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23373718 No.23373718 [Reply] [Original]

Is Bronze Age Mindset the most relevant work of contemporary philosophy?

>> No.23373724

Just went to check his profile and all he does is retweet pictures of buff dudes wtf

>> No.23373807

Thread OS:

lol but what is a twitter account for really? If you think about it

>> No.23374037
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bap sisters...

>> No.23374173

After so much shilling here I tried reading bronze age mindset but could only read like 20% before quitting it. This shit is awful now I see why. The guy is a fag with a huge ego.

>> No.23374213

Brown Age Poser

>> No.23374217

The book is fine but the podcast is great. Dude genuinely has some of the most fascinating perspectives on Greek and Renaissance history that I've heard. He also did a recent series on the origins of the Indo Europeans which was surprisingly rigorous and mostly referenced academic works on the subject. I know hes a homosexual jew or whatever and I'm a jew too obviously but he really is a fantastic commentator on ancient history.

>> No.23374236

>some ugly beaner

>> No.23374510

He has great commentary on Homer too based on Dominique Venner. Call him what you want, but dumb he is clearly not. Whenever he is brought up you can see how /lit/ is filled with resentment that this guy wrote a Nietzsche-lite book that sold tens of thousands of copies and he makes a monthly 4 figures from a podcast that he doesn't even upload consistently. Basically living the dream

>> No.23374541

>The American right won't do

Probably because the law applies much differently to them.

>> No.23374561
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He had a fucking meltdown when people convincingly compared Hamas fighters to positive Nietzchean concepts and jews to negative ones.

>> No.23374582

>anyone related to Moldbug
>anyone talking about Peterson
>anyone antisemitic
Here is someone who is actually relevant: orgyofthewill.net

>> No.23374792

There is resentment that his work was astroturfed and hyped by articles from publications like the Atlantic and boosted by algorithms just as a way to Zionize the young right. The fact that this is the primary purpose of his work, to use Nietzsche and Mishima and other buzz topics and interesting things, ultimately to market Zionism or at least turn the young right away from anti Zionism, makes it a lot less meaningful and more irritating.

>> No.23374848
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jews are truly something else

>> No.23374977

Expressing your true personality so in bap case homosexualism

>> No.23375781

Samefag. If you think these are good perspectives it just shows you don't read anything.

>> No.23375920

Brown detected

>> No.23375933

>I'm a jew too obviously
Yea, we know that. It's always Jews shilling him.

>> No.23375937

Jews are brown.

>> No.23375997


is this real? he's a literal gay prostitute? or this was only in 2015?

>> No.23376006

>lol but what is a twitter account for really? If you think about it

>> No.23376008

No. It'll be stamped out by time.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

>> No.23376010

Most of the anti gay panic is from the brown right. White conservatives tends to be in favor of gay rights or at least not overtly hostile

>> No.23376034
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It's real. He's a faggot Jew who likes buff white dudes as well as other Jews.

>> No.23376037

It is proved that homosexuals have a higher IQ. Would it be surprising that such a smart man as BAP would have aristocratic tendencies of the Hellenic style?

>> No.23376045

He is famous because he got boosted by Kikes. He's a lab-created project of Jews in Boston to capture the dissident right. He literally was on JINSA.

>> No.23376054

1) Jews are brown
2) Gays are gross
3) You're a shill

>> No.23376060

>Is Bronze Age Mindset the most relevant work of contemporary philosophy?

>> No.23376062

The funniest shit ever was when this guy got doxxed and turned out he's a gay jew. Life imitates memes.

>> No.23376081

wasn't that public information the whole time

>> No.23376084

I read that as a joke, that his followers are in on, they're laughing at Milo there.

However, when you repeat a "joke" over and over for years, and the theme keeps repeating, you really can ask some questions...

>> No.23376099

It's hilarious that this is the best culture-jamming astroturf the establishment can produce. It is amazing to me that he attracted so many mid redditors and pocast-listening sigma male types, but the fact that he fizzled out quickly nevertheless is heartening. It's very funny that they made him double down on defending the Israel lobby, thus collapsing any ambiguity his crypto-internationalist / anti-ethnonationalist stance had, and with it all his credibility.

>> No.23376103
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it turns out he's also the worst type of prostitute, one that uses stolen, fake profile pics to lure the unsuspecting johns

>> No.23376123

Has he given up on trying to make himself a 'bigger than life' myth? Someone who fulfills his ideals of strenth and greatness? A few days ago he tweeted: "As it happens in our fallen world I can only be an internut addict, pervert obsessive, and part time comedian."

>> No.23376137

lil bro is entering middleage, flame is fizzling out, and he's getting comfortable, death before death. sad.

>> No.23376143

his metrics are flagging and it doesn't take a genius to plot the graph, he has plateaued. he only reached Stage 2 of the assent projected by his handlers/project managers. their best shot at Stage 3 was linking him up with the equally gay "dimes square" shit, but that too was dying when the link was attempted.

the private citizen is now bleeding through as the project's raison d'etre disperses. he'll probably do some big "reveal" quite soon and transition to speaking in his normal out of character voice etc., doing lecture circuits and trying to make it as a conventional public intellectual (this will be 98% supported by his existing connections/networking). admitting he was alamariu was the first part of this transition, as was the publication of his thesis, which i think he wanted to be discussed and debated more seriously than it was. however if it was of notably low quality and he didn't put in the effort to edit/revise it - partly because he's spent so long as an eceleb meme that he doesn't remember having to put in effort to get noticed and stay noteworthy. when he said in his intro "i don't have time to revise this despite its flaws, so i'm just gonna put it out there and hope for the best," he was convincing himself, not the reader. he was quashing his own cognitive dissonance over being lazy and not taking his best shot at maintaining his relevance.

if i were managing his brand i would have done a much better job.

>> No.23376146
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>> No.23376181

>the equally gay "dimes square" shit

can you explain this?

>> No.23376195
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It's not an exaggeration to say that his whole philosophy is a cope for his homosexuality. It's why it's so substanceless and very aesthetic oriented.

He's much more entertaining and articulate than the rest of the dissident right, I'll give him that

>> No.23376212


>> No.23376218

His picture is from a gay forum.

>> No.23376224


>> No.23376240

"dirtbag left" podcasters who 5% venn diagram overlap with 4chan demographics but like to think it's 50%+

once again had potential to be more than what it actually was, but was hamstrung by "new yorker" (read between lines) nepotism culture, which is really more than a culture, it's a way of life that forms the most basic instincts of anyone who lives there. they can't let go of the nepotism, it's analogous to people who use adderall whether to help them write college essays or take exams or do their creative work, all it does is stagnate them, it takes their current mental level and adds +20 points of intensity artificially, at the cost of never organically and permanently growing their mental level beyond that baseline. "i'll just use daddy's money/connections to get me my first notice and after that it'll be self-sustaining so it won't matter" is a lie and a delusion, as daddy's money/connections is an addictive drug, and "new yorkers" especially require it to even live

the people trying to engineer these movements to be collecting points for the aforementioned 4chan alt-lite demographic really didn't bank on them being hopelessly out of touch with what is actually happening underneath the surface, nobody cares about "new york" anymore, it's not the 1920s or the 1960s or even 1990s anymore, noooobody cares, again it's analogous to adderall: the mediocre base structure of "new york" intellectuals and culture-creators was frozen in place with nepotism and institutional capture, and while this did the trick of making it totally preponderant in the 20th century, already by the late 20th the first cracks were showing as the actual organic nature of the times beneath grew beyond it and started to degrade its foundations. and now, like poo york itself, it's composed of moldering buildings whose facades are ready to fall off at any time.

all contemporary podcast/substack culture is factitious and built on bad foundations, because it's top-heavy with 20th century "clerks," the "it was a foregone conclusion that he'd go to SOME big name university, because his parents are lawyer-tier professionals (even if it's his second or third choice because he's actually mediocre)" technocrat class that is plummeting in relevance and actual power/influence. the machine thinks these people are still the bottleneck that controls culture as in the 20th century, it doesn't realize the 21th century lumpen is totally disconnected from these homosexuals in a way it never has been, that's why it feels so top-heavy as i said, because the machine keeps trying to go "DO YOU LIKE.... JORDAN PETERSON?" "DO YOU LIKE ...... CONSERVATIVE PODCAST GUY, IT'S LIKE TV, HIS HAIR IS COIFFED?" because the machine still thinks we're living in TV + good hair = total control times except with slight modifications ("cool" instagram whore instead of good hair guy).

the machine's things keep dying 1/3 into intended shelflife. "dimes square" was supposed to last a decade.

>> No.23376245

Is this compatible with his essay on Israel?

>> No.23376277

also the twitter era of late internet was especially fatal for these people because it artificially reconstituted, was a projection of, the world they are from which no longer exists. it just allowed them to dream a little longer that they're 1920-2000s "if i write an op ed, it'll get read, because it's MY op ed, and i'm ESTABLISHED as one of the people whose op eds get read because they write op eds!" "new york" culture

it has everything they like and expect from a culture: subtly curated spaces in which a priori established "personalities" (coiffed hair, whore from some podcast or other, press junket / nepo-slithering from one "appearance" to the next) talk to each other about things within an a priori established way of talking about things and set of things to talk about in set ways. but the main feature is the feeling of having "followers" (revealing phrasing), one feels as if one is at a pulpit. however everything ACTUALLY happening in this late internet creative destruction autophagy of the actual creativity and spontaneity of the internet was destructive to their own continued relevance in the long run: in exchange for the FEELING of still having a pulpit and "followers," they actually isolated themselves even further and hived off into stagnant paypigpens, which even they can sometimes sense are deadly cringe (for example when they realize how actually pathetic it is that their "followers" are parasocially trying to talk to them at a personal level in the comments)

after this comes nothing, there is not enough centripetal force left in the machine to sustain another "new yorker" apparatchik new class talking to itself and sucking its own cock while sitting on the back of the silent onlooker plebs. after this just comes brazil, and brazilians don't want to see "dimes square" 40 year old stretched out whores talking to yale PhD credentials guy with his DISTINCT MANNERISMS and CHARACTER, like bret easton ellis acting as if he always already knows Bret Easton Ellis is the Established Character in the room and everyone else is waiting for what Bret Easton Ellis has to say about X, brazilians want to see the tranny of the week set his head on fire, and to attend block parties where children drink and people fight like chimp wars in the jungle

>> No.23376314

Do bapfags think white = homosexual aristocrats and brown = conservative peasants

>> No.23376323

No, it's just about as coherent as responding to anything you don't like with 'jew' though.

>> No.23376421


Aren't they basically just a bunch of aging Alt-Right edgelords then?

