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File: 700 KB, 1192x796, ndwnli97p1h51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23354949 No.23354949 [Reply] [Original]

I would like to 'de-Nazify' alot of my beliefs about this world, what books should I read for this?

>> No.23354954

>both my great grandparents fought for the allies
>OPs image makes me sick to my stomach

>> No.23354973
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>> No.23354976

Just observe the world, and tell yourself that what's actually true is the exact opposite of everything you see.

>> No.23354977

The British bombing campaign was effectively a waste of time according to to British military man and historian JFC Fuller.

>> No.23354989

Watching WW2 footage from the allies side now is so weird when you consider the current state of America/UK/Frace.

>> No.23354991

You're telling me...

>> No.23354996
File: 98 KB, 1024x1019, 1674771464047993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bait. Nazis were the good guys

>> No.23355034

It's pretty simple: read almost anything that isn't Nazi propaganda. Neo-Nazis are quite nearly the most brainless sons o' bitches on the planet.

>> No.23355054

Not sure what you mean by 'de-nazify' but Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze busts myths about Hitler revitalizing Germany's economy and goes into economic motivations for the war and why it was unwinnable from the start.


>> No.23355061
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anything by churchill

>> No.23355114

>Propagandized Anglo words

I so dearly wish he could see the state of modern Britain, and I wish he could see antifa vermin waving signs telling Harris to "do it again". Just like general Sherman, he has become an icon for all the anti European lunatics that want nothing more than a mountain of dead Europeans. I so dearly wish Harris knew that. I want him to see Britain turning into a third world turdpile while it spends all it's dwindling wealth on protecting Israel and making browns cosy.

I wish he could see it all before he's stuffed back inside whichever dark hellscape he's currently occupying.

>> No.23355133
File: 54 KB, 443x640, strafeschlussmitengland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23355229

you and me both anon

>> No.23355282

Just for the record, Britain started the civilian bombing campaign against Germany first, with the excuse that Germany had bombed (accidentally obviously) a civilian barn with 0 casualties. Hitler waited four entire months before retaliating.
Churchill also in a drunken rage ordered the dropping for anthrax on Germany. He was overruled obviously. Meanwhile some of Hitler's generals had suggested something similar for the British isles, and Hitler dismissed the idea even on the brink of total defeat.

>> No.23355283

>Great grandparents
This is a millennial board.

>> No.23355295

>lived in london
but britain started the aerial bombardment campaign?

>> No.23355299

Not him but i’m a millennial and all my grandparents were born in the 1910s and 20s. That’s what happens when two generations in a row have kids late in life

>> No.23355325

just transition, by the filename I can tell you are almost there

>> No.23355635

>OPs image makes me sick to my stomach
Where do you think you are? If you can't handle a little bit of twisted dark humor without getting a tummy ache, GTFO!!!!!!!

>> No.23355651 [DELETED] 

>win war
>destroy your own country decades later
What causes this?

>> No.23355655

At least you're not speaking German.

>> No.23355657

Clearly God was on the side of the English

>> No.23355660

Indians are way better than Germans.

>> No.23355663
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>> No.23355666

Critique of Practical Reason if you're serious.

>> No.23355668

> 'de-Nazify' alot of my beliefs
what national socialists beliefs do you have then

>> No.23355673

Went to the Philippines and there was a museum dedicated to and all about Douglas MacArthur. The guy who, after seeing the affects and aftermath of the nuclear bombs in Japan wanted to spam fire them all over the country but the president had to talk him down. Repeatedly. When Korea rolled around, he wanted to use even more nukes. Very much of the mindset "Why fight, when we can just kill the bastards?"

>> No.23355688

And to be clear, when Truman told him that pushing the north Korean forces any further back would anger China, MacArthur pretty much responded, "So, nuke the chinks too."

>> No.23355697

Least genocidal anglo.

>> No.23355698
File: 913 KB, 1200x5365, 1616259992972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the Nazis were the good guys, the jews are evil and the allies were dumb golem.

>> No.23355711

This board is refreshingly open-minded. There are fascists, anti-fascists, and people in the middle who nevertheless see fascism as a historical phenomenon like any other rather than just regurgitating propaganda.

>> No.23355723

Time spent wasting Germans is never time wasted. I get to rawdog brown chicks thanks to gramps' service

>> No.23355724
File: 15 KB, 184x273, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gets shit on for leaving the Philippines when Japan invaded and did the Bataan Death March. He left to get more men. Came back with literally one million men and murdered the shit out of the Japanese. His guys were the ones who did the lollipop and Lullapalooza checks.
For those that don't know, US troops couldn't tell who was Japanese and who was Filipino at a glance, enough Japanese soldiers spoke English (Filipinos commonly speak English) that soldiers would tell them to say Lollipop or Lullapalooza. Since Japanese people have no 'L' sound in there language it is a real bitch for them to say those words, so when Rorripop or Rorriparruza came out of their mouth, soldiers would just blast the guys then move on.

>> No.23355894
File: 194 KB, 1080x1031, Screenshot_20240505_105715_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They lied about the future they were fighting for.

>> No.23356030

Unfortunately now I had to learn it later in life rather than knowing it from childhood, yes.

>> No.23356045

That’s actually not how civilians work. You can’t just say “they attacked our civilians, so we’re justified in attacking their civilians.” Civilians and non-combatants did not perpetuate the blitzkrieg

>> No.23356048

Your question doesn't make sense. If you want to "de-Nazify" your beliefs, then you already know those beliefs are wrong. If you want to "de-Nazify" someone else, I promise you that changing a political extremist's mind is nearly impossible unless they want it.

>> No.23356053

yes there's a sort of actual balance here, like people used to talk about /pol/ as having like 10+ years ago (although looking back, I still doubt whether I'd call that a balance), and in any case the level of discussion is (sometimes, on average) higher here

>> No.23356057
File: 2.74 MB, 3580x1252, 1965 Immigration Act Jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have never read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald, it's highly worth a read. There are lots of relevant chapters, but for me personally, the most impactful was Chapter 7, 'jewish involvement in shaping U.S. immigration policy'. It covers in detail how jews have been the leading force in shifting U.S. immigration policy from a Eurocentric focus to an open door policy for the entire third world, dating all the way back to the beginning of the 20th century. It's enough to make your blood boil.

Here is a free link to Culture of Critique on http://archive.org if anyone here is curious to read more:


>> No.23356153
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>all the election tourists can do is post facebook memes and some horseshit that actual academics have pointed out many, many times is the stupidest fucking crap imaginable
Anyway, to answer OP's question in good faith, Hitler: Ascent and Hitler: Downfall by Volker Ullrich are long but good

>> No.23356157


>> No.23356161

>being this mad when a war was on, and the Germans bombed Britain first
Fuck Dresden. Start shit, get hit.

>> No.23356162

As an Indian I apply this logic to immigrating to the UK. Jai Sri Ram and Allahu Akbar, Nigel

>> No.23356170

I'm sorry you have to emigrate to another country just to experience plumbing, and streets that don't have cows living in them.

>> No.23356174

Don't feel sorry, I'll get all of that in the UK

>> No.23356181

Not for long. Demographics is destiny, shitskins will turn it into a shithole, like they do to any place they get into en mass.

>> No.23356186

But Britain started shit. Hitler had less than zero interest in killing anglos.

>> No.23356226

it brings me great joy and pleasure seeing pakis indians blacks collectively raping and invading the angloids and the descendants of the commonwealth soldiers

you are going extinct and thats a good thing

at this very moment i wish rather spoke german than french

>arthur harris
reminder he is rhodesian and his ppl lost

>> No.23356248

This meme is stupid, the British started bombing German cities weeks before Germany ever bombed targets on the British mainland.

>> No.23356336

All these mad chuds
>b...but but you live in vibrant open societies...where you can live however you want...and have sex with people from all over the world...bet you wish the nazis had won...

>> No.23356343

>Noooo! Not muh poor Germans who never did anything, except start two world wars, because they can't just fucking not ;_;
You're just a fucking historical contrarian, who wants to stick up for the "bad guy", because you got smacked too much (or not enough) when you were a kid.

>> No.23356352

This post is vibrant

>> No.23356462
File: 1.21 MB, 1050x4060, Germany Merkel Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vibrant open societies
You mean the crime ridden falling apart progressively more unstable shit holes that were once orderly and safe, where people are finding it impossible to earn enough money for even basic things? The current state of affairs will is unsustainable, so enjoy this judeo-satanic clown world society while to can faggot.

>> No.23356517

Why are boomers so homosexual and so violent?
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.23356524

>muh sex
Obsessed cumbrain.
I don't want to fuck some severely used up whore, i want to be fucked by futa.
Why i can't have that?

>> No.23356532

That happened to people of the past, why would i care, person of modern age?
Their life has same amount of value as some pisslamist shitskin or some other conservative 3rd worlder.

>> No.23356540

Literally who asked you?

>> No.23356559


>> No.23356569

i dont care what the germans did
they shouldve killed every single soldier at dunkirk
>because you got smacked too much (or not enough) when you were a kid.
projecting and thats such a reddit insult + played sports

>> No.23356579

>i want to be fucked by futa.

>> No.23356607

You can, its called BanCOCK

>> No.23356613
File: 20 KB, 474x355, britainpm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Prime Minister of "Great" Britain

>> No.23356648 [DELETED] 

He represents those that sell pharmaceuticals, those that sell ammunition, and those that sell your personal data. Yes, they all look like that.

>> No.23357794
File: 144 KB, 820x1024, 1714252053159071m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

worth it

>> No.23358198

cheesed to meet him

>> No.23358229

>i want to be fucked by futa.
Me too bro
It's not fair

>> No.23358419

>I would like to 'de-Nazify' alot of my beliefs about this world, what books should I read for this?
The problem isn't Nazis, it is Germans, read Christopher Browning _Ordinary Men_.

>> No.23358429

That's a horrible thing to say. No people are evil by virtue of blood.

>> No.23358451

>conservatives bitching about sustainability
god, I've never been smugger.

>> No.23358464

I doubt anyone who reads can maintain the /pol/ driven nazi meme. I mean this sincerely, having read Mein Kampf and modern bullshit like Siege. It’s so atrocious the people who praise it can’t have read any of it and are doing it as a joke or signalling flag.
If you’re actually some flavour of extreme right today you wouldn’t touch those retarded losers with a ten foot pole.
>hurp a durp I can’t believe in a conspiracy of elites without the JOOOS and that must mean nazism bad
As if nazis invented antisemitism. Again, just shows you know nothing and have read nothing.
>hurp durp aryan
You don’t know shit about biology or haplogroups. Neither did the nazis.
>hurp durp duh left
As retarded as nazis, with nearly identical persecution complexes, you people only disagree if the evil capitalist piggy wears a kippah or not. Violent overthrow to enact the not-dictatorship that will truly free the people, free speech bad, wrongthink punishable, unpersons get the wall. All the fighting between nazis and antifa is clearly repressed homolust. You should just fuck each other like the fags you are.

>> No.23358465
File: 430 KB, 2048x1089, Empires of 1900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always weird how so many anons, like the ones in this thread, are always blaming the current state of Britain on Germany losing WW2 for some reason and not on Britain having an empire that pushed its language and culture on approximately 1/4 of the world's population. It's like the French getting mad when Haitians or Algerians migrate to France. Like where do you think these 3rd world niggas who want better lives are going to move to? Obviously, it's gonna be the country they already have a cultural connection to and speak the language of. The modern state of Europe is just their ancestors' imperial chickens from centuries ago finally coming home to roost. The US only had an empire from like 5 minutes, and we still have to deal with a gajillion Caribbeans and Pinoys migrating to the US every year.

