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23383670 No.23383670 [Reply] [Original]

Smack my bitch up edition

>> No.23383688

when i was a kid i thought it said "smack my big jugs"

>> No.23383715

Smack muh big dick

>> No.23383810
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3:00 a.m. coffeetime is still going strong

>> No.23383843

3 pm here

>> No.23383862

Currently listening

>> No.23383959

I love him so much. He’s so perfect on almost all fronts. Even his deficits are kind of cute actually. Yeah he’s kind of a feckless flighty scaredy cat who’s afraid of intimacy, but that’s hot. I wanna fuck him

>> No.23383993

Another job application rejected, going to be stuck in retail forever

>> No.23383996

Same, I just got rejected by KFC, a fucking fast food joint, I won't even be stuck in retail forever, every single job application I put in is getting rejected, this is insane, how the fuck do you get rejected by a fast food joint? What the fuck has the world come to?

>> No.23383998

Every once in a while I’ll post brief song lyrics in wwoym. I was going to do “take my picture, smack my bitch up” a couple days ago but didn’t. This appears and freaks me out a bit. Is it a sign? Either way interesting music video with a twist

>> No.23384012

Just so many applicants that it's just luck of the draw. It's insane though that these monkey jobs are so hard to get. I'm just going to go neet there is literally fuck all point in working

>> No.23384015

I've got an appointment for neetbux on Thursday, I don't even know if I'm gonna get it, my mum and her fiance make good money. I don't know what I'm gonna do if I don't get it, I really don't.

>> No.23384019

This. Just apply often and hope they are hiring

>> No.23384024

>Just looked at fishing boat and flight attendant jobs.
>I need experience working on a boat for the fishing job (how the fuck am I gonna get that if they don't let me work on the boat?) and I need a high school diploma for the flight attendant job (Really? Why the fuck do I need a high school diploma to give people overpriced cokes and peanuts?).

>> No.23384025

I’m 33, in good health, do exercises every morning, am quite handsome, went to uni (meme history degree but still), have a good relationship with my family and have found a career I want to pursue. Despite all that I feel like a huge fucking failure, I haven’t achieved anything in my life and I’m not making that much money. I was born with all this potential and I’m unable to use this advantage… on the bright side, I’ve started reading Spinoza’s Ethics and have discovered that Pantheism could align with my theological beliefs.

>> No.23384034

>high school diploma
If you don’t have a high school diploma or GED, most employers will draw conclusions about the type of person you are for obvious reasons

That is the paradox of many jobs. Need experience to get a job, need a job to get experience. Hardest part of a job is actually getting one. A job search is a full time job in itself. It helps if you know someone who will vouch or give you a chance. Keep in mind that gaps are killer on a resume. Don’t have gaps of unemployment

>> No.23384050

you probably shouldn't get it then

>> No.23384055

>most employers will draw conclusions about the type of person you are for obvious reasons
I didn't drop out of high school because I'm too stupid or because I'm lazy, I dropped out because my mental health was tanking, if only I could tell them that.
>Don’t have gaps of unemployment
I don't really have a choice in the matter.
I don't have any other option at this point. My mum and her fiance aren't gonna give me money.

>> No.23384059

Why don’t you get your GED?

>> No.23384063

change my pitch up

>> No.23384072

Too late.

>> No.23384075

sounds like distress from cleverness

>> No.23384089


Honestly you just have to buck up and do what you have to do to put your life back on track even if it takes time and energy. It’s not going to be a quick easy fix. Honestly you give me the feeling that if you get a job you’ll quit in a few weeks anyway then bitch that the world is so cruel. Often times just getting and maintaining a job will help with mental health. The neets here try to say otherwise but being one is a killer on many areas of your life including mental health. You have to spend a lot of times trying to get a job, like hours a day. Go in person. Show your face, check back in. It sucks but it’s a hump you have to get over. Short term pain for long term gain.

>> No.23384091

this album autoplays in my brain when i see the crab

>> No.23384098

My self-esteem has been such in the dumps lately that my brain has fooled me into believing all the girls in public who have been smiling at and making repeated eye contact with me are doing so because they actually think I'm a creep. Wtf...

>> No.23384107

>Honestly you give me the feeling that if you get a job you’ll quit in a few weeks anyway then bitch that the world is so cruel.
I've been employed before and I stayed there as long as I could until I eventually had to move. I love money, it's one of my favourite things in the world, I will not quit a job if I don't have to.

>> No.23384108

This might sound ridiculous but could someone who's unattractive on here tell me that girls just flat out don't look at you at all if they don't find you attractive? It'd go a long way to making me feel better, thanks...

>> No.23384159 [DELETED] 

The child goes willingly, offering up her rosebud backpack to the police. Up there and outside is the snow, the scraped sky, the barbershop quartet, the fourteen- dollar glass of wine, livid pigeons, Rikers Island, ice skaters embracing, the rise and fall of some but not all things relevant to our story. The girl’s mother flickers behind her. The policeman grins like a fickle father. Someone pings a steel drum down below all this. The tunnel’s metal marrow hums its hymn, blurts pixels that bid us to obey. If you see something, say something. If you’re here, pay.

>> No.23384164

The child goes willingly, offering up her rosebud backpack to the police. Up there and outside is the snow, the scraped sky, the barbershop quartet, the fourteen-dollar glass of wine, livid pigeons, Rikers Island, ice skaters embracing, the rise and fall of some but not all things relevant to our story. The girl’s mother flickers behind her. The policeman grins like a fickle father. Someone pings a steel drum down below all this. The tunnel’s metal marrow hums its hymn, blurts pixels that bid us to obey. If you see something, say something. If you’re here, pay.

>> No.23384182

big dicks will rule the world

>> No.23384200

I’m not sure if it’s even possible to stamp out the overtly anti-white, anti-Christian, and/or anti-Western sentiment that’s been allowed to proliferate in institutions and popular culture now. The way and sheer number of otherwise everyday working professionals in fields like education for example make the primary focus of their career “dismantling white supremacy” (really, attacking white people) is so concerning. Even with Soviet-style ruthless policing of ideology in institutions, I don’t see how you fix this. It will continue to proliferate among the increasing number of non-whites and childless older white women and spread like a disease on social media and in pop culture. It’s almost as if the only hope is to really be white supremacist, colonialist, and to be totally ruthless about it. They are boxing people into a corner and it was just allowed to happen. How can you run a university and have allowed this to spread let alone promoted it and hired people on that basis? These people should be held accountable and face punishment for their treason.