>> No.23376495
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>still shamelessly shilling this literal Jewish/Zionist fraud
Everybody on the right except for mentally deficient mongrels and boomer retards dropped this fraud the moment it was revealed that he is literal Jewish-Zionist controlled opposition trained by neo-con Israeli traitors/spies at Yale. He is obviously there to grift and distract White men from issues like demographics of their nations (muh great replacement), which Jewish Zionists like Costin (not even an American) care deeply about when it comes to their own homeland / ethnic group. They aggressively insist that right wingers support their pointless slaughter of muslim peasants in the Holy Land, but where are all the Jewish Zionists advocating against replacement migration in the West? To the contrary, when it comes to White nations ("nations" more in the original sense), Jews are almost always in favour of eliminating White ethnic identity/solidarity/influence openly, if they have an opinion. See groups like the ADL and SLPC, who are supported by Israel and billionaire/millionaire Jews, seeming to exist only to slander and silence anybody who questions their pre-constructed narrative (OY VEY! a White man says blacks are low IQ and violent, and Jews are parasitic traitors with no loyalty!!?? MUH NAZIS!! PLS SAVE ME WHITE MAN!!!!).

So Israel can fend for themselves, since they have no honour or loyalty (best case scenario). I don't care enough to look in to how Bronze Age Faggot/Retard tries to reconcile being a two-faced, self-serving rat with presumably attempting to be le based and redpilled bronze age warrior. Who gives a fuck? let's hope this grifting, astroturfed turbofaggot offs himself soon.

>> No.23376534

>He is obviously there to grift and distract White men from issues like demographics of their nations
You know he talks about this constantly right?

>> No.23376537


>> No.23376646

No. It's not even philosophy. It's just Nietzche, comedy, anecdotes, and shitposting. The dissertation is only a little better.
I think he is in spirirt (but maybe not in reality) a grift or an op of some sort.
He literally regurgitates 19th century historiography that has fallen into obscurity, that's all he does . Reading Nietzche's sources while omitting all the overly retarded shit isn't an achievement. Oh, and I guess he picks a few sources from more modern historiography, but regardless stops in the 90s when the Neuroplasticity runs out. He never even effectively integrates the genomics info.
I haven't ever read Venner so I can't comment on this but I find the fact that he shot himself at Notredame to stop white genocide via gay Marriage to be extremely fucking funny.
Wasn't too fond of transvaluation in that specific instance was he.
He is an antinomian and total iconoclast (with limits concerning certain nation, of course). Part of the role is this. I'm sure it was effective six years ago in 2018. Hell, maybe it was a little effective two years ago. Today it impresses no one.
I think the castrators were two things
1) Dimes Square is at least partially real, the Red Scare Bitches exist in an actual form, and this is incompatible with the DR/BAPtard audience which are perpetually doomed being E-ghosts by motive of fear, choice or self-preservation. It's a weakness of theirs that will blow up on their face if a leftist popularises leveraging their status an incoporeal nothings in debate.
2) They are all just so fucking ugly and gay. They look like weird flabby dorks larping ALice and Wonderland. They aren't cool, they aren't attractive. They're utterlyand completely vomitive.
We are doomed.
Also, unrelated. But for a very long time I though Dimes square was a pejorative for a group of micro-influencers not good enough to be Z list celebrities.
But what you said was also important.
Completely agree, but with the addendum content farms will make a lot of money. It's the age of the worldstar and the Indian/Chinese E-peddler.
Post-script: What do you think of the smaller sphere that grew under this guy's tutelage? The smaller accounts with 10K followers who he retweets regularly. And from that, what about the even smaller scale (9k-5k, 5k-1k), who get even more agressive and overt.
And now, to ask the most no-life question I have ever asked, if you know the guy, what are your thoughts of Mikka and that whole orbit of his? If you have no idea what I'm talking about then just say so and I will have my answer

>> No.23376823

His series on the IE expansion were literally commentary on academic works published in the last 5 years you complete psued

>> No.23376843

And? I never said he never engaged with them. He just doesn't digest them particularly well, he ocassionally alleges genomics papers have been falsified. All the works he cites recurrently are from old authors like Robert Drews. Which just confirm pre-held notions he might have held from older scholarship.
The first point still stands, reminding tennagers that Coulanges exists is not a fucking act of extreme genius. Neither is doing the same with Burckhardt.

>> No.23376849

>Oh, and I guess he picks a few sources from more modern historiography, but regardless stops in the 90s when the Neuroplasticity runs out.
Lmao, okay.

>> No.23376852

To his credit, he did take well to Drews' newer stuff. But it's not like "Militarism and the Indo-Europeanizing of Europe. " is a groundbreaking book for someone who already believed in the broad strokes of that theory.

>> No.23376865

To be fair, the fact that IE were so thorougly able to transform Europe and the Near East in such a short time frame does indicate a skill issue at the very least.

>> No.23376917

Well yeah. He still believes in the coming of the Greeks as an elite invasion and imposition of culture/language of a pre-aryan populace, when that theory grows ever less likely every day that passes. Mycenean Palace graves reveal a prevalence of pre-aryan haplo-groups. The archeological record doesn't show a violent transition between middle to late Helladic, but does testify violent upheaval a bit before.
And the Himera graves also prove to be very inconvenient to him regarding the greeks.
P.S: Also why would I listen to his podcast? Everything about the thing is terrible and all the interesting stuff is paywalled. WH would I listen to political screeds about a country I don't care about? I don't like getting shilled trump, either.
Plague and climate change destabilizing the prior order tends to do that, along with a mild technological advantage. But credit where credit is due, the IE were very fast and efficient and made some very nice things. (But then again, the Bantu were even faster in culturally and literally consuming all their rivals, they made ugly things, though).
I'm not denying that the indo-europeanization of Europe was mostly violent. Just that he already believed this, so he is not actually changing his view based on new information.

>> No.23377078

You're not very well read if you think the chariot is a "mild technological advantage." I suppose the hoplite was similarily mild? Or the long bow? The musket? There's a reason the introduction of chariots into places like Egypt, Greece and Anatolia was by Indo Europeans, and other nomadic Chariot riding peoples (Some may have been Semitic speaking) rather than domestic adaptations by the kingdoms and chiefdoms of said regions. Its not by any measure a mild technological advantage you could just adapt, the chariot required a culture with extensive knowledge of rearing and breeding horses specifically for leading a chariot, the engineering prowess for constructing chariots and harnesses, and pairs of fighters who likely would have trained their whole lives in riding chariots. Your suggestion is as stupid as suggesting horseback archery would have similarly been a mild advantage.

>> No.23377093


nta, but chariots are only useful in limited circumstances of large areas of flat ground. Nobody seriously believes that chariots were useful outside of these contexts or would have been adopted just anywhere that people existed. As with all technologies you could deny the enemy their ability to use it. In this case, force them to find on unlevel ground or rocky ground or to fight at sea. But yes the chariot is a fancy thing you can show off at a parade.

>> No.23377142

That is very clearly not true, there are a plethora of sources regarding the efficacy of chariots as a military technology. The Hyksos, Hittites and Mycenaean Greece are obvious examples, and if you deny the chariot as being an instrument technology then the onus is on you to point to what ought to be the better explaination. Beyond that there are literally dozens of ancient literary sources that portray the chariot as an instrumental military technology, including the works of Homer, the Bhagavad Gita, The Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Old Testament. All of these works portray charioteers as universally receiving the highest honors and as being the most respected warriors among warriors. The fact that there are circumstances where the chariot may not have been absolutely effective does not in any way dispute it having been a deadly tool highly respected by a number of geographically distinct cultures.
>"When Gilgamesh had put on the crown, glorious Ishtar lifted her eyes, seeing the beauty of Gilgamesh. She said, ‘Come to me Gilgamesh, and be my bridegroom; grant me seed of your body, let me be your bride and you shall be my husband. I will harness for you a chariot of lapis lazuli and of gold, with wheels of gold and horns of copper; and you shall have mighty demons of the storm for draft mules. When you enter our house in the fragrance of cedar-wood, threshold and throne will kiss your feet. Kings, rulers, and princes will bow down before you; they shall bring you tribute from the mountains and the plain. Your ewes shall drop twins and your goats triplets; your pack-ass shall outrun mules; your oxen shall have no rivals, and your chariot horses shall be famous far-off for their swiftness."

>> No.23377174

Yeah, but you're jewish and it's relevant, so why wouldn't we point it out?

>> No.23377178

Im not Jewish anon, I just dont agree with you.

>> No.23377249


If it was effective why did it disappear from warfare completely before even the middle ages?

>> No.23377263

Because it was long before then superseded by other military technologies? Do you deny that muskets were useful because we don't use them today? Genuinely, what's even your point anon, because no academic denies that chariots were instrumental in Bronze Age warfare. It's the most bizarre point to try to make, which really only indicates that you haven't read a thing about the matter.

>> No.23377275

>superseded by other military technologies?

like what? horses? because that's what they used after chariots. they just sat on the horse isntead of riding in the chariot. is that supposed to be new technology

>you haven't read a thing about the matter.
i am actually an expert

>> No.23377284

Yes, "sitting on a horse" is a qualitative leap in military technology anon. I don't want to blow your mind, but believe it or not, even later some people learned how to shoot arrows while also sitting on the horse. Wild stuff.

>> No.23377341

>You're not very well read if you think the chariot is a "mild technological advantage."
It might been useful in war. But it doubt it was the decisive factor in the indo-europeanization of europe. The charriot may have been a good weapon of war, but in the end a paleo-european world not in crisis and turmoil might have very well adapted to it suse fairly quickly and stemmed any advances into western europe. As the Amerindians very well could have done with the Musket and the horse had they not been hit all at once.
>There's a reason the introduction of chariots into places like Egypt, Greece and Anatolia was by Indo Europeans,
There's reason to contest that. DIfferences in chariot design such as lightness, and number of wheel spokes suggest the Mycenean chariot to have been adopted from the Egyptians, who may had adopted it from middle eastern semites who adopted it from Indo-Iranian inavers, probably the mitanni. Anatolians are now thought to be a sister group of Indo-European which came to Anatolia long before the charioteers ever rode onto the sunset. You speak as if the Indo-europeans rode into greece in chariots, which they didn't.
And for the record, more than once the charioteers had the good fortune
> Its not by any measure a mild technological advantage you could just adapt, the chariot required a culture with extensive knowledge of rearing and breeding horses specifically for leading a chariot, the engineering prowess for constructing chariots and harnesses, and pairs of fighters who likely would have trained their whole lives in riding chariots.
Fair. But I mantain they were not decisive.
>Your suggestion is as stupid as suggesting horseback archery would have similarly been a mild advantage.
It's not a decisive advantage. Most of the time.
Only compounded with other factors can it truly win the day. Which is my point, the technological advantage wasn't enough. Rifles wouldn't have been anough against the Amerindians if there was nothing else going on.

>> No.23377372

>The charriot may have been a good weapon of war, but in the end a paleo-european world not in crisis and turmoil might have very well adapted to it suse fairly quickly and stemmed any advances into western europe. As the Amerindians very well could have done with the Musket and the horse had they not been hit all at once
Perhaps true. I don't deny that disease was probably a factor. Given the IE's proximity to horses and mobility they probably had immunity to pathogens that might have been disastrous to peoples they came into contact with.