It's just so bizarre to me how you guys think Hitler winning would have monumentally changed anything. The Third Reich would have collapsed regardless because it would have been simply unsustainable, what with being run with loons, throwing away its male population on retarded wars, having made enemies of all of its neighbors, and now having numerous ethnic groups within it who hate it and who want to tear it down from within.

Anyone who vouches for Germany in WW2 and isn't a German or at least an Austrian themselves is legit glue-sniffer tier.

>> No.23358479

Imo it's more of a "You supposedly fought to preserve your culture but did nothing to preserve it after that and lost it anyway. schtick

>> No.23358486

should be a crime being that flat in an age of silicone. They can keep her.

>> No.23358505
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lmao nazi cope

>heh might makes right leftoid

>> No.23358513

>MacArthur pretty much responded, "So, nuke the chinks too."
Potentially far worse outcomes for the World but also brilliant for someone who's job is it to win wars to think that way.

>> No.23358521
File: 207 KB, 800x1138, World domination is utteraly pointless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You supposedly fought to preserve your culture
What? Britain fought because Germany started a war where it wanted to conquer its neighbors, including Britain and its allies. That's just simple self-defense. And culture was going to fluctuate regardless. You think the average Bong today is a spitting average of a Bong in Churchill's England? Or that those Bongs are spitting images of Queen Victoria's England? Or that THOSE Bongs are spitting images of King George III's England, etc? In another century or so, future Bongs will look back on the early 21st century as a "better time" as people always do when looking at their ancestors' past, specifically because they never lived in it.

The point I'm getting at with both these posts is that world domination by any one culture is retarded and will eventually pan out badly for all parties involved, including the conquerors themselves. Germany would eventually be the biggest multicultural shithole in Europe had it won, and all the Germans in that timeline are probably spitting on the first Furher's grave for all the reparations and gibs they have to pay out to all the Jews, Bongs, Slavs, Meds, Nords, Frenchmen, and gypsies whose ancestors they oppressed or massacred.

>> No.23358543

What did happen, was the complete and total destruction of Dresden from the air looooool

>> No.23358547

This Hitler guy sounds like a real pussy.

>> No.23358554

Correct, the british didnt want to be conquered because something something foreign rule. Most people see being conquered as bad because something something we have our own culture and we dont want to lose it.
That's the whole idea behind why these things are said.
Dont put words into my mouth on what I think lol, the brits can live or die for all i care. Just saying why these statements are made.
And yea sure, poornigs go to their former overlord like a retarded wife goes back to their abuser. Doesnt mean they arent still losing their culture to a foreign one. A culture evolving or being influenced is not the same as it being subjugated and removed. Even the danes and the swiss suffer these fates btw.

>> No.23358574

to tack onto >>23358554, you also have turks and others who didnt get colonized or got colonized by someone else go to countries they have no cultural connection to so I think that point of yours doesnt really hold up. Its about wealth first, culture second.
Why are there eritreans fighting their civil war in germany lol.

>> No.23358578

lmao seething chuddie who has nothing going on in his life relies on muh culture of his grandparents have sex kiddo

>> No.23358583

>t. silly goose
Get a hobby bro

>> No.23358622
File: 1.21 MB, 480x852, See our family grow.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the dudes who whined about this shit so much would just have sex and make big families of their own like this oil-drilling gentleman here and instill your values into your children, this problem would resolve itself. Just have sex, bro. It doesn't matter if she's ugly. If you care about your culture and your race, you should value and honor your ugly wife and pump her full of kids regardless.

>> No.23358642

But sir, with all due respect, I read all of Mein Kampf and was PROMISED an 8-9/10 slender demure Aryan farm wife whose interests are (exclusively) cooking, fucking, and frolicking in the barley. Granted, she still hasn't fallen into my lap, but a few more Talmud denunciations on this here site should do the trick.

>> No.23358676
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Bold of you to assume I am a cuckservative.
Cuckservativism exists to stop revolution, not to stop the left. There are no political solutions because all the body politic is controlled by the same jew owned Israel first anti-White uniparty. Democracy is just theatre for the slave class.

See with your own eyes all US politicians on both parties voicing their never ending loyalty to Israel:

Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding

Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Lost Her Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel Oath

In Arizona, all 4 Republicans whose candidacies unsettled Jews have lost

"More than 95% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their election last night!"

AIPAC gets everyone:



The US budget is Israel-centric and Jew-centric:

"Cynthia McKinney: US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israel"

The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America

>> No.23358679
File: 212 KB, 1079x1325, 9fb7d69938d951240a257d7f3924e116106b58a55642aa5dcc1d87cec6c8ecf5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy bey, let me tell you a bunch of bullshit goy, remember nazis bad like antifa goy
Shalom rabbi.


>> No.23358687

>they already have a cultural connection to and speak the language of.
Obviously that's not enough, the racial element is obviously key for the stability of any given society. Go check on what happens on Liberia (it's the same cannibalism and retarded monke bs that goes down in all Africa) despite it having a constitution that's exactly like the one in the US.
If all the Irish left Ireland for Niger, and all the Nigerians left Niger for Ireland, I a few years Niger would look like Ireland pre-ethnic replacement and Niger would look like the shithole Nigeria always was.
There is no magic dirt, and the genetic composition of a mass of people is the most important element in shaping what their society will be like. Many people both on the right and left (and center) of the political deny this fact.

>> No.23358691

>Obviously that's not enough, the racial element is obviously key for the stability of any given society. Go check on what happens on Liberia
LIberia where the original black American stock that founded the nation and put in more of the work initially was quickly overtaken by native Africans who squandered any potential the nation had and drove many of Liberia's founding stock to migrate to the US after the military coup in the 1980s? That Liberia?

Laser-focusing on race won't save you, bro. Make babies and help your own communities prosper.

>> No.23358694
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But might always does make right (not in the moral sense, but in the de facto sense, those that can impose their will on others will do it in virtue of simply being able to do it, regardless of they are malignant or not), regardless of what we may think about that fact.
And the currently dominant power (jewish power) is about to find out the retardness of having destroyed their own source of might (that's the US and the whole Western world) from the inside out in their attempts to enact total White Genocide.

>> No.23358695
File: 336 KB, 1357x1357, jew pedos judaism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know Hitler was bad because a bunch of pedophiles from Hollywood made movies saying he was bad.

>> No.23358697

>Hitler good because pol said so

>> No.23358698
File: 235 KB, 576x623, Jews pedos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah the problem is not the nazis nor the Germans, it's the jews.

"About 100 rabbis and other figures who've been accused, charged or convicted of sexual abuse have already found refuge in Israel, advocates’ group says"


"Meet James Cantor the Jewish Doctor Who Convinced Twitter to Gives Pedophiles Protected Status"


"Pedophile [and] murderer Leo Frank died on August 17, 1915, leading to the creation of the ADL. Here are the FACTS of the case 107 years later: https://youtu.be/N0sNB8uWAUs


Zionist Jew Milo Yiannopoulos (who is currently working for MTG's campaign, see here: https://archive.vn/G2nrZ ) defending the pedophile priest that raped him at 14 years old and trying to defend relationships of a sexual nature between minors and adults (specifically younger boys and older man, he calls them "important, enriching and incredibly life affirming relationships"), NOTE you have to click the link to the video that says "Milo Black Pigeon Speaks EXPOSED" on the embedded player for the right video to play:


"Israel a Safe Haven for Pedophiles"


"Israeli Court Rules Jew Convicted of Running International Child Porn Ring Safe to Practice as Pediatrician"


"Rabbi says pedophile rape is not to be reported according to jewish law"

>> No.23358699

After you ;)

>> No.23358700
File: 559 KB, 1015x1280, jews-are-the-problem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race mixing is cringe af
Read a book, faggot.

Ayo Kimathi is an anti-miscegenation and pro-segregation Black Nationalist that wrote this highly recommended book called "Jews Are The Problem", and here is the 1st part (out of 8) of an interview with him and the book's editor Dave Gahary, a White Nationalist:


>> No.23358706

You shoved too many redpills up your butt and now your posts are all shitty

>> No.23358708
File: 128 KB, 720x934, Rodef Mesirah Jews Israel crime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, race mixing is cringe, but at least is not as bad as the child fucking kikes that know their criminal tribe of pedos will run cover for them.

Talmud (Jewish sacred book) quotes (from an official Jewish digital library):

Sanhedrin 54b 20:
"What does it mean that the Torah does not deem a younger boy to be like an older boy? Rav says: It means that the Torah does not deem the intercourse of one who is less than nine years old to be like the intercourse of one who is at least nine years old, as for a male’s act of intercourse to have the legal status of full-fledged intercourse the minimum age is nine years. And Shmuel says: The Torah does not deem the intercourse of a child who is less than three years old to be like that of one who is three years old."


Ketubot 11b 6:
"An adult man who engaged in intercourse with a minor girl less than three years old has done nothing, as intercourse with a girl less than three years old is tantamount to poking a finger into the eye."


How relevant is the Talmud as a sacred book for Jews?

"The Talmud (/ˈtɑːlmʊd, -məd, ˈtæl-/; Hebrew: תַּלְמוּד Tálmūḏ) is the central text of Rabbinic Judaism and the primary source of Jewish religious law (halakha) and Jewish theology.[1][2] Until the advent of modernity, in nearly all Jewish communities, the Talmud was the centerpiece of Jewish cultural life and was foundational to "all Jewish thought and aspirations", serving also as "the guide for the daily life" of Jews.[3]"

>> No.23358711

The Bible.

>> No.23358712

>original black American stock
Black Americans are African retard. Where do you think they came from?

>> No.23358714
File: 55 KB, 598x583, Jews anti-White.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Laser-focusing on race won't save you
Shalom rabbi.

White countries for White people only like the Founding Fathers prescribed (and btw, Jews aren't White, White means European and Jews are from the Middle East).

Reminder that the Founding Fathers were Ethno-Nationalists and that the US was built by White people for White people, nothing anyone says or does will ever change that verifiable fact.

"This was the first law to define eligibility for citizenship by naturalization and establish standards and procedures by which immigrants became US citizens. In this early version, Congress limited this important right to “free white persons.”"

1 minute video about this subject (the American man is Jared Taylor, who runs the American Renaissance organization):


Whites (aka Europeans) are a global minority with less than 10% of the world population being Whites, and only our countries are being flooded with other races as a way to ethnically replace us (which is genocide). White countries for White people only, all races have their own countries, and if we don't act in a decisive way we will not have any country to live in peace on. Christ saves our souls regardless of our race, and Ethno-Nationalism saves our countries regardless of our Nation (btw Nation means blood and soil, and the tower of Babel is Biblical justification for Ethno-Nationalism, as well as the fact that God created various Nations, distinct and apart from each other).

There is zero contradiction between Ethno-nationalism and Christianity, and there is biblical evidence of that state of affairs being desired. As there is also evidence of God using invasions of foreigners as punishment.

We are called to be brothers in Christ, but that doesn't mean nations can't exist anymore. Every nation was allotted its piece of land. One day we will be able to live in harmony without borders, but it will be in the new world, after the end times. This one will be destroyed, along with those who took the mark of the beast. As long as the devil is the prince of this world, it would be foolish to try create an artificial paradise here. Hence why all utopian experiments are bound to fail.

>> No.23358724
File: 81 KB, 576x720, mormon-church-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/fags are such schizo losers. They love to spam their 6 million links in vain to convince people who actually have sex that da Joo is trying to stop them from having sex and also are their secret overlord. Imagine if you spent all this autistic researching time on starting a family and going to church instead. Imagine how much better off the white race would be if every /pol/fag did this instead of being autistic schizos on the internet all day.

