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/lit/ - Literature

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23378541 No.23378541 [Reply] [Original]

A girl came over to my apartment. She saw all my medieval French books and said, "Ummmm what is this incel shit?" When I tried to explain she cut me off and said, "Wait, no, don't explain. I don't fucking care. I'm leaving. Don't contact me anymore."

Is it really that bad to be into medieval French literature? This also isn't all I own. There's as many more books at my parent's house. What can I do anons? I want children...

>> No.23378550

No you're good, it's her not you. She's being a bitch of a woman. Good riddance to her I say. Find a real lady, like an aged 12 to early 20s.

>> No.23378559

She's right. Incels are obssessed with the past. Beta males/söy boys are obssessed with the future (see AI). Chads live in the present and make the most of it. If you can shed your obssession with the past, you can shed your inceldom. Then it's just a matter of living in the moment, CARPE DIEM. Trust me, bro.

>> No.23378560

Cool story bro

>> No.23378562

>Le Chanson de Roland
Most overrated piece of shit I've read. Orlando Furioso is superior.

>> No.23378565

See how far that radical skepticism takes you, bro. You're literally going to be like those paranoid people who the government tracks down and kills.

>> No.23378566

>A girl came over to my apartment.
no she didn't

>> No.23378575

Things that never happened.

>> No.23378577

a woman wouldn't react like this unless you had obvious incel shit like manga or mein kampf

>> No.23378581

None of this happened. You made up this fantasy to start a woman hate thread. A real girl would say "OMG Anon you can speak French? It's such a beautiful language, when did you start learning?"

>> No.23378582

>thread isn't going the way OPoop expected

>> No.23378658

Mais si. C'est ce que j'attends.
Sale pédé, pfui!

>> No.23378676

P'têt que tu tentes de séduire un jeune minet, hein? Bonne chance!

>> No.23378686

She sounds like a superficial bitch. Stay based OP and hold out for a cutie that appreciates you

>> No.23378693

>he actually believes the story
lol lmao

>> No.23378699

Yes it did

>> No.23378705

You lie like a Jew

>> No.23378714

*even if

>> No.23378727

If that happens, it just proves his superiority. Better to be dead and right all the way.

>> No.23378757
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If you want to show off your collection of medieval French literature and inspire convo about them JUST FUCKING DO IT IN A NORMAL WAY WITHOUT RAGEBAIT 4CHAN STORIES SO THAT NOW THE WHOLE THREAD WILL JUST BE ABOUT WOMEN AND REDPILL BULLSHIT!!!!


>> No.23378767

No hablo espanol senior incel poopy pants that are also on fire

>> No.23378773

It did happen.

>> No.23378785

But it's not. It's full of autists like you saying it never happened. And if someone doesn't mention it's fake, autists like you reply saying, "It's fake, retard."

>> No.23378895

reading medieval french literature is good
begging for attention on the internet is bad

>> No.23378915

Honestly that's so hot. If I'd see someone have a collection like that, I'd suck them off, even though I'm straight

>> No.23378921
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Based and Grail pilled!

>> No.23378923
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>invite woman over
>hide my entire library and just leave pic related and an astrology book on my coffee table

>> No.23378925

Nice boast, I want to learn medieval French.

>> No.23378934
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I also believe him.
Why would a chivalrious inspired anon that has so manny spiritually uplifting books lie on the internet?

>> No.23378944

post messages between you and her or it didn't happen

>> No.23378951

You don't automatically absorb the values of the characters of a book. This caricature of a woman was done for attention.

>> No.23378955

Not even (You) worthy, kys retard

>> No.23378985

>bitch you’re here to suck my cock not critique my literature
Then you smack her

>> No.23378993

You get her Grail only if you ask the right question. He probably did not read those books and that is why the Grail left.

>> No.23379014

I'm a woman and I think she's an idiot.

>> No.23379026

come over

>> No.23379035

I have no idea where you live.

>> No.23379043

You didn't even try to block the doorway on the way out and argue with her? Man, you gotta grow some cojones, amigo

>> No.23379048

bitch you’re here to suck my cock not critique other women
Then I smack you

>> No.23379052

And you think women will like that?

>> No.23379054

We met in person by chance. One thing lead to another...

>> No.23379057

now what? >>23379052

>> No.23379066

Of course not, ma'am. First I would get a rapport with the lady with respect that deserves, as I'm a gentleman, then after some time in a relationship I've figured she was interested in such aggressive foreplay, then I'd be willing to indulge her.

