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23361655 No.23361655 [Reply] [Original]

>who cares if you're ruled by a Jewish satanic pedophile elite that wants to transexualize your children
>life is suffering anyway and you'll be reborn because life is a never ending cycle so don't resist goy
>Just be a monk and renounce all violence and sex so you will get demographically replaced and cucked by Muslims for centuries goy
>god doesn't exist but you still have to bow down to this idol
Who falls for this satanic shit?

>> No.23361674
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All the dharmas that arise arise by reason of the five causes and the four conditions that we have just explained. The world does not proceed from a single cause that is called God, or Purusa, or Pradhana, or any other name.

How do you prove this thesis?
If you think that the thesis is proven through arguments, you betray your doctrine that the world arises from a single cause.

64d. Not from God or from any other cause, since there is a succession, etc.
That things are produced by a single cause, by God, Mahadeva, or Vasudeva, is inadmissable for many reasons.

1.) If things were produced by a single cause, they would arise all at the same time: now each of us knows that they arise successively.

[The Theist:] They arise successively by virtue of the desires of God, who says, "May this arise now! May this perish now! May this arise and perish later!"

If this were the case, then things do not arise from a single cause, since the desires (of God) are multiple. Moreover these multiple desires would have to be simultaneous, since God, the cause of these desires, is not multiple, and things would all arise at the same time.

a. [The Theist:] The desires of God are not simultaneous, because God, in order to produce his desires, takes into account other causes.

If this were so, then God is not the single unique cause of all things. And the causes that God takes into account are produced successively: they depend then on causes which are themselves dependent on other causes: an infinite regression.

[The Theist:] It is admitted that the series of causes has no beginning.

This would admit that samsara does not have an origin. You then abandon the doctrine of a single cause and return to the Buddhist theory of causes (hetus) and conditions (pratyaya).

b. [The Theist:] The desires of God are simultaneous, but things do not arise at the same time because they arise as God wishes them to arise, that is, in succession.

This is inadmissible. The desires of God remain what they are. Let us explain. Suppose that God desires "May this arise now! May that arise later!" We do not see why the second desire, at first nonefficacious, will be efficacious later; why, if it is efficacious later, it will not be so initially.

What advantage does God obtain from this great effort by which he produces the world?

[The Theist:] God produces the world for his own satisfaction (ptiti).

He is then not God, the Sovereign (Isvara), in what concerns his own satisfaction, since he cannot realize it without a means (upaya). And if he is not sovereign with regard to his own satisfaction, how can he be sovereign with regard to the world?

>> No.23361677

Further, do you say that God finds satisfaction in seeing the creatures that he has created in the prey of all the sufferings of existence, including the tortures of the hells? Homage to this God! Well said, in truth, is the popular stanza, "He is called Rudra because he burns, because he is excited, ferocious, terrible, an eater of flesh, blood, and marrow"

3.) The followers of God, the single cause of the world, deny visible causes,—causes and conditions,—the efficacy of the seed with regard to the sprout, etc. If, modifying their position, they admit the existence of these causes, and pretend that these causes serve God as auxiliaries, this then is no more that a pious affirmation, for we do not maintain any activity of a cause besides the activity of the so-called secondary causes. Furthermore, God would not be sovereign with regard to auxiliary causes, since these cooperate in the production of the effect through their own efficacy. Perhaps, in order to avoid the negation of causes, which are visible, and in order to avoid the affirmation of present action by God, which is not visible, the Theist would say that the work of God is creation: but creation, dependent only on God, would never have a beginning, like God himself, and this is a consequence that the Theist rejects.

We would refute the doctrine of Purusa, of Pradhana, etc., as we have refuted the theist doctrine, mutatis mutandis. Thus, no dharma arises from a single cause.

Alas, persons are unclear! Like the birds and the animals, truly worth of pity, they go from existence to existence, accomplishing diverse actions; they experience the results of these actions and falsely believe that God is the cause of these results. (We must explain the Truth in order to put an end to this false conception.)

>> No.23361689

>If god real then why le bad thing happen
So this is the greated Buddhist pajeet mind ? Hahahahaha

>> No.23361707
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Nāgārjuna refutes all views of existence and non-existence with his metalogic. Read Nāgārjuna's Mūlamadhyamakakārikā.