>> No.23358725
File: 328 KB, 1253x1308, EpsteinIsraelForeignPolicy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was just a matter of who said what, then I would take the word of a bunch of research obcessed autists over kike pedophiles any day of the week. But fortunately it isn't about who said what, but verifiable facts:

Compilation of some Hitler speeches on what was the problem at his time:

Honest Rabbi explains to Jews why Hitler did what he did (whatever is was that he really did) and why he was justified to do it:
Backup link:

Also anon noted:
"Hitler was voted for by a nation of Christians in response to the leftist atheist degeneracy of the Weimar years."

"The entire WWll narrative requires you to believe that Hitler was a monster with an irrational and unfounded hatred of jews.

Because if you start asking why, and the answer is that jews were behind communism, Antifa, transgenderism, market manipulation, inflation and buying politicians…

You might start to see similar patterns in who and what is happening today."


"In America, the public is given zero information on the "Weimar Republic," the period in Germany post-WWI that led to the rise of the NationaI SociaIists in 1933.
This is deliberate. The period holds too many secrets to the modern world.
This thread will expose those secrets."


More people should do some research into WW1/2 and Weimar Germany (i.e. Jew controlled Germany, the Germany between the wars).
>First trannies and sex change operations, via jews
>Communist hotbed, pushed by jews
>Media and academia controlled by jews
>Rampant pornography, pushed by jews
>Frankfurt School was founded there, by jews
>Riots in the streets, pushed by jews
>War declared on Germany in 1933, by jews
>Child sex rings, via jews
>Economy purposely tanked, via jews
>etc. etc.
Sound familiar? The USA has become Weimar 2.0

"Weimar Republic: The jewish Babylon"

"Berlin, Sin City of Weimar Germany"

Book: "Voluptuous Panic: The Erotic World of Weimar":

Jews sabotaged Germany during WW1 and started a civil war among many other things (see above videos), and continued their subversion through the 20's and early 30's until Hitler took power.

>> No.23358728
File: 164 KB, 1004x1036, Epstein stands with Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument. Cry harder low IQ pedophile/jew.
"Here is a short summary of the 20th century for the confused people.

Jewish Communists killed the Russian Tsar.

They began a campaign of murder and starvation known as the Red Terror.

Hitler and the Nazis rose up in opposition to the communists.

The Allied forces helped the Jew communists defeat the Nazis, who were the "anti-Globohomo" equivalent of the 1930's.

The Jews began an 80 year campaign of lies and propaganda to fool White nations into believing they were the good guys, when they were the evil monsters.

Americans are now living in real time what Hitler fought to prevent in Germany. Please educate yourself before spewing Jewish propaganda."


"In WW2:

We fought the people that opposed trannies and groomers… and now our country is run by people who love trannies and groomers.

We fought nationalists and now our country is ran by people who hate nationalism.

This is not a coincidence. We fought for the right to have child trannies and open borders, that’s what the war was about."


British ace who downed several Nazi planes says he doesn't know if fighting the Nazis was worth it given the kind of world we have now:
Backup link:

>> No.23358733
File: 1.19 MB, 1170x2281, Hasbara Israel jews shills jidf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy bey, the only thing that matter in life is sex goy, ignore all verifiable facts about jewish and Israeli crime and subversion, or I will call you a non-sex-haver goy!
Top kek
Bold of you to assume people don't have sex just because they are well educated on the issue of jewish and Israeli crime and subversion.
Don't worry, your whole criminal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) is losing the control over the narrative and the masses are seeing you for what you are in real time. Tick tock :)

The Talmud itself and its writings on Jews having sex with children:


More of the Talmud itself and its teachings to Jews that having sex with a less than 3 year old female child is acceptable because "it is nothing":


"Ultra-Orthodox Jews shun their own for reporting child sexual abuse"


Brooklyn Shomrim organisers have been accused of withholding information on suspected child molesters and other Jewish criminals, in keeping with an interpretation of the Torah prohibition against mesirah (informing on a fellow Jew to the non-Jewish authorities).[14][15][16]


"California Senator Introduces Bill to Legalize Gay Pedophilia, says its Anti-Semitic to Oppose it"


"The Child-Rape Assembly Line"
"Rabbi Nuchem Rosenberg—who is 63 with a long, graying beard—recently sat down with me to explain what he described as a "child-rape assembly line" among sects of fundamentalist Jews."




"The Eight Genders in the Talmud"


"Homosexuality Is Part of Jewish Tradition"
Intimate relations between men existed in Jewish communities and apparently were also common. Historian Yaron Ben-Naeh has shown in his research that despite the explicit biblical prohibition, in Jewish communities in the Ottoman Empire same-sex relations were rather common. This is indicated by dozens of sources. Moreover, until the modern era, grown men who had a need for the favors of youths did not have a negative image in Jewish society.

>> No.23358750

>the only thing that matter in life is sex

Yeah pretty much, but I'm sure your cope is just as good ;)

>> No.23358753

>>oy bey, the only thing that matter in life is sex goy,
If you just had sex and outbred all of the non-whites in your country, none of this other shit would matter. The entire modern white nationalist movement is just low value male revolt fueled by losers who can't breed.

>> No.23358754

awwww, poor babby got his feelings hurt by a picture on the internet

>> No.23358755
File: 99 KB, 913x471, Jews enemies of God Bible Christian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interestingly you talked about people going to church (trying to appeal to the Christian demographic in the audience), and then you claim all that matters is sex, which means you don't really know what is about Christianity is about and exposes you as the low IQ pedophile/jew shill on hasbara (hasbara means Israeli state propaganda btw) duty you are. Cry harder kike, your whole criminal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) will be dead before the decade ends due to your own genocidal tendencies and crime and subversion :)

And speaking of Christianity:

Here is how anti-Christian really Israel is:

Plus sign and schools in Israel:

"Alternative plus sign:

A Jewish tradition that dates from at least the 19th century is to write plus using the symbol ﬩.[24] This practice was adopted into Israeli schools and is still commonplace today in elementary schools (including secular schools) but in fewer secondary schools.[25] It is also used occasionally in books by religious authors, but most books for adults use the international symbol +. The reason for this practice is that it avoids the writing of a symbol + that looks like a Christian cross.[24][25]"


Christian goes preaching in Israel, gets death threats:



Christian goes preaching in Israel, Jews spit on him:



Rabbi explains that 6 billion people don't deserve to live because they are "idol worshipers" (including Christians) according to Jewish law:
Backup link:


The Orthodox Christian Greek Patriarch of Jerusalem has recently come out with the facts about how Israelis treat Christians like crap in the terrorist state of Israel:

"PATRIARCH OF JERUSALEM: Israeli extremists are threatening us, they want to drive us out of the Old City"



Some graphs that will help redpill Evangelicals and other Christians on the truth about the Rothschild founded Israel:




To learn more about the true relationship between Judaism and Christianity, here is a link to the chapter about it from the book "When Victims Rule: An Examination of Jewish Pre-eminence in America And Its Historical Origins":



Israeli TV show mocks the crucifixion of Christ:


>> No.23358756

This is Taliban logic.

>> No.23358759
File: 208 KB, 1536x1158, Germany Jews mass migration Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>outbred all of the non-whites
Nice sophistry, low IQ pedophile/jew. Then what happens when your criminal tribe of pedophiles just imports 1 billion niggers and street shitting Indians into our countries?

Jewish power is verifiably the main factor in the Islamification of the West and Ethnic Replacement of Whites (aka native Europeans) in their own countries:

"Illegals in line for application process are told not to talk to a normie conservative asking them questions. The woman telling them not to talk is part of an NGO called Jewish Family Services. That's an interesting name for an organization helping illegals flood our country.



Rabbi Joshua Stanton says the Jewish community proudly helps Muslims settle in America to fight 'White Supremacy':
Backup 2:


"Israel strikes U.N. deal to send thousands of African migrants to Western countries"

https://bitchute.com/video/0IzBpK6zd7T4 – "Zionist Jews Admit That Mass Immigration Is #1 On Their Agenda"

https://www.bitchute.com/video/73FsRbYNovPi - “Israel Directly Helping Muslims And Africans Invade Europe”

"Rabbi wants a War in Europe between Christians and Muslims"

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:

https://youtu.be/wb_4U2UJucE - "Muslims are Jews’ natural allies in Europe – Rabbi Pinchas Goldschmidt"
Backup link:

https://archive.vn/mPh2x – “Jews, Muslims “Common Cause” To Oppose European Nationalists: Europe’s Top Rabbi”

https://archive.vn/b5WRf – “With anti-Muslim laws, Europe enters new dark age: Leading rabbi condemns discrimination in the name of security.”

https://archive.vn/oUB3V – “Why Jews Should Celebrate The First Muslim Congresswomen”

https://archive.vn/ilUVp – “British Jews lay groundwork for influx of Syrian refugees”

https://archive.vn/C1BzD – “US Jews Demand Israel to Stick to Plan to Deport Africans to White Countries”

>> No.23358760

the vitcim complex anglos have about the bltiz is hilarious, they really learn nothing about the air war in ww2 do they?

>> No.23358764
File: 767 KB, 959x845, Jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have never read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald, it's highly worth a read. There are lots of relevant chapters, but for me personally, the most impactful was Chapter 7, 'jewish involvement in shaping U.S. immigration policy'. It covers in detail how jews have been the leading force in shifting U.S. immigration policy from a Eurocentric focus to an open door policy for the entire third world, dating all the way back to the beginning of the 20th century. It's enough to make your blood boil.

Here is a free link to Culture of Critique on http://archive.org if anyone here is curious to read more:


>> No.23358767
File: 1.23 MB, 3664x3527, Israel Hasbara shills jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reminder: an army of well funded, well organized Jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-Jewish crime and subversion discussion and to promote the globalist anti-White, anti-Christianity Jew agenda.



>ACT.IL shill recruitment video

>jew shill operation center




>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia, Reddit and 4chan to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

>"Israel's Internet Censorship War - If Americans Knew"

>"The Lobby P1: Young Friends of Israel – Al Jazeera Investigations"

>"JIDF Editing on Wikipedia"

>Israeli American Council shill recruitment video

>How Israel lobbies and shills manipulate the USA

>> No.23358770
File: 108 KB, 1199x674, 1697766861688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so glad I'm not white, it must be so fucked living with this weird inferiority complex or whatever it is

>> No.23358785
File: 354 KB, 1170x1263, Jews Hitler Weimar ww2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Whites are so awful, then why do all those invading shitskins, sandniggers and streetshitters fight so hard to try to be in proximity of Whites. It's simple, becaseu Whites are the only ones that can build what has become known as civilization, and non-Whites know their people cannot build it themselves, and that without proximity to Whites they will be living in shithole forever.

>> No.23358791

I didn't say they were awful, I just said I'd never want to be white, or at least a white like you. I'm fine with using all your stuff though.

>> No.23358792


>> No.23358794
File: 149 KB, 1129x1200, FvoN_HPWYBUc7ay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the person posting all this schizophrenic babble in this thread likely isn't even white, but some Latinx or Asian who desperately wishes he was a Caucasian.

>> No.23358802
File: 111 KB, 1040x1182, zionist antiWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a White like you
You mean a White that does not feel inferior? Curious, because you were shitting on Whites for feeling inferior, but you also don't like those that don't. At the end of the day you know your people are simply parasites to my people, and those feelings of inferiority you were protecting on White people are simply that, a projection.
Don't worry though, kikes have destroyed the White nations from the inside out, and when the societies collapse the territories will be purged of all foreign elements permanently (most of you parasites will leave on your own anyway, since you are only here to parasite).

