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/lit/ - Literature

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23361483 No.23361483 [Reply] [Original]

where do i start?

>> No.23361493

You open the book and look at the letters which form a word. These words form sentences which you comprehend in a chunk. Continue until you have flipped every page

>> No.23361496

well first you have to decide if reading is for you or not. some people are simply not built for reading.

try one of these. If it clicks, it clicks, if not simply search for another hobby, dont have hard feeling

Finnegans Wake - James Joyce
Process and Reality - AN Whitehead
maybe Gravity Rainbow by Pynchon

>> No.23361505

nigga i can barely read and youre recommending one book that's described as a "difficult work of fiction" and another that's about process philosophy, whatever the FUCK that's supposed to be

>> No.23361507

The Very Hungry Caterpillar

>> No.23361509
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>> No.23361518
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thanks Bought it. ive heard of this one definitely

>> No.23361531

I guess you could read some classic young adult novels
One of my favorites was The Paul Street Boys

How could you not read any books at all? Don't you have a mandatory book curriculum in school?

Like Tom Sawyer
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Robinson Crusoe

Stuff like that?

>> No.23361540

Read Hatchet

>> No.23361543

thanks. i was homeschooled by functioning retards

>> No.23361548

Treasure Island is unbeatable, imo. It’s how many people first got a taste for good books.

>> No.23361554

thanks will read. i loved the movie as a kid. i wore out the vhs tape of it because i watched it so much

>> No.23361556

Try reading tie-in books about your favourite franchise, like Warhammer 40k. No meme, just read a book about stuff that you like, even if it's a work of fiction. No need to read mandatory kindergarten stack like other anons suggested.

>> No.23361563

ahhhhh thats a great idea. thatll probably make it way easier. im a big cinephile. big into cinephilia

>> No.23361593
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read Pimp by Iceberg slim, trust me. I had an illiterate friend at an old job who was just teaching himself how to read as an adult. I with I could have given him this book. it is a page turner, the true story of a man's life as a pimp in the 1930s. you won't come away feeling that books are boring.
>"A pimp is happy when his whores giggle. He knows they are still asleep. all whores have one thing in common just like the chumps humping for the white boss. It thrills ’em when the pimps makes mistakes. They watch and wait for his downfall."

>> No.23361595

hehehehe. will read asap. thanks anon

>> No.23361662

well there you have your answer

you can always check in more plebeian oriented boards like papercraft & origami, /fit/ or /biz/

>> No.23361676
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im not saying you shouldnt do this, anon, go on and read it but be aware that this doesnt count as "reading a book". i think the easiest you can get away with and still claim to have read a book is Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döberlin for fiction or Phenomoly Of Spirit by Hegel for non--fiction. if you have noticed that both books are originally german you are absolutely correct, thats a necessary criterion for a collection of words to be considered literature

>> No.23361681

Old Man and the Sea
I love it, seeing his struggle and respect for the fish, an old professional giving his all for maybe one last time

>> No.23361810

How old are you? How can you pass basic education without reading a single book? What wretched shithole on earth fails their youth like this?

>> No.23362064

Don't. You will regret it.

>> No.23362102

>read 3 pages
what do i need to read before this?

>> No.23362110

start with some small books see which ones you like and go from there.
Even something like the hobbit or >>23361681
If there were any movie adaptations you ever watched and liked try the original book. Whatever genres of tv/movies you like you'll like the same in books. Lot of sci-fi and fantasy are pretty easy reads too.

>> No.23362111

Read a dictionary.
Every other book just borrows from it.

>> No.23362116

Not giving advice to OP, but this is exactly why I read the Epic of Gilgamesh, Tales before the Flood and a couple other mesopotamian tablets

>> No.23362123

Cry havoc and let loose the dogies of war

>> No.23362135

I'm harder than you. I am 128th of the man I could be in all aspects of mind and malalign physique. If I was ordinary - no - if this world was ordinary - I'd probably have an ion cannon in space as a sort of feared white terrorist. That's probability. I'm not usually someone who fears at all and I can usually get mad(which I can't unless talked to upward from me in a specific position). I can't be maddned and in some asset of being 128th of a man, I experience the negativity of that. Meaning I must fear and lose fear control and have to perform a combinations of movements before I can fight directly.

I know you're hard, but probability suggests I'm harder or up there.