>> No.23377424

I've never read or listened to him and I never will.

His twitter circle is very degenerate. Spiritually there is no difference between them and transsexuals, for instance.

>> No.23377433
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Homosexuality is traditional and right-wing.

>> No.23377457

How do I learn to think like this? Honest question. I'd like to think of myself as a dissident right-wing thinker who, by some luck, managed to avoid falling for these charlatans. Yet I have no capacity to explain how or why. You hit the nail pretty much on the head, I think.

>> No.23377459

Buddy you ain't no thinker, you're just a guy.

>> No.23377469

I'm a guy who thinks.

>> No.23377513

What is your opinion on Nick fuentes?

>> No.23377624

>He is obviously there to grift and distract White men from issues like demographics of their nations

Meanwhile random BAP podcast:

"Why am I at all interested in politics? The prime problem is mass immigration. Why? Because mass immigration permanently wrecks a country, permanently wrecks nations. It's very hard to reverse. Yes, there is possible back migration and this type of thing, but mass migration generally permanently destroys the character of a nation, changes its nature, so to speak."


>> No.23377631

>Mexican flag

>> No.23377632


>> No.23377648

There isn't that much thinking going on. It's a combination of supposition, free of evidence, ad hominem, midwit memes like "venn diagram" and "raison d'etre" and conspirational thinking (BAP is a social engineering project orchestrated by hidden handlers who put his podcast behind a paywall and make him do marketing so his listeners pay fee to listen to social engineering podcast).

>> No.23377651

Seems like he can do whatever he wants and not get ruined. Dunno how. He has bright moments but he's also very boyish and immature. I do not like how he placed a lot of people at risk by collecting personal info for his conferences.

>> No.23377652

That's not the part I was referring to. I meant the motivations, associations, pretending, etc., that is happening, which is undeniably true. It's not just the fact that he calls them out for LARPing but the way he pinpoints exactly what they are trying to emulate.

>> No.23377719

Yeah I fail to see how he's a Zionist or even if he is, how that is supposed to make me dislike the guy. I can just ignore his opinions on jewish topics, how about that. Whenever e-celebs are brought up people have this all or nothing mentality where if they have 1 opinion out of a thousand that is slightly off, you're supposed to disavow them completely or whatever.
>he's meant to capture the Right! Zionize the Dissident Right!
Get a grip, he's a guy who wrote a funny book who talks about the Greeks on a podcast

>> No.23378295

Lmao. It's just petit-bourgeoisie who expect society to provide them avenues towards the validation they failed to receive from their fathers having a melty because society is no longer organized around structures calculated to stroke the egos of mediocre men who can put square peg in square hole. Society is "sick" they say, because they very much want daddy to tell them how proud he is of them, but all they know how to do is sit at computers watching hentai and fucking their asses with phosphorescent silicone dog-cocks. They'll piss themselves in impotent rage until society-mommy turns the validation machine back on for just a few more hours since, after all, it isn't a school night.
These emotionally crippled posers fetishize Nietzsche's ubermensch with the same unsubtle, grasping hands they use to jerk their ego-cocks every time somebody tells them what a special little boy they are. The overman doesn't seek to engineer society for the gratification of his ego, he seeks to gratify his ego by engineering society for the flourishing of life- any life as may best resist nihilism. This is accomplished by true survival of the fittest, by the creation of an even playing field through the destruction of the mechanisms of control that emotionally stunted faggots erect in order to keep their useless progeny in the spotlight at the bottom of the fame and money well. If men need culture to keep women from disrupting their affairs, men are not strong. If ambitious youths need national and military service to channel their ambition towards greatness, the youths are not strong. If your supposed ubermensch crumples and folds because Harvard lets in queers and Amazon algorithmically flogs him funko pops, your supposed ubermensch is not strong.
The overman arises amid the ashes of civilization to create something new, new institutions for new problems for a new world. He doesn't dredge up the cast off memories of Norman Rockwell by way of Alcibiades to coerce a nation of broken children to beat their wives in the name of the restoration of the protestant work ethic and a firm handshake. If you're panicking you've already lost, you're doomed, ngmi kiddo.

>> No.23378298

Hm, based post

>> No.23378350

Doesn't seem like you transcended your ego.

>> No.23378534

>Society is "sick" they say, because they very much want daddy to tell them how proud he is of them, but all they know how to do is sit at computers watching hentai and fucking their asses with phosphorescent silicone dog-cock
Who exactly are you even referring to? People say society is 'sick' for a number of reasons that are not simply ameliorated by a change in attitude lmao. Half of America is terminally obese, on SSRI's or hooked on street drugs, and those that are well adjusted are still inundated by the plethora of industrial pollutants and hormone disrupting agri-chemical products that are now endemic to literally every level of our food supply. By any metric, America is profoundly dysfunctional and has been in abject decline for 50 years now.

>> No.23378578

Isn't he only Jewish through his father? He's not considered Jewish by Jewish standards.

>> No.23378591

>Seems like he can do whatever he wants and not get ruined. Dunno how
Its because hes a literal federal informant lmao. He was one of the ONLY lucky high profile guys to not be tried over Jan 6th? Give me a break

>> No.23378596

That's Orthodox standards. For ethnic and tribal standards he's Jewish.

>> No.23378609

Ironically, half-jews end up, sometimes, being more jewish than jewish.
Jewishness is already an identity at the margins, and so you end up being at the margins of the margins.

BAPs work is a result of this tension. It's an outsider-outsider work. An attempted solution to his identity.
The world he envisions is one where his identity won't matter.

But the problem is that he doesn't know this. Which makes him a pernicious type of Jew.

>> No.23378620

That poster is an absolute idiot yapping about dumb twitter shit he's invested his time in.

>> No.23378624

What did he have to do with Jan 6th?

>> No.23378632

Are you retarded, you know he was there right? Over 1200 people were charged, many of whom never even went inside the building. Prosecutors had an open season to indict basically anyone there they wanted to ruin, yet Fuentes got off scott free?

>> No.23378634

Philosophy isn’t even slightly relevant

>> No.23378643

At first I thought you were gay and schizo for caring this much and having such theories, but the more I went on reading, the more I had to admit your basedness. I kneel. Although I acknowledge you don’t need this brainfried zoombabble flattery.

>> No.23378661

I really don't understand your view in all honesty because he's avowedly a complete and total chauvinist of European culture. He is explicitly against non European migration to European Nations, and White, English speaking Nations. He's spent dozens of hours on podcast discussing the exploits of great European conquerors and champions, including great praise for Renaissance heroes, the Spanish conquistadors and many other great Europeans. He has a great deal of enthusiasm furthermore for European music, art and aesthetics and has openly stated that these things were only possible within the bounds of European peoples led by their historical aristocracies. Anon's in this thread have literally posted him directly stating his views on migration, which has just gone ignored. He's also been very explicit about finding rabbinical and jewish diaspora culture to be very offputting, and where it is valuable it is only so literally as an extension and only made possible by European society. I'm not partial to jews in the slightest, but I've seen many of the rabid antisemites online, and most of these people genuinely have no interest in traditional European culture, art or aesthetics beyond extremely superficial larp. Their primary concerns are pilpul screeching over 'degeneracy' and I think this is obviously exposed by the fact that none of these people ever write anything about Europe that isn't related to some sort of grievance based idpol. In that respect, psychologically as far as I can tell they're really no different from leftists. Very literally half of the content BAP produces is about some European genius, or innovator or historical figure. I genuinely cant imagine such an avowed enthusiasm by someone who supposedly is some sort of psychological operation meant to weaken the goyim or however you might put it.

>> No.23378673

Anyone who supports the west must support Israel, and that is really impossible to dispute. A lot do the so called “far right” in opposition to Israel are browns but you can’t tell online. I have read BAP’s book and h agree a brotherhood of porn and drugs is how the white man must return, as well as joining the military. The key moment is approaching

>> No.23378698

>what are your thoughts of Mikka and that whole orbit of his?
What are YOUR thoughts? Any favorite poasters?

>> No.23378772

>A lot do the so called “far right” in opposition to Israel are browns but you can’t tell online
Yes, I'm aware. I'm not pro Israel though, and while I do agree with the thesis that it was originally established as an extension of European colonial projects, that is no longer the case whatsoever and genetically European Jews have been outbred by religious zealots and other low value co ethnics. There's absolutely no future in Israel given their demographics. The retarded orthodox zealots already cost the state to the tune of billions per year, a number which increases yearly as their demographic share continues to increase. Netanyahu and his whole ilk is the product of this, and it's now at a point where you simply cannot win elections without promising handouts to the orthodox or to righteously smite the unwashed massed and bring about the end times. In the absence of productive, European Jews, the State will rapidly cease to be able to maintain any meaningful technological or military advantage to its neighbors and probably a neighboring Muslim state will gamble that they might be able to win a conventional war. The whole reason they went into Gaza now was because the state knows if they tried it in 10-20 years, they wouldn't have a clear advantage over their neighbors (Egypt, Iran) to ensure compliance. The destiny of that state is increasing instability and apocalyptic foreign policy which we'll be lucky doesn't culminate with nuclear weapons. There's zero reasons to bet on such a lame horse, and the Ashk either need to get with the program as far as supporting the European project goes, or be left utterly behind, because they're very rapidly drying up any goodwill from the only people that might support them.

>> No.23378788

And yes I'm aware you were being sardonic, I chose to ignore that because its not very interesting.

>> No.23378799

If you betray Israel, it is no better than betraying BAP

>> No.23378801

>Anyone who supports the west must support Israel, and that is really impossible to dispute.
splendid b8

>> No.23378802

Christ you are exhausting, lmao.

>> No.23378807

He never entered the capitol

>> No.23378820

It's because you don't understand what Jewishness is.
Plenty of Jews write about many interesting topics, but you'll usually find that within the work, somewhere there has been made a room for Jewishness.

I'm not suggesting it's an OP or whatever, I think that it's organic, an expression of who he is. I mean, isn't there a Nietzsche quote that goes: "you cannot escape what you are!"

And personally, it's why when it comes to Jewish authors I find the most interesting ones are the ones who engage in know-thy-self, for example, Otto Weininger, or more current Gilad Atzmon, whereas BAP doesn't do this, so it gets expressed sub-terraneously in his "work".

(This isn't even getting into the counter-signaling/arguing he does against so called "low-iq anti-semitism" on twitter)

>> No.23378826

Israel is a western country. They’re in Eurovision for a reason and one day they’ll be in the EU, if the refugee rules can be changed

>> No.23378834

Yes I directly stated as much>>23378632
Other persons were tried in identical circumstances. Nick got off easy for no apparent reason. I agree it was a witch hunt, but prosecutors effectively had carte blanche to get rid of anyone they wanted, and Nick is too high profile to have gotten off that easy. Anyhow, I find his whole crowd to be repugnant, and I can't see why anyone would be interested in someone retarded enough to think a bipolar nog rapper was going to save America. And this isn't even to mention the literal pedophile faggots Nick associates with personally like Milo and Ali Alexander.

