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23350107 No.23350107 [Reply] [Original]

bodies by the smashing pumpkins edition

previous >>23347157

>> No.23350113

People who like attending decadent concerts like that are soulless chaotic husks. Most peoples' lives are completely valueless.
You act more crazed than chimps ripping each other's faces off or bonobos fucking infants.
Bobbing your heads like morons to such trashy sensual cultures. You lack true grace, class, and elegance, and thus, you do not deserve to live.

>> No.23350154

One job, OP

>> No.23350158

We got another live one boys

>> No.23350160

I'm so fucking horny aaaaa

>> No.23350161

>3.5 YoE at Fortune 500 tech co
>genuinely have a bunch of good work experience
>good portfolio
>great resume
>top 20 uni
I genuinely don't know why I'm not getting any bites for jobs mayn. 70 fucking applications and not even one fucking callback. It literally feels like I'm doing everything wrong, no one is giving me any guidance, it fucking sucks man. I have no fucking clue how to move forward

>> No.23350166

what's your current salary?

>> No.23350167

Uni teacher has an annoying tendency of not telling us wether a session is actually going to be online until a few minutes before the class is about to start.
This is a problem because the Uni is a 40 Minute bus ride away from my fucking house.

>> No.23350169

>not crashing blindly into the transcendent self eradication of the sublime
many such cases

>> No.23350174

The cooling HydroBurst(tm) hit her stomach hard, and she toppled to her knees then onto her back riding out the intense cramp. Her core temperature seemed to be regulating a little better thanks to the refrigerated drink, but the contrast was painful and reminded her of the empty stomach. She felt faint, feverish, her head hurt from the noxious fumes, it was almost as if she were hungover.
"I want nasi goreng." she mumbled aloud, almost pouting.
She lay there for what felt like a few seconds, but what she estimated must have been around four minutes. The cramps were still terrible, and she was exhausted, but this was all outweighed by her growing fear that this brief rest was robbing her of her last chance to escape alive.
She struggled to her feet again, trying to get a breath of fresh cool air where none existed, even this high.
She couldn't have been more than an hour's walk from the mobile base when this all began, but under the current hellish conditions, she had no idea how long she had actually spent trudging and crawling through the muck.
She was still dizzy, and she definitely needed to piss again.
"Fuck replicants." she said, calmly, shaking her head at the now burning sky far above her, and continued along down into the next swamp still beelining for where the mobile base had last been.

>> No.23350175

I like them quite a bit, their very early material is very goth/new wave

>> No.23350177

Stfu, you underclass vermin.

>> No.23350179

Also my boomer dad likes them for some unknown reason.

>> No.23350180

I quit two years ago cuz i got a full scholarship to study creative writing
Now looking to get back into tech since the cw degree is done

>> No.23350182
File: 47 KB, 774x592, ed87c5fa-7e7c-4ee2-a2ba-beec56628ba4_774x592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol because it's all about who you know idiot. how has it not dawned on you? Especially now with all the retarded HR protocols.

>> No.23350183

not feeling amazing bros. i might actually die.

>> No.23350186
File: 34 KB, 368x600, IMG_0982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m normally a huge hater, but let people enjoy things. Do you ever stop and listen to yourself talk ?

You’re like picrel

>> No.23350187

well, at least you lived a full and good life, right, anon?

>> No.23350190

Fuck that's right, wtf do i do man

>> No.23350197

no not really. in fact it was rather short and sordid and sad.

>> No.23350202

Gish is a fantastic album
No thanks

>> No.23350204

Mass literacy was a mistake. You vermin think of yourselves so highly, but your weltanschauungs are complete garbage. You live non-contemplative lives and fear solitude. Without modern medical intervention, you dysgenic haughty faggots wouldn't have even survived infancy. Immunological health correlates to neurological health. Moreover, high infant mortality led to genetic winnowing and constituted its own form of natural eugenics. ~1/3rd of children died. Many women died during childbirth too.
The point is, your life is completely meaningless. If you were a bird and the mother bird kicked you off the nest, then this is fundamentally good act. Why? Because you give nothing to this world, you live an unreflective completely meaningless existence.
In fact, true self-actualization is only possible for you if you were my slave.
List your fucking top 10 books, films, and top 3 aspirations. You can choose other metrics too. I know for certain it will be full of vapid shallow entertainment that has no greater depth or profundity or creative.
You are an uncreative demonic "useless eater". Stfu.

>> No.23350206

>Immunological health correlates to neurological health
What about Alexander Pope and other sickly geniuses?

>> No.23350207

>can choose other metrics too
Confirmed for never reading Heidegger

>> No.23350208

It's a mistake you ever learned to read or write and speak back to your superiors. You should be tilling the fields, not having much to think about. Guess what? If you were a peasant you'd have a nubile bitch as a wife, and you'd be happier than you are now. You live for no higher ideals. Completely pathetic and trivial existence.

>> No.23350212

>you vermin think of yourselves so highly
This must be bait. No one could be that oblivious

>> No.23350213

pop yo pussy for 'em

>> No.23350214

Modern medical intervention did not exist back then, I believe, and thus, he was not as sickly as you presume.

>> No.23350218

There should be an uncensored AI that places everyone into rigid castes based on their academic achievements, artistic preferences, deeply felt aspirations in life, and so on.

>> No.23350223

There were lots of people with disabilities back then.

>> No.23350227

lmao. satire?


>> No.23350229

>Completely pathetic and trivial existence.
What else do you expect me to do with a classical education and enough money to not work? Tell me more about this quaint salt of the earth life you're living.

>> No.23350230

will my bussy suffice

>> No.23350256

I'm in a state of disarray, dishevelled and hunched forward on my chair. I am sweating everywhere like someone turned on the thermostat to fucking 50 degrees celsius. Fuck fat burgermen with their empiric nigger system. Why do burgers control the world when they're so fucking dumb. Oh God I'm shaking, I can distinctly feel that something is WRONG with my body. It doesn't feel like I'm dying or whatever but I feel like there is something I need to do right now. What the fuck is happening? Am I dreaming? I want to drink milk but I don't have anything in my fridge. I'm a poor ass student in some poor ass college dorm. It's not going good. Fuck what the fuck. I'm wasting my time on this God forsaken website. Fuck you all niggers. I'm going to shower

>> No.23350260

I'm in hypoglycemia or something. Fuck I need to eat something. I'm ging to cook some pasta and shit before showering. It's been a while since it last happened to me. I'm sweating fuck

>> No.23350273

you're exactly like me except i know why i feel this way and i might actually die.

>> No.23350277

why then

>> No.23350284

Did not read

>> No.23350286


>> No.23350288

i'm definitely top ten most good looking people posting on /lit/

>> No.23350291

i've been drunk out of my mind since sunday

>> No.23350295

there's a certain energy to these boilerplate "mass literacy was a mistake" posts that pop up every now and then. like some fuming twitter teen who just graduated from nick fuentes livestreams and got his first greek statue pfp

>> No.23350299

that's mad. i've done 5 day coke benders but being fully drunk for days on end seems like it would actually finish you,

>> No.23350301

yeah man i'm really not ok

>> No.23350306

[ ----- centered on page in written work denoting time has passed and we are moving to another section, but still same chapter ]

"Ayy, human? You're not looking so good."
Yuki snapped out of her daze, whipping around to see a fully armored Tripodi standing behind her in the track of the mobile outpost she was following.
"What are you doing here, Pleidian?" she more coughed than demanded, "Have you forgotten the treaties?"
The Tripodi examined her impassively, silently, for a few moments through its translucent visor. A species inexpressive and truly impossible to read.
"Evac. Have you forgotten the sky?" It remarked, sarcastically, pointing up.
Yuki had been hobbling along for some time now, bent nearly double, in the mostly solid compacted tread of the mobile base, and it had indeed been a time since she looked up - for the sky was slowly burning, brighter and brighter by the hour, and she could not bear it without the reactive compensation of her broken and discarded helmet servo.
"M-my unit-"
"Are gone, warrior. Not that they had a choice. I'm here catching strays. Was in the sector for joint training. My craft can function in these conditions. These conditions, but no worse. List anyone else present in this area."
Yuki dared not relax. It seemed too simple.
"No one else." she muttered guardedly.
"I don't have time for this, human. If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead. If I wanted anyone else dead, I'd leave and let the sky take them."
"There's really no one else. It's a maintenance day, Sunday. I was the only scout today. And there's no one from any other company out there, at least that I saw. Whole thing is soup."
"Soup? Sorry human, I'm afraid my multicomm is an earlier model from the more limited..."
"Ahh...Earth expression. Like one of your nutrient rations. Soft, melting."
"Right. Well, if there's no one else, we really do need to go. It's not far now, come along. This way."
Yuki looked wistfully after the track she was following, and complied.

>> No.23350311

Fine but only if I get to target you for elimination since you will be of a lower caste than me.

>> No.23350315

>For, those, whom thou think'st, thou dost overthrow,
>Die not, poore death, nor yet canst thou kill mee

>One short sleepe past, wee wake eternally,
>And death shall be no more; death, thou shalt die.

Donnebros...I can't stop kneeling...

>> No.23350321

Lyarde is an old horse and cannot well draw;
He shall be put into the park holly for to gnaw.
Barefoot withouten shoon there shall he go,
For he is an old horse and cannot more do.
While that Lyarde could draw, the while was he loved;
They put him to provender, and therewith he throve.
Now he cannot do his deed as he did beforn,
They lay before him peas-straw, and bear away the corn.
They lead him to the smithy to pull off his shoon
And put him to greenwood, there for to wone.
Whoso cannot do his deed, he shall to park,
Barefoot withouten shoon, and go with Lyarde.

>> No.23350322

How do I recover from a lost youth?

>> No.23350327


>> No.23350333

Finding a new job in this gacha job market is beyond hell for an introverted loser like me. I don't like talking much to new people much and keeping in touch with folks over years isn't natural for me and this fucking sucks

>> No.23350343

I didn't eat anything today so the alcohol is going straight into my blood. BLOOD DRUNK

>> No.23350344


Have you read other Lydgate besides this poem? If so I'd be fascinated to hear what you think of him. Really lovely though, reminds me of Du Fu a bit.