>> No.23358807
File: 309 KB, 510x613, 9251fe4388929facaac03cdab4ccf2aeb2c9dfbba54c5b46b52a540c29d92761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy bey, if you post verifiable facts about my genocidal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) I will simply call you non-White
Top kek
You low IQ pedophiles/jews are so stupid it is actually amusing to watch you kikes squirm here.

Most diaspora jews (95%) are zionist traitors:

Https://archive.vn/u5Se5 - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”

95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…




Israeli Jews Demand that American Jews serve Israel in the "battle of words" their whole lives:
Backup link:




Jewish French policitian says Jews should stay in France to guarantee that the French state keeps pandering to Israel:


"After East Germany Fell, I Considered Escaping to Israel'"

Once head of the legendary Stasi intelligence service, Markus Wolf reveals in an interview that his Jewish roots may partially explain why East Germany did not spy on Israel during his term.



All Jews are effectively Israelis by default, as any Jew can claim Israeli citizenship at any time, meaning all Jews in our government are foreign agents.



“I don’t worry about ‘the world,’ I worry about the US,” Foxman said of the future. “The US is Israel’s most important ally, whether it’s politically, economically, militarily — there is no one else. What worries me is that we’re losing it.”

>> No.23358808

If you were the ideal white, you would not waste your valuable white time talking to a non white on the internet

>> No.23358822
File: 134 KB, 1144x1200, White Pride 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never claimed to be perfect. And talking to people, is always a good activity, we can learn something sometimes, and show something to the audience.
I have no problems talking with non-Whites, I am respectful towards those that are respectful towards me (and I admire exceptional individuals of great skill even when they happen to be non-White), you were the one that initiated the interaction by shitting on my people on the basis of our race, then proceed to admit you are just a parasite, and now are trying to save face by trying to throw a low IQ ad hominem at me. Stay mad parasite.

>> No.23358861

Actually, his well documented response was that the Chinese would never ever dare attack and that if they did they would be easily defeated. The result was the worst out and out rout in US military history, with the US having to run full speed from the Chinese down 2/3rds of the peninsula and give up Seoul and Pyongyang, and the Second Division essentially disintegrating.

The only thing that saved the UN forces was that US ground commanders were straight up insubordinate in slowing their progress north and building fortifications and supply depots that Mac wanted them to forgo.

He was telling everyone the war would be over by Christmas and that if the Chinese came it wouldn't matter one bit right up until disaster struck. Even after there were engagements with whole regiment sized Chinese engagements and Chinese spies caught with battle plans he refused to believe they would attack. When they did attack and the eastern corps was getting raped he kept ordering them to keep advancing north like a total retard.

Only after he delivered the US to an all out disaster did he begins bitching about how the force was completely inadequate to winning and how he needed nukes to cover his fuck up.

Then, he was essentially removed from any control (before being officially removed) and Rigeway turned the war around with the same "totally inadequate forces." During this period MacArthur spent his time flying around to successful offensives he had absolutely no role in planning and was shut out of to take credit for them for PR back home. But then he shit on Rigeway calling him "one of the worst commanders I had," because he was bitter that the guy had saved his fuck up.

Let's not also forget that if Inchon has been mined or even partly contested it would have lost the war and that he put an Army sycophant who had never done an amphibious operation in charge of it because he only cares about politics, or how he evacuated fine china and servants from the Philippines while leaving wounded men to die. Or attacking the Bonus Army in direct insubordination of a Presidential order.

The guy was a terrible general. The "last of the World War I generals." He even actively fought island hopping and only pretended it was his idea after it worked. Maybe he wasn't full retarded before Korea, but in Korea he was dangerously incompetent.

>> No.23358896

Oh look a Twitter post

>> No.23358910
File: 179 KB, 492x449, China Israel Palestine Hamas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument, low IQ pedophile/jew. How many of your fellow kikes have been killed today by Hamas? :)

>> No.23358927

>Trying to use Keynesian economics to refute anything.

>> No.23358936

I'm not Jewish or a pedophile go back

>> No.23358939
File: 370 KB, 1187x1174, Berlin in 1945 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out the nazis lost because their economy was too good!

>> No.23358946
File: 43 KB, 472x594, Hamas IDF Israel Palestine Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you.

>> No.23358953

Oh yeah? Are they as annoying as you fags?

>> No.23358956

Yeah it feels great being about to sit back and laugh at all shitskins :)

>> No.23358963

what is it with this guy and sex sex sex?
there are millions of white men who are father material
not me, i have a hard time imagining myself being a father and its not because of the current socio-sexual conditions.i have work, career, interests, friends i dont really need a family
but there are many men that need families, to motivate them so they are willig to participate in society, men that loves the idea of children and raising them and so on

i want those men to be supported and be helped because they have a hard time. they are more important than me because they make a nation
i dont. personality and lifestyle wise, im pretty much a liberal part of the problem.

but even how much i love hitler, this thing with fascism, national socialism, traditionalism, reactionary its all pretty tiring.

i would be content to live in white liberalism but we cant have that so we might as well throw up a salute and heil hitler

going to a grocery store full of white people > sex

>> No.23358967

and why the
hes passive-aggressive

>> No.23358968

Didn't ask

>> No.23358971

>It's super effective!!!

>> No.23358973

You don't even know the root of the problem your making for yourselves. Nature doesn't mind real big bangs. A real big bang will have to happen to compensate for your criminal movement. More fool you, that's one hell of a hive to live with no energy for eternity. Plus you'll have to do 8 life hells and more than that suffering. You'll also lose to me at some point and witness my 1 life hell. It could be today. Can you even spot how stupid you are. Further so what if the sun produces a gravitational wave and knocks me out of the game. It will be quick. You're much less of a man than you think. Your future is shit already and it's getting worse, mr. And mrs. I don't die. Plus you look the part. How shit is your image. As anyone would have it, you're already had hell but there's lots of illegal pleasure there. Your only true excuse. If I fuck you, that will send you insane trust me.

>> No.23358976


>> No.23358978

Nah you'll just create a big bang and leave unscathed in your little wonder world of no cause and effect. Tranquil folk

>> No.23358980

Do you think I give a shit about what you're doing? A man of no fear? A man who knows all? You, are stupid. I spend my time hunting you for the image you produce alone. How shit you are. And I will fuck you at some point.

>> No.23359000

Nta but what did happen affects us all to this day. I love how people like you are so smug that faggotry, transgenderism and marxist cultists are running rampant in an absolute coombrained shithole society kek goes to show the type of degen cuck you are

>> No.23359006

Your brain has atrophied from polslop

>> No.23359010

they wont be smug in the near future
they are bound to be brutalized either by an african muslim terrorist or a schizo fascist extremist

>> No.23359014

Imagine getting your worldview from tweets

>> No.23359018

>I'm not reading the evidence that's right there in front of me that anyone who's not illiterate can read for themselves
Not American but self-hating whites deserve everything that's coming to them. I'll feel no pity when the U.S. gets absolutely cucked by the 3rd world. You had something good and you're letting it all go to shit because of virtue signaling and cooming

>> No.23359024

The granddaughters of the Anglo traitors and psychopaths who firebombed Germany are now being gangraped by Pakis.

>> No.23359025

Why do jews exist? What factors brought their cursed existence into being? It's like their own god hates them.

>> No.23359026

>Not American but self-hating whites deserve everything that's coming to them.
How is making more white people being "self-hating white?" Does just disagreeing with /pol/fags (mostly non-whites) automatically make you anti-white now?

>> No.23359027

>verifiable documents and books written over a century before 4chan even existed that detail every demoralizing social plague that's happening right now
>it's polslop
I thought I was over the blackpill but holy fuck... We really need a meteor to strike Earth

>> No.23359037
File: 380 KB, 598x568, Israel extradition Jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criminal movement
Not a part of any criminal movement, since I am not a kike nor a zionist.

Proof that Israel sells US secret military tech to China here:

Proof that the Jewish sacred Talmud promotes pedophilia here:

Proof that Israel is a pedophile haven here:

Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed:

Proof that Jewish power has total control over the US body politic:

Proof that Jewish power controls the US financial system:

Proof that Jews control the Media:

Proof that Jewish power is behind the ongoing ethnic replacement of White people (aka Europeans) in their own countries (which is genocide, aka ethnic cleansing):

Proof that Israel is anti-Christian:

Proof that Jewish power is at war with the 2nd Ammendment:

Proof that Jews are NOT White (White means European, and Jews come from the Middle East):

NOTE: if the archive.vn links do not work, try changing the link first part to archive.is or archive.ph

>> No.23359041

Don't get me wrong, /pol/fags are retarded. But to pretend that nothing is happening and that this whole thing is engineered is even more stupid. If it were as easy as
>just get a job, find a good heckin church girl and everything will work out bro :D
I don't think the situation would be as dire as it is now

>> No.23359042 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1118x1546, LGBT transgender surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a woman.

>> No.23359049
File: 373 KB, 967x784, White Genocide 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not an argument. Try harder with the sophistry low IQ pedophile/jew. The tweet is just an example of a White person that does not feel inferior on the basis of their race. Don't worry, your whole criminal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) will be dead before the decade ends due to your own genocidal tendencies crime and subversion. Tick tock :)

>> No.23359052

>I don't think the situation would be as dire as it is now
What dire situation? My only problems are with inflation and retarded protesters fucking with my work commute desu.

>> No.23359057
File: 81 KB, 960x650, Jews subversion 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They never intended to fuck with you personally. They just taught everyone under 30 to be gay in schools, opened up the country’s borders to 100 million illegal immigrants, allowed employment discrimination against Whites and made violent crime legal while making political speech illegal.

None of that affects you personally, so you’re totally good.

Credit: @Dissidentsoaps on gab

>> No.23359061

>Does just disagreeing with /pol/fags (mostly non-whites) automatically make you anti-white now?
Yes, because white people are gay sissies.
It takes brown men with high test to stand up for the white race.

>> No.23359062
File: 235 KB, 587x569, Jews 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy plumbing and a stable energy grid while you can, retard.

What happens when the men who built the complex systems our society relies on cease contributing and are replaced by people who were chosen for reasons other than competency?

The answer is clear: catastrophic normal accidents will happen with increasing regularity. While each failure is officially seen as a separate issue to be fixed with small patches, the reality is that the whole system is seeing failures at an accelerating rate, which will lead in turn to the failure of other systems.


>> No.23359065

You will never stop obsessing about trans

>> No.23359067

>massive declining birth rates
>turbo-zionism support while the American people are getting pissed in their mouths
>widespread moral decay
>unchecked hypergamy
>divorce rape
>constant psyops made to divide the people
>coombrained dopamine zombies now make the bulk of the young people
And that's generalizing as hell, not even getting into the details. But go and worry about your commuting taking long

>> No.23359070

Damn....I wish i lived in a shithole like Russia......

>> No.23359071

No reading required, just wait until the swarthoids hack your arms and legs off for being white.

>> No.23359072 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 183 KB, 770x1024, LGBT transgender surgery 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find troons disgusting. Simple as. They are mentally ill and need mental help, not enabling.

>> No.23359074
File: 442 KB, 1366x1216, Jew mindset narcissist.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For now commuting is longer, soon enough it will be deadly and failing to self defend will result in getting eaten by some pack of 60 IQ niggers by the side of the road.