>> No.23378864

I see what you're saying, and there's some truth in it. Psychologically it's probably no different to being mulatto and having to choose between being white or black lmao.
>This isn't even getting into the counter-signaling/arguing he does against so called "low-iq anti-semitism" on twitter)
Im not fond of jews but I do also think there is a certain type of anti semite that fundamentally has the same psychological constitution as the leftist. I've seen people like this and they have no interests outside of rabid sermonizing. Anything that rubs them the wrong way reeks of jewishness that they feel compelled to call out at every possible instance. Genuinely such people discredit the I think very fair criticisms that can and ought to be made. I don't derive my views on this from him, but Nietzsche said similarly.

>> No.23378866

the unfortunate thing is that you, and people like you, live in such a way as to keep the realization that you're actually not that smart or actually thinking in good faith permanently out of reach

>> No.23378898

Couldn't give a shit if he is a fag or prostitute or whatever but him being a nietzschean while supporting zionism is a disgrace, sure some aspects of zionism can be nietzschean but that can be said of any political movement, what is true is not current political movement is completely nietzschean so it seems pointless to me fighting or immersed oneself in any of them. Commies attacking him for being a fag are even more hilarious though that's one of the reasons I still like him, he makes the bugmen incredibly mad for things that commies shouldn't chimp out according to them

>> No.23378914

On the first part, yes, and of course he can't choose one or the other, so it ends up being a mutation.

Secondly there is a point there yes, above all else, it is resentful(bad). However, I don't discourage it today because of the powers-that-be, let the floodgates open.
Any argument against it is basically one *for* the status quo. It's why I also appreciate figures like NJF as a wrecking ball, even though I am not personally a Christian and reject his worldview.

And even if the rabble holds views that are resentful and wrong to a degree, who cares? It's always going to be that way, the question is in what direction are things going.

Truth and whatever higher virtues are always for the few.

>> No.23378948

>Truth and whatever higher virtues are always for the few
Yes certainly. I would in this case describe the American right as having particular related pathologies though. The biggest is I think a very strong resistance to 'elite' politics and their continued populist sensibilities that make coherent messaging very difficult. In some sense it is a virtue, but it's also a very large rhetorical weakness to have rubes saying the sky is jewish and to allow that association to serious politics to exist. This has been an ongoing fact that the left and others in America have used to discredit opinion on the right. Leftists generally speaking have a much easier time getting away with similar stupidities, because their language is always couched in humanitarian rhetoric which is generally speaking a much easier sell. Personally I think the only issue for the American right at the moment should be hammering in on immigration without fail, and I will say the turn in public opinion in this regard has been very promising. Anyhow that's my view of things at the moment.

>> No.23380128

Kinda wild that people are doing all these pseudoacademic effortposts about gay twitter trolls. Why would you even consider them people lmfao?

>> No.23380241

Jews = bad

Fight jews = good

>> No.23380250

Yeah, really. They rightfully identify this as a psyop but then waste time and energy trying to fight it by posting.

Just ignore it, bros. Let the dead bury their dead. This obvious faggot shit doesn't need disproving.

>> No.23380823

He's a kike.

>> No.23380881
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Please give your genuine thoughts on NickJFuentes and someone like Hasan if you ever saw his videos. I personally think Nick is still too immature and has immature views to fully become mainstream, for example him hating on poor people and the lower classes in general is just cringe, maybe he's past that phase though

>> No.23380917
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lying faggot.

>> No.23380945

>He literally regurgitates 19th century historiography that has fallen into obscurity, that's all he does
All knowledge is regurgitation. There's nothing new under the sun. Finding old knowledge and adapting it for modern situations and people is perfectly legitimate.

>> No.23380954

Not the Anon you're replying to but, BAP exposed himself when he said that the 'brown' Israel is the beacon of Europeanness in the middle east, he also somehow thought that Hamas "raping and pillaging" is somehow bad while being all for the Neitzchean strong man-ism or w.e. but my main gripe with him is how he's so anti-immigration but supports a state that was literally built through mass immigration of Jews from Europe and USA to the Palestine region. I try to be consistent in my views in opposing immigration and other things. No nigs in my country, but my people shouldn't also be migrating to another country, we have our own nation. Especially from a European POV it makes sense to dislike Israel as a concept of a state, imagine if Gypsies suddenly mass emigrated to Aegyptus or India and decided to have a nation state there while being migrants.

>> No.23380990

I dislike nearly all of them, frivolous faggots the lot of them. I was not around in two thousand and twenty one back when they said things other than self praise, stagnant memes and nanopolitical polemics.
I kind of like their once in a blue moon insights though. And some people marginal to that sphere post some cool books.
Almost entirely sure they will not actually accomplish anything.
I hatefollow some of them but to be completely honest I might unfollow Sólion because all he posts are canned responses (which he got from 2021 screenshots) to whatever random norwood leftist insulted his beloved japslop today. Tbh, the talk like sephiroth meme is kind of funny because it actually pisses people off a little.
I will keep the Mikka follow until the end of days though. Very interesting guy. Also a petulant faggot who will remain talking about forming a cult but will never have one.
I won't (probably), either. But I don't pretend that I'll ever matter.

>> No.23380997

I agree, but it's not some new revolutionary set of insights that make him a genius. These aren't even very obscure works. He isn't pioneering anything.
I wqrote way too much, shit.

>> No.23381906

He's a white supremacist and he thinks the worthwhile Ashk are white, which they are. Sephardic jews have no reputation for talent or genuis, neither do Mizrahi, or Ethiopian jews. Its very litererally only a small subset of jews historically mixing with Germans and Slavs that are of any note. His views are very clear with respect to this. Part of Israels entire internal transformation in the last few decades has been in reconcilling what was originally a European colonial project, in an era where that has become entirely verboten, and they have not solved that dilemma. Part of their attempted solution has been a shift toward religious from ethnic particularism, but given they've been caught on multiple occasions sterilizing non white jews, and attempting covert fertility control measures, you could consider this a case of revealed preference.

>> No.23381919

>talent or genuis,

Could you be confusing "talent or genius" with nepotism?

>> No.23381922

What an absurd position to take. The US? Canada? Australia? How do you think these nations were founded?

>> No.23381927

No Im not anon. I know you live in a basement and work at McDees but if you ever happen to work in mathematics or read a few academic papers it should be obvious. My point is very literally that this subset of Jews are genetically and culturally European. Nothing they've produced sits outside of what was enabled by European culture and customs.

>> No.23381984

>it should be obvious

Again you are confused so I feel sorry for you. Think harder but then again you don't have that reputedly high IQ that you admire in your overlords so maybe it is asking too much.

>> No.23381999

Again, ashkenazi talent where it exists is an extension of European genius. If you actually worked in any proximity to academia you'd be aware its not just nepotism, but ill say it again because you seem to be deaf, it is an extension of European talent and genius.

>> No.23382000

>I dislike nearly all of them, frivolous faggots the lot of them. I was not around in two thousand and twenty one back when they said things other than self praise, stagnant memes and nanopolitical polemics.
suggest some good accounts to follow then

>some cool books
such as?

sorry for brief response, using mouse+on screen keyboard

>> No.23382054

>He's a white supremacist and he thinks the worthwhile Ashk are white, which they are.
A very myopic view. Probably an affected one because such a literatti as BAP would know better.
>ephardic jews have no reputation for talent or genuis,
They did not that long ago. During and before the 19th century the succesful and relevant Jews were mostly Sephardic, Italian, etc. While at the same time, with marked exceptions, the Ashkies were a bunch of chicken swinging brutes out in the Shtetl/Ghetto, which actually sparked zionism in the first place, as a rebellion against neurotic Cabbage eating Kapparoteers. Things change, of course, but one musn't forget that.
>but given they've been caught on multiple occasions sterilizing non white jews, and attempting covert fertility control measures, you could consider this a case of revealed preference.
Does it escape you that middle easterners also hate Africans? Or that the Israeli government widely incorporates Sephardic and Mizrahi Jews (Shas being the third largest party, for example)? You do not have to be a white supremacist or even sympathetic to hate blacks.
You act like Israel is APartheis south african ruled by blue-eyed slav Mischlings but that is not true. The whitest thing you'll get is weird Russians.
No it isn't. Ashkenazi talent reflects the very clear roots of their people and has nothing european about it. Unless you redefine talent as this very narrow thing, of course.
>suggest some good accounts to follow then
Spergler Acolyte if you like Spengler and Hope Pead if you like futurism, Ezra Pound. They at least produce interesting stuff.
>such as?
Art manifestos,Obscure histories. That type of stuff. They also translate stuff never translated before.
>sorry for brief response, using mouse+on screen keyboard
Np man.

>> No.23382229

I avoided these countries exactly because of that, because they are very young countries and were made through migration. that's why my point is from a European pov, because if you support Israel you cant in a straight -non supremacist- manner attack the immigrations from africa and the middle east to Europe who are practically colonizing Europe just like the Jews colonized Palestine in the last century. People from those countries should come up with their own reasoning.
Israel is mostly non-"white" now due to fertility rates, having an elite "white" that tries to steer a non-white country doesn't make that country a beacon of European identity, culture and whiteness. Especially if that country is now devolving into a corrupt quasi-theocracy state riddled with faggotry and Amish-like ultra orthodox who hate their own state. BAP literally just supports Israel because he's a Jew and/or he gets paid to do so, or feels compelled to do it because the people who back him up and propagandize him are Zionists.

>> No.23382477

>Israel is mostly non-"white" now due to fertility rates, having an elite "white" that tries to steer a non-white country doesn't make that country a beacon of European identity, culture and whiteness.
Yes I agree, I said as much in my post here. I don't think theres any future in it personally. >>23378772

>> No.23382574

>keith woods
>richard spencer
>greg johnson
>half of /pol/ when a trap thread shows up
Gorky gets proven right again every generation and every new iteration of the far right.

>> No.23382673

and jewdaism

>> No.23382975

>These emotionally crippled posers fetishize Nietzsche's ubermensch with the same unsubtle, grasping hands they use to jerk their ego-cocks every time somebody tells them what a special little boy they are.

For me, it was watching those types all have a meltdown when Aaron Bushell self immolated himself earlier this year after some people started pointing out it was a very bushido death, with these supposed ubermensch having no idea why anyone would ever kill themselves to push their ideals and punish their own failures.

>> No.23382987

A Mexican Jew
Now I've seen it all

>> No.23383114 [DELETED] 

He's a funny guy and his podcast is entertaining but if you're serious about his philosophy you can just go and read all the writers he references since he adds essentially nothing of his own to their ideas.
Like this anon says, his whole pro-Homer anti-socrates/plato thing is lifted straight from Venner (whose thinking is much better since it revolves around a rejection over intellectualization).

