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23357093 No.23357093 [Reply] [Original]

>when he uses an ereader

>> No.23357100

Ten thousand years of no one listening to women or seeing their priorities or opinions as having more value than a child's, then one century of people having to deal with this shit, then an eternity of no one ever listening to them again because of how they used that century

>> No.23357153

Who cares I don’t believe in consent anyways. Sexual reproduction should just be transactional.

>> No.23357227

I've been told throughout my life I look like a creep/rapist/stalker despite being a timid coward and afraid of women. I'd be lucky if to be considered somewhat cute and make anywhere close to 6 figures.

>> No.23357257

I've been told I'm intimidating. But this was by some non-binary commiefornian freak lol.

>> No.23357261

Or maybe it was intense. I forget which, intimidating or intense.

>> No.23357265

The picture is 100% accurate but an e-reader isn’t not cute?

>> No.23357298

Anon being timid towards them sets them off. Anything but comfortable confidence is perceived as an unknown danger. It's like a movement in the bushes but you can't quite see what it was.

>> No.23357301

Women find awkwardness threatening.

>> No.23357322

A guy I worked with fucked half the hot college girls I worked with, including two together, and he was a dishwasher making minimum wage, convicted felon, and somehow also had multiple baby mamas. He sold drugs too, but obviously wasn't making enough money to not be a dishwasher, unless he just did it for the girls and because he sold from the parking lot. The money part is quite optional it seems.

>> No.23357349

it's simple, don't be ugly and women will like you.

>> No.23357361

That helps but good-looking unconfident dudes are still creepy. I don't know why so many guys just can't figure out that their mental health issues are causing them to fail with women.

>> No.23357396

>Let him pay for the dates and he is always happy to
why is this one on there? if you aren't paying for the dates as a man you're a faggot. worrying about getting "taken advantage of" for your money is just tacit admission that you're a broke fag

>> No.23357426

>good-looking unconfident dudes are still creepy

Good looking but unconfident dudes are never "creepy". They're "quirky" or "mysterious".

>> No.23357815

>t. femoid

>> No.23357819

You posted this on /tv/ the other day.

>> No.23357826

I attract women when I drink but when I'm sober I have a resting bitch face. Sometimes I come across as unapproachable. It's hard to fake smiles all the time.

I also have a problem touching women I love and respect but I have no problem fucking the whores at university. This leads me to being only attractive by the worst sorts of girls despite being friendzoned by the ones I do love.

>> No.23357896
File: 39 KB, 900x750, Jerome K. Jerome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The shy man does have some slight revenge upon society for the torture it inflicts upon him. He is able, to a certain extent, to communicate his misery. He frightens other people as much as they frighten him. He acts like a damper upon the whole room, and the most jovial spirits become in his presence depressed and nervous."

>> No.23357898

Eric Harris.
Elliot Rodger

>> No.23357910

Skinnyfat is so cringe. Thankfully, I'm morbidly obese.

>> No.23358005

Literally me except I'm not skinnyfat, don't have facial hair, hate capeshit, hate pickup lines and make considerably less than $90k

>> No.23358030

Same but I have a moustache

>> No.23358052

This is such an obvious faggot thread.

>> No.23358068

>not quite attracted to him
>but I’ll lead him to believe I am so he’ll buy me dinner a few times
Women were a catastrophic mistake. What was God thinking?

>> No.23358179

>but good-looking unconfident dudes are still creepy.
Name ONE person, in a Hollywood movie or TV show with this trait, which women would call creepy no matter how handsome he is.

>> No.23358245

It's because he inhabited himself fully, didn't question his actions, didn't get scared about the opinions of others, didn't show any anxiety or hesitance, wasn't worried about approaching women, not of rape accusations...he embodied the full and free agency of the masculine subject. Whether you do that as a rock star or felon line cook no major difference women will never be far from you.

>> No.23358338

>didn't get scared about the opinions of others, didn't show any anxiety or hesitance, wasn't worried about approaching women, not of rape accusations
he was able to do this because he's a chad. all his life he's received praise simply for being good looking so now he doesn't fear anything.

>> No.23358348

How do I get over the feeling that I’m not really reading when reading a pdf on my computer? I currently just read secondhand books I pick up cheap but I want to read certain books that are more accessible in ebook form.

>> No.23358508

Same thing I do, nothing wrong with it. People just have that feeling because it's more comfortable to read physical books but that doesn't mean digital versions are somehow lesser besides some issues like searching appendices etc. being a nightmare compared to just flipping a page.

>> No.23358587

Looks like a cool guy (except the marvel slop). Why are women so cruel?

>> No.23358590

Interesting. Maybe some of us are just not meant to make it.

>> No.23358594

It's cute if it's in Jason Momoa's hands.

>> No.23358597

I fit literally none of this and I’m still a virgo

>> No.23358847

The existence of women disproves the idea that God is benevolent

>> No.23359164

Because they’re not human

>> No.23359166

Such a meme gender.
>oh no that guy has a stutter, he might rape me
Just nuke the world already

>> No.23359173

Ok Female, Work for your ass and stop relying on Males to pay for you food, Fucking beggar, Have some fucking decency for yourself.

>> No.23359195
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>> No.23359208

I used to think the same but I’ve been knocked off my high horse. Saves space and money because you can easily pirate EPUBs. Obviously I can’t speak for everyone, but there are a lot of books for me that fall into the category of “If I had this already I would read it, but I’m not buying it” and an ereader is perfect for that situation. Also, they’re great for reading in bed, especially if you have a significant other.

>> No.23359233

schizoidmaxxing truwiz starter pack

>> No.23359241

lol, I need to read this guy

>> No.23359334

>now these troons are trying to shame you for using an ereader

>> No.23359355

it isn't the rape she's worried about
it's that her potential rapist has a stutter, which turns her off immensely

>> No.23359359

hmm maybe 10 years ago
these days it's tricky. books are reserved for the eccentrics, the poors, and clueless people who don't know better
if a girl sees you with a book they're going to try to place you in one of these categories. if you manage to avoid sorting then you'll end up in a 4th, hidden category that they'll find intriguing and attractive. but can you truly say your other features and characteristics will get you there?
far safer to demonstrate you have the means and mind to keep up with technology and have a nice ereader

>> No.23359364

>He just had the MINDSET, bro!