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23367872 No.23367872 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the most evil author you have ever read?

>> No.23367874

How is george soros evil? He claims to be a fan of Popper's Open Society, so he's OK in my book.

>> No.23367879

>preventing the burgerizarion of the planet
Based Soros

>> No.23367881

Saul of Tarsus

>> No.23367886

If only Soros actually believed this.

>> No.23367889

Not OP but in The Alchemy of Finance, Soros goes over his differences with his mentor, Popper. One of the biggest issues Soros has is with scientism and he considers markets a proof that criteria for science can’t be applied to the hunani

>> No.23367894

I won't call him evil, but he does questionable things.

Financing the election of soft on crime DAs, who will not prosecute career criminals but will prosecute harshly people for self defense. This leads to chaos and to insecurity.

Financing groups who spread amoralism. He is an atheist but finances groups that try to destroy Church Morality.

>> No.23367899

Any regime which does not at least manage what its subjects think will shortly be replaced by one that does. Popper’s paradox. The flaw in Popper’s paradox is that, once he admits that the open society cannot be open, he removes the only argument for the open society (which is his word for oligarchy). Popper shows you that even oligarchies must be illiberal - then, for his other one thousand pages, argues for oligarchies, because they must be liberal. There is no paradox; the professor has only disproved himself.

>> No.23367908

What's the context? He and his foundation uphold and promote internationally every American piety.

>> No.23367910

Kissinger wrote a bunch of stuff.

>> No.23367918

Soros has been very critical of Israel as well as American foreign policy ever since the Bush years

>> No.23367923
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>> No.23367925

You deserve everything you're getting.

>> No.23367934
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>> No.23367960

"you have ever read"

>> No.23367964


>> No.23367966

Using his money to subvert the justice system to allow violent black criminals prey on innocent people is pretty bad. People have died because his DA have refused to prosecute dangerous criminals simply because they were black. It’s like if you refused to control a feral dog and it bites someone then you are responsible.

>> No.23367978

he's definitely not a british agent, he just hates israel and wants to dissolve the united st—wait a minute

>> No.23368030

How do I judge whether the author him/her/xerself is evil?

I can say that the absolute sickest fuck whose books I've ever read is David Wingrove and his "Chung Kuo" series. He opens it with an old Chinese guy drinking his own cum, and goes through rape, sexual mutilation, mass murder of innocents, and anything else you can think of. A friend of mine talked me into reading it while I was unemployed and had nothing else to do, and I kept waiting for it to get good. It never did. Eventually I realized that said friend was batshit insane.

>> No.23368050

This speaks to your retarded justice system. DAs and judges should not be elective positions, at least not open to the public.

>> No.23368066

Rightists are complete fucking retards, don’t try to rationalize it. Soros is a libtard upholding liberal hegemony and yet they think he’s a chaos agent trying to destroy liberalism

>> No.23368067

Apparently the effect the book had was hardening your resolve against drinking cum. There's an argument to be made that the author is battling cum-drinking. At the very least he is inviting the reader to a conversation which helps move forward our ideas and policies on the subject.
When the goal is to convince you of something instead of exploring a subject the author is not only evil but a sorcerer.

>> No.23368080

Would you say using this weakness of the American system to bring chaos by financing soft on crime DAs is good behavior?

>> No.23368085

The end of this world is near.

>> No.23368089

Is this a meme?

>> No.23368090

i agree neo cons and neo libs feeling like they can do no wrong and shape the world post soviet collapse was a horrible thing, but simply destabilizing America, so that it is not too powerful over slowly industrializing third and second world seems equally dumb.

>> No.23368096

He's a marxist, and everything marxists do is evil.

>> No.23368104

JK Rowling

>> No.23368124

Savitri Devi, probably.

>> No.23368133

The Bible

>> No.23368155

I would say its inevitable, that why its weak, what is not good behaviour is american culture knowing that he does this and failing to plug this weak system. You should adopt japan's system and make jail almost inevitable for any offense, if you commit any offense, it should almost always lead you to a conviction, that will teach your society to adopt less crime. All these long and drawn out public participatory procedures that involve elections, juries, campaigns, party affiliation make room for sleazeballs like soros to insert their nefarious agendas and break down cultural morals.

>> No.23368162

>Using his money to subvert the justice system to allow violent black criminals prey on innocent people is pretty bad.
Pretty sure he was not aware of this when he provided the funding.
> People have died because his DA have refused to prosecute dangerous criminals simply because they were black
> his DA
Did he personally endorse him?
You sound like you're just talking out of your ass.

