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/lit/ - Literature

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23369677 No.23369677 [Reply] [Original]

any morrowind boomers here? could anyone recommend any /lit/ like the cultural, religious and social worldbuilding and visual aesthetics of Morrowind?

>> No.23369682

Gene Wolfe kinda, very baroque and weird

>> No.23369713


>> No.23369722


>> No.23370681

damn I should go back to morrowind actually

>> No.23370809

Gilgamesh the King by Robert Silverberg

>> No.23370926

Good answers ITT so far.
Unfortunately there is nothing quite like Morrowind. You’ll just have the play the game over and over for the next 30 years like the rest of us

>> No.23370936

I think the medium makes it feel like more than it really is (great game tho). I don't have anything with the same 'feel' as morrowind

>> No.23370946

Maybe the Malazan series

>> No.23370949

Book of le new sun

>> No.23371074
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Dark Sun

Maybe Fritz Leiber's books, but I have not read them.

>> No.23371105

Morrowind is a Dark Sun/Spelljammer mashup operating off of Glorantha metaphysics. It was pitched as much by Kirkbride and Kuhlmann, Todd didn't want a another fantasy IP and told them to take what they had and do it in TES.

The game is just as much defined by the compromises it had to make as the cool ideas the writers had, which sort of makes it hard to replicate. No one involved ended up with the game they set out to make.

>> No.23371187

Book of the New Sun

>> No.23371223

Haven't played Morrowind but I played some of Skyrim. Doesn't Morrowind have its own books in the game?

>> No.23372002

they're like a few paragraphs each

>> No.23372007

Skyrim was better.

>> No.23372031

Can you elaborate?

>> No.23372878

it does. it also has the most famous lore book series in Elder Scrolls; that being the 36 Lessons of Vivec. highly inspired by Crowley Thelema. you can read an annotated version of the lessons here

>> No.23374479

Morrowind is the closest a video game can come to literature

>> No.23374513

The fan remake is what 85-90% done? Maybe in this lifetime, bros.

>> No.23374523

>cultural, religious and social worldbuilding and visual aesthetics of Morrowind?
The aesthetics are heavily influenced by Nausicaä I think. Religious is mostly Thelema but ofc the Elder Scrolls pantheon is rather complex.
Cultural is the more interesting question. Vaguely near eastern but other than hellenic period jewish writings idk.

>> No.23374524

You mean skywind? Honestly OpenMW + tamriel rebuilt is the peak and while skywind looks cool and I'll play it it'll never reach that peak

>> No.23374525

What is the alchemy exploit of literature?

>> No.23374560

Have you seen their latest reveal? Skywind looks 10x better than anything Bethesda can put out.

>> No.23374571

Other than Nietzsche who are the Telvanni of /lit/?

>> No.23374595

Those were my favorite in Morrowind. I remember reading them and wondering how high the writers of Morrowind must have been to come up with some of the shit in those books.
I've heard it said Hinduism shares some similarities to the lore in Morrowind. Don't know how true that is

>> No.23374611

>I've heard it said Hinduism shares some similarities to the lore in Morrowind. Don't know how true that is
superficial but pretty good too

>> No.23374622

Evola of course. Speaking of which: Does anyone know where I can read Evola's early lesser known works such as Man as Potency in english?

>> No.23374693

oh nevermind I didn't know they did VA and moving niggas. Yeah this is gonna be amazing

>> No.23375056
File: 19 KB, 320x522, Meditations sur le Tarot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is at best a Dres impostor larping as the best house. Tomberg-sama is essential Telvanni-core.

>> No.23375088

Bra their in game description is directly based on Nietzsche
>According to Telvanni principles, the powerful define the standards of virtue.
Never heard of Tomberg qrd?

>> No.23376215

>Cultural is the more interesting question. Vaguely near eastern but other than hellenic period jewish writings idk.
I'm pretty sure the Houses were taken from some 90's (pop?) history publication about the samurai.

I found Michelle West's The Sun Sword series to have quite a few similarities to Morrowind with the power plays of the southern kingdom and the Houses and their politics of the northern Empire. Funnily enough the first book came out right around the same time. That said, West was too much of Robert Jordan-like author to my tastes and despite being interested in seeing where the plot would go, I found myself unable to wade through all those descriptions and the incessant need to painstakingly record the personal reaction of every single POV character to every single event they witnessed.

