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23356677 No.23356677 [Reply] [Original]

I want to become a polymath, where do I start?

>> No.23356834

By knowing yourself

>> No.23356847

Start putting in the hours in mastering your chosen fields.
Pro-tip: browsing 4chan is not a skill.

>> No.23356851

Spend 14 hours per day reading books

>> No.23357020

close the 4chan tab and turn off your computer.

>> No.23357072

Start with math, then continue with poly.

>> No.23357083

Pick one and get rid of it. That can be the only mistake someone makes.

>> No.23357087

>learn Latin, Greek, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Russian
>know physics, chemistry, biology and mathematics
>know how to play an instrument decently well
>be well-versed in history, literature, philosophy, theology
>know the Western Canon like the back of your hand
>strength training and some kind of sport

>> No.23357090
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>> No.23357099

shut up nerd

>> No.23357146

>I want to become a polymath, where do I start?
Do you? Or do you just want to be well-educated. If you study the categories >>23357087 mentions with a reasonable amount of vigor, you could achieve a realistic and very solid well-rounded education.

>> No.23357210

this sucks because I'm super bad at math so I can never become a real polymath

>> No.23357215

Lots of great answers here.

>> No.23357359

You start by developing interest. Do not study for the sake of studying or just earning expertise. If your goal is becoming a polymath your studies will end up disperse, and you won't ever focus on one area. Start by developing what you like the most already then you branch out to related disciplines. For example general philosophy > aesthetics > art history > art criticism > literary criticism

>> No.23357618

This is what you must do
Step 1. Jack off
Step 2. Kys
That is how I became a polymath. Best of luck anon!

>> No.23357718

replace Russian with Hebrew
>inb4 rabbi
look at most polymaths of the day and you'll see they always have some exposure to Hebrew

>> No.23359183

Just force yourself to work through Basic Mathematics by Serge Lang until you get it.
Hebrew is obviously important and lots of polymaths back in the day did study, but I think Russian has taken more precedence these days in terms of the Western Canon. Hebrew just allows you to read the old testament and Russian gets you access to all the Russian greats. If you're an earnestly believing Christian, your priorities might be different and that's fine.

>> No.23359591

>where do I start?
The appropriate question is "when do I start" and the answer is "at four years of age".

>> No.23359711
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>> No.23359724

Lol... I...

>> No.23360212

by first becoming a monomath lmao

>> No.23360219

Get at least a minor in mathematics then from there go into other subjects

>> No.23360247

Source: I've participated in the local music scene. I've written several programs and contributed to some larger projects. I've been a top ranking CTF player in several fairly big competitions. I bind books. I garden. I read. I have a fairly decent grasp of Japanese, Irish, and English. I know enough about various religions and spiritual worldviews that I can hold a conversation about it, even up to the point of being able to discuss some fairly "esoteric" subjects. I know how to build a radio. I know how to create various weapons. I'm a fairly good cook. I went to university for mathematics, for fun, and now I'm working on a grad degree, just for the hell of it. I've read a lot about various political worldviews, so I actually know what I'm talking about when criticising the "left", "right" liberal dichotomy. I know how to create fuel and alcohol, I homebrew a pretty good mead and cider, I've got a fair grasp on chemistry AND biology, I've reverse engineered MMORPGs and contributed to still-used projects.
And then some. Frankly, I'm just getting started.

>> No.23360431

>>23360247 Do you any form of strength training or fitness? Also how old are you, it mustve taken sometime to learn all that.

>> No.23360441

>where do I start?
Birth (you've failed)

>> No.23360551

i was bad at math but something happened after learning latin and greek, and after taking a symbolic logic class in university and now its easy. I still make stupid mistakes all the time, but im teaching myself mutlivariable calculus now

>> No.23360559

should've had an asian tiger mom who forced you to learn piano and ancient greek at age 3

>> No.23360586

>Do you any form of strength training or fitness
I have a home gym and I do some stretching and lifting. It's mostly just generic core, arms, legs, and cardio.
>Also how old are you, it mustve taken sometime to learn all that.
I'm 32. I probably really started it around 24 or so. Most of these things didn't take long. The programming/hacking stuff was something I messed around with when I was about 10 or 11 years old and onward, but I pick things up really quickly. Bookbinding took about 15 to 20 minutes to pick up and a week or two to become semi-competent at it. Once I started to experiment a little though, I got pretty good at it. It also had some overlap, my ability to sew became significantly better, etc.
Oddly, reading is what took the most time. Not so much the act of reading, but the mentality surrounding "fun" that was drilled into my head by various "boomerisms." Despite reading a lot when I was a kid, I had it in my head that I could have a better use of my time. That was earlier on though, once you become considerate of the fact that life isn't a race and whatever you're doing is the most important thing that you could be doing at any given moment in time: It becomes very relaxing and made it much easier to do enjoyable things.

>> No.23360727
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That's where you're wrong kiddo. Not just anyone can scroll 4chan for the length of time that most of us here do. You have a gift. I have a gift. All anon newfag and a old-fashioned alike have the same great gift. We qre region! We do not forget! Expect us!

>> No.23360775

Thanks a lot for the information.

>> No.23361087

start as a monomath and work your way up from there

>> No.23361567

for what purpose do you wish to become a polymath? the time dedicated to become a polymath is extensive, and in the end you most probably wont have served any purpose or made anything remarkable

>> No.23362047

Memory palaces/Roman rooms

>> No.23362056

Pick the correct parents.

>> No.23363775


>> No.23364415

Learn the trivium, and then the Quadrivium, and you are good to go.