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/lit/ - Literature

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23353914 No.23353914 [Reply] [Original]

This board gets a disproportionate amount of radical literature with little to no literature on how to overcome radicalization. We know about Rules for Radicals. What is something to do the opposite? To deradicalize and restore sanity?

>> No.23353919

Paying me more money. I am a profit motivated rational agent and sans profit motivation I will do increasingly irrational things as I search for profit!

>> No.23353921
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>> No.23353922

Suicide (the only solution to those who choose to continue being Lukewarm).

>> No.23353923

Going outside and limiting internet usage

>> No.23353926

Give me a 500k sinecure and a fat tittied elf wife and I'll stop be racist. Those are my terms.

>> No.23353930

A book about wild gardening or something

>> No.23353931

Fuck off with your thread topic

The real topic should be why are we still talking about the same neocon bullshit for 30 years and why was influential author Francis Fukuyama correct?

>> No.23353977

We can be reasonable, personally I'd even take 200k and a daughterwife

>> No.23353991

secret organizations training people to cause civil unrest for a power grab... you crazy, man.

>> No.23353993

>inculcate into
smartest twitter user

>> No.23354028

porn, video games

>> No.23354053

Why would you assume that the correct view is likely to be within the moderate zone of our time?

>> No.23354068

Being radical has as much to do with the methods as the views. You can have the same views as someone who is radicalized but not be a radical.

>> No.23354075

>being normal is incorrect, it’s about being better than both sides

Reddit is that way

>> No.23354078

Read Thomas Aquinas since liberalism is radical

>> No.23354798
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Being radical just means being principled.
"Deradicalisation" is a goal for the corrupt and unprincipled.
If you want people not to want to blow society up then fix society.

>> No.23354800
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>> No.23354812

"brianna" wu is a radical tranny extremist

>> No.23354853

Plato, Aristotle, St. Augustine, St. Aquinas, etc. Being ruled over by Logos and choosing the Good for its own sake rules out making politics into your religion.

>> No.23355002

His name is john flynt

>> No.23355008

It's simple really, all you need to end radicalization is to provide people with a family, land to build generational wealth on, and a sense of community.

>> No.23355009

You overcome radicalization by not using the internet or limiting its use greatly. It is that simple.

Everything online is a psyop. Read the academic work of B.F. Skinner and Daniel Kahneman (S). Every normie website/app operates as its own Skinner box, allowing each to be influenced in any way for a desirable outcome. This is why we are terrified of TikTok not being under US control.
Thankfully I caught this early when I was a faggot teenage fedora atheist and then realized it wasn't organic whatsoever.

Also reading in general, anything, is helpful. Most people do not read, so where do they get their opinions?

>> No.23355067

The Handbook of Deradicalization and Disengagement. A quick tldr is that it is basically a textbook telling you to find god, come to Jesus, etc.

>> No.23355143

Watching these people wail about the golem they created is hilarious. “You were supposed to disrupt and dismantle the WEST, not Israel!!!!”
> overcome radicalization
If you want the opposite of radical you’re asking for the midwit middle. Harari and Pinker are patron saints of “it jest werks” neoliberal apologia. A lot of old school conservatives would fit into this “call to sanity” in most topics (don’t ask them about bombing Iran though); Hoover Institution figures like Niall Ferguson or McMaster.
You gotta get more specific about where the goal post of “sanity” is though. Because these people start arguing with each other if you widen the field more. Sam Harris was pushed out of the middle ground tard squad for having two or three radical positions.

If you really want to lobotimize yourself you should start reading directionbrain books from people like Bill OReilley or Maddow. You gotta take “a stance” between shit sandwich and diarrhea soup though.

>> No.23355185

Holy fuck someone unironically recommending Skinner, the single worst """psychologist""" in history who ruined the entire field and caused a generation of american children to be raised in conditions of extreme abuse

>> No.23355227

You don't need literature
You need to stop using twitter

>> No.23355259
File: 57 KB, 256x389, Imperium_The_Philosophy_of_History_and_Politics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only true response to modernity is extremism.