>> No.23384206

>girls just flat out don't look at you at all if they don't find you attractive?
This is correct.
t. ugly

>> No.23384212

Thank you, anon. You have suffused me with confidence and jubilance, God bless your soul.

>> No.23384215

It's "change my pitch up."

>> No.23384217


>> No.23384220

Yeah, blew your mind just now, didn't I, lass?

>> No.23384223

Quick, 'take my pict-cha' while I have this shocked countenance.

>> No.23384247

it's an east asian thing.
im not korean and i produce no BO.

>> No.23384265

>im not korean and i produce no BO.
That's not what others around you think.

>> No.23384279

There’s no reason to marry in 2024. You don’t need it to have sex, you don’t need it to have kids, you don’t need it for anything. It brings only downsides. You get the same girl you were already in a committed relationship with all the possibilities that come with that, with the bill of a wedding ceremony and possibly the enormous bill of a divorce.

>> No.23384280

That’s one of the first “rock” cds I bought as a kid

>> No.23384285

You’re ungrateful.

>> No.23384287
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Being an autogynephile is hell.

Either I transition to have my peace and to finally have a working sexuality and possibly alienate family, friends and society.

Or I live as a male which I don't like as I can't have a partner or family in this state.

>> No.23384288

Asians have low T levels too

>> No.23384292

You should kys

>> No.23384296

They just hate rednecks basically. Pol Pot did nothing wrong.

>> No.23384311

it's not rock at all?

>> No.23384314

You shouldn't have a family in any state.

>> No.23384324

nta but music genres in record shops used be/are retarded
>tfw finding cypress hill in r&b because rap sections didn't exist

>> No.23384342

I'm probably not gonna brush my teeth before bed again, I'm falling asleep in my chair, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to stay awake long enough to brush my teeth.

>> No.23384354

change of pace

>> No.23384399

It’s electronica so barely

>> No.23384401

Thank god we have last.fm now

>> No.23384405

You are absolutely correct! That’s why I started to integrate gratefulness into my morning meditations. I’m not only ungrateful but also kinda lazy. Lots of work to do on myself still. At what point is it healthy to strive for greatness and when is it time to be content? What would be the mean of that?

>> No.23384420

We used just have the all knowing resident (occasionally employed by the owner) nerd

>> No.23384427

trying to consciously be more accepting and understanding of others and their intentions lately and it's making my own life much easier. i still find the way the average person lives, behaves and thinks to be mostly nonsensical and borderline imbecilic but it's so much easier to just look at it from their perspective, accept it and move on

>> No.23384439
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These mfers out here calling their orange juice bottles "carafe[s]" frfr
Captcha: AHHHN

>> No.23384483


>> No.23384499

Tax breaks.

>> No.23384500

Anyone else have a single mother who never cooks or cleans, not even for herself? She’s a total feminist about it too. When she sees other women cooking or cleaning a lot she says she’s a slave. She’s been divorced three times, obviously. I’m almost embarrassed of my mother. I wanted so badly to have a great mother but I just don’t, and she guilt trips me when it becomes obvious that I don’t think she’s a good mother “I did so much for you. I have college loan debt” all this stuff.

>> No.23384530

Waiting for someone to post something interesting/stupid so I can get into an hour long back and forth with them in this thread.

>> No.23384534

I feel nostalgia for that past events that never happened in the first place.

>> No.23384586

The internet is filled with non-whites raised in Western countries insisting the West is declining, not because of any logical reasoning regarding political power or culture, but because it’s not as hospitable a place for non-white economic migrants as it was a few years ago. They’re so transparent it’s actually funny. “Multipolar” is usually their rallying cry. I don’t know if they imagine that Chinese people will consider them Chinese if they attack Western countries, but they won’t.

>> No.23384597

I would give anything to do my 20s over again.

>> No.23384599

>they imagine that Chinese people will consider them Chinese if they attack Western countries
??? Who thinks like that

>> No.23384600

Anyone in particular you're talking about?
In my opinion the people whining about women tend to be the non-whites(they get rejected), while the people talking more about civilizational decline are white.

>> No.23384639

What would you do differently?

>> No.23384657

can't tell if this girl is being kind because she's genuinely kind of because she's 26. i want to believe the former but i haven't much experience with women facing reality of old age.

>> No.23384668

what a rotten attitude. you don't deserve her kindness

>> No.23384683

i agree it is rotten and i don't dwell on it but I've been treated so poorly in the past by young women that i can't help but think this factors in. plus I've heard this trope from older men with gfs, namely that the tables sort of turn and unmarried women become kinder to men as they age.

>> No.23384729

Everytime an autogynephile tells you what he wants, it's always the most humiliating thing possible, like they have no sense of self-respect. Oh you want to inject estrogen and dress like a woman? To forfeit your dignity, is that the "working sexuality" that you have in mind?

>> No.23384731

I wonder if BasedTube Kids is still a thing in 2 years.
If so I might make a video of my kid watching it, that got a lot of laughs a few months back when someone else did it.

>> No.23384759

As another autogynephile, I don't wear women's clothes but what's humiliating about injecting estrogen? The effects are nice. I have zero "masculine pride" or whatever because I've wanted to be a girl since age 5

>> No.23384763

Women are lower than men.

>> No.23384765

Ask your dad whether or not it's humiliating

>> No.23384769

On average they are shorter, yes. But society needs both just as much.
He died when I was 5, should I organize a seance?

>> No.23384770

When a caterpillar turns into a butterfly, does he still have his caterpillar mind or is he and entire new being with no ties to his previous form? And do birds sing or scream?

>> No.23384772

You should grow up to be an actual man instead of prancing around, putting his name to shame

>> No.23384780

I have my mother's last name, she changed our names when she divorced my dad. I don't "prance around" despite being on HRT

>> No.23384787


>> No.23384793

>I've wanted to be a girl since age 5
>He died when I was 5
Honestly tell me if you think it's a coincidence that you are an autogynephile, assuming you're not trolling, of course.