>> No.23368166

What is hunani?
> Financing the election of soft on crime DAs
Did he ever state that as his priority? When you're funding things, they tend to have unintended effects. You never know 100% what people you fund will end up doin

>> No.23368168

Soros said living under the Nazis was the happiest time of his life and living under the communists was the worst part of his life

>> No.23368170

> Any regime which does not at least manage what its subjects think will shortly be replaced by one that does.
More than 70 years of successful warless democracy in western countries proves otherwise.
> once he admits that the open society cannot be open
He doesn't admit that though.
> his other one thousand pages
Which book are you talking about? Because that certainly doesn't sound like the open society and its critics.

>> No.23368172

How did you find the one quote where George Soros is actually based and claim that he's evil based off of it?

>> No.23368185
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You're a marxist transvestite and support every single thing he funds.

>> No.23368193

> like most of us, I'm concerned about crime
>government's most important role is to ensure public safety
>prioritize the resources of the criminal justice system to protect people against violent crime.
> treat drug addition as a disease, not a crime
>goal is not defunding the police
Sounds reasonable to me

>> No.23368198

Adolf Hitler. Reading that book basically transformed me into a shitlib. God he is so cringe.

>> No.23368212

He spent a lot of money in many different places on this. This is not a secret.


>> No.23368219
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That's because you're an idiot.

>> No.23368223

What do you think the image proves?

>> No.23368225
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Does Soros even have a real plan? I actually agree with a lot of his points but I'm wary they're nothing but propaganda for the rationalists. His modus operandi is clearly to desestabilize and profit off chaos, and like any successful capitalist I cannot see him wanting more than more money for the sake of endless, cancerous growth. He still fulfills his divine role this way, mind you.

>> No.23368229
File: 368 KB, 2000x2000, soros prosecutors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That you are an idiot.

>> No.23368230

>Soros is a Marxist
Retard alert

>> No.23368235

>he's not a marxist he just spends all his money exclusively funding marxist causes

>> No.23368236

He doesn't though

>> No.23368253

He does thoughever

>> No.23368269

I really like watching the (burn the rich) left go on the defense for the (rich man) soros

>> No.23368274

I'm not a communist nor a marxist, and only vaguely leftist.

>> No.23368276

He is a Liberal.

>> No.23368279

Name one example

>> No.23368288
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*another example

>> No.23368290

All liberals. Retard

>> No.23368293
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*All marxists

>> No.23368308

my point stands

>> No.23368309

> I can find nothing wrong with idea X in particular. I know, I will accuse X of being Y, which everyone dislikes! That will show them!

>> No.23368318

nta but queer theory is literally based on marxian class struggle philosophy...

>> No.23368337

Jewish claws typed this

>> No.23368340

go back

>> No.23368373

idea x is evil, the reasin he believes idea x is because he's a marxist

>> No.23368389

>t. retards who don't know anything about anything

>> No.23368391

But enough about yourself.

>> No.23368403

He's a Jew who wants to turn every non-Jew into a deracinated mutt so that Jews can lord over the world with no push back. He wants black DNA in the White population to lower the White IQ, which is why he loves black criminals so much. He's Sauron and blacks are his orcs. He does this under the guise of "equity" of course .

>> No.23368407
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Leftist detected.

>> No.23368435
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you're trans btw

>> No.23368482

I need to read more Jünger, he seems extremely based.

>> No.23368496

You realize that you sound like an unhinged lunatic, right? None of what you said has any evidence behind it.

>> No.23368550

There's nothing with this quote.

>> No.23368560
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BF Skinner

>> No.23368582

So the communists were right all along, Engels is particularly prophetic since homosexuals have entirely hijacked political power in the West and no policies can be put to vote without the LGBT stamp of approval.

>> No.23368600
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A book that made me recoil like no other was Ragnar Redbeard's Might is Right or Survival of the Fittest. While I don't necessarily agree with the premise underlying his thoughts, he doesn't actually seem to appreciate or fully acknowledge the implication that symbiosis and cooperation and nurture could actually be more powerful than what he thinks is "true strength". I could be wrong, but I don't think I am.

>> No.23368602

People like you are the worst

>> No.23368604

'While I don't necessarily disagree***..." is what I meant to say.

>> No.23368642

What's evil about him? I've read Beyond Freedom and Dignity and it was great.

>> No.23368648

What is there even to say about the topic of "might makes right" other than platitudes and tautologies?
>You can say 2+2=4 but I can say 2+2=5 and beat you up if you disagree
It's basically this point over and over again. Nothing interesting or new.

>> No.23368657

To be clear he said the version of republican American supremacy that was being practiced in 2004 was the greatest threat in the world, and it was pretty fair considering the fact that Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya were complete and total failures resulting in death tolls in the millions.