>> No.23350348

i've always wanted to know if you can make wine out of blood like in star trek. like can i just gut an animal and put it's blood in a basin and get shitfaced off that after a couple weeks? it would probably be better if it was filtered first i guess.

>> No.23350350

Do you think it’s a black mark to have lived with your parents as an adult? Like imagine if Trump or Biden lived with their parents at 33. Would anyone still vote for them? Probably not. Millenials seem to think it’s nbd but idk.

>> No.23350355

the thing in wine that makes you drunk is toxins, animal blood would actually be very healthy for you to drink.

you might get a buzz from the iron

>> No.23350357

it's antithetical to the favstian spirit of the White man

>> No.23350360

meant to quote >>23350350

>> No.23350368

i'm not actually questioning whether or not it's possible, just whether or not it's safe.

>> No.23350369

You can ferment blood to keep it shelf stable longer, but it's not going to get you buzzed, not even if they're diabetic. You have to add sugar to ferment it, and most of the benefit is recovering protein, iron, etc

>> No.23350373

a lot of cultures drink animal blood. historically it would have been an everyday thing

>> No.23350386

for widows and young professionals

>> No.23350399

Just look the manager in the eye and give him a firm handshake

>> No.23350401


>> No.23350403

What an odd conversation. At least it’s about blood and not urine.

>> No.23350404

i tried but missed and jacked him off to completion instead
still didn't get the job tho

>> No.23350406

John Fetterman lived with his parents if the reality TV show guy wasn't lying during their debate. He's also been hospitalized in a psych ward. I doubt he'll ever make president though

>> No.23350408

we're in a silent depression and youre being gaslighted to think otherwise

>> No.23350412

>imagine if (people born into rich/powerful families) lived with their parents at 33
Remember Trump's "small loan" of a million dollars? Get the fuck out of here

>> No.23350418

The Tripodean copilot subcapsule was all wrong for a human. Even had she been able to brace herself forward in the seat during impact, the blunt leg ridge would have agonized her genitals during liftoff. In the back, her ass sagged precariously through the rear leghold, to the point she felt she might be sucked through and folded from the g-force, were she not careful. With an apologetic gesture to her saviour, she drew out some paracord and quickly wrapped several times around the hip stabilizer below the seat back. The result would undoubtedly put great strain on certain vertebrae, and forced her forward half off the seating pedestal so her clitoris could not help but be compressed somewhat against the imposing leg ridge through her fatigues. Hopefully, the G force would ease that, at least.
The paracord and the seat were far from comfortable, but it felt very good to lie down for a moment. She had a moment to assess as the alien started up the craft.
"Oh. Um...I'm sorry, really, is there any way we could stop a moment and..."
"I'm afraid not. Our lives are at risk. The launch sequence has begun."
Yuki's mind raced helplessly for a moment.
"Your craft is it, does it..." she hid her face. "Is this interior waterproof?"
"Yes, quite." the tripodi stated matter-of-factly. "It is quite durable. Why, are you ill?"
"No." Yuki turned to the alien shamefacedly. "Something like that. I'm really sorry."
The thrusters screamed to life and the doomed moon was soon left behind

>> No.23350422

work on your technique

>> No.23350425

which is why we need more heckin' taxes, to eat the rich, but also to bail out the banks and any failing company by printing new money (not for you) :^)

>> No.23350429

Chad came over and mogged me in front of my crush.

>> No.23350433

challenge him to a duel

>> No.23350441

Do you deny life, by any chance?
Oh, I see.
What is your twitter account?
Please refrain from speaking empoty words. The only superiority you have is spiritual superiority, and that is largely meaningless.
Seek medical attention.
As far as I am ware the strict nuclear family is very much exclusive to certain parts of northern europe and england.
By far the worst sexual assault counselor I've ever interviewed.

>> No.23350442

So what do women actually want their role in society to be? They don't want to be objects of love or keepers of the heart. They only take their role as a mother begrudgingly after failing to rebuff their biological urge, and generally much later in life than they should. For men It's different as the state has gradually replaced them in their instinctive role unlementingly. But women have been clamouring for this emancipation for centuries and now what? Where is this libertine and virtuous position that they have so vehemently demanded and won?

>> No.23350456

What is a woman?

>> No.23350481

The oppressive vibration of the leg divider coupled with the noxious fumes, extreme fatigue, and the significant G-force of the launch threw Yuki, screaming helplessly, into a state of tearful, orgasmic delirium. She was hyper-aware of the red takeoff lights illuminating the cabin, the impassive face of her doubtless troubled companion, the sensation of her bladder forcefully emptying into the depths of the rear leg hold and the mortifyingly loud splashing audible even through the atmospheric rumbling, but the ship itself seemed to distort around her and time was not running normally. When at last they reached orbit and the vibration lessened, her own urine rose weightless from its receptacle and washed back over her and her sub-compartment, a warm but unwelcome reminder of her indignity. Yuki closed her eyes and wept helplessly in mingled shame and relief.

"I'm sorry to trouble you, but I need to know if you are injured in some way my medical equipment is not calculated to detect, human."
Reluctantly, Yuki opened her eyes, brushed away the globules of weightless tears blinding her, and cleared her throat.
"I apologize. Thank you for saving me. I am not significantly injured as far as I know. I'm sorry about your craft."
The alien blinked, not quite comprehending.
"You need not apologize. Our structures are often cleansed with saline and acids. Are you sure we did not leave anyone behind? Or were any of your comrades...perished?"
Yuki clipped a bandana out of her somewhat soaked shirt with her bolt cutters, fashioning a makeshift bandana so she could breathe the nicely calibrated Earth-style air in the pod without inhaling droplets of her own piss.
"No. None that I know of."

They want to narrowly survive the scifi bombing of an alien moon by slogging through quicksand and humiliate themselves in front of an alien who doesn't care about them. Trust me bro I am a woman expert.

>> No.23350482

A featherless biped with a vagina.
And before you ask, yes, female Kangooroos are women.

>> No.23350483

Just broke down in front of my computer right now. I've been thinking of offing myself daily for three years. I'm never going to do it, but I have no one in my life, and I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of constantly having to work and do stuff and try to appear as a normal human being, fuck this shit man. I literally have no future, nothing to hold onto, NO ONE. No one. It's not an exaggeration. I have nobody. I might need a psychologist or something or take meds because I can't fucking handle it anymore. I can't wake up and think I want to kill myself first thing in the morning. I don't want that kind of life

>> No.23350485

>And before you ask, yes, female Kangooroos are women.
Frankly, I'd settle for one at this point.

>> No.23350492

I've been suicidal before, I'm willing to help out if you accept it. DM me on twitter, @AntiDyatlov.

>> No.23350509

No friends and no skills.
I fucking WISH i could learn art but it's way too hard and it's not like i have any stories to tell either.
My internet went out yesterday so i had a lot of time to think. The more i do the more depressed i get.

Also the finals are next monday and i haven't studied one bit. Will probably fail that too but i don't really care.

>> No.23350510

I am made of self-doubt and tedium.

>> No.23350511

The maggot OP who kept on posting about Honor Levy and her soon to be published book, for a couple months straight, might be the most retarded anon on this board. Their's no way the group (conservatives and alt-right) of people Levy is writing this for will like her as a person and as an artist. If you want to know what I mean, read this puff piece written by her best friend. If she's going to be considered a great writer of my generation. Then Gen X and Boomers are right. My generation can't write great literature


(I read a couple of her short stories. They were either barely above-average or mediocre)

>> No.23350515

thanks for the link, i love honor

>> No.23350518

new lit cutie

>> No.23350521

ok im putting the booze down. see you later if i live.

>> No.23350526

Why die when you could post terrible fetish sci-fi on /lit/ at a snail's pace while on the clock in between soul demolishing phone calls with people even more mentally ill than you?

"You must have felt much intense fear on the surface. I confess I am ignorant of human psychology, but would you like to listen to some slow-tempo Earth music? I have Tchaikovsky, I believe."
Yuki continued to try to calm herself down.
"Yes, I was very afraid. Everything is alright now, though. I'm very grateful for your assistance. I will be fine momentarily."
The Tripodi silently surveyed the battered moon through the translucent flooring as it guided the craft into a higher orbit. Hardly any of the surface was visible now through the wild flames as the thin artificial atmosphere burned off into empty space.
"Striking, isn't it." it said.
"Yes." She replied, "It's...beautiful, really. I just hope everyone made it out of the mines."
"Likely. The replicants brought no fighting force with them to speak of. They didn't even attempt to engage, and fled before any resistance offered. This wasn't a real attack, not on a little rock like this. It was a declaration."
"Another war, then? I was too young to know the first. Did you fight the replicants before?"
"Yes." The curt brevity lent the Tripodi the gravitas that it could not convey through pitch or tone
The alien's neural implant attache ticked audibly, and it went silent for several long seconds.
"I had not been aware of of your species' practice of urination, nor cultural standards regarding it. I hope I have not caused you any additional sorrow."
Yuki giggled despite herself at the alien's dry and detached comprehension.
"Not at all, I have brought my sorrow upon myself."
"I regret I cannot offer you new garments or a way to maintain your privacy during this difficult time. I will aid you in concealing your condition in any way I am able."
"Sarge has seen me worse." she sighed, "Thanks, though."

>> No.23350529

I've met this girl at an annika kuhlman thing on broadwick st

>> No.23350532

What was your read on her?

>> No.23350540

I'm glad Americans are miserable. Die

>> No.23350549

Maglocked to the side of the earth ship, the Tripodi designated Fugbenis set about cleaning the copilot subcapsule, reflecting on the experience. This had been much different than training exercises with humans, all full of tears and urinations and many many thanks and apologies. Fugbenis had even been asked its designation, or "name" by the tired little human it had rescued. It wondered to itself how these lifeforms had ever acquitted themselves so well in the regrettable Tripodi-Human war, or maintained equally standing as diplomatic allies since. It surely must be because they are full of so many different notions all at once, thought Fugbenis.