>> No.23384799

I'm not trolling. I saw a picture of girls kissing in a magazine shortly after we moved into an apartment with mom after the divorce, and (I think) that made me into an autogynephile and eventually dysphoric.
I don't think it had much to do with my dad, I'm pretty sure he hadn't died yet when I saw the pic.

>> No.23384804

nobody cares fag, these problems wouldn't even occur to you if you weren't raised in america. you're basically a counterfactual tranny. give me one space on the internet that isn't infested with culture war politics, pornbrains, trannies, or the victims of american chemical warfare

>> No.23384809

I'm Finnish. I started yapping because someone asked a question about autogynephiles, I can stop if nobody replies to me.

>> No.23384810

nobody cares fag. how many posts about the origin of some fat greasy nerd's fetishes do I have to read on this fucking site. you're all such fucking weirdos. i watched space jam and plenty of disney stuff as a child and it never even occurred to me to be attracted to the animal characters. i experienced my sexual awakening while watching titanic. disgusting golem creatures

>> No.23384816

Yeah it's almost as if some people are more susceptible to things like autogynephilia for some reason, hmm

>> No.23384827

>how many posts about the origin of some fat greasy nerd's fetishes do I have to read on this fucking site
nowhere near as many as by faggots whining about them

>> No.23384842

I keep thinking 'Within my immediate and long-term purview, if I couldn't fail, what would I do?' and the answer is: nothing. It's quite distressing yet also relieving to be that lazy. I have no need for reputation, no need for anything, or at least nothing that seems worth the time. I could become a doctor, sure, but I'm already an engineer and I don't want to spend any more years studying shit. Becoming a millionnaire would be nice but I'm already lucky to have inexpensive hobbies and goals. I don't need money that bad.

If a genie popped out and asked me that question, I wouldn't know what to say. I've never been limited by my own capabilities. Or at least not in a way that mattered for my long-term goals. Maybe I'm lucky then, or so jaded I've learned not to desire what I cannot have by my own means.

>> No.23384852

Been depressed, lonely, and horny lately. Might hit up the mid-looking ex with the great personality to hangout or something, maybe sex if I'm feeling up to it after.

>> No.23384853

the ratio on that must be 50 pornbrains to 1. try again.

>> No.23384863

I might visit London one of these days.

>> No.23384886

I'm this fucking close to starting a Love Live fanfic and I'm so embarrassed by it but I feel like it will haunt me if I don't write it.

>> No.23384888

Society would be so much better if there was more philhellenism

>> No.23384901

Go to college

>> No.23384904

Just lie about the diploma. No one is gonna call your high school to see if you actually graduated.

>> No.23384933
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gawdamm I hate anki but I'm glad I know about it

>> No.23384951

I'm so desperate for something good to happen (something particular) that I literally just got on my knees and prayed for the first time in what must be twenty-plus years. I'm not sure if I even believe in God but I'm willing to do whatever for the help, and if it pans out, he will awaken my faith and make a true believer out of me once again. So, please, oh Lord!

>> No.23384963

I don't think it works that way but I hope he reaches out to you.

>> No.23384966

I stopped coming to /lit/ after I actually started reading. That is how it's done lads.

>> No.23384971

I've also had those kneel downs quite a few times now
feels like another one's on brim
hope it works for you brother

>> No.23384976

I hate you so much

>> No.23384977

Why not? and thank you.

Thank you, you as well, anon.

>> No.23384981

You're here now

>> No.23385001

Time to start readsmaxxing and be knowledge-pilled

>> No.23385004

From what little I know and understand
>giving God conditions to believe in him; if God does what i want him to do then I'll start believing
>in catholic doctrine God may go for a while without reacting to prayer as a test to our faith, AKA God's silence
>God acts when it's right to act and we have no idea when he will act exactly, AKA God's timing
>you might be half-assing it by thinking praying without believing in God will awaken your faith

Still, I don't know if God will answer. He might, and I hope he does. Best of luck, anon.

>> No.23385009

Thank you, both for the reply and the wish of good fortune.

>> No.23385022

Some people seem to be convinced that 4chan has some bad influence on them.
I've been here for around 14 years now and I've had a great time. I'm not dysfunctional at all and enjoy coming here. If this site survives I might be here till my death.

>> No.23385041

They just being as they don't why it means to be a caterpillar or butterfly, birds just emit sounds

>> No.23385051

NTA but easy for you to say. I'm on social security disability, college is too expensive for me

>> No.23385056

I feel bad for you. I would never want to degrade myself by becoming a woman.

>> No.23385061

>have a working sexuality
Uuuhhhhh you won't. HRT and axe wounding will destroy your libido and prevent you from having orgasms.

>> No.23385068

A lot of people suspect collusion between democrats, and businesses that were waived their COVID payments etc, nub of it is they're advertising for roles that don't exist so the state can say there's loads of jobs.

>> No.23385069

My commuter university feels like a very big community college

>> No.23385072

Well if you're a disabled tard then you don't need an education because you can't work.

>> No.23385073

Like I said, I have zero masculine pride, which is probably why I see this as an upgrade.
I like HRT, but I'll never get an axe wound. Not that I have a libido anymore, but it just seems like a bad idea.

>> No.23385090

You seem like such a broken person. Which is not my problem but don't give your opinion on other peoples lives in this thread. Imagine a troon giving out advice or saying what is right or wrong.

>> No.23385104

Then why are you complaining about not having a working sexuality as a man because of your insecurities when you most likely caused this to yourself? HRT itself affects libido, in what way is your sexuality better off or more complete without it?

>> No.23385106

Estrogen makes me function better than I did before starting it, which is the only thing I care about.
The only opinion on other people's lives I've given in this thread is that getting an axe wound seems like a bad idea.
Do you think I'm incapable of knowing things for example because I like estrogen?

>> No.23385113

That was another autogynephile, I decided to butt in and reply to that anon despite not being the same autogynephile that anon replied to.
For me, my sexuality is better off because there's much less of it.

>> No.23385114

>Do you think I'm incapable of knowing things for example because I like estrogen?
Um, yes?

>> No.23385119

I'm still a man you know, despite having different hormones, I don't magically turn into a woman.

>> No.23385143

I think a troon is not capable of giving sane advice.