>> No.23379069
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Listen here little baby girl. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting

>> No.23379080

C'est quoi ce dessus de lit. On dirait la chambre d'un préado.

>> No.23379084

Uhhh... thank you I guess?

>> No.23379093

It's a pasta, woman.

>> No.23379105

>When I tried to explain
When you're dealing with a psychopath you should never listen to what they say and NEVER try to use reason with them. Everything they say is false and meaningless bs to pick at you.

Once you know this, psycho girls become the easiest fucks ever. Just don't keep a relationship

>> No.23379112

Based and relationshit pilled

>> No.23379119

>wow look at my collection
A daring synthesis, but a little too insecure for my taste.


>> No.23379135

C'est une coute-pointe, arriéré.

>> No.23379242

That's what I get for not spending all my time on a mongolian basket-weaving forum, I guess.

>> No.23379264

When you type 'girl', I imagine her to be under 13 years of age. If you're reading this kind of literature at 12 years, you're doing fantastically. Keep up the good work.
About the man-woman issue: you'll attract some for you significant other who shares your interest. Just keep developing.

>> No.23379321

yeah shes a zoomer

>> No.23379347

>When I tried to explain
See, "trying to explain" yourself and your unusual hobbies sounds like you're a cuck and/or simp desperate to be accommodating and apologize for who you are. That is, a type of man who had no chance with her to begin with. She was perfectly right to leave after getting cuck vibes, after all the last thing the species needs is the procreation of insecure doormats.
Chad wouldn't even think of explaining himself. Chad would put the onus on HER to explain why she's such a dim retard that classic literature would be gross and weird to her. This would make her respectful and submissive, and she would be cooking you breakfast now...

>> No.23379443

Cent nouvelles nouvelles seems interesting but it seems to be written in a strange language
Never heard of Journal d'un bourgeois de Paris
I think I'll stick with modern translations

>> No.23379459
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>Cent nouvelles nouvelles seems interesting but it seems to be written in a strange language
It's in Moyen Francais. It's France's attempt at The Decameron after the royal court became fascinated with Boccacio's work. I think it appeared within a hundred years of the first French translation of The Decameron. It's very funny. I like the second story about the girl with hemmorhoids.

>> No.23379460
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>> No.23379465
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>> No.23379535

Where's a good place to buy french books anon? Do Livre de Poche and Gallimard ship to the US?

>> No.23379537

Not OPoop but Canada has different french language bookstores, they do ship.

>> No.23379538

Amazon Canada, for example.

>> No.23379539

Not op but I bought a Pléiade from amazon uk
The prices seem to fluctuate a lot and are usually above RRP

>> No.23379549

I wonder if shipping from the UK is expensive. Are you in the US?

>> No.23379565

No I'm from Australia but the discounted shipping cost was about $25
I bought mine slightly below RRP so I think it's just strange algorithms

>> No.23379626

I see where the fake in this story is, but where is the gay?

>> No.23379644

Just buy off of US Amazon or AbeBooks. If you can't find it there then check Amazon.ca or Amazon.fr.
If publishers sell it directly you can always order from them too. It's not like it's illegal to ship books from France to the US.

>> No.23379650

Anon interacts with a woman
Anon reads books written and edited by men. Their words enter his mind. Thus, multiple men are inside anon.

>> No.23379722

It's not because it's French or medieval, it's because they're books. Books disgust people who don't read.

>> No.23379934

If this is real, you shouldn't get discouraged. I think most educated women would find that collection of yours quite cool, provided that you'd also have something interesting to say about it (and assuming that she's not a hard-line reddit atheist, but those types are quite rare among women)

>> No.23379944

Thank you for encouraging men, miss.

>> No.23380154

>provided you have something to say about it
I think we should go back to the chivalric code of where if a Lady is walking/travelling alone then no man/knight can capture her for his amorous wants. BUT, if a Lady is walking/travelling with a man/knight, it is your DUTY, lest ye be a coward, as a man/knight to fight the other man til death or submission for your amorous rights over the Lady. Then if you win, the Lady is yours to do with as you please, as God was on your side in the battle, and God is always on the side of the JUST.

>> No.23380533

>Wait what do you mean everyone is bored of these gay chuddy fake stories
chudcels have a whole dedicated board to post their gay fanfics like this one but they just crossboard everywhere else because misery loves company

>> No.23380535

No you're not, "Alice".

>> No.23380555
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For me, it's history books of medieval France.

>> No.23380653

Are these any good?
I was thinking about learning my history of France through them but was worried they'd be dry and contain approximately 1/3rd too much information for me

>> No.23380658

I get the feeling this didn’t happen however, don’t go out with retards.

