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/lit/ - Literature

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23354017 No.23354017 [Reply] [Original]

I've been reading Moby Dick for half a year now and am only halfway through.

>> No.23354020

How many hours do you spend reading each day?

>> No.23354023


>> No.23354025

I only read like 100 pages of gravitiys rainbow before I gave up.

>> No.23354027

You should try reading something closer to your reading level

>> No.23354029

I can't understand why you'd continue to read something if you don't enjoy it. If it was for academic purposes I'd understand; otherwise you're just wasting your time and I have no idea why you'd willingly do that.

>> No.23354030
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>> No.23354033
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I read a few chapters of a book and never finish them.
I can't remember the last time I even finished a book cover to cover.

>> No.23354040

I keep buying books and never finish the ones in my backlog. I got 75% of the way through Brothers K and C&P a few years ago and don't remember hardly anything about them. 6 months after reading a book I could not tell you anything about it.

>> No.23354045

what book is on the reading list for 2025

>> No.23354050

I won't pick up a new book until I finish Faust part 2 but I can only read 5 pages of it at a time before getting incredibly bored

>> No.23354051

If I'm not well read should I just start with the /lit/ 100 and go from there? I got absolutely filtered by Absalom, Absalom.

>> No.23354059

Start with the entry level stuff. The Republic, Meditations, The lIiad, The Turner Diaries, etc.

>> No.23354073

I haven't even finished my two favorite books (Don Quixote and The Idiot) and I can't seem to read anything longer than an effortpost now.

>> No.23354139

These days I pretty much have to look up the definition of every single word I use which isn't one of the top thousand most commonly used ones. Some people might consider themselves dumb for this, but I consider it more of an OCD symptom and memory issue thing. Definitely more of the latter. I've always kind of been like this though and I won't deny anymore that there is a chance I'm stupid but it's really more of an idiosyncrasy (I didn't have to look up the definition of that, trust me on that).

>> No.23354147

I just looked up the definition to be completely sure. See, I told you it's OCD.

>> No.23354159

i haven't actually sat down and read a book in over a year. i only ever listen to audiobooks now.

>> No.23354162

Three of the books I ticked off my Goodreads challenge this year I started in 2023.

>> No.23354462

I keep having nightmares pertaining to death after reading the Death of Ivan Ilyich

>> No.23354474


>> No.23354475

The first few chapters are almost unbearable and I can see quitting or taking a year to read through them to get to the main story. Same with Tale of Two Cities.
So don't worry about it.

>> No.23354511

I've been reading Shakespeare for a year and barely a third of the way done.

>> No.23354938

I consistently exclusively only manage to read the great classic writers' short stuff:
* Dubliners, not Ulysses or Finnegan's Wake
* The House of the Dead, not Crime and Punishment or The Brothers Karamazov
* The Luzhin Defense not Lolita or Ada
* L'indifférent not In Search of Lost Time
* Bartleby not Moby Dick
* Slow Learner not Gravity's Rainbow
* Interviews with Hideous Men not Infinite Jest
I still consider myself well read and act as if I had read all the classics.

>> No.23354953

>reading Shakespeare

>> No.23354957

I got through it in just over a month reading 20 pages a day, try doing that

>> No.23354959

Something that motivated me to learn another language is because I wanted to buy books from that country and to have a shelf dedicated to books in that language

>> No.23355007

I've been reading it for two weeks and I'm at chapter 65

>> No.23355070

I only read non-fiction, but I listen to hundreds of hours of fiction in audiobooks when I'm working.

>> No.23355129

I tried reading The Divine Comedy twice and stopped after Inferno both times.

>> No.23355134

i almost never finish any novels i start. i simply dont care for the story or the plot. the only things which concern me are the insight and the style (the reason i read exclusively philosophy and poetry)
the only novel ive finished this year has been lolita, and only because of the writing style

>> No.23355137

sounds awful

>> No.23355187

I don't read the books anon. I just watch YouTube videos and shorts, read the Wikipedia page to get a sense of the topic and pretend to know shit.

>> No.23355190

Better than me pal.

>> No.23355219
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>what book is on the reading list for 2025

>> No.23355222

It took me two months to read Demons.

>> No.23355228

I really didn’t care for All the Pretty Horses… Suttree is better.

>> No.23355324
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I only read ya, sci-fi, fantasy, and romance
I used Spark Notes to get through all the classics I had to read for school. Same for philosophy in college. I got As in both my philosophy classes and never once touched the actual material
I liked the LOTR films but hated the books. I got 100 pages into Fellowship before giving up out of boredom.

>> No.23355385

I have no interest in sharing my writing with anyone outside of a few artwhore poets I find irl or on social media, only so I can absorb their compliments and maybe try to woo her and make love with her. This has worked multiple times and I have another in my clutches right now.
My goal is to build my way up to Lady Dakota Warren. Which wouldn't be as impossible as you think.

>> No.23355400

Good reading pace for Moby Dick

>> No.23355664

I couldn't finish the Stranger. I read this board on the daily though

>> No.23355672

It's really sorry though

>> No.23355687

am I esl or are you esl?

>> No.23355696

Sorry, on my phone. Autocomplete chose "sorry" instead of "short" .

>> No.23355721

It took me about 6 years to read through Brothers Karamazov

>> No.23355748

I find anything written before WWI unreadable.
>being the eldest by a minute of seven small cousins born in the depths of a harsh winter in the parish of Middling it fell to the lot of my father, in the absence of his own father, to perform the role of pater familias to not only his own family but the spare offspring of any stray orphans left to the mercy of the parish by such itinerant mothers as were passing through of which there were no small amounts in those hard years in the early to middle part of this the glorious reign of our sovereign Victoria to whom I dedicate this account of the my early life and the adventures which befell me when I had come of age and set out to seek my fortune independently of the paternal hearth

>> No.23355761


>> No.23355766

I have only read 5 of the lit top 100, Lolita is my favourite so far. I have not read any of the Greeks but I will start with that soon.

>> No.23355800

I'm a poser who can't read but collects books. I suffer from seeing rivers in between the text

>> No.23356103

I read women writers

>> No.23356148

I tried reading lattimore's Iliad and I gave up in book 5

>> No.23356178

True. If I'd read it slower the first time, I wouldn't keep finding completely new things on the 4th read through.

The speed reading meme on /lit/ is fucking pathetic, NPC anons trying to ingest text like a LLM instead of reading at a natural pace for the material (24 hours of reading per in-story day)