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23356932 No.23356932 [Reply] [Original]

What's the /lit/ consensus on NEETdom and related literature?

>> No.23356953
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I’m not against work entirely. I understand things need to get done in order to enjoy the luxuries society provides. But 40 hours a week takes up so much of your time. We really don’t need to be working that many hours (or more) every week to live, especially when the jobs that are necessary to society get paid less than the bullshit jobs that exist throughout the corporate world. If everyone is too busy working 40-80 hours week, they lack the time to do things for the benefit of their character like physical exercise, reading, self reflection, cooking healthy meals, participating in local politics for the greater good, address issues that plague family/community/society, etc.

>> No.23356956

Blame capitalism for that.

>> No.23357064

Damn, that "totally me" arian dude totally hits different after the reddit mod went on tv. Kinda pathetic really.

>> No.23357082

What if it was a brown cartoon character or chudjak?

>> No.23357089

>I can do anything I want with my spare time
>makes shitty I AM SILLY comics for 4chan

>> No.23357113

Soijaks do more for the world than most office workers on middle class welfare

>> No.23357145
File: 21 KB, 909x660, BlogImage_HoursWorkedPerCapita_100218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most Western nations decreased working hours as technology increased productivity. France, for example, has a 35 hour work week, with a minimum of 30 vacation days.
If you're in the US you're cucked.

>> No.23357154

Its not even the hours really. Jobs are too specialised. Doing the same exact shit every day is unbearable. I don't know how anyone works without going legitimately insane. Like you will see the reformed neets who did nothing with their neetdom except the same shit everyday saying how it made them so depressed and then say going to a job to do the same shit everyday is a solution. It's like eating the exact same meal for every meal every day for years on end

>> No.23357157

Slothfulness is a vice, diligence is a virtue. You cannot achieve anything in this life without struggle. The highest struggle is for the Lord Almighty.

But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.

1 Timothy 5:8

>> No.23357190 [DELETED] 

I want to work but that means I have to interact with humans and I'm sorry Dave but I'm afraid I can't do that. That probably wasn't the best line to quote.

>> No.23357193

I want to work but that means I have to interact with people and I'm sorry Dave but I'm afraid I can't do that. That probably wasn't the best line to quote.

>> No.23357196

I don't mind 40 hours, but I would prefer 3-day weekends, even if that means 10-hour workdays. 2 days just does not seem enough.

>> No.23357211

>have none of my own
>have none of my own house
>don't even own a house
>will never own a house no matter how hard I work
Timothy would've killed himself in my place

>> No.23357237

People like you have no idea how much labor it takes to maintain a first world nation. Building and maintaining infrastructure alone is a massive project that entails a ton of hard and consistent labor, not to mention keeping high standards of quality, sophisticated supply chains, well educated and trained workers and non stop manufcaturing.
You can't keep global trade and clean running water and stable bridges with a mere 30 hour work week and a month of guaranteed vacation

>> No.23357241

Depends on the job. A lot of middle class people think the only work that exists is pushing papers in a cubicle.

>> No.23357242

1 and 2 Timothy were written by Paul TO Timothy. And no he wouldn't have.

>> No.23357895

You would need to work as much or even more with the communist system.

>> No.23357911

Anti waging and no pussy no work has one fatal flaw… Optimus robots and LLMs are coming. Those faggots think society will break down if those losers stop working, when they’ll just be replaced .

>> No.23357929

I work 120 hours a week stealing copper wire because I BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF HARD WORK. Not many these days do...

>> No.23358017

This would be a good argument, except that neets just rotmax all day and do absolutely nothing but scroooooooll. They love scrolling through 4chan, youtube, facebook, or anything else that is just meaningful enough to hit their dopamine receptors, but mot big enough to actually accomplish something good for them. "Maybe tomorrow" they say, maladaptive daydreaming while they squander oxygen and their lives unravel slowly before them. "One day, my life will begin," they think to themselves as they watch Ryan Gosling draped in neon colors and listen to slow reverbed music in a webm made to remind them that they're supposed to be human and feel sad. Then eventually they get tired of their feelings and need to break away, so they instead watch mind numbing anime or play video games, IF they get around to it after 5 hours of scrolling.