>> No.23385147
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>> No.23385148

Get farted on coonpopmagoo

>> No.23385156

Seriously though, what is it about feeling better on estrogen that makes it so? Not manly enough?

>> No.23385164

It's because you have some delusion about being something you're not.
Why did anyone give you HRT? What did you say to the doctor to make him give that to you?

>> No.23385177

I'm not delusional about what I am, I'm a man on estrogen.
I talked about gender dysphoria for a few sessions with a doctor at an online gender clinic and got a prescription.

>> No.23385183

I have political opinions but I haven't voted in 13 years. None of these people represent my view on how a government should operate.

>> No.23385189

That means you're a strange fucker.
Have you tried going on test first or did you want to be more feminine from the bat like a fag?

>> No.23385193

I've wanted to be a girl since age 5 and at age 28 I just went "fuck it" and started looking up trans stuff online.

>> No.23385204

Disgusting and delusional

>> No.23385208

>wanting stuff is delusional

>> No.23385210

I just turned 31 and I haven’t published yet. Worse than that still, I have been in a reading and writing slump for the last year. I’m severely depressed and pessimistic about my future. I think I’m going to quit my job, not because I have to in order to accomplish my goals but because I just want to sever all ties with my old life.

>> No.23385236

It's funny to see a person be irrational and self destructive and then act all smug and self righteous about it. Frankly I thi k this is good. Remove yourself from the gene pool. We only have to deal with your insanity for a brief period of time, and then humanity will happily move on without you.

>> No.23385239

wanting to be a woman when you’re a man is pure mental illness and it's despicable that the medical establishment is enabling freaks like you

>> No.23385248

>le gene pool
kill yourself

>> No.23385258

Ironic you should say that since you're literally choosing to be a genetic dead end. Like I said, be a spastic cunt for the next few years, and then we all get on happily without your or your worthless progeny.

>> No.23385259

the thing is, he isn't a man, and while my interest in tranny culture and the culture war in general is zero, retard americans will sit around and construct an entire civilization where this is the norm and then spend their days trying to dunk on them online. you're all sick in the fucking head, most trannies are just canaries in the zog mine

>> No.23385268

The medical establishment is openly practicing eugenics, except this time around the genetic freaks are choosing it for themselves. Just let it happen.

>> No.23385269

i am not the autogynophile anon. i don't like trannies or have tranny predelictions but honestly they're kind of fucking based. they have more sex and more tuned to their bodies while the alt right or dissident right or whatever the fuck has been mainlining grifter fart gas for a decade now.

>> No.23385274

kek leftists are actually having sex and protesting while you faggots have been shopping around for internet daddies for 2 election cycles now.

>> No.23385275

Okay. Cool. Thanks for helping encourage them in their pursuit of self destruction. You're doing the rest of us a favor.

>> No.23385280

Estrogen makes me function better, nothing else matters.
Why? Are women worse than men somehow? I think women are pretty much the same as men but prettier, even if not as tall and strong. Estrogen makes me a bit prettier too (as a man).

>> No.23385283

>gay reddit darwinian le gene pool cognition virus
better a tranny than being stuck in the dawkins/maddox/something awful era for twenty years.

>> No.23385296

Great! I'm happy you don't believe in Darwin or any value in procreation. We'll all be much better off in only a single generation.
This is good! You get to be a nice little taxpayer for the next decade and then civilization gets to improve after your death. Way I see it, it's a win win for everyone. You're happier and we don't have to deal with you. Go get some HRT asap.

>> No.23385299

In repose the wadi. Helmet placed on the ground, next to the rock. He is siting lotus near the peak of a shale mountain. Familiar and resentful constellations illuminated the sky silver. Voices talking into both ears schemed and plotted. He listened to the voices and meditated on the bloated corpse in front of the rock.

>> No.23385301
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There is no dignity in staying a male as an AGP. Just because someone wears womens clothes and injects estrogen doesn't mean they are lesser.

>> No.23385304

>Go get some HRT asap
Way ahead of you.

>> No.23385312

based. trannies are more intellectual. trannies take to the streets. trannies stand up for their rights. they're wrong about life but possess thymos, even eros. frogs seethe. frogs cope. frogs mald. they're right about life but they're dickless submissives.

>> No.23385323

Awesome! I'm happy for you and your decision to sterilize yourself. We're all better off for it.

>> No.23385328

So as long as one is oblivious he proves non duality?

>> No.23385337

I dressed myself today

>> No.23385340

I think women just enjoy being miserable like black “people”

>> No.23385344

Yes you do, don’t lie

>> No.23385352

Nick Land called us (MTFs) "the Jews of gender", I think regarding our IQ.
I do think I'm unlike the average person because I couldn't care less about breeding. I see why someone would consider me mentally ill because of that, but I think that just follows from us having different ideas about what the point of life and living is.

>> No.23385354

Are these Americans in the room with us right now, Pierre?

>> No.23385355

Yes, absentee fathers is usually the culprit

>> No.23385360

>pattern recognition is le heckin epic and le heckin epic when it's about le heckin jews
kill yourself

based. I've come around to trannies. they're freaks, but so am I. they're wounded, but so am I. dystonia makes men (or women) out of boys. trannies have metaphysics. trannies have epistemologies. right winger faggots haven't done shit since 2016 except cry about netflix casting a nigger to play a hobbit.

>> No.23385363

To see if I still feel
I focus on the fit
The only thing that's real

>> No.23385364
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Why do the pale and blonde girls from my college love music like this?

>> No.23385370

because white men are geldings.

>> No.23385371


>> No.23385378

Only as a teenager when I first crossdressed, I got over it quickly.

>> No.23385391

I've lost all desire to masturbate

>> No.23385394


>> No.23385395

I jacked off while wearing my gfs panties once. Interesting experience, but I wouldn't do it again. And no, she didn't know I did that. She liked to leave her underwear in my room because we were pervs.

>> No.23385403

i dare this thread to go 5 posts without talking about women, sex, or masturbation

it took me living a few years overseas to realize how fucking obsessed americans are with their genitalia

>> No.23385408

Where overseas did you go? I wonder if it has to do with us being circumcised.