>> No.23380661

You can’t save your thread OP.

>> No.23380756
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Arn't the English translations good enough for all Grail related literature? Or is there something that is unavailable in English?

>> No.23380796

You could've said the same thing but shorter with "I love conforming and I love the government"

>> No.23380975


>> No.23380978
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>> No.23381021

Despite everything dumb in this thread, this is actually a good thread for /lit/. We need more medieval literature appreciation.

>> No.23381121

Yeah, the beauty of the French language, you dolt.

>> No.23381413

dumb frogposter

>> No.23381417

It's the only book I could find that goes extensively on the Merovingians. That's mainly what I got it for.

>> No.23381437

Amazon.fr ships to the USA all French books. You will pay 2x
or 3x what similar what cash we bear will be for buy in USA x
prices, Amazok UK offers French books on USA Amazon some–
times, but the listings are bad.
Im guessing OP thread cost would cost around $1,500 for 13 booka

>> No.23381442

Also if you have an Amazon account you can flaelessly
Create same accoubt on foreign Amazon. Most foreigner countres
Do not ship to USA, but France AMAZON does.

>> No.23381444

Sounds like a good skank repellent.
Congratulations OP.

>> No.23381469

All the books in the picture are $30 or less and ordered from AbeBooks or US Amazon. The exceptions are the following
>Segurant: ordered directly from the publisher Honoré Champion, $50 for both books
>Roman de Fergus: ordered from some faggy independent bookstore's website, $45
>Livre du Graal Box Set + Album du Graal: ~$275, same price + shipping on both Amazon.fr and US Amazon
>Conteurs Francais du XVIeme Siècle: ordered from AbeBooks for $45
So it cost $600, but it's only that expensive because of the fucking Livre du Graal box set.

>> No.23381471

>But how much is shipping from France
It's 4.50 Euros or less.

>> No.23381479

>OMG Anon you can speak French? It's such a beautiful language, when did you start learning?"
I need this positivity in my life

>> No.23381501

You're a thrifty one, I would have paid €13,000 for the same spread.

>> No.23381672

Assuming you meant 1,300 Euros, why are you paying 100 Euros per book? Individual Pléaides are like 70 Euros max brand-new.

>> No.23381674

I'm supposed to believe a woman voluntarily came to your apartment?

>> No.23381675

fake and gay

>> No.23382025

Tits or gtfo

>> No.23382042

I love this one lmao

>> No.23382059

Women don't talk like this. Especially when alone with a man they don't know.
She would have just left.
But that would mean she was real and this wasn't a made up story. Neither of which are true.

>> No.23382075

If women don't respect you, they talk to you the way they won't to talk to you. It's the lack of respect plus a "You wouldn't DARE hit a woman" mentality that lets them feel they can get away with this.

>> No.23382081

Well, there we have it.

>> No.23382088

Why are you obsessed with Chad, and not, for example, Togo and Tobago? Think with your brain, not with your penis.

>> No.23382097

Why do men always say girl instead of woman? Like would you call a 23 year old a girl?

>> No.23382098

'A real man only reads what he himself writes'
It's good to have a discussion mentally with other thinkers, though. That's why we're here.

>> No.23382103

I don't know why they do if they do. I had this phase of hearing layers of meaning in everything I heard and that kind of didn't work: now I try to take what is being said literally.

>> No.23382106

This cake, it's all icing

>> No.23382108

Until she hits the wall she's a girl.

>> No.23382111

Oh wait, you're referring to mén: in that case, it's probably some primal hunter instinct or power play or flirtation move. Don't worry, it fades.

>> No.23382118

It's not flattering for an adult woman to be referred to as a girl just like how it would feel insulting to be called a boy but maybe it's some power play thing

>> No.23382130

You don't want children with a woman like her. Relax, there are plenty of chicks who are a)Too retarded to make value judgements like that or b)Too smart to make value judgements like that.
If you're the sort of person who enjoys medieval french literature, you probably aren't the sort of person who wants children with somebody that navigates life via thought-terminating value judgements.

>> No.23382142

It's just a more casual way to talk about women. Plenty of women will refer to "a guy they like" in the exact same fashion. You're being filtered by the fact that "girl" is equivalent both to "boy" and "guy" and you're assuming the impression is intended to be adolescent when it isn't.

>> No.23382145

a 23 year old is a girl, any woman will tell you this

why should females be flattered as a matter of course? did she do something deserving of flattery?

but no, men do not mind being called boys. we do not mind much of anything because we are not neurotic girls.