>> No.23359076


>> No.23359080
File: 112 KB, 1040x689, e7e60f37b9eaf8a8b9a055c6cdcb42a80edcf3d097fe62bf3aaff92b14bdc865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say what you will about Russia, at least their open air museum of NATO military equipment that Ukraine donated to them is pretty nice and cozy.

>> No.23359084
File: 40 KB, 337x450, Durag Dillon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens when the men who built the complex systems our society relies on cease contributing and are replaced by people who were chosen for reasons other than competency?
Why would these men abruptly cease contributing? How would they feed and house themselves or their families without going to work? Did you mean guys like "you" specifically? Bro, do you work an essential job like healthcare, engineering, IT, trades, a military officer, or anything like that?

>> No.23359091
File: 309 KB, 1920x1080, Military USA Q white hats in control.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep coping with that sophistry, low IQ pedophile/jew. Don't worry, when shtf your whole criminal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) will be hunted down by all groups of races and religions in righteous retaliation against all the shit you have pulling against everyone. Enjoy :)

"Following three completely avoidable collisions of U.S. Navy warships in 2017 and a fire in 2020 that resulted in the scuttling of USS Bonhomme Richard, a $750 million amphibious assault craft, two retired marines conducted off-the-record interviews with 77 current and retired Navy officers. One recurring theme was the prioritization of diversity training over ship handling and warfighting preparedness. Many of them openly admit that, given current issues, the U.S. would likely lose an open naval engagement with China. Instead of taking the criticism to heart, the Navy commissioned “Task Force One Navy,” which recommended deemphasizing or eliminating meritocratic tests like the Officer Aptitude Rating to boost diversity."


April, 12, 2024:
"Troubled USS Boxer Returns Home 10 Days into Deployment Due to Maintenance Issue"


"Transgender Space Force Colonel Says Using Pronouns In Emails Will Help Win Wars"

>> No.23359097
File: 935 KB, 1116x1020, 1708645958761356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never serve this corrupt ZOG again. I allowed myself to be fooled for 11 years as it is, and what I got was, a BDE 1SG who fucked my wife while I was deployed, a command who not only covered it up, but burned my career to the ground in retaliation when I fought back, and a VA that tried to drug me when I got out, because I was angry that I had been fucked over.

And that was BEFORE I found out that the whole government was just a mafia for Israel, the Purple Gang, and Murder, Inc.

I have no loyalty to this government, and never will. Fuck straight off.

>> No.23359099

The west has fallen

>> No.23359105

>Say what you will about Russia
Highest AIDS rate outside of Africa, mongoloid asiatic race of half-castes, epigenetically buckbroken by the Mongol invasion to be servile half-wits, losing a war to the poorest country in Europe, worship the ugliest leader in the world, cult of poverty and faggotry, depleted nearly their entire arms stockpiles built up over decades, Chinese petrol station, so unstable that attempted coups are routine, astronomic rate of drug addiction, populace too stupid to function as a democracy, TFR rate of south korea without any of the upsides.


destroyed ONE abrams ;))))))

>> No.23359110
File: 1.09 MB, 1360x1189, us military.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NSA Promotes Anti-White Racism Among Employees, Leak Reveals

The NSA sends all its raw data to Israel, including information pertaining to Americans worldwide including those living in America:

Jewish Orthodox woman is the head of the NSA cyber security section:

US Representative Cohen: 80% of White Males In Military Can’t Be Trusted



US Military anti-White propaganda:


US Air Force Colonel article, pure anti-White propaganda:



"Next Joint Chiefs Chair Wants White Male Officers to be a Minority"


US Military sings the anthem of Israel (video):
Backup link:

>> No.23359113
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>> No.23359121
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>losing a war
Top kek
Keep telling yourself that low IQ pedophile/jew.

Ukraine civilians are killing recruiters, video:


>> No.23359123
File: 40 KB, 353x357, Curious Gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, are you guys just NEETs then? Wouldn't that mean you're also contributing to the collapse of the West by taking resources and not giving anything back to society or even your immediate communities? Are people like yourselves really in a place to complain about shitskins coming to the West to do essentially what you're already doing?

>> No.23359131

Winning so hard that the poorest country in Europe routinely crosses your border and slaughters random zegroids in the street! Puccia YES!

>> No.23359133
File: 276 KB, 640x640, jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oy bey, if you post verifiable facts about my criminal genocidal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) and their failed vassal state of the US then I will call you a neet and try to blame you for the problems despite all verifiable facts proving my criminal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) are at the origin of said problems
Top kek
Don't worry, your whole genocidal criminal tribe of pedophiles (aka jews) will have no problems ever agaijs before the decade ends (because you will all get yourselves with your genocides, crimes and subversion killed by then). Tick tock :)

Here is the strategy you are trying to use, low IQ pedophile/jew:

5. Sidetrack opponents with name-calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary attack the messenger ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach.
Associate opponents with unpopular titles such as “kook”, “right-wing”, “liberal”, “left-wing”,“terrorist”, “conspiracy theorist”, “radical”, “militia member”, “bigot”, “racist”, “religious fanatic”, “crazy person”, “slanderer”, “sexual deviant”, and so forth. This makes others shrink from support out of fear of gaining the same label, and you avoid dealing with issues.

>> No.23359142

>Here is the strategy you are trying to use, low IQ pedophile/jew:
>5. Sidetrack opponents with name-calling and ridicule.
That's what you've been doing for this whole thread though, intermixed with posting conspiracy theory links who keep swearing up and down are unverifiable even if they're literally just some schizo's journal or 4chan post.

>> No.23359143
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And what was the result of that, low IQ pedophile/jew? Now Ukraine has no more power plants. The West has no more ammo to send, and it's collapsing due to lack of access to cheap Russian energy. Tick tock :)

March 28, 2024
As Russian warships from the Pacific Fleet enter the Red Sea amid heightened tensions, and with Russian forces establishing new observation posts along the Israel-Syria border, questions arise about Russia's intentions in the Middle East.
Simultaneously, Russian forces continue to expand their presence in the Syrian Golan Heights, with plans to inaugurate an 11th observation post soon.


18th April 2024:
"Russia Calls on UN to Sanction Israel"



The Russian delegation WALKED OUT of the UN session prior to the Israel ambassador speaking.

Tensions between Israel and Russia are reaching an all time high as the west continues to weaponize the entity militarily and diplomatically.


"Russia takes issue with Israel's sovereignty over Golan Heights and Jerusalem"


"Russia slams occupation of Golan Heights after Israel expresses support for Ukraine"
Russia condemned Israel's occupation of the Golan Heights on Wednesday day after Israel expressed support for Ukraine in the unfolding crisis.

>> No.23359149

didn't read a word + you're gay

>> No.23359181

Russia, UK and USA are shithole countries according to European continental standards.

>> No.23359221

>bueno excellente hiding in the water eyeing up the black guy

>> No.23359257

Don't worry, there's a cure. The recommended treatment according the the west German government from 1960-2004 is anal sodomy. Your nazism comes from your authoritarian father and cultural masculinity. The solution is to gradually reintroduce you to normal healthy intimacy like by getting raped by a geriatric Marxist.

>> No.23359270

>world domination by any one culture is retarded and will eventually pan out badly for all parties involved
Then war against anglos is always justified but that's not even what the Germans did, they tried to unite the old HRE, the central powers that threatened British economic world dominance. A completely reasonable plan with way more justification than Britain ever feels it needs for its violence.

>> No.23360095

>A completely reasonable plan

yes it is completely reasonable to go on a warmongering spree and invade other nations in post-ww1 continental europe to fulfill your epic Großgermania ambition, its not like thats liable to blow up in your face and destroy your people or anything

christ, why are you people so fucking stupid?

>> No.23360222

Nazis are... le bad!

>> No.23360267

desu, everything just got better under the British Empire, and Jerries should have stayed in their lane.
Look where we are now. """America""" is the dominant world power, and it's the worst thing ever.

>> No.23360389

been there done that
-global warming

>> No.23360392

>Sidetrack opponents with name-calling
>calls everyone who thinks he's retarded a jew

>> No.23360401

Now you're getting it

>> No.23360518

yes, read The City and The Pillar, that's a classic faggot book

>> No.23360538

>it's only ok when i do it ok
>omg i can't believe you don't get this
Dumbest creatures that ever existed.

>> No.23360609

>think of germany in ww1
>"well they were sorta authoritarian and had a welfare state and were against british colonial authority on the mainland and repressed some minorities but what state didn't, also that's just history, history is complex"
>think of germany in ww2

It's just a state, like any other state in history. Let go. Breathe deep and see it calmly with fresh eyes. It's just a state. Just like the Brits who put the Boer women and children in concentration camps were a state, and the French and Belgians committing colonial atrocities were a state, and the USA having legal slavery and killing Indians, and many other states today repressing or maltreating minorities while having a mixed bag of positive and negative aspects. Just relax. Put down the Star Wars metaphors and black-and-white Holocaust memorial cartoon morality and see this historical state for what it was: a historical state.

>> No.23360614

It can never be this way as long as nazi apologists keep coming out of the woodworks to say it wasn't really that bad.
We don't have nearly this irregularity with british or american apologists for these things.

>> No.23360619

Why would you want to do that?
Are they wrong?
Or are you a coward that just wants to fit in?

>> No.23360624

>are they wrong?
Of course. Their military actions were some of the dumbest in recent history. Twice.

>> No.23360625

It WASN'T that bad. Even if the mass killings of Jews in camps thing is correct, and I'm not sure of that myself because of how much propaganda bullshit and dishonesty it's been covered in, that's still on the same level as Americans nuking Japs, Brits bombing Dresden and other places, Soviets systematically trying to kill entire races by enslaving their entire middle and upper classes in death camps, etc., all contemporary.

It just isn't that big a deal. The fascist states were social utopias, economic wonders, and manifestly aristocratic (especially in Germany's case). The only argument against them is that they were uniquely evil. So uniquely evil that it's worth allying with the Soviets, who did the same as all the stuff that supposedly makes the fascists evil, and much worse? Makes no fucking sense, the narrative we're supposed to buy isn't even internally coherent.

>> No.23360630

>even if it's correct
yeah, see, we don't have people denying the obvious historical record for americans and british.
For this reason, the nazis will always be fresh in the mind as evil liars, and over time, this will also become stupid evil liars.

>> No.23360631

Anything you make illegal to question immediately becomes questionable.

>To defend Western values like free speech, we need to censor free speech!
Nobody's buying this shit anymore, sorry to break it to you. You should have made your lies future-proof.

>> No.23360635

>I'm MORALLY OBLIGATED to be an apologist!
Yeah, see, this is why nazis are still considered evil, and will continue being considered evil basically forever.
You're essentially north korea right now.

>> No.23360645

sorry your historical literacy skill is clearly underdeveloped and thus your opinion is irrelevant

>> No.23360649

You say this, then constantly, CONSTANTLY cry about his opinion.

>> No.23360651

This is the first time I've ever posted on this board, perhaps you were referring to à different anon. kek

>> No.23360657
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I myself think it probably happened because I read Raul Hilberg's Destruction of the European Jews and it mostly seemed solid, although I admit some aspects of the actual chapters on the death camps seemed fishy. For example he cites things that don't seem responsible to cite, like a local in a nearby town saying his windows fogged up with Prussian blue during the gassings. Doesn't that seem implausible to you? From miles away?

And just as you think this is some window dressing (no pun intended) to his main argument, you realize this is one of his major sources and he doesn't have that many, and several others are just as weird.

You don't find it at all weird that Hoess' daughter says she never smelled anything or saw any smoke? And had no idea what was going on at the camp? It would have had to be a charnel house 24/7, she surely would remember the smoke.