Source: George Soros - The Bubble of American Supremacy (2004)

>> No.23368664

Indeed. You should just be a communist retard now who thinks nebulous material conditions dictate everything in your lufe like zodiac signs

>> No.23368670

This is not Marxism. Marxism is economic or class-based. This modern hybrid pseudo-mix of social justice ideology is based on various other markers of identity besides class. (Womanhood, LGBTQ, Blacks or other racial minorities in the West). It can and in fact does coexist with a corrupt globo-crony-capitalism, with mega-corporations and bankers pushing it.

There are admittedly, people on the streets, on social media and among the youth particularly, and in academia like in this picture: >>23368435 where socialist or Marxist ideas fuse with the social justice progressive ideology, as also happens among the BLM and Antifa movements. They may indeed be useful idiots on strings. But I find it hard to call such mega-bankers and corporations “Marxist.”

>> No.23368680

Marxism has moved past it's decrepit intellectual sagnation anon. It's not the 1800s anymore no matter what "orthodox" marxist want to believe

>> No.23368688

>there are admittedly marxists on the street who hold these beliefs
>but I wouldn't call these massive huge megacorporations marxists
What a joke of a post. 'Hurr, it's all just le corpos bro!'

>> No.23368694

Do you take it up the ass to spite the commie chuds? Why are you trying to drag people into a dichotomy where you either have to embrace communism or homosexuality?

>> No.23368737
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No, it's marxism.

>> No.23368764

blessed Arkansas

>> No.23368766

why is that anime girl making a good point?

>> No.23368791

Free will denialism which has a history of Jewish advocacy

>> No.23368853

What's evil about denying free will. I personally think I have free will but in a different sense than Skinner uses.

>> No.23368879

It’s self evident, Jews exists as the darkness to gentile Yin which is why they’re biologically predisposed to undermining culture, and they must force this essentialism on everyone else, limiting the potential of gentile culture to reach the Platonic ideal state.

>> No.23368900

Everything he said is factual with mountains of evidence. Even the anons in this thread that are defending Soros don't deny the results only that Soros "didn't know" at the time.

>> No.23368908

>It’s self evident, Jews exists as the darkness to gentile Yin which is why they’re biologically predisposed to undermining culture
If you knew anything about jewish contributions you would know this is false. They accelerate and enhance culture, not undermine it. Only stupid uneducated nazis like you undermine it.
Name 10 last pieces of culture you've consumed. I guarantee at least one of them traces directly back to a jew.
> Platonic ideal state
Delusional nonsense. Read Popper.

>> No.23368911

> He's a Jew who wants to turn every non-Jew into a deracinated mutt so that Jews can lord over the world with no push back
Show me a single piece of evidence for this delusional claim.
>inb4 responds with some totally unrelated quote

>> No.23368919

this nigga jewish

>> No.23368921

Not a nazi though, nazis are leftist
>Delusional nonsense. Read Popper.
Not gonna read someone who got btfo’d by Feyerabend of all people

>> No.23368927

>treat drug addition as a disease, not a crime
This hasn't worked anywhere and has led to massive problems everywhere it has been tried. This naive, idealist leftist policy has failed and there's no need for us to entertain it anymore. We should do what several Asian countries do and execute drug dealers with maybe a slightly smaller sentence for users.

>> No.23368929

>Not gonna read someone who got btfo’d by Feyerabend of all people
Not on his critique of Plato.

>> No.23368930

anonymous right wing shitposting accounts with anime and/or frog pfp always make objectively correct posts

>> No.23368934

this but we should execute leftists first

>> No.23368937

I dunno, I kinda like 'em all...
the jews here sliding threads
the jews here janitorial
the jews pretendin' they ain't
and the jews all about dat paint

>> No.23368944

I am right-wing but the empirical data shows that the disease model works

>> No.23368946

It has worked everyone in that it reduced the number of criminals and made for a more humane treatment of people.

>> No.23368964

Kayfabe. He agrees with spreading libtard values in those places.

>> No.23368969

>"I'm not homophobic. I find them fucking hilarious" -Junger

>> No.23368974

False. It failed massively in all of the Scandinavian countries, Portugal, Canada and the United States. Portland and most of British Columbia have been entirely destroyed by these policies and even though they are in the process of reversing these naive policies it's expected that it will take decades to recover.

> inb4 we didn't go far enough

Drug dealers and users deserve no sympathy and should be removed from society permanently. The people that deserve sympathy are the millions of people victimized by having to live around these degenerates.

>> No.23368977

you wouldn't know what marxism is if a copy of Kapital fell out of the sky and smacked you in the head, retard. the culture war and its consequences has been a catastrophe for white suburban teenage men

>> No.23368979

Soros is a based anti-neocon antizionist.