>> No.23382149


>> No.23382171

>won't to

>> No.23382175


>> No.23382178

>we do not mind much of anything
refuted by this website

>> No.23382220

It probably has something to do with the word "girlfriend", you autistic ESL incel.

>> No.23382225

dumb post

>> No.23382235

It feels as if you're trying to turn the carda against me, but I didn't type that it was flattering.
And to be honest, it was scarier when I was pronounced a man at 13 than it is when someone calls me boy at 30. I just shrug and smile.

>> No.23382238

Yes, mén. It's an intended change in tone on the 'e', for accentuation.

>> No.23382241

>phonetic accentuation
That's what I mean.

>> No.23382252

It depends on the worldview, I think. I'll agree to disagree.

>> No.23382262

Also, I don't claim to type in the name of multiple men, I am typing for myself. And no, I wouldn't - I'd call her girlish if het behaviour was so, at maximum.

>> No.23382275

I'm 29 and see myself as a "girl" more than a "woman" but that could be because people still think I look like a teen.

>> No.23382278

post feet and we'll settle it for you

>> No.23382426
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>> No.23382706

>I'm a hypocrite

>> No.23382755

I'm going to start teaching myself French once I receive the books in the mail. OP, if you're an a native Anglophone who started learning French what were the first books that you read? What's incredibly difficult (advanced; C1 and C2 level)?

>> No.23382769

Let me throw in some ontology.
All male I call boys age doesn't matter. Every male will always be a boy. Old or young boy, its still a boy.

All female I call ladies no matter the age. A female will always be a lady. Old lady, young lady, its still a lady.

Now I draw the line when boys purposefully imbalance the hormones, same holds for the ladies. The cheeky boy that dresses its hormones as ladylike is everything but a lady. Most of all its a cheeky boy. Same goes for cheeky ladies that dress their hormones as boylike: everything but boy. If anything its a cheeky lady. Trying to fool the aesthetic? Oh, cheeky you. You almost had me there!

Boys will be boys. Ladies will be ladies. But ladies will not be boys and boys not ladies.

Ladies are never girls, boys are never gentleman.

This is the structure of nature.

>> No.23383048

I took French all throughout middle school, high school, and college. Probably some of the first books I read in high school were fairy tales and short stories. So things like Charles Perrault, Madame d'Aulnoy, and Jean de La Fontaine.
The first book that I seriously read was Camus L'étranger and then maybe Marguerite Yourcenar's Memoires d'Hadrien, or it might've been Jean-Patrick Manchette's novels (I wouldn't suggest starting with those lol, but it did help with being able to discern meaning through context because you have to pick up on a lot of slang with Manchette).
I honestly don't know if I could tell you what is "advanced" because I haven't read a work in a while where I felt like I was struggling. However, when I read Rabelais, I found that extremely difficult, but that was my first attempt at Moyen Francais/very early modern French. So I wonder if I would have a much easier time now if I reread Rabelais. But Rabelais is also hard because of the comedy. So any work that relies a lot on comedy and puns I think would be advanced, like Raymond Queneau. I think he would definitely be advanced. Queneau often writes in slang and phonetic French, so it can be hard to read him if you don't have a good idea of the language and how it sounds when spoken.

>> No.23383168


>> No.23384000

You have to go back

>> No.23384121

you rejoyce. To be happy you must live in agreement with your nature. The whole and sole perk of being a male is that nobody will care about you. Whereas the sole perk of being a vagina is that all the men will be desperate to talk to you and give you free stuff spontaneously.The male nature is to be forever alone. On the female side, it is not all rosy, women hate to have a flock of ugly orbiters, and they hate it even more when there is physical contact with those. In other words women hate that too much men care about them. So everybody is unhappy, especially the men. Thanks to a twist, women are actually happy because, doing it for free, the chad orbiters will beat up the ugly orbiters for the sake of the women.
So to be happy as a male you must rejoyce in being a loser. This is the only truth in the universe.

>> No.23384123

trips of 'you actually have to do it'

>> No.23384619

Last time I did that on a blue board I got banned for three days.

>> No.23384623

And why is the same term used for both only in the case of women?

>> No.23384628

I'm 25 and I've had people say similar things about me, but I'm not sure if I see it.
Back to where?

>> No.23384673


>> No.23384676

Lame excuse. Because you can create a thread on /soc/ and cross link it by typing

>> No.23384684


send it to my discord and you can stay

>> No.23384691

Fine, I don't feel like it right now. Plus, I'm hanging out with a friend in an hour or so, so I wouldn't be able to keep up with the thread.