The subcompartment was so sparkling clean that it moved on to its own, thoroughly polishing each facet of each control, and with everything thoroughly lubricated it vacuumed away the rest of the urine into an auxiliary tank.
Perhaps its understanding was still incomplete, but Fugbenis could not fathom why anything would be sorrowful of the ability to regularly excrete its own cleaning product.

I'm happy. Stop blaming us for problems your predecessors created and focus on your own goals instead.

>> No.23350551

>List your fucking top 10 books, films, and top 3 aspirations
Lol you first. You won't because you're scared of judgement

>> No.23350554

Another long day of hard labor out in the country. Rained so hard on us, 11 hours working outside no breaks, it seemed to flood. Felt cleansing in a way. Somebody told me the South is an "honor culture" which I never heard my whole life born and raised here, but it makes sense.

Got some respect from some country rednecks today and helped a troubled lady with her spiritual problems, was crying and breaking down. Told her to hold on and that Jesus don't forget about her. It's true, Jesus doesn't forget about us, it is us who forget about Jesus. He's always there for us and just a prayer away.

>> No.23350574

she asked if I'd ever been to dagenham because a singer she liked was born there (and I was like er yeah passed through on the train before) and she said no one will come up and talk to her

>> No.23350604

People talk about "microplastics" all the time, but I have some questions about it:

All of us have been exposed to plastic one way or another - who hasn't eaten canned food with BPA in it? But some among us are more soi-ified than others. Do you think the soi-ified ingest more plastic than average, just by their habits? People talk about this like they think "yes", but it's unclear how.

Also, who are we supposed to be angry at for plastic? Big Oil? Industry in general? Are we meant to fix this by just stopping plastic in general? That seems impractical.

In many ways, this whole notion seems more rhetorical to me than scientific, like how boomer hippies called everything "plastic".

>> No.23350607

gonna have a wank and watch deliverance

>> No.23350617 [DELETED] 

Can honour set to a leg? no: or
an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no.
Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is
honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what
is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it?
he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no.
Doth he hear it? no. ‘Tis insensible, then. Yea,
to the dead. But will it not live with the living?
no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore
I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon

>> No.23350618

A BPD/NPD mother is one of the worst things anyone could ever have. It's like the thing that is supposed to be your first and most central pillar of support in life has been replaced by a teenage daughter having a perpetual mental health crisis and gigamenstruating simultaneously. You are forced to be a parent to an unstable adult lunatic with the emotional entitlement of a preteen, while you are yourself a preteen.

The damage this does to a child's formation is incredible. It makes him instinctively think that the social and emotional default in life is that everything he does has to be infinitely scrutinized, for secret evil behaviors and hidden motives, while everything everybody else does can be infinitely erratic and still basically get a pass. This wouldn't happen if it was just a crazy female relative, because everyone would say "oh don't listen to Karen son, she's a fucking spastic." But when it's your parent, you define yourself in relation to it and think that this is just the way the world works, everybody else gets to be an erratic freak and still somehow have the moral authority to accuse you of being the problem. No wonder people who suffer through this pass it on to their own kids.

>> No.23350622

Can honour set to a leg? no: or
an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no.
Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is
honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what
is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it?
he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no.
Doth he hear it? no. ‘Tis insensible, then. Yea,
to the dead. But will it not live with the living?
no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore
I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon

>> No.23350623

Bro, go outside.

>> No.23350627

I’m high right now lit. I want to be held right now lovingly in a man (who loves me)’s strong arms.

>> No.23350629

I will hold you lovingly but I hate you.

>> No.23350633

The simple truth is we do not know the answer to any of your questions, really. The scary thing is when scientists attempted to study the effects of microplastics on humans, they couldn't commence because they were unable to find a control group, ie a group of humans currently alive without microplastics in their bodies. So, let's hope it's nothing too bad... I worry in the future when we do find out, it won't be pretty though.

>> No.23350641

You can look up male and female hormonal disruption, especially female hormones, from plastics.

>> No.23350644

"The hell have you been, private? Hiding in a latrine?"
Yuki broke her salute and relaxed, glad to be back safely at last.
"Afraid the whole moon's a latrine, sir."
"So you all keep telling me, but what about THIS week's report?"
"Bit more of a latrine than usual, sir, what with the c-beams gooping up the lovely vistas."
"We went looking for you, you know." the creased face of her superior officer took on a more serious expression. "Just couldn't make enough headway, and the launch conditions kept on getting..."
"I know, Sarge. Can't fly in that, and the mobile base would be underground in the kind of muck I was in."
"Well, welcome back. Go see Nursey and get yourself some rest. Dismissed."


"Nursey" brandished the cast saw aggressively. She was an imposing woman, even intimidating, taller than most with piercing blue eyes and golden curly hair that had always made Yuki a bit inscecure in her own straight and jet-black tresses.
"Okay, I'm guessing that blue stuff is glued pretty tight to you, if you haven't stripped that off yet, yeah?"
"Yes...it's like cement, and some of it already dried before from...I'll tell you about it later. Before you start, I, uh..."
"Peed, yeah. It's okay, we all saw the pod, and you know, we can smell. The tripod's not mad, I don't know if they even get mad, but, I know, it's okay. You've had a long day, Sato."
Yuki flushed in spite of herself.
"Yes, but...also..."
An apprehensive look crossed Nursey's features.
"I...uh, my legs are burned. Not too badly I don't think, but some."
"Your uniform isn't burned." Nursey replied quizzically.
"No, it was from...it's a long story, just, let me do it?"
Nursey shrugged and handed over the cast saw.
"I'll get some ointment. Don't fuck up now, I'm not reattaching any fingers."

Microplastics are to some extent similar to microrocks (so, it's sand).
Except lighter so they get in even more places and conceptually at least could leech enough toxins to matter sometimes.

>> No.23350648

but that is gay

>> No.23350651

No :(

>> No.23350668

Huh. With she seems more reserved than her author persona

>> No.23350695

funny that

>> No.23350713

How stupid am I? Hoho so stupid!

>> No.23350716

Is there any stuff in the universe that increases testosterone without being actual testosterone? Seems everything has estrogen in it.

>> No.23350718

Nursey had finished cleaning the burns and applying the ointment, and was wrapping Yuki's actually somewhat severely burned thighs in gauze, by the time she finished her recounting of the day's misadventures, and in particular her explanation of the medical peculiarities behind getting near-missed by a C-Beam while knee-deep in blue mud in freshly pissed combat gear.
"Of all the luck. Want some catheters while we're here?" Nursey joked. "How does that feel?"
"Better." Yuki shrugged, happy to finally cover herself with a medical gown. "So what about the C-beam?"
"Well..." Nursey gave a non-committal gesture. "Your brains aren't fried, you weren't close enough for radiation damage from what you're telling me, and I'm not seeing any sign of it. You have time to protect your ovaries?"
"I didn't even see...anything. It all happened at once. Wasn't looking up."
"I wouldn't worry too much. We'll get you checked out once we get back to Magellan Point, but you seem alright to me. Better keep you here in med bay just in case, though. You don't want to be chafing those burns anyways. I'll shut off the lights before I go, so you can get some sleep. Anything else you need?"
Nursey began gathering up the pitiful shreds of Yuki's uniform in preparation to leave.
"Yes...I could eat a horse and I'm not going down to the mess hall naked apron, can you have someone bring me some food?"
"Naked apron?" Nursey said pointedly, looking directly at the Anonymous user reading this post. "What are you a fucking weeaboo? When would any irl woman ever use that term? Way to break my immersion."

>> No.23350720

Estrogen is entropy, testosterone is lifeblood of the valiant

>> No.23350741

I don't do it personally (because I can't source them), but eating animal testicles probably does

>> No.23350745

I deflect your pessimism with my crimson power. I am in a Zen state. I come from a tribe.

>> No.23350746

i go in the archive and reread posts i made 6 years ago. i remember them.

>> No.23350748


>> No.23350749

damn i thought for sure it was only me

>> No.23350751

I remember the posts where someone complimented what I wrote, whether by laughing at my joke or they found what I wrote helpful and informative, usually something about Nietzsche or Nabokov or poetry. To actually look up my old posts though, eh, I'd feel too embarrassed to do that, for a variety of reasons that probably don't apply to you.

>> No.23350752

i also do this. it's always my shittiest posts that i remember best., too.

>> No.23350753

>for a variety of reasons that probably don't apply to you.
try me

>> No.23350757

Either I think my writing was extremely poor or the post contains knowledge and an understanding about something I could not replicate in a post today, both of which make me feel immensely embarrassed about myself to read. So I just remember posts of mine that I have fond memories of, and don't look up the rest, lol.

