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2334231 No.2334231 [Reply] [Original]

Any good right winged philosophy books around?

>> No.2334233

Leo Strauss' the natural right and history.
Ali Shariati's critique of Marxism
Hobbes' Leviathan

>> No.2334232

[ ] Philosophy
[ ] Politics
Pick one.

Inb4 politeia.

>> No.2334234
File: 22 KB, 150x231, Against Democracy and Equality - The New European Right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2334236

wat about the republic?????

>> No.2334237

The Philosophy of Nationalism by Charles Conant Josey

>> No.2334242
File: 89 KB, 296x459, the problem of democracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recommend The Problem of Democracy & Beyond Human Rights by Alain de Benoist.

>> No.2334243

moar liek wrong wing amirite

carl schmitt

>> No.2334249
File: 93 KB, 407x438, Paul Gottfried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything written by Paul Gottfried is worth reading.

>> No.2334280

Liberal fascism

>> No.2334285

logically, philosophically, scientifically, empirically, and ethically it makes sense to swing your political orientation to the left.

Practically, you will swing to the opposite way.

>> No.2334290


lol you're a dad

>> No.2334298

Grand Chessboard by Zbigniew "I had to google his name to be sure" Brzezinski is nice

>> No.2334301


>> No.2334304

"Barack Obama fights too many wars" is not a right-wing critique, sorry bro

Agree w/ people who said Carl Schmitt, Leo Strauss. Also read Andrew Bacevich, he is the bestest, love Bacevich sfm.

you're a dad lol

>> No.2334306

no seriously. what do you mean?

>> No.2334333

>Get mad at Carter for being a pacifist
>Get mad at Obama for being a warmonger

Ultimate proof you can never satisfy rightists.

>> No.2334338

jimmy carter was the best damn president since Roosevelt, maybe Eisenhower. And I hope Reagan rots in hell.

>> No.2334345

>Right wing

>> No.2334356

[/spoiler] Anarchy, State and Utopia.

>> No.2334364


Roosevelt was pure evil. The only positive thing about Carter was his pacifism.

>> No.2334383

Read The Social Contract if you haven't it's a must for any political philosophy.

>> No.2334399

I completely forgot about the name of the guy, but there was someone that I believed leaned to the right and was labeled as fascist and died in the 70s. He also wrote about Buddhism (I believe).

Anyone know his name?

>> No.2334405
File: 67 KB, 324x378, Alan Watts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I completely forgot about the name of the guy, but there was someone that I believed leaned to the right and was labeled as fascist and died in the 70s. He also wrote about Buddhism (I believe).

>Anyone know his name?

Alan Watts?

>> No.2334407 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 219x295, Julius Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Watts died when he was 58. How about Julius Evola?</spoiler>

>> No.2334411
File: 39 KB, 219x295, Julius Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Either that or Julius Evola?

>> No.2334423

Leviathan is based on a flawed idea of "human nature."

>> No.2334428

still pretty important historically though

>> No.2334429

OP said good, not relevant.

Good right-wing philosophy books are probably rare.

>> No.2334434

I've read some Watts' books and heard some of his talks and I've never heard anything that was governament related to come out of his mouth. Got any source with that?

>> No.2334437

which roosevelt? I don't think either were any good, and FDR was a communist traitor who's remains should be dug up and shit on.

adolf hitler?

>> No.2334439

Hitler did not die in the 70s.

>> No.2334447


Yup. thanks a ton.

>> No.2334452

That was Elvis Hitler.

>> No.2334457

Elections are right ahead... retire the troops from Irak.

>> No.2334459

We don't know when he died.

>> No.2334467


Moar liek Lolvola, amirite?