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23364061 No.23364061 [Reply] [Original]

How can a man be so absolutely unhinged?

No, I'm not being "filtered". The first chapter of this is truly the most unhinged shit I have ever read.

If you unironically agree with this, you glorify barbarism, perpetual aggression, impulsive behavior, low intelligence (even NEETchud himself agrees that slave morality necessarily produces men of greater intelligence) and retarded self-destructive behavior (because master morality will ALWAYS be, by its nigger behavior, easily subverted by the people of higher intelligence).

You read this death cult shit and unironically say, "yeah, THIS is the answer"? Seek help.

>> No.23364065

Yeah, reading this made me start liking Judaism and Christianity. lol

>> No.23364072

Let me guess, you don’t understand the theory of evolution, do you? Admit it.

>> No.23364102

Let me guess, you are a nigger that thinks the theory of evolution is "the survival of the strong"? Because the world is filled with species that are weak, completely unremarkable and extremely ugly... and yet they survived by compensating with other qualities. If anything, evolution is a vindication of slave morality.

>> No.23364104

The Beauteous and Truthful are two sides of the Good coin-- art is the highest expression of its subjective aspect, philosophy of its objective/-fying one. It is a self-conscious and ironic mode he's deploying in which the Zarathustra's Ape reading of Hegel's Master-Slave dialectic - as articulated, wrongly, by Kojeve - is superceded by the nature of the Beholden, and Beholding

We got our writing and futurity from studying track marks left by animals and interpolating those relatiosn further in written, spoken and gestural language modalities interpolated beyond this context. Naming summons and calls into being the Named. To clarify: it is not so much priest vs. warrior as Court Eunuch (bean counter tax levyer) vs. General (equestrian).

>> No.23364146

It’s a good book for a power trip if nothing else

>> No.23364218

The Overman is beyond both master and slave morality. Nietzsche, correctly, identifies that strength, health, and glory that master morality necessitates (when realized and not merely affirmed rhetorically online) and the caustic bitter resentment that slave morality breeds.
Nietzsche isn't a RETVRNfag, at least in the sense of simping for a bracketed portion of history as society and man perfected, such as High Middle Ages Christendom or the Pagan bronze age, that we need to become necromancers for.

The Overman is next, different, terrifyingly alien in its joy.

>> No.23364237

This is what Nietzschefags always say to justify his bullshit but it is absolutely clear that Nietzsche is rooting for the old aristocracy. He inserts a ramble in the middle of the first treaty where he laments "not being scared of men anymore". So yeah, there's no get out of jail card useful here, NEETchud doesn't even try to hide the fact that he loves clinical psychopathy.

>> No.23364351

If you were to ask "does Nietzsche prefer the master morality over the slave morality" the answer would obviously be affirmative. However, pretending like Nietzsche's thought and philosophical ambition begins and ends here is either another classic case of people talking about what they have not read, or a personal choice to hold a retarded opinion.

>> No.23364394

How can you misread Nietzsche this badly? His point is that things we take for granted like altruism and civilized behaviour are not benign but are the result of thousands of years of extreme cruelty and violence, and in the end violence turned inward.

>> No.23364621

aw did niezsche hurt your feewings, moralfag?

>> No.23364625


>> No.23364735

>just behave like a nigger, bruh, what are you, a moralfag?

>> No.23364738

>it is absolutely clear that Nietzsche is rooting for the old aristocracy

"A word in the conservative's ear. - What people did not use to know, what people these days do know, can know -, a *regressive development* or turnaround in any way, shape, or form is absolutely impossible. This is something that we physiologists, at least, do know. But all priests and moralists have believed that it was possible, - they *wanted* to set humanity back - *to cut humanity down* - to an *earlier* level of virtue. Morality was always a Procrustean bed. Even politicians have imitated the preachers of virtue on this point: there are parties even today that dream about a world of crabs, where everything *walks backwards*. But no one is free to be a crab. It is no use: we *have to* go forwards, and I mean *step by step further into decadence* (- this is my definition of modern 'progress' ... ). You can *inhibit* this development and even dam up the degeneration through inhibition, gather it together, make it more violent and *sudden*: but that is all you can do. -"

>> No.23364741

>absolutely impossible
Exactly, he knows it's impossible to turn back the clock. That doesn't mean he does not hold so-called master morality as the superior option, which he evidently does. If reverting to nigger and barbarian behavior was actually possible in the XIX, Nietzsche would be telling you to go outside and behead plebeians for the lols.

>inb4 no he wouldn't do that
Yes he would, that's why he spends 5-10 pages creaming his pants fantasizing about strong men brutalizing the weak in this very book.