>> No.23385416

it does. I'm uncircumsized so i know the difference. circumcision blocks/keratinizes an energy outlet that your body rebuilds elsewhere, usually in the brain (there's a correlation between autism and circumcision iirc). also explains the fetish slope circumcucks tumble down (keratinized glans need more extreme stimuli)

>> No.23385418

A lot of retarded people maybe

>> No.23385419

Just a somewhat related question, is it really true that if you're circumcised you need lube to jack off?
As an Euro I was always confused by bottles of hand cream or whatever being involved when talking about masturbation. I just slide my foreskin up and down to get off.

>> No.23385424

apparently, yes. I'm uncut so I always confused by it, too. I don't even feel bad about seeing porndongs in the coomer webms that get posted on here anymore if they're cut. what's the point of a huge cock if you will never experience a real male orgasm?

>> No.23385430

Not exactly. I have enough foreskin left that I can manipulate and then get a natural lube from precum to get off just fine.

>> No.23385431

i'm pro-tranny on 4chins because the pushback they get here is relentless, hackneyed and repetitive (i.e. tiresome), but i'm anti-tranny everywhere else because i strongly dislike their sudden and harshly enforced star status in the lib hierarchy and at the end of the day they're pretty disgusting. tranners who are aware of the latter fact and can joke about it are ok in my book though, even if that's a disingenuous stance on my part

>> No.23385436

Ah yes, the unprincipled contrarian. A 4chan staple.

>> No.23385437

we are not entitled to a world that makes sense

>> No.23385442

I'm so tired of 2 day hangovers. Maybe if I stop drinking hard liquor and only stick to beer I won't suffer this.

>> No.23385444

I also dislike the other trannies that are clearly malicious or take out their shit personality and personal problems on others.

>> No.23385447

Why do you drink tho?

>> No.23385449

They also get worse with age.

>> No.23385452

Its just no point in that. Maybe the depression is back after all these years.

>> No.23385453

It's raining napalm. Napalm napalm napalm napalm. They are huddled and crouching under a concrete dome watching the fire pour onto the screaming herds. Their eyes are wide and dead, under the dome. Unblinking, not comprehending the terror.

I’ve got a clear path out: the thing to avoid is being known. The thing to is to know. What’s done is done so look ahead and never use a name again.
Once you know, and the fuse is blown, keep it all as your own.

>> No.23385471

It's social
I'm only 25.

>> No.23385476

"Principled" posting is the #1 reason for this site's overall decline.

>> No.23385483


>> No.23385487

Decline of what exactly

>> No.23385495

This is the way to do it though? It's the optimal scenario for me.
I drink enough caffeine after waking up and will be tired at a sensible time in the evening.

>> No.23385501
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This site has completely and thoroughly entrenched itself in layers upon layers of pornography and the most depraved of fetishes in order to protect itself from non-existent bogeymen like "the newfag zoomer shills", thus driving out any sense of originality left within the dreaded halls called the boards of 4chan. This site is now a gooners' paradise, and all the lost souls of angry nerds bickering with each other are leaving the site one-by-one every single day, and once all the gooner millennialoid pedophiles who populate the boards inevitably commit suicide, Hiro, RapeApe, and Swaglord will realize that their once active den of originality and free speech is now a deserted Babylon. So much for "the final boss of the internet", lol.

>> No.23385505

Not to dismiss the influxes of normies and right-wingers, but people also do generally get more conservative and principled with age.
I do sometimes miss how things were in 2009, though. Less angriness and hating things, less wanting people to die and less complete seriousness.

>> No.23385506

I like being awake during normal hours. 5 or 6 AM to about 10 PM is the schedule I feel best on. keeping odd hours makes me feel like I have no schedule at all, even if my days actually follow a regular pattern. it's a feeling thing, it's got nothing to do with practical reality.

>> No.23385572

Moreover, it is a good, holy deed, commendable in all respects, that the marriage contracted between very close relatives, and here is the union of brothers and sisters, which the Greeks were surprised at in the time of Herodotus, formally approved. We note, no doubt, that if the Aryan populations transported to the West have learned over time to condemn these kinds of alliances, their own traditions show in a very clear way that in the beginning they had, on this point, the ideas and shared the way of life of Ayryana- Vaëja. The first patriarchs marry their sisters without being able to explain the fact by the shortage of women. The Olympian gods do the same. It is clear that family pride, the desire to preserve blood in all its purity, the fear of sharing the advances of an illustrious origin with inferiors, were the causes and supports of this custom.

>> No.23385587

if you don't say it to my face then you're just putting up with it, aren't you?

empirically false but look at you trying to read

>> No.23385597
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I think my father loathes it that I am feminine and passive.

>> No.23385633

Left the West a year ago for a 95% white country in the Slavs.
Zero regrets.
Nothing but brown mudskins, faggots and faggot apologists, and turbofascist farmers who went full isolationist mode.
What a sad and pathetic life they must lead.

>> No.23385638

based, same. left america a few years ago. zero regrets.

>> No.23385641

Everyone is obsessed with race and labels

>> No.23385643

I'm growing to hate doctors. It feels like they just want you to do a bunch of procedures so they can get paid instead of actually caring for you.

>> No.23385644

Where did you go?

>> No.23385653

Same. Why spend my life's earnings on a stupid treatment if I can just rot away and die? Seems nonsensical to me.

>> No.23385654

Balkans. I had Americans telling me for years all the intuitions I'd accumulated about their culture and psychology were wrong and chuddish, then I move to a country where men aren't reeing about niggers in nickelodeon all day and it turned out I was right

>> No.23385673

I grew up in some 'prosperous' Western European state. Went to a school full of shitskins and immigrant filth. I never had any sort of prejudice and it has only brought me misfortune. Now I know better and genuinely think of those people as useless trash. Filthy, disgusting, born to be criminal low class sons of a bitch nigger pleb cattle filth who seem somewhat decent because the state gibs them education and a good job.
Glad I moved away.
Piece of shit apes. I blocked contact with all my former filthy brown 'friends'.
The natural virtue of the white man is tolerance.
Experience made me hate and despise brown people.

