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/lit/ - Literature

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23365272 No.23365272 [Reply] [Original]

Practice makes perfect edition
prev: >>23362245

>> No.23365278

Always wanted to tie a black person down and pace around them repeatedly while repeating the N word over and over again

>> No.23365283

My Self is slipping away. Tapping my orbital bone with a hammer to cultivate a mystery for my co-workers. You should see the other guy. Manager pulls out a stack of gift-cards at my performance review, and I am paralyzed by logos. I choose Panera. I haven’t eaten in three days, but not for a lack of funds. The money keeps piling up. I have no appetite. Manager assures me I don’t have to worry about any layoffs. I’m not worried about layoffs you decrepit shell of a vigorous man; I am worried about the psychic humiliation of using a $15 gift-card at Panera Bread. The hollow-eyed cashier is going to freeze when I give her the card. This isn’t the standard protocol she can sleep-walk through. We will make eye-contact that says: Is this man really using a gift card at Panera Bread. Yes, I am here to redeem. I am here to redeem my bacon, egg, and cheese everything bagel, which I earned through cultivating the reputation as a hard worker in the factory. I am The Redeemer. I am going to eat. Force it down. Sustain myself with more meat.

>> No.23365287
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Look at this cat.

>> No.23365295
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Why does beauty have to decay so quickly?

>> No.23365297

I saw a woman cry today at work. I work in an office where we have these conference rooms that are basically glass cubes. I was standing by the coffee machine, looking right through the glass at two women sitting there. One of them had this grimaced expression, at first I thought I had just caught her from an unflattering angle and her face just looked weird, but eventually I realized she was crying.
I immediately thought how pathetic that was. Imagine if I, as a man, had started to cry at work and needed to take 40 minutes out of the work day to be consoled by a coworker.
I think it would have been more appropriate to feel empathy and wonder why she was crying in the first place, but I'm ashamed to admit that's not where my mind went.
Also, I find women crying arousing sometimes, and usually I would have stored away an observation like this in the spank bank, but for some reason I didn't find this worth storing even though the woman crying was moderately attractive (attractive enough to masturbate over at the very least).
Anyway, that's my little anecdote for today.

>> No.23365298

Good luck, I'm having mine at the end of August.
I don't care for the fanfare around it so I'm happy if it's over with.

>> No.23365344

I wish there was a way to read the character and history of a person without having to pry it out of them through questioning.

I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but I gotta find somebody who fits my image of a partner I want to spend the rest of my life with.

>> No.23365347
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reason is the enemy

>> No.23365358

Alright, fellas, it's either ice-pick headaches or tumours. My mum has a tumour and I grew up on a farm where I inhaled weed killer often because the farmer was a retard so it's definitely a possibility. MRIs are covered by my country's healthcare (score) so I might go get one, these random pains have been happening for as long as I can remember and they're always in the same two spots, should I get an MRI?

>> No.23365361

I don't see why you wouldn't get a scan if it's paid for.

>> No.23365362

Is anyone else a little insecure about that their parents do for a living? Any time you read biographies, it’s always “his father was a schoolteacher and his mother was a nurse” or “his father was a doctor” or “the son of a minister/lawyer/banker”. What if your parents are like regular ol’ white collar workers in the office of a construction company or a chain of fast food restaurants or something?

>> No.23365365

If I get one and it turns out that I do have a tumour then that might cause me some stress and I don't want that extra hassle in my life. I don't know, I might consult my mum.

>> No.23365370

It's all out of my reach. Every. Fucking. Thing.

>> No.23365373

Are you somehow less stressed by the idea that it could be one and you aren't doing anything about it? You do understand that there is a window of opportunity to take care of things like that before they become unstoppable right?

>> No.23365377

My dad was never much of a worker (he sold pot, sometimes fixed electronics for people and collected the dole) but my mum was always working, never anything special, mostly cafes or supermarkets, but she tried her hardest to make sure we (my siblings and I) never went without and that we always had a roof over our heads, that wasn't always easy though considering my dad would often take all her money and spend it on cigarettes and pot and if she ever tried to say no he'd give her the ol' one-two. Sometimes I felt a little bit of shame and a little insecure, my best friend has two parents who are happily married and both working great jobs so that didn't help, especially when they'd ask what my parents do for work.

>> No.23365380

See but even that is more interesting than “my dad was a stereotypical boring white collar worker at a chain of healthcare facilities”.

>> No.23365382

>Are you somehow less stressed by the idea that it could be one and you aren't doing anything about it?
I have no idea if I have one or not so I'm not stressing. If I do, damn. If I don't, wicked. I don't know so therefore I don't care. I'm a little curious, sure, but I don't lose sleep over it.

>> No.23365390

I guess it's more interesting, sure, but I would've rather grown up with two parents who worked white-collar jobs than what I had. I'll tell you what, man, growing up like how I did, sucks balls. I'm not saying I had the worst childhood, but it wasn't fun. The best part of growing up as I did was that I always lived on really vast land that my brother and I would spend our free time exploring and fucking around on. Exploring paddocks and run-down houses sure beats being home while your dad is kicking the shit out of your mum, lol.

>> No.23365391

White collar parents can also suck though.

>> No.23365395

A lot of people think Cecil Rhodes was the greatest imperialist who ever lived but I think George Washington was greater.

>> No.23365403

when does your book come out?

>> No.23365405

>George Washington
Was he? George Washington was just a two-bit slaver who got lucky.
All he really cared about was his slave laboured tobacco farm.
And he lucked into being POTUS, probably literally just because he was tall.

>> No.23365409

I'm not saying they can't, I'm sure they can, I'm just saying that it sure would've come with a lot more stability on the financial side than what I had. I don't think white-collar parents have to go asking their friends for $50 just so they can buy some food to last their two growing boys a week and I don't think they have to "hack" the electrical box outside so that the bill doesn't go up because they won't be able to pay it if it does. I'm not tryna trauma dump, I think that shit's cringe, I'm just saying that you shouldn't feel insecure about your parents being regular people.

>> No.23365411

I'm three espresso drinks deep and I have done all the things and now I'm lying resplendently half naked in silk robes and stoned and the captcha can no longer verify my humanity

>> No.23365412

>literally just because he was tall.
A legitimate metric for ruler selection, just think of all the shorty dictators and warmongers throughout history. Manlets belong in the pit.

>> No.23365413

That’s the greatness of Washington. His empire was only incidental. He set out to fight for a cause he presumably saw as just and cast out another empire and in doing so created the most vast empire the world has ever seen. That he personally didn’t see it reach its greatest territorial limit is basically irrelevant to me. Thomas Carlyle argues something similar about Washington but contrasted with Napoleon.

>> No.23365416

Maybe not. My parents were white collar but I had 4 siblings and when my parents divorced we lived on my mom’s single income. So we basically lived in poverty even though she had a somewhat decent wage.

>> No.23365418

One of my big regrets is not going abroad more while I was young. I think I’m too ripe now for such things to have much of an impact. You really have to do that stuff in your twenties.

>> No.23365419

Did your dad pay child support and did he ever have custody? I'm not tryna bait you into a gotcha or a "shitty childhood competition", I'm just curious.

>> No.23365420

He never had custody except for my two youngest siblings who volunteered for one weekend per month. I don’t know if he paid child support. We lived modestly either way. At one point we lived six of us in a two bedroom in a bad part of town. I think my mom was pretty awful with money.

>> No.23365421

That's one narrative.
Some argue, the English were happy to keep the US as a vassal state and benefited handsomely from the situation.
Of course theirs was also a shortsighted decision.

>> No.23365422

Do you think the internet has subsumed the Faustian spirit?

>> No.23365430

Don't hold your breath. I can only write via shitpost.

>> No.23365431

Most leaders of notable countries were dictators and warmongers.

