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File: 466 KB, 1080x815, Screenshot_20240511-194837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23376954 No.23376954 [Reply] [Original]

Was diary of a wimpy kid based or pozzed?

>> No.23376970

Gay men don't kiss anyway, the "top" kisses the "bottom's" prolapsed AIDS-infected asshole and then fucks him in it while they grunt retardedly and the room smells like doodoo

Gay love is a myth, gays are all sadomasochists and drug addicts

>> No.23376986

Gay love is more pure than straight "love"

>> No.23376991
File: 609 KB, 861x1019, Screenshot_20240511-194810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is Greg homophobic?

>> No.23376997

Is this true? Rodrick turned out to be gay?

>> No.23377011

“I’m not gay, Greg!” - Rowley Jefferson

>> No.23377100

I don't actually know if it's real

>> No.23377106
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I think its just a meme someone made

>> No.23377229
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>> No.23377238
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Why'd he make Greg such a piece of shit? It's like catcher in the rye, why would anyone want to read that shit

>> No.23377240

Sorry but braindead le wholesome moomin posters can’t understand art poetry religion your existence is a waste

>> No.23377252

Always based.

>> No.23377264
File: 57 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>art poetry religion
>Diary of a wimpy kid

>> No.23377487

The levels of propaganda you have to be on to make this, lmao. You disingenuous kike. Israel is peak gay and degenerate, off yourself.

>> No.23377490

>t. Low IQ
You speak in /pol/ good speak. Truly mindbroken

>> No.23377491

>ancient primary sources = propaganda
The mind of a golem.

>> No.23377504

He's completely right as far as modern gays are concerned. There is not a single living homosexual that resembles an ancient Greek.

>> No.23377505

There's me.

>> No.23377512

Diary of a Wimpy Kid is legit kino. Book series is actually funny. Zoo Wee Mama. Gets me every time.

>> No.23377516

No one I knew growing up read this. I didn't even know it existed until I saw it here.

>> No.23377522
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Me and my BF are pretty normal ass dudes. Though we resent other gays, yeah. But we're down to earth and neither of us have ever slept around.

>> No.23377526

Seething jew or fag apologist. Not just pol hates faggots and jews. Kill yourselves.

>> No.23377532

No, you're just a fag trying to LARP as a manly man.

>> No.23377593

>Me and my BF are pretty normal ass dudes.
By your choice of reaction image? You're a fucking autogynephile that would have died long ago if not for antibiotics.

>> No.23377594
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>> No.23377596

>all gayreek bullshit
not my culture, leave me the fuck alone stupid jew.

>> No.23377598
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>> No.23377599
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I don't take any supplements or any of that garbage. I'm just naturally the way I am.

What a whiny little dude you are haha

>> No.23377602

I don't care about your race of 5'2 rice munchers either. Just fuck off and stop spreading your misinfo.

>> No.23377603

Objective truth isn't misinfo, golem.

>> No.23377605

Objectively my germanic ancestors put fags to death, you spastic cunt.

>> No.23377607

All great Germans (Fredrich der Große, Goethe, Winckelmann, Nietzsche, Mann, etc.) approved of homosexuality

>> No.23377613

>Germans (directly influenced by remnants of decadent Greco-Roman society long after the fact) approved of homosexuality
No shit, I'm talking about pagan Germans.

>> No.23377615

OK? And what is so admirable about those niggers?

>> No.23377619

Everyone take note: This is the lizard in human flesh calling you 'Golem'.

>> No.23377625

Even Hitler thought there was nothing to admire in the mud and slime and abjection of Germanic antiquity.

>> No.23377661

>pagan germans
literal niggers living in mud huts

>> No.23377699

Simple, but ultimate truth.

>> No.23377861

>see this thing you believe?
oldest pilpul in the book, try harder

>> No.23377874
File: 86 KB, 646x922, 87da0a991dd1ad6520731214853e5bca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm...? The chuds are against anti-biotics now???

>> No.23377880

Rowley ____ the cheese

>> No.23377895

The central point of the image is undeniable. Hostility to homosexual love is an invention of the Jews.

>> No.23377907


>> No.23377912

Engage with my argument honestly.
>The earth is round
>Nice pilpul kike, try harder

>> No.23377914

So that's your next trick.
Real basic stuff you got, so far

>> No.23377916

Provide some evidence that my argument is incorrect.

>> No.23377920

"this group of people you dislike actually share your opinion so doubt yourself and get gaslit pls" is not an argument

>> No.23377924

I am simply alerting people to the objective fact that homosexuality was a natural part of European culture until the importation of Jewish morality. Do you have a problem with this information?