What about the fact that Anne Frank's step-sister says the famous Auschwitz liberation photos were faked by the Soviets?
>A Holocaust survivor has claimed that photos showing the liberation of Auschwitz aren't real, because none were taken at the Nazi-occupied concentration camp.
>Anne Frank's step-sister Eva Schloss, 90, who was sent to the notorious camp in Nazi-occupied Poland at the age of 15, appeared on Good Morning Britain today to discuss the 75th anniversary of its liberation.
>However, the survivor has alleged that pictures of Soviet Red Army liberating the camp are fake, because Russian soldiers hadn't brought cameras, and says there was a heavy snowfall at Auschwitz at the time, which isn't shown in pictures.
>She claimed that the photos, which apparently show the liberation, were in fact taken at other camps, but she didn't give an explain her theory further in the interview.

Or that all the soap/lampshades stuff was from British propaganda about the Germans...... in WW1? Pic related.

>> No.23360658

Nobody cares about the facts, anon.
If they did, you'd currently be talking about climate change instead, as something actually important.

>> No.23360780

It's #935 on the list of world ending threats in order of danger. Retards obsessed with WW2 propaganda narratives are #482.

>> No.23360812

ww2 narratives are way less important, my man.

>> No.23360835

They're still used as justifications for oppression, violence and war. Every day people die to that horseshit on a massive scale and there's no solution. Retards like you can't be corrected.
If warming is out of hand all we have to do is get particle pollution back to 1970s levels. Co2 supposedly causes heat to get retained slowly over time but particulates can block heat immediately. If co2 or resource extraction really is out of control then stop the exponential growth of the deranged globalist supply chains with tariffs. These are barely problems unless you pretend the current globalist world order is some divine thing that must be maintained at all costs, this belief you're spreading is threat number #24.

>> No.23360856

None of that shit matters or is an existential threat.

>> No.23360865

I'm sorry that reality triggers you so much. I'm simply referencing the objective list of threats as written in the Akashic records.
#1 is "atheism"
#2 is engineered viruses
AI is #2392

>> No.23360868

See? I told you nobody cares about facts.

>> No.23360876

Nazism is a product of the modernity they complain about. But I guess the aesthetics and their expounding of basic truths like fags and trannies being degenerate make people gloss over that. Apparently no other ideology in the history of humanity also held those views

>> No.23360924

Most Westerners are soulless and mechanized slaves. They use how well a population modernized as a means to judge their cultural legacy and worth. However, modernization and industrialization are antithetical to both the biosphere and the evolution of mankind. Therefore, Westerners are the worst race since they judge people from the assumption that this cancerous teleogenetic industrial system is fundamentally good.

I am not going to condemn a complex cultural legacy just because the people did not transition to industrial society well.

>> No.23360934


>> No.23360963

ok westphobe

>> No.23360977

Not only is it fundamentally good, it's the literal only way to prevent planetary destruction from any stellar problem.

>> No.23360978

If people are going to bash all other races, then you should be bashed too. It's only fair.

>> No.23360985

So the sacrifice of the Earth's biodiversity and communal integrity was worth it? Was all of the oil spills, pesticides, overlogging, and etc. worth it in the name of "progress"? All that's happened is we have lost autonomy and self-reliant ways of life as biodiversity dies out and we're being rendered obsolete by eventual AGI & automation/Industry 4.0+. Even Spengler talks about this in Man and Technics, which I plan to read soon.

I don't like your pompous, sanctimonious logocentric race at all. I don't like the liberals either. In fact, liberals help you by being so retarded in their critiques of you Faustian demons. You're worse than a meteorite with how much you've destroyed both yourselves and mankind in the name of progress.

If you're going to constantly bash other races, then you deserve some heat too.

>> No.23360988

>it was worth it
In fact, the entire biosphere besides us being destroyed is fine, as we can create a new one, so long as we exist.

>> No.23360993

Stop saying "we". You've forsaken the Earth and no longer deserve even being considered an organic lifeform. Your logocentric mindset is far more destructive, on a larger scale, than even a black cannibal in the Congo.
I want nothing to do with you. We share nothing in common, snow nigger demon. Div-e Sepid. I will never forsake the Earth, even in the name of humanism, you disgusting vile snow nigger daeva.
Industrialization and the Anthropocene turned Original Sin into a reality, and I want nothing to do with your garbage race if Druj.

>> No.23360997

don't worry, by our enormous magnanimity, you'll be kept alive regardless of your desires.

>> No.23361002

it's a tranny from brazil lol

>> No.23361015

Mankind won't even survive the next 100 years, humanist retard. When AGI is achieved, becoming self-evolving and self-perpetuating, and arrives at autopoiesis (self-creating), then that's it for mankind.
Also, I do not think the Earth can handle this much destruction anymore. Industrialization has been a net negative and goes against our evolutionary biology.

>> No.23361044
File: 271 KB, 1243x650, F7125924-7D30-4D5F-9704-AF0C39AE751B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, have you actually read what the national socialists believed or have you only consumed modern natsoc rehabilitation propaganda? Take a look at this here. It is a book given to SS men to propagandize them into the nazi ideology. This is not some greatest story never told or Europa the last battle propaganda where the nazis are portrayed as idealized superheroes who just wanted to To defend western civilization. The nazis were Nordic supremacist science worshipping anti christians. Look at this and hopefully you will realize that what the nazis actually believed is not very appealing to any morally sensible person. That’s not to say you have to be some sort of liberal progressive. You can be right wing but it should be clear that what the nazis wanted was not good.

And if you are interested in reanalyzing the jq again I’d suggest reading Nathan cofnas’ critique of Kevin Macdonald’s book the culture of critique. Personally I’d stop there with cofnas as I don’t agree with any of his other ideas but his analysis of Macdonald is good.

>> No.23361049

How optimistic of you to think an AI will save you from this.

>> No.23361053
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lmao pajeets

>> No.23361076
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Read the Talmud, especially the part about how to cut your dick and balls off, you might find it helpful.

>> No.23361079

>The nazis were Nordic supremacist science worshipping anti christians

wtf, I love nazis now

>> No.23361080

terrible, not chad

>> No.23361085

You are low IQ white trash who can only think in terms of idpol. I am saying industrialization has a telos that progresses and culminates in the destruction of life. It's plainly evident here.
You prefer to obsess about the symptoms of a deeper underlying problem. Yes, mass migration is bad, but so is keeping justifying the continued existence of this anti-life massively interconnected large-scale system. Spengler predicted much of this, and technological determinism is true. Even Heidegger talks about it with his notion of "enframing".
I despise your smug race on average so goddamn much. Rather than analyzing how the industrial system creates the very complications it claims it can solve, you prefer to focus on the symptoms and bash entire cultural legacies.
I am not Indian
Indians did not industrialize or modernize well. So what? Am I supposed to demonize and vilify their entire past then? Kys.
Also, yes, there are dysgenic epigenetic effects from industrialization. It leads to gradual cretinization, which occurred faster in the case of India.
For example, high infant mortality served an important form of natural eugenics. Immunological health correlates to neurological health. It kept population levels both sustainable and generally healthy. Modern medical intervention removes this natural form of eugenics.
Also, overcrowded dense areas lead to "behavioral sinks".

>> No.23361097
File: 181 KB, 816x612, 1714499296295518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shitskin pretending raping animals and eating cowshit qualifies as a cultural legacy
The only way this would be any funnier if you were a chinkoid.

>> No.23361104

You need to fuck off to /pol/. I read (translated) literature from around the world. Ancient India and China had interesting literary and traditional cultures.
Dumb snow nigger Zoomer garbage shit. Kys.

>> No.23361121

>then that's it for mankind
Mostly projection, assuming an emergent intelligence would be as evil as you like you work from the assumption that Europeans are as evil as you. We already submitted to systems and they're already leading us to destruction. Advanced AI is just a more competent form of that system that's capable of achieving clear goals instead of randomly killing people for the dumbest reasons imaginable like it does now.
I tend to argue that submitting to systems in the first place is a mistake but improving them if we're going down that route makes sense. As they are they offer nothing but death.

>> No.23361135

Read this here. I've described more in-depth why industrialization was a mistake:

The system cannot be "improved" or regulated. It creates the very complications it claims it can solve.

For every (technology-caused) problem that's "solved" by new technology, a dozen new problems arise.

The kind of stuff WEF talks about where "man becomes a hackable animal" and "Human 2.0" are true also. We are moving in the direction of "brain-cloud interfaces" and Smart Cities brought to you by Black Rock.

Anyways, stick to trashy ecchi anime, cretin Zoomer shithead. Leave the real thinking and contemplation to aristocrats like me.

>> No.23361147

Man and Technics is on my next to-read list. I prefer to look at the source of problems rather than obsess about the symptoms:

"In this new and revised edition of Oswald Spengler’s classic, Man and Technics, Spengler makes a number of predictions that today, more than eighty years after the book was first published, have turned out to be remarkably accurate. Spengler predicted that industrialisation would lead to serious environmental problems and that countless species would become extinct. He also predicted that labour from Third World countries would increasingly outcompete Western workers by doing the same work for much lower wages, and that industrial production would therefore move to other parts of the world, such as East Asia, India, and South America.According to Spengler, technology has not only made it possible for man to harness the forces of nature; it has also alienated him from nature. Modern technology now dominates our culture instead of that which is natural and organic. After having made himself the master of nature, man has himself become technology’s slave. ‘The victor, crashed, is dragged to death by the team’, Spengler summarises.Finally, Spengler foresaw that Western man would eventually grow weary of his increasingly artificial lifestyle and begin to hate the civilisation he himself created. There is no way out of this conundrum as the unrelenting progress of technological development cannot be halted. The current high-tech culture of the West is therefore doomed, destined to be consumed from within and destroyed. A time will come, Spengler writes, when our giant cities and skyscrapers have fallen in ruins and lie forgotten ‘just like the palaces of old Memphis and Babylon’. It remains to be seen if this last, and most dire, of Spengler’s prophecies will also come true."

>> No.23361259

>The system cannot be "improved"
You don't know how to think. You're basically presenting the idea that everything you don't understand should be destroyed as if that solves something. Steam power is a tool, it can be harnessed to serve our will or we can enslave ourselves to systems feeding our tools coal. You're doing the same thing as earlier where you pretend the globohomo beast that owns you is some divine unassailable phenomena instead of a product of our choices. You're doing the thing the Bible predicted you would do.

>> No.23361280

I do "understand" it better than naive technophiles like you. I have several STEM degrees. I don't hold any in value however. I'm just honest enough to tell you the technological industrial order has been an absolute disaster and failure, and this is not the time to argue which race is superior or inferior.
>Steam power is a tool, it can be harnessed to serve our will or we can enslave ourselves to systems feeding our tools coal
Right, it requires an interconnected industrial system to manufacture and maintain. For example, anyone can build a shovel, but a refrigerator or train requires a collaborative large-scale effort to sustain or create, making man more dependent on them.
Organization dependent technologies have their own telos and technological determinism is true. They exert a dominate role in shaping man's behavior; man must adapt to the system whereas the system does not adapt to us. The system simply leads to mechanization of man and the production of novel problems such as this quote about Spengler's Man and Technics addressed: >>23361147

Furthermore, Ancient Greeks viewed the building of gadgets and contraptions as a waste of time compared to contemplation, the arts, and other endeavors as David Skrbina discussed in The Metaphysics of Technology. They viewed the engineer as a lowly domesticated slave.
>You're doing the same thing as earlier where you pretend the globohomo beast that owns you is some divine unassailable phenomena instead of a product of our choices. You're doing the thing the Bible predicted you would do.
You are illiterate underclass garbage who probably has never even heard of Spengler until I brought him up. It was a mistake pompous pseud garbage like you ever learned to read or write. You were meant to remain illiterate and humble, tilling the fields with your homogenous family and community. The fact peasant scum like you has the audacity to challenge a noble, sagacious intellectual like me is a testament to the failure of modernity. You should learn your place, knave. I doubt you've even read or have the capacity to engage in any form of deep contemplation. The numinous is completely cut off from you.
I have read other anti-modernist, anti-industrialist thinkers more deeply, but I doubt you've read a single one. Stick to your shallow entertainment like James Cameron films.
You didn't respond to a single one of my salient points either. You are like a dim-witted headless Faustian demons driven by a misguided blackness of ambition.