BAP introduced me to a lot of thinkers but he is literally a Jewish spy so now it's best to ditch him and his cringe Twitter orbiters

>> No.23383134

Israel doesn't have a qhite Elite, Sephardics and middle-eastern Jews have plenty of participation in the government.
Look into the Cabinet of Israel and the origins of each one. Lots of North africans.
I know one but he denies being Jewish despite looking like he just exited the Yeshiva.

>> No.23383141

What the fuck?

>> No.23383187

jews who try to be white and make a lot of effort typical crumble under the pressure. compare this bap guy who is a romanian jew immigrant to canada who didn't work hard enough to secure a real career for himself and decided to be a prostitute with a positive rolemodel of a jew like adam friedland, who struggled for many years to break into comedy without rich parents to indulge him or running away to a third world country. he just grinded for 15 years despite getting a full ride to go to law school he said fuck it i will follow my dream and he finally made it.

costins dream was to be a famous philosopher who square the circle on modernity, instead he took easy shortcuts and jewed his way into internet bucks, never suffering a day in his life.

friedlands dream is to be seinfeld. to use his jewish identity to cater to a gentile audience, a word mechant who brings entertainment to millions.

one guy doesn't know his lane and tries as a double outsider immigrant-jew to understand an alien culture and then reshape it which is insane level of hubris, it would be like me going to china as a young boy and trying to explain to the chinese the dao with my pseudo-philosophy and then when that fails to be controversial online.

the other guy is following in a long and rich jewish tradition of entertainment, storytelling, wit and humor. he honed his natural talent and ability through endless repetition and practice and when the world "discovered" him, he was ready to meet the challenge because he put the work in.

>> No.23383190

>he didn't know jews exist everywhere
come on

>> No.23383193

Louis "Cuck King" CK is one

>> No.23383296

Classical Greece is the beginning of modernity. Nothing about it is trad or based. You just posted some flabby nu-male wasting 20 minutes trying to explain how the modernity's beta 0.5 version wasn't gay. Who cares, it is still modern and cringe.

>> No.23383307

He hates Christianity but promotes African folk religion lol

>> No.23383463
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>Classical Greece is the beginning of modernity. Nothing about it is trad or based
Nice to see the most retarded posters are on /lit/

>> No.23383518

>just be gay, naked buff dude and indulged in pleasure dude lol

>> No.23383612

I really liked his book; very refreshing and inspirational.

>> No.23385199

What kind of handouts does Israel give to orthodox Jews?

>> No.23385232
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Wait until you learn about the jew only healthcare service in New York and California.

>> No.23385446

The Passage Prize guy was doxxed and is apparently also Jewish. Are all of these e-right guys Jewish and/or Latino?

>> No.23385972

The entire BAP sphere actively encourages racial divisions while also completely ignoring the jewish power as a collective mafia in politics.

He’s the most subversive entity the ADL as ever created, directly or indirectly. Because it makes Gentiles thinks Jews are “le based” by making Trump tier tweets while their kin rob and destroy our country with forces like APAC.

Truly, the best way to defeat an opposition is running it yourself.

>> No.23385983
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He just posted this. How does this fit the narrative?

>> No.23386004
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>> No.23386025

BAP is awesome Jews Rock

deal with it

>> No.23386040

See, this is exactly what i’m talking about. A man can spew nonsense on twitter and that solves the underlying issues? so that disproves the very notion that this guy is well connected and well established because a cabal of Jews from Yale wanted him there? how does that NOT set any alarm bells.

Moreover, BAP was throwing a hissy fit that Hamas was seen as the “ubermench” or whatever because they rape woman and kill people, as a Jew he is obviously against hamas; and by extension palestine despite the fake Tweeter squabbles, and his entire circle despite White identity because is now based of division of woman and non-whites. Watch what people do as opposed to what they say, and you will see their fruits.

And one last thing: The problem with Rightists, and by extension Americans since I know most posters are from there — literally worship Jews as an idol of superhuman people and not a cabal of race chauvinists who stand together as one man. It’s the worst aspect of Anglo culture that unfortunately didn’t die along with the WASPS. He and is kin are there for one purpose: Too make Jews cool because some homosexual posts Trump tier tweets. His entire circle push “colorblind meritocracy,” anti-DEI just like shapiro and rufo, and he’s a huge supportive Trump because he is the biggest suppttier is Israel.

The hellish collation of West and Israel needs to end now.

>> No.23386126

Ifs undeniable.

And the issue is the lying and gatekeeping which is tied to their ethnic bias.

Each one of these lowlifes tries to appropriate heroic sentiment, usually Christian and European, for their schemes. Some literally harmful to America.

It’s disgraceful.

>> No.23386217

Who is this Mikka? He sounds cool

>> No.23386560

>BAP isn't Jewish!
>Ok, BAP is Jewish. So what?
>Alright, everyone else is Jewish too, huh... SHUT UP YOU'RE BROWN!

These people have been following a literal Jewish psy-op for years, defending it to their last breath, and simply keep digging their heels deeper. Hilarious.

>> No.23386811

>that disproves the very notion that this guy is well connected and well established because a cabal of Jews from Yale wanted him there?
You have no proof of this whatsoever, this is entirely speculative.
> His entire circle push “colorblind meritocracy"
This is completely untrue. Most of his crowd is HBD race and IQ types, and BAP made exactly one post with a different position which you like to parrot over and over by using that phrase. You act in bad faith and mischaracterize his post, which was that the HBD sphere was spending far too much political capital on posting about African IQ, which is not going to make a successful political programme in the 21st century. DEI, and affirmative action, and mass migration are simply not going to be beat by public messaging about how Africans and hispanics are low IQ, biologically inferior feeders. It may be true, but the point is it's not something your average person is going to accept in America. BAP has stated literally dozens of times that he is explicitly against mass migration, and considers it the most pressing political issue of the 21th century, and that is not in the least bit inconsistent with the afformentioned perspective. European countries that have had success with quelling migration, such as Poland and Denmark have also not done it by any sort of scientific racial theory, which is verboten in any public sphere today, but by practical messaging that didn't scare the fuck out of normies. That's what the point of that post once, and you faggots jumped on it as some sort of "proof" that BAP was obviously some subversive jew paid by Peter Thiel and his talmudic network or whatever. "Colorblind meritocracy" with this in mind would preserve the authority of traditional stock Americans, while maintaining a genteel respect for ones station. I'm sorry but NO ONE is going to accept a political programme which messages that Africans and other minorities are racially inferior and deserve less. It's not a winning strategy.

>> No.23387480

>literal dime a dozen coomer begging anybody to engage with his fantasy
I knew he was a coomer faggot but I didn't know it was this bad. I'd rather believe in 'sissy hypno' than take this guy's fetish seriously.

>> No.23387487

>Is Bronze Age Mindset the most relevant work of contemporary philosophy?
He probably is. But I could also be frail and withering away on my deathbed and be a better boxer than any infant in a daycare.

>> No.23387528

man everyone and everything around bap looks really gay

>> No.23387668

What sounds cool? The mere mention of his name? lol

>> No.23387690

In a way it might be but its not “philosophy” properly speaking. Everything after the book has been a huge disappointment, and the BAPosphere is the most contemptible group of self-satsifed faggots I have ever come across. Their neurotic obsession with being attractive belies the fact that they are not attractive, are “mid” in everyway, starting with Constin himself, the only impressive member of the group whose writinf doesnt make me want to gag, Constin just wasnt good looking enough survive the dox

>> No.23387698

Yeah he’s a complete loser with interesting though redundant ideas on how to be a winner. Mishima would be ashamed

>> No.23387699

Have you never been around anyone on roids? Literally they're insane, they rub their cock through the sweatpants 24/7.

>> No.23387704

That's just perversion. A pervert would both want the reward of sex without having to work for it (porn/masturbation), and the rewards of working out without having to work for it (roids). (Here's an additional one, the reward of being seen as "smart" without ever having to work for it.[becoming a 'writer' or a twitter 'thinker'])

>> No.23387734
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More or less. Heterosexuality is much more Semitic than it is Germanic.

The funniest part is Hitler making his goons burn down Hirschfeld Institute, not because it was "le jooish degeneracy" but because they had dirt on Hitler and his inner circle, which comprised homosexual hedonists, including Hitler himself. Hitler didn't even sleep in the same bedroom as Eva rofl.

>> No.23387768

>Sephardic Jews have no reputation for talent or genuis
Ah yes, but Baltic Overmen who were only recently elevated to sapience by the USSR do

>> No.23387948
File: 705 KB, 943x742, Captura de pantalla 2024-05-15 062411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A british poster.
His account is locked. But it's amicus_univ if you want to check it out regardless. I even bring you a sample and you might make your own opinions.
Personally, I think he might look cool at a distance (he did to me) but the more you actually see the guy in action the less cool he becomes, in my experience. Most of the time he is just being petulant and posting about UK politics, ocassionally it's just him throwing a tantrum or crudely making fun of twitter accounts just as small as him.
As a person, his posting (admittedly a narrow frame of reference) make me think of a sad party Apparatchik, an affluent londonite bureaucrat with strangled dreams venting on the internet.
I'm sure his ideology is interesting, but he has gone out of his way to make himself as hard to comprehend as possible. By that I mean that most of his thought is buried in the sands of time and you had to be there in 2021 to actually comprehend it now.
And he, has a few intriguing concepts, too. Though his taste is very shit in those, (Keith Raniere in matter of Cults, Human Design).

>> No.23387985

Probably not as intelligent as he'd like to be.

>> No.23388640

This is really fucking gay.

>> No.23388714

I had the strangest experience when I first consumed BAM. I listened to the entire thing in a little over a day of working my mindless blue-collar laboratory job, in the form of the audiobook. I was puttering around doing my tests, but on complete autopilot, because this book was taking my entire attention. When I finished it, I had listened to about the last 5 hours of it, and after the final words were done, it felt like my entire body filled up with fire. My whole body was tingling, my head was crackling with electricity. I for some reason felt the need to chug a ton of milk and eat a head of raw garlic, which I did.

A couple months later, I quit my job and lied my way into some high-paying finance jobs, which I work in to this day.

>> No.23388749

He is not a homo, and if you truly listen to caribean rythms you should know this. Listen chapter 75 and 76.

>> No.23388841
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> more entertaining and articulate than the rest of the dissident right, I'll give him that
you gotta give him that

>> No.23388924

His description you fucking retard

>> No.23388933

thank you mate, yeah looks like twitter brain rot, many such cases

>> No.23388936

why do you think this happened?

>> No.23388956

he left out right-wing neo-reactionary internet fascist.

the lack of self-awareness is what grinds everyones gears.

>> No.23389080

Praising European culture doesn't matter because it has no practical consequence. This is how he gets you to trust him. Then he tells you that European people must lose their national identity and sovereignty and become mixed like him. Then he attacks the only religion that preserves some aspects of the past, while offering no alternative. You have to understand that there are 2 meanings behind what he does, real and formal. Ignore his fantasies and just ask yourself what practical effects does his philosophy have? Are his followers gaining power in any way? They fantasize about being Alcibiades while other people do things in the real world. Moldberg promotes similarly ineffective ideas, but at least his description of reality is accurate.