>> No.23368982

>quote from literal marxist literal fag

>> No.23368986
File: 102 KB, 948x668, Screenshot 2024-05-10 at 03-59-47 Drug policy of Portugal - Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed massively

>> No.23369000

>literal twice
Ted K was the screaming archetype of an anarchist primitivism you teenage retard. Just proving my point that you don't know what marxism is even if Kapital domed your empty skull in. /pol/ anti-communist brainrot faggotry, kys.

>> No.23369012

>quote from man who is a literal marxist and literal faggot

>> No.23369026

none of that is solving the problem desu its just like you reduced the swelling by 1%.
How is "not losing harder" a satisfactory policy?

I still think drug perception in east asia is better than in scotland or portland.

>> No.23369031

Why haven't you killed yourself already? The rancid shit I just dumped has a higher IQ than you.

>> No.23369032

You seem to be obsessing over what happens to the drug dealers and users. I don't care that their lives are made better since they largely continue to make the life of everyone around them worse. Also the idea that drug use declines in these areas has repeatedly been proven false.

The only places in the world that are largely free of drugs punish dealers and users extremely harshly. Your delusional fantasy isn't reality.

>> No.23369038

>oh yeah well I'm also jewish

>> No.23369069
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>> No.23369082

> at least the life of the addicts are better because they don't need to worry about police punishment!

>> No.23369091

america is quite literally the worst thing to happen to the world

>> No.23369092

Marxist praxis is to make things as maximimally shitty for as many people as possible, so that when the "revolution" comes there's nothing that normal people find worth protecting anymore.
Every single policy they push is designed to make your life worse.
They are lying in bad faith, and you should kill all of them by any means necessary.

>> No.23369094

Why are jews so evil?

>> No.23369107 [DELETED] 
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lmao what the fuck is this thread
Do you kids even read?

>> No.23369120

They forgot about their containment board

>> No.23369193
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>> No.23369220

What does transgenderism have to do with Marxism? You are a retard.
You don't have to like him or his politics but he's most definitely not a marxist
I've never heard him talk about "class warfare or any of the other marxist buzzwords. Being an extreme liberal progressive is not the same as Marxism. And I've never heard of a billionaire that was a marxist

>> No.23369240

you have ten years worth of Peterson videos to catch up to, bucko

>> No.23369245

Didn't your own image in defense ofnthe policy show an increase in drug usage? A significant increase, even?
This doesn't seem like success?

>> No.23369250

I'm >>23369245
There shouldn't be a question mark in the last part.
It seems the policy was a failure, since drug use increased a lot.

>> No.23369449

Marxism is a moral system based on resentment. Economics is cope Marxoids use when the foundations of their ideology bring about embarrassing concepts like DIE.

>> No.23369527

>you know what governments haven't managed what their subjects think?
>western democracies over the last 70 years
jesus christ

>> No.23369529
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>What does transgenderism have to do with Marxism?

>> No.23369721

Unironically Foucault.

>> No.23369876
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OK, then if you want to be intellectually coherent, at least call it something like “neo-Marxism.” That could be an interesting point and a very good case could be made for its growing prominence.

It’s not. If you look at the modern political, social, and economic tendencies of the West, the phenomenon of PRIVATIZATION is a huge one, as well as “public-private partnerships”, and a deep interconnection between privately owned corporations and the state. It’s antithetical to or at minimum quite different from classical Marxism (which is also a stupid and failed ideology, I admit, which can destroy nations and cultures). They’re not pushing for workers to own the means of production.

I’m not even saying you shouldn’t criticize these tendencies (of extreme progressivism, social justice ideology, etc.) Just to do it intelligently and coherently. It’s a new monster which isn’t quite classic Marxism, although it might reiterate some of the tropes of it, or of its attempted implementation as in the USSR and Marxist-Leninism, or Mao’s China and the Cultural Revolution, etc.

> 'Hurr, it's all just le corpos bro!'
Are you denying we shouldn’t criticize the roles of corporations in this?

Who spreads crap like this in the mainstream media? The (privately owned) corporations who own and control much of the mainstream news stations and host many of the TV shows, by extension allowing the commercials to run that they do, etc.

Tell me what Marx said about: Black worship, so-called “BIPOC”, transgenders, the LGBTQ+ movement or queer movement, and women/feminism. (Funnily enough, even Marx himself, a fucking Jew, infamously criticized Jews and the classic stereotype [yet sometimes apparently really true] of the greedy money-grabbing Jewish banker and uber-capitalist). I’m just saying it’s dumb to call it LITERALLY identical to classic Marxism. It’s an entirely new monstrous breed of its own. I’m not even in as much disagreement with you all as you think. I just want the critiques you make of modern society, the ruling power elites, and their traits and policies to be put more intelligently.