>> No.23378064

Making it into a political spectrum doesn't help your case, fag apologist.

>> No.23378101

Leftist golem.

>> No.23378118

>Gay love is a myth, gays are all sadomasochists and drug addicts
sound based tbqh

>> No.23378143

Literal kike, there's no reason to continue posting. Nobody here is falling for your bullshit.

>> No.23378149

Explain how I am wrong. Use reason.

>> No.23378183

You're not posting an argument in good faith to start, there's no reason to entertain your posts with a refutation in good faith. You're either a slimy jew or just pretending for replies. Either way, yours is a reprehensible existence. Kill yourself, nigger.

>> No.23378202

I'm posting a humorous image to illustrate a true point. Why are you afraid to debate me? Even if I am a bad faith debater, outside observers will be able to tell and your arguments will win through and convince them. The only reason you are so hostile (or at least, the only reason I can imagine) is because you know I am right but you don't want to admit it.

>> No.23378255

No more (You)s for you, retard. Enjoy your bait alone.

>> No.23378258

I accept your concession.

>> No.23378268

Jeff Kinney was BASED for this. Gays are not human.

>> No.23378472

You're all children

>> No.23378599

Gays are as natural as the sun and sky. Based Jeff

>> No.23378649

I know its bait, but why are homophobes so obsessed with anal prolapse, and shit? I'm pretty gay, and this has never happened to me, or anyone I know. Yet all homophobes can talk about is "anal prolapse" this "diapers" that

>> No.23378655

They've never had anal sex with a woman so it's mythical to them

>> No.23378759

Why are faggots obsessed with shit and dicks? Doesn't make a lick of sense to humans, but gays are either hylics or have willingly given up their humanity.

>> No.23378762

Gays are more natural than incels like yourself

>> No.23378815

Cope harder, faggot. If gays were natural they wouldn't exterminate themselves.
>largest vector for AIDs on the planet
>vector for other disease
>incontinence and torn assholes
I'd say kill yourself, but you already have it covered, lmao. Also gotta laugh at how your immediate kneejerk reaction is to just pretend people who don't tolerate faggots are celibate, that's fucking hilarious.

>> No.23378853

aids is man-made
primitive tribes didn't know autism, ebola or aids until medical evangelists gave them vaccines.

>> No.23378889

Do you actually want to debate this?
>largest vector for AIDs on the planet
>vector for other disease
STD rates go down when actual Sex ed is given.
>incontinence and torn assholes
Same can be said of straight, preventable.
Homosexuality and Peadohilia aren't correlated lmao

>> No.23378907

Stamping your feet doesn't change anything. You're also sperging out which isn't a good look kiddo

>> No.23378917

We're against you guys overusing them because of degeneracy and weakening their effectiveness for things like a kid getting sick.

>> No.23378945

>STD rates go down when actual Sex ed is given
That doesn't negate the fact that homosexuals are a vector for disease and parasites.
>Same can be said of straight, preventable.
Per capita. Straight sex need not involve ass-fucking and gays have a ridiculously elevated rate of bowel cancer and incontinence.
>Homosexuality and Peadohilia aren't correlated
Yes they are.
Probably considering the damage you've inflicted on it.

Anyway, NTA but your argument boils down to the idea that if we accept what you do and brainwash the younger generation things will work themselves out on their own. The problem is you're not owed acceptance up and with how far you've pushed things tolerance is running out now as well (which is pretty scary). Probably should have toned down the Pride public sex festival shit which was supposed to be self-parody but turned out to be what you guys will run with when given the chance.

>> No.23378952
File: 28 KB, 256x256, 1706039125117887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That doesn't negate the fact that homosexuals are a vector for disease and parasites.
It does. Also, do you know what first principles are?
>Yes they are.
No, they aren't.

>> No.23378956
File: 199 KB, 1024x943, pagansvshomoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hostility to homosexual love is an invention of the Jews.

>> No.23378963

Girls use them for UTIs constantly from straight sex. I can tell you're a virgin for not knowing this

>> No.23379025

Never take antibiotics. Bacteria is never the enemy or the root cause of anything. All you'll get out of it is the destruction of some good symbiotic bacteria. Bad deal.

>> No.23379034

>sodomy is natural!
>it only takes a multi billion dollar industry or condoms, lubricants, medication and aggressive disruption of public discourse through censorship and intimidation to make it possible!
Faggots are so delusional.

>> No.23379036

>It does.
It doesn't. Your behavior is a vector for disease. Simple as.
>No, they aren't.
Yeah they are. Why do you think "research" had to be conducted in the first place? Lol
Or maybe I've been in a series of committed relationships with women I cared about and never had to worry about taking antibiotics due to sex? Lol, look at what you're normalizing.

