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/lit/ - Literature

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2335321 No.2335321 [Reply] [Original]

French or German philosophy?

opinions are ok
arguments are encouraged

>> No.2336691

so, philosophy is just a matter of ethics after all...

>> No.2336704


German or Greek would be more interesting.


>> No.2336708

Nietzsche > all

fuck the haters

>> No.2336710

other than sartre and foucault what is french philosophy?

>> No.2336713

i think german is better for more objective problems.
and french is better for more intersubjective and social questions,french consciousness centred philosophy like existentialism being the outlier.

>> No.2336714

is that empty spot, at the top, between wittgenstein and sartre meant for heidegger?

>> No.2336718

baudrillard, deleuze, derrida, barthes

>> No.2336722

i.e. post-modern / post-structuralist

>> No.2336723

they're all like really recent. I never realised france was so slow

>> No.2336725


Stirner is as consciousness centered as they come and in my opinion far more important and interesting than the existentialists.

But you're right in the sense the sense that there are simply more french guys concerning them with these things.

I can't really think of anything genuinely original coming out of France in the sense of philosophy though.

>> No.2336728

Germany wins but the French get a kiss on the bum for giving us Sade.

>> No.2336730
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Comte, maybe...

>> No.2336732

>implying sociology is philosophy

>> No.2336739

You're forgetting positivism.

>> No.2336742

omgomgomg that simpson sartre is so cute!!!

>> No.2336746
File: 33 KB, 320x240, videoplayback.flv_000037504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking hilarious

>> No.2336748


kawaii sartre-kun for /lit/ mascot

>> No.2336750

Morals are biological in original. None come from reason.

>> No.2336757

Morals are given by God. None come from our biology.

>> No.2336761

i loved that fucking sketch

nietzsche accused confucius of having no free will, and confucius, he say, name go in book

>> No.2336766

lol marx

>> No.2336767
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>> No.2336768

you didn't understand

>> No.2336807

German, no question.

>> No.2336810

I think analytical vs continental philisophy is a more adequate distinction.

>> No.2336811

I did, I understood that you made claim with as much objective worth as mine.

>> No.2336812

German, although I do like Rousseau.

English philosophy produced the best political philosophical thought, however.

>> No.2336814

Who are you thinking?

>> No.2336818

I'm confused as to what you're asking, but for the English philosophers (I included Irish and Scottish in there just for simplification), I like Locke, Burke, Smith, and Hobbes.

>> No.2336826

Descartes was French.

>> No.2336830

Yes, I meant the English Philosophers. It was just out of curiosity, really.

I just finished The Social Contract, got a bit bogged down in book 4 but it was an enlightening read. Moving on to Locke's Treatises next, which I've been looking forward to.

>> No.2336834

Who the fuck do you think you are? Bringing up relevant points

>> No.2336853
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Only counting worthwhile philosophers…

Even if you disagree with them, in the 20th century alone, you get: Husserl, Heidegger, Gadamer, Strauss & Stein.

In France you get… uh, Merleau–Ponty? Gilson if you count Thomists? That's pretty much it.

If we broaden this to German–language, the Germans win in a rout. (Or blitzkrieg.)

>pic related, don't make him cut you

>> No.2336856

/lit/ philosophy threads:

"Wat iz best german or french?"
"I liek neeche and socrates wat should i read nxt?"
"continental vs analytic go!"

Fucking depressing.

>> No.2336864

Don't forget that Cartesian dualist the other day, that was fun.

>> No.2336868


What if you're a non–Cartesian dualist?

>come at me, bro

>> No.2336869


and airplane food, what's the deal with that stuff

>> No.2336873

The one that didn't realise he was one?

>> No.2336876

There are several theories on this.
-Because there's a lot of noise, your taste is lessened. So the food is not that bad, your taste is just worse than normal.
-The food is made to be inoffensive to everyone, since they can't really pick their meal. Bland=inoffensive.

>> No.2336877

We can discuss why Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi is completely top tier?