Is it true that most short leaders were especially terrible?
Considering that there is a definite height bias, one might theorize that when a short leader is elected or gains office, this is more likely to be against the wishes of the people, or without their say.

>> No.23365432

Pork schnitzel with sauted mushrooms and shallots. Pan fried spaetzle with creamy mushroom sauce. Buttery rice pilaf and chicken slow cooked with apricot jam and russian dressing. Thick homemade naan bread and rogan josh served with basmati rice. Italian sausage slices with onions, bell peppers, and mushrooms over pasta. Chicken and onion in a white wine reduction.

>> No.23365433

lolol genuinely might be the most insufferable writing style on /lit/ yet enjoyable to read

>> No.23365435
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I always google someone's favorite books if I take a liking to them.

>> No.23365436

I like the way you think, anon

>> No.23365445

Sorry to hear, anon, hope you're living better now. I know a thing or two about parents being bad with money, believe me.

>> No.23365447

Anyone notice /his/ and /lit/ are bleeding together?

>> No.23365448
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I like the way you taste and smell, anon.

>> No.23365449

I hope not. /his/ is a shithole

>> No.23365450

I mean got to discipline the wife every now and then or she’ll trip and fall on some other man’s dick. They’re just fucked up like that.

>> No.23365456

I'm so fucking hungry it's unreal

>> No.23365458

It's the frankincense and sugar, it has the same effect on mice

>> No.23365472

Why do you think /his/ was created? It never left!

>> No.23365478

I cant bring myself to do anything anymore. Except ordering pizza. I hear my neighbour getting fucked basically everyday. She cums every 2 minutes. What the fuck are they doing. I banged 13 chicks in my liftetime, i know how it goes, i think they might be using toys or he is just ewting her out. I've seen the guy he is a head smaller than me and has no muscle, so its not that he can carry her while fucking standing up, like i did with my 6 foot ex gf. I feel myself growing resentful but i know there is no real reason, its just fox and grapes. I havent had sex in over a year and being reminded of my sexlessness is what turns me sour. I am pretty, tall and well read and well spoken, yet i can rarely bring myself to talk to women anymore, they dont seem worth the bother and i never tied my self-worth to how many retarded bar sluts i can manipulate into my bed.
I dont want casual sex, i want a gf thats wife material, but all the women i see seem like rude demons.

>> No.23365483

You’ll regret it if you don’t do it.
If you’re not dumb you would know this is a fact too

>> No.23365486

Would you avoid casual encounters if you could do things over again?

>> No.23365488

does anyone have any recommendations for works (both fiction and non-fiction) that in some manner relate to these topics? i am writing a fictional work that has them as themes:
>the mask of neutrality that academics assume when it is convenient for them to do so
>the past as unknowable Other, the opinions of its people unknowable and irrelevant
>the political schism between economics and the other social sciences
>the inability of surrealism to mount a political critique

>> No.23365493

Been on the 4chan dating app. All the femcels on there think that being an edgy spastic is the opposite of being a normie.

>> No.23365521

All the girls on 4chan are all legit sub 85 IQ retards.
Never seen any evidence to the contrary.

>> No.23365522

I only had 1 one night stand. But yes that shit sux and having sex with people you dont know and really like feels awful at some point.

>> No.23365531

There are a couple normie girls who didn't realize it's a spazz containment center. I want to contact them but I also don't want to use my real face as a pfp because I don't want some creepy femcel looking at me.

>> No.23365532
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Used to be homeless, was employed the entire time. Didn't feel like sleeping rough, even though I had lived on the road before, so found a homeless shelter. It was like 60 bucks a week for a bed and a locker. Not bad. Met some other migrant workers.

Got tired of walking all over the city all the time just to get to work, so decided to get some transportation. Bought a road bike for 200 bucks. It was pretty janky and beat up, went pretty fast and was good for the flat terrain of the city. Left the bike in the city when I left. Lived in the ghetto many years finally after getting out of homelessness.

Now I just walk to work or catch a ride, sometimes will call a taxi. There is a bus route but it doesn't go way out in the country where I work. Got to thinking, a road bike would be useful, but I can't take it on the highway, backroads, out in the country.

You need some serious speed and horsepower for a street legal highway bike. It needs a serious motor, a motorbike or moto. A street legal dual sport can go fast enough for the highway, even really fast, and be used as a dirt bike on backroads and terrain.

These things are huge in Mexico, tons of people get around on motos instead of cars, even on dirt trails and backroads. I see people driving them all the time out in the country. A friend of mine, who is Mujahideen, was telling me about these dirt bikes.

When I was homeless, there were some Muslim people who were helping the homeless. They handed out water bottles and snack bars to the homeless out of charity to the poor at a Christian mission, working together to help those in need.

>> No.23365538

Would you say there's some merit to the idea of saving yourself for marriage?

>> No.23365542

Interesting stories anon

>> No.23365548

Go on Grindr for that.

>> No.23365566
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Police officers use these devices called "spike strips" in order to create a roadblock or road obstacle that deflates tires. There are stationary spike strips just thrown on the ground horizontally, portable spike strips that expand across the street, and even improvised spike strips. There are also some bikers who will carry spike strips on their bike in order to disable pursuing vehicles, which is pretty wild in my opinion.

Down in Florida, there are bikers who use drive these dirt bikes in the street and weave between traffic. They will have the police turn on their siren in pursuit, then they weave between cars on some long highway, even over water, then the cop just says "fuck it" and gives up to focus on other things, slipping away.

>> No.23365579

I’m pretty successful but I have a lot of regrets. I suppose we all do.

>> No.23365590
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>team meeting in 30 minutes
>hung over
>pulling on dirty clothes while falling over
>trying to make 4 days unshowered homeless man bird's nest hair look normal

>> No.23365594

Sometimes I feel like I inadvertently got the worst of both worlds of NEETing and working. I worked the whole time but it’s like I may as well have NEETed.

>> No.23365596

Some faggot piece of shit janny banned me from my home board and now I have to discuss fuckin' literature and shit. Blood Meridian is a fun read, but it's taking me a REALLY long time to get through it. It took me 200 pages before the style and flow of the writing started to click. I'm not well read so I started with the /lit/ 100 and I'm working my way through it. I tried Gravity's Rainbow last year but got filtered by it... planning on trying again after Anna Karenina. Books are fun. I like books. Writing is fun too. So much fun that I started a little blog. I call myself a writer even though I'll never make any money from it. Hobby writer. A midwit dilettante hobby writer and reader.

>> No.23365597

You don't have to discuss literature here.
This is like a grown-up general. Ignore the racists and the bigots.

What is your general?

>> No.23365607

Finally showed the girl I like the book I've been working on. Give her the handwritten first draft w/ notes and she loves it. But now she thinks I'm gay and I'm enjoying talking to her too much to correct her. May as well be a faggot

>> No.23365614

Dude, what the fuck?
Casually mention your ex-gf (invent one if she doesn't exist).

>> No.23365618

>This is like the a grown-up general
>What is your general
I shit you not my home board is dedicated to discussing anime girl streamers. They're called vtubers. Think of e-girl streamers, but instead of showing their body they have animated models with tracking that corresponds to their real life movements. It's a hoot.

>> No.23365619

I could, but I'm concerned it would go back to us not talking at all. In other words idk how much of the talking is due to the book or her thinking it's safe bc I wouldn't fuck her. Never dealt with being gayzoned before

>> No.23365621

Of course, sex with strangers becomes psychologically damaging quickly. People pretend it doesnt but they are copeing.

>> No.23365637

For which Marxist class is this assignment? As for works I don’t think there are works specifically for those subjects but Carl Schmitt concept of the political might be helpful for the first one

>> No.23365642

I don't get the appeal.

>> No.23365673

>its not that he can carry her while fucking standing up
Why would this be more pleasurable than having sex in any number of more normal positions?