Now interestingly, if you look at modern China, it’s also very far from classic Marxism. They have admitted and allowed for some private enterprise and reign of corporations, adopting elements of a market economy, so long as they work in tandem with the state and allow state regulation. They now call it “socialism with Chinese characteristics.”

You can argue something analogous is going on in the West, with the fusion of corporate and state power. But the literal definition of Marxism is “the ideology of communist thinker Karl Marx” (and I guess by extension of his compatriot Friedrich Engels). Which did NOT even have this same exact race/sex/sexual orientation minority-obsessed ideology as modern progressivism. That’s why I’m saying it’s retarded to call it “literal Marxism.” It’s not even that. But both can be validly criticized.

>> No.23369910

threads like these prove that gamergate-era rightoid anti-communists are the most irrational, uneducated morons to grace the face of the earth

>> No.23369941

These threads are containment threads for 2016 election tourists who never grew up.

>> No.23369945

I mean, sure, but so is the modern average person’s “progressive and politically correct” thought. It’s all retarded. Retards deserve retards. It’s tragic and horrific from a bystander’s perspective, but also darkly funny and sometimes even rather entertaining and exciting to watch (to watch this conflict). Like watching a dogfight or cockfighting you’re powerless to stop because you’re in a location where it just goes on and the law and authorities are pretty much powerless to stop it (or maybe they even want it to go on and secretly profit from the vicious fighting, but publicly would never admit it and claim to be against it).

I don’t know. I just feel like we’re seeing glorious chaos. My views are such that average MSM-believing normies easily call me “a fucking alt-right far-right conspiracy theory disinformation-believing chud” (even though I’m not quite that), and /pol/ calls me “a fucking libtard normie kike” (simply for pointing out holes in their worldview or how they fall for dumb beliefs occasionally).

It’s hilariously/tragically fucked up. You can’t just criticize the “gamergate incel chuds” without acknowledging how emasculated and/or man-hating Redditor normies have helped create them, but you can also acknowledge how some of these “Gamergate chuds” are indeed hilariously retarded edgy teenagers kek.

It’s horrific. It’s funny. It’s tragic and a little scary (who knows to what violence it might lead?). I sit on the sidelines eating popcorn, also acknowledging we might get civil-war-like conditions soon (and maybe some shadowy elite even WANTS this to happen, pulling strings on both sides so a crisis can happen which they can swoop in to take greater power from, using the tragedy and catastrophe of it to accord themselves greater rights “for our safety”, or however they justify it).

I just wish there were more truly intelligent and happy, friendly people to talk to. About all manner of things. People who aren’t brainwashed either by mainstream narratives nor by apparently “counter-mainstream”/“rebellious” narratives (which are really just also their own brand of propaganda, conditioning, and servile hive-mindedness).

>> No.23369966

You live in a fantasy land informed by burger media. I like all the oppressed voiceless minorities in this thread am an aboriginal victim of the international marxist colonial tranny conspiracy you're too dumb to understand you're constantly contributing to.

>> No.23369988

So in other words, a libshit and crypto marxoid

>> No.23370001

>Crypto marxoid
That's called a neocon

>> No.23370010

It's a consequence of modernity. Peoples' egos are actively being crushed and turned to paste because society is becoming ever more atomized and alienating. In order to cope with this, people give up their intellectual autonomy and instead subscribe to a given cause.
It's why they're so hard to distinguish from bots. Neither are really thinking for themselves, but are instead acting as part of a complex network that regurgitates and remixes language.

The only way for people to fix it is to change themselves, but it's hard to do when you don't even realize you've become an NPC.

>> No.23370044
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>Time to OWN the left by liking fags even more than they do
The absolute state of clown politics

>> No.23370085
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>More than 70 years of successful warless democracy in western countries proves otherwise.
70 years is not impressive. Furthermore, society in western democracies is becoming increasingly strained, sliding further into populism and sectarianism, with no seeming end or improvement in sight.

>> No.23370099

>70 years is not impressive
It's the longest stretch of peace Europe has had in centuries. Even if you count the Balkan conflicts in the 90s, it's still up there.
>society in western democracies is becoming increasingly strained, sliding further into populism and sectarianism, with no seeming end or improvement in sight.
Sectarianism was leagues worse during the Protestant Reformation, but a mostly stable peace was established between the Protestant denominations and Catholics.

>> No.23370159
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Retard threat full of retards. Jannies nuke this non-literature thread full of fucking rightoid idiots who don't understand how the world works

>> No.23370185

>his political activism is rooted in his ideas about jewish identity and fighting for jewish interests
>but for some reason these references to insane, selfish ideas of jewish identity rooted in romantic nationalism made people suspicious that he might not be a meritocratic enlightened liberal like the rest of them
Fucking antisemites.

