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23368397 No.23368397 [Reply] [Original]

married a woman 40 years younger than him, groomed teenage boys
wrote that “spiritual” love between men and boys was better than all other kinds of love
said the ideal marrying age was 37 for men and 18 for women
groomed teenage girls
>Sophocles, Theocritus, Horace, Virgil, Petronius, Catullus
flagrant pederasts, multiple accounts of Sophocles molesting hairless boys
>Julius Caesar
married a 13 year old girl and later a 17 year old
>Saint Augustine
had a 10 year old fiancée
had sex with a 9 year old girl
>Peter Abelard
groomed Heloise when she was 15
>Thomas More
married a 17 year old girl when he was 27
married a 15 year old girl
>Francis Bacon
had sex with underage boys
married a 17 year old girl when he was 34
married a 17 year old girl when he was 40
had sex with underage girls and boys
>Walt Whitman
relationship with 13 year old boy
>Edgar Allen Poe
married a 13 year old girl when he was 27
>Lewis Carroll
took inappropriate photographs of underage girls
>Oscar Wilde, Andre Gide
had sex with Algerian boy prostitutes
>Verlaine and Rimbaud
toxic age-gap relationship
>Leo Tolstoy
raped a female servant, married an 18 year old when he was 34
>WB Yeats
proposed to a girl he knew since she was 4
>Martin Heidegger
Groomed Hannah Arendt when she was 19 and he was 35
>WH Auden
relationship with 14 year old boy
>Sartre and Beauvoir
groomed teenage girls from the school Beauvoir taught at
>Foucault, Barthes, Sartre, Beauvoir, Deleuze, Derrida, Guattari, Lyotard, Althusser
signed petition to abolish the age of consent
>Allen Ginsberg, Camille Paglia, Samuel R. Delany
members of NAMBLA
>Pablo Neruda
self-confessed rapist

>> No.23368401


>> No.23368404

it made sense at the time

>> No.23368415

>Groomed Hannah Arendt when she was 19 and he was 35
Was she retarder or something

>> No.23368465

bourgeois have always been sex pervets, which is why they love to create a lineage to other sex perverts like the greeks

>> No.23368501

Don't get smug. Proles and revolutionaries are also groomers. Stalin impregnated a 14 year old girl when he was 35 (and married another 17 year old when he was 40). Friedrich Engels was accused of rape by Sybille Hess.

>> No.23368842

All these people are based. While you are sad incel whining about other people getting laid.

Also when was Muhammed part of the western canon?