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23352536 No.23352536 [Reply] [Original]

>bisexual catholic
>standard bearer of english conservatism
Why are the anglos still taken seriously?

>> No.23352539


>> No.23352556

he went to an english public (that is, private) school which yanks don't really get

>> No.23352559

Because it makes you seethe

>> No.23352566

It's kind of like prison or the Russian military

>> No.23352567

It's called the exoteric/esoteric division. As long as they're not openly gay (assuming being gay isn't traditionally openly practiced, but if it is, as in ancient Greece, then being gay is trad) there's no problem with gay conservatives.
Same with Charles Maurras, who wasn't Catholic but still defended Catholicism because it was so intertwined with French identity.

>> No.23352573

The angloid soul got corrupted by 500 years of empiricism. The only pseudo-rational position that they can still socially and individually reproduce is the voluntary suicide of the intellect.

>> No.23352577

It wasn't any more bisexual than the average English school boy. But wait until you read about the Bright Young Things and all the stuff he was up to in his youth.

Also he was much more a representative of the small aristocracy rather than conservatism which he onlly took to later in life when he became a Catholic.

Anyway best English prose writer of the 20th century.

>> No.23352578

He wasn't bisexual and catholic at the same time.

>> No.23352585

*it's also called public/private
Also don't mistake me for a log cabin republican, they want to do away with this division which is why they're cucked.
Traditional conservatism is a gay man telling the plebs that being gay is bad; and a pagan poet telling the plebs pagan poetry is subversive. Pleb conservatives can't cope with this. Read Leo Strauss he talks about this.

>> No.23352592

>tfw I will never lose my anal virginity with a cute British boy who's my roommate in the boarding school
why even live?

>> No.23352593
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If you're against homosexuality, you're a leftist modernist degenerate. Simple as.

>> No.23352611

Very keyed
This is because trad homosexuals (not modern fags) don't care what women think, they're free from the longhouse. That's why an increased popularity in homosexuality has coincided with a great flowering of culture, at every point in history.

>> No.23352623

this. I can only add that there's nothing wrong with having sexual relationships with men so long as your youth permits it provided you are willing to accept the masculine burden, settle down with a woman and have kids in the future

>> No.23352625

waugh said 'anyone who has ever been to an English public school will always feel comparatively at home in prison.'

>> No.23352639

I see the BAPists have found this thread

>> No.23352723

Yes exactly this. I actually went to Eton (on bursaries) and then Oxford, I had my Brideshead experience at Eton and then discovered women and heterosexuality at Oxford. It's practically English tradition.
Didn't do sodomy though which in retrospect was an extremely good idea.

>> No.23352726

he isnt really tho, that would probably be roger scruton imo. not that anglos (or conservatism) merit being taken seriously (flame me, go on)

>> No.23352740

Relationship between boys more pure and sacred than between men and women

>> No.23352766

For me, it's his travel writing.

>> No.23352781

what year were you at ox4rd? me: i'm st john's

>> No.23352797

in the sense that the romance is chaste and sentimental rather than sexual? still, that's wrong

>> No.23352808

why is it wrong, jew

>> No.23352847

there is a brief and informative bit in the rubaiyat that claims that a man in the arms of a woman is as close to god as he is ever likely to be this side of the grave

>> No.23352852

the bits in the Rubaiyat concerning homoeroticism have more sovl

>> No.23352870

sexual passion is the kernel of the will to live ... what is the object of love, from the lowest to the highest forms of being, if not the perpetuation of the species

>> No.23352873

Read Symposium and Phaedrus there are other kinds of reproduction not just organic

>> No.23352881

can you precis it