>> No.23370347

Okay progshit

>> No.23370890


>> No.23370977

He is a leftist, retard.

>> No.23371012
File: 2.08 MB, 415x498, 1686295234631118.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>richest most powerful guy in the world takes a black and white photo and wants me to feel sorry for him

You know I can see how this might work on someone with a brain the size of a grape

>> No.23371109

>supercapitalism and communism under same tent
This is literally how I think the modern globohomo corporate plutocracy is.
Use megacorporate capitalism to own and control as much ressources and assets possible by exploiting the free market. Implement communism to give goverment and UN authority and legislation to strip the average individual from his freedom and crush silently anyone who dare to retaliate the new order

>> No.23371134

Pretty much what the GOP is doing lately. Trumps out there doing meetings with them and appointing them to positions in his previous administration.

>> No.23371252

Carl Marx

>> No.23371343

who's "them"?

>> No.23371401

De Sade and it's not even close

>> No.23371581

Why did he think enabling nigger criminals and importing antisemitic Muslims would make society more "open"?

>> No.23371597


>> No.23371604

he was good.

>> No.23371610

In my misguided youth I read both The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged

>> No.23371611

>freely admitting that he's attempting to deracinate and homogenize the entire world for the benefit of Jews
>right wingers are called cranks for restating this

>> No.23371626

>richest most powerful guy in the world
he is neither

>> No.23371692

C.S. Lewis

>> No.23371716

This an actual quote? It's to be taken as a threat, you know. He and the others in his class use the US to police their globe.

>> No.23371746

You’re retarded cranks for calling him a Marxist infiltrator. He is a LIBERAL. We live in LIBERAL DEMOCRACIES. Not Marxist states. Fucking idiots.

>> No.23371778
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>> No.23371785
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Imagine unironically believing in American supremacy

>> No.23371790

>Muh peepee.

>> No.23371792

>True Marxism has never been tried!

>> No.23371834

No, Marxism is a state run capitalism. We are seeing it run in China. "true" or workable Marxism is being tried.
What remains is for Marxism to bring about that utopia when they end to scarcity.
You in the merchant owned West have states run by oligarchy, IE capitalists. They reach for their utopia of equilibrium.

Neither one of those utopias are ever going to happen. As usual the only real path was communism through direct democracy and the abolition of the state and wage slavery.

>> No.23371888
File: 231 KB, 1073x689, SOLZ_camps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Guys don't finish last, they die first in camps they vote into place (or at the front preventing their discovery internationally). Currency speculators are the most usurious of usurers in Usura aside the medical profession-- he could not be a prevaricating philanthropist and he would still be a son of a bitch.

>> No.23371917

The image you posted says he's not. According to him he's motivated by ideas of identity and oppression. His dad taught him you have to pretend to be liberal to fight for Jewish interests. Nothing he funds or says has anything to do with liberalism and everything to do with ideas about class struggle or struggles between supposed oppressors and the supposedly oppressed. This is Marxist thinking which has nothing to do with liberalism and the only reason you think it does is because you're brainwashed by Marxists.

>> No.23371981

Those words are from a journalist named Michael (name at the bottom) talking about Alex Soros (George’s son)

Here is an interview with George


>> No.23371988

>According to him he's motivated by ideas of identity and oppression
Socially liberal
>His dad taught him you have to pretend to be liberal to fight for Jewish interests
Typical. Longstanding tradition from George Washington to Donald Trump. They support liberal capitalism to gain power. As capital buys power. Not just Jewish interests.
>everything to do with ideas about class struggle or struggles between supposed oppressors and the supposedly oppressed
You are so weirdly wired. You openly deny oppression and insist it's there in the name of Jewish supremacy at the same time. Are you even being honest here?
The fact is the capitalist owner class use social issues (among other things) to keep the lower classes at each other's throats. Diversionary tactics, false flags and complete domination of the narrative, media and schools, have made nations of generational sheeple caught in a Stockholm syndrome

>> No.23372196

F.A. Hayek. His ranting against government and praise of the conditions which allow corporate hegemony to control society is truly evil. The last 50 years have been a disaster for the average citizen and it's largely the fault of Hayek and the god awful Austrian school of economics that he belonged to.

>> No.23372208

Free will can't exist. You are the product of your genes in combination with your environment. There is no possible space for free will in the equation.

>> No.23372717

Compatibalism. Nihilistic determinism is no way live, anon.

>> No.23372888

There is no need for determinism to be nihilistic. Take Marcus Aurelius for example, he wrote that he believed in a kind of fate wherein all things are decided already and you must simply embrace the flow of the river of existence, but in that flow there can still be profound meaning. Clinging to a false and illusory feeling of control is merely denial of the truth and serves no purpose anyway.