>> No.23365674

Why do people on the right pretend that academia is all left-wing?
Have they never stepped foot in an economics department?

>> No.23365679

Why do people alive on Earth pretend that they're allowed to live in an advanced motorized and digitalized society and still organize politics with their hand directions like they are in some ethiopian bush tribe

>> No.23365680

Because they make you sign some diversity pledge and fire you for calling a man a man.
Is this a serious question from you?

>> No.23365682

>I banged 13 chicks in my liftetime
That's above average and you are still young.
You're basically a stud.

But I do get you. Hearing people fuck is just infuriating.

>> No.23365684
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Most people don't. It's a really weird niche interest and my friends make fun of me for it.
Hard sciences tend to the right. The soft social sciences are nearly all leftists.

>> No.23365687

I spent 6.5 years as an undergraduate and became a professor kek

>> No.23365689

IDK, but they do.

Well they don't in leftist commie Europe, so I forgot about that stuff that happens over there.
However, that is just theatrics.

A lot of those people who do all that fake SJW shit are neoliberals who will support whatever evil their masters decide they should support. Look at how many Democrats support Israel.

>> No.23365695

>Hard sciences tend to the right. The soft social sciences are nearly all leftists.

I don't think that's accurate.

Engineers tend to be right wing.

Math and Physics and Philosophy are mostly left wing.

Biology definitely left wing. Chemistry probably too.

IT and CS is libertarian/rightwing.

Economics right wing.
It's sister, Sociology is left wing.

History can be either way.

Politics/Geopolitics/Geography/International Relationships is usually a neoliberal haven.

>> No.23365696

she's probably camwhoring. you can thank our entire Zoom AI society for enabling these gutter whores to live like stinkbugs in our apartments and shop for our shoes

>> No.23365705

>shop for our shoes
I don't think she's buying your shoes bro

>> No.23365710

I am 37

>> No.23365711

You don't think the massive protests on campus reveal that they're incredibly leftist?
Or the weird gender stuff they abide by?

I guess in your world view there barely are any leftists?

>> No.23365717

I'm gonna nap and y'all can't stop me

>> No.23365720

>You don't think the massive protests on campus reveal that they're incredibly leftist?

I think the massive protests on campus show that although the younger generations are atheist they still have Christian morality in their hearts and soul. Bless them.

>> No.23365724

Average lifetime sexual partners is like 7. You're more than double that.
That guy you hear fucking all the time, that might be his first or second gf.

>> No.23365734

no it's meant to be more critical of the left than anything
economics being in a political bubble that doesn't interact with other fields is also a bad thing
e.g. anthropologists will criticise "economists", and economists will criticise "anthropologists", but there's never any actual engagement, just critiques of each sides' conception of the other

>> No.23365736

Blood Meridian is boring solely because the writing style is autistic and retarded. I gave my copy to a friend who is obsessed with the "lore" and general subject of the book. But I know for a fact he did not read ot and he never will

>> No.23365739

>I feel myself growing resentful but i know there is no real reason, its just fox and grapes. I havent had sex in over a year and being reminded of my sexlessness is what turns me sour
You should read Elementary Particles. It talks about exactly this, and shit will only get worse. You can thank feminism for this.

>> No.23365740

Oh lmao. Are you the faggot in California who keeps using the mobile data to post porn on /vt/?

>> No.23365745

Are there any good blue collar jobs you can get into quickly?

>> No.23365748


>> No.23365750

Always thought that “vtuber” was a misnomer

>> No.23365758

You can try window washing if you want to make slightly above minimum wage and get hired without any experience.

>> No.23365759

>Math and Physics and Philosophy are mostly left wing.
>Biology definitely left wing. Chemistry probably too
Neither of those sound correct

The only disciplines I’d wager lean left are probably anthropology and sociology, and at a push, psychology.

>Politics/Geopolitics/Geography/International Relationships is usually a neoliberal haven.
of course, neorealism and realism itself are forbidden despite being the most correct schools.

>> No.23365761

I really don't like when making money ain't making money. That's a funny looking whole ass world you got there laboring man

>> No.23365765

Thanks for the recc, i already have it on my kobro. I will bump it now.

>> No.23365769

>boring because of the writing
The audiobook is kino but it feels like cheating. I want to actually read and engage w the text. It might sound retarded but sometimes I’ll listen to the chapter then go back and read it- and the reading goes much more smoothly. The symbolism and stuff goes over my head but I think that’s just because I’m kinda retarded. For instance the tarot scene completely went over my head.
No, I got banned for arguing with a “which chuuba is the most racist” groyper sperg.

>> No.23365787

20 years ago, this might have been true. Everything is left wing now. If you don’t believe me look up the Deans at your colleges or your Alma Maters. I actually work in academia. It’s completely impossible to get hired or promoted without professing overtly left wing sentiment right now.

>> No.23365789

You have to pledge allegiance to George Floyd.

>> No.23365798
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The only wings i will acknowledge are angel wings.

>> No.23365824
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Was at the therapist. Got a list of trans-friendly therapists and endocrinologists to try. If it doesn't work out, I should come back and we'll work out something else (HRT indication).

Very pretty MtF's there, I have to say. Clocky, but all very pretty.

>> No.23365896

That's a man

>> No.23365935

You will always be a man, no matter what you do to yourself. Accept it, or let the medical-industrial complex turn you into an abomination.

>> No.23365964

If colleges were really so left wing, they would let these Israel protests go on

>> No.23365974

Transitioning won't fix all his problems but I've seen firsthand the ways it can help people.

>> No.23365977

Depressed to leave work. I like it in the fab. I like the white metal under yellow lights. Human contact behind clean-room suits. I have list of tasks. Twelve hours of productivity marked by the hour in a Gantt chart. Incessant 90dB hum blocks out the tinnitus ring. Ringing from 240B belts fired cyclic without ear-pro. Ringing from two-dozen Gustav HE rounds at the range. Overpressure hits like a Tempur-Pedic to the face. Ringing from Lightning Bolt on full volume in headphones I want implanted into my skull. Giving excuses for why I came back from lunch early. 'I had a big breakfast.' They see me getting skinnier, slipping away. I want to see bone and vein under stretched skin. Digging to the foundation looking for self-actualization. Maslow’s pyramid is shape-charge. Self-esteem, love and belonging, safety and security, physiological needs, these are the main explosives around the copper liner. She’s the booster, pessimism the detonator.

>> No.23365992
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>> No.23365997


>> No.23366000

The truth is I am more drawn towards putting together Godard-ish ''video essays'' than I am towards writing out my thoughts. As unfortunately embarrassing as the stigma attached to that categorization is, it's still the most appropriate description for what I like to do. Maybe I'm overly playful for the sake of lending any impact to whatever thoughts I may have about a particular subject, but my heart swoons during the process of writing silly sketches that interject between the crux of the essay, while it freezes over when attempting to be rigorous about it. I don't know. This probably is a grand testament to my own retardation and self-indulgence, therefore supporting the argument that I should an hero before wasting any more resources.

>> No.23366001

Go ahead and transition. Society will be better off if a mentally ill freak like you removes himself from the gene pool.

>> No.23366002


>> No.23366004

I'm literally a bastard, but I was never shamed for it. I thought people cared about that.

>> No.23366017

he'll be happy being somebody's girl and some fat old Reddit-tier bastard will be happy to have someone to play with

and there aren't enough girls to go around for everyone so why do you even care?

>> No.23366022

I've seen some of the most fucked up, depressed, "stay in bed 3 days" people reach a level of baseline happiness that I thought was impossible for them. HRT is largely "reversible." If it's not doing anything for you, you'll know pretty quickly and you can just stop. But I knew a trans guy at the time of his transition, and the change in mood and general outlook on life was like night and day.