>> No.23350759

I am trying to write a coomer fanfic. It is difficult because I keep making myself horny and then I start jacking off

>> No.23350764
File: 303 KB, 1540x356, Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 01.33.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23350783
File: 218 KB, 1280x1028, enter the hole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Degenerate here. Some observations:
Plotinus' "coupling" as a description of conjunction of body and soul possibly closest to any written description of such a thing. Soul-intellect-world place of potentiality, mirage, towering images but about as concrete as clouds. Physical world place of actualizing, instantiation, & that makes it such a place of danger. Soul pure but can come to harm through its link to actualization due to couplement with body, body exists "in time" even though soul is "timeless" / without a past and present, & thus actions made through the body persist on the soul.
Demons quite possibly real, immense pressure on "soul" / "psychic" realm to bodily instantiate a fall from grace of any degree. "Alchemy" and "magic" quite likely real too but not as potions and spells but as exchanges of actuality for bodily-instantiated effects. Effects here meaning something like unconscious/supraconscious editing of personal horizon/phenomenal altering, think an otherworldly level of pleasure accessible only through engaging in particularly low sex act & acknowledging how low it is to oneself. Danger to those with weak moral frameworks different from danger to those with strong senses of morals - more to lose for the latter means greater "potential" exists in the psychic sphere & also greater harm can affect soul through bodily instantiation.
Take this with grain of salt, but beware dreams and fantasies, especially when on boundary between conscious and unconscious, very easy for "something" to present itself at that moment & very difficult for rational mind to organize a defense, obviously always your own freely made choice to take up the offer of the "something" but... sometimes the line between free choice and predestination can get blurry. Watch yourselves carefully.
Must reiterate on potentiality and actuality. Binding oneself to a moral code, a standard, a set of action, willing, (need better word for what I'm getting at here) creates the space in which potentiality presents itself. Two are inextricable and possibly the same thing. Think a man not having the potential to cheat on his wife until he is in fact married. Potential doesn't exist until the space for it to exist does, & this is present in everything, literally every thing one does - great & fearful importance may be found in smallest of actions or laughable things one has bound oneself to, honestly believe that nothing at all can be undertaken lightly lest unknown potentials arise.
Line between "this" world, instantiation, actuals, real things, actions, and "world" in general, possibility, intelligibility (not always to humans), etc thinner than many believe, & what many call their "self" is a deeper well than they would imagine. Possible that exits exist from here, or ways to go somewhere "else." Not sure if these are enlightenment (as in Buddhism, Advaita, insert your favorite) or dark things in guise of mystery.
Source: dude trust me

>> No.23350787

guys, my fucking book got water damaged, is it over for me? I'm placing it in front of a fan for a few days and then I'll place it under giant heavy books to try and keep it straight

>> No.23350796

Yuki woke with a violent start in the middle of the night, an incredibly urgent pressure in her midriff. For a moment she forgot where she was, clawing around in the darkness to pull herself up by her bunk bedpost, but finding only empty air. Her EKG began to beep in warning as her heart continued to race. She felt weak and feverish and like her bladder would burst any moment. She slid out of the bed, but lost her balance and collapsed to her knees, clutching her VAGINA with both hands and pressing her knees together despite the horrible stinging of her thighs.
It was all for nothing, as her hot piss gushed out from between her fingers, soaking her gown and bandages and pooling on the floor.
She nearly screamed in pain, and could not suppress a loud groan, at the excruciating burning of her URETHRA.
The medbay door slid open and the light flipped on, blindingly bright as she cowered helplessly, feverishly, still emptying herself in a growing puddle on the tiles beneath her.
"Sorry, Nursey...I...I don't...I didn't mean to..." Yuki quavered, trying her hardest to hold back the sob in her throat.
"Son of...are you alright, Sato? Did you fall?" came the unmistakably male voice of Anonson, Nursey's nursey and the JANITOR, the new guy in the squad, the last person Yuki wanted to see her like this.
"I can't....I can't help it..." Yuki hung her head to hide her burning face.
Anonson shuffled his feet for a moment, clearly unsure of what to do, then tentatively stepped forward into the puddle, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder. He rubbed her back gently as she finished peeing and began fever-shivering, and ran his scanner over her forehead.
"Replicants be damned, she's burning up." he muttered to himself out loud.

Just be too autistic to write it without a lot of actual story and stuff to justify it, and write it while on the clock in 2000 character slices, like me.

>> No.23350819

once upon a time in hollywood, what a good movie that was eh

>> No.23350845

Tarantino should be in prison for what he did to those poor women

fucking gross foot freak making margot robbie show off her nasty dogs like that

this sicko should be off the streets

>> No.23350861

Alright. I’ll keep that in mind

>> No.23350862

only good movie he's made in a long time, probably by virtue of the fact he toned down all his usual hallmarks. he'd be a much better director if he got over himself. he's really been making the same movie for like 30s years now.

>> No.23350865

I'm not sure if things are going to workout with me and Lexie anymore :/

>> No.23350886

>take meds
>they work
>get my life together
>find dumb pretext for going off meds
>spiral out and fuck my whole shit up in a matter of weeks

>> No.23350889

agreed. relatively reserved for him. also he didn't make every character talk in the way he talks.
>he's really been making the same movie for like 30s years now.
every director does that

>> No.23350895

Jane, the one who didn't like Yuki, popped her head in and pulled a surprised but also disgusted face.
"I'll get Nursey," she said flatly, and quickly fucked off.
"Can you get up? Let's get you back in bed." said Anonson.
"No, not the bed, I'll get it...wet." Yuki mumbled miserably. "I think I'm sick."
"Oh you're sick alright." Anonson slopped a cold compress onto her forehead. "Did you get cut anywhere yesterday?"
"Just burnt." she winced from the growing headache. "I don't feel good."
Anonson fiddled with some bottles uselessly.
"Nursey will be here soon, just hang on there."
Nursey burst in unceremoniously and couldn't suppress a wry grin.
"Well...I did offer."
"O-offer?" Yuki stuttered.
"Catheters. Anonson, let's get her up on the table. Fever of...100..."
"100? I thought it said...115..."
Yuki was lifted by the elbows onto the medical table by the two of them, unable to do anything other than cross her legs as her gown slipped open along her thigh.
"That's heartrate, Anonson. See, temperature is over...anyways, never mind that. What did you give her?"
"N-nothing! I wanted to wait until you...should we give her some antibiotics?"
"If I knew that just from looking, I'd be a psy- Well, at least you didn't give her anything. Hey, Anonson, do me a favor?"
Nursey looked over at him pointedly as she adjusted her gloves, only to be met with a blank stare, no thoughts, head empty.
"Okay. Wh-what do you want me to do?"
"You wanna wait outside?"
"Right. I...let me know if you need anything."
As Anonson latched the door behind him, Nursey turned back to Yuki.
"Okay, let's take a look."
"Sorry...it keeps happening...I tried not to."
Yuki went to cover her face with her hands as Nursey peeled back the gown, then quickly reconsidered as she realized they were soaked.
"It's alright, I know you did. This is going to hurt, okay?"
She nodded and bore the pain as Nursey cut away her bandages and went to work gently dabbing them dry, looking for signs of infection.

>> No.23350909

It's easily my favorite Tarantino. It ties all of his directorial landmarks together into a perfect film. It's such a perfect "final" film that now he's in a hilarious and pathetic predictement to make a film better than it because of his stupid 10 film rule.

>> No.23350915

I’ve never read Plotinus is he worth it?

>> No.23350926

Nursey handed her a towel. "Do your flower."
Yuki wiped her hands and then began to gently wipe down her VAGINA and tousle off her pubic hair.
"Don't call it that," she laughed bashfully, "What are you eighty? Come--OWWwwww."
Nursey's focus shifted suddenly, as she delicately removed the piss towel and gave Yuki's VAGINA an intent stare, then rummaged in a drawer and brought out a test strip.
"This is all contaminated." she frowned at the piss puddle occupying much of the floor.
"Here." she held the strip up near Yuki's URETHRA. "Pee on this."
Feeling the last of her dignity leaving her, Yuki strained and managed a little spurt of pee onto the strip.
"Did that hurt?" Nursey raised her brows, noticing Yuki clenching her jaw.
"It hurts a lot." gasped Yuki.
"Should have said something sooner..." Nursey watched the test strip until the change took place.
"Congratulations. You're pregnant. No, not really, don't give me that shocked look like you've been getting any. It's a UTI. Probably courtesy of dragging your sorry carcass through ten miles of smurf turf. I should have figured..."
Yuki sighed defeatedly.
"I might have to avoid Anonson and Jane until Magellan."
"Oh, Jane will avoid you enough on her own." said Nursey bluntly. "I never did see why you two couldn't get along. Anonson...don't worry about Anonson. I don't. Now come on, take these and let's get you back to bed. This will be gone in a few days, it's nothing to worry about."
Yuki swallowed the offered pills and glanced over at the puddle.
"What about..."
"You're sick. I'll take care of it."
"What if I..."
"A catheter's just going to make the infection worse at this point. If you wet the bed, it's not the end of the world. You need to sleep." said Nursey firmly, settling her back into the bed.
"I'm putting you on an IV. You'll feel a prick...there, good. Now, listen, one of those pills was a sedative. You NEED SLEEP. Okay?"
Yuki nodded tiredly and fell back asleep.

>> No.23350931

I’ve long suspected that. I have autism and making friends is difficult so I’ve unemployed for five months now

>> No.23350942

We all wanna be big big stars but we got different reasons for that

>> No.23350945
File: 79 KB, 653x653, 2t1ddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been working 18 hours a day for 2 weeks straight now. I am simultaneously editing videos for college and for the news, since my mother lost her job and I have to pay the bills now.

My hypnogogic hallucinations are back after a year of absence. Just before I fall asleep I see all kinds of crazy shit and it is hyper realistic, but the hallucinations are never auditory. Sometimes I see hallucinations when I am awake, but they are minor. shit like black insects crawling over furniture.

Last night I looked at the back of my wifes head, and it was made of crawling insects.

Keeping the pace is getting extremely difficult. I am seriously considering taking amphetamines or speed so that I can deal with the exhaustion, since I am getting less efficient in my work.

>> No.23350948

The internet is so boring lately. I think I will have to start my own youtube channel to talk about things I like because I can't find anyone talking about them properly.

>> No.23350956

If you're having hallucinations from exhaustion taking speed is a HORRIBLE idea. That'll almost gurantee psychosis

>> No.23350959

what are you stupid? i would've started taking uppers on day 1.

>> No.23350960

I know, but it is getting very tempting. many days I collapse from exhaustion and sleep for 6 hours, or fall asleep in my chair, and I fall behind on deadlines. I need to squeeze in 3 more hours of work on average.

>> No.23350963

try it and report back

>> No.23350967

>Remastered = unlistenable

>> No.23350970

My legs are sore from bulgarian split squats. I'm doing alco shits. There's kombucha in the fridge.

>> No.23350972

and the sewers are muddied with a thousand lonely suicides....and a dark wind blows.