>> No.23361717

So basically just nihilism which confirms OPs post

>> No.23361725

Man what the hell are you talking about? What do Jews have to do with Buddhism?

>> No.23361748

Buddhism is literally a revolt against Hinduism you dumb retard.

>> No.23361793

lol at this thread

>> No.23361835

buddhism is THE anti-jew, hence their attempts to infiltrate it(engaged buddhism, secular buddhism, mcmindfulness, etc)

>> No.23361882

>buddhism is THE anti-je-

The Buddhist sanghas were supported by (((traders))) and (((merchants))). The (((commercial class))) provided support to Buddhism because, in accordance with strict Brahmanical orthodoxy, the (((traders))) and (((merchants))), despite possessing economic wealth, were regarded as social and cultural inferiors to the Brahmins and Kshatriyas. Both Mahavira and Buddha challeneged the hereditary caste system. And unlike brahmanism, Buddhism encouraged sea voyages, which the (((merchants))) engaged in overseas trade undertook frequently. Loans and debts were taken on interest. At times letters of credit functioned as substitutes for money. The (Hindu) Gautama dharmasutra prescribes a limit on the interestt chargeable by the creditor. The lawful limit was 1.25 percent per month or 15 percent per year. The interest could not exceed the principle, however long the debt remained unpaid. Again, in Buddhism, the interests on the (((moneylenders))) were protected, and the debtors were reminded of their obligations. By contrast, the brahmanical lawgivers despised the (((money-lenders))).

- Hinduism and the Ethics of Warfare in South Asia, Kaushik Roy pg. 41

>> No.23361900

holy brahmin seethe
if anything the brahmins were the jews of india, positing themselves above the warrior caste while engaging in sacrificial rituals and quibbling with self masturbatory divinely revealed(pilpul) that were the vedas(torah)
>yes goy kneel to us because we were (((born)))) from the mouth of((((brahma))))

>> No.23361901
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>a Jewish satanic pedophile elite that wants to transexualize your children
>so don't resist goy
>Just be a monk (yeah, all 500 million Buddhists are monks). Buddhist monks even participated in wars as Christian knights-monks.
>demographically replaced and cucked by Muslims
Is that your personal fetish? Buddhist countries have better demographics than Christian countries, and have also defended themselves against invading outsiders.
>god doesn't exist but you still have to bow down to this idol
>Who falls for this satanic shit?
Buddhism is less interested in proselytizing than Christianity lol. Just fuck off if it’s not your cup of tea.

>> No.23362044

How mindbroken and miserable one has to be to interpret everything in life through satanic jewish overlord conspiracy lens? Do you enjoy anything in life other than spreading your spastic bullshit online? Live your life for fucks sake, if someone is le killing and raping children in basement go find and kill them or something.

>> No.23362086

>how does the satanic Jewish pedo elite affect you personally?

>> No.23362089


He's using very strong language, but there's a very important aspect to the OP's question. But I don't think it's been addressed here so far.

Buddhism, at least early Buddhism, never dealt with “resistance”, and social problem, at all.

Gautama himself came to realize impermanence, because he was able to experience all the "happiness" at early life. He can teach us, the dukkha, "persuasively", because he experienced lots of sukha before.
But dukkha can also be a very social phenomenon. This is especially true when you consider that the Bhagavad Gita was the book that Hindus came up with to "respond" to samanas ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C5%9Arama%E1%B9%87a ) such as Buddhism and Jainism.
I don't think Mahayana Buddhism has a good answer either.

>> No.23362175

>Buddhism, at least early Buddhism, never dealt with “resistance”, and social problem, at all.
yeah but this cult of subversion is inherent only to the religion of judeoatheism. In other words it's the westerners who bring this problem onto themselves.

>> No.23362251

The reason Romance of the Three Kingdoms have gotten so popular in China is because Liu Bei was a revolutionary.

>> No.23362520
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>how does the satanic Jewish pedo elite affect you personally?
This is but unironically.

>> No.23362526

You don't know anything about those you criticize.