>> No.23366029

>some fat old Reddit-tier bastard will be happy to have someone to play with
There was a time when getting off to a girl with a dick was quintessentially 4chan

>> No.23366038

HRT is literally a contemporary lobomoty. You cannot just rewire your endocrine system without absolutely destroying your brain and body.

>> No.23366043

There's nothing wrong with listening first and then reading. At the end of the day it's all just communication. I tutor kids and the method of teaching them reading comprehension is exactly a combination of reading aloud to them and then having them read on their own.

>> No.23366046


>> No.23366049

too hot for that shit, but then again I see droves of mexicans wearing long sleeve clothes doing it in july

>> No.23366050

The first 3 years of sexlessness drove me to madness. And then a kind of peace came over me. It's hard to explain, but all the pain and suffering of reality appears so absurd that I just start laughing when I think about it. Life is good man, pussy is only ancillary

>> No.23366055

Thats why it's easy to get into. It fucking sucks and no one wants to do it.

>> No.23366058

>good blue collar job
>it fucking sucks

>> No.23366061

Roofers can charge a lot of money. If by "good" you mean easy, you're in thr wrong industry.

>> No.23366068
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I don't really care about being a man or woman, or what it means to be a real woman or real man. I just want to look like a girl and to be treated/referred to like one.
I prefer girls though, I am not really into men.

>> No.23366072

> wants to lower the difficulty by changing gender
life will only be easier if you can pass convincingly

>> No.23366074

Another porn addict "transbian" who couldn't make the cut as a male.

>> No.23366075
File: 79 KB, 445x720, 1488203258430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you deal with Wrath? it consumes me and destroys my mind and body
from the futility of this Clown World where laws are a joke for some and real for average Joe, at work being surrounded by some people who are so dense, a family and relatives who's more obsessed with money/land and who's the "best" and who has the most money than anything else

>> No.23366082

disgusting autogynophile detected. you will never pass.

>> No.23366087

I love young women (12 to early 20s).

>> No.23366091

>I prefer girls though, I am not really into men.
once you start taking the pills your tastes will change

>> No.23366107
File: 722 KB, 847x583, 403493952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to put the dog down yesterday, old dog at about 13 years. Buried him in the yard, woman would not stop crying, comforted her. Guarded the home for a long time. I've confronted home invaders on my own, but he scared off burglars a couple times on his own. Loved that dog a lot, was a companion for many years. That is just life, I knew he was going to die for a long time and made peace with it already, spent some extra time with him.

Was having a bad day then saw this clip from the Holy Land that brightened my day. They use these armored bulldozer machines to demolish innocent peoples homes and to dig out the mass graves for their anti-Christian genocide.

Just one humble IED makes quick work of the wicked machine!


>> No.23366112

>Guarded the home for a long time. I've confronted home invaders on my own, but he scared off burglars a couple times on his own
Where the fuck do you live that this is a serious problem

>> No.23366113
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A girl is in love with me and wants to move in but I don't have the balls to break her heart. All I want to do is escape this life but I don't know where to. Women can't fill whatever void is within. Madness in solitude with the occasional contact with god and grace seems preferable. Alone to contemplate my fractured mind. Books for this feel?

>> No.23366127

Realize we're all equally deserving of wrath, that the only solution to wrath is love, and that you can give your wrath to God and receive love in exchange

>> No.23366149
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>> No.23366161
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What's so bad about liking girls?

>> No.23366186

Pay them no mind, they're just incels

>> No.23366248

You'd assume a hateful person on 4chan would at least read Evola. Can't you be fucked to do even that?
It's ride the tiger, or failing that, get mauled by the tiger and die in a pool of blood and feces.

>> No.23366269

I visited the place where I grew up in for the first time in a long time again. It is springtime and beautiful, the flowering trees, the light breeze of the wind in the warm air. I remembered being happy here. Living with a smile. Expecting good things. Just naturally expecting that I'd meet someone who loves me soon. The worryless mindset of a naive kid. This memory is now quickly fading again.

No one cares
No one cares
No one cares

>> No.23366288

Why so many dishes, it's hard to fit so much food on your computer desk I've found

>> No.23366310

My favorite conspiracy is that there's a singular person, group of people, or ideology secretly in control of everything, secretly pulling the strings from the shadows, making sure everything goes according to its plan.
The reality is that no one understands the whole picture or even most of it, world events are caused by coincidence, accident, incompetence, or pettiness more often than not, and the people "pulling the strings" are generally midwits at best, the kind of people who would get filtered by Plato's dialogues but insist that their views are correct anyway. This includes government spooks, presidents of governing bodies and influential groups (think WEF heads or Trilateral Commission types), tier 1 military operators, (((them))), your favorite and least favorite presidential candidates, your favorite and least favorite corporate executives, and so on. All these groups and people are scrambling to have a slight edge over each other, frequently make decisions based on incomplete information, or hold warped worldviews for retarded reasons, though they'll try their hardest to project an image to the contrary.

>> No.23366320

You can always tell when college finals are coming up by the increase of mental break down posting.

>> No.23366364

I always get more angst closer to early summer. It somehow reminds me that I’m not where I want to be in life and worse, that I don’t know where I want to be in life and may never know. My confidence plummits every May-June.

>> No.23366372

People who have breakdowns over finals are the biggest pussies in the world.

>> No.23366379

>The first 3 years of sexlessness drove me to madness
It's gotten really bad for me too. I experience uncontrollable lust when I see an attractive woman. I might just open a Tinder profile and see what happens. I'm tired of being a khv and porn no longer brings any satisfaction. I feel like I'm descending into hell.

>> No.23366382

perhaps one of the most unpopular aspects of the Christian life is the idea of tithing, or of giving to the church in general. Hear me out: Money is typically seen in a transactional context, in other words what do you get out of it? Here is what you get out of giving money away charitably: Not material gain, but spiritual, in fact, and most importantly, you are buying for less desire in this world, and more desire in the next. Your time here is short, in the next, forever. is it not a bargain to trade what is temporary for what is forever?

that is what you are getting by giving away, material for the spiritual, not a hard dollar value for salvation, just give what you can. But remember, to give until it hurts, and to give this with a smile, that is a true gift to the Lord

>> No.23366391

God's probably not real, bro. It's nice to believe anyways

>> No.23366446

Just got $12 in gas reimbursement from insurance, with more on the way in the future shortly. So, that's enough to ask a girl out on a coffee date or buy some cheap alcohol and invite her over, ye? lol would be mighty embarrassing to go on a coffee date and somehow spend over $12 and get insufficient funded in front of the girl

>> No.23366459

I've made some good progress with her but now I'm worried about this idea I got in my head that she really only started talking to me to befriend me even though I stated from the start that I was interested in her in a serious way. This is because she has a history of having a lot of male friends over female friends though she has since abandoned this trait. But maybe I represent a reversion to her old habits. So I'm hesitant to start crushing on her now and take it another step.

>> No.23366471

Sometimes the only meaning in the story is that the author wanted to write that story.
Sometimes the only meaning is that the author needed to make rent.
Not everything is political. Sometimes a story is just a story.

>> No.23366483

Just go for it and there will be no ambiguity afterwards. By 'go for it' I mean do something overt, whether it be inviting her over and watching TV together followed by you putting your arm around her, etc, that kind of thing, or go out for drinks and then invite her over to your place after the bar.

>> No.23366509

psychological land area is a real thing

>> No.23366513

This but with blowjobs

>> No.23366515

why are you posting dasha like if she's trans or something

>> No.23366542

I've been messing around with some dating apps and I'm shocked by how easy it's been to hook up. Just go for it man, what do you really have to lose? Aside from your virginity, that is

>> No.23366546

I never took "might makes right" to be a synonym for "vae victis". To me it always sounded like a statement that was only meant to point out the arbitrariness of law and morality rather than something which is meant to justify an action, since it is implicit in the idea of might making right that right needs no justification other than might, it doesn't need logic, rhetoric, or anything other than might.