>> No.23373001

Because jews lie about everything.

>> No.23373010

He's a Marxist infiltrator.
He is marxist.
We live in a marxist dystopia.
Liberals don't want any of this shit either.
Liberals, much like conservatives, also don't want to be surrounded by clinically retarded third world rapists in minority gang-infested schools on dirty unsafe streets, these are all things marxists want because marxism is about making everything as shitty as possible for everyone so that there's nothing worth defending when the revolution comes.

>> No.23373021

>The fact is the capitalist owner class use social issues (among other things) to keep the lower classes at each other's throats. Diversionary tactics, false flags and complete domination of the narrative, media and schools, have made nations of generational sheeple caught in a Stockholm syndrome
No, actually kikes exclusively promote left wing, anti-white degeneracy, and never promote any real right wing positions for anyone other than Israelis.

>> No.23373919

Liberals want cheap labour and the only way to achieve this is to decrease living standards so the cost of reproducing the labourer (ie their wage) is as low as possible.

>> No.23373933

I have nothing to say to you worthless brainless cretins but to log off this board and actually read a fucking book for once
>the problems of liberal democracies have nothing to do with liberalism.... it's uhhhh the marxists or some shit idk

>> No.23374340
File: 36 KB, 681x405, pepe notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H.P. Lovecraft said the n word
David Foster Wallace tried to throw Mary Karr out of a moving vehicle
Sherman Alexie committed sexual harassment.
We are generally aware of the Greeks participating in pederasty but we know so little biographical details of the Greek writers that we are unable to pin specific actions to specific people.
That's... about it, really. Junot Diaz got #metoo'd but I never got around to reading The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao. There are comparably few evil writers that are actually read by normal people (so no Mein Kampf) compared to the world of film which is filled with Roman Polanski's.

>> No.23374370

Marquis de Sade raped people

>> No.23374374

Just get the sense that Cormac McCarthy has done something bad.

>> No.23374379

I can hear the fat rolls from here.

>> No.23374382

My ex was really into De Sade lmao.

>> No.23374385

Sade doesn't seem like pro women writer to me lol. That women for you.

>> No.23374390

He's right

>> No.23374391

knut hamsun? he was a nazi sympathizer.

>> No.23374393

She was like a J.K Rowling feminist so I think it was more for the novelty and absurdity of it. She also liked Nabokov. Women huh?

>> No.23374401

William Golding tried to rape 15 year old girl.

>The unpublished memoir Men and Women (which Golding wrote for his wife) details his attempted rape of a 15-year-old girl named Dora. For years this information was locked away, until John Carey, a professor at Oxford, gained access to private unpublished journals from Golding's collections. Golding was an adult at the time, away on holiday at Oxford. The memoir quotes Golding's journals, indicating that his lusting began with his observation of her being, "already sexy as an ape." After being sure that she "wanted heavy sex," Golding tried to advance on her. Being fought off, the two didn't meet again until two years later. As if nothing had ever happened they proceeded to have sex in a field, and Golding got off scot-free, going on to publish his most notable work.

>> No.23374409

Another one was that ugly overrated jew fuck Allen Ginsberg being member and supporter of the North American Man/Boy Love Association aka NAMBLA.

>> No.23374454

the little old greek lady who wrote an entire book about how important the welfare of animals is, And how animal cruelty is one of the worst scourges of the world. yeah sounds like a bloodthirsty villain to me.

>> No.23374464

>sexy as an ape.

>> No.23374465

Not really. The way they "implemented" it in Canada was basically "let it rip". It werked better in yurop/scandinavia. That being said it's completely impossible to do it properly without a functioning health system, so the USA should forget about it (as should've Canada).

>> No.23374468

Deranged. I've never seen le WASPS mentioned on leddit although I don't visit any political subs. Meanwhile on 4chan you literally can't have a single thread without muh jews.

>> No.23374472

NTA but you usually dont see the specific term 'WASP' but you'll see the term 'old White men' and that is essentially what they're trying to convey with the phrase. they're referring to the old ruling class aka WASPs

