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File: 39 KB, 640x363, the-virgin-high-verbal-iq-vs-the-chad-high-nonverbal-iq-v0-y8xkmlxqmyyb1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23336922 No.23336922 [Reply] [Original]

Is verbal IQ real, or a cope? I always hear people say it's a cope from people who can't do math, but I don't think that's true. Mine is supposedly high, and I suck at math, but I have intuitively understood proper sentence structure and word choice since childhood. Never read any manuals on it, didn't have much education on it; when writing or reading, I'd just "know" that a certain word didn't fit somewhere, or a sentence could be edited for more formal accordance, or punctuation wasn't being used properly. Since it's intuitive, I conclude that it's down to some factor of innate IQ.
So what's the verdict: real or f8ke?

>> No.23337010

I don't know if it's real or fake. It probably is real anyways. But you seem like you can write very well so I'd like to see some of your works, if you don't mind

>> No.23337031

Anything beyond standard IQ is bullshit women shit

>> No.23337042
File: 370 KB, 647x645, 1714082811889473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like you have low EQ (emotional intelligence).

>> No.23337046

>Since it's intuitive, I conclude that it's down to some factor of innate IQ.
Your assessment doesn't account for how much your parents talked or read to you when you were a child, or how proficient they are in grammar/sentence structure.

>> No.23337062

My parents are both fuckin retarded tho.

>> No.23337082

You'll have to administer a verbal IQ test before to be sure.

>> No.23337733

This thread is stupid. Verbal IQ is 50% of your IQ, the other 50% is performance IQ. Abstract reasoning like math belongs to verbal IQ, performance IQ is problem solving and visual-spatial puzzles etc. No such thing as "nonverbal IQ". Performance IQ is requires more focus and verbal IQ tends to be more intuitive and direct. Both are important aspects of intelligence. The fact that you didn't know this and confuses IQ subtypes because you read a meme shows that you, in fact, have average verbal IQ at most.

>> No.23337937

Even the more classical school of psychometrics admits the existence of non-g intelligence factors. The spearman model died in the 1930s.
Depends what you mean by "cope". It is definitely a real factor that can be measured, and it does correlate both with g and with real-life measures of success (even more than performance IQ). I don't know if a high VIQ person would fit your image of a smart guy.

>> No.23337971

You have no idea what you're talking about, the most accepted models of intelligence have a G factor (IQ), and also a stratum of broad forms of intelligence as well as narrow ones. We can measure both IQ and reading comprehension. Which maps pretty well to what we see annectotadly. (Not to be confused with gardner's retarded idea that IQ doesn't exist and that dancing is just as intelligent as math or whatever.

>> No.23337985

Of course it's real. Lately, I've been thinking specialized IQ is probably far more important than general IQ for particular success. But take these dumb IQ threads back to /sci/. One board ruined by IQ posters is enough.

>> No.23337993

high verbal IQ midwits got btfod by Socrates 2400 years ago. the problem is they can make nonsense make sense to the uninitiated in the demonstrative science of logic. read the dialogue Euthydemus where two pseud brothers get the ignorant crowd to cheer to their illogical verbal diarrhea.

>> No.23338034

But verbal IQ DOES in fact increase capacity for comprehension and symbolic reasoning

>> No.23338041

IQ is not the thing
It is not a number or a measurable thing
You can only sense it, more or less
The thing you are getting at is not IQ
It is the Intellectus, the soul manifested in the mind.

You cannot understand until you realize intellectus is a gift from God to humans for the benefit of wisdom.

>> No.23338052


Intellectus is meant to disseminate wisdom and guidance among humans. It is for leadership, knowledge, perception.

In todays world it is used for the ego in stupid competitions. In the distant past it was used for the people, for the family, for the tribe, for others. And others sought it and respected it, because they were not competing, but only stood to gain from wisdom and guidance.

>> No.23338081

I think if math were taught from the perspective that it's a language in itself than those types of people wouldn't have as much trouble. Mathematics education in the US anyway is based on rote memorization instead of understanding the meaning behind what you're doing. I was always stronger in reading and writing and abhorred math, but as an adult I started finding math more interesting when I realized there was a reason it was called "describing" a circle. What is a sentence besides a kind of equation?

>> No.23338082

Thats not true. Depends on the type of IQ test you take. IQ is a construct like anything else and some conceptions separate these out in grading criteria.

>> No.23338090

Yeah. I remember doing quite well with symbolic logic and realizing that it was the same principles operating behind math, so it's probably not that I "suck at math," probably just that I don't find numerical computation interesting enough, especially devoid of context. Like you're saying, when I got older I began to find the conceptual side of math more interesting, theorems and what they say about logic are interesting, but crunching numbers at this point will likely never hold my minds attention unless I absolutely must.

>> No.23338093

There are two types of people in this world: deductive inference men, also known as faggots, and manifold visualizers, also known as gods

The former become logicians. The latter become mathematicians

>> No.23338095

That's a jogger, not a chad

>> No.23338111
File: 83 KB, 1000x915, 1669449319050101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture of a frog can get you banned for 30 days on this site (and outside it), anon. The smug anime face is nothing compared to this image. No anime reaction image can top it. That being said, I can see how it would anger.

>> No.23338114

Why you guys always gotta be like this.

>> No.23338892

>This picture of a frog can get you banned for 30 days on this site