>> No.23385679

I think it has to do with the deconstruction of identities, plus the great mixing of peoples. The essential value of American culture since the 60s has been that we negatively define ourselves. That is, by proposing America as a "melting pot" we deny it any positive definition. America is not anything but a vacuum to absorb others. So everyone born and raised here is raised with the assumption that we're neutral observers and curators of every other culture. It is as if our culture is a museum where we get to look at the contents of the museum while having no intrinsic ties to the contents of the museum. Defining the self in the negative only leads to confusion and void, and so we have to grasp at identities. But most positive identities are denied to us. I can't define myself by my race because that's exclusionary and wrong. I can't define myself by my religious values because everyone's values are valid. What do I have left but made up, inoffensive, academic identities that don't challenge the value vacuum

>> No.23385694

Trying to study in the library. Some ass holes phone keeps going off every 5 seconds. Some fat old man is asleep and snoring. There's a homeless guy using the bathroom to shower. There's a black woman on a zoom call. There's general rustling, tapping, typing, sighing, coughing, talking, and whispering.
On the upside there is a very cute red haired girl who works here whom I occasionally look at.

>> No.23385757

People here keep using gauche, Does it just mean Crass and unsophisticated or have /lit/izens adopted a broader meaning, can't really tell?

>> No.23385777

There's only one pretentious faggot here who uses that word.

>> No.23385779

is "gauche" gonna be the "disingenuous" of 2024? place your bets!

>> No.23385780

I wonder how he pronounces it?

>> No.23385782
File: 973 KB, 1786x2500, 75d64d69d3814814edcef2369f6e816b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe life is so easy after having spent almost all of it in a state of capitulation and languor. It's obvious to me now like the color of that sky that almost everyone is in a similar state and the only thing required is to make any kind of effort. I'm officially a sex-haver gents, I'd say it was nice knowing you but we both know it was a demented and unintended mutuality.

>> No.23385789

this mostly him?

>> No.23385799

Had I been raised in an all-white community, I'd have never learned about the true character of the shitskins, I'd had never learned to hate the shitskins this fucking much. We should drive all the shitskins out of Europe, a generation of tolerant whites would be born, it would be a great compromise between the left and the right.

>> No.23385802

see you space cowboy
before you go: reveal your secrets?

>> No.23385805

Stay in the other thread at least

>> No.23385811

Get a job, take a shower, wear fresh clothes and be direct with women showing interest but also detachment.

>> No.23385817

That's how the problem began in the first place though, it would just repeat in the next next generation

>> No.23385818

Yeah, except for the people greentexting in reply. My assumption is that it's a woman who browses Twitter, who learned the word in some upper division English class, and thinks it makes her sophisticated to say.

>> No.23385820 [DELETED] 

he called my poem gauche :(

>> No.23385822

>just be attractive bro
thanks bro, I'm taking notes

>> No.23385825

I'm not attractive, that was the point. I can't begrudge you your capitulation and languor though.

>> No.23385829

maybe they just meant gay

>> No.23385831

never met or talked to anyone who posts shit like this who wasn't minimally attractive. there are no true aliens who bootstrapped themselves into loving and being loved. you were just a temporarily embarrassed normie, admit it

t. not a virgin, either

>> No.23385838

I've met ugly normies.

>> No.23385840

Anon wants to believe he's a special snowflake in the avalanche of human loneliness

>> No.23385842

no you haven't you met slightly less than below average normies, at best. the groid pumping your gas will never be a normie. there are no ugly normies. and by ugly i mean, even the physically unattractive ones can still exude enough of a normie aura to not stand out. you're not alien. you never were.

>> No.23385845

>life teaching me again and again that I'm singularly unappealing and off-putting to be around
yeah wherever did I get that idea

>> No.23385847
File: 145 KB, 1300x900, 1467858571969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lost my wizard powers today, you probably don't even have yours yet. Believe what you will. The truly terrible and significant thing about this epiphany is understanding most people will never make it out and you shouldn't want them to either.

>> No.23385849

Define ugly.

>> No.23385851

i'm not a virgin. i've had sex and i've interacted with normies all my life. i know what i'm talking about.

>> No.23385852

Probably from the same society producing millions of you

>> No.23385854

being repulsive mentally and/or physically.

>> No.23385855

So is it bots or unimaginative one note anons who make the same repetitive threads over and over again? Some niggas just can’t help themselves and want to run over the same old ground I guess

>> No.23385856

the ascended wizard

the illiterate bucket crab

>> No.23385859

>just keep repeating you've had sex before to prove you're the bigger loser authority
You're not very bright huh? The point isn't simply if you've had sex, it's when.

>> No.23385861

Well I had to leave the library because a filthy homeless person say nearby me and started talking to himself.

>> No.23385866

You mean being and behaving like a nignog? Many nignogs are absolute normies.

>> No.23385867

This is a mere tautology

>> No.23385869 [DELETED] 

I believe you. I am not interested in other people so I get punished in retarded ways for that. If I was uglier and cared about others still they would give me goals to achieve and I would have a passion to follow, but they can tell i am dead to them so they just want to logically kill me in the most convenient way for them which is using soft bullying tactics to drive me insane and try to get me to kill myself.

>> No.23385871

nignogs are assertive and masculine, which isn't repulsive.

kek yeah nobody who has sex power or wealth thinks they're a special snowflake

>> No.23385878

>kek yeah nobody who has sex power or wealth thinks they're a special snowflake
You know two things can exist at once? Just those snowflakes will get away with rape with more regularity

>> No.23385880

> nignogs are assertive and masculine, which isn't repulsive
But when a white man is assertive and masculine he's being creepy and offensive? Nignogs are absolutely effeminate, they can behave assertively and manly because it is minced by their effeminate nature.
Anyways, I don't want to go on a tangent, you still haven't defined what traits cause unattractiveness.

>> No.23385889

Strawman nignog

>> No.23385896

Nignogs the strawmen

Fuck racist fallacious tricknology. Retarded ass philosophical poseurs.

>> No.23385901

agreed, nignog emotional incontinence is effeminate, but nignog effeminacy is masculine-coded (chimping out). white effeminacy is, well, feminine-coded.

only underclass whites who assert themselves are creepy and offensive. an attractive man can get away with anything. an unattractive man is punished for everything. really masculinity is innate and not performative to the extent where acting masculine as an effeminate guy only brings your effeminacy into stark relief.

>> No.23385905

---- Solaria ----
Benign Neglect

Yesterday I noticed the scent resemblance
Between hickory nut rinds and iris blossoms and

The strange richesse of dreams
In circumstances where one can sleep

At the slightest whim or will
Regardless of clocks.

