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23359924 No.23359924 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys think monkeys or other animals believe in God too?

>> No.23359932

No, part of the whole "made in God's image" thing is being able to contemplate the divine, the infinite, the transcendent. Animals entirely behaving on instinct, which plenty of humans do too (the default human is an NPC) but still.

>> No.23359959

I remember my friend who's into conservation telling me that chimps have began to show signs of ritualised behaviour, and it's widely hypothosised that they have some kind of spiritual belief system. Which, in time, will naturally evolve into religion once they evolve to have a higher consciousness (if humanity doesn't purposfully stunt their development or straight up cull them). So, I'd say yes, although only on an instinctual level, the same way the higher power makes itself known to everything in-touch with the natural elements.
Crows also show signs of ritualised behaviour, although it's impossible to tell if it's spiritual in nature as they're so different to us.
We evolved from monkeys. Every primative culture has an instinctual knowledge of a higher spiritual power. Leave the christcuckery out of here. Soon we shall be worshipping God of the Apeman
>verification not required

>> No.23359963
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>We evolved from monkeys.
Evolution is a Masonic psyop. Many Orthodox saints have said that evolution is a heretical lie from the devil, including the Russian Saint John of Kronstadt!

>> No.23359970

>Evolution is a Masonic psyop
Good bait.

>> No.23359975
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Not bait. Unfortunately society has been indoctrinated so badly, the truth sounds crazy to you!

>> No.23359999
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>> No.23360001
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>> No.23360002

>widely hypothosised
By crackpots like you
You're reading complex humanistic behavior into animal behavior to make up for gaps in knowledge. There is no reason why a spiritual belief system should be the conclusion that is drawn for anything more naturalistic

>> No.23360007

>drawn for anything
Before anything*

>> No.23360013
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>> No.23360016

Brainlet here, just asking out curiosity, not out of hate. How is this lit question, wouldn't this belong in the history & humanities board?

>> No.23360025

>By crackpots like you







>> No.23360050
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Your god? No. Not even every human religion on Earth has the same gods.

>> No.23360068

They're all animists except cats, they're Christian occultists.

>> No.23360081

Just wondering.
Obviously. Since the belief in a God/s seems to be embedded within Consciousness/Existence itself, I was wondering if this would also extend to other living things.

Like the universal trait to survive is embedded within everything, I figured something as important as religion/spirituality might also be like this.

>> No.23360090

>Leave the Christcuckery out of here
>References studies and articles done by Catholics and Rabbi
Put on your clown suit, bozo

>> No.23360091

Monkeys are social, their brains grow depending on how large their tribes are. Everything is monkey-morphized including God. Their idea of God is an ape.
To the lion everything is prey so ironically their God is a gazelle.

>> No.23360096

>the belief in a God/s seems to be embedded within Consciousness/Existence itself
What makes you think that?

>> No.23360116
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Papists and Jews love their Masonic evolution mythology. "Trust the science!" they say.
Beware of such teachers who put "science" above Holy Scripture!

>> No.23360184

>References studies and articles done by Catholics and Rabbis who don't derail scientific discussions through retarded christcuckery
Learn to tell the difference.

>> No.23360192
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I wish God would let me have sex

>> No.23360272

What do you mean too? Humans don't believe in God.

>> No.23361026

Use apus in your text messages. Women love apus.

>t. knower

>> No.23361092

they saw her face, and that made them believers

>> No.23361120

Chimps are stealing machetes and going to war on their neighbor chimps, using primitive spears or rocks to ambush prey under tress ... they're a menace either way and only a tolerable presence for their utility in testing medicines for research.