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23333675 No.23333675 [Reply] [Original]

>Philip K. Dick had sex with teenage runaways

Is this true? I need to confirm this claim, because it sounds extremely outlandish.

>> No.23333694


>> No.23333749


>> No.23333784

isn't that the black midi guy

>> No.23333793

it was a different time.

>> No.23333817

i dunno, but why would it be outlandish? the guy was a druggie living in san fancisco during the hippie years, "sex with teenage runaways" must have accounted for about 75% of all sex being had in the area. dumbass jailbait was hitchhiking to haight-ashbury from all over the country to check out the hippie lifestyle and all it took was accepting a pill from someone, which of course she accepts it because that's the whole point of the exercise, and the next thing she knows she's being gangbanbed on a mattress in some basement for 12 hours straight by a rotation of local freaks and negroes. this is not outlandish, this was a daily occurrence in 60s california, and if it isn't obvious from the way i'm describing it let me make clear that if i lived there at the time there would have been my cum oozing out of stretched-out schoolgirl snatch together with everybody else's. you couldn't even get aids!

>> No.23333820


>> No.23333838

thank you

>> No.23334001

Seriously, I need to know. Was it actually real? Sent me a link about this.

>> No.23334002

Having sex with teenagers was the norm until about 50 years ago, what makes this hard to believe?

>> No.23334024

Joan Didion describes this exact scenario in Slouching To Bethlehem. Not in immense slobbering detail, which I suspect is what you're after. But certainly implying it was a thing.

>> No.23334039

You know, I always wonder. What happened to this generation of leftist protestors and hippies? How did they all completely disappear the moment Reagan got elected? Did all these boomers just spend their youth fucking strangers and wishing death to America just for them to quickly get jobs after college and live normally?

>> No.23334047

More like 30 years ago, and women have totally insufferable only after smart phones with hivemind media and whoring apps

>> No.23334050

*have become
Verification not required.

>> No.23334061

A lot of them did. Potentially a few million also 180'd into this:


>> No.23334071

It truly feels unreal doesn't it. Hunter Thompson best put it : «My central memory of that time seems to hang on one or five or maybe forty nights—or very early mornings—when I left the
Fillmore half-crazy and, instead of going home, aimed the big 650 Lightning across the Bay Bridge at a hundred miles an hour wearing
L. L. Bean shorts and a Butte sheepherder’s jacket … booming through the Treasure Island tunnel at the lights of Oakland and
Berkeley and Richmond, not quite sure which turn-off to take when I got to the other end (always stalling at the toll-gate, too twisted to
find neutral while I fumbled for change) … but being absolutely certain that no matter which way I went I would come to a place
where people were just as high and wild as I was: No doubt at all about that.…

There was madness in any direction, at any hour. If not across the Bay, then up the Golden Gate or down 101 to Los Altos or La
Honda.… You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we
were winning.…

And that, I think, was the handle—that sense of inevitable victory over the forces of Old and Evil. Not in any mean or military sense;
we didn’t need that. Our energy would simply prevail. There was no point in fighting—on our side or theirs. We had all the
momentum; we were riding the crest of a high and beautiful wave.…

So now, less than five years later, you can go up on a steep hill in Las Vegas and look West, and with the right kind of eyes you can
almost see the high-water mark—that place where the wave finally broke and rolled back.»
It was a flickering lighthouse beam, a zeitgeist which erupted out of the ether and had to come crashing down as swiftly as it emerged ; a folly which will barely even seem real to people a few centuries in the future. They will read stories about what happened on the western edge of civilization between 1966 and 1970, and wonder if it even really occurred in the first place. A dream, a collective hallucination, a mirage.

>> No.23334075

>Did all these boomers just spend their youth fucking strangers and wishing death to America just for them to quickly get jobs after college and live normally?
pretty much, yeah. these were mostly middle class kids who had their little adventure with bohemian living and then went back to being middle class

>> No.23334104

Probably, but I don’t know if he’d brag about it? (“Statutory rape” and all that). I used to be obsessed with Dick and read a lot of interviews of his plus a short biography of him (by Lawrence Sutin I think), besides many of his novels, of course. I think there’s an account of some time of him being smitten with a dark-haired 17 year old girl similar to a character described in Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said, but I think he claimed the relationship was Platonic and also him trying to keep her out of trouble/away from drugs and bad people. This may’ve been confabulated in my head.

Anyway, I wouldn’t be surprised, PKD was himself somewhat of a womanizer, surprisingly, considering all the wives he went through, plus/or women’s standards just weren’t as insane then and an interesting guy like PKD could score a lot.

>> No.23334252

I've heard in a /lit/ thread about him, but I can't seem to find it. Nor did they post any source where you could read more about what he did during that time. But yeah considering he lived a very druggie lifestyle, he probably did some sort of banging with teenagers. Again don't quote me or this thread. I could be entirely wrong.

