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/lit/ - Literature

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23351666 No.23351666 [Reply] [Original]

What literature is xe referring to?

>> No.23351668

The cuckoldcore genre. Maybe he was reading Maugham who has a similar quote.

>> No.23351669

So true, except the other way around

>> No.23351673
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>> No.23351678

reading is cured by fascism
traveling is cured by racism

>> No.23351682

I see, this is why 4chan is full of racism.

>> No.23351691

Because people don't travel or read? If that was what actually cured it then fascism or racism would be gone because A LOT of fascists and racists travel. That's how they get the fascist and racist shit done.

>> No.23351693

I liked jews the best when I knew the least about them

>> No.23351701

This. I still don't want TKD but recent happenings forced me to learn certain things that just make you think
>good lord half you fuckers earned that shit that happened

>> No.23351702

Professional racist here, I'm racist precisely because I've interacted with the races i dislike.

>> No.23351706

>A LOT of fascists and racists travel.
Those who are fascists read books that are written to be popular, and those who are racists travel only to the same place or places they know; I would like to know if a fascist reads Homer and if a racist can go to India and China in the same year,

>> No.23351711

>Stupid mobs are spurred by clever goaders: The book burners were inspired by the temperamentally bookish – who else could know which books to burn?
Cynthia Ozick

>> No.23351714
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Yeah dude no fascist or racist political movement or intelligent group was ever mobilized and they never went out and experienced the world or read a lot and decided to do le bad things. History can easily be reduced to
>haha you're only le bad because you're just not a cosmopolitan like me

>> No.23351716

>I would like to know if a fascist reads Homer

>> No.23351719
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>> No.23351730

Do you understand what this word means?

>> No.23351736

Husseini hated Jews and travelled.

>> No.23351738

Are you really so low IQ you believe travel does anything? Nowadays you don't even have to travel because every urban city is a melting pot of all races.

>> No.23351739

>>haha you're only le bad because you're just not a cosmopolitan like me
Is not a competition, who is racist is full of hate.

>> No.23351742

Racist has nothing to do with hate, it's about noticing differences and acknowledging them. You have the NPC brain.

>> No.23351745

Are you rich? And you are Husseini?

>> No.23351752

>Are you really so low IQ you believe travel does anything?
Why do you live?

>> No.23351764
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>Racist has nothing to do with hate,

>> No.23351782

Your vocabulary betrays your inner faggotry and simplistic worldview. The point of the discussion so far was that your puerile sentiment:
>haha nobody would ever be racist or fascist if they just read or traveled xp

is NPCbrained because history is filled with people who were very intelligent and did things you consider both fascist and racist, moron. If anything (You) need to read more.

>> No.23351836

Travel is a capitalist concept designed to sell trains planes and automobiles

>> No.23351859
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>Live love laugh

>> No.23351873

>is NPCbrained because history is filled with people who were very intelligent and did things you consider both fascist and racist, moron. If anything (You) need to read more.
Just for quote an anon. Hey, Walker, knowledge grows with time; if a guy does an action that people of the Neolithic did, and you say that this action during the Neolithic was regular to justify yourself, it means that you have decided to abandon the education, now you can drop the mask. It would help if you told yourself that you are human garbage.

>> No.23351877

>Travel is a capitalist concept designed to sell trains planes and automobiles
Why should I care about it?

>> No.23351882

>simplistic worldview.
Teach me the geopolitical mr racist.

>> No.23351884

Racism is cured by fascism
Traveling is cured by reading

>> No.23351898

>you just want to be like a caveman
>you're heckin human garbagerino!

>Teach me the geopolitical mr racist.

I'm not the stormfront caricature you imagine or a "racist". But I will explain the point a third time: the silly idea that history can be reduced to "the bad guys are just illiterate and untraveled" is such a stupid thing to say it means you're either an idiot or prevaricating. Do you think all those guys in antiquity with their odious views were all illiterate or never went anywhere? Do you think various bad actors in the 20th century were all just rural dum dums? Do you think it's that way in the 21st century? No, we live in a nightmare, there are plenty of very capable, knowledgeable, and worldly racists and fascists you buffoon.

>> No.23351979

I was at my least racist when I had seen and interacted with basically only white people in my life.
It's very easy to believe we're all the same, when you're isolated like that.
The first time you step in to a foreign street, and you can sense how much they hate you and how much you don't belong, that changes something in you.
Liberals never get that far. They only interact with high IQ college students, and wait staff.

>> No.23352037

One of the largest cities in Montana.

>> No.23352043

Why did you type this post?

>> No.23352052

This thread is full of bot.

>> No.23352083

>don’t hate ‘em, just don’t like ‘em, simple as.