>> No.23362765

Ok shlomo

>> No.23362788

Appealing to logic as the first rule that all others derive from in order to refute the idea of a first rule. If there are multiple "causes" your logic could be part of one domain while other phenomena operate independently with their own causes in another domain. Your appeal to logic as a universal organizing principle that can demonstrate other ideas as wrong implicitly assumes a single cause.

>> No.23362911

The growth of obsessive idpol over all other issues makes me sometimes feel flashes of schadenfreude where I do not give a shit that your race is being wiped out.

>> No.23362935
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>> No.23362947

You're mentally ill. Not everything needs to be politicized, faggot. This is a problem with both the "left and right'.
Are you American? I've noticed this is more of an Amerimutt thing: to twist and corrupt everything according to petty partisan politics.
Also, this is just a warning: rejecting the Buddhadharma in the way you are doing makes you an icchantika, and you will suffer for countless kalpas unless you cease with this obsessive attachment.

>> No.23362954

>your race
>Are you American?
Most likely brown Mexican/Iranian.

>> No.23362981

You should kys in all sincerity. Being brown or white has nothing to do with enlightenment.
Also, stop race baiting Iranians. Iranians are model minorities in your ungodly materialistic shitholes.

>> No.23363028

>will suffer for countless kalpas
I literally don't give a shit about your stupid gook religion
Also if the self doesn't exist then what the fuck gets reincarnated retarded?

>> No.23363034

Here's a thought experiment: let's say you're being tortured but every second you experience extreme retrograde amnesia. Is it "you" being tortured?

>> No.23363043

Yeah I think it is retard. Also Im not being tortured. I get to coom into my Aryan girlfriend every night while you starve yourself in a monastery chanting some dead gook language

>> No.23363067

>Yeah I think it is retard.
That is basically rebirth, losing (most of) one's explicit memory but the experiential continuum proceeds.
"There is no beginning and no end. Nothing is immutable, everything changes. That thing which does not come into being does not die."
>I get to coom into my Aryan girlfriend
Negro-like hedonism that is unbecoming of a true Aryan.
Such attachment to dust leads to more dukkha in the long run. When you are old and decrepit, such lust will be unlikely to cease given you're heavily attached to such shallow sensual indulgence.
>while you starve yourself in a monastery chanting some dead gook language
Enlightenment is far greater than your shallow ghoul-like existence which clings to transient dust. Hungry ghosts wander aimlessly, seeking cheap thrills, but enlightenment is the end of "seeking", a tranquility and contentment that is no longer moved by your petty game shows that amount to nothing.

You claim to prioritize the preservation of your race above all else, but millions of years from now, your descendants won't resemble you, just like how we don't strongly resemble our own mammalian ancestors millions of years ago. Also, in a past life, I was a superintelligent avian species whose race was wiped out by some invasive force.

>> No.23363073

Why do people hold beliefs that's I've internationally misunderstood and misrepresented!??!

/pol/ brainrot deserves to be ridiculed and dismissed. I'm pointing and laughing at your posts btw.

>> No.23363367

>enlightenment is the end of "seeking"
Yes but you have to spend a lifetime seeking it

>> No.23363371

>but the experiential continuum proceeds
If your conscientiousness is in your brain and your brain becomes worm food you die forever and your experiential continuum is extinguished

>> No.23363376

>When you are old and decrepit, such lust will be unlikely to cease given you're heavily attached to such shallow sensual indulgence.
Better to die having coomed into beautiful Aryan goddesses in my youth then spending it in a monastery regretting what could have been

>> No.23363377

>If your mind is in your brain
It's not.

>> No.23363388

"Take a look sometime at the face of a dog who’s just had sex. He just stares into space with strangely empty eyes. It’s exactly the same with people – in the beginning they work themselves up into a frenzy, and in the end there’s nothing at all."
-- Kodo Sawaki

You, in fact, are worse than that dog because you are an icchantika.

>> No.23363389

Where the fuck is it then neega?

>> No.23363402
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Lmao seethe gook. You'll never have this.
You'll never be reborn or attain nirvana. You'll die having lived an unfulfilling and futile life

>> No.23363439

We don't ever truly *have* anything in life. It just comes and goes.