>> No.23355270

the holy Koran.

>> No.23355365
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>oy vey, what combination of words can we use to get the goyim to accept all the crime and subversion we have inflicted upon their societies.
Good luck with that, nigger.

>> No.23355368
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Well, sow winds, reap storms. Pic related.

>> No.23355370
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"If for some reason this sounds extreme, you should ask why, when a democratic state rejects the vote of its own people, and no longer pretends to serve them—and acts in favor of outsiders instead—it still deserves to exist.
Our ancestors rebelled for much less." - 17cShytePoster (Twitter) defines illegitimacy

>> No.23355376
File: 2.74 MB, 3580x1252, 1965 Immigration Act Jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OY bey, White people existing is anti-Semitism. Reported to the ADL and the Mossad war department.

If you have never read Culture of Critique by Kevin Macdonald, it's highly worth a read. There are lots of relevant chapters, but for me personally, the most impactful was Chapter 7, 'jewish involvement in shaping U.S. immigration policy'. It covers in detail how jews have been the leading force in shifting U.S. immigration policy from a Eurocentric focus to an open door policy for the entire third world, dating all the way back to the beginning of the 20th century. It's enough to make your blood boil.

Here is a free link to Culture of Critique on http://archive.org if anyone here is curious to read more:


>> No.23355391
File: 69 KB, 500x500, Deus Vult time for war.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.23355393
File: 111 KB, 1040x1182, zionist antiWhite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. People can either have a functional society, or allow jews into it. Can't have both.

>> No.23355402
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I don't really care either way (it's all bullshit in the end), but it's been really interesting seeing how well these pro-Palestine protests/rallies/whatevers have been covered by the media, and how much the average Joe knows about them. Compared to the Portland riots — which were not all that long ago — these are pretty tame, yet most news sources continued to report on them as mere protests until the bitter end. And with that instance of that girl being doxxed by brain-dead Trump voters for wearing a Palestine pin, I genuinely think the pendulum is swinging back in the worst way possible. We're not going from degeneracy and wilful ignorance to a sober and brighter society, but to one that's no less disgusting and horrible to live in, only the faces have changed and the buzzwords have been switched out. Well, it's not like this hasn't happened before. I guess I just had a little bit of hope left in my heart.

>> No.23355415

Literature is subversive. If you want to deradicalize, stand up out of the radical, go outside, and contribute to your town in small ways. Clear weeds, throw aeay trash, volunteer in a soup kitchen. Then, when you gain a position of power, quit, because that's just as radical as reading nazi books (hence the term 'power trip'), take a holiday, and spend your money. Stay in the middle. It's not difficult to do.

>> No.23355416
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Until all jewish power is permanently eradicated from our territories, our societies will get progressively worse. It's what kikes to, they cause as much chaos as possible so they can loot everyone and advance their supremacist agenda while going unnoticed.

>> No.23355419
File: 140 KB, 982x1024, JewishFamilyInvasion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then the kikes in power import 1 billion niggers and your get raped to death.

>> No.23355420
File: 107 KB, 547x1024, 1714784724154346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See with your own eyes all US politicians on both parties voicing their never ending loyalty to Israel:

Texas Officials Forcing Hurricane Victims to Pledge Loyalty to Israel to Receive Funding

Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Lost Her Job for Refusing to Sign Pro-Israel Oath

In Arizona, all 4 Republicans whose candidacies unsettled Jews have lost

"More than 95% of AIPAC-backed candidates won their election last night!"

AIPAC gets everyone:



The US budget is Israel-centric and Jew-centric:

"Cynthia McKinney: US Lawmakers Forced to Sign Pledge to Support Israel"

The Israel lobby is seeking loyalty oaths in America

>> No.23355425

How can I know an author's correct if I only read excerpts of one of his books, don't know him as a person, have never spoken to the man face to face, am not his child or father, sister, woman, teacher, disciple, colleague or whatever? What the flip is wrong with internettists thinking they know someone based on what they see in the media, thát is the question from the subtext of your question, and if there are books for my piece of contrarianism (Yes, I've read rhe NT), show 'em.