>> No.23362140

why the shakespeare quote? are you implying his works are similarly important and influential?
not disputing it, just asking, and I agree
what the fuck, is this a bot

>> No.23362156

Don't listen to the autists. Recommending Pynchon as a first book is pretty funny. Anyways:

The Hobbit
On Stranger Tides
The Stranger
The Dead Zone
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court by Mark Twain (the funniest on the list, imo)
The 13½ Lives of Captain Bluebear (it's relatively long but very easy to read, probably one of my favorite books)

I think any of these are fine for a beginner. Look up their synopsis and see which one grabs your attention

>> No.23362162

Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell

>> No.23362277


lol the first time i heard about it was in the tao of wu. Then i bought it but havent red it yet. Need to do it.

>> No.23362301

read some thriller shit like reacher or some easy scifi like flashback by dan simmons. heck read the davinci code. just some slob thats a paige turnah. this is the easiest way to get into reading. if you keep at it soon this shit doesnt do it for you anymore and you will find better stuff to read. no shame in starting with some high octane slob. read the first three fucking orphan x books. drop these books once he introduces the stronk female 16 year old 60lbs super spy master martial artist

>> No.23362387

You can read these posts, so you could get around 50% of the way of at least knowing the words in these books, even if you don’t get the deeper meaning, how they’re integrated, or the story at had. So just read to solve your technical illiteracy. That’s how mankind did it when books and writings became more abundant and differential.

>> No.23362398

it's a series of short horror stories from the 80s or whatever
very comfy, can get pretty creepy

>> No.23362443

If you're not trolling, then you're giving insanely bad advice. The only people who recommend starting with Finnegan's Wake are people who don't actually enjoy books and instead view reading as a grim duty you need to grudgingly submit to in order to become a Profound Mind (i.e. someone who has reached the last page of Finnegan's Wake, regardless of what they got out of it).

>> No.23362463

There's books with pictures called "manga" and cooler versions called "doujins" (for adults only). The short sentences and exciting imagery should help you.

>> No.23362564

Suicide for you

>> No.23362613

Highly recommend mistborn series. Great fantasy with an interesting magic system and likable characters.

Inb4 some assmad fags reply it’s trash

>> No.23362644

How is it bad advice? My advice is just reading more in general. Whether stuff you interested in, stuff that can challenge for the sake of it, or a little in between. I didn’t say just read those that other anons recommended. It’s like drawing or singing. The more you do it, the better you most likely will get; especially if you barely do it at all.

>> No.23362648

Read deez nuts

>> No.23363243

Anna Kavan

>> No.23363250

We probably only think Mistborn is trash because we've read enough other things to be picky. For a new reader getting into fantasy I don't think that would be an issue.

>> No.23363286

Yes. Always start with the caterpillar

>> No.23363305

You can start with My Little Pony fanfiction.

>> No.23363317

I didn't see this before i made my thread so ill ask here too.
Recently wanted to get into reading after watching Perfect Days. Will probably read about 30 mins a day before bed.
Recieved a bunch of books but I don't know where to start, and if they are even beginner friendly:
>brothers karamazov
>pride and prejudice
>crime and punishment
>dantes inferno
>greek myths
>bible (read as kid but didn''t care for it)
don't really want to go and buy a book unless all of these are too advanced for me

>> No.23363469

Why do you want to read? Just for enjoyment of good stories and interesting characters, or are you looking for insightful novels that will change the way you think?

>> No.23364685

Both, mainly the second. And to hopefully become a bit smarter and improve my vocabulary.

>> No.23364688 [DELETED] 
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Right here bro

>> No.23364690

Seconding this. Goosebumps got me into reading.

>> No.23364706

How is that even possible. Every child is curious enough to open at least one book

>> No.23364809

No they're not when they're forced by schools to read books they don't care about. First book I ever read was after highschool and just reading the first sentence gave me ptsd from shitty classes.

>> No.23364811

Basic biology with a focus on the signalling used in foetal development and caterpillar metamorphosis with some introduction to the ATP based systems that convert glucose to energy used for muscle movement.

>> No.23364827

Don't listen to retards telling you to read the "classics". Read more recent books, they're a thousand times easier to get into. You won't have to reread sentences or look up other word you come across.

Start with a rather short one too. Maybe an audiobook would help too. Otherwise you're just gonna give up halfway through.