Fix your shit anons, it's not too late. Work sets you free isn't a meme, just fucking do something, anything. This isn't advocating for work in the traditional wageslavery sense, but you need to keep your minds and bodies occupied, lest they wither away. There is no tomorrow.

>> No.23358151

Saying that something happens because of "capitalism" without elaborating further is the ultimate midwit copout

>> No.23358686

But he's doing something.

>> No.23358819

and screeching midwit without attempting to goad said capitalism sucks poster into elaborating is just as stupid. you two deserve each other, probably

>> No.23358856

you literally can, we spend most of our time pretending to be productive, making and marketing products that no one needs, services (inc hr mm etc) no one asked for

>> No.23358904

You're one of those bugmen who thinks the entirety of work is HR departments pushing pencils. You're sheltered from reality.

>> No.23359267

You think everyone is out there building stuff? Office work is a massive make work project for women and beta males to remain employed. Its all coming to and end though.

>> No.23359284


There are several things wrong with this statement (is there even such a thing as utility to begin with?), but conceding the point, what do you suppose that said "labor" goes into? Most "labor" is there to mitigate the negative utility of yesterday's "labor" and to prepare for tomorrow's "labor" (this, too, is putting the cart of negative utility before the horse of the supposed future utility), such that "utility" would actually increase if all "labor" ceased.

>> No.23359317

The real problem with labor is that in modern society you don't get to enjoy the fruits of your own labor. When I was younger I used to help my grandpa around the farm and we would do things like pave a path with bricks, build a shed, even simple stuff like chop wood, etc. and even though it was laborious work it was done on our terms (starting, stopping and taking a break whenever we wanted) and it was done towards our own end (when it's all said and done, you can sit inside your own shed or warm the fireplace with your own firewood) and it provided me with a real sense of satisfaction and even a certain sense of freedom and self-sufficiency.
But now you have Mr Shekelstein cracking a whip over your back, making you do menial drudgery for X amount of $ an hour which you use to buy Funko Pops making you feel like a slave. That lack of autonomy is really the worst part of waging for me.

>> No.23359333

Tell me about Dead Man Working, is it based?

>> No.23359347
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>> No.23359349
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>> No.23359376
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Is this some kind of r*ddit nigger shit thread?

>> No.23359405
File: 96 KB, 1029x960, wageslavefixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed it

>> No.23359408


Your point being...?

>> No.23359421

You really think God gives two shits about the struggle to support the contemporary consumerist mono-society by working 9-5 in retail?

>> No.23359434


And what is the relation between labor and providing?

>> No.23359483

Brutal quote

>> No.23359613

4chan always been neet central newfriend

>> No.23359788

only way to live the neet life is to earn lots of money
work can set you free

>> No.23359805

isn't your work better used on things that you're good at and someone who's good at building a house could build your house
you're paid a higher wage than the blue collar workers who build a house so you can afford it and they'll build it quickly too

>> No.23359835

I do all of this in my free time in addition to having a full time six figure job. How fucked am I?

>> No.23359878

that is an awesome excuse, I'm saving the entire paragraph

>> No.23359886

this sounds gay
I like being an infidel though

>> No.23359904


>> No.23360093

Life is short when you spend all your time doing stupid shit

>> No.23360162

Some work places have their employees work 12hr shifts and alternate between 3 and 4 work days a week.

>> No.23360270

Most labor is there to keep people alive and comfortable. Cities don't build themselves. Water doesn't treat itself. Water pipes don't build themselves. Natural gas doesn't gather itself. Goods don't manufacture and ship themselves. Houses don't maintain themselves. Crops don't grow and process themselves. Electricity doesnt generate and distribute itself. Roads don't maintain themselves. You've just betrayed how ignorant you are of everything that goes into maintaining and supplying a city. Your attitude is precisely why infrastructure is collapsing

>> No.23360300
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Yeah but you don't need to impose 8 hour work days for one person unless you have a large population of well educated people. It just ends up decreasing productivity and potentially leads them to crime if it pays better anyway.