Satire and lyric, likewise, are equally sweet
When skies are oyster as these.

>> No.23385912

>Just those snowflakes will get away with rape with more regularity
so stop punching down and save your invectives for these kinds of men. I've known women who still fawn over their abusers.

>> No.23385920

Most of them are just trying to get through the day. There are very few people who are good doctors, which is in part why life expectancies don't generally get above Christian Science/Seventh Day Adventist levels even in countries with "modern medicine". In some places with modern medicine it's actually cutting back their life expectancies because medical misadventures are taking out swathes of the population.

>> No.23385921

People of the lower races have that anxiety-aggressive undertone when they chimp out wich makes them look pathetic and ridiculous.
True, masculine, directed out-chimps are the monopoly of the northern whites, and of certain yellow groups of the East and the Americas, like the Chinese, the Mongols, the Cherokees.

>> No.23385922

>Make a joke about how my pal might get assaulted for wearing 1 inch shorts in front of crush
>She hasn't been responding to my texts
Maybe I should kill myself

>> No.23385924

You can catch a scent off my hickory nuts

>> No.23385927

kek why is it punching down to say you're part of a growing population of lonely people? it's not like any of y'all got less lonely for there being more of you

>> No.23385944

>what traits cause unattractiveness.
lack of a cohesive self. if the urge to rape or abuse issues from a command center, it is excused. it's why incels are punished for being nice but chads are lauded for being dominant. nothing fucking matters except being what people wish you were. and if you aren't, just commit suicide. it took me years to learn this lesson and I won't be gaslit about it anymore

>> No.23385955

Bet it's the inverse of citrusy, if not exactly. Indeed, even peppermint leaves are kind of funky, in the raw. A bit like Weed.

>> No.23386007

I seriously hate you

>> No.23386009

This isnt a mirror

>> No.23386034

Wow, good one, you really got ‘em didn’t you?

>> No.23386053

I live in a rural neighborhood where there are rather a lot of feral cats, maintained mostly for the entertainment of human benefactors, one in particular who owns a big disused metal building that's envelped by a half century of tree and shrub overgrowth. This morning, I noticed two cartoonishly definite muddy paw-prints on my outer door, and am pretty sure which one was bold enough: It's the big orange and white mottled one that comes and goes like he owns the place. Not sure why he likes my porch as much as he does, since I never feed any of them. It could be that from April to October I leave my inner front door ajar, such that cooking smells drift through the screen door. He also seems to like the big black rug I use instead of a doormat, the hiding places the big planters afford.

>> No.23386085

What’s your opinion on men getting plastic surgery? I’m thinking about having a few small procedures done.

>> No.23386086

pointless vanity

>> No.23386099
File: 715 KB, 698x602, tomoko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason I haven't killed myself yet is because I still need to write more.
Everything else just keeps getting worse. I've been a NEET for almost a year and I don't really know if I want to go back to uni: the only reason I have to go back is having access to a large library. The only thing I'm interested in is reading and writing. It's very cold outside. I need to write an email. I'm having a headache.

>> No.23386130

A female eye doctor was rude to me, but I'm not sure if she just had aspergers. Should I write a bad review?

>> No.23386139


>> No.23386140

I always give people the benefit of doubt. Maybe they had a bad day. Maybe I said something I shouldn’t have and was oblivious. Maybe they weren’t rude and I just misinterpreted. Let it go

>> No.23386201

No, but the mirror sure will

>> No.23386205

How was she rude to you

>> No.23386220

Cringe middle-school tier response

>> No.23386222

Why should I care?
>Care about what, anon?
Literally anything. I feel like people care way too much. If I get into an argument with someone, I'll get over it in like 10 minutes but they'll hold some sort of negative feeling toward me for the whole day, why do they care so much? I genuinely don't know why people care about shit.

>> No.23386223

i've officially come to accept that using the word cringe is cringe. henceforth i will never use the word 'cringe', except to call you cringe here and now, and once and forever

>> No.23386233

So what? So is dressing nicely.

>> No.23386237

It’s that I want to be a different person. It’s just that I want to look like a different person.

>> No.23386272

"Kidnapped Panchen Lama Edition" is still making me laugh.

>> No.23386297
File: 15 KB, 230x230, Gedhun_Choekyi_Nyima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, anon, that was me.

>> No.23386330

all is vanity

>> No.23386333

Can the perception of the whole triangle be destroyed by perceiving the parts of the triangle?
Can the perception of the whole triangle be amplified by perceiving the parts of the triangle?
Which parts surrounding the triangle are part of what I call the triangle?
Does the triangle necessarily have orientation?
What is the difference between the triangle and me staring at the triangle?
What is the difference between the triangle and my vision of the triangle?
Is the triangle a person?
How much does the triangle exist and how much does it not exist?
What would the triangle look like to a fly?
What would the triangle look like to Jesus Christ or Buddha?
What makes this triangle the same as other triangles?
Does the triangle really have three sides?
Do the vertices of the triangle exist without the rest of the triangle?
Why does the triangle look like that?
What will the triangle look like in my dreams?
Do monkeys know what a triangle is?
Do I know what a triangle is?
What does mathematics really tell me about this triangle?
Is the triangle different if I tape it onto a different wall?
Is this triangle the same as the drawing on the wall?
What would triangles look like if I were blind?
Can someone who can hear but not touch or see learn what a triangle is?
Do computers know what triangles are?
Does the triangle continue to exist after I die?
Can you explain what a triangle is through a fairy tale without using geometrical words?
Where will the triangle be in one hundred years?
How much did the triangle exist before I drew it?
Is it the same triangle when the lights are on as when they are off?
What do my questions about the triangle have to do with the triangle?
What would I learn from asking these questions about a triangle that I wouldn’t learn from asking about a square?
Is there anyone else staring at a triangle like this right now?
Why can’t I just stare at the triangle until I die?
How do I know what to do when I’m not staring at the triangle?
Am I still inside my mother’s womb?
Why did I draw the third segment if I could infer what it looks like from only two segments?
What would the triangle look like if we erased one or two of its angles without moving the segments?
Why does the triangle look continuous if actual experience is atomic?
Why did I fill in the sides instead of filling in everything except the sides?
Why do I automatically perceive the triangle as pointing up?