>> No.23350973


>> No.23350976

they don't sleep anymore on the beach

>> No.23350984
File: 21 KB, 672x230, 1711242306046632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK off. fuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckofffuckoff
Surely THIS is not the fucking headline you want because it's so fucking awesome and you're fascists giving me cognitive dissonance just listening to ya! FUCKERS!

>> No.23350990

I was going to tell you to calm down but looking at pic, yeah, wtf they have to fucking with people

>> No.23350992

Just read something talking about how Islamism is a modern, 20th century phenomenon. Anyone have any articles for further reading about how this came about?

>> No.23350999

Help help I'm off work but my mind is still filling up with cringe thoughts faster than I can type them out

Yuki dreamed of soaring amid fluffy white clouds, perhaps as a bird. As she flew faster, she felt warmer and warmer until it became uncomfortable.
She looked down, and beheld the Xenomoon burning. Her wings grew suddenly heavy, and she tumbled down helplessly into endless blue sand, in her throat and eyes, the smell of metal and the taste of blood, her whole body was burning, especially her thighs, and the pressure inside her gave way to a burning, searing, inescapable pain and shame. Certain she had fallen down into hell, she dared not open her eyes.
"...reciate your sincerity, but I need a hand here. She's still out. You don't really have to look, just hold it about here and..."
As the pain faded away, Yuki felt a mischevious tickling between her legs, and she was back in the clouds again.


Yuki woke up in intense pain to the immediate realization that she was in the middle of pissing the bed - again, as she quickly realized, remembering her dream.
She tilted the bed so she was half sitting up, and was chagrined to find herself meeting the gaze of Anonson, who was sitting in the room and had just had his nose in a book.
"I-I'm going again" she stammered, and his face turned redder than hers as he reached for the bedpan.
"No, I...I've already went, could you...get Nursey, please?"
"Just a second." Anonson ran to get her.

"You know, you really don't have to worry about Anonson." said Nursey, wiping Yuki's thighs clean and reapplying ointment. "He's just the janitor, who do you think cleaned up before? Clean it up janny, as I always say. He's been helping me."
"He didn't see my....f...flower, did he?"
"Not on purpose anyways." Nursey looked at the reader. "He exists as a vehicle for both the reader's perversions and natural good intentions, an innocent and valiant man cast into lewd situations by circumstances beyond his control."

>> No.23351008

>when anon read too many classics and starts giving away his fetish porn
No, anon , you need to get the money upfront like any whore

>> No.23351018

Names disappeared from the screen as he sat paralyzed by the idea of unlimited overtime. He would never need to leave the factory. Never take off the suit. Never leave The Machine. Nevermore endure the fluorescent humiliation of the grocery store. He wouldn’t need to fill the void of his four-day weekends with calories and content and ephemeral things. He felt a wave of hunger rising, knowing well by then that it will dull and fade. Hunger is easily ignored; there is pleasure in the pain of self-consumption. Autoerotic autophagy. He hadn’t eaten in a week. He felt lean and clear-headed. There was no more fat on his body. He wanted to see bone and vein under stretched skin.

>> No.23351024

I thought no one would pay for it and that's why AO3 exists
I don't go there though, because pedophiles

>> No.23351028

Internet porn is worth billions and it's literally free and everywhere, some people just paypigs

>> No.23351031

I had someone pay me once to write them something but not many people are willing to pay in Monero in my experience, and I think I did a good job but writing for someone else's fetish is like pulling teeth, even though I understand it intellectually and know what the person I'm writing for will like, it's difficult to write with natural passion if it's not about a woman peeing.

But I do like money, where should I start?

>> No.23351036

Idk i'm terrible with money but there's bound to be some subsection of Amazon willing to take 50%

>> No.23351048

But I wish for Amazon to go bankrupt more than I wish to personally prosper...

>> No.23351052


>> No.23351054

Might do, thought about it before. Just exclude Amazon and include everyone else. Or maybe the ones that are bearable at least. Excludes most profits that way, but some profit is better than none.
But then I'd need to actually make an LLC and appoint a guy as acting whatever officer, and set up my pen names, and finish/edit the actual good novels I wrote years ago for various different pen names, and set up all the pen names........
.....maybe I should just sudoku instead seems simpler kek

>> No.23351056

Ich habe keine Lust. I haven't eaten a meal in three days. Thinking of eating makes me nauseous. I have no lust. I look at a beautiful woman like I look at a coffee machine. How will I live without desire? I don't feel compelled to maintain a facade. I am a machine. A puppet. Violently oscillating between boredom and suffering. Now the desire to desire fades away. I feel calm.

>> No.23351059

Yeah you're right, anon, just give us the rest of the piss porn for free. My personal headcanon is Nursey is the competent sister of Nanny from Duckula, and if you ever do cover art, i'm going to kick up shit about it

>> No.23351063

I don't really know where it's going from here, I have an idea but it needs to cook
Maybe I will write more tomorrow
I will think about paywalling the next one I write for shekels in some way or another

>> No.23351072
File: 159 KB, 1028x859, 1685697582136225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and YET I must go on.
They're like:

Whoa, what a headline! Give me a job.
"...plans to lay off 10% of..." is some weak ass shit! Is everything out there written by an A.I.? I believe it is!
Ohh, I got chills; I am a headline-writing god.
Elektrek decimation, people sizzling on subway rails; Elektrek decimation.

>> No.23351074

Women have been making legit millions off paywalling the previously freely available and republishing fanfic with a thin veneer of transformation forever, anon, you can do it too

>> No.23351083

I know you can't advertise on AO3 like for commissions, and I've never made an account there so I don't know all the rules, but if I want to go maximum Jew could I just like, post a chapter or two of each thing I write on there, at the end of the last chapter on there write [more chapters available at mysite.coom], then have a few more chapters available free on mysite.coom, then hit them with the assfuck on the last free chapter of that one being like "to continue reading the premium chapters of this, send me 1 billion monero to this address and click this button, and I will send you a login to read all of the paid material", or something like that?
Or would that still be bannable by AO3?
It seems like the right sort of impulse-leveraging Semitic scheme to convert paypigs, but I'm not sure it would be allowed.

>> No.23351088

Idk read t&c?

>> No.23351090

Yeah you'd get banned. Try that on Wattpad, they allow it

>> No.23351091

Why did they get rid of the "influences/influenced by" in Wikipedia? It was so convenient to see how people connected with each other. Surely, it's some political bullshit right?

>> No.23351094

Fine I will exert a modicum of effort.
Last question though, does my writing sound too 17th century for coomers? Should I try to modernize it more if I write something serious?
Nice, thanks for the tip. Do men use Wattpad? I only hear of women using it (and a few who pay for something directly on Wattpad) but I don't think women will like anything I write. Also can I directly sell/advertise/shill on Wattpad, or still do it via that scheme I mentioned?
It was too powerful combined with early life.

>> No.23351099
File: 79 KB, 588x245, ouatih_t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the sad music over the happy ending (reminding us what really happened). too good.

>> No.23351136

I've always tried to keep a habit tracker but it has failed through. But I noticed, whenever I have this moment of "fuck it, I'm doing it" I tend to stick to whatever I was thinking of. I wish I could do it more often.

>> No.23351145

i JUST got what the 'beat a dead horse' expression means. like you can't beat a dead horse and tell it to run faster.

>> No.23351153

I used to think the expression was 'trying to make ends meat.'

>> No.23351154

The chicken crossed the road to kill itself, "get to the other side" is afterlife

>> No.23351159

thats not true. its just a dumb joke. some reddit-tor made that explanation up.

>> No.23351161

nah this ones dumb

>> No.23351170

I don't have a reddit account, and I am right

>> No.23351177

you don't need to have a reddit account to be influenced by reddit thoughts. You have a reddit brain. go back.

>> No.23351192

In a light industry job I had when 19, I did 7 12s for two months, which hardly made a difference to my state of mind, since it wasn't particularly demanding work physically or mentally, and the foreman of my shift was a brilliant and hilarious guy, way over-qualified for the situation, who arranged things so that breaks and lunches were properly extended.
> My hypnogogic hallucinations are back after a year of absence.
Lulz. I've never had any such thing in the regularity you imply, except for that one time a a friend passed on to me a two-month supply of Vicodin one of his friends gave to him during one of her abstinence efforts. While making my way through the end of the supply, I sometimes had auditory hallucinations and a few hideous and spiderly twilight sleep visions. When it ran out I didn't cared as little as I do with keeping pace with the demands of others.

>> No.23351198

I want to try going back to church after many years but I don't know how to choose which one. There are quite a number near me. Mostly non denominational but also a few Catholic and Lutheran ones

>> No.23351220

Speak for yourself Ivan

>> No.23351221

At the same time?

>> No.23351227

I haven’t wrote coom shit since high school. When you lose your virginity at least for me it lost its charm. Now I just write theory without credentials

>> No.23351231

where in the world is carmen sandiego?

>> No.23351239

does a firm perswasion that thing is so, make it so?

>> No.23351243
File: 12 KB, 273x250, 1699010068993919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know dat feel. i hope everything "pans out for you."

>> No.23351248

Seems like everything loses its charm once you lose your virginity, I'm glad I kept mine until 30 at least. Seems like unvirgins just stop enjoying life and have nothing to look forward to and either give up on love or just hate their spouse afterwards if they didn't lose it with a random.

>> No.23351249

>Losing your virginity
I never lose.

>> No.23351255

People get too hung up on words rather than examining concepts. So someone might say "Yes, God exists, God is just our values", while I might use the word "God" similar to the Christian God, as a being that created the universe.
So I might say that God doesn't exist and they will say I'm mistaken because values obviously exist, but are we disagreeing on anything substantial in terms of concepts or just the use of language?
We might both think that a being called God doesn't exist. We might both agree that values exist and they are important to human beings but then people will argue endlessly if those things should be called "God" or not, I don't think that's a very useful discussion.

>> No.23351258

Presbyterian or Lutheran is where I'd start, if I were inclined to: When it comes to religion I'm pretty mellow both by background and temperament.