>> No.23366549

I'd lose my volcel status which has been the cornerstone of my identity and worldview since 2017

>> No.23366560

I'm moving to Hawaii for work. Unfortunately, I'm going to be making fairly shitty pay and I can't turn down the position for something else.
I'm fucked. I'm gonna live in a fucking crackhouse or a shitty studio apartment.

>> No.23366561

I'm now on the side of that one anon who claims that anyone can buy a house in America. I've been looking at real estate in really nice places lately (I have no interest in buying them, I'm not even American) and I've been finding nothing but really nice, white people suburb, two-story, 3-4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, places for like 400k. And like I said, these are in really nice places. I think that people just want to live in the fanciest places like LA or NYC and that makes them think that they can't afford to buy a house but you just have to look outside of these major cities and you're golden.

>> No.23366588

>can't turn down the position
Yes you can. You will die in poverty at Hawaii's prices.
Death <<<< surviving on government cheese anywhere else.

>> No.23366592

Anyone can buy a house in America.
Why would you want to live in a city that's overpriced for everything?

>> No.23366594

In an attempt to maximize results from the psyllium husk powder I put probably about 3 times the recommended amount into my water. Almost immediately I felt my guy grow heavy and now I sit on the toilet awaiting a shit of lovecraftian proportion

>> No.23366595

Post some examples, for the love of God please share this with me.

>> No.23366599

Stop watching pornography

>> No.23366604

Really? Are you a chad or a chad-lite? >>23366549
Based. I used to be like that, but sexual desire has gotten increasingly bad. I guess that makes me an incel now

>> No.23366609

You'll never have to face being an incel if you never stop being a volcel

>> No.23366632

i've been living on the road for a while and i'm a bit scared of when this will (inevitably?) come to an end

>> No.23366639

Pleasure is meaningless without pain to contrast it with, but pain isn't reliant on pleasure whatsoever to make itself truly felt.

>> No.23366652

What about the ecstasy of agony?

>> No.23366658

The what?

>> No.23366666

I listened to something today that made me feel extremely bitter about missing out on things in life. If I live another ten years, I'm going to have the world's worst midlife crisis.

>> No.23366669
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Surreal experience. More impactful than I expected it to be

>> No.23366674

Ti dò i miei auguri, anon

>> No.23366678

I like being punished by a dommy mommy. My nipples are raw

>> No.23366716


And I even did some extra research just to make sure and the crime rate there is pretty low.

>> No.23366717

I've never been on a date in my life.

>> No.23366720

Neither, I don't see why I would go on one either.

>> No.23366728

Why does it look like there's a man in a coconut?

>> No.23366730

why are you making being a volcel a personality trait

>> No.23366734

Neither have I. I ad sex once ten years ago, but that's my only romantic experience.

>> No.23366746

I've never killed 2 people before.

>> No.23366748

Missing out.

>> No.23366758

I went on my first one ever a few weeks ago and after a mediocre second date, she didn't want a third one. I've been depressed ever since. Shit sucks

>> No.23366761

On to the next one.
Never lose sleep over a woman. Not until she's your wife.

>> No.23366763

That is nice. HOWEVER
>half of hosueholds are individuals
>only 20 percent of households have children
>median age is 35
>growing immigrant population
>declining overall population
This city is a lot like what the western states looked like 20 years ago. All the white people are either old or childless, and are being replaced. Very soon that city will be "diverse" especially as the worst of Cleveland spills out into it. Not worth moving to raise a family in. Certainly not a place to meet someone whom to start family with.

>> No.23366779

What hurts is that such a cute one agreed to go out with me. That could have just been a fluke that will never happen again

>> No.23366783

Every day is a date

>> No.23366796

salvageable if you aren't over 30

>> No.23366798

I killed 3-5 people in Afghanistan.

>> No.23366801

haha... ha

>> No.23366803

Based osama

>> No.23366810

how does it make you feel

>> No.23366815

That should give you confidence. Yet you spin it in a way that makes you insecure.
Change that mindset and you’re on your way. Women absolutely can smell insecurity on a man. Get rid of it

>> No.23366818

Thank you for your service

>> No.23366819
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>> No.23366832

do you feel any guilt

>> No.23366835

The /lit/ mods h8 graphic novels for some reason. Every time I make a thread about a graphic novel it gets deleted. Fortunately this general exists. I'm reading Uzumaki rn and really enjoying it.

>> No.23366838
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>> No.23366841

what was the most fucked up thing you've witnessed

>> No.23366842
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I'm getting better at controlling my anger and navigating difficult situations with with a level head.
I used to lose my cool and just sperg out when something made me angry, and that basically never ended well. It's hard but I have definitely gotten much better about this.

>> No.23366848

Good for you man. The first step is to not scream when frustrated.

>> No.23366854

Stfu bitch

>> No.23366880

>That should give you confidence. Yet you spin it in a way that makes you insecure.
Hmm, honestly never considered it that way before kek

>> No.23366887
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A man at church got angry at me and my dad because we don't agree with his pro-Jewish ZOG interpretation of Christianity and the Bible.

>> No.23366903

I've been on the road for 20 years, it never ends

>> No.23366906

You do know Christianity is a jewish religion right

>> No.23366911
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The Bible talks about the Star of Rempham which was a demonic symbol associated with human sacrifice.
Rempham = Kronos = Saturn = Moloch
On Saturn's pole there is a hexagon which symbolizes a cube or a hexagram.
Modern Jews and Muslims worship the black cube of Saturn.

>> No.23366915 [DELETED] 
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We did a mission in the mountains that border Pakistan. There was some kind of training camp set up there and we needed to go in and clear it. It was a joint mission with a lot of moving parts. A day or two before we flew in for the mission They were doing a lot of bombing runs and drone strikes to clear it out. My platoon was sitting in the JOC watching the wall of TVs, each with a different ISR feed showing guys getting chewed up by 40mm and whatever else They use. Every time they killed a group of guys the room would erupt into cheers like we just scored a touchdown. Later when we actually got into the mountains my platoon didn't even need to fire a shot. We just had to clear the bodies and do SSE and take DNA and scan fingerprints into the green box. The mission was a ROD, and by that time the bodies had been cooking for something like 2 or 3 days. It's nighttime. We came off the peaks that we were camped at during the day and moved into the valley to look for bodies. I was a A-team leader. My squad was leading out and so I was point man with EOD and the Dog guy. Couldn't see well even under my fancy new white-phos NODs (I was the only team leader with white NODs b/c I was the armorer too, hence the pics), but I was able to locate the bodies by smell. The first body we found was so bloated I couldn't believe it. My F.O. buddy must have been sleep deprived because at the distance we saw the body (25m) he thought is was a bunch of bananas (it's bunch, not bushel).... I thought it was a pile of garbage bags at first. When we got closer I could see that his intestines had exploded out of his lower back and bloated so fucking much.

brb but im going to keep going.

>> No.23366921
File: 821 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We did a mission in the mountains that border Pakistan. There was some kind of training camp set up there and we needed to go in and clear it. It was a joint mission with a lot of moving parts. A day or two before we flew in for the mission They were doing a lot of bombing runs and drone strikes to clear it out. My platoon was sitting in the JOC watching the wall of TVs, each with a different ISR feed showing guys getting chewed up by 40mm and whatever else They use. Every time they killed a group of guys the room would erupt into cheers like we just scored a touchdown. Later when we actually got into the mountains my platoon didn't even need to fire a shot. We just had to clear the bodies and do SSE and take DNA and scan fingerprints into the green box. The mission was a ROD, and by that time the bodies had been cooking for something like 2 or 3 days. It's nighttime. We came off the peaks that we were camped at during the day and moved into the valley to look for bodies. I was a A-team leader. My squad was leading out and so I was point man with EOD and the Dog guy. Couldn't see well even under my fancy new white-phos NODs (I was the only team leader with white NODs b/c I was the armorer too, hence the pics), but I was able to locate the bodies by smell. The first body we found was so bloated I couldn't believe it. My F.O. buddy must have been sleep deprived because at the distance we saw the body (25m) he thought is was a bunch of bananas (it's bunch, not bushel).... I thought it was a pile of garbage bags at first. When we got closer I could see that his intestines had exploded out of his lower back and bloated so fucking much.

brb but im going to keep going.