>> No.23352089

>if a fascist reads Homer
This is exactly their kind of book

>if a racist can go to India and China in the same year
India is just going to make them more racist

>> No.23352264

Travels just make me more racist

>> No.23352278

>you can sense how much they hate you and how much you don't belong
because they're just as low IQ and as sheltered as you are. shouldn't be a surprise you both hate each other

>> No.23352291

The most racist against Indians guy I know is Indian.

>> No.23352307

Traveling and tourism made me much more racist than I would have been otherwise.

>> No.23352314


No white man ever mugged me. In dealing with me, no white person ever imagined a perceived slight where none really existed, and none was intended. The white person who damaged my car apologized, admitted fault, and I got that damage fixed and paid for by her insurance. The black person who damaged my car drove away. The worst employee I ever dealt with at work was a black woman who I honestly believe was some sort of sociopath.

There's a lot of shitty white people in the world. But my private experience of black people has been overwhelmingly negative throughout my entire life. And this negative experience of them has only intensified ever since I moved to a major American city. No other racial group is nearly as bad, and after a while, you learn to stop caring about historical grievance as if it were some sort of excuse for their behavior. I just plain don't like black people, and I have a policy of not interacting with them unless it is necessary.

>> No.23352326

So, what? I have to be the white saviour and take it upon myself to educate them?
I don't think they're listening, man. We've had pretty much a century at this point of "let's all just be friends and forget our differences", and only white people ever liked the idea of that.
White people seem to be unique in their ability to not be completely tribal and distrusting of outsiders (which explains the state of everything now).

>> No.23352331

Doesn't define what Fascism or racism is, so I can't take it seriously.

>> No.23352334

Oh yeah, Indians fucking hate India. At least they hate lower class India, which is most of India. They're absurdly class conscious.

>> No.23352353

yes, that is kind of their thing (caste etc)
anyone who hates on muh streetshitters or whatever would probably not feel the same way if their interactions had been with a 9th century rich brahmin poetic genius

>> No.23352357

Those Brahmin still would have been like "man, the poor are fucking disgusting" though.
And that's like 90% of the Indian population.

>> No.23352441

Harry Potter

>> No.23352446

>I would like to know if a fascist reads Homer
>and if a racist can go to India and China in the same year,
Don't look up the Nazi Tibetan expedition

>> No.23352454

Hitler became racist and anti-semitic by traveling to multi cultural Vienna and reading German nationalist newspapers

>> No.23352562

This is the kind of gay shit getting published in the journals, with gay ass names and just making it all so much fucking gayer.

>> No.23352574

>satan trips

Anyways I don’t travel. Too expensive.

>> No.23352628
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I started Serial Experiments Lain, and now I ask myself if every digital device rewrites our knowledge. I have read a few posts on 4chan, and the answer is definitely yes.

Racism is a fantasy that has become an obsession.

>> No.23352636

I just can't take anime seriously. I grew out of it circa 2001 and most seemed to have never done so.

>> No.23352637

>Hitler became
I know that he has become so why he had failed with art.

>> No.23352645

Do you speak English?

>> No.23352667

This anime says nothing and means nothing.

>> No.23352678
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Lain was aired in 1998.

Lullaby by Chuck Palahniuk has the same role.

>I grew out of it circa 2001 and most seemed to have never done so.
Education is still education.

>> No.23352688 [DELETED] 
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Sad guy, are you crying?

>> No.23352699
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He's right though. I was racist until I traveled to designated tourist areas in third world countries where every brown and black person is paid to be nice to you. That was when I realized that they're just as kind and friendly as us. What's more, they even all happen to speak English despite official statistics claiming <5% speak English.

>> No.23352701
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Sad guy, are you crying?

>> No.23352719

I'm not hating man, I'm just saying from a personal perspective, although thanks for clarifying that link. Palahniuk was my first "edgy" favorite.

>> No.23352742

>racism is cured by traveling
The more I’m around nonwhites the more racist I become

>> No.23352788


I have come to understand that my racism is largely an anti-black racism. Everyone else has some redeeming traits, something worth liking. I actually think Indians are fine, broadly speaking (apart from the pooing of course), I interact with them regularly. There are ingelligent latinos, and even if they're not supposed to be here, they are industrious. And of course, asians are civilized. The black is a special blight, an evolutionary remnant unique, apart and behind the remainder of humanity.

>> No.23353008

>Travel is a capitalist concept designed to sell trains planes and automobiles
Good, that's a very fine movie and everyone should see it.

>> No.23353077

>travel all over the world
>it's all the same pozzed globalized shithole
>become even more racist

>> No.23353232

can't believe ryan gosling met with hitler

>> No.23353366

This is so silly, Fascism was literally birthed from book nerds who read a lot.

>> No.23353385
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>ryan gosling
ryan gosling and Totò

>> No.23353391

>I got my opinions from anime

We can tell.