>> No.23363444

Pretty sure I had your mom's pussy last night zipperhead

>> No.23363481

All of you, just piss off back to /his.
Infact, just piss off the site for good.

>> No.23363517

Sex doesn't do anything to prevent the suffering of old age, sickness, and death

>> No.23363604

>suffering is le bad
Suffering builds character you frail bitch

>> No.23363608
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I say bring on the pain

>> No.23363610

>suffering is... le good
you don't know what suffering is pussy

>> No.23363626
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Who says I don't pussy

>> No.23363635

because you're posting le grimdark anime man

>> No.23363646
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I'd also stare into space with empy eyes if I were a gook and had to fuck gook females all my life. As a white man having sex with white women, I feel even better after sex than during it. My brain just tells me that I've done something really good and cosmically necessary, and so I'm just basking in this feeling.

>> No.23363669

It's the ultimate midwit religion, especially with its reliance on faux rationality. It makes some dubious claims about (phenomenal) reality, which may or may not make sense, mixes it with unprovable mumbo-jumbo about reincarnation, and then jumps immediately into value statements. Meanwhile, a slight change in hormonal balance would make a person abandon the "truth" that life is suffering and that this suffering is to be escaped through extinction of the ego and embrace the feeling that all the life's worries and troubles are worth it in the end. If you want a picture of the Buddha-dharma, imagine a basedjack screeching over how life is le bad - forever.

>> No.23363686

>le.... sex

>> No.23363695

Bring on the old age?

>> No.23363717

>the feeling that all the life's worries and troubles are worth it in the end
What makes them worth it?

>> No.23363744

Aesthetics. Struggle is more based and redpilled than unchanging eternity and God agrees.

>> No.23363749

What makes them not worth it? I've had some shitty periods in my life, and I've had such suffering that I wanted to kill myself (frankly, I even tried, a couple of times). But I also had some moments of pure bliss - I've been in love, I was awestruck by the beauty of nature, I felt the flow of athletic activity, I enjoyed some good food and drink, I did something in my line of work of which I'm proud. And I'm making an affirmative statement that my life is good because of these things which I've had and which I'll probably have more of in the future. When I lie on my deathbed, be it next year or in 70 years, I'll be happy that I've had all these things. And who is this buddha guy to tell me that I should have abandoned it all to escape the suffering, which felt bad at the time, sometimes very bad, but which I ultimately overcame? He and his followers are free to do so if they feel like. But this is just their way, and this way is fit neither for me nor for many other people like me.

>> No.23363750

I'm not East Asian.
Buddhist history is not exclusive to either India or China, retard.
I don't give a shit what underclass coombrained snow niggers like you enjoy, lol.

>> No.23363761

Good point. Buddhism just feel lame and ugly. And all the worship of Buddha, all the rituals are just attempts to sugarcoat it.

>> No.23363769


>> No.23363781

You seem to be clinging to the idea of yourself being smart. Ten more reincarnations for you, faggot.

>> No.23363798

The worship of suffering or at least the illusion of it is the most sinister of psyops, the cope of copes, and golems fell for it hook, line, and sinker. it sure feels good doesn’t it ooh yeah I’m getting stronger!!! I’m totally like the epic grimdark anime man who got his ass raped by a nigger! At the end of the day, it’s all coping, but you just can’t admit that.

>> No.23363820

How comfortable is your life?

>> No.23364020

>spiritual and economically illiterate
great job anon

>> No.23364037

>oh no my arbitrary urges aren't immediately satisfied with no resistance. anything that doesn't automatically submit to my whims is literally hitler. i'm so hecking oppressed
Do you play videogames on easy?

>> No.23364256

there's no worship of suffering, also why are you upset about this?

>> No.23364311

>>oh no my arbitrary urges aren't immediately satisfied with no resistance. anything that doesn't automatically submit to my whims is literally hitler. i'm so hecking oppressed
the oppressed one is the guy submitting to a jewish guru

>> No.23364320

>And I'm making an affirmative statement that my life is good because of these things which I've had and which I'll probably have more of in the future.
so you live in the past and you hope in the future is like the past. Seems like a fat cope. Why do you hate the present?