>> No.23379045

>Never take antibiotics
Yeah, they should be avoided as much as possible because they basically nuke your biome alongside potentially weakening their effectiveness for people that actually need them (e.g. after having a major surgery or something).

>> No.23379062

>It doesn't. Your behavior is a vector for disease. Simple as.
Can be prevented.
>Yeah they are. Why do you think "research" had to be conducted in the first place? Lol
Yeah, yeah, we know "all teh ebidence mad be teh joozzzz me no needy science dat da joozzerinoz!!"

>> No.23379073

>Can be prevented.
It will always exist in some elevated form and all you have is wishful thinking to say otherwise.
>Yeah, yeah
Not at all but scientific research doesn't represent infallible knowledge that exists in a social vacuum. You simply cite that which you believe condones your behavior.

>> No.23379089

I have noticed this too. I’m a literal faggot and I never think about assholes until I talk to some /pol/tard online and they start saying all kinds of grotesque shit talking about anal sex and bodily functions obsessively. It’s deranged. Imagine if gay men never shut up about how vaginas smell and how 95% of women will contract fungal vaginal infections in their lifetime and went into disgusting levels of detail about the cheesy discharge of a yeast infection and shit. That’s the level of mental illness we are dealing with.

>> No.23379114

>scientific research doesn't represent infallible knowledge that exists in a social vacuum. You simply cite that which you believe condones your behavior.
You realise you are describing your own behaviour as well, except unlike the other anon you haven’t even bothered to try and provide statistical evidence for your claims. You simply make assertions without attempting to provide an empirical justification for them. It makes sense, considering homophobia is associated with lower cognitive function:

>> No.23379115

What you're doing here is called "groomer logic". In short, what you do is try to associate someone who has noticed your behavior with such behavior in order to shame them into not publically discussing it. Basically, such is always your first reflex and it underscores the fact your brain works like that of a pedophile.

>> No.23379120

>Not at all but scientific research doesn't represent infallible knowledge that exists in a social vacuum.
No shit
>You simply cite that which you believe condones your behavior.
Yeah, because all of the evidence that isn't fucking /pol/ threads does.

>> No.23379121

>You realise you are describing your own behaviour as well
Do better than "no you" and I might bother to read your posts beyond the first line.

>> No.23379123

Homosexuality existed before religion and will exist after.

>> No.23379128

Not really. There are many varieties of homophobe. Catholics tend to be the most principled and avoid disgust tactics. /pol/tards on the other hand like to rant obsessively about anuses (which doesn’t even apply to me since I have no interest in anal sex. I simply love other men). Using your groomer analogy, it would be like a person who goes into obscene levels of detail about pedophilic rape at every opportunity and then says “I’m simply drawing attention to the behaviour”. Most people with good taste tend to avoid lurid descriptions of things they find morally disagreeable

>> No.23379129

>No shit
I know you're not talking about the state of your cock. Gee, I wonder why we evolved to be disgusted by fecal matter...it's almost like it's advantageous to stay away from it.
>Yeah, because all of the evidence that isn't fucking /pol/ threads does.
Research used to say that you guys spread disease and that faggotry was a mental illness. The political climate changes and these facts are minimized in favor of apologetics. Curious how that works.

>> No.23379133

>Research used to say that you guys spread disease and that faggotry was a mental illness. The political climate changes and these facts are minimized in favor of apologetics. Curious how that works.
Science advanced buddy.

>> No.23379144

>Not really.
Yes, anon. It's groomer logic. The reason people write such things as because being gross is shocking and gains a response. The reflex of the homosexual is to associate others with their behavior, as if they know such is shameful, while trying to discourage public discussion via the association of shame with whoever brought it up.

Anyway, it's almost impossible to discuss homosexual behavior without being disgusting. The subject itself is repulsive unless you avoid detail and brainwash younger people into acceptance before they think about it too much.

>> No.23379149

Do you avoid reading books by homosexual authors? I am curious whether you stick to your principles.

>> No.23379151

>I know you're not talking about the state of your cock. Gee, I wonder why we evolved to be disgusted by fecal matter...it's almost like it's advantageous to stay away from it.
Can you stop projecting you repressed homo scat fetishes for FIVE FUCKING SECONDS?

>> No.23379156

>Science advanced buddy.
Nope. You guys still spread disease and have a higher mortality rate due to various cancers and parasitical infections. The difference now is its seen as impolite to bring such up and you'll be awarded with grant money if you work toward squaring the circle that continuously exposing yourself to fecal matter isn't unhealthy.