>> No.23364833

What's so hard to understand?

>> No.23364840

The adventures of Drizzt Do'urden. He's a level 12 dark elf ranger with dual scimitars and 20 dex.

>> No.23364844

1984 is a great entry level book to the world of literature.
Faggots from all political sides have tried to hijack it and shoehorn it into their ideology, but the book is actually really good and well worth reading.

>> No.23364908

This. High-school had us read 1984 my junior year. First time I enjoyed a book they assigned. Started reading on my own after.

>> No.23364947
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Stoner is a short and easy book about slightly more serious themes than YA fiction. I've heard it maligned as "literature for people who don't read", and I think that's why it's a great beginner /lit/ pick.


>> No.23365096
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Start reading SCP, it's cool. It even has pictures. Read this right now, and you'll get it. Actually RIGHT NOW NIGGA, go and read it: (I've included the photo in my post)
SCP is an organization that specializes in securing and containing anomalies around the world. They catch "cryptids" and keep them in cells for research, protection or destruction. It's a database cataloguing monsters. If any Foundation info leaks, or civilians get exposed to SCPs, they get administered amnestics (drugs and other methods of wiping their memory)
Treat it as a real database, try to immerse yourself, that makes it creepy. Basically, they're an organization that exists in the real world, containing anomalies so we can have a normal life.
The O5 Council and the Administrator are the big guys, there are site directors and researchers assigned to specific SCPs, mobile security task forces that catch and retrieve anomalous objects and creatures.
Finally, they have these inmates called D-class that are taken from death row to be used as meat shields and guinea pigs.
Each SCP entry is a description of an anomaly and instructions on how to contain it.
It also has an object class:
Safe is safe.
Euclid is anomalous, might be dangerous and lethal, but as long as it's contained, it's usually safe and well-researched.
Keter is OH SHIT - dangerous objects that must not breach containment no matter what, some of these can cause mass death or even extinction.
ALSO, click on red words and links, they open up into text, don't miss out
Entry level SCPs, classics:
SCP-093 "Red Sea Object" - this is a great one, but a bit of a long read
Every SCP-001
SCPs 1 to 1000s are always great
I've left out many great ones
ask anons here and google for recommendations, or read them in order (there is no order)

Some immersion-breaking info:
Keep in mind, the website got actually, unironically taken over by ACTUAL trannies from reddit and other shitholes that usurped mod positions and kicked out the old guard maybe 3-6 years ago, and they started making weird self-insert faggot and tranny SCPs and rewriting and censoring classic SCPs that reminded them they will never be women or made their dicks hard or some shit.
As such, SCPs 1-1000 are canon and the best ones (with the exception of SCP-166, trannies and pedos got really mad about it and changed it into some furry shit, it was originally a teenage succubus, look up the original if you're interested) there are also some great ones among 2000-3000, some 4000, but beyond that is a lot of cringe self-insert shit, with some unironic troon and fag entries, and the SCP powerlevels REALLY start to get out of hand, since the tourists had the hubris to think they could write better SCPs than the originals and started competing with each other until it became absolute bullshit.

>> No.23365121

SCP-2852 is a nice, unsettling one
Also read some MTF tales about the soldiers catching SCPs and killing cultists
I don't have any recommendations, I forgot, ask anons

>> No.23365142

fucking hell, the troons even added "trigger" warnings

>> No.23365162

Also, bros, I think I remember there being an addendum with experiments conducted on SCP-173, was that not the case?
I think there was a D-class scenario, too, and blinking one eye at a time made it mad

>> No.23365173

Also, here's the list of experiments, it's easy to miss, but it's actually at the bottom of the article, so make sure to check articles for addendums and links:

>> No.23365202

Why would you actually recommend Goosebumps over, say, Animorphs? Like, Goosebumps are, readable, but they're only barely good enough to be worth reading.

>> No.23365206

Read something that is interesting to you, is short (less than 300 pages, preferably around 200), and isn't hard.

The classical dystopian books are great and easy to read and digest
>George Orwell - 1984
>Ray Bradbury - Fahrenheit 451
>Aldous Huxley - Brave New World

After you're done reading those and want to get into more "serious /lit/", try
>Fyodor Dostoyevski - Notes from the Underground
since it's short, psychological and philosophical, comedic and has plenty of great explanations/interpretations and other analysis available.