>> No.2336886


you're forgetting pretty much everyone significant (and increasingly more as time goes on) post '68 was french

though then again you do have the frankfurt school...

>> No.2336901
File: 20 KB, 550x275, heidegger_wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heidegger and Wittgenstein are the only original people of the XX century.

Heidegger is the base from which everyone started (existentialistm post-structuralist etc)

and Wittgenstein, well, he just teared down philosophy itself.

>> No.2336909

the guy on the right is pretty cute.

>> No.2336913

Jurgen Habermas?

>> No.2336916

Dostoevsky came before Heidegger so existentialism came before Heidegger as well.

>> No.2336921

Stifter in fact always reminds me of Heidegger, of that ridiculous Nazi philistine in plus-fours. Just as Stifter has totally and in the most shameless manner kitschified great literature, so Heidegger, the Black Forest philosopher Heidegger, has kitschified philosophy, Heidegger and Stifter, each one for himself and in his own way, have hopelessly kitschified philosophy and literature. Heidegger, after whom the wartime and postwar generations have been chasing, showering him with revolting and stupid doctoral theses even in his lifetime.

I always visualize him sitting on his wooden bench outside his Black Forest house, alongside his wife who, with her perverse knitting enthusiasm, ceaselessly knits winter socks for him from the wool she has shorn from their own Heidegger sheep.

I cannot visualize Heidegger other than sitting on the bench outside his Black Forest house, alongside his wife, who all her life totally dominated him and who knitted all his socks and crocheted all his caps and baked all his bread and wove all his bedlinen and who even cobbled up his sandals for him. Heidegger was a kitschy brain..... a feeble thinker from the Alpine foothills, as I believe, and just about right for the German philosophical hot-pot. For decades they ravenously spooned up that man Heidegger, more than anybody else, and overloaded their stomachs with his stuff. Heidegger had a common face, not a spiritual one, Reger said, he was through and through an unspiritual person, devoid of all fantasy, devoid of all sensibility, a genuine German philosophical ruminant, a ceaselessly gravid German philosophical cow, Reger said, which grazed upon German philosophy and thereupon for decades let its smart little cow-pats drop on it....

>> No.2336922

Hume came before Dostoevsky so existentialism came before Dostoevsky as well.

>> No.2336924

>french philosophy

okay there is foucault but meh for the rest

>> No.2336925

part 2/2

Heidegger is the petit-bourgeois of German philosophy, the man who has placed on German philosophy his kitschy nightcaps, that kitschy black night-cap which Heidegger always wore, on all occasions. Heidegger is the carpet-slipper and night-cap philosopher of the Germans, nothing else.

>> No.2336926

Ecclesiastes predates Dostoyevsky. Existentialism in its form in the 20th c was developed from Heidegger.

>> No.2336927

Still not picked up Derrida then?

>> No.2336929

Nope, independent origination, motherfucker!

>> No.2336930


>> No.2336932

no sir. development from the same roots. thats like saying nietszche only had an effect in germany.

>> No.2336939

nope. existentialism would have cropped up in all circumstances. whether Heidegger existed, whether nietzsche shaved, whether sartre wore a clown hat

>> No.2336946

is this from a simpsons episode? what one?

>> No.2336951

I'm not contesting that at all. Existentialism exists in the Bible even. Existentialism as it was in the 20th century, ("as it was" is crucial here, because biblical existentialism and 20th c existentialism are not the same thing) is a development of the thoughts of people like Heidegger and Nietzsche.

>> No.2336953

and I'm saying existentialism 'as it was' in the 20th century would have developed like that whether Heidegger and Nietzsche were present or not.

>> No.2336959

whatever dude, feel free to do your alternate history roleplaying.

>> No.2336996

But the Odyssey predates Ecclesiastes, hakas.

>> No.2338671


Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Sartre, etc

>> No.2338682

Sartre looks alot like moleman

>> No.2338686

you're taking the question seriously and answering it like 24 hours too late. why???

>> No.2338684

but, what's better: eastern or western philosophy?