>> No.23379163

>groomer logic
Sorry, doesn't work on me. But I'll point out again that your main defense is to associate others with your own behavior. At a subconscious level you know you're gross.

>> No.23379170

>Do you avoid reading books by homosexual authors?
Nope and I also have gay friends. Being gay doesn't negate someone's humanity but I'm not just going to go along with politicized sexuality that maintains a willfull ignorance of the impact it has on others.

>> No.23379172

Ignore this Talmudic agent. The Western man is supposed to love other men. This is why the anti-homosexual poster is so hostile and anxious. He is desperate to prevent us from waking up. He knows what happens when the bonds of Eros exist between strong men. He is afraid of men like Hadrian.

>> No.23379174

>and have a higher mortality rate due to various cancers and parasitical infections
> The difference now is its seen as impolite to bring such up and you'll be awarded with grant money if you work toward squaring the circle that continuously exposing yourself to fecal matter isn't unhealthy.
You can conspiratorialize if you want, but you're operation on fee-fees

>> No.23379176

Cool projection bro. Your post was almost funny too but you leaned too much on the projection of your intelligence.

>> No.23379191

I don't feel like researching it but you can look up the higher incidences of parasitical infection and various cancers the gay community deals with. There's also the whole AIDS thing.
>You can conspiratorialize
There's no conspiracy, anon. Scientific knowledge doesn't exist in a vacuum and it largely reflects the biases of its social context. You guys used to love making that argument in the 70s and 80s but pretend such just magically evaporated when the social context is more favorable towards you. If that's too advanced, science is difficult, look at something like Disney and how it used to be a voicebox for conservative values and transitioned into being one for liberalism. The bias didn't disappear it just shifted.

>> No.23379204

You don’t seem interested in having a rational dialogue on the morality of homosexuality, just in flinging venom and attempting to cause pain to other posters. I can understand it if you feel straitjacketed because society won’t let you express these feelings in public (which is not something I mean to make light of, it is a genuine source of psychic pain to be forced to suppress your own feelings about what is true and correct to avoid incurring punishment) but it is not virtuous conduct. You debase yourself by writing these things. The sadism is unnecessary.
Disney was never conservative, it was always a soulless enterprise promoting American liberal capitalism. They are not the same thing. Mass media has always been corrosive to traditional values and traditional ways of life.

>> No.23379207

Yeah, yeah, it's run by da jooz or whatever.

>> No.23379244

>You don’t seem interested in having a rational dialogue on the morality of homosexuality, just in flinging venom and attempting to cause pain to other posters.
I've made several arguments and my pattern is to meet like with like when I'm attacked. I am trying to work my way out of that habit though because insults don't really land on me and what I say probably hits those to which I respond a lot harder. Cruelty is ugly.
>I can understand it if you feel straitjacketed because society won’t let you express these feelings in public
I don't feel straightjacketed at all. Of course the context of one's company plays into what's expressed, this is whats known as tact, but if the discussion leads us to a place where it's necessary to say something controversial I have no problem doing it.
>You debase yourself by writing these things. The sadism is unnecessary.
Like for like.
>Disney was never conservative, it was always a soulless enterprise promoting American liberal capitalism.
I think you have part of an argument there but the fact is Disney used to be far more traditionalist. However, what you describe is interesting because with a little development you can probably clarify how the projected bias mutates.
>Mass media has always been corrosive to traditional values and traditional ways of life.
I think you paint with too wide of a brush but you definitely have a point.
>da jooz
The guy spouting anti-semitism in this conversation was on your side (>>23379172).

>> No.23379251

>I've made several arguments
You've made several feeling based arguments. Shame the data shows NONE of what your talking about to be true, but alright.

>> No.23379266

>You've made several feeling based arguments.
As have you. Don't confuse tone with content. Also, you seem like a decent enough person, if misguided, who is worthy of respect outside of the context of a shit hole like this. If I hurt your feelings don't take my previous tone with you to heart.