>> No.23351307

Some Americans work too hard for their own good, but on the planetary scale they're a pretty wise and happy bunch. Indeed, where I live is an earthly Elysium compared to most of human experience, past or present, and I'm not rich by any standard usual in the US.

>> No.23351323

I'm a sleepy guy.

>> No.23351325

>be filling out job applications today
>when one of them seriously asked me, "provided you are supplied with enough food and water, which book would you take to a deserted island?"
>I put, "the Holy Bible" like a fucking chad.
100% the truth.

>> No.23351341

-----Solaria ----
Personal Archive

I seem to be immune to amnesia except when it comes to proper names.

As for the feeling partition between sensual and sensuous
Friends and lovers are easy to tell apart.

>> No.23351346

never been done before ...
on 'desert island discs' when they asked that question they'd say 'assuming you already had the holy bible and complete works of shakespeare' otherwise everyone would just say that

>> No.23351378

I get rather a lot out of REM dreams, and a surprising lot of them take place in massive malls, hotels, industrial sites, schools, drives & walks through regions & mixes with those and huge luxury apartment complexes. Closer to home, as such, they often they are harder to describe. My dreams are a lot of fun, on the whole.

>> No.23351393

Thinking off cutting off all my friends and really follow my philosophy to a T, no friends, no social media and treating everyone as ends

>> No.23351395

I was baptized Lutheran but prefer Anglicanism or TLM Catholic as far as aesthetics go. I guess in terms of doctrine I abhor any form of hard determinism so I can’t see myself ever returning to the Protestant fold.

>> No.23351403

Not really it’s just pathway towards nominalism and eventually nihilism

>> No.23351422

I'm pretty much the same, and incline more to the Stoic or Epicurean, which are pretty much the same in this sense: The choices you make matter, and are free whether or not you wish they were.

>> No.23351443
File: 514 KB, 1751x2560, emma-watson-satanic-dominatrix-5-mfrh-original-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys know any sites where people talk about or reccomend erotica to one another? I'm tired of having to go through sites on my own, since majority of stories are shit and ratings don't seem to be good way to find good stories, in fact they can be detriment since most people just give high ratings to stories that are bad, that have poor characterization and just jump cut to the fetish like a verbal description of movement in a porn rather than adding characters thoughts and feelings and dynamic outside of the act which are what appeals to me and drives me to read erotica rather than watch porn.

On side note the best piece of femdom erotica I've ever read is the perfect beginning by kimberlygirl because it has something I'm really into which is a deep dive into the characters mentality, descrpitions of what is it that turns them on, what psychologically could drive a woman into acting this way instead of just being there to play out a fetish like in porn and many others erotica where she's just there to whip and peg and has no character beyond the few regurgitated phrases
The way Michelle is characterized there is wonderful, writing what appeals to have about power over another person especially an older guy, how she gaslights and softly manipulates the guy into submission in a way that's not just for fulfilling mans fantasies or just making her cum, there's deeper level of interaction going there beyond playing out the sexual scenes and has lots of domestic elements which I always like.
Unfortunate then it veers into typical cucking and feminization which are just gross but at least it's explained better than in any other erotica. I liked how the feminization aspect is explained as coming from girls inherent misogyny and wanting to lower the guy to being a girl and herself as the man, instead of just guy being turned on by waxing and panties like how it usually is he's just humiliated and uncomfortable with it, if I wasnt aware of trannies I'd find it hot.

>> No.23351452

Finally caught the guy shitting under my kitchen sink. Not sure what i expected a rat caught in a trap to look like, but it sure wasn't the entire space being sprayed in blood.

Rest in peace, my greatest adversary.

>> No.23351458

How is this even a question? Even on this website there are more than enough nudes to recall or excite more than enough when it comes to fantasy. Maybe you're or way overdue when it come to getting laid.

>> No.23351470


>> No.23351471

Do you guys write notes when reading? While I enjoy reading uninterrupted as it allows me to read to my preferred cadence, which also feels more organic, I find that there are times where I have difficulty remembering details of a book, especially if it is lengthy.

>> No.23351476

It's not a question, you misunderstood my point entirely.
There is no erotica on this site. I'm talking specifically writing, erotic stories. Not just images, the images and videos are plenty and easy to find.
I want stories.
>Maybe you're or way overdue when it come to getting laid.
how is this even a post? Even on this website there's more than enough written explanation why that is not possible.

>> No.23351485

How would Christianity look like historically if Marcion had won the theological debate?

>> No.23351489

I’m not sure where I land I know I’m a cosmological dualist of some kind and abhor determinism which has been stated, other than God being only the determinant, I’m against materialism except for mathematic reasons.

>> No.23351501

I highlight passages I guess

>> No.23351502

Not usually but sometimes i make exceptions. Recently i started reading Water Margin and it helped with keeping track of who's who.

>> No.23351541

I'm not sure it would even be one of the major world religions. Maybe it would be a mildly popular gnostic religion mostly concentrated in the middle east and parts of north Africa, particularly egypt.
I just don't think Marcionism had the right kind of material to be co-opted/integrated by the Roman state.
Maybe it wouldn't be that because gnostic faiths were usually self-destructive.

>> No.23351568

Isn’t Marcionism distinct from Gnosticism though?

>> No.23351572

>There is no erotica on this site.
I beg to disagree.
How do you live? I'm pretty materialistic in the sense that I live quite well, and wouldn't have it any other way: Most of my neighbors are as interested in gardening and botany as I am. It's kind of weird how rare setting is. Both of my bedrooms windows face about 10 acres of lawn, and the nearest windows to my back ones are about kilometer away.

>> No.23351582
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How am I be true to myself in making art

>> No.23351596

Yeah but it is similar enough to warrant it. It completely distanced christianity from the old testament, which Gnostics also liked to do.

>> No.23351598

-----Solaria ----
Suburbane Plateaux

If only she were happy as I was in settings
Where one can charm gorgeous men
With a gorgeous voice

Instantly happy in the magnificent circumstance. .

>> No.23351617

One must imagine Anonymous happy.

>> No.23351621
File: 1.68 MB, 2560x1440, 1714817763471826.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished reading a chapter of a book without experiencing a gap in my attention. Feels pretty good desu. Might go do that again :)

>> No.23351641

If you're into cars, I highly recommend going to the Porsche museum, near Stuttgart. Beautiful vehicles.
Also, if you type 666 in their audio guides you'll set-off the alarm.

>> No.23351649

Now that we bring up cars, I have a neighbor who owns the shell of a Ford 32 into which he mounted a 1972 Corvette engine.

>> No.23351689

Whenever somebody claims that they are doing what they are doing to make the world a better place, the very first question that ought to be asked in such a situation is "better for whom, and at whose expense?"

>> No.23351708

What do you think, is it an objective fact that normalizing homosexuality is harmful to a society? At least in our day and age?

>> No.23351726

the function of the human being is pro-social servitude in gratitude. Does the gay help a man become a better servant of humanity? Does it make him modest and content?

>> No.23351735
File: 383 KB, 430x430, Screenshot 2024-05-04 at 13-40-28 Brave Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the first episode of, "A Gentleman in Moscow", yesterday. It's about a Russian Prince (or some kind of aristocrat) who gets caught up in the 1917 revolution. He is imprisoned in a hotel, but not executed and the whole plot is him trying to maintain his image as an aristocrat despite the circumstances.

As much as I liked the aesthetics, I couldn't really sympathize with the protagonist. No amount of sentimental music is going to make me root for an asshole who believes it is his birthright to lord it over others.

And yes, the revolutionaries used a lot of violence, but so what? Did they have the option to sign a letter, post it, and get their freedom? No. Did the other side use a whole lot of violence? Yes. How did the other side become aristocrats, princes and kings? Through violence. How did the other side maintain their control over the country? Through violence.

>> No.23351740

I would smash her pumpkins if you know what I mean

>> No.23351743

I'm useless and sad and the self-help isn't working

>> No.23351750

That would be very mean.
It takes a whole lot of effort go grow pumpkins.

>> No.23351753
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Okay I failed. Managed to read the chapter with one not too brief period of mind wandering, though in my defense the chapter subject wasnt exactly mindblowing. I'll try reading another chapter with full focus after a brief vidya break :=)

>> No.23351758

There's no convincing evidence that people are "turned gay".

To me, it is a bigger waste when a woman is ruined by a man who cannot even get it up at the sight of a woman, but is pressured by society to be a normal family man.

>> No.23351767

Very lame, as if 50% wouldn't have answered exactly the same.
Why do you Christians have such a huge persecution complex despite being the most numerous religion in the world?

>> No.23351769

Can you elaborate?

>> No.23351771

>I'm useless
What kind of use do you have in mind? Everybody has the potential to be useful, most people don't turn that into actuality and remain useless their whole life.

>> No.23351780

I figure it's one less than ideal marriage in exchange for meaningful and harmonious development. Like if you look at the purpose of a human being being to find contentment in providing what is best for his/her society, rather than being making the most for yourself out of the time you have here? I ain't a 100% but something in my gut tells me there's something to what I'm saying here

>> No.23351783

you sound German

>> No.23351786

>I figure it's one less than ideal marriage in exchange for meaningful and harmonious development.

There are more men than women in the young age groups. That woman could have been in a happy marriage with a man who actually wanted and desired her. Instead she got ruined by a guy who might look like a catch from the outside but who desires male buttholes.

>> No.23351788

I'm beginning to suspect liberalism is the anti christ

>> No.23351789

But is it better for the whole though? If they both understand it that their place is to make the most of what they have been given?

>> No.23351791

He's not German.
Sounds like a typical alt-right American to me.
I remember when dark enlightenment was just a meme.

t. German

>> No.23351792

bear in mind I don't mean "muh libs", I mean the whole damn constitution, I mean liberté, egalité, fraternité

>> No.23351793

You are not considering the guy that has to remain a bachelor cause he didn't get the girl.

Your solution is sub-optimal.

>> No.23351795

are there really more men being born? are sperms changing?