>> No.23355432

Why not assume that the correct view is within every time ever possible, even if you are not a beholder of it?

>> No.23355436


>> No.23355455
File: 164 KB, 1004x1036, Epstein stands with Israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cry harder faggot kike, not an argument.
"The Lobby: USA", where an undercover journalist infiltrates AIPAC (American Israeli Public Affairs Committee) and proves how zionist Jews commit crimes WITH FULL IMPUNITY against American citizens on American soil (following direct orders from Israeli officials) for the political benefit of Israel:

Consolidated Appropriations Bill Includes Nearly $5 Billion for Israel - June 2022

"Jim Traficant: Israel has used America as a Whore"

Senator Joe Lieberman brags about Chabad building a worldwide network bigger than the CIA:

The NSA sends all its raw data to Israel, including information pertaining to Americans worldwide including those living in America:

Jewish Orthodox woman is the head of the NSA cyber security section:

Proof that Israel uses the US Military to fight its wars and that US Armed Forces are nothing but cannon fodder for Israel:

How and why zionists (Jew and Gentile zionists alike) are always traitors/enemy combatants:

>> No.23355463 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.07 MB, 1118x1546, LGBT transgender surgery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related has become normalized, while opposition to it has been deemed "radicalism". This judeo-satanic state of affairs that turned our society into clown world needs to be dealt with, regardless of what kikes and their useful idiots call those willing to oppose it.

>> No.23355467
File: 243 KB, 989x1280, Jews LGBT transgender movement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof that the whole tranny agenda is entirely JEWISH in origin, and Israel is making BILLIONS selling us the hormones used to mutilate the children being brainwashed:

>> No.23355508

You are absolutely missing the point if you think I am endorsing him, reading Kahneman and Skinner is a means of becoming aware of the strategies used today by the government and big tech.

>> No.23355527
File: 172 KB, 586x595, Israel jews AIPAC laws Jake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Uniparty:

This is how the jew owned Israel first anti-White uniparty operates:
Leftoids get to do whatever they want as long as it punishes whites and doesn't attack jews.
Rightoids get to do whatever they want as long as it isn't pro-White or anti Jewish.
And the so called "doing whatever they want" always ends up advancing the Israel first anti-White agenda forward.

It will take what both illegitimate and foreign controlled sides call "radicalism" to fix this issue of zionist occupation government (that rules regardless of what clown is allowed into the White House).

The vote is the hopium of the goy.

The Founding Fathers told everyone what they would have to do sooner or later in the face of tyranny and a foreign occupation government (Israeli/Zionist in our modern era, in theirs it was British).

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it's natural manure."

"The reasonable man conforms himself to the world. The unreasonable man conforms the world to himself. Therefore all progress is from the unreasonable man"

"As of today, politics are mere theater to sell false hope of meaningful long term change to the slave class. Only the people can force that reality to change."

"If for some reason this sounds extreme, you should ask why, when a democratic state rejects the vote of its own people, and no longer pretends to serve them—and acts in favor of outsiders instead—it still deserves to exist.
Our ancestors rebelled for much less." - 17cShytePoster (Twitter) defines illegitimacy

"Americans have guns AND lots to lose. They are about to find out that they have nothing left to lose. They are being replaced for decades and only now we are waking up to this realization. 2020 elections and Covid sped up the process thank God but it's been 3 years since the regular American feels disoriented and angry. Some people don't know who they are angry at but there are people like anons itt who show them. And the change is palatable irl.
The support for the Regime is at all times low. All of the institutions and all of the talking heads on the TV.
An action takes planning. Localism is winning right now but it will lead to organization. No Revolution happened in a span of 3 years. And I count 3 years because this is when the disillusionment of the native American population started." - 447414557

"The Stamp Act that started the move towards independence in the colonies was in 1765. Nine years before open rebellion. Movements take time." - 19869405

>> No.23355531
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>> No.23355694

Literature that will make me even more extreme and radical to an almost psychopathic degree?

>> No.23356041


>> No.23356207

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/467163638