>> No.23366926
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Islam is a Satanic false religion which worships the black cube called kabba, which relates to Jewish kabbalah, which is Babylonian black magic. The synagogue of Satan, the spiritual Sodom and Gomorrah as John says in Revelation, having abandoned the true God, the Holy Trinity, in favor of Moloch and Baal, having the Star of Rempham on their flag, and being promoters of covid "vaccine" and feminism and woke propaganda.

>> No.23366942
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Actually, I'm not going to keep going. But the gist of it is I had to sniff out a lot of decomposing bodies. They were in pieces sometimes, head, torsos, legs. We had to search them. My squad leader grabbed a guys arm to roll him over and the skin slipped off like a silk glove.
I set the charge on this bike.
When we were walking to exfil there was a narrow passage and we had to step over a body. We were all very tired. They gave the Delta guys speed pills I think. I accidentally stepped on the body and my boot went through it like nothing.

>> No.23366950
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Did you ever see any ghosts or supernatural entities in Afghanistan? I heard that a lot of soldiers saw a bunch of spooky stuff there. They say it's a strange place with weird vibes.

>> No.23366954

Steve Albini freaking died

>> No.23366959
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No, man. It was all very tactile and real and banal.

>> No.23366962

ghosts are real desu

>> No.23366968

kinda nice to read this from the perspective of professional killers. sometimes I kind of think I missed my calling. surely there is some sort of romance or beauty to be found in walking around in full gear like superhumans, scanning dead bodies and blasting peasants, all of that in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.23366973

Actually, now that I think of it, I've killed thousands of people in Call of Duty (mostly in the search & destroy game modem, my favorite). It's basically the same thing as killing people in real life considering modern warfare technology like drones controlled with Xbox controllers, the same instrument at my disposal, and according to the book Reality+ by the philosopher Mr. Chalmers virtual reality is as fulfilling as real life. It doesn't make me feel nihilistic like you; however, it makes me feel accomplished because of all the prestiges from ranking up after hundreds of hours of killing, likely more than you (so maybe it's after you feel like a killing expert that it's optimistic).

>> No.23366992

I couldn't go 24 hours without using my phone or a PC. I couldn't bear the loneliness and dread. I need to get my life in order.

>> No.23366997

I think ghosts in all likelyhood do exist but I don't buy that they're the souls of dead people. I'm a Christian so all my life I've abscribed them to simply being demons but the consistency of specific instances of hauntings, and the fairly evident existence of ghosts lead me to believe that ghosts may be something left over after a person has died, particularly in cases of tragic, violent or sudden death. I also think it's possible ghosts are projected from our own minds and aren't supernatural at all. I believe science will some day shine light on this once it's advanced, and learned enough in the ancient sciences enough.

>> No.23366999

I'm not familiar with tactical anal.

>> No.23367010

It's arranging a hookup before the taco bell hits your colon

>> No.23367012
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I'll write about the first time I killed someone later. I did it on here before once but I was pretty drubnk and can write it better. Maybe I'll do it tonight. I am already kind of drunk tonight too. Yes: superhuman, untouchable. More guys from my platoon have died in motorcycle wrecks than combat. Shooting farmers. Watching a donkey run through the dust of an infil brownout under green NODs with IR lasers flicking around like a laser-show. Listening to RATM (fully comprehending the irony and thinking its funny) while sitting in the door of a Blackhawk flying over J-BAD flanked by two afgan 'commandos'. Shooting into the river from the Blackhawk during infil just to be able to honestly say I fired my weapon in Afghanistan, and then going on to kill (as a platoon) over 40 people on that mission. pic rel (41 EKIA).

>> No.23367018

Ah that must be why he said "grenade incoming!"

>> No.23367027
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You may have killed digitally more than me but your aren't a real pro until you get paid. I'm still getting paid.

>> No.23367028

Oh so thats what my taxes are going to

>> No.23367031

Your basement isn't 45C and you aren't carrying a 90 pound rucksack while constantly in fear for your life, shut the fuck up you piece of shit.

>> No.23367037
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the thing is, I never feared for my life.

>> No.23367048

I kind of figured honestly. There are (known) ways to keep yourself safe on the front lines, right? Just like how you know how to best clear a room with minimal risk.

>> No.23367053

After reading accounts of nazi pilots in the book Soldaten I am inclined to agree. It's within us all.

>> No.23367057

We've got a tough guy over here, watch out everyone.

>> No.23367064

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>> No.23367070

oh gosh we should be more polite. I'm so sorry mister. Next time I need an untrained goat herder overwhelmed by professionals I'll let you know

>> No.23367075

Haven't seen this in a while, take my upvote and my kek.

>> No.23367080

in fairness to the goat herders, they probably did better against anon than I would have

captcha: YAYA

>> No.23367088

Ah,american style intervention warfare really is its trivialization. On the side of one party, anyway.
Probably the reason 9/11 hurt you guys, I presume.
Kind of amazing, really.

On a completely different note, roughly how much logistics work did it take to maintain the campaign. And by that I mean everything.
Also, what was life at base/outpost/whatever like?

>> No.23367097
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I always felt safe due to our overwhelming fire/technological superiority. That and the statistics. Look up the causality stats for Afghanistan and you will see how safe it was. Missions went like this: Intel briefing as the sun is going down. Some guy with Taliban connections who facilitates IED's or something who has been being watched by the intel guys for months or weeks is being targeted. They know everything about him. He has been being recorded by drones for days. All of his SIM cards are being tracked. They know all of his aliases and relatives. I am eating 'breakfast' and barely paying attention to the brief and wondering if I will be able to squeeze in a FIFA match w/ my squad leader before wheels up. I would play FIFA in full kit while They waited for the weather to clear.
We fly to the mission with something like 50-70 people in two Chinooks. We have triple stacked air support. They have rusty AK's under their bed and are asleep and in a compound with maybe 3 MAM's, and 10 women and children. There are drones overhead shining massive IR beams over the target. Anybody setting an ambush on us will have a pillar of light to heaven flashing over them and they won't have a clue. We send in the Afghan commandos to clear the building after the terp uses the megaphone to call for a surrender. It almost always went off without a fight. And if a fight did happen I am rolling with 70 super-soldiers with the best equipment and training on the planet.

>> No.23367104

lol Fuk yeah

>> No.23367110


>> No.23367129
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Serious question:
How do you feel about Digiko from hit series Di Gi Charat

>> No.23367135
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Well, I read her wiki page just now and it says she had a 'mercenary personality,' which I find very relatable.

>> No.23367150
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>> No.23367186

Anon talking about his military escapades has just got me thinking about human nature and how scary it can be. We all like to tell ourselves that we'd never harm another person or that we have all of our morals straight but history has shown us time and time again that isn't the case. It's very easy for one to dehumanize another which is how things such as genocide happens and it's easy to cope with the fact that you killed people if you tell yourself that the people you killed were somehow inferior or less human than you which justifies what you did to them. Everyone has evil and sadism within them but circumstances can either bring them out or suppress them. I also think the majority of humans lack empathy but we all realize that an altruistic society ultimately benefits us as a whole so we still perpetuate empathy and hold it to high esteem even if we lack it.

>> No.23367192

It's weird how this post feels refreshing now because so many anons would just say that genocide is good.

>> No.23367212

>We all like to tell ourselves that we'd never harm another person
We do?