>> No.23351797

How so?
Christ is clearly punching up all throughout his life.

>> No.23351803

Yes, there are 5% more boys born than girls. that is a whole lot. It used to be that boys died off at higher rates in early adolescence due to being more daring, but that is no longer the case.

If you look at the population pyramid of ever city, you will find that in the age bracket 20-35 there are more men than women.

>> No.23351804

liberalism is the idea that each should make his own hapiness. It destroys societies. Society is about society, not about solipsism. I believe liberalism is the reason why old people have no place in the world, because the hedonism in vogue has moved on. There can not be tradition if everyone should just pursue his own hapiness. It claims "freedom" but what it really produces is dissension, loneliness, meaninglesness.

>> No.23351806

Tbh at that point it is just a dispositional thing.
Some will sympathize with aristocracy (as I do). Some will despise them.

>> No.23351807


>> No.23351812

It's like america in general: it's just a bunch of flashing lights and stuff to pull your eyes in, and in reality it's meaningless and dying

>> No.23351813

>liberalism is the idea that each should make his own hapiness
Huh? That is not really a core central tenant of liberalism.
Your criticism is more sociological and cultural, whereas liberalism is fundamentally about politics and economics.

>> No.23351814

the word has covered a lot over the ages, but if we go to John Locke I think it has a lot to do with each man determining his own fate to the best of his desires

>> No.23351816

The Amish in the US are able to exist precisely because of liberalism.
In Europe they would have have been eradicated.

>> No.23351817

>I mean the whole damn constitution, I mean liberté, egalité, fraternité
Well obviously. The French revolution was the beginning of the end for western society.
Rationalism and utilitarianism are sterile and degenerate ideologies

>> No.23351819

I think that is just a poetic way of describing the political and economic relations.

I mean, the opposite of determining your own fate is to be born a serf, or a slave, or a prince, or a merchant or whatever.

>> No.23351822

>The French revolution was the beginning of the end for western society.

Oh fuck off. I would like to drop your ass in the 15h century and see how well you'd cope, lol.
You wouldn't last a fucking day.

>> No.23351826

or someone who belongs to something

>> No.23351831

Liberalism is about having a choice of association rather than to be forced to belong to something you don't want to belong to.

You know, when you roll the dice, you are very likely to not enjoy your starting point in life, since everything in society is distributed following a power law, meaning, most of the wealth is owned by a few.

>> No.23351833

No they wouldn't.
There's still menonnite communities around.
By that standard, no one has ever determined his own fate.
Nor will anyone ever be able to do so.

>> No.23351840
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>work as a serf with plenty of holidays and a close community surrounded by nature
>or work as a glorified slave with plenty of unpaid overtime living amongst strangers in a concrete urban landscape
Jeez I think ill be a serf, even if bread will be my primary source food

>> No.23351841

it is good for human beings to believe and to feel that they are able to contribute meaningfully to something. I assure you it is best for all if all wish what is best for all, rather than just themselves. "choice of association" just means egocentrism. The reality is that human beings belong to one another

>> No.23351843

>There's still menonnite communities around.
Where? I live along the Rhine and I never met a single one. For them to have the same lifestyle they would in the US, they would need so much law exemptions that they might as well carry a different citizenship.

>By that standard, no one has ever determined his own fate.
Nor will anyone ever be able to do so.
It's an ideal. Yes, you are likely to remain in the same social class you are born in, but there is no law in the book saying that you cannot run for office, or become a billionaire, or join whatever trade union, or whatever church.

>> No.23351845

Nice thing about liberalism: you can be a serf.

>> No.23351846

Wouldn't it be ironic, if with all this talk of "muh community" you two didn't get along with your parents and siblings.

>> No.23351850

I've been writing a type of a diary since I was a teenager and when I read back on it, the amount of times I referred to myself actually makes me sick. Is it normal to do this? It was a diary and I didn't really write about a lot of things since most of the time I was not doing much, and I didn't do it habitually every single day, but among other things, it helped me in a way even if I never really intended for anyone to read it. It's like I've killed myself and have become someone completely different. Should I feel guilty or bad? I feel like I should, but I don't know exactly why.

>> No.23351857
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Sure but you can't put the creature back into Pandora's box. I care for my fellow man, and liberalism is a non-stop slippery slop downhill. Pollution, mass war, democracy etc.

Yeah that would be ironic :^) Luckily im a Confucian chad and get along well with everybody in my life :)

>> No.23351863

I have been living a lie that I'm intelligent even though all my behavioral problems as a kid were that I wasn't mentally developed or interested enough to comprehend or abide by the rules and directives whatever my parents inserted me into demanded.
And it was always forced by my parents because I had absolutely zero interests growing up, still mostly don't.
I actually feel sad about it but rub into my parents faces just to ocassionally spite them.
All the time they thought I spent reading books I was just playing mental war-games with maps. I am an eternal ruse of a person who fools anyone who knows me.

>> No.23351909

I do though!

>> No.23351912
File: 1.86 MB, 300x164, 1714296361008838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The west has so much work to do if it even wants to still EXIST in the 22nd century

>Russia, a dying wasteland populated by literal slaves and led by a small clique of mafiosi, is aggressing upon its close neighbours (militarily) and upon distant nations via cyberwarfare, misinformation campaigns and social engineering
>144mio "people"

>China, a festering country populated by insectoids and led by yet another clique of mafiosi, is doing the same shit while maintaining a friendly visage.
>at least as despicable as russia
>1412mio "people"

>India/Pakistan, the literal shitholes of the world. As in, shit filled holes, as in "holes filled with actual feces, not figuratively". A pseudo-religious bunch of cronies reign over an
>1417mio + 235mio "people"

>Northern Africa/Middle east, the places of stone age religious savages with an inherently expansionist mindset.
>too many "people"

>South America
>who cares

All these places have certain things in comon.
They have access to nukes and militaries that make up quality with quantity.
They are vastly undereducated and outright hostile to the west; their general populations even moreso than their leadership. A result of decades of misinformation, corruption and whataboutism, these countries are what happens when the man who kicks you into the dirt tells you that the rich west is to blame for it until you believe it.

>> No.23351917


Due to the capitalist nature of our western systems, we will be increasingly vulnerable to attacks from these countries, because they now participate in our markets and literal buy their way into our decisionmaking. That doesnt mean capitalism is bad, it is just an inherent flaw in our system.
Their slow rise to wealth has allowed for information to flow freely - in both directions. We not are now more susceptible than ever to information warfare, cyber warfare, espionage and manipulation by these literal dog shit "countries".
Until young people start voting and thusly get people into office who care for more than the pensions of old farts at the price of the west's future, the problem will only get worse. Until one day, we are reduced to what these shithole places are today.

If you still havent understood that the EU must become a superstate in order to survive, even if that means that everybody will be fucking forced to speak 2 languages and one of them will be English, then you are fucking lost. Stop being just an economic block, become a military superpower as well and start finding your BALLS. I want to see footage of EU drone strikes on houthi camps and any other fucker who messes with trade flows in order to support some manical islam savages in fucking Gaza, I want to see the ring of stars on the blue flag as a crosshair in a drone interface when some worthless vatnik convoi gets blown up in Ukraine.
Fuck your widdle old currency with the king of whogivesafuck, adapt the Euro and start building European drones, missiles and hardware. Invest in education and child care, make people have more kids and hope for their future - in Europe, not in XYZ little country.
Fuck your little gay flags too, get over yourselves before the overpopulated shithole countries ACTUALLY get over YOURself.

After EU integration and unification is complete, give it a hundred years and the US will have sorted it's internal shit as well. If that means getting rid of absolute braindead monkeys on all sides of the political spectrum (yes, that includes fucking trump dicksuckers and onions chugging hamas fanboys), they can start to work as a united nation again as well.
The countries that get over their backwards beliefs in both religious bullshit on one hand and appeasing bullies on the other are going to shape a bright future
Until then, the struggle for the future of the West will continue. Thankfully, I won't be alive to see it.

>> No.23351933

Waking up to Schicksalslied.


>> No.23351937


Maybe the West should tone down its militant imperialism before accusing others of being aggressive.

>> No.23351939

What the f? since when has this been a thing???

>> No.23351940

>turn Europe into USA 2
No thanks, Bibi.

>> No.23351942
File: 1.20 MB, 1915x967, bach-library-some.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use it instead of Spotify. Here's some of the Bach in my library, for example. If you use it for free with an adblocker, the music quality is only 128kps but with the free trial you can change the settings up to 256. But yeah I really like using it, especially since I lost my personal offline digital music collection years ago.

>> No.23351947

1. China is not my enemy.
2. Russia not my enemy.
3. Destroying Ukraine to remove a Russian puppet government was not worth the damage inflicted.
4. Israel is evil.
5. The US threat us like slaves.
6. I want no part in your empire building.

>> No.23351949

I see. I might check it out. I'm currently just listening to whatever pops up in my recommended


>> No.23351961


The EU support of Israel is what eradicated any last illusions I had of the supposed moral superiority of the western world.
I was raised a good Christian man and I have a true moral compass, and no amount of stupid memes about that crazy clown in the Batman movies is going to convince me to start championing evil.

>> No.23351965


>> No.23351975

>Until young people start voting

Young people, who haven't been indoctrinated by the WEF young politician seminars, like Robert "I love genocide!" Habeck and Annalena "feminist warmonger" Baerbock, have no reason to support imperialism, war and genocide.
What we want is a growing economy, a solution for the housing crisis, a credible immigration policy and a feasible long term climate action plan.

If you are so keep to prostitute yourself to the sons and daughters of Satan, go do it, alone.