>> No.23360307

Shit I meant unless you don't have a large population of educated people*

>> No.23360432

Try to find meaning some other way anon.

>> No.23360588

no its better to do things yourself

>> No.23360603

Neets are parasites feeding off the greatest parasite of all, the government. I have no issue with them since I hate the government.
This is more of a result of society being organised around wage labour (which is a model that doesn't make sense outside factories). This is mostly thanks to leftists being allowed to run rampant in the XX century. Since all modern leftism is Marxist in origin and Marxism relies almost exclusively on the factory wage labour model.

In a vast majority of circumstances contract work makes more sense. You pay someone an agreed upon amount to perform a specific task and then you both part ways.

>> No.23361157

We don't have an infrastructure problem. We have a nigger problem. France ignores it, we just pile on more work and to ensure that there is always more work, we import more niggers, who ruin more infrastructure.

>> No.23361233

Worst ‘meme’ I’ve ever seen I’ve ever seen.

Why would you be so derogatory about working men when they’re the sole reason you can even maintain your lifestyle?

>> No.23361266

Delicious trade rage

>> No.23361317
File: 463 KB, 1471x893, NEET guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23361333

>Slothfulness is a vice, diligence is a virtue. You cannot achieve anything in this life without struggle. The highest struggle is for the Lord Almighty.
>But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.
yeah that's a teaching for jews by jews

gentiles dont need to care about this

>> No.23361337

>Most labor is there to keep people alive and comfortable. Cities don't build themselves. Water doesn't treat itself. Water pipes don't build themselves. Natural gas doesn't gather itself. Goods don't manufacture and ship themselves. Houses don't maintain themselves. Crops don't grow and process themselves. Electricity doesnt generate and distribute itself. Roads don't maintain themselves. You've just betrayed how ignorant you are of everything that goes into maintaining and supplying a city. Your attitude is precisely why infrastructure is collapsing
So cities are built by hedonists for hedonists and the people who leech off of them, ie women

>> No.23361405


What do any of these phrases mean, exactly? "Alive and comfortable", "building", "treat", "gather", "goods", "manufacture", "ship", "maintain", "grow", "process", "generate", "distribute". Consider garbage, for example: ideology claims that garbage would accumulate to an intolerable degree if all labor ceased, however, whence garbage in the first place? From labor, moreover, EXCLUSIVELY from labor. Likewise, "distribution" only has to "distribute" since "distribution" itself broke apart that to which it now has to "distribute".

>> No.23362474

Do you live in a wood cabin with a dirt floor?
>what does it mean to treat water?
It means you aren't shitting your guts out til you die, moron.

>> No.23363060


Again, why is water not clean in the first place?

>> No.23363185

Because there's naturally occurring bacteria in water you fucking dumb ass. I swear this board is full of disconnected morons

>> No.23363198

Just get a remote do nothing job and be a paid neet

>> No.23363311

Is night shift security guard a comfy job for reading, /lit/?

>> No.23364722
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Sure, unless you get harassed by pseuds.

>> No.23364737

Now look at the gdp graph of all these regions. Make a guess which one was growing the least.

>> No.23364744

That's the most absurd "I am silly" strawman I've ever seen. Nobody cares what you do with your time and how much or how little you work, as long as you don't think you're entitled to handouts from someone else.

>> No.23364763


"Naturally occurring"? Pardon? Both that by which bacteria can be said to be in the water and that which bacteria can be said to do in the water can be described as labor.

>> No.23364786

Aw shit I've been portrayed as the ugly guy in a wojak comic. I admit defeat

>> No.23364853

who was in the wrong

>> No.23365026

Johnny. He just wanted to hurt the wagecuck -- like he does with every person he has a relationship with. I think the security guard got the last laugh at the end he told Johnny "Don't waste your life".

>> No.23365031

I don't get why liberals in the first world want communism when there's millions of refugees from communist countries warning people about the dangers of communism.

>> No.23365128

he was not larping as diogenes?

>> No.23365146

Lots of shit like this from people that toil for Mammon.