>> No.23376276

>I'm pretty sure the Houses were taken from some 90's (pop?) history publication about the samurai.
Do you know the name?

>> No.23376287

Dunmer origin lore always make me think of the Old Testament. It doesn't help that Dwemer names sound Hebrew to me.

>> No.23376303

Iirc the names are more sumerian or broadly ME but you're right. I mean the game is about Jesus reincarnating to unite the israelites and stop Satan.

>> No.23376738

Sorry no, I got sidetracked reviewing West and worded that badly. I meant to say that I heavily suspect the concept of Morrowind's Houses were derived from some such book since West's book which came out around the same time had very similar type of Houses in it. I also ran into some old discussion about how samurai families functioned that seemed to reference something like that.

>> No.23378212
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I've always thought various east/southeast Asian cultures were the main influence behind Dunmer cities

>> No.23378240

That's Venice though.

>> No.23378265
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>> No.23378279

Point taken.

>> No.23378300

Venice was likely on their mind too when they were designing Vivec City. You know it's a good fucking setting when you can discern a lot of reference points but none come off as a parody of specific periods and places

>> No.23378972
File: 6 KB, 632x756, soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Point taken.

>> No.23379040

Yes anon. People with a functioning brain are capable to reevaluate their opinion based on new information.

>> No.23379267


did you check libgen

>> No.23380618

this game was ugly ass shit and 90% of its script was rip off hack junk.

>> No.23380621

is this guy for real lol

>> No.23380623

Great game. An all timer. Not something that can be replicated in a book though. It was the vast openness that made Morrowind great. Exploring, finding secrets place, finding weapons and armor, figuring out vague quests. The main quest was more of a bonus or something you advanced when you felt up to it. The customization, lore, open world, and all that made it amazing

>> No.23380655

how do i play this game btw? can i just download it from gog or do i need like 20 mods? i dont care about the graphics just want to experience it

>> No.23380678

buy the game and then download OpenMW

>> No.23380689

Just play vanilla. It's really not too different from Oblivion (and even to some extent Skyrim) in terms of mechanics.
You level up by increasing skills, in turn which skills you lvl gives you a bonus as to which attributes you choose to allocate.
For example, short sword skill is tied to speed. So if you level it 3 times then once you level up you can increase speed x3.
Skyrim takes the same system but majorly simplified it by cutting out attributes altogether.
The game seems intimidating but is actually very simple.

>> No.23380693


>> No.23380715

Dictionary of the Khazars(try to get the male and female editions to compare side-by-side for ultimate dwemer mystery analaysis experience)
The Illiad(you know you haven't read it yet faggot)
Fanged Noumena
Tarnsman of Gor
Conan the Barbarian
Lawrence of Arabia
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea
Moby Dick
Shogun(autistic attention to culture and political details)
The logbook of William Adams(for comparison)
The Travels of Marco Polo
Invisible Cities
A Hangman's Diary

My personal recs for filling the Morrowind-shaped pit in your soul, in order of likelihood to evoke the vibe. All certified hood classics except Shogun but I read it recently for the show and wanted to throw it a bone because it did some things right.

>> No.23380723

No need for graphics or gameplay mods. Download openmw. It's piss easy

>> No.23380725

Too bad we never got to see the Fabulous Steam Parks.

>> No.23380726

The Skyrim engine sucks dick

>> No.23380728

Yes but people with testosterone beat their chests and insist on their original position until somebody acquiesces or dies.

>> No.23380738

Marquis de Sade would've been a Telvanni imo
Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man reads like a stalwart defense of Telvanni ethics:

" I was created by Nature with the keenest appetites and the strongest of passions and was put on this earth with the sole purpose of placating both by surrendering to them. They are components of my created self and are no more than mechanical parts necessary to the functioning of Nature’s basic purposes. Or if you prefer, they are incidental effects essential to her designs for me and conform entirely to her laws. I repent only that I never sufficiently acknowledged the omnipotence of Nature and my remorse is directed solely against the modest use I made of those faculties, -"

>> No.23380775

Fitting because Telvanni are canonically sexual degens and ofc slavers.