>> No.23364425

I didn't present an appeal to any tradition, Jewish or otherwise.

>> No.23364856

My point was that you have to be very comfortable to be able to say "struggle is based"

>> No.23364873

There's videos of Palestinians who's entire family has been erased saying they'll keep fighting for their cause.
Generally in war suffering causes more adversity in the long run

>> No.23364897

I'm not him, but I went to the army and as a result I got schizophrenia
Nietzsche was wrong bro

>> No.23364909

People make this same dumb mistake with Stoicism, where they think inner detachment means passivity - when, in historical practice, we see the exact opposite. The burden becomes light, so you can take on more.

>> No.23364994

Do you think they're rejoicing in the suffering of war? Or are they just clinging to something to make their suffering seem less meaningless?

>> No.23365011
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Why do you keep posting this? You get btfo every time. Buddhism has no dialog with stormfag Christianity. It isn't trying to answer those "questions." The closest thing it was ever exposed to historically was Islam, which rather than debate with Buddhists preferred to genocide them. If you have to physically kill the opponent to win the debate, it's not a very literate thing to do, even if you take some smug sociopathic satisfaction in it. Luckily, you have no teeth and your pre-violent Abrahamism is a costume.

>> No.23365056

Both. In Islam fighting for the sake of Allah according to them is based

>> No.23365082

In Western countries where generally speaking people do not feel a duty to reproduce, do not participate in any rituals or religion, do not fight wars where "losing" means actual humiliation and diminishing through loss of territory and sovereignty, and do not affirm a historical group identity, it is very difficult to understand the motivations and values of foreign cultures where these things are totally normal, unless you make an effort to be educated and aware of these contexts. The war in Ukraine, the Chinese interest in reconquering Taiwan, the undying Palestian resistance to Israel, all of these things are bizarre to us, because we would litigate these issues if we had them or pay to be rid of them. We would not fight to the death because that is the end of our investment in capacity for individual consumption. On an anthropological level, regardless of your philosophical beliefs, war and religion are both collective sacrifice, the destruction of wealth for social or supra-individual purpose. Western wars are weapons tests for investors. But these non-Western wars are violent festivals spanning generations of men linked by religion and culture.

>> No.23365119

and yet the satanic elite and demographic replacement is strongest in supposedly christian countries, curious

>> No.23365536

That's a fantasy you made up not a point. For some reason it's the comfortable people complaining about suffering while the amputee cancer kids and starving peasants generally love life as a gift.

>> No.23365545

hedonists are happy when their cravings are temporarily satisfied, then their desires came back and they are sad again until they are fed

>> No.23365583

They love life as the relief from suffering, not as its condition

>> No.23365591

Then explain why first world countries have higher suicide rates than third world ones?

>> No.23365603

Because they love life as relief from life, and when they can't get that relief or become victims of another person's pursuit of happiness they kill themselves. Just because there are millions of poor people who'd kill to be anhedonic terminally online losers in the first world says nothing about Buddhism and dukkha. It means the scale of dukkha is that vast.

>> No.23365955

>hedonists are happy when their cravings are temporarily satisfied, then their desires came back and they are sad again until they are fed
They're never happy. The best moments have nothing to do with luxury, comfort or consumption. The most reliable source of "happiness" as in chemical releases / fulfilment of urges is through raising children but even that can become a treadmill while ascetic fulfilment from aligning with a higher order is never exhausted, the hedonic treadmill runs in reverse and the more you put in the more you get out. On some level the hedonist and this ascetic are similar in that they're both trying to get something out of it but in practice one is a workable way to navigate life while the other is not. Demanding to adhere to unworkable worldviews is like walking right next to a road and complaining about all the rocks in your way.

>> No.23366805

retard shill, go touch grass

>> No.23366814

That’s really well put anon. No homo.

>> No.23367888

Sickening. These barbaric cultures should be eradicated.

>> No.23368043

any degree of barbarism is significantly more anti-fragile and low maintenance than high technocratic secular civilization; and as we've said the nature of phenomena is suffering and disturbance and strife, so any society which minimizes or makes subtle this experience through advanced social and material infrastructure is overclocked for the sake of rendering a high definition illusion