>> No.2338691

thats what I thought.

also did he have a squint or is that just the thick glasses or the way he appears in pictures?

regardless he was quite in his day. i always thought he could be portrayed by jeff goldblum in the biopic

>> No.2338704


it wasn't a squint, it was a fucking hugely lazy eye which always pointed off to his far right making him look like he was always in a state of 'herp derp'

But then eye problems are known to correlate with high intelligence. Nietzsche for instance, and most modernist writers went blind by their middle ages.

>> No.2338707

Well at least it was distinctive.

>> No.2338719

I always like the Germans more.

>> No.2338721

the french are germans, "france" comes from the franks, a germanic tribe.

>> No.2338724

Thanks for the history lesson, but I think you knew what I meant in the context of this thread.

>> No.2338728
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>thinks germanic == german

>> No.2338739

yeah and we're all africans, mate. you're not impressing anyone.

>> No.2338764


>> No.2338767

That's not actually true.

>> No.2338778
File: 7 KB, 201x151, stop don't be a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Postmodernists, significant.
>Frankfurt School, significant

>mfw when poster is a Marxist who thinks philosophy exists to confirm his politics

>> No.2338779


>> No.2338784

i would take you more seriously if you didn't pick such a dumb reaction image

>> No.2338812
File: 91 KB, 323x323, rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to 4chan.

>You used a dumb reaction image, so I can't take your argument seriously.
>Name the fallacy.

>> No.2338824

I would take you more seriously if you weren't a fucking cultural marxist piece of shit.

>> No.2338844

>Marxist Philosophy
god tier

>Marxist Politics
shit tier

>> No.2338845

go jump off a building

>> No.2338846

Continental philosophy was pretty much discredited completely after Sokal, as if it wasn't already obvious that it was an exercise in mental gymnastics for the sake of supporting a political sacred cow.

>> No.2338847

Shouldn't you be the one doing so? Since you have a poor grasp on reality.

>> No.2338849

>likes marxism
>claims someone else has a poor grasp of reality

>> No.2338850

it's funny that reactionaries would come to an anonymous image board to post

shouldn't 4chan be, like, antithetical to everything you stand for, or some shit

>> No.2338851

There's no conflict between Marxist philosophy and reality.

>> No.2338852

You don't get one without the other. One necessarily leads to the other.


You obviously have no idea about either of those schools of thought

I would take you more seriously if you weren't a fucking conservative/nationalist/racist piece of shit

>> No.2338855

>piece of shit

pick only 1

>> No.2338856

4chan is a great place for normal people, because you can't get away with critical theory bullshit like calling everyone who disagrees with you a reactionary. We're grounded in the real world, where philosophy has to meet standards of informal logic.

>> No.2338861
File: 24 KB, 448x314, karl marx peace sign 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People only hate on marx because they're insecure hipsters who want to feel more intellectual than their professors.

>> No.2338858

are you an idiot or just retarded?

>> No.2338862
File: 1.94 MB, 232x231, 1311849199376.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is gonna be this thread in 10 mins

>> No.2338863


but posting anonymously? collectively contributing to threads? on a kind of website pioneered by the japanese? doesn't it rankle sort of?

>> No.2338864

yes that's the only reason possible for anyone disliking kike nonsense.

>> No.2338865

>implying it didn't start out that way

>> No.2338866
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>uses the word kike
>expects to be taken seriously

grow up

>> No.2338875


>Implying professors take Marx seriously.

Really? I've never met a philosophy professor or economics prof who did.

>> No.2338872

>ignores the fact that almost all european/north american communists were jews
>posts a jew
>claims that he knows reality

>> No.2338876


could've just said "i went to community college" and left it at that

>> No.2338877

That's the thing, you've got this idiotic philosophy that is an absolute joke outside of a self-sustaining academic clique, in which primitive associations are expected to be taken seriously. Anyone who disagrees with Marxism is supposed to be philosophically opposed to collective contributions? Really? And we're supposed to be anti-Japanese, too?