>> No.23389086

>lied my way into some high-paying finance jobs, which I work in to this day.
Alright let's hear the details.

>> No.23389296
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No one likes homosexuals. It's why you have a containment board.

>> No.23389432

I know he's not gay, I was preemptively responding to the fuentes-fags usual line. The dude literally was/is? banging Dasha from redscare. If he was though I honestly wouldn't care anyhow.

>> No.23389435

>Then he tells you that European people must lose their national identity and sovereignty
He does not say this, he's never said this. He says the opposite of this constantly. Stop fucking lying my god. And if you're going to bring up the "colorblind meritocracy" thing again I'll refer you here>>23386811

>> No.23389856

>a petulant faggot
What sounds cool about this?

>> No.23389878

I had the strangest experience when I first consumed BAM. I listened to the entire thing in a little over a day of working my mindless blue-collar laboratory job, in the form of the audiobook. I was puttering around doing my tests, but on complete autopilot, because this book was taking my entire attention. When I finished it, I had listened to about the last 5 hours of it, and after the final words were done, it felt like my entire body filled up with fire. My whole body was tingling, my head was crackling with electricity. I for some reason felt the need to chug a ton of milk and eat a head of raw garlic, which I did.

It was then that I realized I was a Bussy Age Phaggot all along.

>> No.23390203

>Probably not as intelligent as he'd like to be.
Yeah. Still miles ahead of the average “based rw anon” there as well as his own followers.

>> No.23390266

I can't tell if this is a joke
>He means this non-sexually
>Philo was Jewish he's probably lying
>This passage is probably satire

>> No.23390429

Well, of course. He is a micro-celeb for a reason. Probably a higher sort of midwit.

>> No.23390771

You can hear it on West Bestern channel, in a video titled "Bronze Age Pervert on the type of state he wants. An armed Heraclitus. From ep105", at 5:25. It's not the "Talmudic network" that's making him say this, that's retarted. He is saying it because he HAS to somehow justify being a mutt. This is why mutts are so dangerous. They can't form a national identity because nobody is genetically similar to them, so they want everyone to become mixed like them.

>> No.23391031

Been laughing so hard this morning as it turns out he defends troons now too, lmao
your based right wing dissident movement sir

>> No.23391043

there was also one of the big book publishers in the "dissident right" getting doxxed by leftists yesterday, and turns out he is part of the tribe too, kek, is there anybody white in the white movement?

>> No.23391066

Honestly at this point it's just a filter, any non-jew following these people probably deserve it. No point in even trying to change their mind.

>> No.23391079

>Is he for troon? Is he against troon?
>Is he for jew? Is he against jew?
>Is he for white? Is he against white?
Congrats, you guys really have that "thinking" thing going for you.

>> No.23391083

what did he mean by this?

>> No.23391097

>mediocre men who can put square peg in square hole.
Society is built on the back of mediocre men doing that exact thing. The fact that it does not provide for the majority of men is a point of concern.

>> No.23391120

He is half Jewish and why does it matter anyway? His writing stands on its own. Are you one of those retards that can't separate the artist from the art?

>> No.23391130

Like it hasn't been covered itt already? My point was that it's a waste of time to reason with retards like you. Please keep enjoying his "work" its probably matched to your quality of mind.

>> No.23391420

>muh Jews
>muh Talmudic network
>I can't prove it but he's gay, trust me
Meanwhile frogs write highly detailed essays referencing unknown works of antiquity and pointing out interesting connections and implications for our time. The difference in IQ between us is at least 2 SD. And unlike before, having millions of peasants on your side won't help you because they can't make or use technology.

>> No.23391430
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Jay Dyer is superior.

>> No.23391433

I like petulant faggots

>> No.23391454

>three strawmen and flailing about intelligence

You've got twitter-brain, and you're living in a fantasy world. I hope you keep going, because you deserve it.

>> No.23391493

Hopefully. His little internet LARP was always fake and gay.

>> No.23391501

Reading a lot of premodern literature makes you immune to bullshit. Start with Plato I guess.

>> No.23391508

5% is extremely generous. I’m pretty sure everyone that uses this board thinks those people are losers. They forgot that we can read.

>> No.23391527

Dude, it wasn’t just nepotism or their lifestyle. Those people were losers. Their podcasts sucked, their art sucked, their literature sucked, everything sucked, and the whole scene was full of fake personalities and the scene itself was very forced. The people were to the endeavors of that scene what the really obnoxious corporate ladder climbers are to any white collar workplace. They’re frauds, basically. They are desperate to talk the talk but can’t walk the walk, and so their little art scene was gay because none of them could make decent art. Indeed, none of them wanted to make decent art. They wanted to push a little project because like you said, it was manufactured and some of them had handlers. Others gravitated it because they are just cringe fake little urbanites that are into that grimey wannabe street artist scene that nobody but them and rabid leftists like. Why would conservatives ever show up? Because “Jews are actually aristocrats, hobbit chuds” Yarvin asked them to? No. It was filled with the kind of people that hang out at shitty head shops when they turn 18 and go off to college in some shit hole big city and those people can’t make or do anything good. That’s why it sucked. Nepotism had less to do with it.

>> No.23391584

A lot of words to say “it’s a cringey millenial LARP” but I agree. Do you think these sort of scenes will just whither away and die forever or will something else take their place? They eeem to rely on an urban gathering point and city life is so decentralized and awful now. If New York and San Francisco (or I guess now Austin) continue to be the headquarters of these things they’re definitely doomed to fade into unquestionable obscurity rather than mostly unquestionable obscurity.

>> No.23391596

Philosophy is dead in the 21st century. At least, it is Westerners. Somewhere there is an obscure academic or school teacher or some other nobody jotting down his philosophy that will one day be taken up by people who are not Western, probably Eastern Europeans or maybe Russians, but his philosophy will love and die in obscurity in his own time.

I don’t even know what that means to BAP though because that shit is not really philosophy. It’s just bullshit rants from a terminally online and deeply troubled man. I feel bad for people that engage with it seriously.

>> No.23391615
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Jay Dyer is the greatest philosopher of our time.

>> No.23391616

BAP is literally running cover for a tranny friend of his e-whore GF(living off Thielbux btw) as we speak

>> No.23391649
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Does this seem organic to you?

>> No.23391660
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>> No.23391661
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>> No.23391665
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>> No.23391669
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>> No.23391677
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>> No.23391703
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>> No.23391837

Soldo is not jewish, he is canadian. Eugyppius i don't think is either, he is german.

>> No.23392081

He’s at best an entertainer with a sincere interest in philosophy.

>> No.23392086

Fucking embarrassing. They’re not even good at it anymore.

>> No.23392186
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Oh look, it is another 300+ reply BAP thread on /lit/ where the same things are discussed over and over and over and over again...

>> No.23392336
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But he knows what he is talking about. Just because he goofs around sometimes doesn't mean he's not a real philosopher. You guys think that if someone that doesn't have a stick up his bum hole then he's not a serious philosopher.

>> No.23392912

Niccolo is a diasporoid croatian and arguably a low-level lolcow with a massive chip on his shoulder over the gay west being superior to his shithole.

>> No.23393240

Did groypers make calling out people for being jewish cringe?

>> No.23393242

You are totally wrong, BAP speaks about mass immigration all the time. Fuck off low iq fuentesfag

>> No.23393258
File: 18 KB, 582x156, Screenshot 2024-05-16 204837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The BAPsphere has been activated...

>> No.23393262

How did this manage to be the gayest thing these literal gay sex promoting literally gay Jews produced?

>> No.23394100

yes, Fuentes gets promoted to bring the most cringe to the forefront so it's easier for the tribe to fight people calling them out

>> No.23394385

someone posted a clip of this guy's voice, and boy, that's really all I needed to know

>> No.23394441

Costin Alamariu is a Jewish homosexual who invites young impressionable gentile men to meetups and gives them roofies before raping them. Do not associate with him

>> No.23394446

Those are the only RW accounts that happened to have survived the 2018-2024 ban wave, allowing them to grow unimpeded

>> No.23394545

tbf BAP was banned for a few years

>> No.23394564

>Bronze age pronoun respecter

>> No.23394570

>Bronze age tranny fucker

>> No.23394732

Dasha's pussy has been a disaster for the BAPosphere. Imagine letting the tranny friend of your most recent hole(who's admitted she's been run through over a hundred times) get so close to you he's spouting ebonics in your replies. Imagine that, and then not only pulling the equivalent of "why do you care about society bro", but having all your capos come around and say the same thing within hours, with the major countering force being a literal gay Afghan BWC lover. The "Dissident Right". What a joke.

>> No.23394741
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>Dasha's pussy
she can't resist jews

>> No.23395297

The BAPsphere on Twitter is quite literally just a bunch of Jews posting literary quotations from authors they consider transgressive and then concluding that the only way to save civilization is by voting for Republicans

>> No.23395298

What the fuck did I just read. Give me a QRD on this shit
> gay Afghan BWC lover

>> No.23395313

BAP and his faggot orgy buddies are white supremacist eugenists. It’s very reasonable to question the fact that they’re all Jews and homosexuals.

>> No.23395434

Do you have it?

>> No.23395468
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>shills against ethnic solidarity (unless you're jewish)
>shills for pimping out the women of your own ethnic group
>shills for dealing drugs to children of your own ethnic group
>zionist (but shills against nationalism)
>grifter with an army of free nuthuggers to advertise his books on /lit/ and /pol/
>uncle is in israeli military intelligence
>mentored by a literal mossad agent


sounds based to me

i feel like an alpha male already

>> No.23395482

Watching "based" Jews desperately try to find out how to disown the ADL is amusing.

>> No.23395491

It’s safe to dismiss the antisemitic whining of browns

>> No.23395534
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Watching Jews depserately try to realign themselves with white people is even more amusing.

Protip: once the Boomers are gone, you are all utterly fucked beyond salvation.

>> No.23395935

His philosophy seems plastic too, like, it's a boomer's conception of the new right.

>> No.23396058

In the end this is basically your personal religion. He has published 162 episodes of his podcast, 93k tweets and two books. You can make claims based on hearsay and 0.1% of his output and it's basically your private gnostic ritual. It might just have little to do with reality.

>> No.23396126

think it was about a year ago on his podcast he said he just passed 5k subscribers. at 5 bucks a pop he’s taking in 25k monthly. very entertaining dude. good for him

>> No.23396133

man that show made me laugh the first time I watched it. thanks for the reminder

>> No.23396134

what evidence is there that they were gay?

>> No.23396138

He is Jewish you idiot.


>> No.23396154

Stop spamming

>> No.23396160

He's a Croatian gypsy

>> No.23396163

Did you even bother to read the tweet.

>> No.23396170

Conan the Barbarian.