>> No.23367233

My dog just slept in my lap while I watched Naruto, you bros ever experience something so comfy?

>> No.23367235
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41C is too fucking hot.

>> No.23367240

Yes it is.

>> No.23367242

Once all existence was gone, no one could tell if her nothingness was still there, or if it never was. If she was there, then it wasn't. But if she was there, then it wasn't.

>> No.23367245
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I never thought they were inferior or less human, and still don't. It was still easy to kill them. It's not evil or anything special. You just pull a trigger and they die and then it's quiet and you feel exactly the same. At the time I was relived to finally have had the experience of combat, and disappointed at the banality. It was the ultimate proof of the banality of life. Also, these men had guns. They were playing the same game as me and knew the rules. I wasn't executing civilians. If you don't want to get shot don't pick up the AK when you hear the Blackhawks. Socrates killed people.

>> No.23367247

Sudden wave of loneliness

>> No.23367259

It's only banal if you live by earthly wisdom rather than heavenly wisdom. Also it's difficult to see the stage when you're standing on it.

>> No.23367261
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omnia vanitas

>> No.23367266

I'm pretty sure I would not kill a person without extraordinary circumstances.

>> No.23367268


>> No.23367272

I need to get back to that draft. I need 5k-6k words done within the next 5 days. I'm at 2300. Midpoint. Time to finish hammering the rest down. From there I go over it once or twice before sending it to the editor. I'm excited.

>> No.23367281 [DELETED] 

I have decided to travel to Japan, a sovereign nation, with the purpose of entering into a marriage contract with a Japanese woman. Upon completion of this marital union, I intend to return to the United States of America, without the presence of the Japanese woman.

>> No.23367293

The issue of my personal belongings has been subject to scrutiny due to the unauthorized appropriation of my wallet by an individual with a darker skin tone. This development has raised concerns about the authenticity of my identity as a collection of items and the potential for harm or theft that may have been inflicted upon the well-being of humanity as a whole. It is crucial to address this situation with sensitivity and respect for all parties involved, taking into account their diverse backgrounds and identities.

>> No.23367299

I'm bout to hit the booth.
She has the pager today. I am working on one of her tools. I know she'll stop by eventually. I am running a DJS and killing time. Watching the overhead robots fly by on their tracks. Amateur numerologist. Dubs and trips catch my eye, 007 too. Each robot carrying a FOUP of wafers. I am brooding between two lithography machines separated by two and a half perforated raised metal floor tiles. I watched the robots streaking past sitting in a deliberate pose in my chair like a weary medieval king and waiting for her to round the corner. Three hours pass. I haven’t moved. DJS is running fine. I think about writing. I should write more. I watch the robots looking for 0001. I wonder if it’s still operational. I enter a trance. She appears. Am I hallucinating?

>> No.23367307

I wish I was born as a clump of cells rather than having the form of an adult man from the beginning.

>> No.23367308

That's human existence for ya. Now, you were made in the image of God, so start acting like it!!

>> No.23367309


>> No.23367310

Wish I could think of enough to shit to fill a book, I'm gonna be writing short stories until the end of time.

>> No.23367314

Who Do You Love? I'm Shakin'.

>> No.23367319

Every friendship is an inconspicuous drama, a series of subtle wounds.

>> No.23367334

Hey, Bo Diddley

>> No.23367337

Cioran is so fucking based.

>> No.23367354
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Ran outta weed so it's 11:30 PM and I'm drinking strong covfefe.

>> No.23367364

Try making a short story anthology. Have a common thread that ties them together. For example, everyone encounters a specific item or location. This will help you get into the headspace for making longer works.

>> No.23367368

That's not a terrible idea, I have a few questions and worries about it but I'll leave those till after I try.

>> No.23367381

Your IP or IP range is blocked from posting on 4chan

>> No.23367418

I have to apply for neetbux, I feel so much shame, my insides feel so shitty, genuine thoughts of suicide keep popping into my head.

>> No.23367433


>> No.23367435

I wish I had a gf SO BAD. Seriously, it's driving me crazy. I'm so lonely.

>> No.23367469

My work partner was sniffing me, and the professor asked if she was scaring me, but I said not scaring but slightly arousing. They assumed I meant sexual arousal.

>> No.23367477
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so happ the weather is getting nice now. it's supposed to be 20C tomorrow.

>> No.23367480

You have the ability to apply for neetbux. There are lots of people who need neetbux but can't get it. Count yourself lucky. By the way, if you can find a way to earn a living without hurting yourself you can always go back off neetbux.


>> No.23367481

It's the 21stC, grandpa.

>> No.23367483
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I've been on neetbux since I was 18 lmao

>> No.23367484

>There are lots of people who need neetbux but can't get it.
I probably won't be able to get it either but I'm applying anyway, my mum and her fiancee make great money so they probably won't give it to me.
>By the way, if you can find a way to earn a living without hurting yourself you can always go back off neetbux.
I can't, that's why I'm forced to apply for neetbux, finding a job is proving to be very difficult.

>> No.23367537

I find all movie trailers cringe for some reason, no exception. I literally cringe when I watch them.

>> No.23367538

Then stop watching them? Watching movie trailers is retarded anyway, they give away too much about the movie.

>> No.23367542

I really hate you for this.

4chan-Dating App.
Gender ratio 4:1 in favor for the women, I guess.
And of this one of 5, many are FBI-Agents...

The fucking level of delusional of the left.
Economy has always been known as a refugium for the oldfashion liberals like v. Mises or Friedman.

The claim about the left-bias of academia steams from the arts and humanities.

> Hard sciences tend to the right. The soft social sciences are nearly all leftists.

The hard sciences are mostly apolitical, while arts and humanities tend to be activistic.

>> No.23367549

I've no idea what the word "neoliberalism" even mean.
There is just liberalism and libertarism.
All other viewpoints are either socialistic left-wing or authoritarian right-wing.

t. in the botton right quarter of the political test meme.

>> No.23367551

No, there are 'people who want to bootlick authoritarians for various reasons' and 'the good guys' (people like me who don't want to give up all my money and freedom for inefficeint services).

>> No.23367562
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>> No.23367567


>I've no idea what the word "neoliberalism" even mean.

Basically, you can think of neoliberals as a trade union for the wealthy and political elite.

It's a bag of political leanings that benefit the rich and elite at the detriment of everyone else. It's not even a coherent ideology. The word was originally used as a slur, but they now pretend like they call themselves that.

Typically these snakes will
1. support free markets, EXCEPT when one of their companies goes bust, then they want the government to save it
2. push for privatization (theft) of all government assets, especially the profit making ones like oil companies and such
3. push of wars and imperialism abroad
4. support Israel
5. support monetary policies like messing with inflation and unemployment to steal your savings and allow employers to lower wages (by increasing unemployment)

>> No.23367583

Its not like Ted is a great theoretican.

In fact, you can see that he has projected a lot of his personal issues onto society.
Therefore, nearly no one takes his ideas and the following ideology seriously, besides some weirdos on the internet.

Thats the sad reality about Ted.

If you want to criticize the manifesto, you have to analyze the major claims of it.
As far as I remember, there were two of them.
One about the psychology of the political left, which is, by the way, genius, and the other about how the use of instruments has stolen our freedom.
For him, left-wing viewpoints are the result of oversocializing and the fear of being inferior. The left tends to hate all signs of success, strength, and validity.
For that reason, we see assertions like "math is inherent racist" or "truth is just a social construction and reflects not the reality but the power structur of society", which circulate nearly exclusive in leftwing circels. You truelly seldon seen a political right person talking about it.
From a Tedian viewpoint, the underlining, hidden reason is simple: Elementary truths like those of mathematics or the sciences are some "objective measurement" for success, and the inherent fear of failing of the left makes them avoid situations like this. A social construct, of the other hand, seems more "easy", nothing to fear.