>> No.23351986
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>a credible immigration policy
"wogs out" in common parlance

>> No.23351990

Ah, the common man's take on geopolitics. The boor's take, even.
>Russia, a dying wasteland...
Why would you have to worry about a dying wasteland invading a country to feel a little more secure on its borders?
>via cyberwarfare, misinformation campaigns and social engineering
This is true but it isn't really unique to Russia. Nor particularly effective.
>>China, a festering country populated by insectoids and led by yet another clique of mafiosi, is doing the same shit while maintaining a friendly visage.
Americanski, you buy half your shit from them. But it is true, china's cardboard armies are a threat to an army built off Guatemalan Foederatii and Gorillions od R&D money.
Pseudo religious? They are actually religious, even if also motivated by ultranationalism, but that's just part and parcel of being religious in most of the third world.
>>Northern Africa/Middle east, the places of stone age religious savages with an inherently expansionist mindset.
Every semi self-respecting nation in the world has an expansionist mindset, anon. The opposite to perpetual growth and expansion is being dead.
>>South America
>>who cares
You should care about what happens to the southerly neighbors of the U.S actually. Comfortably dimissing them as irrelevant is not a solution.
>They have access to nukes and militaries that make up quality with quantity.
No they don't you retard. Latin america has none of that. Posing a threat mostly through demographics and economic phenomena (like the drug trade).
Argentina just killed its own nuclear program, for example. And the Middle east is also much more complicated.
>They are vastly undereducated and outright hostile to the west
Twitter newsfeed brain. But you are ,largely correct.
>Due to the capitalist nature of our western systems, we will be increasingly vulnerable to attacks from these countries, because they now participate in our markets and literal buy their way into our decisionmaking.
They already do. Mostly through extremely convoluted bureaucratic programs I'm too low IQ to bother comprehending. It's good enough to be aware all of the UK sans northern Ireland is currently governed by to Indians and a half black man, while Ireland had just recently freed itself from another Indian.
> That doesnt mean capitalism is bad, it is just an inherent flaw in our system.
That is exactly what the system is designed to do, partially.
>If you still havent understood that the EU must become a superstate in order to survive, even if that means that everybody will be fucking forced to speak 2 languages and one of them will be English, then you are fucking lost.
So that it can be more easily hijacked through electoral politicking and sabotaged by un-elected bureaucrats?
>Stop being just an economic block, become a military superpower as well and start finding your BALLS.
Adventurism is not how you save a society contracting in on itself.

>> No.23351992

Who's going to wipe your ass, then?
Legal immigration is mostly not an issue, especially with two year limited contracts.

Mostly, the problem is how to stop abuse of asylum legislation.

>> No.23352014

>I want to see footage of EU drone strikes on houthi camps
So you are going to pound sand with one hundred fifty thousand dolla rmissiles like operation prosperity guardian, achieve nothing because those sand niggers lost anything worth bombing twenty years ago and then go home?
> I want to see the ring of stars on the blue flag as a crosshair in a drone interface when some worthless vatnik convoi gets blown up in Ukraine.
Trigger a diplomatic incident against a nuclear armed power, brilliant.
>Invest in education and child care, make people have more kids and hope for their future - in Europe, not in XYZ little country.
Europe is an empty dream. No one is willing to die for "europe", the neolib-socdem paradise.
>give it a hundred years and the US will have sorted it's internal shit as well
Doubt it.

>> No.23352118

Do you think it will ever come back to bite the western globalist liberal empire in the ass that it burnt everything to the ground that could effectively mobilize people if the political situation ever demanded mobilization of some kind against another political entity? People probably won't be willing to mobilize, endure hardship, or even financially support something for the sake of gay rights, feminism, immigration, and civic nationalism. It's kinda like having this beautiful, high-end classic car that you can only look at but not use because the engine was removed.

>> No.23352134

I've realized that much of my personal failings can be traced to the utter and complete absence of positive feedback from my parents while growing up.

It led me to automatically assume that i can't do/learn anything even if that isn't the case.
I remember being a lil kid and not understanding why i'm treated like a cool guy among my peers and then a complete complete retard at home

I don't think it's approporiate to blame your parents for being a loser in your twenties, though. Even if it's apt.

>> No.23352146

The powers that be could very easily mobilize people if they had to.
Imagine if Internet was something only millitarymen and members of their family had access to.

This is a hyperbole of course, but they could easily apply any sort of a carrot on stick to the modern pleasure-oriented society

>> No.23352171

she got me dreaming about her pussy.

>> No.23352182

I hate my current job so much. If these people reach out to me about working tonight, I'm skipping work again, I don't care.

>> No.23352194

I feel like having that mentality leads to a life less lived.

Also less bitches

>> No.23352298

I like working at a college. I just hate where I’ve done it.

>> No.23352365

Ex-gf problems

>> No.23352386

she is just a coworker

>> No.23352399

for me it was the IT teacher

>> No.23352436

For me it was indeed my ex-gf, every primal instinct in my body shouting to my mind through my subconscious: "please don't—how will you our dick wet again on a regular basis?". But no, she was a psycho bitch and I broke up.

>> No.23352440

*get our dick

>> No.23352442

being as in love with you as I am

>> No.23352448

And everyday
I am learning about you
The things that no one else sees

>> No.23352453

if someone believed me

>> No.23352544

I can't take anyone who doesn't have a sense of the ridiculous all that seriously, especially when it comes to other species, plant or animal, from foxglove to feral cats to toads to gourd varieties cultivated only for their grotesque kind of beauty. When it comes to disease, communicable or not, there's more than enough horrors, which is why garden varieties make for the most innocent kind of fun.

>> No.23352584

There is this guy I know who I really do not like he is so annoying and I just want kill him I want to destroy the abomination he calls a face and make him rue begin in the same way as me. I swear if he tries one of his terrible “gags” I will lose it and beat him up right there.

>> No.23352607

I dunno, day by day I guess

>> No.23352613

I mean it was written by Jews I would distance myself from it, too

>> No.23352619

You try living in a world dominated by Jews you would too

>> No.23352621

Most far right people here in the states enjoy rock music from my direct experience

>> No.23352632

The sexlessness epidemic is only going to get worse

>> No.23352634

I get along with my dad and brother and mom (kinda) but my sister is an absolute cunt

>> No.23352638

agreed, your sisters a cunt

>> No.23352640

Always remember, son: Racoons don't fuck skunks. You keep to that, you'll be ight.

>> No.23352642

>I want to destroy the abomination he calls a face
Lulz. Ugly motherfuckers are cursed enough. Why contribute more?

>> No.23352650


US is already being turned into Europe 2.0 with its insistence on electric cars, an overbearing welfare state, gun bans, and the curtailment of freedom of speech

>> No.23352654

Thank you.

>> No.23352658

lol well said, been there. and she had cheated on me! fortunately i was able to satisfy the urges many more times over a period of a couple months

>> No.23352661

new >>23352659

>> No.23352663

No one is buying EVs here except the gay nigger son the coasts and fags in Austin. The coasts do not represent the country. In fact they should be destroyed.

>> No.23352724

wtf why did you delet

>> No.23352731

right thing to do

>> No.23352738

Alrighty then.

>> No.23352750

None of my sisters are absolute cunts, but if I'm honest I'd rank them by age, eldest the best when it comes to sense of humor. She hasn't a mean bone in her body, while the youngest is weirdly inventive when it comes to cruelty. Not that I hate her. She's simply not a happy camper, and terrible at anything like romance.

>> No.23352784

Why did I decide to torture myself by thinking of an anxiety-inducing thought while drinking a full mug of coffee, thereby infusing every fiber of my being with the stinging discomfort of anxiety and worry, amplified by the stimulating effects of caffeine? I feel awful and uncomfortable now.

>> No.23352787

lets try again


>> No.23352850

Israel is no more representative of Judaism than American is of Christianity.
They are both corrupted by Satan.

>> No.23353015

My fiance just confessed to being in love with my little sister

I've (26f) been with my fiance, Rose (27f) for the past nine years. We met in our freshman year of college and went on only three dates before we decided to make things official.

Rose proposed to me in July of the last year after getting my parents' blessing and did so with all of my family present.

Rose gets along with all of my family, but she's particularly close with my little sister, Aru (18f) who adores her since my fiance has similar interests as her and has one of her dream jobs (she's a software developer)

They go out on shopping trips, have spa days, trips to the movie theater, and museum, and Rose never fails to spoil Aru by getting her limited edition versions of her favorite books and the newest video games.

Rose has joked in the past that Aru is her favorite out of everyone in my family and that she was one of the best perks that come with being with me.

Two weeks ago, Rose had her bachelorette trip in Miami. Ever since then, she had been acting off. Just plain distant, distracted, and lost in her thoughts. I was scared that she got cold feet but didn't want to push her into talking about it.

The other night, Rose sat me down and told me that she was going to tell me something deeply important and possibly relationship-ruining.

She said that she would accept any decision made in terms of what she was about to tell me, which included leaving her.

Essentially, Rose realized during her bachelorette trip that she's been in love with Aru for a while now due to how much she missed her and wanted to see her. It far outweighed how much she missed me, and she even had multiple dreams about her during the trip. The implication being that they were wet dreams.

Rose thinks that it started around when Aru was sixteen and tried to reassure me that she didn't have those kinds of feelings for anyone else around Aru's age, that they were only for her.

She said that while she is in love with Aru, her love for me is stronger and she hoped that if I decided to stay with her, we'd be able to get past this with time.

At the end of it all, I just told her it was best that she stayed at her mom's place for the time being while I thought things over. To her credit, Rose stayed true to what she said and just packed a bag before leaving.

I got a call in the morning from her mom, demanding to know why I kicked her daughter out. Rose's mom is fiercely protective of her since her ex-husband, Rose's dad, kicked Rose out when she was fourteen and disowned her after she came out to him as a lesbian.

I just told her it was a personal matter, and that Rose would tell her what happened herself if she wanted to. I hung up before her mom could get another word in.

I haven't told Aru or my mom and dad what happened yet. I don't even know how to break this to them.

>> No.23353021

this never happened

>> No.23353284

Are you me?

>> No.23353941
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>So what do women actually want their role in society to be?
I'm a woman, and I simply do not care. I just want peace, to pursue my own interests independently. I'm autistic though. I guess I do have goals to help other autists through my role in academia, but this motivation is also driven by genuine curiosity.