>> No.23379297

From what I understand your main objection is to risky homosexual behaviour, namely promiscuous and unprotected anal sex. In which case I agree with you. That behaviour is risky. It’s a public health hazard. The gay writer Gabriel Rotello wrote an entire book called ‘Sexual Ecology’ pointing out that the sexual habits of American gay men are a breeding ground for disease. That HIV was not an isolated incident, and that gay culture needs to change. I think his thesis has been vindicated by the emergence of monkeypox. Larry Kramer said the same things back in the 1980s. He and Gabriel Rotello were branded reactionaries by the gay left. But they were also both vociferous defenders of gay rights. I do not think one has to hate gay people and denounce all homosexual love in order to denounce the behaviour of the homosexual subculture (which many of us do not even participate in). Rotello notes in his book that (at least according to the documentation he had access to) anal sex was not the preferred method of homosexual intimacy among American men in the 1940s and earlier. Without excusing them or waving away their culpability, we also have to note that the promiscuous gay sex culture did not emerge in a vacuum. It was a product of the sexual revolution initiated by heterosexuals and the emergence of birth control medication. A lot of people at that time believed in the possibility of free love and consequence-free sex. You asserted earlier that researchers ignore it or cover it up, but this is not true. I think the medical field is very pragmatic about it because it has to be – taking measures like preventing homosexual men from donating blood, targeting homosexual men with safe-sex campaigns in the wake of things like monkeypox, using ‘high risk homosexual behavior’ as a description when writing up medical billing kek. But yes, there are ideological dogmas and taboos against talking about this. I watched a movie recently ‘The Normal Heart’ which was very frank in its depiction of the disastrous effects of gay promiscuity, which it called out directly in several scenes
>Why can’t you just tell gay men to stop fucking??
That anon wasn’t me, but I appreciate the sentiment. I was very hostile to you earlier but now I have friendly feelings.

>> No.23379315

This. You put my thoughts perfectly

>> No.23379343

>Also, you seem like a decent enough person, if misguided, who is worthy of respect outside of the context of a shit hole like this.
Thank you, I guess.
> If I hurt your feelings don't take my previous tone with you to heart.
No, it's just the convo seemed to be running in circles honestly.

>> No.23379358

Kids love reading about it for some reason, I remember when I was younger only the first couple books had come out I read it and I really did not like Greg, the movies were much better since it made Greg's antics seem a bit more innocent.

The book constantly had Greg taking advantage of his one true friend who actually liked him and trusted him and being really inconsiderate of others. He's not le heckin sociopath but he is a mean kid, and I could never relate to him, I've seen younger kids reading through the books intently so I think it's either like me, they reflect on how mean Greg is, or they self insert into the story as him, getting away with all manner of lies because they lack any sort of power in the real world.

>> No.23379449

>man made
doesn't change that faggots spread it more than anyone else, lmao.
Nice argument, fag apologist.
Nothing to debate, faggots are degenerates across the board.
>not correlated
You're living in a fantasy land.

>> No.23379466
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>Talmudic agents
Oy vey!

>> No.23379529

Why doesn't God allow gay people in heaven if he is so tolerant? Catholics say marriage is between a man and a woman, and some of us are advanced technomancers who have no desire for this.

>> No.23379567

>da jooz
the jewish genital mutilation cult must be exterminated for crimes against humanity
death to israel and death to all yahweh worshipers

>> No.23379587

>Why doesn't God allow gay people in heaven if he is so tolerant?
First, I have no idea if there is a heaven. Second, I have no idea if gays are/aren't permitted there (especially on the basis of their sexuality alone). Third, if there is a God and he/she/it does or doesn't permit gays that's his/her/its business and seeing as he/she/it is omnipotent I can't really argue either way.

>> No.23379651

>From what I understand your main objection is to risky homosexual behaviour, namely promiscuous and unprotected anal sex. In which case I agree with you. That behaviour is risky.
Yes. I'm also uncomfortable with the idea of preaching sexual mores to children in state funded schools and believe such subjects are best left to parents. I understand that some parents will fail in this regard and this itself is a hazard. Maybe there could be something akin to enrichment programmes some schools have wherein students sacrifice lunch periods or time after the school day ends because the fact is people don't seem to understand the difference between what they're owed due to tolerance and what they need do to earn acceptance.
>You asserted earlier that researchers ignore it or cover it up, but this is not true. I think the medical field is very pragmatic about it because it has to be – taking measures like preventing homosexual men from donating blood, targeting homosexual men with safe-sex campaigns in the wake of things like monkeypox, using ‘high risk homosexual behavior’ as a description when writing up medical billing.
Well, they're moving to remove the restrictions on homosexuals donating blood, they've already changed the language concerning such on donation screenings, and there were also media campaigns about carrying on with Pride celebrations despite Monkey Pox (and this was no less right after COVID when the idea of super spreader events was at the forefront of public consciousness).

I enjoyed reading your post, anon. I'll look into the books you listed but I don't think I can watch a movie specifically about homosexual promiscuity, lol.

>> No.23380782
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>> No.23381157

Based kike destroyer.

>> No.23381298

I read Greek. Your youtube videos are not very convincing.