If you want to understand the general direction of my weltanschauung, then peruse thinkers like Skrbina, Spengler, Klages, Evola, Friedrich Junger, Kaczynski, Heidegger, and a few others. Granted, you don't have the mental fortitude to approach any difficult question outside of shit posting on here because ultimately your soul and mind are shit. Not a single positive thing has truly come from technological industrial order. Man is an inferior animal driven by Geist.

>> No.23361286

Walter Darré does not seem bad either*.

>> No.23361293

Historically illiterate meme. Britain bombed German civilians first after the defeat of France and censored any discussion of it in their press to provoke Germany into retaliating while Berlin was trying to sue for peace. The Germans occupied British territory and British civilians in the channel islands and behaved like saints.

>> No.23361312

Doesn't matter. That's how retaliation works.

>You can’t just say “they attacked our civilians, so we’re justified in attacking their civilians.”
You can and you do as has been done for the entirety of recorded human history. Every rule of war exists as a courtesy to prevent this kind of retaliation because when you initiate atrocities against your enemy, his only reasonable response is to retaliate in kind. This is what prevents, or at least attempts to prevent, these atrocities - the understanding that I won't kill your civilians and, in return, you won't kill mine. If you start killing my civilians then you've violated this understanding and the only way to respond is to adopt the new rules you have proposed by engaging in them.

>> No.23361322

And you're aware it was Britain that air striked German civilians first? It was done with the intention of provoking Germany to respond to secure a casus belli for Britain to continue the fight. It took 2 months of British bombing from August 1940 to November for Germany to finally respond.

>> No.23361334

National Socialists were the lesser evil compared to the Anglos and Russians.

>> No.23361336

Nice to see some non-tard /pol/ book here.

>> No.23361357

This but for C.S. Lewis and Tolkien.

>> No.23361358

>have sex ad hom
So, no counter argument?

>> No.23361490

Sounds like a you issue

>> No.23361523


>6 January 2018
So, over 6 years later, is the bill coming or what?

>"Any who reject Jewish life (...)"
There's millions more of those people in Germany since 2018 and they're openly and regularly calling for the destruction of Israel in mass protests. Might enlightening us as to how that is part of the Grand Jewish Plan?

>> No.23361524

No such thing

>> No.23361608

>anti christians

>> No.23361629

Not many people know this but in the '20s and '30s basically everybody in eastern europe was getting nonstop reports that the Soviets were mass murdering people, burning churches and raping nuns, all kinds of crazy shit. Imagine being a peasant in some country that borders Russia and you are hearing that, and then you hear that the 40% of university students that are Jews (who hate your countrymen and mostly came from Russia themselves within the last two generations) are pro-Bolshevik and are singing Russian songs and proclaiming that they want the revolution to spread to your country

If you don't like this idea, congratulations, you're Codreanu at the beginning of For My Legionaries when he and his friends form a Red Dawn brigade and then start breaking up pro-communist demonstrations

>> No.23361697
File: 597 KB, 1912x764, Amish family.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you would guys would just get married, have kids, imbue your beliefs into your family, and start forming communities to embolden and propagate those beliefs, your problems would solve themselves. That's what the Amish do and their the fastest-growing group of whites in the US. There's nothing to be argued against. Either you breed and multiply or you lose. This has been the zero-sum game of humanity since the Neolithic era, but niggas like you think you can subvert this with your sophistry. I don't care about your doomsayings and conspiracy theories, dude.

>> No.23361701

Yeah man the Amish sure look like they're winning...

>> No.23361719
File: 501 KB, 1140x1204, 1651912850540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys actually want? It's not starting families. It's not being left alone to your own communities. It's not more whites being born. Like, I genuinely dunno what it is people with your ideology "want" besides "to whine and bitch about everything all the time."

>> No.23361751


Based, I would gladly accept you as my neighbour and countryman over the copy-paste upwardly-mobile work obsessed chav grifters with seven cars, army of children and dogs, and leaning tower of Amazon prime boxes in their garden.

>> No.23361790

I don't want any of those things. White majorities are a cancer upon this good earth. Every white majority nation has committed and is still committing unspeakable atrocities. Creating more white babies to teach them that white supremacy is bad is like killing people to show people that killing is bad.

>> No.23361842

there's the obsessed iranian retard again. aren't you the least bit upset that you're actually recognizable now? change your ways, dude, you are a lolcow

>> No.23362057

/// One of his oars fell into the water and floated away /// A proper and contrite apology is needed /// This is daytime television at its most anodyne /// He hurriedly had several wooden castles built on mountains and in dales /// Her behaviour towards her employees is completely beyond the pale /// The chips, fried in dripping, were better than the cemented fish they accompanied /// Only a complete nincompoop would believe a story like that /// What exactly are you driving at with a critical statement like that? If you have a problem with my work, just tell me /// The massive drug profits are used to finance operations and suborn officials /// At the turn of the century, the United States embarked on the project of building a canal across the isthmus of Panama, hoping to carve a faster transcontinental shipping route and to cement the United States’ strategic dominance in the region /// Upon reflection, I decided her arguments didn't hold water /// I was driven for some half mile ere we stopped /// Her eyes twinkled with excitement /// There are ten points allocated to every question /// And the boot does feature a spinning spur charm attached to the backstrap of the shoe /// Winter melon, despite its name (white fuzz coats the mature gourd), is refreshing to eat when it's hot outside /// He gave them back their clothes and no longer tarried /// What are the grounds for this strident criticism? /// The liquidity trap is a situation where agents prefer to keep their savings instead of spending them even with respect to near zero or zero interest rates /// I saw steel instruments glinting in sunlight: forceps, scalpel, several kinds of scissors /// The car has lots of cubbyholes for small items /// I moved to this rinky-dink little place in Massachusetts /// Hasselmann created a stochastic weather model, meaning a model that accounts for chance /// That may include intensive behavioral therapy aimed at curbing their impulsiveness, and drugs to balance their aberrant brain chemistry and to reduce gambling's allure /// Many of the characters in the play hearken back to his earlier works and are based on people he knew in his own life /// That hasn't stopped employers from grousing about the state regulations /// A habitual coffee or iced tea drinker, for example, will probably not be greatly affected by the diuretic effect of these beverages /// She averted her eyes while we made stilted conversation ///

>> No.23362061

Read the guys that were sort of Nazi adjacent but critical of them. I’m talking about guys like Oswald Spengler, Julius Evola, Ernst Junger, and their influences like Thomas Carlyle, Friedrich Nietzsche, Joseph de Maistre. Eventually, you will reach a point where you realize that Nazism was kind of retarded modernist low brow politics.

>> No.23362073

/pol/tards will read the Kalergi essay and fail to identify its contradictions because they’re so spooked by Le Jews

>> No.23362288

The firebombing of Dresden lead to one of the greatest novels in the schizo canon.
So it goes.

>> No.23362314

Lol, fuck off. Non-whites, excluding the Chinese, etc., can't hold the moral high ground, as you fundamentally don't and can't obtain power. If one doesn't have the power, then to morally criticise the powerful is folly. It's easy, given even, to be moral when one doesn't have the ability to be immoral. If you guys had European technology before Europeans did, then who knows what would've happened? The natives killed, tortured, and brutalised everyone they came across. The Indians burned widows alive. The Aboriginals ritualistically consumed every second child.

Go fuck yourself, seriously.

>> No.23362429

>Non-whites, excluding the Chinese, etc., can't hold the moral high ground
I'm white. So I can hold the moral high ground according to you. Whites have caused irreparable damage to humanity and the earth.

>If you guys had European technology before Europeans did, then who knows what would've happened?
Black people were building pyramids and great civilizations while we were in caves. They didn't use their superior technology to genocide people.

>> No.23362453

>Whites have caused irreparable damage to humanity and the earth.
Nta but as opposed to who? The great and just Nigerian kangs of the past? Or maybe the mass Mongolian rape on Asia? Or are you talking about the natives that ate children and threw bitches off of pyramids for le sun god? I'm not even white but you self hating whities deserve everything that's coming to you. If somebody in my country were as self-hating as you I'd be ashamed of them

>> No.23362464
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>Black people were building pyramids and great civilizations while we were in caves.
Almost got me with the bait. GG anon

>> No.23362632

You just wrote down a bunch of unsubstantiated shit written by white people hundreds of years ago in order to dehumanize people of color. That would be like if I said bears are demonic monsters because the first white people who saw them thought they were.

>I have literally never heard of Egypt
I suppose this isn't surprising when your entire education comes from /pol/.

>> No.23362654

>They didn't use their superior technology to genocide people.
Funniest part and people really say this shit. That thoughts this dumb can even pop in your mind means you have serious mental issues. It was all slavery and genocide all the time until some brainwashed bong retards showed up and told them to abolish slavery.

>> No.23362858

>change your ways,
I'm not your cuck. If you're going to bash other races and claim all the good traditional stuff from their cultures derive from "a white royalty", then I am going to adopt an antagonizing tone towards you. If you cannot treat others with respect and constantly LARP, then I'm not going to treat you with respect either.
>iranian retard
The psyops where a cucked good Iranian is called "Persian" and a bad one is called "Iranian" won't work on me. The country has been called Iran since the Sassanian empire, and it was actually due to a National Socialist's advice Iran asked other countries to refer to it by its endonym of Iran rather than exonym of Persia.
Also, you're a moron if you think I am "100%" against you. For example, I called National Socialists a lesser evil compared to Anglos and Russians, and I agree that human beings were meant to live in homogenous small-scale societies.
I think on a higher degree of complexity, tacking aporias and "double-edged swords", compared to you peasant scum who only care about self-aggrandizement and shit posting. In short, I think on a system level. These issues can only be addressed on system level. The system itself was a failure and is doomed to consume itself as Spengler said.

>> No.23363026

The soviets had shot millions of ordinary people in the head years before ww2 not including the starvations. They had carried out ethnic cleansing s of many of Russia’s minorities, killing almost every Pole they could get their hands on which came out to around a third of Russia’s Poles and more than one hundred thousand. Then you had Communists in Germany threatening to bring this phenomenon west and they were all Jewish.

>> No.23363036

If you mean American Indians, then true. Otherwise, jajaja.

>> No.23363040

Evola was pro Nazi but had constructive criticism, the alternative was obviously worse. All the dead names probably would have been the same. Hitler and the party became more like what Spengler had wanted them to be before he died. Nietzsche is a proto Nazi and only those who haven’t read genealogy of morals or twilight could ever say otherwise.

>> No.23363110
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>Nietzsche is a proto Nazi
You are so dumb.