Books that you've listed are good and you can start with anything by Dostoyevski. If you really want some insightful novels, I would recommend you to read sociology or philosophy books, but you DEFINITELY don't want to start with that or some random picks from the genre, since you don't have the required background and won't understand the majority of things. Get some introductory books first.

>> No.23365216

Because I like them, they're soulful
62 different monsters or predicaments makes it varied
It has this naive honesty to it, no attempt at subversion, no quippy marvel superhero reddit humor, no "self-aware" shit and 5000 layers of irony
And they're creepy if you actually get into the character and mentally regress yourself to be a kid
They're really cool, like going on an adventure, I like to read the summer camp ones during summer
They're like "scary" stories people or kids tell around a campfire
I don't know what animorphs is, just googled it, seems cringe and fucking weird
so that's where the toilet transformation fetish comes from, jesus christ

>> No.23365222

Don't. You'll regret it.

>> No.23365263

Start with Dostoevsky and read all of his writings in chronological order then proceed to difficult books

>> No.23365282

Good beginner stuff is 1984, Brave New World, Clockwork Orange. Tie in books of your favourite franchises like other anons have mentioned are also a good idea.

>> No.23365757

jesus, I've been looking up old SCPs, and it seems like the troons REALLY didn't like them
anything that was in any way sexual, they rewrote and censored with their cringe writing
I've been lurking on shiddit, their base of operations, seems like they went on downvoting raids on "problematic" SCPs by just claiming they were "shitty" and they "sucked", citing the writing style was "outdated", what they truly meant is "I don't like it"
absolutely crazy, they actually took over the website
I don't remember, did they have beef with djkaktus? Seems like his shit got censored
fuck, man, the website might actually be unreadable

>> No.23365788

>Clockwork Orange
really? you think people who never read anything before should start with a novel where half the words were replaced with russian? i don't think you've read it

>> No.23365976

reading this was a blast. you get to learn all kinds of old school slang too which is fun.

>> No.23366003

I'd say pick some popular fantasy series that is easy to read. ASOIF for example. Maybe not that one since it's never going to be finished.

>> No.23366115
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It pisses me off because he can actually write a good setting, and we're never going to see any new series from him. He's going to die. Still I respect the fat man's autism.
I'm so fucking mad over these two faggots that absolutely destroyed his work. I wonder if it was intentional, or just pure retardation. Any fucking autist from here could've written a better story. It literally writes itself.
First of all, they DID NOT need to rush anything, did they? They could've done at least several seasons. If it HAD to be this season, they could've focused on the night king, how the fuck, he's THE bad guy, he was being hyped up since season 1. And he gets dispatched so dishonorably and comically.
Some may say 1 season is not enough. Well, if film directors can fit whole hero's journies into 2-3 hour movies, so can these retards. Could've cut down on the bullshit and essentially made faster-paced "movies".
It was so bad and forced. Were they paid off to destroy the series? I don't get it. How the fuck does such a huge project with that fucking budget and so many people working on it fail like that?
I saw it, by the way, I saw that it turned to shit long before the final season, but it was somewhat bearable, even good at times. But it started to deteriorate the moment they started deviating.
Fuck, man. it was amazing. The first season of GoT was fucking brilliant. I hate how things just stopped being fun, everything turned to shit. How the fuck do these retards fumble the ending every time? Promised Neverland went to shit THE MOMENT after they left the orphanage, both manga and anime, Shingeki no Kyojin was shaping up to become a timeless classic and it shit itself so horribly, same for GoT.
Why can't they give us a satisfying resolution? ONE BIG FUCKING ENDING with SOMETHING
do SOMETHING, faggot
genocide, omnicide, total white walker death, or the reverse
fucking do SOMETHING, you piece of shit
so many series, these three just sprang to mind
so much work, so much buildup and worldbuilding for NOTHING, shittiest, least cathartic resolutions
why can't shit just be good? look at all these shitflix adaptations, flop after flop, slop after slop
I mean, fuck netflix, it's unironic propaganda, but what about the rest? at least cinema is getting better
what an insipid, uninspired, dark era for creativity

>> No.23366255

>you can start with anything by Dostoyevski
Can't tell if meming
>Get some introductory books first
What would you suggest?

>> No.23367444

That fat blubberball Martin better finish Winds this year or I will REE to the heavens and shit in his mouth while he sleeps