What's really going on is that you're projecting a huge amount of unreasonable positions to your political opponents, because in lit crit echo chambers you're able to get away with that bullshit. Since your opponent is wrong about everything, you're supposed to be right about everything. But that's not how the world works, no matter how much the critical theorists wish it was so.

>> No.2338878

That would highly depend on the school you attent.

what? how is anything of what you just said right now actually being used against me?

>> No.2338879
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Never mind, I forgot, /lit/ is full of English majors.

>> No.2338882

are you a hebe?

>> No.2338884


why are you antisemitic?

>> No.2338888


Really? Have you ever taken an econ or philosophy class? In the former, most US departments are full of Chicago school folks or /maybe/ neo–Keynesians. I know /of/ Marxist economists, but I've never met one.

Good philosophy departments are full of analytics who could care less for Marx and the people who like continental stuff are only rarely Marxists. In fact, in community college, you're far MORE likely to run into Marxists from what I hear.

>Confirmed for plebian tier.

>> No.2338891

>most US departments are full of Chicago school folks
And that would be the guys feeding Reagan/Thatcher economic policies right?

>> No.2338892

yes, i am, how can you not be anti-semitic in this day and age. Do you not know anything about history or current affairs?

also: hint anti-semite is defined as anyone the jews dislike.

nice quads.

Also: anyone who supports marxism should be shot.

>> No.2338893

you might find more outside america where people don't harbour an irrational fear of communism

>> No.2338897

>an irrational fear of communism
oh boy

hint: you will literally be killed if you spewed your bullshit in any former communist country.

>> No.2338898

they're afraid of totalitarian regimes, not marxist philosophy. there's a difference

>> No.2338899


>> No.2338903

No, anyone who supports Marxism should be forced to explain what's so great about it. (it turns out they can't without relying on postmodernism or outright deception)

And also why someone who raped his maid should be remembered as a hero to the working class and taken seriously by feminists.

>> No.2338906
File: 74 KB, 750x760, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German, for me. Husserl has a neat idea in phenomenology, which Heidegger expounds upon. Kant is, well, Immanuel fucking Kant. Schopenhauer is brilliant, as is Leibniz and Wittgenstein. But my favorite philosopher of all time has got to be Nietzsche. His writings are so vividly personal (or perhaps biographical). They are arrogant and clever and charming and insightful and most of all, fun. He's like a regeneration of Doctor Who who, at the turn of the century, wrote a dozen crazy-deep books about German and European culture.

The French are okay, too.

>> No.2338907

>anti-semite is defined as anyone the jews dislike.

no it's not

>>anyone who supports marxism should be shot.

thats the kind of violent response I'd expect from stalin

>> No.2338912


just bc wahtever hellhole your from fucked it up doesnt mean it doesn t work

>> No.2338913

>without relying on postmodernism or outright deception


>> No.2338921

It's funny, the kind of revolution that Marxism obviously leads to has always lead to travesty. Modern study of sociology and psychology shows that this should be the expected result. It seems uniquely Marxist to ignore both historical facts about how things are and respected scientific theories about the results of an action.

>> No.2338925

implying i have to be from a former communist country to know that commies are literally full of shit and a bunch of filthy fucking tyrants?

they aren't "afraid", you fucktard.

>> No.2338929

just because the revolution has often run astray in the form of totalitarian state formation - something antithetical from marxism - doesn't mean the ideas aren't useful deciphering economic or social change.

>> No.2338932

I wonder how much killing and dying the working class is supposed to do in the name of ending exploitation before it becomes counterproductive.

>> No.2338933

>they aren't "afraid", you fucktard.

of course they are. as am i. why shouldn't you be? you clearly read something into that post that wasn't there.

>> No.2338936

um, yea it does you fucktard?

Never in the world has there ever been "class conciousness" or "class struggle", that's just marxist nonsense with absolutely zero basis in reality.

