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23360594 No.23360594[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a chart?

>> No.23360598
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>> No.23360728

>But like, forget Jesus. Le based culture war is what matters and being hu-white.
>Also, an obese, orange, daddy's money reality TV star grifter who makes a mockery of the faith should be our hero and be respected more than great teachers of the faith.

>> No.23360743

Juan Donoso Cortés and Louis de Bonald are the big ones

>> No.23360748

I hope God beams himself directly into this faggots beaners brain and he weeps for the rest of his life.

>> No.23360753

You can not be America First and Vatican First. You have to choose.

>> No.23360777
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Based. Have you purchased the Trump Patriots Bible yet!? I have four! Only $69.99.

>> No.23360782

I'm a Catholic and this is the definiton of LARP. Read Ivan Illich, avoid these fools.

>> No.23360788

how's it a larp?

>> No.23360791

Well, Fuentes might be being a bit fecetious here, but a lot of these Catholic monarchists escape into a fantasy world and become completely detached from how things actually work.
It's fine to not be engaged with politics, but if you are, you better have a solid sense of the possible.

>> No.23360815

Most modern "Trad Catholics" are just larpers who are in it for the aesthetic and the rituals. The faith is secondary, if it's even a factor in why they converted it at all.

>> No.23360827

>but if you are, you better have a solid sense of the possible.

American hegemony is receding, great upheaval is at hand, now is not the time to be kvetching about "the possible." At the very least now is a time to entertain ideas that would not have been entertained 50 years ago.

>> No.23360841

funny how these are the same people complaining about "postmodernism" while being the exact definition of it

>> No.23360846

Maybe you're right. I forsee a second dark ages quite frankly, where we must await a further flowering in the centuries to come.

>> No.23360847

You're mistaking Fuentes with Juden Peterstein.

>> No.23360857

don't know (nor caare) who any any of the two are to be honest. i just find it pathetically ironic to see something like "catholic monarchy now" posted on twitter

>> No.23360858

>don't know (nor caare) who any any of the two are to be honest
Yes, you do. You really care, you regularly seethe about them. Just be honest.

>> No.23360862

yeah, regularly

>> No.23360867
File: 111 KB, 1200x900, pope-francis-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you really want the guy who kisses Arab migrants' feet to be an absolute monarch?

>> No.23360872

I miss when conservatives were atheist.

>> No.23360874

No, I'm not an ultramontanist.

>> No.23360878

That was never the case. Conserving traditional religion is part of conservatism.

>> No.23360904

But the Pope is God, right? Everything he says is true. If the Pope says to kiss Achmed's feet Catholics have to do it or it's a sin, right?

>> No.23360907


>> No.23360908

When were conservatives ever atheists?

>> No.23360910

The Catholics used to burn people alive for denying the Pope's divinity.

>> No.23360912

>But the Pope is God, right?
are you retarded or just baiting?

>> No.23360918

Papal Supremacy is the official doctrine of the Catholic Church.

>> No.23360925

catholicism is a cuck religion

>> No.23360928

that's what a jew would say

>> No.23360935
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Damn he was quite a bit of support. It's over for the Jews.

>> No.23360936

That's what an incel would say.

>> No.23360940

wow the jews sound based

>> No.23360942

What's the difference? Jews and Catholics both rejected Christ to worship their earthly rulers. For Jews it was the Sanhedrin, for Catholics it was their Popes.

>> No.23360944

Debunked, prottie.

>> No.23360955

Roman popery is a financial organization based in Italy that's too fucking timid to stand up to the evils of the world. They'd rather play (and slowly but surely lose at) a game of staying hip and relevant than actually do anything meaningful.

>> No.23360957

Isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.23360959
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How so?

>> No.23360984
File: 2.26 MB, 4412x2876, 20160212t1506-2129-cns-pope-patriarch-cuba_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Francis at his worst is better than pretty much every other ruler in the West. The bar is that low. And Francis won't be Pope forever.

>> No.23360992

This queer is nostalgic for the present.

>> No.23360998

Pretty sure there will be a special place in hell for all the people who use this verse to promote political liberalism in spite of everything the Bible has to say about authority.

>> No.23361008


>> No.23361013

I'm sorry, where does the Bible say there is one God and two mediators? Did I misread the verse?

>> No.23361016

>And Francis won't be Pope forever.
Aren't Popes supposed to be avatars of God? You're treating them like they're Presidents or something.

>> No.23361020
File: 286 KB, 454x612, GFWH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hegel, ironically enough

>> No.23361110

Hebrew pronunciation

Jew detected, opinion rejected

>> No.23361112

Wasn't Peter a Jew?

>> No.23361128

lol nobody hates Catholicism harder than jews

>> No.23361131

Keep the yid tricks coming. I know them all.

>> No.23361143

Catholics love Jews. The official doctrine of the Catholic Church is that Romans, not Jews, killed Christ, even though the Bible explicitly says otherwise.

>> No.23361162

>yes we're ruled by a demon but... the opposition is satan!

classic cope of that disgusting nihilistic ideology. you guys should change your symbol from a cross to a chastity cage.