>> No.23365198

From all you have learned about this, how do I stop working for at least a year or two, and then only read and write? I could manage only 7 months paying my mortgage if I sold my car and got a clunker. I could got 5+ years if I sold my house and moved into a trailer. And interest rates are still fucked. It's like I don't have a choice but to work.
To my knowledge unless I accomplish something in my time away, this is a one way ticket. I will never have a good job again if I can't explain that gap in employment. I either write some really good novels or my life would be poor from then on. Not appearing to have a way out besides a surprise inheritance only makes me hate work more.

>> No.23365229

>paying my mortgage
Yep you're fucked. If you don't have any liquid investments or other means of income you're screwed. Seriously planning on NEEDdom isn't for people who've already committed themselves to the system to this degree, you'd need an actual out like some means of renting you place out or selling it for another living arrangement.

>if I can't explain that gap in employment
And this is why you are a slave. Society judges you for not submitting yourself to unfreedom even if you could 'make it' by other means, by design you are locked out of being able to simply choose how to live yourself, even if you wanted to sacrifice your lifestyle temporarily for the sake of self determination and nothing else.

>> No.23365343

I can actually get a real estate agent to rent my place out because it's in demand. With the profit I could just live inna woods and write. If that doesn't work there are other ways after selling everything. I know it's slave mentality to consider the risk of not working the typical way, but I am trying to express the reality of it. Forsaking wage slavery is an all in thing. It is just too frustrating to finally start making salary and it still doesn't make life any better. Work just feels awful.

>> No.23365524

Yeah and France is a decaying shit hole. All meaningful advances and productivity and achievement is in America. Europeans are just faggot welfare queens who haven't done a single noteworthy thing in almost a century

>> No.23365527

This is the most retarded thing I've ever read. Marxist "science" is such a joke.

>> No.23365585


How so? I claim that all pestilence is labor and all labor is pestilence. Marx is on your side, and claims that all labor is cleanliness and all cleanliness is labor.

>> No.23365678
File: 529 KB, 3400x2400, Figure-1-GDP-per-capita-1820-2018-Our-World-in-Data.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since the actual first world countries, you know, those with good public infrastructure, high standards of living, social security, culture, affordable education and so on, are afaik exclusively located in europe, i would say it takes about 35 hours a week, minus national holidays, vacational and occasionally parental leave, paid sick days and phases of unemployment. Whats even funnier is when you realize that mutts think its normal to spend another 1-2 hours a day in their car to drive from and to work. You guys literally invest 10 hours of your day for a state that doesnt even provide clean tap water.

Doesn't look so bad IMO. Granted, the US is grouped with their subordinates, but that wouldn't make a big difference.

>> No.23365781

The thing is almost all 'communist' countries are faschist countries. 'Democratic republics' never have elections, 'people's republics' are never treating people as the highest good and 'united' countries always try to overpower each other.
All political parties that want to represent communism refer to marxism-leninism but do not intend to create an actual communist state after the communist revolution, but instead hold the power forever after they seized it.
Btw, i think the original idea of communism will never be possible because humans can never be completely equal and those that have more potential will always be too greedy to share everything equal (which i find very understandable), then again there is the problem with equality and equity.

>> No.23365794

The base assumption of that quote, of course, being that you have an in group that cares for you (people of your own), and a family (people of your own house), and a house in the first place.

Also I hate that verse because all the new translations say "take care of your relatives, and especially people of your own house." Dumb globohomo reinterpretation because they don't want to tell people to care for their own race/tribe/clan over others.

>> No.23365806

>muh gdp
Anyone who instantly jumps to "but what if the Jewish numbers go down" to defend being a wage slave have been so inculcated with propaganda that they are beyond saving.

>> No.23365872

how do you survive

>> No.23365962

Yeah but the difference is 4chan wanted out.

>> No.23366066

Well if you define taking a shit as labor then you can make up any retarded nonsense about society. If you really wanted to stop doing labor you could kill yourself.

>> No.23366069

Europe is a dead civilization. You're just watching parasites consume the last vestiges of its corpse. Europe will soon collapse

>> No.23366070

>If you really wanted to stop doing labor you could kill yourself.