>> No.23334255
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Things are much worse now

>> No.23334370

I know two boomers that 'identify' with the hippy movement.
The first I heavily doubt is a real hippy. He's a pathetic guy that worships sex, only ever experimented with marijuana, thinks all other drugs are terrible and addictive, has 5 failed marriages and gets yelled at by his 6th wife every day, neglects his children, is an avid CNN watcher that yells at the TV whenever Trump comes up, and is just a weird, pathetic, insecure and gross person.
Second boomer is pretty chill actually. He is divorced from 1 marriage, takes care of his children, plays guitar alone all day and I used to talk to him about experimenting with LSD, shrooms, DMT, ecstacy and so on.

>> No.23334731


This thread is full of seething roasties and no, it's not a surprise.

>> No.23334925

IDK about leftists, but I grew up in northern CA and I've been around hippies from that generation. They've always struck me as hard to pin down in terms of ideology. On the one hand they're down with globalism, universalism, etc. on the other hand they carry around a revolver on their property ready to kill you if you trespass. Weed, meth, and sex seems to be what they really care about.

>> No.23334938

some of them grew up and some of them are well off boomers that watch MSNBC all day and seethe about drumpf all day now

>> No.23335013
File: 50 KB, 465x475, IMG_5347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I wrote this first post, and I now believe what I partially confabulated it/mixed at least two things up in my head, one being the account in VALIS of the nice 18-year-old pot dealer named Stephanie whom Horselover Fat/Phil Dick strikes up a friendship with (no sex mentioned though but he finds her pretty) (this is brought up because VALIS is semi-autobiographical with parts working as a roman a clef, and interestingly enough I’m just now rereading it and got to that part), as well as an account of his in an interview or article mentioning crazy synchronicities in his life, one being of him meeting a young pretty girl just like the one in Flow My Tears (down to first name and other events/details in her life) but only meeting her AFTER he had written it.

>>23333817 puts it a little bit crudely but he seems to have the right idea. PKD definitely lived this hippie/countercultural/drug-involved lifestyle at this time, especially in hubs like around California and the Bay Area, so it’s not completely unlikely he banged some 18 year olds, but considering his paranoia about law-enforcement (perhaps justified) and his conscience, I doubt (or hope not?) he committed statutory.

A more fun and enlightening convo, though, then this paparazzi-like prying into and gossiping about his sex life, would be about PKD’s works himself, his beliefs, or even all the crazy synchronicities and reputed paranormal/supernatural phenomena he claims to have experienced (some even long before the famous ‘73/VALIS-inspiration experiences, like I think an account in Sutin’s biography of both him and one of his early wives seeing a ghostlike figure in their room in the middle of the night, then PKD later I think believing it was a projection of his own future self coming back to say hello).

>> No.23335555
File: 84 KB, 675x1200, 59aec1d1898913382a425b617e54ffdc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Geordie probably has sex with teenage runaways too.

>> No.23335586


J.D. Salinger invited a 20 year old fan to move in with him. She had a vaginal pain/tightness medical condition which prevented intercourse so she just gave him blowjobs every day. Eventually he began taking it for granted and fucking her mouth like she was a relief appliance without giving much back in the way of helping her hone her craft or develop a career as a writer so she me too'd him many years later

>> No.23335625

>wrote most of his books while taking amphetamines
Why don't more people abuse speed and give themselves amphetamine-induced psychosis to become the next Philip K. Dicks?

>> No.23335628

The people that try that just write dog shit "schizo posts" here between hours long beat sessions

>> No.23335629


My secret sauce is autism, 1P-LSD and float tanks. So good so far.

>> No.23335643

Imageboards and high-speed internet porn have robbed us of countless potential PKDs.

Do you take the LSD whilst inside the float tank?

>> No.23335648


Yes, though the staff know people do this, they frown upon it unless you book the last float of the day, so that you don't eat into the next customer's session while zonked. You can also usually get an extra 30 min to 1hr that way

>> No.23335667
File: 50 KB, 600x600, CARLOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in the name.

>> No.23335668

Have you experienced any powerful, lasting insights?

>> No.23335671
File: 3.48 MB, 5297x1379, mushroomwojack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The garble at the end is a URL if you can decode it

>> No.23335694

Interesting. My mushroom trips in my poorfag approximation of an isolation tank (pitch black bathroom) involved interdimensional entities that lived beyond space, time, and this material plane. They had absolutely nothing to do with robots, posthumanism, and dyson spheres.

Can't be bovvered with the link.

>> No.23335702

>big bang
okay little bro

>> No.23335704
File: 195 KB, 900x900, pepeugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23335722

Kek based

>> No.23336415

How in the fuck you not getting aids if you fucked same hole as a negro, didn't it came from Africa

>> No.23337120

Humboldt County? That description fits to a T the tales of the dope growers in the '80s.

>> No.23337141

I love the energy of this post

>> No.23337464


>> No.23337863

>didn't it came from Africa
yes, dummy, but it hadn't spread to the US yet in the 60s

>> No.23337888

He looks based as well so he might be

>> No.23337895

>Feel-up Dick

>> No.23337902


What are you talking about? Joyce Maynard was not even 20 yo. He got her fresh out of boarding school or she was still in boarding school when he got his dirty claws on her.

