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23351435 No.23351435 [Reply] [Original]

Do people who write in public really get writing done. Or do they just do it to be seen and for aesthetics?

I couldn't imagine getting anything meaningful done in a cafe or public space besides a library

>> No.23351436

Perfect Scottish beauty.

>> No.23351447

You live in a small apartment with no space
Maybe you share it with other people, maybe they're loud and so you don't like being there, you prefer being elsewhere
You're a woman and you like having a coffee at a cafe and so you take your work with you and do some of it there
Next you go to the library and do some research and write some more there
God women bother me so much

>> No.23352059

I would give her disappointing and brief sex.

>> No.23352126

Why is reading or writing in public seen as “a flex”? Is it really so bad that performing basic intellectual activities like reading and writing are considered showing off? We need to go back.

>> No.23352587

Because there you are really alone. At some, there might be people who will bother you for no better excuse than having naught else to do.

>> No.23352609

>I couldn't imagine

you are you and others are others. for others, crowded places and noises just kind of fades into a kind of white noise. everybody works differently.

>> No.23352671

I got a lot of girls this way. I was really trying to produce material, but they are so shallow and superficial that the mere fact of a focused man with a pen in a coffee shop is the ONLY thing that will settle for the moment. I'm not claiming to be Brad Pitt, but women love guys who look like they are focusing hard on something and working. I felt I was violating my craft in that environment, now I write solely in my home office.

>> No.23352716

jkr is none of the three kek

>> No.23352830

False dichotomy fallacy in the OP

>> No.23352971

Writing in the library is great. It makes actually produce because you went there specifically to write. Writing in cafes seems like a bad idea.

>> No.23354101
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I could see a quiet, dim cafe where you can order drinks all day as you work being a good space, especially if your home environment sucks.
However a dedicated office away from your home is clearly the best writing space.

>> No.23354103

Wear headphones. Alternatively listen to people speak and use it for dialogue

>> No.23355001

Some people are good at blocking out background noise. I did a large majority of the homework and studying for the last 2 years of my bachelor's degree at a random table in a busy hallway of the classroom building in the time between classes. The one benefit to working is a public space is that you can't pull up 4chan, steam, your youtube homepage, etc. without feeling like a dickhead. Doesn't matter for writing because that gets me into an unbreakable flow state, but for some less enjoyable work it was a godsend

>> No.23355012

This. The main benefit of writing in coffee shops is that it makes it much harder to watch porn, so you inevitably get more work done. They will also put whipped cream on your drink for free.

>> No.23355044

I used to write in coffee shops when I was in my early to mid twenties but I assumed people thought I was a student or whatever. one earphone in, I’d switch between listening to people and music - having different inputs really keeps my mind loose when ‘creating’. I don’t spend time thinking about what others are thinking about me though.. I also used to go to the cinema by myself

>> No.23355050

>Or do they just do it to be seen and for aesthetics?
Explain to me why this thought would ever cross your mind? You walk into your favorite cafe, grab a cup of coffee, you glance over at someone sitting quietly at a near by table hunched over scratching away at a note pad or they are silently typing on a laptop. And the thought that enters your head is "show off"? People aren't allowed to get food and drink while they do homework, or research, or legal work, or actual day time work for a job, or even their own personal creative work. You are only allowed to look at your phone while in public? Do you get upset if you see people reading books, and magazines in public too? Are they trying to flex on you? They just want to look cool? I hate this retarded zoomer logic, they think everything people do is for an audience, get off of social media.

>> No.23355053

>Don't drink and write

>> No.23355074

The real question is what do you think about drinking [alcohol] in a pub/bar during the day and writing?

>> No.23356200


>> No.23356239


True but the downside is that inevitably you see people you know and have to chat with them at least a little bit.

I think that's worked for some poets