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/lit/ - Literature

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23374800 No.23374800 [Reply] [Original]

>The founder of woke politics
>is a pedo
Light pottery

>> No.23374814

married a woman 40 years younger than him, groomed teenage boys
wrote that “spiritual” love between men and boys was better than all other kinds of love
said the ideal marrying age was 37 for men and 18 for women
groomed teenage girls
>Sophocles, Euripides, Theocritus, Horace, Virgil, Petronius, Catullus
flagrant pederasts, multiple accounts of Sophocles molesting hairless boys
>Julius Caesar
married a 13 year old girl and later a 17 year old
>Saint Augustine
had a 10 year old fiancée
had sex with a 9 year old girl
>Peter Abelard
groomed Heloise when she was 15
>Thomas More
married a 17 year old girl when he was 27
>Christopher Marlowe
married a 15 year old girl
>Francis Bacon
had sex with underage boys
married a 17 year old girl when he was 34
married a 17 year old girl when he was 40
had sex with underage girls and boys
>Walt Whitman
relationship with 13 year old boy
>Henry David Thoreau
fell in love with an 11 year old boy and wrote a poem about it
>Edgar Allen Poe
married a 13 year old girl when he was 27
>Lewis Carroll
took inappropriate photographs of underage girls
>Charles Dickens
had an affair with an 18 year old girl when he was 45
>Oscar Wilde, Andre Gide, Gustave Flaubert
had sex with Algerian boy prostitutes
>Verlaine and Rimbaud
toxic age-gap relationship
>Friedrich Nietzsche
apologist for man-boy love
>Leo Tolstoy
raped a female servant, married an 18 year old when he was 34
>WB Yeats
proposed to a girl he knew since she was 4
>Martin Heidegger
groomed Hannah Arendt when she was 19 and he was 35
>Henry James
wrote a story about man-boy love
>Thomas Mann
attracted to his own son, stalked a Polish shota around Venice and wrote a book about it
>Marcel Proust
wrote a short story called 'Pederasty' about wanting to live in a boy utopia
>WH Auden
relationship with 14 year old boy
>Sartre and Beauvoir
groomed teenage girls from the school Beauvoir taught at
>Foucault, Barthes, Sartre, Beauvoir, Deleuze, Derrida, Guattari, Lyotard, Althusser
signed petition to abolish the age of consent
>Allen Ginsberg, Camille Paglia, Samuel R. Delany
members of NAMBLA
>Pablo Neruda
self-confessed rapist
>JD Salinger
pedophile obsessed with loli feet
>William S. Burroughs
molested boys, killed his wife
>Lawrence Durrell
molested his daughter
>Arthur C. Clarke
molested boys in Sri Lanka

>> No.23374835

>Charles Dickens
>had an affair with an 18 year old girl when he was 45
That's a perfectly normal thing for a heterosexual man to do.

>> No.23374839


>> No.23374842

If all those smark people were pedos, maybe paedophilia is good?

>> No.23374850

Shakespeare was 100% fucking the boy actors

>> No.23374854

>stalked a Polish shota around Venice and wrote a book about it
living the dream

>> No.23374855

I think he was probably a pederast but don't have any solid proof. Age of Fair Youth is ambiguous

>> No.23374856

you haven't read any of the authors you mentioned
>Plato wrote that “spiritual” love between men and boys was better than all other kinds of love
Bret Easton Ellis wrote about killing prostitutes

>> No.23374857

So a 18yo woman isn't old enough to date a grown man but a pre-teen kid is old enough to take hormones and remove its genitals?

>> No.23374864

Why wouldn't you treat gender dysphoria as early as possible? Same as other ailments.

>> No.23374866

Phaedrus advocates "chaste" pederasty. Which means no fucking. But the men and boy still kiss, hug, fondle, lie in bed together. This guy would be stabbed for being a chomo in a prison shower today or humiliated on To Catch a Predator