>> No.23338031
File: 78 KB, 640x394, nytimes-e1328151640678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

perpetual blowjobs from this prime doe-eyed art hoe

>> No.23338103


This is what I never really understood. Salinger was married with children. How did he just take in this art hoe under his roof? Didn't his wife have anythign to say about it?

>> No.23338229

It was a different time.

>> No.23338256

A man named "Dirty" Harry Callahan became a San Francisco police officer in 1970. The rest is history.

>> No.23338982

>be female
>arrive in SF at 12
>get gang banged non-stop until you hit the wall
>no problem the daughter you gave birth to when 13 has just had her 12 birthday!

>> No.23339566

>Pretty little sixteen-year-old middle-class chick comes to the Haight to see what it's all about & gets picked up by a seventeen-year-old street dealer who spends all day shooting her full of speed again & again, then feeds her 3000 mikes & raffles off her temporarily unemployed body for the biggest Haight Street gang bang since the night before last.

>> No.23339602

They got all institutional power. They got the White House when they were Millennials age or younger and Congress shortly after and have had super majority control of all of government for 30 years now. There is barely anyone in Congress under 50, although it's slightly better than 2019 when there was virtually no one. But when Boomers were in their 30s and 40s they were the majority.

So where do you think the $35 trillion in debt came from and the $80 trillion in retirement liabilities? Why do you think Boomers get free healthcare and UBI (almost twice what Yang was talking about)? The current cost of transfer payments is $38,800 per year per Boomer; they retired after slashing their taxes during their peak earning years leaving $254,000 in debt per worker. Bank of America estimated that the government essentially transferred around $75 trillion in wealth to the Boomers.

The got power, took everything, decided their kids and grandkids could fix it, and still rule today. Life was one giant party ride. They had sex earlier than any generation before or since, has more partners than any generation before or since, did more drugs, drank more, committed WAY more violent crime, etc. This is also the generation that gave us the "Golden Age of Serial Killers." Then they got mass migration to inflate their home values, turning $70,000 starter homes into $800,000 assets to retire on, and because they demand low wages so they consume more. Any investment in the future, climate change, schools, etc. is knee capped because giving Boomers free shit comes first. The US spends over twice as much per Boomer (old people who will never work again) then it does on children (the future). Children are the most likely group to live in poverty, Boomers by far and away the least.

>> No.23339616

Oh, and we're having another Als versus Heimers election in November, despite both candidates showing clear signs of impairment.

Bernie, leader of the progressives, is over 80. Trump, God Emperor of the right, is old as fuck and obese, which will make him circle the drain even quicker. McConnell? Over 80 and stroking out on live TV. Pelosi? Old as fuck. Fienstein died but Grassley is going to be headed towards 100 in office.

The Biden cabinet is a bit better than Trump's, but both average around retirement age. For most of human history 30-50 was considered the prime of human life. Now with Boomers, everyone is too young to lead until they are almost 70, despite decline hitting most people somewhat obviously around 65.

>> No.23339621
File: 574 KB, 2560x1706, Open-Carry-Virginia-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A bunch ironically became MAGA. If you look at armed protests and Boog shit you will see way more gray beards than anyone else. I don't think there has been anything like it in history before, an old people's revolt.

IMO, it's kind of bad for to demand "civil war now," for your children and grand kids. /pol/ is misleading. It makes you think this crowd is young, but if you look at them IRL they tend to be the same folks as were doing the hippy shit.

>> No.23339632
File: 67 KB, 614x767, Kamala_Harris_Vice_Presidential_Portrait-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kamala Harris is under 60 and a best selling published author, /lit/ ... she is truly /ourgirl/!

>> No.23339638

in addition to what everyone else said, it shouldn't be understated how many hippies and newagers ended up in silicon valley and how much the early internet was a new iteration of that "shared consciousness" hippie fantasy that psychodelic drugs failed to provide. the language of early 90s tech hype was extremely influenced by this stuff and some hippie gurus like timothy leary smoothly transitioned to writing romanticized visions of "the hacker ethos" and "cyberspace revolution" for magazines like wired

>> No.23339695

try again anon

>> No.23339703

She's the least influential VP in decades and apparently this is partially because Biden and the senior leaders in both parties think of her as just a kid. I mean, she's only 59, you can't expect her to be doing serious things. She's not in the prime of life like Trump, 77, Biden, 81, McConnell, McConnell 81, Pelosi, Pelosi, 84, Bernie 81, or Grassley 90. We need seasoned leaders, not youngsters who will only be 64 by the end of their terms. Experienced leaders like Putin (71) and Xi (70) or Abbas (88). She can't be taken seriously by our allies like the presidents of Ireland or Italy (both 82) either. This is how society is supposed to work, gerontocracy is an ideal. I mean, otherwise these youngsters will be freaking out trying to fix stuff like ocean acidification which won't even be an issue until 2042 lol. Who will be alive then? It's not like kids born today will just be finishing highschool then or anything. 2030 is the horizon.

>> No.23339717

Ayo, tell me 'bout them school buses and Venn Diagrams again, bae. Now do it with paizuri demonstration...