for the cute barista before.

>> No.23385689


>> No.23386544

It means it's time to go hermit mode and write your magnum opus. As for the normies who are incapable of such a feat, well this is simply not their age any longer.

>> No.23386573

be a contrarian and love everyone you can, anon.

>> No.23387045

sorry i banged her actually yeah

>> No.23387233
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I don't love anything anymore. This creation has been a complete disappointment. Just endless suffering and struggles, what for I ask you? Man has a cried a billion tears just so that the creator can experience itself from all aspects at your expense.

>> No.23387239

Leave 2525 out of this, /pol/lack.

>> No.23387245

Every sunny day is preceded by rainy nights

>> No.23387246
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I think I might be losing it bros, the anhedonia and piercing through even the alcohol, I can't feel anything, I feel nothing for this shit reality, there's nowhere for me to go, everywhere is the same urban hellhole filled with ugly bad behaviors and ugly sinful rotten people, everything here is so ugly and so twisted and every move I make is wrong even when I try to give in I'm still somehow wrong

>> No.23387250

Man chooses his tears, and his laughter
Man kills man because man doesn't realize he's addicted to his own death
It will change someday, because deep down, man wants life.
Man is just stupid.

>> No.23387256

Just think, your entire experience that you attest to - that one, endless suffering and billions of tears - that is just so you NPCS, hylics, etc color in my life so I am not bored. It does balance out in the end.
I would thank you, but you are just a figment of my imagination and it would be kind of redundant.

>> No.23387258

The only power you have is however you choose to perceive things
It is a choice. Where you see suffering, you can view it with compassion or you can view it with contempt. You can also choose to pretend the suffering you witness, isn't suffering, but I wouldn't recommend it, I've never seen anyone benefit from ignoring reality, or from crafting a delusion.
But when you see what is, you can choose how you respond and how you interpret. You cannot choose anything else.
You see bad behaviors in the streets and ugliness in the air, you cannot unsee it; but you can feel common sympathy for your brothers and sisters, or you can feel bitterness and disappointment in the base nature of mankind.
The former will produce certain affects in you, as will the latter. Neither one changes the suffering you see, what they do change, is you.

>> No.23387262

But what am I supposed to do with it? I feel compassion, I try to act compassionate and moral, but there's no reward for it and nowhere for it to go. It feels like God is actually dead. I feel completely alone in this living nightmare. I would give anything if I just knew there was something I could work towards, some concrete goal, like knowing that there are other people like me in Russia and I just have to make enough money to get there, then I could actually have a goal to work towards. Instead I'm just supposed to live out this dead life in this dead world, full of hideous people that make me want to die. I feel the sadness creep up on me every five seconds, it hits me like a wave that I can't get used to so it's new every time.

I would give anything just to work 20 hour days knowing that I'm working for something good, something bigger than myself. I would gladly trade everything in to be part of something I know is good. But everything is rotten and I feel drowned in it, drowned in anonymity, drowned in meaninglessness, just a broken disposable drone.

>> No.23387280

Please do not get angry at what I am about to say;
There are opportunities, right now in wherever you reside, where you could do this. Odds are most of them aren't pretty. But somewhere within moving distance for you, there is a job that pays well and would give you plenty of overtime, and you could be doing that. For example, in the USA, there are oil jobs open rn that they have a hard time filling, some are $90/hr. Long hours. It's very grueling work.
I know for myself, the reason I don't go do things like that is because I don't truly want to. So perhaps take a more honest audit of what you want, versus what you say you want, because what you just told me you want is actually possible; you probably don't want it.
On compassion, what you feel towards people is something more like sympathy, or pity, or perhaps even empathy; but in that you don't just hold it in your heart, and lament over how you can't use it to "do" something about any of it, you're holding it with expectation and with self concern, and therefore it doesn't reach the stage of being compassion. Compassion is wholly selfless and unexpectant. I am not saying any of that as a judgement against you, nor calling you selfish, nor implying that you don't feel for others. What I'm saying is more like, we have egos, and we have good hearts. We want to go out and fix the world, but when we don't keep this feeling in balance, all kinds of bad things happen. We short circuit, we take on weights we cannot lift, we respond in all sorts of bad ways. Some people crash out and burn out, due to the seeming futulity; some lash out, frustrated by their seeming inability to affect "big" change. Either way, it's all bad for you, makes you worse and produces the gloomy feelings you have.
You cannot probably save everyone from suffering, but you can save yourself from it, and it comes through detaching yourself from outcomes, expecting nothing, and putting others above your egos vision. Look at suffering with perfect understanding and perfect purity of intent toward others. You probably can't end homelessness; you can probably buy a sandwich for one homeless guy around you, and ease his daily burden; you can definitely not look down upon him or dehumanize him, regardless of how barbaric he's acting, and this will keep you from losing faith in humanity and in yourself. Compassion is like that, not losing perspective, so that you do not feel the pits of despair you're clearly feeling, so that you don't entertain unrealistic, worse visions of the circumstances than how they actually are, so you see opportunities in spite of any obstacles, so you do not give up and break.
And so that you are a good presence for others in this world, instead of a burden, a predator, or a Nothing Man.
This was blunt but I hope you recognize my intent is not to put you down, but to offer a kind word. And I say it knowing I am the biggest idiot of all time.

>> No.23387302
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That is wise advise and I see a lot of truth in what you say but I think I'm too far gone. I don't feel compassion for the homeless man anymore except in the abstract. I've seen him harass too many women and had him spit at me too many times. I also feel insulted and disgusted by the idea of helping a victim-predator of a predatory system that propagates itself by creating victim-predators like him, to terrorize the true victims at the absolute bottom of the system, the only people stupid enough to actually try to be decent 100% and not let the shit roll downhill and terrorize any people "beneath" them.

I agree with what you say in the abstract and I see the wisdom that being a good person is about the little battles day by day, moment to moment, not the big showy easy victories. But I feel sick even breathing the air at this point. I don't see the world as a static place with evil in it that we have to come to terms with by becoming wise and conquering our egos, I see the current society as uniquely and especially sick and I can't stand being part of it. Nothing here brings me any pleasure, I don't have any creature comforts or "little things" that make me happy, I don't enjoy hedonism or pop media, I haven't in years, I literally don't feel anything at all and the only possible answer there is to anything I'm saying is normies telling me to take meds and get therapy so I can be like them and enjoy eating feces in hell.

>> No.23387305

Also I am "chasing the dragon" with what few pleasures I still have from my former life as a person who felt anything, but for every 1 point of pleasure I feel by indulging in some nostalgic shit like a movie I used to like, I feel 2 points of pain and disassociation and the nightmare gets worse and deepens. I feel like the walls are closing in with mathematical inevitability.

>> No.23387345

Have you ever been a predator toward someone else? Doesn't have to be extreme. Do you always treat people well?
This is what I was alluding to with delusions of the ego. Take a more honest look at your actions. You may not be a murderer, or a rapist, but are you blameless?
I don't say it say you should feel guilty or like I'm judging you, I don't give a shit about your missteps, not my point.
But perspective is truly everything. The pleasant side is it keeps you being a good presence in this world for others and makes you feel better; the darker side is that we hide the reality of our own smallness and banality, by focusing on that of others.
Compassion is, you see the homeless man spit and bother women, and you realize what you're seeing is some broken guy born into this world having no clue what he's doing and the second you try to hold him to account, you'd better be sure you recognize your own filth. If you really do, you shouldn't feel much desire to hold anyone to account, you're as human as he his. That could be you tomorrow if everything goes just wrong.