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23333701 No.23333701 [Reply] [Original]

Please post/recommend some sad books that will make me cry. Thank you. I’ll start, this book was pretty damn sad.

>> No.23333710

Paul Auster's Mr. Vertigo is one of the saddest books I've read. Or perhaps a more precise descriptor would be bittersweet. Either way, it did make me cry.

>> No.23334019 [SPOILER] 
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Unironically this

>> No.23334020

the ice palace by tarjei vesaas

>> No.23334021
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Is the old cover better or the new one? I kinda prefer the original honestly

>> No.23334037

This book is such trash. Amazing how he's completely and 100% wrong about every single thing he says. He's not just a little wrong, or a little off; he's inverted. It's like he knows the truth and then says the complete exact opposite. No wonder he killed himself.

>> No.23334045

Remains of the Day

>> No.23334068
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the only book that ever made me cry

>> No.23334079

i loved this book and then sent it to my mom who loved it. great gift for moms who like to read

>> No.23334084 [SPOILER] 

Elaborate and what fucking cover is better

>> No.23334091
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Good choice op.

>> No.23334132

Five people you meet in heaven. Not a great book and didn't really like it overall but the very end got me

>> No.23334239

Based vesaas enjoyer I thought I was the only one here

>> No.23334269

I read Flowers for Algernon last year and, even though I kind of knew the ending already, I still wasn't expecting to be just so damn affected by the book. I finished it early in the morning and I was seriously bummed out for the rest of the day. The 1st-person diary entry narration does a hell of a lot of work in getting you to sympathise with Charlie completely.
It looks like Keyes didn't do too much else novel-wise, which is a shame, but this is a brilliant book to be remembered for.

>> No.23334309

Yup the ending is obvious but the 1st person journal entries really puts you in the space of the main character and you feel it

>> No.23334316

I plan reading it.

>> No.23334388
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I love Steinbeck- I honestly cried after reading most of his books, then again I’m a softy. This one made me cry like a child

>> No.23334454


>> No.23334457

I always found this story to be a guaranteed tear generator in women and some men. It’s quick, too.

>> No.23334966
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fuck, bro. i could have saved her.

>> No.23334983
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The ending to Don Quixote after Quixano dies, gets me everytime.


>> No.23336440

Bump for a good thread idea

>> No.23336443

great book

>> No.23336448

meh. it left me cold for the most part

>> No.23337379
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Not the most depressing thing I've read, but I read this last week and It made me feel pretty sad. I have a female friend who cried like a baby over the ending.

>> No.23337561
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>> No.23337820
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>> No.23337828

The Tartar Steppe
It helps that I read it during a period of semi-NEEtdom

>> No.23337831

Flowers for Algernon was an interesting book. Felt very gnostic.

>> No.23337832
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>> No.23338622

The Road got me good.

>> No.23338646
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>Interviewed by Stacey Schmeidel for the Spring 1999 issue of Amherst Magazine, David Foster Wallace said, “The truth is I don’t think I've ever found anything as purely ‘moving’ as the end of The Velveteen Rabbit when I first read it.”


>> No.23338654


>> No.23338705


>> No.23338978

Job made me cry. Brothers K had me nearly bawling at the end. I have kids now, and Alyosha is who I wish I was good enough to be. Good luck and God bless those with ears to hear him