>> No.23364749

>creates a weak strawman
>mutilates said strawman

What Nietzsche got wrong was that Slave moralists are actually lying and deceiving master moralists

>> No.23364751

I'm not "creating a weak strawman" since an argument was never given, the "strawman" is just me attempting to understand what "evolution" might have to do with any of this, since it was just namedropped without any explanation.

>> No.23364758

are you afraid of unhinged people moral fag?

>> No.23364759

It's descriptive, not prescriptive though?

>> No.23364760

If you were older than 15 you would know the only thing you get to gain from nigger tier behavior is your own destruction, that's the reason so-called master morality suffered a total defeat in the first place: a group of barbarians can never win, at most it can "excel" for a short period of time and then disappear.

>> No.23364778


>> No.23364780

Nietzsche prophesied his own destruction in that very book (he specifically mentions syphilis as having contributed to the fatal degeneration of Europeans). The entire book is just a suicide note. Problem is it's taking a lot of others with it who take it seriously.

>> No.23364783

You have to remember that he softens it all through determinism and through the idea that even morality is an act of power. He also trues to believe in the masses by giving them the agency of having developed morals, while in truth elites manipulated the moral instincts of those who belong.

>> No.23364796

Read Weininger on criminality and animal psychology. You have none of that pull towards negation in you. Really imagine what it would be like thinking and feeling like a really dirty mean dog
> easily subverted by the people of higher intelligence
This is all part of it. The criminal seeks the judge in the same way a sick person seeks a doctor. This all just kind of became a formal study. Like Novalis being interested in that one doctor that tried to draw metaphysical and spiritual meaning from sickness. Look into it more historically and rhetorically

>> No.23364841

Yeah I hate Nietzsche as a liberal as I have seen that liberalism has brought prosperity, comfort and peace over lands. Nietzschean worldview brought some of the 20thc madness.

>> No.23364930

I adore seeing people misread nietzsche and this board almost always pays out in spades

>> No.23364940

Based. Nietszchecels can't stop losing.

>> No.23364943

None of you have actually read the book.

>> No.23364960

I want you to post a proof that Nietzsche ever contracted syphilis.

>> No.23365235

>No, I'm not being "filtered". Also let me tell you exactly how I got the whole thing laughably wrong.
lol filtered

>> No.23365248

>If you unironically agree with this, you glorify barbarism, perpetual aggression, impulsive behavior, low intelligence (even NEETchud himself agrees that slave morality necessarily produces men of greater intelligence) and retarded self-destructive behavior (because master morality will ALWAYS be, by its nigger behavior, easily subverted by the people of higher intelligence).

>> No.23365253

You are everything that's wrong with the world.

"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.”

Fucking coward slave moralizer.

>> No.23365258

>"He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.”
this quote always bothered me a bit... the implications are a bit silly..

>> No.23365273

Because you're a coward. Freedom requires bravery and striving to be independent but you'd rather give everything up for am imaginary safety.

>> No.23365290

>He who sacrifices freedom for security deserves neither.
Abolish all laws. Let the paedos turn the schools into their hunting grounds. Let it rip.!!

>> No.23365296

"For the same reason he does not advocate any conflict with unbelievers; his teaching is antagonistic to nothing so much as to revenge, aversion, ressentiment (--"enmity never brings an end to enmity": the moving refrain of all Buddhism. . .) And in all this he was right, for it is precisely these passions which, in view of his main regiminal purpose, are unhealthful. The mental fatigue that he observes, already plainly displayed in too much "objectivity" (that is, in
the individual's loss of interest in himself, in loss of balance and of "egoism"), he combats by strong efforts to lead even the spiritual interests back to the ego."

>> No.23365305

Pedos have no ego, they put themselves below children. Amy self respecting man would see a sex with a child as lowering himself - degrading himself.

All crimes come from a lack of self respect.

>> No.23365310

That's a bizarre cope way of fitting a conventional moral judgement into your immoralist worldview. Just an edgy normalfag pretending to be an egoist. Many such cases. In any case it doesn't address the obvious exception to your "sacrificing freedom for security" rule. All human relationships -- all societies -- involve a sacrifice of freedom for security.

>> No.23365330

You're such a preening faggot; only a faggot would say that. The individual comes before all and only the power hungry disagree.

>> No.23365332

>only the power hungry disagree.
Amd ojly the power deprived are power hungry. So faggots and geeks.

That's the root of all evil. Not strong independent men.

>> No.23365334

>The individual comes before all
Sure but why are you looking for my validation? And why are you sullying your egoism with moralism...

>> No.23365348

Faggots are the result from abuse and internalizing their abused mothers. There is nothing more deformed than the homosexual and you want your vengeance on the world. You are the personification of envy.

