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/lit/ - Literature

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23334344 No.23334344 [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /lit/. I'm not sure if this is the correct board for this question, but some time ago I realized how ignorant and dumb I am and I'm looking for books to understand more about the world. I tried google and chatgpt but the main results where ads and felt fake, and I want more reliable stuff. So I'm asking here because people in this board seem to know many books.

What are some good recommendations for someone in my position? I want to learn more about the world in general: history, science, psychology, I think. Pretty much any general knowledge you think everyone should have. Not necessarily literature as I think I'm not at that level.

>> No.23334377
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Start here and ignore the one anon here who always shits up any thread that mentions Durant.

>> No.23334389
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>> No.23334399 [DELETED] 

Matrix I-IV by Val Valerian

>> No.23334409

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind by Julian Jaynes (Houghton Mifflin)
The Neo-Tech Discovery by Frank R. Wallace (Neo-Tech Worldwide)
Matrix 4 (The Manipulation of Human Consciousness) by Val Valerian (Leading Edge Press)

Irrationality: The Enemy Within by Stuart Sutherland (Constable & Robinson)
The Insanity of Normality by Arno Green (Grove Weidenfeld)
Zonpower From Cyberspace edited by Higgs Field (Neo-Tech Publishing Company)

Consciousness Explained by Daniel C. Dennet (Penguin Books)
Who Lies Sleeping by Mike Magee (AskWhy Publications)
Get Rich by 2001 by Mark Hamilton (Integrated Management Associates)

Cassandra's Secret by Frank R. Wallace et al. (The Zon Association)
Feet of Clay: A Study of Gurus by Anthony Storr (Little, Brown and Company)
The Evolution of Consciousness by Robert Ornstein (Touchstone Publishing)

>> No.23335099

If you're so pathetically stupid that you have to ask ChatGPT for book recommendations, you will never become cultured. You fundamentally lack inherent curiosity. Accept yourself as a midwit and go scroll TikTok.

>> No.23335273

Above comment was mean. I would recommend just reading into books that you find interesting, and you will inherently get a better feel for the world around you and will develop a stronger curiosity for learning in certain aspects, and the content will just come to you.

There’s no book that’s gonna be “ok here’s the essentials about Psychology, Philosophy, Science” etc so you could have a base layer of knowledge about each subject; you wouldn’t want that anyway, because to be involved in a subject means having beyond simplistic knowledge and interest in it. Dig deep into what you’re interested in, ignore or only skim the rest if you want.

TLDR: read stuff from subjects you enjoy

>> No.23335295

>Consciousness Explained by Daniel C. Dennet (Penguin Books)

Consciousness explained away

>> No.23335700

I know this is not what you're going to want to hear but I recommend you read wikipedia
Do you know how old Ancient Egypt was? I mean the Egypt of the Pyramids?
Do you know who the Ancient Greeks were? What they did?
Why do people care so much about them?
What was the 30 year war? Russia wasn't around in the time of Christ, where did they come from? What was it about Muhammad?

>> No.23335882

>the world in general: history, science, psychology, I think. Pretty much any general knowledge you think everyone should have

>Copelstone, History of Philosophy
>Gibbon, Rise and Fall of Rome
>Toynbe, Study of History

That'll give the lay of the historical land.

>> No.23335893

There are some great audiobooks of it up on Youtube.

>> No.23335910

go to your local library and search for history and anthropology. the person there should be happy to help you.

>> No.23335948

The Kosher Companion: A Guide to Food, Cooking, Shopping, and Services - Trudy Garfunkel

>> No.23335953

>immediately starts with highly dubious shit
What is wrong with you? Disregard this retard, OP. >>23334344

>> No.23335962

It's pretty simple, OP. For most things, you can either use a textbook, or you can use works by influential and famous minds of the past. Otherwise, you can choose various areas of interest in the natural or social sciences and pick up popular literature in those areas and read. Don't only read popular non-fiction, however. You'll become a pseud. The whole matter is a lifelong process which you'll die before completing, so the most important thing is just to start. Where you start is up to you, but starting farther back in the past in usually best.

>> No.23336158


>> No.23336163

nice going, retard

>> No.23336165

this it it, OP. The road may be longer, but far more enjoyable than just reading le big fatterino books about everything.

>> No.23336167

Don't listen to this intellectual coward op. You gotta go balls deep right away.