>> No.2338939

The historical counts of said revolutions among other less violent factors are evidence of both those things

>> No.2338941

It isn't antithetical. It's a necessary component. You can't implement Marxist ideals without a totalitarian entity to enforce them.

As for your second point, I have yet to see evidence of it. Marxist interpretations of social and economic change rely on primitive dichotomies (capital vs labor, exploited vs exploiter) that allow theorists to simplify and manipulate data to support their political aims.

>> No.2338945

They were wrong when they were invented 200 years ago, but they had perhaps a vague resemblance to reality.

Nowadays they are clearly and obviously bullshit, yet you still have these filthy marxists spewing their shit all over.

>> No.2338947

One might even say that class consciousness is a social construct invented by would-be dictators to help them recruit an army.

>> No.2338955

>You can't implement Marxist ideals without a totalitarian entity to enforce them.

you can if the community if small enough

marxism is valuable among a theories for studying historical narratives of class and economics.


it has been used in that way but there are examples of workers taking control without being manipulated by some leader.

>> No.2338957

>you can if the community if small enough

Since marxism is a rejection of human nature, reality, genetics, science, etc you will always have to impose it.

Of course this is the whole point since it was invented by jews and promoted by jew bankers.

>> No.2338965

I agree, why won't the goyim just serve us, haven't they even read the talmud?

>> No.2338967

German, 'cause I don't know of any French analytic philosophers.

>> No.2338961

human nature doesn't have a single ambition. as you can see we are two very different people but it's still human nature in both counts.

>> No.2338968

dox litmod

>> No.2338976

How do you feel about Derrida?

>> No.2338981

Hence why it's pointless trying to implement Marxist ideals in the large scale without some kind of (totalitarian) mechanism for changing or suppressing human instinct (besides the fact that even the little communes of of like-minded socialists predictably degenerate into crack houses).

>> No.2338983

i will seriously send a muffin basket to whoever leaks litmod's personal information on this board think about it

>> No.2338986

usually it's just old people treating them as retirement houses.

>> No.2338992

i was reading about his beef with john searle today, was pretty funny

>> No.2338994

What kind of muffins are we talking about?

>> No.2339000


as long as it stops the deluge of /pol/-posting, your choice (i recommend poppyseed)

>> No.2339003

Derrida is pro-tier postmodernism. Just write a bunch of obscurantist bullshit and then when anyone calls you out on it claim that they misread your work.

>> No.2339010


The sad thing is Derrida has the most content of all of them.

I don't know why Gadamer doesn't catch on in literature scholarship. Wait, I know why. It actually takes intellect to understand, opposed to post–modernism, which can just be bullshitted through.

>also, Sokal Hoax

>> No.2339015

First text I read by him was Plato's pharmacy and I was all like WTF. I had to read some Deleuze about the inversion of platonism to get what he was talking about. I like his theory about the hiding nucleus of meaning of the texts, it reminds me of late Wittgenstein (that's a good thing).

>> No.2339031
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>> No.2339043



>> No.2339041
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>mfw I first read Being in Time.

Nietzsche is for plebs.

>> No.2339045

both suck and at this point are hardly relevant apart from historical interests. nearly all modern philosophers who have contributed anything of value are from gb or the usa.
guess i would prefer german though if only because i know of far more historically influential german philosophers than french ones.
i am german btw.
inb4 namedropping pretentiousfags geting butthurt

>> No.2339046


If you think Nietzsche is for plebs, maybe you should revise your opinion about Being and Time.

>> No.2339054

implying Adolf Hitler isn't the most relevant philosopher in history?

>> No.2339056

You know the author of Being and Time also wrote a "short" commentary on Nietzsche in two volumes, right?

>> No.2339058

Hitler spouted off ethnic struggle bullshit that's hardly any better than Marx's class struggle bullshit. Similarly, he never wrote anything that could seriously be called philosophy.

>> No.2339061

um, ethnic struggle is actually the whole fucking history of the world.

>> No.2339062

re-read my post.
i said
>apart from historical interests.

