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23356423 No.23356423 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23356435


>> No.23356544

Because he doesn’t know how to finish them.

Writers block is a bitch.

>> No.23356568
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He sold the IP to Hollywood, Hollywood raped it, debased it and made it the greatest laughing stock in television. He now hates the works he created because he whored it out and now it is tossed back to him ruined and stained and no longer his.

The fat fuck deserves everything he gets.

>> No.23357668


>> No.23357670
File: 311 KB, 557x897, Screenshot 2023-09-18 200236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too busy eating Burger, Chicken nugget, and french fry

>> No.23357784

Real answer: he's too busy writing spinoffs and working on other projects like Elden Ring.

My take: he got bored of it. Man would rather tug to AI art of Daenerys than finish her story.

>> No.23357799

I like his pedo hat.

>> No.23357814

Maybe he doesn't give a shit anymore. But for a million reasons it's obviously a bad idea for him to just say, "I don't care about that now."

>> No.23358567
File: 2.02 MB, 2026x2865, 1706191062560441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Combination of factors:
>writing himself into a corner, endless unfinished threads need tying up
>everyone has already guessed every possible potential ending, can't 'wow' people any more
>his health is really quite poor as you can imagine
>types with one finger, not joking he literally types with his right index finger and nothing else
>too busy enjoying the tv/movie producer circuit
>he doesn't really give a shit any more, never expected his books to be this popular, he's kinda done with them anyway
>enjoys writing spinoffs more than the main line
>has fuck you money, isn't beholden to anyone
>is naturally lazy
>genuinely holds his fans in contempt

>> No.23358596

>Gets adapted into a show
>Show is unprecedented success
>All eyes on him to finish the last book
>Famously takes his sweet time, probably genuinely just bored of the story and annoyed the show is talked about more than the book
>Writers go ahead and make their own finale
>Fucks it all up, show goes from international sensation to laughing stock
>Cue half a decade of people, including the actors, still shitting on the finale
>Some people even think you wrote it
>Too much drama, zero reason to finish a story that was concluded to some extent and hated
>Fuck off to Japan and help write Elden Ring instead
Could also simply be that he's a multi-millionaire and doesn't care what people want.

>> No.23358664

It's been like 10 years, I don't even remember half of the plot.

>> No.23360125

All valid

>> No.23360160

>types with one finger, not joking he literally types with his right index finger and nothing else
Excuse me?

>> No.23360164

Don't forget:
>Sad that the real world is as shitty as the one he wrote.

>> No.23360615

its better a unfinished story than a finished poorly. the last two books were already lacking. let it go, and make your own end.

>> No.23360737

He used to wear that turtle pin on it to troll his book fans ("a turtle might be the only thing slower than my writing")

>> No.23361424

He's 75 years old, a total luddite and not very intelligent/active so never adapted to the modern world. He cannot type as such, he just uses one finger to press the keys. Try typing out a reply with one finger lmao it's mind-numbing. Now imagine you have to write 2400 pages like that and do rewrites and so on. He also said he has to look directly at the keyboard the entire time. Imagining it is like imagining how an orangutan would type.

>> No.23361497

someone should suggest him to write with a pen instead, i think it'd be an improvement in his case, unless he has arthritis in his hands

>> No.23362096
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I can't blame him that much. I tried one of his books and couldn't finish it either.

>> No.23363587
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this is pretty much it

>> No.23363614

He should have dropped his ego and done the timeskip

>> No.23364288

Are you body-shaming, anon? Shame on you.

>> No.23364391

Considering how the TV show based on his work has ended and the terrible endings of many other popular TV shows (Attack on Titan, Walking Dead, and that's just in recent memory) if he fucks up the final book he'd be notorious as other things with terrible endings after how many people devoted years toward reading him.

>> No.23364444

its not, though.

>> No.23364452

Is gotr worth reading ?

>> No.23365569
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fake news. he's been writing on the same offline personal computer since the late 80s. everything's odd about this EXCEPT the fucking keyboard. this guy's fat fingers aren't problem here. it's his method of writing which is the equivalent of talking and thinking later. the ending to A Song Of Ice and Fire never existed and still doesn't exist. it's all massive bull shit.

>> No.23365571

Have seen parts of the show and it is basically just porn like they show on HBO, am not interested really.

>> No.23365647

I like this method of writing better. It's fun.