A perfect example is the fashion designer that degrades the models and makes them hate themselves. Starving and stripped of humanity so that the faggot can have respite from his own dehumanization.

You are the abomination.

>> No.23365351
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This is a Nietzsche thread. We respect homosexuality here.

>> No.23365353


>> No.23365371
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>> No.23365400

>you glorify barbarism, perpetual aggression, impulsive behavior, low intelligence
Even in your vicious misreading of Nietzsche, which undoubtedly comes from a desire to defend Christianity—nobody despises Nietzsche like an atheist pretending to be Christian for culture war purposes—you undermine your own values. Surely you aren't some third wave feminist who thinks we need to abolish toxic masculinity while simultaneously advocating for strict gender roles and the inviolable correspondence between gender and sex. Surely you do not believe the expression of maleness should be made entirely safe for women and that women should be economically dependent on these neutered men.

>> No.23366125

>No, I'm not being "filtered".
No, you're absolutely being filtered.
Outside of the fact that it was a strawman, I'd like to point out that every post you've made in this thread shows how little you understand or know about what you're attempting to talk about.

>> No.23366134

You sound mad. Touch grass. Nigger.

>> No.23366135

Universal literacy was a civilization-ending error.

>> No.23366140

>using the no-no word
Kant would be so ashamed. You should give up your worthless flesh-vessel to be consumed by African children who could make better use of your precious nutrients.

>> No.23366144

There is no evil. There is only weakness and all weakness is self-imposed.

>> No.23366156

>nietzsche advocated for master morality
This is biggest tell for someone filtered by Nietzsche.

>> No.23366198

Nowadays, I basically read Nietzsche as something like a poet or an artist. The whole thing appears to me as an art project. He didn’t really write philosophy and he didn’t really critique or prescribe things in the basis of philosophical arguments but rather his aesthetic intuition. To me, Nietzsche seems like someone who realized the modern project was something like an overturning of all traditional norms, and then reacting to that by overturning the one born left, morality/ethics/philosophy itself. The whole thing was obviously a doomed project from the start, but I can appreciate Nietzsche now as more of a poet with certain sensibilities that were part of a particular man living at a particular time in a particular place without the vantage point of historical hindsight. But I mostly agree. So much of his writing is own insecurity being poured out in unhinged rants. Everything you need to know about Nietzsche can be picked up from paying attention to the people who appreciate it most.

>> No.23366338

Read Klossowski or Sloterdijk for some affirming interpretations of N. Less domination, more creative practice and virtue-seeking

>> No.23366346

Only slaves need to lie and manipulate, the master communicates his will clearly.

>> No.23366444
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you just got filtered
reading some of heidegger's work on Nietzsche first if you need an intro

maybe the gay science it makes his approach clearer

honestly probably won't help if you got filtered from this so hard you somehow totally missed what he said he was doing even though he stated it clearly in the text

read the intro poems to gay science atleast maybe https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Gay-Science-by-Friedrich-Nietzsche.pdf

I don't think I know of a single other author who is so totally misunderstood at such a widespread and fundamental level, maybe it's just a personality thing, or being something of an outsider is a prerequisite? Even like super intelligent well read people just totally fail to grasp him in an even basic way.
If you think he is asking you to agree with him or wants you to or that "this is the answer" you basically may as well not have read the book.

btw the right wing nieztche people who identify as nietzchians are misunderstanding it just as deeply, the fetishistic power worship is gay as hell. I kind of expect he just always will be totally misunderstood and was even in his own day thanks to his sister.

as another side note

If you hopped into Nietzsche without having read plato/aristotle/the greek tragedies (the birth of tragedy is also a great introduction to his work) you are just being silly, he isn't someone you just start reading without any background in philosophy.

>> No.23366551

>t. geopolitically and historically illiterate retard

>> No.23366591

Strong men already have am overabundance of strength. They overcome all obstacles.

You know it's true.

>> No.23367277
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>> No.23367287
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Might is right. Which is why you’re wrong, faggot.

>> No.23367428

Shut up faggot, you make no contribution to the discussion, only belittling people with no arguments.

>> No.23367446

Nietzsche doesn't think metaphysics are legitimate, but why (genuine question)? Is there there some more general condition you can point to that follows his train of thought almost immediately (get a clue)?

>> No.23367859

What is it about kneecheese that mindbreaks christians?
Was it 'God is dead'?

>> No.23367866

atheists are so neutered they love power trips.
It's the female equivalent of being a whore and then getting a billionaire to marry you

>> No.23368341

If you really feel that way, you were even filtered by my comment. How about you stop tunnel visioning and ask yourself why you're the only person here that doesn't get it?