>> No.23353406
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I have read all the books of Plato and other ancient books, while you are a slave and you can do only what the masses want to do.

>> No.23354269


>> No.23355221
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The racists are missing.

>> No.23355915

No it wasn't lol why are nerds trying to take credit for everything

>> No.23355921
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>> No.23355931

can i get a qrd on this phenomenon

>> No.23355982

Moshi moshi baitu des

>> No.23356026

Didn't this guy get murdered by a fascist?

>> No.23356058

someone post that genetic PCP chart where blacks are massively genetically apart from all other groups

>> No.23356752

Yeah, Seriously. The more I read/learn, the more racist I become. I understand that this "fascism" he is referring to is likely the liberal caricature of fascism, but I am, absolutely, more of a third position for every word I read.

>> No.23356783

Heads up, I may be misunderstanding you. You may just be working with your audience's lacking comprehension and understanding of this non-liberal worldview. However, you're talking about racialism rather than "racism" -- Racism/Racist, being madeup terms by marxists, was done a pejorative for people who "mindlessly hate The Other" -- Which is not a thing. It does not exist, period. There are reasons and justifications that people for various reason. It is in this way that the guy you're talking about is actually fully and completely retarded. However, we have to keep in mind that these people tend to just be uneducated on the matter.
They're only correct because of your specific definition, and understanding of alternative worldviews, isn't filled out properly.
They are wrong, in that racism is uneducated hatred. What they're talking about is racialism. However, the liberal worldview refers to racialism as the same as racism and refuses to acknowledge the differences between the two. This is why what they're saying is right.
Basically, you're both retarded but he is less retarded.
No really. You're actually retarded.
lmao filtered.

>> No.23356795


>> No.23356891

i think traveling goes both ways
on one hand, traveling does tend to blunt the worst stereotypes about a place
on the other hand, the liberal principals of equity and "blank slateism" break down when you see the fundamental differences between people and their cultures
travel enough and opinions shift back to the natural state: being suspiciously apathetic towards most and reserving passion for an inner circle of friends/family

>> No.23357256

You can tell that Unamuno has never been to a proper shithole country.

Chinese tourists go to India and come back more racist than when they left and write blogposts about it.

>> No.23357949

Fascism is ascended by reading holy texts. However.. there's no cure for racism once you realize it's true.

>> No.23358004

Trannies latch onto this show for a reason. It's soo heckin girl pilled and vibes xD
Anyway fuck off troon

>> No.23358034

>for a reason
Yeah. Because they're conditioned to follow whatever trends they think they need to follow. They're all Nietzche's Last Man.
>fuck off troon
I'm more of a man than you'll ever be. I know more than you, have more kids than you, am stronger than you, and have a better sense of self than you. Bow the fuck down, nigger.

>> No.23358056

>devil trips
Checks out.

And the /pol/copes begin IMMEDIATELY kek! Losers.

>> No.23358063
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fascism was never a very literary or intellectual movement which is why you don't get great theorists like marx, mill, locke, hobbes etc of fascism. Its a nebulous vague concept determined by the knee-jerk, contradictory notions of self-aggrandisement and self-pity.

>> No.23358101

The only cope here is the OP lol. But the statement is in fact funnier than I think you realize, since it is basically saying that since brown people are radically less literate and well traveled, they are natural fascists AND natural racists. Ergo, this means that every anti-racist project--which invariably involves empowering brown people--is actually a pro-fascist and pro-racist project.

I dearly hope that this is true since it basically means that the modern world is a heads I win tails you lose scenario where either we get spic fascism or we get aryan fascism, but I don't think it is, I think the quote is actually just retarded and demonstrably untrue.

>> No.23358333



>> No.23358391

You don't need theorists for something that is just evidently natural for humans to believe. You only need theorists to lie to you when have to lie to people.

>> No.23358402

I don't know bro, literature can make you more cautious. Seeing characters fall from the shallowest, typical dramas. Literature can make you cold hearted, too objective and analytical, seeing people as characters playing silly games. Can give you a false sense of above- it -all -ness, which no one really is. In this world you are a player whether you see it or not, and literature as well as sapping up your time gives you a sociopath's perspective and can teach you to un-play life.

>> No.23358412

This is the most blatantly transparent bait I've seen a while, it doesn't bode well for the Fascist-Racist intelligentsia if they can get hooked this easily.

>> No.23358416

>You can tell that Unamuno has never been to a proper shithole country.
He's literally from Spain.

>> No.23358459
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>brahmin poetic genius
Would you drink water from the dirty feet of this poetic genius?

>> No.23358483
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>Why yes, I do read extensively, including race and crime statistics.
>and yes, I love to see new cultures, especially when it reminds me how lucky I am to live in an actually decent one
>how could you tell?

>> No.23358637
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>racism is cured by trav-ACK