>> No.23386337

Where else can I locate the soul of the triangle?
What if the triangle is contained in a random point outside the triangle?
Should I be afraid of the triangle?
Should I feel bad for using the triangle like this?
Is it weird to touch the triangle?
Is the triangle going to eat me?
What would the triangle look like during a seizure?
Is thinking about the triangle unhealthy?
What if there were an identical triangle right beside it?
Why shouldn’t I step on the triangle?
Why shouldn’t I burn the triangle right now?
Why don’t I lick the triangle?
Is the background part of the triangle?
If I had filled in everything except where the segments are, then would the space outside the triangle be part of the triangle?
How can I separate the triangle and the paper?
Why can’t I produce the triangle just by imagining it?
Why is a triangle more violent than a square?
What is the opposite of a triangle?
What’s the difference between the triangle and the triangle’s image in a mirror?
What makes the mirror triangle an image of the triangle?
What is the difference between the triangle and everything else?
Can I turn my breathing into the triangle?
If I licked the triangle, would I be tasting the triangle or would I be tasting the pencil lead?
Did I create the triangle or did the pencil create the triangle?
What would I do if the triangle hated me?

>> No.23386378

Do you care about your foreskin? If not, would you donate it to me? Do you care about your money? If not can you PayPal me?

>> No.23386380

Why is motherfucker even an insult? I'm literally fucking milfs how is that bad?

>> No.23386386

didn't it originally have a positive(-ish) connotation? as in "that guy can play like a motherfucker"?

>> No.23386390

only autists hear the component words. normies don't perceive language the way you do.

>> No.23386392

Fucking your own mother

>> No.23386393

When will someone like you find me?

>> No.23386395

>Do you care about your foreskin?
It's funny that you ask this because I have a weird relationship with my foreskin because I have phimosis. I don't think you'd want my retarded foreskin, this shit was manufactured wrong.

>> No.23386398

Which depending on who you talk to, isn't even a bad thing.

>> No.23386401

Please anon, I'll take it.

>> No.23386403

Thanks for reminding me anon

>> No.23386406


>> No.23386408

I ended up going outside to take a piss and the cold air woke me up enough.

>> No.23386412

If you're not getting the other person pregnant and you're following the age of consent, why is incest bad? It's not harming anyone and you're not creating a deformed baby, so what gives?

>> No.23386414

You really don't want it, I promise you. I'm in my sexual prime and I'm yet to get any snizz.

>> No.23386415

A foreskin so unused that it has phimosis. An American boy like me can only dream

>> No.23386418

I don't have phimosis because it's unused, it's unused because I have phimosis.

>> No.23386423

We did it chuds. We won. We have tariffs and racism again but now what?

>> No.23386434


>> No.23386440

Do we speak a language, or does the language speak through us?

>> No.23386445


Enter Gorgias, by the stoa’s pillar and the setting sun
Do you know why he has employed his devices?
He leans against the pillar, I ask again
What is in his eye?
Gorgias and I have returned to the mind of the ancestor
We laugh at the sincerity of the mystics
When language was invented, people understood its purpose
Now it enthrals and terrifies them
My words signify myself, and nothing else
Let that much be clear

>> No.23386474

Humans have a natural aversion to close family members pheromones, and to those with early childhood bonding for sexuality. Basically, for you to not experience revulsion, you have to have been separated from that family member at key junctions. Accidental incest happens a lot because siblings who don't know each other are likely to be attracted enough during the non fertile period that it overcomes the lessened revulsion of the fertile one.
>tldr: sometimes when your parents were claiming you stank as a teen, you only stank to them

>> No.23386483

I'm new to this board. What does /wwoym/ stand for?

>> No.23386485

Willy Wombat's Orange Yarmouth Marmalade. Obvious reference; read more.

>> No.23386486

women: we obscure your mind

>> No.23386490

Why would old yeller mate

>> No.23386493

I seak Englsih

>> No.23386494

I have a language your mouth can speak through ;)

>> No.23386500

Ah so is that why when I saw pictures of my long lost half sister who was born on a different continent I checked out her ass in the picture?
Actually this is good to know because I have two long lost half sisters and I probably shouldn't try to meet them ever.

>> No.23386501

Write what's on your mind

>> No.23386505

Yeah there's a strong chance they think you're hot too

>> No.23386506


>> No.23386508

>Actually this is good to know because I have two long lost half sisters and I probably shouldn't try to meet them ever.
If they're hot and willing then why not go for it?

>> No.23386520

Because that's bad

>> No.23386534

Pulls a Wittgenstein

>> No.23386541

You just made that up.

>> No.23386547

---- Solaria ----
Regular Rides In a Land Yacht

The engine is usually inaudible
And sometimes thrillingly felt, silent

In acceleration while the soundsytem plays
As if in a massive municipal library.

Gradations of scent pass by, a veritable
Circus of sensation you cannot see

Or hear, subtle beyond music
And soundsystems for.

>> No.23386555

For the victim of anxiety there is no difference between success and failure: both terrify him equally.
Rather in the gutter than on a pedestal.
In order to conquer terror and anxiety, there is no better remedy than imagining your own burial. Rotting.
We should repeat to ourselves everyday: I am one of the billions of people dragging itself across the Earth. This banality justifies any conclusion, behavior, or action: debauchery, Chasity, sloth, suicide, crime.

>> No.23386588

Why? Are they not of age?

>> No.23386599

>Be black person.
>Create Twitch channel.
>Be loud.
>Clip it.
>Upload it to YouTube shorts and TikTok.
>Become famous streamer.
>Become millionaire.
It really is that easy, I've seen it happen so many times.

>> No.23386607

In general, success is kind of obvious to me, as a condition of sensational calm. This is one of the reasons I enjoy and identify with the poetry of Stevens.

>> No.23386609 [DELETED] 

Niggers are the most vile, repugnant, reprehensible people on God's green earth. They're stupid, destructive, and they are incapable of functioning within a civilized society. I hate niggers with every fiber of my being and I desperately hope that someone is creating an anti-nigger bioweapon as we speak.

>> No.23386621

Zooners can’t make fun of boomers for watching tv when they wast their time watching random online playing video games or yapping about anything

>> No.23386629