>> No.23374481

You make him sound so much more based than he actually is

>> No.23374517

/// He was agonizing over the moral issues involved /// The team returned disconsolate from three losses /// Reading it, you can't help pitying the hapless little girl trapped in the crossfire of a bellicose and bitter split /// There are patches of mildew on the walls /// Sand spits are an ubiquitous feature of sandy coasts with prevailing oblique wave incidence and associated strong littoral drift /// He had been a strict father but was indulgent toward his grandchildren /// Later they discussed the topic more fulsomely /// This illustrates the common error of considering the basolateral amygdala as isomorphic with fear /// Within a staple, fibres were separated by removal of adhesions and twists, then stretched along ruler to straighten crimps /// Had he but known the agony of spirit his daughter was experiencing he would have returned posthaste to Philadelphia /// Alongside the cards, this kit includes forceps, a Petri dish, dropper, tesh tube, blank slides, prepared slides, lens paper, and more /// He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion /// The 1910 midget auto racing season will bow in at Fresno Sunday when speed aces from all sections of California will vie for fame and money on the Airport speedway track /// This had many drawbacks including the added pressure on peewee-aged players (12-year-olds) /// The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get our bearings several times /// The studio chiefs wanted a marquee name in the lead role /// Our industry's conversion to new methods has been very dilatory /// Society will blink at rude behavior if the person being rude is powerful enough /// He was careful to let drop nothing at which she might take umbrage /// I wanted to show scenes from the film during my presentation, so I cued them up ahead of time /// Her party still genuflects to her, and a core within it reflexively venerates her /// After a long fallow period, the author has brought out a new book /// Her skin was as soft as velvet ///

>> No.23374623

married a woman 40 years younger than him, groomed teenage boys
wrote that “spiritual” love between men and boys was better than all other kinds of love
said the ideal marrying age was 37 for men and 18 for women
groomed teenage girls
>Sophocles, Euripides, Theocritus, Horace, Virgil, Petronius, Catullus
flagrant pederasts, multiple accounts of Sophocles molesting hairless boys
>Julius Caesar
married a 13 year old girl and later a 17 year old
>Saint Augustine
had a 10 year old fiancée
had sex with a 9 year old girl
>Peter Abelard
groomed Heloise when she was 15
>Thomas More
married a 17 year old girl when he was 27
>Christopher Marlowe
married a 15 year old girl
>Francis Bacon
had sex with underage boys
married a 17 year old girl when he was 34
married a 17 year old girl when he was 40
had sex with underage girls and boys
>Walt Whitman
relationship with 13 year old boy
>Henry David Thoreau
fell in love with an 11 year old boy and wrote a poem about it
>Edgar Allen Poe
married a 13 year old girl when he was 27
>Lewis Carroll
took inappropriate photographs of underage girls
>Charles Dickens
had an affair with an 18 year old girl when he was 45
>Oscar Wilde, Andre Gide, Gustave Flaubert
had sex with Algerian boy prostitutes
>Verlaine and Rimbaud
toxic age-gap relationship
>Friedrich Nietzsche
apologist for man-boy love
>Leo Tolstoy
raped a female servant, married an 18 year old when he was 34
>WB Yeats
proposed to a girl he knew since she was 4
>Martin Heidegger
groomed Hannah Arendt when she was 19 and he was 35
>Henry James
wrote a story about man-boy love
>Thomas Mann
attracted to his own son, stalked a Polish shota around Venice and wrote a book about it
>Marcel Proust
wrote a short story called 'Pederasty' about wanting to live in a boy utopia
>WH Auden
relationship with 14 year old boy
>Sartre and Beauvoir
groomed teenage girls from the school Beauvoir taught at
>Foucault, Barthes, Sartre, Beauvoir, Deleuze, Derrida, Guattari, Lyotard, Althusser
signed petition to abolish the age of consent
>Allen Ginsberg, Camille Paglia, Samuel R. Delany
members of NAMBLA
>Pablo Neruda
self-confessed rapist
>JD Salinger
pedophile obsessed with loli feet
>William S. Burroughs
>Lawrence Durrell
molested his daughter
>Arthur C. Clarke
molested boys in Sri Lanka

>> No.23374779

>Popper’s paradox
Don't tell me you believe the infographic.

>> No.23375085


>> No.23375205

Soros puts the Nazi in Ashkenazi

>> No.23375236

Imagine still believing we live in a liberal democracy in the year 2024

>> No.23375274

man who broke the bank of england

>> No.23375337

everybody in the west live in societies based on equal rights, you must live somewhere else.

>> No.23375414
File: 34 KB, 499x499, 1669640446489173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

half of these you just made up
>Martin Heidegger
>groomed (((Hannah Arendt))) when she was 19 and he was 35
what the fuck? are you retarded nigger? how do you groom a fully grown woman? this has to be bait. im thinking this is bait, theres no way someone is this retarded. its bait right?

>> No.23375422

This is a Curtis Yarvin quote

>> No.23375454

He also happened to literally be a Nazi

>> No.23375506
File: 273 KB, 680x637, -ACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stupid libtards, didnt you know that marxism is when mega corporations and global capitalist billionaires push divide and conquer culture wars on lumpen prole retards like me? check mate faggots.