>> No.23396171

can you show me where he shills zionism

>> No.23396173

Disgusting leftist nonsense. Such people would smear shit on their faces and tell you a truly clean person wouldn’t mind

>> No.23396182

This is a running bit he's been doing since the Salo Forum days to screw with wignats and now groypers. He's a Catholic Croatian who grew up in Canada and you'd know this if you had been in the scene for longer than a year.

>> No.23396191

so I’m not unsympathetic to the idea that he’s psyop/sockpuppet/glowlamp but that would entail conspiratorial-level cooperation on the ruse.
some of his guests include:
- Edward Luttwak (twice)
- Tom Rowsell
- Bishop Richard Williamson
- Moldbug
- Steve Sailer
- Raw Eggy
- military contractor / mercenary dude whose name escapes me
- that retired kinda-high-ranking army (colonel??) (name also escapes)
so… either all of these guys are in on the conspiracy or he’s duped them all (or some combination).
Luttwak is the real deal. He’s a legit geopolitics / military advisor whose books are studied by most modern generals.
Like… is it not easier to take this bap guy at face value?

>> No.23396201

He was joking

>> No.23396209

all of those people are jews

>> No.23396212

>mindless reflexive reply
incorrect. try again

>> No.23396214

>he’s psyop
Also, why would they put his podcast behind a paywall? Can anyone answer that?

>> No.23396242

Dunno about the rest, but Luttwak is genuinely a moron, like, his geopolitics analysis is on the same tier as these bizarre pentagon slides, his historical stuff have been widely panned by actual historians. Honestly, you can even make a fairly strong argument that he is basically a conman.

>> No.23396275

I stopped following this in 2022.

>> No.23396284

Is that why you're posting some Twitter post from 2023?

>> No.23397149

>He is Jewish you idiot.
he is an unfunny canadian faggot, and that's an unfunny canadian joke to make fun of the people who call him jewish, but it's not funny

>> No.23397151
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>> No.23397156

BAP is trying to be friends with the right, and he may even have good intentions, but at the end of the day he is one of them, and he will always subvert by his nature, and when push comes to shove Israel always will be the most important thing for him, above any of our nations

>> No.23397186
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Unfortunately, a lot of strong willed and influential people are still subscribed to these bronze age ideals... And not just to fit in.


>> No.23397646

how is this shilling zionism this is clearly in jest. can you post the tweets where he talks about how important it is to support israel the same way other retards like nick fuentes do about palestine. i know the whole groyper crowd is full of dirty muzzie lovers but this guy never struck me as the same for israel

>> No.23397967

you should look up keith woods thread exposing bap.
the zionist connections are all over, pretty much put any doubt to rest.

>> No.23398003

Jewish claws typed this.

>> No.23398017

It's painful to read this guy now, he peaked in 2017 and then all downhill from there. Also jewish

>He also did a recent series on the origins of the Indo Europeans which was surprisingly rigorous and mostly referenced academic works on the subject

It's real. He used to read Heartiste but eventually all he could score was a walled town bicycle. His SMV is insanely low, which means he's simply old and gay

He was always larping and playing a character. He's a full time comedian

They weren't. At most he mentions Haak et al 2015 and the rest is Gimbutas LARP that got destroyed by actual research and mainly genetics. He still thinks Drews is right JFL the most incorrect and clownish IE grifter of them all
For IE origins go look at the recent archaeogenetic studies by Harvard, Reich lab. Or Heggarty et al 2023

I can't see how anyone would team up with a kike. He wants jews to live, therefore he is parasitical. Full stop

They didn't transform anything though, assuming by IE you refer to steppe ancestry. You're likely unaware that they mass migrated with their wives and adopted agriculture, abandoning their ancient traditions instantly lmao and living mostly peaceful sedentary lives with occasional raiding on other steppe-ancestry-carrying neighbors. They also went extinct in like a few centuries from indiscriminate racemixing. Stop posting retard

Entering? He's already there. He has no vitality and is basically a sclerotic obsolete retard

>> No.23398020

He's not a rightwinger. He's an edgy leftist.

>> No.23398038

Coming of the Greeks was discarded the moment it was published because it does not fit the linguistic timeline. "Aryan haplogroups" are also not a real thing given the Yamnaya were in every technological aspect inferior, but they also didn't even have domesticated horses. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Steppe dna has been found in 2200 bce Greece now, already present in helladic settlements

You are so fucking retarded it hurts. The Yamnaya and also Corded Ware were extinct by 2500 bc at the latest, had no chariots and no domesticated horses. There is even a genetic paper out on that. Chariots first appear in the middle east and asia without spoked wheels, then bactria iirc with spoked wheels, then simultaneously in 1900 bc in anatolia and central asia (sintashta), none of them for warfare. On top of that Minoans adopted chariots the same time Mycenaeans did, and Mycenaeans already existed before the chariot (aegean boxed model, 4 spokes) was imported from Anatolia
JFL retard

>> No.23398092

Says a lot about the ancient world where middle easterners and meds had and used chariots, meanwhile northern and west euros ignored them. Uh oh what mean

>I'm not denying that the indo-europeanization of Europe was mostly violent.
Well, it wasn't. Mesolithic was violent, neolithic was the most violent, and bronze age is far calmer with the exception of southern europe lmao. There is just mass migration involved around 3000-2800 bce of both men and women. This has been known since 2018 or so
I'm sorry to inform you that Anthony, Mallory, Kristansen et al were just boomer grifters. And now they even accept the genetic data that the first IEs were genetically MENA (west asia, 2022 & 2024 papers). It's over.

First domesticated horse is also found in 2200 bce anatolia iirc

>> No.23398115

>inb4 le broof?
Fibiger paper out on that, looking at violent deaths on skeletons. Theres also weapon findings comparatively by culture in rich graves
Did I also mention how the more steppe dna a culture had the more niggertier underdeveloped it was and had poor elites? Meanwhile neolithic dudes invented slavery and used it for jobs involving mercury poisoning. Meanwhile steppe people were borderline egalitarian in comparison (they werent, but they were far less dynastic and stratified)
On top of that there was a paper on height: average eef 170, average yamnaya 175
Now another one is out, and there is no height difference at all. In fact iron age is SHORTER than neolithic europe.

>> No.23398135

Deltron 3030 is great

>> No.23398153

Vitruvian AKA Vitru VN @arcaderapist mogged this kike to death. BAP is in the same clique as Alaric the Salaryman, just another urbanite faggot pretending to be sophisticated and edgy, in reality he's coping for his failed middle aged life

>> No.23399004

Sad, I actually kinda liked Zero HP Lovecraft. Don't care about the rest.
Anyways has anyone heard from Mike Ma lately? What's he up to these days?

>> No.23399035

BAP and his goons don’t funnel people into Zionism for the most part honestly, they just funnel people into homosexuality and Instagram consumer culture in the name of being right wing

>> No.23399242

>The Yamnaya and also Corded Ware were extinct by 2500 bc at the latest, had no chariots and no domesticated horses
You know this is so easy to disprove right? You should try making a less retarded claim next time.

"DOM2 dispersal in Asia during the early-to-mid second millennium bc was concurrent with the spread of chariotry and Indo-Iranian languages, whose earliest speakers are linked to populations that directly preceded the Sintashta culture. We thus conclude that the new package of chariotry and improved breed of horses, including chestnut coat colouration documented both linguistically, transformed Eurasian Bronze Age societies globally within a few centuries after about 2000 bc. The adoption of this new institution, whether for warfare, prestige or both, probably varied between decentralized chiefdoms in Europe and urbanized states in Western Asia."


>"Together, our findings provide a strong argument that horseback riding was already a common activity for some Yamnaya individuals as early as ~3000 BCE. This supports other tentative third millennium BCE evidence of an early onset of equines as mounts (44). However, because of the lack of specialized gear and a comparably short breeding and training history, early horses were probably hard to handle. As Librado et al. (1) demonstrate, Yamnaya horses were markedly closer to the equid lineage known as DOM2, including all modern domestic horses, than were wild steppe horses from the sixth millennium BCE."

>> No.23399270

You... literally proved what I said? The Librado paper completely annihilated the theory of Yamnaya (a 3500-3500 culture which was formed genetically at 4000 or so) having domesticated horses. On top of that CWC had a completely different type of horse.

Second paper shows the exact same. You might also want to look at the page where they mention that the first instance of this possible indicator of riding is first found in a neolithic farmer.
JFL you don't know shit retard stop posting. You just google up papers to deboonk facts that make you feel bad and can't even tell apart sintashta from yamnaya
BTW the earliest spoked chariots are indeed found in central asia (see littauwer & crouwel, cylinder bar imprint), non-spoked were common in assyria for warfare pulled by oxen, sintashta chariots are synchronous with the depictions found in west anatolia. Cant recall the name
Is this nonsequitur all you could muster thinking you disprove me somehow, while posting papers that say what I also do? JFL

>> No.23399280

Again you are so retarded that you even skipped the abstracts from Librado while thinking you're dunking on me
>Our results reject the commonly held association7 between horseback riding and the massive expansion of Yamnaya steppe pastoralists into Europe around 3000 BC8,9

>> No.23399292

Imagine liking that fag

>> No.23399293

You didn't even read the paper you fucking stupid faggot. Their results were that they did not support the hypothesis that the horse was responsible for yamnaya migration, not that yamnaya or related steppe pastoralists did not have horses. The paper did affirm that the spread of horses was in fact consistent with the precursors of the Indo Iranian branch. The fucking point was whether they had horses. It's funny that you say I just read the abstract when thats literally what you just did you stupid faggot fucking retard.

>> No.23399297

Ah 1900bc kultepe (lindner 2020). Central anatolia
Spoked wheels. Sinauli in pajeetland 2000 bc or so without spoked wheels.
Tepe hissar 2200 bc spoked wheel probably horse drawn (Littauwer & Crouwel)
Note that egyptians and others adopted it instantly for warfare. The northern you go the less it is used for warfare

It's over. No wonder Anthony the main IE advocate of our time fully endorses the literally middle eastern genetic origin of the yamnaya and IEs
It's over. Better stick to Drews' fairytales

>> No.23399302

The other paper which you also conveniently forgot to mention also did in fact specifically affirm Yamnaya horsemanship which was the specific claim you made to the contrary which I've debunked.

TLDR: Fuck you, stupid retarded faggot. Your mother was a whore farmer and I fucked her with my meaty Iranian cock.

>> No.23399310

Nowhere did I mentioned that they didn't have (wild) horses, you are completely retarded I said stop posting. And sintashta once again has nothing to do with yamnaya due to being 40% anatolian farmer at this point might as argue that "IE expansion" included the spaniards spreading IE language to spics JFL

>> No.23399312

They did have domesticated horses you stupid fucking asshole. Read the second fucking paper then shut the fuck up.