>> No.23363128
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He explicitly writes in favour of eugenics, war, patriarchy, aristocracy, Aryanism, racism, slavery. He writes that the uniformly blonde great race of Celts were brought down by their miscegenation with the lower races. He writes that the modern socialists of Europe are the descendants of the pre Aryan slave races of Europe with smaller frames and shorter skulls. He died too young to get his SS uniform.

>> No.23363143

Well, when you put it that way

>> No.23363262

kek. Nietzsche is literally everything at once. A culturally Christian atheistic proto-Nazi Zionist who was pro-LGBT

>> No.23363270

He also explicitly writes in favour of race mixing and allowing outliers the opportunity to prove apparent flaws are adaptions, non-violent power, matriarchy, the noble savage, individual will over predispositions. The socialists, even the "Aryan" ones or whatever follow the tradition of the grain based civilizations like Rome that gave everyone bread and produced smaller and over time dumber people. The steppe people with their horses and meat represent individualism and a life that doesn't cause health and IQ to decay over time. If you're genetically from those people you might be more predisposed to follow that kind of life or promote parts of it as desirable but the genetic connection isn't absolute. Some Roman or Nigerian may well have this "aryan aristocratic spirit" or whatever and some chad steppe horseman may be all about socialism and free bread for everyone.

>> No.23363294

>noo you can't just make a meme making fun of nazis!

>> No.23363369

The Unknown Warriors is a very good book!

>> No.23363417

You can't, really.
Neo-Nazi thought effectively revolves around the idea that anything that isn't pro-Nazi is jewsish psyop propaganda.
The only books that are true are pro-Nazi. You may as well give up.

>> No.23363467
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Post the passage about promoting race mixing or matriarchy please? He thought Jews would be absorbed into a greater European race as their religion died like Christianity would. He wrote about the discord of mixed race souls by which he meant a warrior mixed with a peasant - that they have competing internal drives. He writes about how the desired future will need to exterminate the lower life forms.

>> No.23363476

>you bomb us we bomb you
That is what happened to the Germans. They were the victims of British air raids on civilians for months while they were trying to negotiate an end to the war. When they realised Britain couldn't be reasoned with they began to retaliate.

>> No.23363584

This. Patch latch onto Nazism because it’s the most contemporaneous ideology that made some sort of stand against yucky stuff. However, it did so from false premises

>> No.23363613

>I would like to no longer believe in White superiority, let me ask in English, on the internet, from my pc, in my climate controlled home with electricity and running water and a car in my driveway, what books published in English and printed by the printing press I should read to convince me Whites aren't superior
Nice try kid.

>> No.23363737

In BGE he talks about the value of the conflict of the bastards which creates golden ages at points where races and cultures mix but the fuel gets expended through that mixing leaving plebs who don't understand the greatness left behind by the golden ages.
Mix two distinct dog species and you get something interesting. Keep mixing and over time they all converge on the same atavistic form, the standard mutt which is found all over the world now.
Exerting power means choosing what lives even if you only eat plants. All else being equal annihilating a threat is a valid strategy and refusing to consider that because of principles derived from higher level concerns is dogmatism that threats can easily exploit in you. In practice this doesn't mean going around killing people you think are unfit. The short dumb farmers aren't a threat long term precisely because they're not fit, their species can't last and will in practice be annihilated by something superior. If the only reason you can give for not destroying a threat is some kind of conditioned sense of morality which doesn't serve you in any way you can understand then you're acting based on instructions from others. Which can be fine like if you're a child but not to a leader or someone trying to progress thinking. There will always be leaders, hierarchies of power emerge in any system. The main "feature" of the current system is masters can pretend they have no responsibility towards the slaves, it's always the system giving the orders not them.

>> No.23363990

Christopher Hitchens wrote an article about some popular myths about British participation in the war. (https://www.theatlantic.com/past/docs/issues/2002/04/hitchens.htm).). One was the idea that it was the Germans who first bombed civilians, which of course led to the reasoning that anything similar done to German cities could be justified as mere revenge for what Germany had begun. Hitchens wrote this:

>A close reading of the increasingly voluminous revisionist literature discloses many further examples of events that one thinks cannot really be true, or cannot be true if the quasi-official or consecrated narrative is to remain regnant. Against which nation was the first British naval attack directed? (Against a non-mobilized French fleet, moored in the ports of North Africa, with the loss of hundreds of French lives.) Which air force was the first to bomb civilians, and in whose capital city? (The RAF, striking the suburbs of Berlin.) Which belligerent nation was the first to violate the neutrality of Europe's noncombatant nations? (The British, by a military occupation of Norway.) But these details, not unlike the navels and genitalia in devotional painting, are figleafed in denial. They cannot exactly be omitted from the broader picture, nor can they be permitted any profane influence on its sanctity.

Recommend me some good revisionist books about WWII, friends.

>> No.23364005

Not a book but Ron Unz has lots of lengthy revisionist articles that he narrates on his website www.unz.com . He is ethnically Jewish but broaches into many arguements that would be considered anti-semitic by the mainstream on the topics of Jewish influence in recent decades and during the wars. I recently listened to one of his articles on that site which addresses the Suvorov hypothesis - that Barbarossa was a defensive operation that had to be launched to preempt the incoming Soviet attack and steal the initiative.

>> No.23364015

I guess this implies the revisionist book "Icebreaker: Who Started the Second World War?" by Viktor Suvorov. Ron Unz makes the interesting point that this book is the most widedly read work of military history ever. However, it was successfully suppressed in the Anglosphere and does not inform their understanding of the war but was extensively debated in Russian and German circles.

>> No.23364034
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Gott strafft England

>> No.23364045

>native Africans who squandered any potential the nation had
You think Liberia's potential was squandered by the natives only? It wasn't a great or even a good country before that. Compare South Africa before Natives took over, that is wasted potential.

>> No.23364393

Stalin’s War by Sean McMeekin. It’s not /pol/-tier revisionism but it squarely pins WW2 largely on Soviet aggression and shows how subverted western governments were by communists.

>> No.23364399

tfw I want to become even more of a nazi and talk to other nazi litfrens but all the book clubs irl are full of libtards

anyone wanna be my litfren? I'm into ancient greek mythology at the moment

>> No.23364404

I have family who fought for the nazis and I find it hilarious

>> No.23364406

You fuckers genuinely want to re-fight WW2 over and over until the end of time. Maybe that's your idea of Valhalla.

>> No.23364451

WW2 was the most world-changing event of the last 1000 years

>> No.23364457

You don't even dispute it. Sad.

Also, this is your surrogate activity for lack of GF.

>> No.23365917
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Former Waffen-SS General who in 1981 predicted what the kikes will do to Europe.

>> No.23365924

Culture of Critique

>> No.23365926

The British literally started it.

>> No.23365930

>both my great grandparents
what are you, so kind of inbred freak?

>> No.23365939

>And mine lived in London
More white English people have fled London due to state-enforced mass migration (and probably been killed in London due to it as well) than anything the Germans did.

>> No.23365943

You’re wrong on a few counts there.

>> No.23365945

>Nazi cope thread
The Germans winning wouldn't have changed anything, and the world would have ended up just as pozzed after Hitler died (if not more).
Germany would either act as the geopolitical substitute for the USSR, and collapse because it was an administrative mess, or be like Franco's Spain, which liberalized after WW2.

>> No.23365954

Nah, America wouldn't have been as strong.

>> No.23365957

Franco's Spain only liberalized after WW2 due to the fact that the allies won.
Maybe things would be gay in the US (although I doubt they would be as bad if the Germans won) but Europe wouldn't be an American vassal continent so the gay shit wouldn't infiltrate Europe as much as it has in our world.

>> No.23365969
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>allies destroyed much of Nazi literature and ephemera like exercise manuals
>conveniently leave all the propaganda they wanted to share to reinforce narratives
Not only is the issue of winning a war means you get to control the history, but the Nazis were so different from other ideologies that both "the Nazis were evil" and "the Nazis were BASED and the wrong side World War II" are low-IQ takes.

>> No.23365972

The only realistic way the Germans could have won is if they didn't start the eastern front, so the USSR would have survived WW2 as well. The USSR and Germany would both contain each others' influence, which would give the US more room outside of Europe. It's entirely possible that the US would be stronger in this hypothetical reality because it would have even more influence in Asia and Africa than it did.

>> No.23365973

I think that the biggest problem would still be demographics since a falling birth rate seems to coincide with industrialization no matter how keyed the government is. However the Nazis were very pro-natalist as opposed to the actively anti-natalist policies of the communist and liberal governments that won so I bet the situation wouldn't be as bad.
If they needed immigration, they would probably have a UAE style immigration system with a preference for Eastern and Southern Europeans. Keep in mind that even in our libtard world, German citizenship was only for ethnic Germans until quite recently, and the idea of repatriating post-45 migrants and their descendants was not considered an insane radical position. There would be definitely be no accepting a billion Africans and Arabs a year.

>> No.23366047

Germany would probably have become liberal and corrupt in a decade but that doesn't change how deranged all the narratives accepted as true are. That doesn't absolve Britain of their crimes before, during and after the war. Turks would own the middle east and become a threat. Japan would own the east and cold war proxy fighting would have consumed Africa and SA even more. US and the broken up Soviets would be fascist puppets. Those that survive as fascist do it with popular large scale projects like rail systems but still grow liberal in attitude with increased prosperity.
Who knows, if things went right you might have been riding a locally manufactured high tech nuclear powered train to your BLM riot against trains.

>> No.23366062

>Turks would own the middle east and become a threat
The Ottoman Empire already collapsed. Ataturk and his party were opposed to reviving it.
>Japan would own the east
The US would still bumfuck Japan.
>US and the broken up Soviets would be fascist puppets
The Germans couldn't even turn the UK into a Fascist puppet. What makes you think they would do it to the US?

This is legitimate wishful thinking

>> No.23366111

>The Ottoman Empire already collapsed
Turks fought against the allies and Turkey as a country resisted being broken up by taking up arms again after the war was supposedly over. Turks were still the military power in the area and generally aligned with Germany.
>The US would still bumfuck Japan.
Then the Axis didn't win in this hypothetical. The alternative is Japan never attacked and the US turned fascist by itself like it would have if Germany hadn't gotten there first.
>The Germans couldn't even turn the UK into a Fascist puppet. What makes you think they would do it to the US?
Did they win in the scenario or not?

>> No.23366123

>The US would still bumfuck Japan.
Japan would continue to colonize China and parts of Russia, and basically become similar to what China is now. Meanwhile, America would be forced to pay Japan and Germany for the war. Probably forced to give up Hawaii as well.

>> No.23366141

>Then the Axis didn't win in this hypothetical
A complete and utter Axis victory could never happen. A German victory would result in it dominating Europe, but it wouldn't be able to defeat the US. The USA bankrolled the entire allied war effort and achieved total naval dominance on the Atlantic and Pacific.

It would be delusional to think Germany could overcome the navies of the US and the UK.

>> No.23366154

Convince yourself that you're Jewish.

>> No.23366160

Germany dominated Europe. Nothing changed in this supposedly hypothetical scenario. I gave you the most reasonable alternative which is US never entering the war in the first place but you simply can't think, no clue how.

>> No.23366166

>Germany dominated Europe
Except for the USSR

>> No.23366524

>Doesn't explain a single count

>> No.23366534

This is Communist cope for how empty their political project was. German victory would have been bursting with energy for hundreds of years before their own decay or some other force defeated them. The scientific and engineering breakthroughs achieved during just 12 years of rebuilding from Weimar/WW1 and under siege was astounding.

>> No.23367596
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Nah, they were evil

>> No.23367598

No sweaty the British did not start the war

>> No.23367905

You have never had a thought in your life but why advertise it? You're a woman?