>> No.2339063

>implying anyone can beat glorious De Sade

haters gonna hate

>> No.2339065
File: 7 KB, 273x537, 1296933765513.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i seriously hope youre trolling

>> No.2339069 [DELETED] 

120 Days of Sodom is the best test ever written on metaepistemology.

>> No.2339075
File: 60 KB, 600x550, 1301410547304.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Take Kant's Categorical Imperative.
2. Turn it upside down
3. ???
4. Profit!

>> No.2339078
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>> No.2339082

>Implying Sade's libertine ramblings wasn't satire for the sake of erotic enjoyment.

>> No.2339083

120 Days of Sodom is the best text ever written on metaepistemology.

>> No.2339087

You already said that, fag. And still sounds retarded

>> No.2339090

Yes, which is why Hitler could at least have claimed to have a better version of Marx's "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles." Better yet, Hitler's premise can actually be supported by modern psychology, rather than merely being the output of a philosophical circle jerk. However, that doesn't mean that the conclusions he reaches are correct, nor does it change the fact that he was ultimately writing politics rather than philosophy.

>> No.2339091

Look around: I said it once, and it's clearly true.
Do you even read?

>> No.2339094

>responding to metatroll

>> No.2339098

Who's the guy between Marx and Foucault?

>> No.2339102
File: 52 KB, 470x600, metafagging.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! It just can mean I'm losing my head!

>> No.2339105


>> No.2339109
File: 155 KB, 1024x771, wittgenstein1-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

studies have shown that marxism leads to travesty? c'mon now that's just an idiotic statement.

spain circa 1935, russia circa 1919

as for the french vs the germans. i say germany wins (wittgenstien was austrian, though)

>> No.2339114


>> No.2339119

I'd include him in "German philosophy" since we include Kant too.

>> No.2339147


>mfw even Lenin said that Russia was not a class struggle but an attempt to create revolutionary consciousness in advanced capitalist nations

>mfw Spain was just a combination of bourgeoise revolutionaries and anti–religious backlash

>mfw communists think communism doesn't inevitably lead to authoritarian madness

>mfw I have no face

>> No.2339171

"There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creating of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistic Jews."

-winston churchill

sure is "workers" mirite?

>spain circa 1935
again, you don't see any particular "class struggle", you have different areas of the country supporting different groups.

To try to view this as "workers vs capitalists" is fucking retarded, and you then claim everyone who opposes you is an idiot or brainwashed or whatever.

>> No.2339173

bourgeoise revolutionaries? nah man, catalonia didn't fall under nationalist control simply because the working class was armed and fought well enough to repel the nationalists who, though religiously inspired, fought for the aristocracy, landowners, and wealthy conservatives.

i concede the point about lenin.

"communism" does not always lead to authoritarian madness. fidel, lenin, ho chi minh - none of them were madmen. though fidel certainly did display an authoritarian streak to him, albeit a mostly benevolent one.

>> No.2339175

And here we have the typical marxist shit again, hurr everyone who doesn't support us is obviously working against their own interests!

Why don't you just fuck off back to reddit.

>> No.2339178


Lenin founded the Cheka. All those men created authoritarian police states and camps for political dissidents and the accompanying murders. Really? Really?

>> No.2339180

ho-chi-minh wasn't even a commie anyways.

>> No.2339183

What about Descartes?

>> No.2339185


Are you butthurt because of your "morals"? Just tell me: if you weren't able to feel pleasure, would you continue living?

>> No.2339270


>Are you butthurt because of your "morals"?
of coars

>Just tell me: if you weren't able to feel pleasure, would you continue living?
If this is the point of all your De Sade cocksucking I'm disappointed. He's an enlightened just like Kant and the other douches. De Sade's just a fag, interesting to read, but just a fag.

>> No.2339586

>Sade was incarcerated in various prisons and in an insane asylum for about 32 years of his life.

Why the fuck would you quote this man as a philosopher? He is the reason we have the term 'Sadism'.

>> No.2339627

german philosophy has contributed more to the modern era, not sure if it's a good thing though.