>> No.23399325

It didn't retard, it said there is an indicator that they rode (wild) horses. No domesticated horse
And this is first found in farmer cultures as I said, it's in the paper that you have obviously not read JFL retard
Botai first did that and semi-domesticated a different type of horse yet were irrelevant. It's not that yamnaya did not use horses for their mass migration (which was quite limited actually, bar afanasievo), which does not exclude the possibility that they did have horses, but also that they did not have domesticated horses to begin with. They had carts like their farmer neighbors
Yamnaya were random immigrants who became farmers the moment they learned how to farm and didn't do shit (mixed populations later did, through migration)
Get over it retard. Might as well want to look from where pastoralism was introduced into the steppe.

>> No.23399331

>Yamnaya horses were markedly closer to the equid lineage known as DOM2, including all modern domestic horses
Again, you didnt read the paper. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.23399358

JFL retard
>When DOM2 was bred from late Yamnaya horses in the steppes during the second half of the third millennium BCE, genes for reduced anxiety/fear response were selected and retained in all later DOM2 horse breeds.
Yamnaya didn't exist when dom2 was bred into existence.
>Yamnaya pastoralism did not spread horses far outside their native range, similar to the Botai horse domestication, which remained a localized practice within a sedentary settlement system2,36. The globalization stage started later, when DOM2 horses dispersed outside their core region, first reaching Anatolia, the lower Danube, Bohemia and Central Asia by approximately 2200 to 2000 bc
>The genetic profile of horses from CWC contexts, however, almost completely lacked the ancestry maximized in DOM2 and Yamnaya horses
The people who actually migrated into europe didnt even have the wild ancestor of the modern domestic horse but a different obsolete horse. You are aware that IE languages were mostly spread by CWC right? Which is a specific desdendant of yamnaya and not yamnaya themselves
Again you dont know shit, stop posting retard

>> No.23399369

Yes, that is the main ancestor (not 100%) of the modern domesticated horse. Domestic traits were selected in it far after Yamnaya were extinct
>hurr our ancestor in 1,000,000 bc was just like us now because we have 99% of his dna
JFL keep crying moron give me more ammunition to demolish your cope

>> No.23399384

>The people who actually migrated into europe didnt even have the wild ancestor of the modern domestic horse but a different obsolete horse. You are aware that IE languages were mostly spread by CWC right? Which is a specific desdendant of yamnaya and not yamnaya themselves
Again you dont know shit, stop posting retard
These are not claims I made, go fuck yourself. The specific point, and I'll remind you the specific fucking point that you made which I refuted was:
>"The Yamnaya and also Corded Ware were extinct by 2500 bc at the latest, had no chariots and no domesticated horses"
My point was specifically in relation to your claim about lacking domesticated horses. So by your standard, the Yamnaya did in fact keep horses, which for bizarre reasons you haven't substantiated they did not breed for any particular qualities whatsoever, they also literally rode them as there are material records of horseriding, AND their horses were genetically related to domestic horses, but they were obviously just completely wild because the yamnaya were just stupid niggers that could never domesticate animals. You have set a completely arbitrary metric which enables you to deflect any point to the contrary.
Sure, continue making up points I never made to 'refute.' Go fuck yourself.

>> No.23399418

>it’s another /lit/ falls for obvious bait thread

>> No.23399419

You did mention IE language dispersal and this is what that quote addresses in relation to horse domestication
Yeah not shit they all had horses. Literally everyone did since the Neolithic
>So by your standard, the Yamnaya did in fact keep horses, which for bizarre reasons you haven't substantiated they did not breed for any particular qualities whatsoever
Nigger read the paper, they explicitly mention these traits after DOM2 appeared. Having horses <> breedinf them for domestication. They had to get to the DOM2 in the first place, otherwise domesticated horses would exist since the widespread animal husbandry of the Neolithic. But it didn't, even if they tried.
>they also literally rode them as there are material records of horseriding
The "material records" are some spine injuries that are also caused by carts, and Neolithic farmers had these before them as the paper says
BTW go listen to Anthony on R*zib Kh*ns (filthy pajeet) podcast, he mentions exactly this. Maybe they rode them for short distances, as did likely others from other cultures. Still undomesticated (literally not even DOM2 yet) and nothing to do with all the cope about muh IE expansion on horseback. Which also started long before 3000 bce to begin with and in europe was carried out by CWC almost exclusively
>AND their horses were genetically related to domestic horses, but they were obviously just completely wild because the yamnaya were just stupid niggers that could never domesticate animals
Yes, correct. As did their ancestors since 4000-4400 bce which is the date thry were formed genetically. Gonna cry?
>You have set a completely arbitrary metric which enables you to deflect any point to the contrary.
There is 0 evidence for yamnaya horse domestication and all the evidence shows that this happened after they were extinct. Jfl the cope

>> No.23399441

NTA, but the Yamnaya were worse than Amerindians. They had no writing system or advanced technology and simply traded with neighboring cultures, adopting wheels and wagons from them, eventually settling in nearby territories and adopting agriculture. The common joke of the "Nordic mudhuts" compared to the Romans pales in comparison to the even lower culture of the Yamnaya. The most advanced IE speakers were only 50% Yamnaya genetically at most, and even then they weren't advanced at all, with "barbarian" Nordics being far more advanded.

IIRC some plants were found in Yamnaya pots but they were undomesticated ones as well. They didn't bother about that, they just traded their cattle, sheep etc.

>> No.23399447

Actually maybe not worse than Amerindians but about at that low level.

>> No.23399452

>Coming of the Greeks was discarded the moment it was published because it does not fit the linguistic timeline.
It was just an example.
> "Aryan haplogroups" are also not a real thing
I mean, Indo-european haplogroups that replace paleo-european haplogroups at a certain point are a real thing, objectively.
>but they also didn't even have domesticated horses
What's your sources, I recall Yamnaya having Wagons.
> Steppe dna has been found in 2200 bce Greece now, already present in helladic settlements
Doesn't conflict with anything I believe.
>Well, it wasn't.
How do you explain:
>Preponderance of Indo-european haplogroups over paleo-european haplogroups in most of Europe
> Massive population replacements contemporaneus to the arrival of IE speakers into the area.
>Collapse and replacements of local archeological cultures which are then replaced by foreign cultures linked to IE speakers.
>There is just mass migration involved around 3000-2800 bce of both men and women.
Name the studies, please. I'm stupid.
>And now they even accept the genetic data that the first IEs were genetically MENA (west asia, 2022 & 2024 papers). It's over.
That's not what the 2024 paper says, it affirms a volga-don origin for IE. Caucasian Hunter Gatherer Dna is present yes. But meh.
>t's over
Only just began, chud.

>> No.23399497

Paleo-european isn't a real thing either as several areas had anatolian/iranian haplos replacing older ones. There were several transitions
also many later IE-spreading haplos were initially eef lineages, many of them initially from a whg lineage.
So it gets a bit messy.
>I recall Yamnaya having Wagons
They did. As did all Neolithic farming cultures
Scroll up the thread, one of the papers also explicitly mentions they could've been oxen pulled (very common + yamnaya had cattle)
>Doesn't conflict with anything I believe.
It does, coming of the greeks says they appear in 1600-1300 in Mycenae. Meanwhile Mycenaean isn't even close to proto-Greek (which is 2000 bce). The whole theory got tossed in the trash immediately and wasn't even widely accepted before

>Preponderance of Indo-european haplogroups over paleo-european haplogroups in most of Europe
Unrelated to violence, check how the populations diluted over time. Even nords have non-R1 btw, you're thinking of the Bell Beaker R1b which is also not found in CWC which is the culture those languages come from. Competition among clans + we can literallt count it with sex bias in mating. Lazaridis & Reich made a short paper on that in 2018 I believe. It's genetically proven now plus there's a new paper out that simulates such a replacement scenario. Also many non-IE cultures like the etruscans did have "IE" haplos
>Massive population replacements contemporaneus to the arrival of IE speakers into the area.
Mass migration duh. And from the records we see it's not violent, just people settling down and trading with others nearby for long durations
>Collapse and replacements of local archeological cultures which are then replaced by foreign cultures linked to IE speakers.
CTC and GAC were already in decline though, and there is no particular violence noted. Before that these cultures coexisted for centuries lol. Mixing does bring radical change btw
Things possibly got more violent with bell beakers (which is an example of IE speakers being 50% anatolian at that point)
>There is just mass migration involved around 3000-2800 bce of both men and women.
There is. Again the mating bias has been measured and we also see this from the autosomes. If it was just men:
50%>25%>12,5% in just 3 generations. But it stays at 100-75% for almost 1000 years. This means the first 50% eef 50% steppe men fucked 100% steppe women that had come with them
>That's not what the 2024 paper says, it affirms a volga-don origin for IE. Caucasian Hunter Gatherer Dna is present yes. But meh.
IE is after the Anatolian split. "IEs" are the people, who are overwhelmingly from the CLV group that came from the middle east with CHG dna mixed with other ingredients which is different from the CHG dnieper donets or khvalynsk had.

>> No.23399509

BTW I'm off to bed, BUT IE expansion probably got violent with some Beaker cultures. But these guys were already 50% anatolian at that point, I'm referring to the initial spread. Not that they were some pacifist cucks (nobody was) but obv nothing like the shilled theoroes, that are now not even shilled anymore by their main academic proponents like Anthony or Mallory

>> No.23399538

Heres paper btw
CWC slight male bias
Bell beakers (italo-celtic and germanic languages) no mating bias at all, equal men/women reproducing from both sides of ancestries
Clan competition apparently did the trick. We even see this in early yamnaya

>> No.23399692

Did they fuck them though.

>> No.23399699

Seeing all these dudes shill for zionism makes me want to become an unironic commie because those seem like the only people actually standing up against this shit

>> No.23399790

But why?

>> No.23399838

Muslims do but are punished more harshly for it because they are seen as more threatening

>> No.23399842
File: 159 KB, 828x924, GN4wt_7W4AA8Ywg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel is the most moral state in the world

>> No.23399929

>Is Bronze Age Mindset the most relevant work of contemporary philosophy?
if we're going to hyperbolically praise internet meme literature there are more interesting options
project lawful is the most important work of 21st century philosophy and it isn't particularly close

>> No.23400223


>> No.23400859

tried looking for ya, but i couldn't find it again, all i remember is that it was audio from a twitter space, 2022, where he tried confronting fuentes or something

dweeby voice, neurotic energy, another loser who feels like hes found a community within the bapsphere

>> No.23401330

I think I have it I will try to find it when it get home

>> No.23401452

Here it is I think

>> No.23401453 [DELETED] 

Imagine Earth but with no Middle Easterners (including Turks). Sounds like paradise.

>> No.23401620
File: 161 KB, 936x936, W8jRTzo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man, all these guys are straight up losers. not a normal one among them. literally both sides are full of fags and weirdos.

>> No.23401705

Xitter always attracts the biggest phaggots. What is picrel?

>> No.23401738

You mean Milo's ex butt boy?

>> No.23401828

no longer on social media. last I heard somewhere in central america

>> No.23402054

> "I am a radical proponent of a cause!"
> flag of the movement is a cheap plastic flag that wasn't ironed or properly flattened
why is this si common? I've seen trannies, chuds, gamers and leftists do this