>> No.23384722
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>a friend

>> No.23384730

They're a weird queer like me, not a normie.

>> No.23384739

>i-it doesn't count
go cry about it to your friend, friendhaver

>> No.23384761

girl = cute
Woman carries connotations of "a 60 year old woman", i.e. for me the difference is pre- and post-wall. Hearing "woman" is a turn off.

>> No.23385784

That's what they charge me, and I'm happy to pay it. Obviously I was postingnhhh hyperbolically, but it's closer to €270 per book what I'm paying, and I typically dispose of them after a few weeks. I end up paying €6,000-10,000 a year for this habit and have about as much to show for it as your spread every now and then.

>> No.23386175

Thank you. So you've been at this for a long time then. It's quite sad (if true) that a girl actually linked knowing and reading in another language to "incel shit". It's a classic case of "pearls before swine".

The method I've chosen to learn French is the natural or direct method as exemplified in the Lingua Latina per se illustrata. I really want to learn to speak it fluently, as—from my limited experience with hearing it—its sounds pollinate the air with beauty; however, I find the pronunciation of words to be enigmatic to say the least, for example, chien not pronouncing the "n" but rather giving off a nasally yuh-ish sound.

Comedy would probably go over my head, esp. if it were early modern French as most of Shakespeare's humor went over it when I read his plays. Personally, I have a predisposition of dissociating comedy from (older) literature; thus, I can sometimes be mentally blind to it.
>Probably some of the first books I read in high school were fairy tales and short stories. So things like Charles Perrault, Madame d'Aulnoy, and Jean de La Fontaine.
French fairy tales excite my imagination.
>Camus L'étranger
I didn't care for that in English. It had too much of dream-like or delirious quality to it.

>> No.23386728

based testicle basher anon (full homo)

>> No.23386772

>and I typically dispose of them after a few weeks
????Why would you do that????

>> No.23386969

>You have a hobby
That's all it takes to dry up most women.
If it appears that you have anything that might take your focus away from them in the slightest, they run away like their hair is on fire. They can't say that though, because that would make them appear terrible (they are), so they make up SOME excuse for it to be your fault, hence the incel remark.
Note, this doesn't apply to all women, just most women. Damn near all women with any kind of social media presence.

>> No.23388329

If those books had high quality binding and pretty cover art, she would not have reacted like that. Books are always judged by their covers.

>> No.23388342

you know the rules. Tits or gtfo

>> No.23388370

>This woman seems upset. What do I do?
>I know! I'll explain to her why she is being irrational! That'll calm her down.

>> No.23388385

> I’m into medieval French literature
You are my based brother and I appreciate you.

>> No.23388388

I believe it because I’ve had similar experiences. I had an 8/10 lose her shit when she saw me reading the Bible.

>> No.23388396

Any tips for learning French? I used immersion method to learn Japanese and I really liked that, but I’ve not found a lot of French content to immerse myself in.

>> No.23388397

You know you didn't have to make up a retarded story to talk about your books anon

>> No.23388451

so many guys out here thinking they can rationally argue a woman into liking them. YOU'RE the prize. She should be simping for you. The second you try to 'explain' or 'convince' her, the dynamic is upset, the roles are reversed. Like stepping on your partner's foot during a dance.

>> No.23388457

my mom is a woman. I don't want to fuck my mom, therefore, using the word "woman" to describe someone I'm attracted to seems weird to me.
inb4 freud i don't care

>> No.23388471

I have heard "gal" as the feminine form of "guy", but it's not used very often.

>> No.23388748

The idea of dating a man with no hobbies sounds horrifying to me. Wouldn't he be so dull?

>> No.23388792

It's not easy to say. I guess when the happiness of a new purchase wears off I start to see only problems with the books. Sometimes I will actually read from the book, either a few pages from the start, or opening it at random, and just lose every interest of reading it again. I purchase a whole lot of books that I'm not qualified to read, such as being printed in languages I can't read, or in philosophies I'm not familiar with. I will also frequently repurchase books I've already rejected because of nostalgia for the time that book had once brought me happiness. I commented because the Pleiade books reminded me of my own spreads. I always go for their Rabelais.

>> No.23388796

No wait, I commented only because I know where to acquire a lot of French books. The thread caught my eye because of the Pleiades and I couldn't resist adding these books to my cart. Hahah.

>> No.23388803

I think you might have a problem.