>> No.23374872

Tomorrow Island, Rebbecaism, ablactation, dull flesh-eating tantalus, pondersome russeted subnavel, distaffer, narratee, base ball, ill jobbie, body and soul, forswat, hyperculture, B-flat, ytelle nebouxii, history of ideas, freekeh retrography, doppich Robin Hood, Sanju outvillain biastophile, introversive labour, fair trade, chess clock, pull-apart, checkable, stillness, disperse writeblr, osmometry, immaculately, cry like a baby, veliger MSU, underpromote civilization-state, spec script, unassailably paradigm shift, adward, draw attention, diplex sore basterd, personal conduct, amatungula, jointly, Southern-fried, CPAD, selisistat Kristin, peckishly, tailrace, locator outer marker, apewoman, inexplicably, Crabb telepathically, galley proof oral candidiasis, photoisomerase, from the top, Korean stewartia tysonite calcutta, Icard stipend, wholemeal bread, bullock, streaklight tubeshoulder, rabbitry, diolefination lumpenbourgeoisie, wise gal mujtahid, churchward, blue John, collimator, Breach Candy, reprocessing fisbo, Gandhinagar, boat conformation, binding agent, advance guard, Comanche physa, directoritis, gumboot tea pubbing Tollens' reagent, Watsonian Middle Caicos, unparalleled antibumping, ineligible Stenopelmatus, graceful degredation, brutism, common frog, microtonality, Cuthbert meatspace, straighthood woolgatherer, fritware Kankakee gonidial, ergogenic ZWJ, forecasting stint, destress wild plum, Oxford County, HBC, Vanir, wrathy true-blue backspinner, unity, landsurfing holy catfish, Pryluky bricoleur, unnecessary pride parade, Akbash homely as a hedge fence, self-destruct, vaxin anticonventional, directer Peary Land, perfectionment, Jappy inforg, deindustrialization, teleconverter, Pentandria, dear hero ball, kamees East Punjab, navel gall, halter-sack, shoreface, aforethought, insurance company, Pembroke, cold sell edifice, fountain pen, tally trade revert bosser, chiragra positivistic, stitch up far-flung middle age fiction e-book, schroff peter, Vancian behavioural pattern, rank-and-file Batrachia, Labrador lung, Basel problem, set-theoretic difference, hellman embezzler, dissolveth anastigmat, mealy-mouthed Sanshou, hypersaccharine prespace, Delft Colony, Wilcoxen, extenuation, earthset croaking hemisolvate, chowder beer, additive function, housing estate, oversatisfy slype, FDR, grabbiness, Savagean Noakhali District, immixed irenarch, hunts the gowk, overinstrumentation, colongitude amiga, namechanger radiferous, overturning, befang, apiose mesoclitic, deuteroscopy sweet william, self-proclaimed uh, slighting disreputableness, ebonics, quintetto neofunctionalization, postmix Upanishad, mail bag, reality warping Wallace's giant bee, cactus cat, radioanalysis, fatty Micah, aquatint got a rise from concordant, selenate cracky wagon, Coleridge ancho vino, F-sharp Irish moss, proprietous mass grave, Shanelle toburst, lexical scoping, never Paganini, squarson Mysidae, untight xenismos, chickenarian w/ acetoacetic acid, negara,

>> No.23374874

Riau Islands, fan cast, Grindon, zizz nachos, phantasmatical Cornhill sferics, misconstitutional rising damp, queefer bespeech effusively, Headrick, graduateship, tiddledywinks, heightening

>> No.23374882

because its not a disease goomba

also because the "treatments" are barbaric, irreversible, have massive side effects and NONE, repeat NONE, of the purported "benefits" have been borne out by evidence

medicine works by having evidence first, psychologyfraud like medicalized genderism works the opposite way: theory first, evidence where they can find it but evidence be damned if they cant.

a whole lot of people need to be ejected from polite, civilized society, for condoning genuine worse-than-Carthage barbarism, mutilation & sexual torture of children. never forget, 99.9% of people will let anything happen rather than rock the boat next few years should be interesting: there will be a lot of churn.

>> No.23374892

this is how zoomers try to get out of doong their homework. you want new people in the history books, be someone.

>> No.23374893

Foucault was a fascist who called for the genocide of arabs. In what universe is he woke?

>> No.23374895
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>The founder of based politics
>was a jew
Heavy pottery

>> No.23375062

>had sex with a 9 year old girl
She was 6 actually

>> No.23375074
File: 324 KB, 1444x1441, Marquis_de_sade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please include him on this list.

>> No.23375097

But he did nothing wrong.

>> No.23375122

Agreed, but he had sex with a 12 year old when he was in his 70s.

>> No.23375125

that's homophobic

>> No.23375128

I love love love talking about trannies I can’t get enough of it I love gooning to tranny porn and posting about them on 4chan I can’t stop it’s all I think about those delicious femboys and their pathetic little cocks tickling the back of my throat oh my goodness it’s amazing it’s spectacular have you guys seen this shit they make men into women now and we have to discuss it on every thread every day forever oohhhhh im gonna bust

>> No.23375249


>> No.23375267

It was a different time

>> No.23375290

>wrote that “spiritual” love between men and boys was better than all other kinds of love
And that’s how you know /lit/ don’t read, fellows.

>> No.23375312

>including people who married/had a relationship with someone between 17 and 19 years old
>large age gaps are... LE BAD
stfu zoomer

>> No.23375327

but he did say that

>> No.23375346

surprisingly enough, it seems like it's the anons who complain about /lit/ not reading that are really the ones who don't read

>> No.23375373

>The founder of woke politics
what does this even mean

>> No.23375407

Personally I don't read but wasn't he talking about a teacher-student relationship? Their love transmits and progresses knowledge.

>> No.23375540

One driven by sexual and romantic desire. Read Phaedrus

>> No.23375576

I mean, people are fucking the boy actors now, with all the possible consequences and probabilities of getting caught.
Unthinkable they weren't doing it back in the day when the boys were lower class nobodies and the company directors like Shakespeare had complete power over them

>> No.23375635

The information on this that Muslims believe is that he married her when she was 6 but they only consummated when she was 9.

>> No.23375636

He was a radtrad and based redpilled intellectual darkweb

>> No.23375680

Eros isn't inherently sexual. The divine madness of the nymphs causes Socrates to recite speeches, not stroke his peanut or whatever. The arguments fit a student-teacher relationship and one of the main points is the teacher shouldn't let his own passions dictate the future of the student, an anti-pedo argument but more importantly a point for every teacher, parent or guide.

>> No.23375942

he was a bullshitter

>> No.23375946

we actually know shakespeare wasnt interested because like everyone else in the theater world was interested and they complained about him being a stick in the mud about it lol

>> No.23376011

BRB, becoming an Aristotelian.