The critique of technology reduces itself to the following point:
As you can't control a complex machine by yourself, you are not free while depending on the machine.

Ted seems to be obivious to the simple fact that we can't controll the nature either. Therfor, his critique in the name of freedom (he use the pseudonym "Freedom Club") is meaningless.

>> No.23367592

> It's not even a coherent ideology. The word was originally used as a slur, but they now pretend like they call themselves that.

Thats not true.
In the 1920s, there was a group of liberals who recognized that their model of society was no longer accapted by large parts of the people. They came to the conclusion that the classic liberal mindset, Locke and Mill and so on, needs a update about the social questions.
Therefor, they pleaded for a socialliberalism with a welfear state and all.


Around the same time, v. Hayek wrote his work "The Road to Serfdom". Thats one of the reasons, even the main reason, the Austrial School is that popular with some paleo-liberals and conservatives. They don't like the update.

> push of wars and imperialism abroad

About this topic, one could wrote books ober books over books...

>> No.23367681

to me this is like saying you've never been on the moon
did you expect to be?

>> No.23367697

Is going on one (1) date during one's life comparable to going to the moon?

>> No.23367699

Apropos of nothing, and writing for myself (although adressing a small group) and myself only. I have to say that it is quite a foolish view to imagine that any theoretical collapse of the current world order, much less civilization as we know it would lead to an age of barbarism largely dominated by the people's currently on top of this global system. My reasons are simple: 1) Total dependence on complex systems and chains of production without which the effectivity of these supermen is truncated 2) A corrosive overconfidence which I call the adventurer's disease, along with the misunderstanding of what an age of barbarism would even entail for their types.
On this last one, all I have to say is that they do not desire barbarism, they don't wish to be bandits, or pirates, or pillaging hordes, even though they claim to. They want to be adventurers, Rajah Brooke types, which is a bizarre disconnect.
>There are a couple normie girls who didn't realize it's a spazz containment center
You have to be very retarded for that.

>> No.23367703

I've been to exactly one, 13 years ago. It was a very nice experience

>> No.23367705

My only gf dumped me 17 years ago. The whole thing still feels surreal.

>> No.23367725

I walked past the bar 3 times too scared to go in by myself. Pretty embarrassing.

>> No.23367749
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Last photo of the dog before putting him down, gave him some fresh air. Dug a hole with a shovel and buried him in the yard.

>> No.23367755

going to a bar alone is embarrassing.

>> No.23367758

I haven't cried in about 5 years, on the verge of 6, that streak will be broken when one of my dogs dies but luckily that won't be for another couple of years. Sorry that you lost him, anon, that must suck.

>> No.23367766

True, unfortunately. Funnily when I'm on holiday in another city I don't feel that embarrassment as acutely because I have no other option - but I can't do it in my own city because I feel like much more of a failure, even though practically speaking the difference is only in my head. There's a bar near me that is friendly to solo travellers, so to speak, I even got approached by a girl there. I should go there more, but I still need to overcome the mental blocking preventing me.

>> No.23367771

yeah I know what you mean. i was going to add that it's not embarrassing at all if you are out of town for work or whatever. odd psychological block. I suppose we could go out alone in our home cities with the full intention of lying to anyone who asks, and maybe that would help.

>> No.23367777


I knew he was gonna die for a long time, was an old dog. Made my peace with it and put him down. Woman cried a lot, she rescued him as a puppy from a tornado.

It is not the same as it is to lose your son, your daughter, your mother, your father to a drone strike, to precision munitions. To see them buried in rubble and in mass graves.

Think about the people you love, would you give your life to save the lives of the people you love? Your family? Your friends? Yes, of course.

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

>> No.23367787

Was thinking less of breakdowns over finals and more clearly schizophrenic breakdowns due to pressure, predisposition, being in an environment that (at least says it) encourages out of the box modes of inquiry, and being at the ripe age for schizophrenia to start rearing its ugly head. Schizo break down posts always increase during this time of year.

>> No.23367790

Eh, some schools make for really unhealthy social environments. I never had a breakdown, but the school I went to put me in a funk that I haven't managed to escape.

>> No.23367795

Is there nothing in christianity that says anything about the reasons for why people do things? Are people that do good out of fear of pain at the same level as people who do things because they are right? I had this thought while in the pascals wager thread as well. Does someone who tithes because they do a calculation that it will mean an exchange of money now for eternal bliss get the same outcome as someone who tithes because they actually believe in the good of the church and see that their money is going towards keeping that church running? I can't help but think that transactional thinking (I know you injected self sacrifice at the end there but it is still self sacrifice to secure something for yourself later rather than for the good) is a bit missing the point.

>> No.23367798

Holy quads.

>> No.23367802

>Had a Paramount+ subscription once upon a time.
>Paramount+ and Prime Video merged.
>I canceled my Paramount+ subscription for some reason.
>Prime Video still thinks I'm subscribed to Paramount+ so I can still watch all of the exclusive shit.

>> No.23367812

SHIT i literally just remembered how in 2020 i told a chick i was hooking up with that I wasn't interested in dating her (she was very into me but I thought she was nuts) and she said she'd get me arrested for sekshuil asphalt and grape (it was all consensual) and then started saying even weirder shit like she actually poked holes in the condom and she'd let me do anal blah blah blah

I was so fucking scared at that time, as i was young and poor plus the laws in my country greatly favor female accusers, so I kinda agreed to date her again

The next day, covid hit, she went home to her parents, and i never heard from her again

Thank you Wuhan scientists for saving my fucking life

>> No.23367813

>pain isn't reliant on pleasure whatsoever to make itself truly felt
Not true. Ask anyone that has "gotten use to" certain pains. If it is unceasing it loses power. Same with pleasure. Same with anything. It's why torturers give rest periods.

>> No.23367818

Extremely based

My previous job gave us a Microsoft 365 account to use word. Left that place 2 years ago, still using word for free to this day

>> No.23367835

I fucked my ex-gf raw and had a close call pulling out in time and then the next we broke up unamicably (unrelated to that) and I spent the next month losing sleep replaying if Id actually pulled out in time

>> No.23367846

When Goethe meant Napoleon, he said he seemed to be 'in a state of permanent enlightenment.' That's the ethos I try to live by, experiencing life as play, as creative becoming and life-affirmation.

>> No.23367849

met* Napoleon

I just woke up, okay!

>> No.23367854

He looks fine

>> No.23367857

>They assumed I meant sexual arousal
You had to know that was how it would be taken

>> No.23367863
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I’m making my way through Craig Johnson’s Walt Longmire series, and I’m pissed that at a certain point they stopped producing drawn covers, and only published editions with real photographs mirroring the show. Has nothing to do with the show being produced, because plenty of the other books that were written after the show aired were still being published with art by Alissa Amell.

>> No.23367865


>> No.23367877

Some women are fucked man

I had a college gf who was a muslim international student who, after a month of dating, asked me to cum in her. Said it was fine since she had an IUD (yeah, idk). I went back to my parents for a long weekend and spent the whole time conflicted. Decided it was based and that i should do it, but she broke up with me the day i got back. Her strict parents found out her dating me, a non Muslim, and made her break up with me. She went back then got married and pregnant the following year.

Idk if it's true or not but i think she lied about the IUD and wanted me to impregnate her so could stay in the USA with the kid.

I haven't seen her in a decade but the thought still gives me the shivers man, if i didn't have that long weekend, i probably would've nutted in her and have my whole life ruined

>> No.23367927

I think its 4ch docu retards that saw the pasta on know your meem and think they are such ebin haxors if they spam 10 year old shit here. I havent seen the pasta in years and suddenly i saw 4x in the last few days.

>> No.23368095

Yeah I get that. I went through something similar. Really sucks man. I hate that school always felt like prison to me, even in college

>> No.23368105

Yeah the Bible talks a lot about that actually. Read Mark 12:38 to 44